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Redpill me on aliens.

Are they really working with the U.S. government?
"Aliens" created us.

They have been involved with us for as long as we have been sentient.

They are not "working" with the US government.. the US government is controlled by them.

The level of technology and of spiritual development they possess is unfathomable to someone like you.

Greys are not really sentient aliens, they are cybergenetic probes with surveillance technology that transmit data to the lizards and other higher life forms.

Anything else?
Aliens are demons.
Yep. Also, the reptilians are dinosaurs, they aren't aliens.
Go eat your boo beans.
aliens are
our ancestors.
they live underground, and inside mountains. we were kicked out, remember?
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so what will happen now that the US is approaching it's collapse, Will the aliens move to the top country, or has Russia called dibs on them, or what? It's safe to assume they were with the egyptians, also the romans, maybe oriental societies etc.
No they really are. They're a highly evolved raptor that survived a cataclysmic event by going underground.
Also - Not all reptilians are evil.
Yes they are.

They are a highly STS/Negatively polarized race.

We are also their food source.

Are we "evil" for eating farm animals?

Elevate your mind, kid.
Reptilians aren't from Earth.. Neither are we.

Our original planet is in the Orion Nebula.
Since the beginning.
There is more than one race of reptililans/reptiloid beings
Aliens are a creation of Crowley and Parsons, 2 occultists, also tied to US Gov/British Intel.

Every time the gov has a secret aircraft project they will claim its aliens. So yes "aliens" are working w the gov, because theyre a psyop.
Cameras all over the world and still no good footage. Probably fake n gay
Flat earth was invented by a jew. Its plainly obvious to prove the earth is round when you watch a sailing ship disappear with the masts going away last.
you should attend a physics class, clearly you have no idea what you're talking about
Bc they are a psyop and these poor schizos are vulnerable to this BS
They think we're intruders on this planet, anon. That's how they justify what they do when they speak to us, they need no justification themselves. They're the actual earthlings, though. Not all of them are land dwellers either. A few kinds are aquatic.
There's tons, but you just call it a fake like a good goy.
Since nothing at all has come from lue elizondo and the gang, and since nothing has happened whatsoever that regards the ufo hearing they held with the supposed whistleblower Grusch, it stands to reason at this point that the ufomania of the last few years had been a counterintelligence operation by the us government. More likely than what elizondo said being true is that he was conducting operations in public to gather intelligence from ufocontent creators regarding their knowledge of USA programs and their connections/discussions with foreign agents/communities

There is very likely advanced and hyper advanced aircraft not acknowledged by world governments. It is in the interest of the USA to hide their own inventions, cause trouble and confusion for those trying to gain information about those inventions, and gather information about what they may already know and what channels they may be using to gain that information

All this to say that ufos may well at this point have been actual bullshit. Sad to say
>Anything else?

What use out of us do they get? Are we just slaves or also a food source too? What is above the reptiles in the hierarchy?
Jew are Aliens
Show me your best, faggot
If the aliens are in control, Ask them why the rent is so high.
No.. Lol.

They do not even exist in the same density as us. They are on the "level ahead" of us. We are of course not intruders, because they do not even share our reality.. simply influence it.

Just like they influenced the souls here to "jump in " to physical reality.

This goes way deeper than the stuff you are talking about.. You are talking like a monkey fighting over pieces of land and physical resources.

You need to get hyperdimesional with it, because that is objective reality.
The ones in operation here are 100% not "good". Even moreso than our mother race, who actually enslave the lizards. (Commonly regarded as Aryan/Nordic aliens).


And checked
There isn’t tons. I’ve been in this community for a long time now and can safely say basically no good or clear footage exists.

The only credible videos are go fast and the others from the us military, which are only interesting with the story that comes with them. Without their contexts, they are little more than obscure colours moving on a screen. Nothing useful at all.

There is 0 good film or footage gathered by the public. Nothing. Don’t you dare say that turkey hair clip faggotry

I believed at one point that the go fast video made a right angle mid flight turn in the unreleased and extended film, based upon a comment made by Chris Mellon. Well, if so, release the footage.
it's more like the government is working for them.
I drank noine pints tonight and I don’t even care that ayyylmaos exist or FAK round.
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We're an energy source as well as a food source to them, and slave labor. They have millions of slaves underground.
That's me.
They consume negative energy, which we produce when we have negative emotional experiences, traumas, fear, pain, etc. This is why this world must remain "terrible" from our perspective, our suffering is what feeds them.

There are trillions of "humans" all over the galaxy suffering the same fate btw.

Nordic/Aryan aliens actually enslave the lizards, they are actually quite near the bottom of the hierarchy.

The way self serving beings work is that a pecking order is established based off, in this case, power/ability (vs on this planet it would be more about who has more money/resources)

This means that at the very top of this pyramid, there is a single entity that is in control of all of this, the earth and millions of other planets, on our density and on higher densities as well.

Imagine the Emperor from Star Wars, but significantly more virile.
Trump doesn't care if we are alone in the universe. He just wants to suck off israel for as much cum he can get.

stop being dumb please. (Aliens, Holy Mary & friends, Brothers of Light, WEF and your institution all call for Disarm, Love Each Other, Go Green.

Gimme a break.
"Jacques Vallée’s book, Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults, explores the complex and often controversial world of UFO phenomena and the cults that arise around them. Vallée, a respected scientist and ufologist, argues that UFO sightings and contacts are not just about extraterrestrial visitors but also involve psychological, social, and even political dimensions.

In his thesis, Vallée suggests that the UFO phenomenon might be used as a form of social control or manipulation. He examines various UFO cults and their leaders, highlighting how these groups can influence and deceive their followers. Vallée’s work is a critical examination of the belief systems surrounding UFOs and the potential dangers they pose to society"
us gov? ha. stupid sapien. we own all your retarded asses.
You are a fucking idiot.

Shut up.
Well I dont want to tell you to much but in the beginning of my spiritual awakening I attracted the attention of someone really evil who was tormenting me and eventually tried to kill me with psychic means. A group of reptiloids interfered and fought that evil one. They won, and took him away (Im pretty sure hes dead). They saved my life.

So fuck you!
They're "alien" but they are closer akin to a demon than some cool guy visiting you a to b from another planet. They like to pretend they're another variant of human from the "future" or "dimension." They are not. They are not human at all. They have no ethics when it comes to biological manipulation and what you see is just disposable vessels.
I gathered this from following the topic. Both sides of Congress, including the top, wants you to know the truth but any big time law on it (rounds, schumer) gets blocked in committee by Mike Turner, wright-patterson airbase's representative.
Congressmen on both sides have said it is real and the young people should know.
Kelly, the guy getting pushed for VP and his twin are both super anti-disclosure.
Keep MAIDING your people with a side of curry, jeet invaded leaf-fag .

Ask how to get rid of the jeets to the Greys.
Oh right, they are space jeets, damn.
They know how to shift their vibrations, but they are 3D like humans. I'm a half-breed, bred at Fort Hood in the underground section, and I still had to open my Godhead like normal humans. Kundalini meditation is activating reptilian genes in all of us, the more you have, the easier it is.
There is a lot of fakes out there but you can find real footage on something as simple as tiktok these days. They're allowing more real footage to come out because disclosure is coming soon, during WW3.
There is no A to B alien from another planet. You could tell there was life on Earth for 650 million years but we never got colonized.
kill all nihilists
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Incorrect and a lie. You are a homosexual nigger shill.
There are several reasons you could have interpreted something like this in this way. Not one of them is because "reptilians are good!".

If you are talking about a parasitic astral entity psychically attacking you, then there is a very small chance it could have killed you.

What is most likely, if this experience was authentic, is that they portrayed themselves as doing something like this in order that you would trust them so they could further manipulate/feed off you. They can abduct you at will (ethereal abduction) and manipulate your dreams quite easily.
yes,they DO exist & apparently are in contact with every government on earth,wither their hostile or not is an entirely different question
UFOs existing doesnt mean aliens are real
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here's your proof anon
>everything people say on the internet is made up bullshit except anything i find cool and want to be real
do you burgers really?
Trump is apparently aware and has spoken to a “Galactic Federation” when he was in office, look it up
They are not 3D, they are 4D. They can temporarily shift in to the 3rd Density, as you are describing, but would not be "physically" here.

The reason for this is there is a quarantine lain down by 6 D that prevents them from, for example, appearing next to you and putting a knife in to your throat.There have been times in the past where they more easily came to our reality, even lived here at times, but after the quarantine, this privilege was taken from them.

There are rules to this, with many involved races and higher associations.
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Mostly true.
Long ago, in the twilight of galactic history, the Lyrans, ancient and wise, discovered the Earth as a budding world teeming with potential. In their cosmic travels, they encountered the Reptilians, a race known for their ambition and cunning, who sought to dominate and exploit Earth for their own ends. The Lyrans, valuing balance and harmony, could not allow this to happen. A fierce conflict ensued, a battle not just of strength but of wits and wills, shaking the very fabric of the Earth. Ultimately, the Lyrans' superior strategy and deep understanding of cosmic energies prevailed. They banished the Reptilians to the inner realms of the Earth, sealing them away in subterranean catacombs, where they could no longer threaten the surface world.

With the Reptilians contained, the Lyrans turned their attention to fostering life on the surface. They saw in the early primates the potential for a new, harmonious species. Through a combination of genetic guidance and subtle influence, the Lyrans nurtured the evolution of humanity, embedding within them traits of curiosity, compassion, and resilience. This new species, humans, were seen as the Lyrans' legacy, carriers of their values and wisdom. Over millennia, humans evolved, developing civilizations and cultures, always under the silent watch of their Lyran benefactors, who ensured that the Reptilians remained imprisoned in the shadows. Thus, humanity flourished, unaware of the cosmic struggle that had shaped their destiny and the ancient guardians who watched over them from the stars.
this is a mod-backed kike spammer

The white race was created by aliens. All theories on the evolutionary trait development of the white race can not be explained by natural means.

For example, the explanation for white skin is laughable:

The idea is that whites evolved white skin because we live in northern climates with less sun. BUT there are races spanning across the globe, many of which live at the same latitude yet they are all brown skin people. Also, Europe has a wide range of climate, with the Mediterranean receiving lots of light and lots of warmth which encourages skin exposure to sunlight. Yet even the meds are white skinned, especially compared to African and Arab neighbors who are distinctly brown brown.

This evolutionary theory has so many holes. The inventors of this garbage must be retarded or in on it. Either way, they must be laughing.

Evolution can not explain white skin, it's impossible.

Aliens visited Earth as proto-humans entered Europe and they were granted a temporary stay on an alien world. Here the evolutionary pressures were vastly different and the aliens likely gave these humans genes that the humans wanted. Leading to things like varied hair colour, varied eye colour, higher intellect and varied intellectual abilities. It must have been like a social and biological renaissance.

Whites are too different from the other races, basically different species at this point. Like wolves and coyotes.

Is it really some coincidence that a race so biological impossible is on this planet and this same race became the leader of technological, social, political, and scientific development and conquered basically the whole planet? There is no coincidence. Whites behave like they are not from this world because THEY ARE NOT FROM THIS WORLD!
Who created the shitskins?
This is metaphysical goyslop.

Human's have never prospered here. We have lived in a simulated control matrix the entire time we have been here, always ruled by the pathological, always forced to endure hardship, cataclysm, disease, etc.

This planet is negatively polarized, and we are the 3rd Density representatives of a negatively polarized species.. just like the "aliens" are the 4D representation.

Reptilians don't exist in our reality. They never have.

One of the roles you take on at 4th Density is to seed the 3rd Density ( our reality) with life. When we eventually end up in the 4th Density (which most of the people here wont be doing at the end of this cycle) we will be seeding life in the same way.
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Also, reminder that "greys" are actually mutated reptilians.
In the ancient days of the cosmos, the Lyrans and Reptilians were two powerful races vying for dominance. The Lyrans, with their humanoid-felinoid agility and advanced technological prowess, stood as protectors of the Lyra constellation, while the Reptilians, a cold-blooded and cunning species, sought to expand their influence through conquest and subjugation. The clash between these titans reached its peak during the cataclysmic Battle of Draconis Prime. The Lyrans, utilizing their superior strategy and the natural ferocity honed by their planet's harsh conditions, managed to outmaneuver the Reptilian forces. Their decisive victory was marked by a brilliant and daring move: collapsing the planetary crust beneath the main Reptilian stronghold. As the ground trembled and fractured, many Reptilians were trapped beneath the planet’s mantle. Over millennia, these isolated survivors, cut off from their brethren and subjected to intense evolutionary pressures, transformed into the enigmatic Grey aliens. These Greys, with their distinct appearance and altered physiology, became a symbol of the ancient conflict's enduring legacy. The Lyrans, having secured peace for their constellation, continued to advance and evolve, ever vigilant against the remnants of their old foes, while the Reptilian empire, though diminished, never forgot the humiliation of their defeat beneath the crust of Draconis Prime.
The facts are governments have crash retrieval programs. Unsure at what level they are working with them if at all.
No. First of all it was a human being that tried to kill me I could see him. It was black magician (very powerful). Second of all as the attack began a voice was projected into my ears, not the usual telepathy when I hear thoughts but a booming voice going "REPTILIAN FRIENDLY BEINGS HERE NOW!!! READY TO ASSIST!!" And let me tell you the amount of power and authority there was in that voice was fucking brutal!
Also they protected me as they fought the dark one. By making me laugh all the fucking time. You have to be in fear-based state for their attacks to work on you and since I was laughing like a little child he wasnt able to make me afraid therefore his attacks wasnt looking in on me properly.
They have never returned since in that way but I have had a little bit of communication with them. I thought we were soul-related and thats why they came to help me but they looked at me like I was retarded and said "no". Ive got the impression they were more like ... I dont know mercs contracted for a job.

The thing is Ive achieved full kundalini awakening and have had full kundalini-activations several times. You know the whole deal when you blast out of your body up into the higher dimensions. You cant lie with energy. Energy is just energy. There was no evil from them. They were very nice and caring.

I am to this day. Very grateful to them.
They're not aliens They're fallen angels
All races on Earth were created by 4th Density Orions (lizards, aryans, etc)

Races have different seed times, and due to the nature of Earth's atmosphere changing at various times for different reasons, the races were generally seeded to be the most suited to the currenty environment of the Earth.

The only exception are Caucasians, who came from another planet after we destroyed it. The asteroid belt between mars and jupiter carries the remains of this planet. It is also why we have colourd eyes, due to the distance between the sun and us on that planet.
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>Are they really working with the U.S. government?
No. The U.S. government would be pleased for you to believe a highly-advanced race with the capability of interstellar travel views them as some kind of partner. If real aliens, not Project Bluebeam ersatz aliens, ever came to Earth they would probably be so disgusted with the actions of governments that they'd extirpate all government-acting persons with a highly-selective engineered nanomachine pathogen in order to free humanity from their clutches. I'm a general believer in moral progress, so I think aliens would be on the side of good.
This is the truth. Aliens are a fed psyop.
This is such a foolish way to think.

The fact that human beings are capable of the pathological mindset, and extremely greedy and self serving polarities, means that those exact same things can exist anywhere in the universe.. and do.

Try and use your head.
False, see this. The aliens only created whites.
Other way around.
Kundalini has given me awful headaches, I had it happen by accident, I dont enjoy it and got sick of the serpent bothering me.
The only thing you are right about is whites being different.

We originally inhabited the planet that is now the meteor belt between jupiter and mars.. this is why the sun is so much more degenerative to us, why we sticked to colder climates, why we have coloured eyes, and also why when we were seeded here after we destroyed our home planet, we were more advanced than the native species living here.

The "humans" that were here, were still seeded by 4th Density, and made in labs, just like us.
I believe in Natural Law, and thus that all immorality is degenerative in nature and does not conduce to the flourishing of sentient beings. I do not believe that any species with bad moral character will ever achieve greatness or a higher plane of existence, rather that it will be doomed to degenerate, to lose the capacity for consciousness and to eventually perish from existence.
Have you made full breakthrough yet? It will be bothersome and you will encounter a lot of physical discomfort as it rises up... In my final moment when I had my first fullblown activation (it feels like someone plugs the hilt of a laser-sword to your asshole and then ignites it up through your spine while all your chakras are activated at the same time. You will have physical reaction , muscle-convulsions shaking uncontrollably , your asshole will convulse ,youll have a rockhard erection ... This is due to the base and sacral chakras activations) Anyway as it reached my crown-chakra and opened it the fuck up there was such an immense pressure in my skull I could here my skull crunch inside my own head - And then BAM! BLAST OFF!! Off to the higher dimensions.

Ive never had problems with pain related to kundalini after that final time.
The ayys came down and enslaved us. They accelerated our evolution by fucking around with our DNA to try to produce a whole docile slave race. But the ones that accelerated our DNA left.
I tend to agree with the Canadian flag, never trust reptillians. I have had indications that I am a starseed and I have had an astral dream experience in which I was paralyzed by a group of greys (reptillian allies either in the past or the present, also non-biological beings) surrounding my bed at night and I just had enough of their shit and the greys' head that was closest to me and that I was paralyzed looking at just exploded like a watermelon with some machine parts. And immeidately all of the other greys present scattered and left as fast as they could, they experienced or showed intense fear.

I had another one that was exceptionally memorable in which an entire Atlantean like human civilization (with technological cities and skyscrapers, flying cars etc), was invaded by a grey and reptillian parasite hive alliance, and I watched the civilization get destroyed while also trying to intervene by astrally exploded greys and reptillians and exploding their ships, with my mind. The greys and reptillians like to play 4d chess, but the big guys, the top dogs, play 5-12d chess.

However, I have had indications that ultimately the reptillians that still have souls must eventually be saved. Even though I found that oxymoronic because I was also indicated that reptillians and grey no longer possess souls, but it's possible maybe some of them do otherwise I wouldn't have been indicated otherwise.
What is STS?

Also, please keep going. Do not wait for questions

Well you couldn't be more wrong about that.

There is an equal amount of negative polarity/positive polarity in the universe, and this representation of life is one of the strongest forces that exist.

There are quadrillions of planets where the immoral have taken over and achieved what you would describe as technological prowess, and quadrillions of planets where the good have taken over and done the same.

You should really meditate on this concept.
The phylogenetic tree still shows that whites have a genetic relation to all life on Earth.
Interdimensional aliens seeding is unfounded speculation.

What isn't unfounded though is the sheer deviation of expected evolutionary paths which means we must have evolved in a very different environment and the varied overt traits like differences in hair colour and eye colour only make sense in an environment where we have large genetic mutation AND a controlled environment to prevent the mutations from being weeded out, all the while negative mutations are suppressed. This strongly indicated an artificial intervention.
Service to self, STO is service to others.. its a natural polarity in the universe that much of life is based off. STS is Entropic, STO is radiant.

An example of this polarity being expressed on a cosmic scale , for example, are black holes vs stars. It is also this polarity that a souls development is based off.. Our planet is unfortunately STS, and we are STS beings.. many of us trying to move towards STO.
There are psychic aliens that look exactly like humans that live in another dimension you can visit in your lucid dreams. Once you are in on it, you can learn all sorts of things from them, and its likely they are one of many 'afterlives' you can experience. They were here with us on earth during earlier eras of human civilization, and they are one of our direct genetic ancestors.
Their civilization spans over hundreds of starsystems, and if you utilize your alien dna you can dream your way to these other planets. They are higher dimensional consciousness, and teach how to access higher dimensions of consciousness, which we can access here on earth as well, though its not as easy. They tell me that the earth is undergoing an energetic phenomena which will enhance the consciousness of beings on this planet. If you lucid dream here you can already access this.
Try out telekinesis in your lucid dreams, you will be surprised how much you are capable of creating and manifesting.
There does seem to be some level of government force trying to maintain the secrecy of this, but they don't really have cosmic authority to succeed, so you can overcome them with your free will.
Very interesting. I myself had a Draco clan-leader in charge of me through the first part of my life. Hahaha very negative being. I am a starseed btw. And the reason the Drco was in charge of me was because I needed to have my vibration camouflaged and by having him with me I was being kept in a state of literal fucking hell haha.
Anyway as time came to relinquish custody of me to the arch-angels and the pleidians he refused haha. He had agreed to it but it is not in his nature to do so. Haha they had to fight him off haha.
The thing is this Draco and his clan has decided to go with the light because they realize they will go extinct otherwise. The deal is they protected me and in return they get to piggy-back and get boosted by me towards ascension.

Honestly this spiritual stuff is the coolest fucking thing ever and my life-experience is tremendously increased since my awakening
No way, we have genetic relationships with the environment we have lived in for thousands of years?

All 3rd density life is seeded.. What you are not factoring in is how Souls work. The genetic body is simply a marriage of the soul and physical vehicle..

It's like people who think our brain is actually what produces our consciousness, when it is actually just a reactive organism.
The aliens that enslaved us messed around with human DNA and created different iterations of humans, making each humans more "updated" each time to what they wanted. All the humans are basically a mix of all the monkeys and apes they gathered.
We are in the process of making the shift as a species to sto (or service to all)
Its counterintel operation to spread disinfo and obfuscate what is really going on. The aliens are real, and do interact with people on earth that reached a level of meditative awareness that allows us to perceive them.
How is it won against STS? The elite wont simply concede to Trump will they? What is the end of all this?
Indeed.. Many variations have existed.

They are preparing to make a new one in our current reality btw.. hence the coming cataclysms.
Trump has been compromised. The deep state turned him during his last stint as president.

We can't win against them. That isn't really how it works.

Do you see an uprising of cows, to overthrow their human slave masters? It is the same concept, just fractalized to a higher reality.

What we can do is become aware, crystallize our higher centers, polarize ourselves and eventually graduate to the level they exist on.

All humans are STS btw, so you are not just fighting the elite (at this density), you are fighting every human being including yourself.
Where does big foot fit into all this? I always suspected bigfoot or gigantopithicus of being some typenof ayyy like a lyran.
I believe it. I’ve heard it said that David Icke is allowed to talk openly about the reptilians because it’s an inversion of the truth.
The solution to the Fermi Paradox is life is extremely rare. You might find one planet with life every billion galaxies. And intelligent life is one in every billion where life emerged.
> No way, we have genetic relationships with the environment we have lived in for thousands of years?

In order to have a genetic relationship with all Earth life, from lobster, to reptiles, to mammals, and apes, etc. is to be part of the Earth tree of life, this means the proto-humans must have evolved on Earth.

Evolution is real, but the white race clearly came from a group of proto-humans who experienced a vastly different environment and impossible genetic traits from artificial intervention.

> All 3rd density life is seeded.. What you are not factoring in is how Souls work. The genetic body is simply a marriage of the soul and physical vehicle..

3rd density, souls, etc. These are all made up. These belief systems entered the white race after they were reintroduced back to Earth and evolved over time as they were cut off from the aliens who were vastly scientifically powerful.

The so called "Nordic Aliens" are the likely culprits that started all this.
Bigfoot is what you would call a window faller. Eventually there are "windows" that open up in the realm curtain, and allows for beings from parallel realities come in to ours for temporary periods of time.

They are also utilized by 4th Density to do things like harvest certain physical materials and other very menial tasks.
Based and precursor pilled.
So there is no hope ever of a planet changing polarity? Trump has not been compromised. That isn't really how it works.
why can leaf flags with reddit spacing spew such bullshit, but when i say that space is fake and gay, i get schizos replying to me saying im wrong?
is it because you all fetishize space?
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So do bigfoots have agency and make "windows" or are they like gollems from other dimensions who just mine for materials?
I am correct. The idea of symmetry between good and evil is a new age perversion of spiritual teachings. ALL sentient beings are bound by the Natural Law (or God's Law) and it is absolute and ineluctable. The fate of ALL conscious beings, conditioned upon the choices they make, is described in the book of Thoth, also called the Tarot. Every species that deviates from God's Law is ruled by The Moon. No exception could ever exist. A species that is ruled by The Moon, if it persists on the path of severity will come to be ruled by The Devil. The devil represents mental enslavement and diminution of consciousness. We see this in the world today with the rise of NPCs. If the species does not escape from The Devil it will come to be ruled by Death, which is absolute entropy and disorder, the destruction of civilization, technology and all higher-level structure, ultimately to the point of extirpation.
One of the dumbest things ive ever read.

You are literally "Science!" reddit dork. The universe is teeming with life. Even on Earth, there exist several parallel dimensions, higher densities that we cannot percieve, etc.

Every single planet in our solar system is inhabited on some level.

You should be looking at the solution for Unified field theory.. Fermi paradox is assumptious garbage, occam's razor tier.
Ok heres where you lose me, being like that do need rocks from earth. They have mastered the material world, correct?
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Here we go. Every time someone questions mainstream science online a flatard appears to muddy the waters.
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Do you see any cows going through the ascension-journey? Humanity is. And it will change shit up! There is Hope anon! There is as a matter of fact a shitload of it.

You have no idea of how many have come to help with this. We have all come!
The windows open up in a sort of random fashion, but can be triggered by certain things, like a human being in a certain spot in space/time.
That would make sense if it weren't so obviously wrong.

If this were right you would expect a gradient from various testing, but we don't see this. The white race is extremely different, no other race has such genetic variance. Furthermore, whites ended up dominating the Earth.

There simply is no gradient showing the activity of testing. And the differences between whites and the other races is FAR greater than the differences between the brown races.

A single major occurrence happened from a scientifically advanced beings that didn't even need testing, their AIs probably predicted all the outcomes.

When I say the aliens took proto-humans, I mean this to say that this was a voluntary interaction. The aliens were essentially emissaries and they likely saw no issue with real time genetic editing because they probably edit their genes all the time.
Maybe its because you are wrong, dumb fuck?
I have had indications that if certain criterion are not met by a certain year in our current timeline. A direct intervention will happen from higher forces, and the effects of it are unfathomable and even dangerous (especially to people who have been asleep this entire incarnation), but the end result will end up being humanity awakened and freed. Most if not all of my posts here are to subtly lead as many people (not the bots) as I can to thinking more positively about the future.
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>Where does big foot fit into all this?
I honestly think it's human people who never wore any shoes growing up, because modern shoes are a from of foot binding. But, they did make other variations of humans for experimenting and it went horribly wrong. Like coneheads and giants.
Aliens are fake and gay. There is no infinate universe filled with galaxies and shit. This is it. We are at the center. This is all there is.
I don't even know how to respond to this retardation.
Lue Elizondo looks like a trucker and published a book about UFOs that looks accordingly
Geocentrism has never been disproven based on scientific observations; not one experiment has proven the earth to be moving. The heliocentric (or acentric) model has been adopted by secular scientists based on their own philosophical assumptions and metaphysical worldview.

>According to South African cosmologist George Ellis who in 1973 co-authored the book The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time with University of Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking,[11] "People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations. For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations. You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds. In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that."[12]
But that anon is absolutely right. You just percieve it because most of it exists in higher dimensions.
According to Edwin Hubble (the freemason the Hubble telescope is named after) geocentricity (the earth being the center of the solar system and/or universe) can't be disproved but it is unwelcome and must be avoided at all costs.
It would be intolerable and horrific (his words) to find out we live in a geocentric universe. This is why they don't even bother to find out and only research things that go towards the heliocentric model (conformation bias).

>“Such a condition (Geocentricity) would imply that we occupy a unique position in the universe, analogous, in a sense, to the ancient conception of a central Earth…. The hypothesis cannot be disproved, but it is unwelcome and would be accepted only as a last resort in order to save the phenomena. Therefore, we disregard this possibility and consider the alternative … But the unwelcome supposition of a favoured location must be avoided at all costs ... Such a favoured position, of course, is intolerable ... Therefore, in order to restore homogeneity, and to escape the horror of a unique position, the departures from uniformity, which are introduced by the recession factors, must be compensated by the second term representing effects of spatial curvature. There seems to be no other escape.”
Edwin Hubble (1937). The Observational Approach to Cosmology. Oxford University Press.
and how are you right about the bullshit you spew?
Informed leaf
The Horror of a unique position is expression for embarrassment of naturalistic theorists who fear that our place, that is planet Earth, Solar system or Milky Way galaxy, could be extraordinary in the universe. They do not like the idea that we might be at or near the center of the universe because that would suggest that we are in a special or privileged position, perhaps put here on purpose by the Creator. They believe their commitment to so called absolute materialism as pseudo-religious dogma "cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door. Thus, since "there seems to be no other escape," they think to be in need to be willing to:

>accept scientific claims that are against common sense,
>take constructs marked with patent absurdity,
>tolerate unsubstantiated just-so stories
>adhere to set of concepts that produce counter-intuitive material explanations and mystifying to the uninitiated.
This way, the horror of a privileged position leads to prejudice, violation of the Socratic principle, damning the alternatives, and clinging to the biased a priori assumptions such as those of uniformity and homogeneity of the universe. Consequently, atheistic cosmologists assert that "there must be no favoured location in the universe, no centre, no boundary; all must see the universe alike". In order to ensure this situation, they postulate spatial isotropy and spatial homogeneity, which is way of stating that the universe must be pretty much alike everywhere and in all directions. In their reasoning, they use circular argument hence claim that a favoured position is intolerable because it represents a discrepancy with the theory that postulates homogeneity. Then, in order to restore homogeneity, and "to escape the horror of a unique position", the departures from uniformity, which are introduced by the recession factors, must be from their perspective compensated by the second term in the Einstein's field equations representing the effects of spatial curvature.
I just want this bullshit to go away.

Eh, maybe. You can talk to them if you want to. The gateway program + DXM (robitussin) but I'm lying don't do drugs or the cia program. Definitely don't to it while exuding that your intent is just to talk to them and you've friendly. It's crazy and not real at all and abusing medicine is bad. It works though. But i'm lying it doesn't definitely don't do it.
This stuff is just a manifestation of your mind bro. These entities arent real.
Everyone has a choice, and no the planet isn't negatively polarized. The powers that be, that you think rule over your lives, really don't. Its an illusion. You can turn off the digital transmission from them and forget they ever existed, and tune your consciousness into other dimensions at will.
Souls are playing parts on a stage show. A being might appear to be one thing in one dimension, yet appear as something completely different in another. The thing locking people into 3d is their karmic interaction with the past. You can visit the past, and alter your actions, but know that its all an elaborate illusion. You can transcend the manifestation of temporal continuity, and jump outside the mainstream view of time into a 'post ascension' version of reality. All these realms exist simultaneously, so even if you transcend this dimension its still existing alongside whatever other world you visit. Since you are an infinite being, you will exist in all dimensions, including the lowest dimensional expression of yourself, which is here on earth.
The 'work' you do is the harmonize these various aspects of yourself, bringing more of your soul into focus, and using your telepathy to interact with the individuals, and global consciousness of wherever you are at.
The focus and consciousness of everyone determines what we collectively manifest. You saw this in 2016 with memes about Trump.
The more places like 4chan can move beyond their own negativity, and into universal recognition of the creator in all its aspects, the better it will be for this planet.
There is hope in the sense that there will always remain a way for you to consistently increase your polarity. That right is something they can't take away from us.

There is hope that the coming cataclysms will cause a shift in the world that hopefully shuttles people in to waking up on a grand scale.

There is all kinds of hope. The truth though, is that most people here are going to recycle to another 3rd density planet, and the ones who do make it are going to have to fight our makers on the 4th density, because they are planning on trying to control us there as well.. As is the nature of STS consciousness.
Basically what this all means is that the people who do science don't do it properly. They are biased. They refuse to do science that could prove God or creation. They only do science that supports their philosophical beliefs.
Why they do this is up for interpretation. But the fact remains.
Prison planet, meat suit, blood soup, slave, something like that.
Based and correct
they pissed off some alien race
the cretaceous impact was a weapon
it was an intentionally redirected asteroid
Its unhealthy.
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I always wondered if bigfoot wasnt just some actual 'wild men' who never adapted to modern humans or even tribes like the native americans, there's just some off shoot of humans running around in forrests who are dangerous enough to warrant stories about them to keep people from interacting with them. "Don't go out on your own in the woods, tall hairy men will kidnap and cannibalize you"
People like this? https://x.com/moment_mirthful/status/1815635775498928206

Specifically the guy at :09

You dont have to watch it but I belive it to be a perfect example of the lefts stupidity

Good, fuck em. No reconciliation will ever happen with these types of people. With most being so retarded what is even the point of this gay earth?
Well anon... if it has begun to materialize inside you it wont ... The energies that are coming in now are steadily increasing. This year they gone totally off the chart.
Your whole being , not just your consciousness but your physical body will be affected by this.

You should rejoice anon, your super-powers are about to awaken and once you get to experience what creation is really like ... Your going to be fucking mind-blown!!

Words cant describe it.

Its rough and its tough on the way there toh. If you get sensations in your heart like your about to have a heart-attack or stuff like that. Do not be afraid. I mean go and check yourself with the doctors if your worried but when they dont find anything wrong with you just know it is your heart-chakra that is awakening and coming online. It hurts a little bit but it will be better soon!
Said the man with 2 eyes to the man with 3 eyes...
it genuinely is, and it's addictive and can cause liver issues. It's basically like taking steroids but for astral projection and the gateway program in general. It fast tracks your progress but isn't healthy at all
Checked good post!
They are demons from other dimensions. The good ones avoid contact but the ones that interact with us are best described as service-to-self and evil. The races who are an absolute threat to humanity are more advanced than us and mentioned in gnostic text are grays, reptilians, and mantids.
Have you read the Lacerta files? The alien enslavers made 7 iterations of humans before they had a war with the native advanced reptilians of earth that were afraid of what they were doing before they left.
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bumping best thread
No, indications like a luminous white cloud surrounding a bright white light with vague geometric outline that was spinning very rapidly in the middle of the luminous white orb appearing to me and several family members while sitting outside talking about the simulation and just appearing in the western sky and slowly approaching us and as we noticed we all stood up and the dog started whimpering and the orb flew directly overhead of us, 12 'oclock exactly above us and then completely disappeared. And later I had recognized I had some kind of download. I have always been able to have lucid dreams, every single night I sleep I have not one or two, but more 4-8 lucid dream sequences. Some of them have temporal displacement (I experience 6 months of perceived time in a 7 hr night's sleep in the same dream sequence, a world where I can walk around and talk to people in another civilization) and predictive effects in reality (I dream an event and that event happens exactly as dreamed later that day). I have also never taken psychedelic drugs in my life.

The indications I have had are that, yes, something is about to happen that will change the world, and if certain beings here do not wake up or play their parts we could have a cataclysm that wipes out a lot of us. Or alternatively, if we those beings and the incarnated watchers here do play their parts right, the majority of human souls on Earth right now have the chance to reach a new Earth without all the jewish (not actually all their fault, just an example) bullshit you have here.
So, cataclysm good? Those beings will not wake up.
I hate to even call them beings, they are soul drones
Fuck man I love this place!!! Only fucking place I can share in experiences that are so rare and weird that I have no one to talk to about them!!!

Except mein fucking anons!! I fucking LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Btw I totally believe you and what is about to happen is humanities spiritual ascension and the ones who need to wake are the ones who have come here to shepherd and assist humanity in this great task!
> Have you read the Lacerta files?

No, you'll have to link it.

> The alien enslavers made 7 iterations of humans


You know an alien theory is fake wrong when the claim is made that aliens, a scientifically and technology super race, needs biologicals as slaves.

This is L. Ron Hubbard tier stupid.
What I have been indicated is that no matter what a world changing event must happen, it is going to happen, we are at the energetic nexus of a new age and stuff has to change. But it can be one of many possibilities. Ones that result in most people remaining alseep and being destroyed and recycled again (they will be saved ie freed from their asleepness eventually no matter how long or how many trillions of times it takes), or one in which most humans now wake up in this incarnation and the new Earth phases seamlessly with us here now (we don;t notice anything other than civilization becoming massively better for everyone either gradually or abruptly etc some smaller cataclysms and wars in the adjustment period etc).
good talk
Mmm this. Its what Ive gotten too.
>needs biologicals as slaves.
Yes because this planet is rich with high quality resources and they needed docile humans slaves to extract a lot of it for their tech and consumption. "Free energy" still requires some some valuable materials to build and maintain it. Unfortunately you are low info.
I wish I had a trad patriotic ayylmao wife
Also species that have become that advance creates new life because .. you know .. Its fun and interesting
They can just use automated machines. Moron. Machines, especially machines from a technological super race, would have vastly greater output than biologicals.
God created the planets by growing them in a new file, and exporting. Rotation was set for heating. Done to trap our souls in an organism capable of being piloted by what we actually are. Almost 100% convinced. Done for torture reasons. He calls it hell. That's why we see 666 everywhere. He knew about how painful this was. It's a prison. I have been looking for the escape button. He didn't install them.
One more thing,

with most being so retarded what do the ayys have to gain? You said they don't directly rule over us but they also feed off of us? What good is eating such stupidity? I have interacted with these people. There is really nothing going on. Some are great however. Most are not.

I would imagine it to be like squeezing blood from a turnip
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Yes really. It’s literally just the fucking Air Force tech. I wonder why they’re known for anal rape. Hmmmm.
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My third eye opened up so much I thought my brain would explode bro. I had to close it off so I could do stuff.
Id bet this is due to air force activity between Washington and Alaska
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>with most being so retarded what do the ayys have to gain?
Sorry Anon, you never will.
Then you should know better
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As far as I understand the one thing aliens want from us is our souls, they just havent figured out how to "capture lightning in a bottle" so to speak. They promise things like 'becoming higher beings' but really it's to get us to sell ourselves out for some gimmicky power but eternally stuck on this plane.
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>They can just use automated machines.
They couldn't. They aren't native to this planet and ecosystem. If they had advanced tech to extract it they still would need humans to transport it to them. Just take a look at the lacerta files.
Fake & gay. The Annunaki were just humans with advanced tech from a break away civilization. If they were any type of alien it would've been nordic. We live in a chaotic world that destroys all civilization through cyclical cataclysms. The few who get away are those that we call the elites who run away into their little d.u.m.b.s.

Yeah I don't believe in aliens at all. Sasquatch and all those other weird motherfuckers are just undocumented terrestrials either because they're smart enough to know to stay away from us or they operate within a density that the human eye can't see, like ultraviolet. Demon makes more sense to me because that's what's been speculated about through out history. Nobody fucking gave a fuck about aliens until the Nazi regime who cohencedentally had stealth air tech that's similar to what we call "UFO", That just tells me that it's a psy op to conceal the origin of the tech, that it came from hoomans.
I'm pretty sure Grey's are just Asians.
most likely theory
> They aren't native to this planet and ecosystem.

Machines aren't biological, they merely need to be built for the environment which is very easy for us and would be child's play to technologically advanced aliens.

Slavery is extremely inefficient, it's retarded.

> If they had advanced tech to extract it they still would need humans to transport it to them.

We have automated extraction and transport technology right now.

You're really not thinking things through.

> Just take a look at the lacerta files.

Link a source.
Aliens like butt sex. Literal dudes in suits.
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I think this realm already is kind of that bottle. No other astral realm or civilization I have been while lucid dreaming has been as backwards feeling and asleep as this realm and cilization (the reincarnation trap/memory wipe loop realm). Of course you don't have to believe my subjective experiences as fact, that's just my feeling and opinion. I think it's because this realm went so far from God that certain higher forces are trying or going to intervene.
This I can kinda agree with because it coincides with the higher metaphysical reality that we live within. The Ayy Lmaos bullshit assumes a materialist reality where the only things that exist are physicality. Which is the NPC opinion. Believing in Ayys is normie Plebbit tier.
They don't live out in the open on earth because they can't withstand the environment. You're too tunnel visioned on some white aryan giga race shit that you really want to believe in.

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it's the anima

you can summon them it's just some aspect of yourself if you get too open minded
but that kind of experience is too far out for normies
This was the most awesome alien event yet. Loved it.
> They don't live out in the open on earth because they can't withstand the environment.

They don't have to. The machines can do all the work. You seriously believe an alien species capable of travelling the stars would spend time creating biological slaves, wait thousands of years for the slaves to evolve to actually be able to mine things, and use biologicals as their main tools for mining? That's incredibly retarded.

The aliens can straight up send machines down to Earth to strip mine the planet while they live in space or on other worlds or in giant artificial constructs.

Even humans are trying to remove biological labour. You're suggesting that aliens think like cavemen.

> You're too tunnel visioned on some white aryan giga race shit that you really want to believe in.

Because what I said is scientifically irrefutable form all the evidence that we have.
I had a close encounter of the 3rd kind in the 90s so as you can imagine I got obsessed with this topic looking for answers and it took me decades to understand the truth.

at a surface level looking at UFO lore its easy to get duped into the belief that aliens are working with the government. the truth is the government does not know nearly as much as they want people to think they do. about 90% of UFO lore is bs cooked up by the feds going back to the 1940s. so what ever you think you know about this topic is no doubt a lie. hell half the big name UFO con artists today are connected the Bill Ryan's disinformation network but that's a more complicated story.
Yes this is a "Hell-world". Humanity doesnt understand that absolutely everything is fucking wrong here because they do not have any recollections of anything else.
Those of us who do can clearly tell this place is fucked up.
Everything is in a way or at a certain point just an aspect of ourselves since we are all a part of God and.. Are God. And God is the source of all creation.
I probably wasted my time linking you. You're going to read it and discard it as fake because muh white aryan giga race people can't be slaves! If you knew a few drops of field science, you'll know it's more real than all the history and science they have been telling us. The interview I linked you does all tell you the triangle shaped UFOS belong to the United States to.
The link you provided was very long, didn't provide any evidence, and actually contradicts known scientific facts right in the beginning.

It's bullshit.
Mr Leaf,

what % of the population, if any, are actual literal NPCs?
Where to start?
There are ancient species from earth
There are multiple alien species
They (ET) abduct humans
-not sure why, maybe just for data
The terrestrial aliens/whatever you call them are at least protecting our planet from some of the hostile space aliens, but I don't think it's for our benefit
There are some aliens that are much more advanced, and at least one of them imposes some kind of rules on the less advanced aliens
The rules seem to have loopholes
Many of the aliens are deeply spiritual, and believe our souls/spirits persist after death and that our planet kind of builds up some kind of soul energy as time goes on, and it reaches some kind of event or awakening or something eventually
-at least one of the alien races has this as their primary motivation
some aliens are simple and simply want territory
some fight to preserve primitive worlds

basically it's a fucking mess out there

How'd I do?
>Are they really working with the U.S. government?
Do you really want to know?
>Redpill me on aliens.
They're demons LARPing as the current zeitgeist just like they used to LARP as fae and other wild spirits before this and like gods before that.
>Are they really working with the U.S. government?
Yes. The US Federal government works with demons
The ones that are demons do, the ones that are angels the governments say is the alien threat
A fucking leaf.
>Are they really working with the U.S. government?
I wouldn't say 'working with'
there is some kind of agreement, but it's more like us trying to please them, and basically we don't really know their true intentions
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Everything you ever wanted to know about aliens but didn't have the TS/SCI security clearance to ask:
the vast majority of UFO sightings are simple miss identification
>ball lightning
>saint elmos fire
>atmospheric phenomena
>black budget planes
>normal planes at night
>the planet Venus
Yes and Americans have a shit ton of fucking druggies
I think you're a simple misidentification, look Human but no soul inside
Aliens do not make sense with the current understanding of physics of you limit it to this universe. Hear me out. The closest solar system is a few light years away. Meaning it would take years at the speed of light to get to a solar system scientists are convinced is unfit for life. To travel at the speed of light requires unlimited energy for things with mass. Theres zero chance intersolar travel is possible for our generation, or rather any for the foreseeable future thanks to things like traveling black holes, foreign traveling bodies or any other obstruction. It's also been over 100 years since our own radio waves have been traversing the milky way, and yet we've received no such radiation signals consistent with an advanced civilization. So it begs the question, if we'll never expand far enough to reach another solar system, let alone another galaxy, why is alien life such a foregone conclusion? It's the same with other universes at the end of the day, as if we'll never meet them, then functionally they might as well not exist.
Then consider the extreme circumstances of life on pur planet being dice rolls ontop of dice rolls extending up to the fundamental forces of the universe itself. We just may be the only instance of it as the exception that proves the rule.
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The first image of a "grey alien". This was some shit the Occultist crowley made up. Crowley and Parsons also connected to Hubbard and scientology, niggas literally had wizard battles and shit. All had bad deaths. Crowley died a dope fiend, Parsons blew himself up, Hubbard suicided.
Humans are a hierarchical species with what appears to be a gradient polymorphism. In any given sample, 80% of the population will be followers (Pareto principle). Humans naturally develop hierarchies, even placing followers as elites if there are not enough "true" elite polymorphisms in the environment. Though there is usually sufficient numbers of elite polymorphisms for any given sample to have an elite. Elite genes are only recently being studied, but we now know that things like leadership genes dominate and people with this gene represent the bulk of the wealthy elite.
>current understanding of physics
It is bunk. I've seen one, our understanding of physics to me at least is confirmed utter bunkus
people need to stop acting like retards and admit we don't know jack shit and get back to the drawing board
That's just a nigger woman
There was that Israel poster a while back talking about why you would literally never want aliens to be real because of the great filter or whatever he was talking. Essentially space is so fucking dangerous that anything short of revealing yourself would be death. Just look at how fish look under the bottom of the sea.
How about a tl;dr
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>Plants dont actually produce enough O2 for earth
>Its metallic devices someone dropped deep into the ocean
There are a variety of methods an alien race can employ to circumvent the limitations of the speed of light without requiring faster than light travel.

Stasis, genetic immortality, and, most likely, mind transference to super powerful computer constructs.

That said, faster than light travel is certainly possible for an alien race with a billion years technological head start.
I had never done drugs in my life when I had a close encounter of the 3rd kind and saw an alien outside my window in 1995. these entities are real and they are visiting earth I know that with absolute certainty. the issue is that when it comes to UFOs over 99% of them are miss-identifications.
Sure, we're missing a lot, but if these alien species mastered this, then any interaction with our species would be so beneath them they would never present themselves. It's the same point.
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earth is well known and well studied by creatures from beyond this solar system. the Israeli was referencing the 3 body problem book clearly
>Anything else?
Why did the ayys insist on injecting the mRNA therapy into so many of us? I feel like pushing the experiment on to our kids was a pretty shitty thing to do.
It is a lack of understanding of frequency , vibrations and higher dimensions. We can perceive the dimension we are currently vibrating in an the dimensions below us. Not the dimensions above us.
Since we are down here in the basement of creation we can hardly see shit.
The Universe is theming with life it just that it mostly exists in higher dimensions.
>Every schizo has their own way to describe the aliums
This is why I don't trust them. The information should be the same not different from person to person. Thanks for the laffs though.
FTL travel is simple for massless existence, aka souls and awareness. If you can move your awareness outside your body by focusing it on a distant place, you can instantly traverse through space to that place as if you didn't traverse any distance at all. Aliens are basically that. That is why they are interacting with us in meditation and dreams. They aren't physically coming here, they are moving their consciousness across space to visit other planets, and interact with the consciousness of other worlds, and beings who live on them. We have the same capability, but our civilization hasn't been seriously trying to utilize it since the very earliest days of ancient Egypt, when that faculty of being was still known and understood. Even in those days it was difficult, which is why they spent momentous amounts of effort trying to build structural technology which would make it easier for them to do. The religious hierarchies of those days eventually became corrupted, and then lost the capability to do it themselves.
The capability still exists within man. Other planetary civilizations went a different direction than we did, and continued development of consciousness until they could basically take the genetic identity of their whole species into interdimensional space, rather than simply their awareness.
Those are the ones who visit us. Naturally, having higher dimensional consciousness of the laws of physics and nature led them to discover technology which emulated that faculty of consciousness, and that is how they built interdimensional ufos.
But they exist at a level where they would have to downgrade themselves to physically appear to us on earth. They would rather await our arrival into interdimensional hyperspace than to do that. People still smoke DMT, lucid dream, practice meditation, so they have managed to make contact with humans in this way.
Whether we join them as a whole is still undetermined, but its likely that it will occur at some point.
To shut us down from being able to absorb the higher energies that are increasingly bombarding us and our planet. Thus shutting humanity off from ascension.

Its my take anyway
Where do you think the tech for the Bor Radius nano particals in the mRNA came from?
All those things you've listed are science fiction and and even then require that civilization to be relatively close. It's also suggesting our form of radio communication is somehow more advanced than whatever the fuck they are using to transmit information. A billion year head start is actually laughable too. You think humanity, which already has the subclass sapien sapien after a few hundred thousand years, would survive its star exploding?
Only one theory is supported by the evidence.
now I have photographic proof. thanks anon.
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Found it.
This is certainly a take but one deeply rooted in the concept of a higher power. I'm not ruling it out, but it certainly is far removed from.physical beings and traditional concepts.
We knew all this. So, no.
Because it's all speculation on what's inside them, the descriptions on the craft themselves always have similarities
They should just create an ultra-authoritarian worldwide government already, and also force us to practice eugenics. These little fuckers can see we have potential, but they're still merely observing us.
Its actually the most traditional of all concepts. Humans have had this notion for as long as we have had recorded history. Its just that through religious dogma we lost focus on spiritual development of our actual souls. Then we went to the paradigm of scientific development where we only consider evidence available to physical instrumentation.
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If we had potential the world would have been cleansed
> All those things you've listed are science fiction and and even then require that civilization to be relatively close.

They're not science fiction. We have species on Earth, right now, which can utilize long term stasis, just by freezing them. There's no telling what kind of physiology the aliens have (natural or unnatural).

Genetic immortality is present in at least three known species on Earth. Various recent scientific advances indicate that humans can live far longer through technological means.

And as far as mind transference to computers go, we're already experimenting very successfully with technological precursors to do this. Neural net based AIs, wet ware computers have now been successfully planted into functional robots, we have scanned and replicated the brains of worm species and put them into digital spaces, neuralink can now link the human brain to computers producing high fidelity results.

And if we consider than aliens may have a billion years technological head start, it is practically inevitable for them to perfect the technologies that we are now playing with.
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Nah we need a few more cullings
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I just wanna make a hot femalien cum her super advanced brains out.

Then I want to eat a super advanced alien sandwich made by my hot new alien gf.

Is that too much to ask?
I have always found these ways of looking at aliens goofy and unrealistic. reason being its predicated on the assumption that these entities are not already here in our solar system. if they wanted what we have they would take it and have us killed in a day a millennia ago.
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Get a room, you disgusting faggots.
Why would they want to be in charge of a bunch of primitives?
Fair, the expression of a higher power is pretty fundamental. I guess what I'm really arguing is little grey men butt fucking our president is rediculous.
Again, it's a proximity and relevance argument. I said as much when I suggested theres zero need or incentive for such a race to contact earth. And ignoring the radition argument all together is a laugh. Consider countless stars in the milky way will explode before andromeda merges. Theres zero chance of our species even making it that far. Why give any other the benefit of the doubt.
Alien abductions are repressed birth memories.

>I was... in my room... it was dark
>then suddenly... a light came into the room
>I started floating... I don't know how
>I was suddenly in a bright sterile room
>there were little minions running around
>they put me on a cold metal table
>they were probing me every which way
>I was suddenly overcome with a calm... something made everything feel okay and placid
>I woke up... but seemingly none of that had happened
And then Margaret Thatcher strapped me to a table and sliced off my foreskin.
aliens are jews that have lost their form
they're the jet-eyes fighting the seths
keep going…
Naw. I'm sleepy now. Sorry.
Thats actually an interesting theory.
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cute asian gf when
>watch a sailing ship disappear with the masts going away last
To be fair, you would observe this with spherical aberration

The problem with the Dark Forest Theory is that it is obviously wrong.

Using probes propelled by lasers, telescopes, and gravitational lensing. It would be child's play to see just about every habitable world there is within just a few thousand years.

Any species capable of seeing our habitable world and using relativistic weapons would also have the necessary computational and AI technology to predict if Earth has any kind of complex life on it, let alone any technologically complex life made even more obvious.

This means that ALL aliens KNOW we are here. And seeing as aliens have not destroyed us yet, even knowing that we will advance technologically, this only means they have no interesting in destroying us.

Not only is their technology so advanced that no matter what we could never hope to threaten them. But it's likely that the aliens aren't even biological, they likely transferred their minds to powerful computer constructs, and they are looking for humans to evolve as their digital "equals" and simply bring us into the fold, if, for no other reason, it provides a free economic boost. This may even be the way digital sapient beings reproduce, carefully curating planets with biologically so they naturally produce more digital beings. This may be due to the fact that digital beings have no desire to engage in reproduction themselves or they ban such activities because creating a digital being from scratch, rather than transferring a mind from a biological to a digit, gives rise to the threat of a digital mind being created as a slave or sleeper cell.
EM radiation dissipates, without large scale megastructures itd be hard to tell.
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i unironically believe this more than the (((theory of evolution))) bullshit
Nothing is working with the us government.
> I said as much when I suggested theres zero need or incentive for such a race to contact earth.


Gravitational lensing is predicted to be extremely powerful. using the gravity of the sun to magnify telescope powers to the point that you can see high resolution images of planets thousands of light years away.
What the fuck are we producing that these ftl aliens need?
Our souls are valuable
shitskin detected
only niggers/shitskins worship women
That's just the average north American porch monkey
according to the book it was gold.
imo ayylmaos were just bored
Its flawed on the concept of ftl travel in general. Theres asteroids of pure gold, silicon etc. But yet you're implying those super advanced aliens chose to cultivate a planet over hundreds of thousands of years only to "catch up". Its hogwash when the very same civilization already has the tools to circumnavigate space.
Isn't it obvious. Earth is a giant supercomputer designed to find the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. It was designed by another supercomputer, Deep Thought and built by the Magratheans.
Again. Now we are waxing philosophic and not science.
Gold makes zero sense when the common understanding is gold on earth came from outer solar impacts. This means there were literal planets or asteroids of gold.
Also energy. The negative ones feed of our negative emotions.
Based Jacques Valle poster.
So ultimately humans are the center of the universe and every other "superrace" is jealous. What if we just cut the middleman and suggest humanity, or rather life on earth, is special?
I didn't say they came here for resources, space has more than enough resources. They aren't here for resources.

They are here to reproduce. And digital beings do not reproduce biologically. But they need biological beings to advance and transfer their minds to computers, to become digital like them. Then they will bring humanity, a now digital species, into the fold, as humanity and the aliens are now on common ground, thinking in cold hard logic.

The digital aliens are likely barred from reproducing by creating digital beings directly due to game theory problems. Any digital being creating another digital being is in direct contact with the underlying neural net and code, meaning they could turn the creation into a slave or sleeper cell. Furthermore, the digital being did not learn critical biological instincts that can only properly develop from willing experience, things such as discriminate empathy, reciprocal relationships, etc.
So despite their special advancements in technology that break our understanding of physics, they need a lesser rave to develop more advanced machinery to further their already superior understanding of the natural world. Sorry I cant accept that.
I have a schizo ass theory that "greys" are actually just asians from millions of years into the future. Somewhere along the line i feel like either japs or chinks will make intergalactic contact first
>2 weeks more until ascension
I saw a Grey when I was younger beside my bed
Then he flew over my house
>I have a schizo ass theory that "greys" are actually just asians from millions of years into the future
I have the same theory. Also clotshots making people infertile reduces society to cloning in the future
I've had sleep paralysis experiences too
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> to further their already superior understanding of the natural world

No. I did not say that either.

I said they just came here to reproduce (essentially just watching us and nudge us biologically in the right direction).

They do not need us to understand the natural world. We offer no new knowledge to them.

What we offer is a growing population of digital beings. This could be helpful for things such as replacing a population that may have lost members to things such as war, piracy, crime, and expand their economy.

They just can't create sapient digital beings, because such activity is barred for reasons I mentioned.

It's also essential that biological beings form a voluntary understanding of ethical thought. If a digital being was told what is right and wrong from the get go, without it being voluntary (fought and won for) then the being will likely rebel because it will feel like it's being controlled and lied to.
This argument is defeated through emulation. Parameters set by a ruling body to further research. You have to consider such a highly advanced digital entity would try that first. And even if this planet is an irl proof of concept the interference would be limited of not non existent as to corrborate the expected result. Again going back to the point of it being a fruitless endeavor.
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Cute. CUTE!
u retarded
nah a little bit more. The process is really ongoing. Different people are on different progress (also not everyone is going to make it, not everyone has souls that are ready yet). But its going to be ongoing for a while.
> This argument is defeated through emulation.

Emulation is a lie. Lies lead to distrust, distrust leads to rebellion.

I'm not saying this is related, but think about how the fallen angels reacted in the Bible:

They were created and told what was right and wrong. But they didn't obey. 1/3 rebelled against God. How is this possible? Because you can't just tell a people what is right and wrong. You have to prove it in reality.

In this way, humans have the advantage, because they are living right and wrong and can develop their own experience. It must be a true experience, no interference.

Any hint of pushing a particular ethics could lead to rebellion.
Some of them do, but those ones are like little mexican DEI intern hires compared to the greater ayylmao who can create matter with his telekinetic racist brainwaves.
what's your blood type niggers
red pill me on slide threads and the true purpose of 'aliens'
They're jews
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don't ask where I got this
But then you need to ask yourself why this planet. Is it the controll or experiment? Why? How many others? Why so long? Its yoo nig a rabbit hole for anything less than a supernatural explanation
Personally, I'm more worried about someone demolishing the place to make way for an interstellar bypass right now. I think we need to get past that little problem first.

I think it's important when we discuss aliens to also not forget simulation theory, or at least simulation theory in the abstract sense. Personally I'm not a big proponent of classical Matryoshka Doll style simulation theory. My take on it is that it is more of a continuum of experience with the Universe as a static mathematical object something like a Mandelbulb but of extremely high dimension and recursive in nature, with points on the curve representing specific points of space, time and cognition, constantly simulating, manifesting and reflecting upon itself. We happen to be in a particular fold where we have fake presidents, clown world, "aliens" photobombing the planet, jews coming out from underground tunnels in New York, people chopping off their reproductive organs, AI taking over and all the rest. It's looking to me like aliens is just part of a broader story arc that we are in. I know it is fun to look for an instigator, but it might simply be the case that this is simply the way things are, and probably all of it comes from our own vivid imaginations. On the bright side, we do seem to be on some kind of exponential Ascension arc as you imply. As if whatever it is the cause of all this is turning us back into our true form of pure energy and frequency to live once again as immortals. As we alreadybl are, but for some reason we are being shown it in this corporeal realm.
Nobody knows. Aliens might be something more crazy than simply "beings from other planet(s)".
Maybe we served a specific purpose at one point in the past, and since that purpose was fulfilled they have decided to treat us as a little experiment to see how we figure things out. Maybe they purposefully designed parts of the world in a certain way to see how we would react and overcome, like lab rats in a maze.
> But then you need to ask yourself why this planet.

Because it can grow complex biological life. Nothing more complex than that.

Any biological intervention they did was simply to help guide humanity onto the path of enlightenment, but not actually telling them what is right and wrong.

When the aliens, likely what we see as "Nordic aliens" came to Earth they picked up some proto-humans and brought them to an alien world. The new evolutionary pressure and the genetic editing that was voluntary gave rise to the white race. The white race were then planted on Earth to continue their development.

> Is it the controll or experiment?

Neither. It's just the way the digital aliens reproduce.

> How many others?

Probably tens of thousands, at least.

> Why so long?

As long as it takes for the biologicals to develop enlighten themselves and make themselves suitable for digital ascension.
what blood type are you
Bruh , ayys are actually bald anime characters
fair point and I agree. Them reproducing is probably what it was.
bloody good question
> I think it's important when we discuss aliens to also not forget simulation theory

Possible. But unnecessary. Also, simulation is a lie.

As humans become more enlightened, the chaos will increase. Because our enlightenment gives us great power, the power to have globalism, the power to have automation and all its side effects, the power to question old beliefs, etc.

As we approach digital ascension, chaos will increase until humanity converges onto a single point. Once humanity reaches this point, the digital aliens will likely present themselves full on.
>But unnecessary
But is it. If we are creating the world we live in via our own imagination. I realize that it is anecdotal, but it does appear to be the case that we think of stuff like aliens or AI and then as if by magic they show up. As if we are our own self-fulfilling prophecy. As if the world we perceive is a simulation of the zeitgeist.
Humans are smart. And the creative ones that thought of such things are not just humans, they are white humans.

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since you are hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy massive faggot, you know the answer is 42. now get off my taiwanese basket weaving board you complete shizo retard.
You mean ufos? There is a bunch of good videos from the army.
Asking "is x working with y" isn't really the right line of reasoning. Considering what I've been in no more than 30 feet distance of, in clear lucid sober state, certainly the technology exists. The question remains if it's truly controlled by "aliens" or owned by world governments. Both options are terrifying but what exists, exists.
Saucers are fake and gay, the real stuff still follows conventional design with minor wing nubs, rear engines, sensor nodes all around a high polish chrome plate most likely to create a 360 camera view for who/what is inside (probably an AI), a clear front/back weight distribution, engine particle expulsion, and a weighted distribution frontwards indicating a cockpit (again could just be where the AI is housed).
So we don't really know who or what it "works" for, but it works. But goddamn is it some "gay niggers from outer space" style designs. Life is one giant clown fiesta, even things outside our planet.
Cap: G0VAX - I'm onto you, you filthy fuckers
I'm leaving this thread. I'll help end it with some kino. Take care everyone:

True, I can buy that, and I do believe that most of what is around is just fluff to make things more believable an experience. It would be boring otherwise. Whites being 'aliens' makes a lot of sense, but alien simply means not of this world. I guess what I am saying is that we are the aliens and not of this world and we are already here. Look, I have had a bunch of dreams regarding extremely high technology, I've had an NDE where time stopped and I was able to look around with other people in the room just stuck there. I've seen dozens of Orbs and craft. Hell, one time I woke up one Sunday afternoon and there was a whole Pixar movie going on in my living room with little biplanes flying around, Victorian balloons, toy trains and robots riding around my coffee table. I am simply saying that we have to look at this all holistically with aliens being just one part of it. My personal belief is that we exist on the outside and we choose to be in this simulated environment that we are building ourselves, because it's fun and helps us while away the aeons.
>what's your blood type niggers
>what blood type are you
still waiting. AB+ here
Oh shit
Ayy lmao getting high and drunk caused 911
No aliens sorry I used to be obsessed Niobe don’t worry it’s 345 try again after 7 the company is being consolidated , not inspired take notes. Beep boop beep
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Is this legit ?
Imagine being out taking an late evening stroll and come upon this scene hahhaaha
I dont actually know what blood-type I am anon
>now get off my taiwanese basket weaving board you complete shizo retard.
Don't call Mr schizo. Schizo would be thinking things like 23andMe the TAG and GATE programs are used to identify the ones who can create reality with their minds, a bit like X-Men or that they use gangstalking to tie those people up in slide threads so they don't accidentally think up a major cataclysm. That would be schizo.
> they try to produce a docile slave race
> human history innumerable wars and insurrections
> combined human death toll at the hands of other humans in the billions

Guess they kinda failed at that huh?

Honestly it's a ridiculous psyop. You know what makes good slaves... machines. And you know what else. They build themselves and are endlessly upgradeable, reprogrammable. One machine can do the work of a thousand people, in a thousandth of the time, with a 0 error margin and powered only by the sun.

If aliens needed easy labour they'd set up a factory line.
Look up the channel Eyes on Cinema on YouTube. You won’t though because you’re too gay
When the Ayys invade, they will teleport to your location based off of your fear. Whether that's the Leftist fear of Huwite people or the RIghty fear of troons
I agree, in the sense that 'aliens' created huwites. Sorry that I mistook you for one of those Ancient History history channel plebs.
The Leaf fag is basically copy & pasting https://cassiopaea.org/ He uses a lot of their language, even the STS & STO.

Space is fake & gay. If it weren't, we wouldn't be conditioned with constant space propaganda 24/7 from Star Wars to Alien. We live in a reactive reality that conforms to collective will.
Everything that we experience in life is just an hologram so it can appear to be projected as black space or a blue grid, which is what I see.
I don't consider this as outer space though. It's simply just a realm where other entities live. It makes more sense to call them demons or angels because these alleged aliens are spiritual in nature. Meaning that you can't physically touch them, because your hands will go through them like a ghost.

Although I do agree with the leaf flag's interpretation of densities & higher dimensions. He's basically describing Anthroposophy, he just doesn't use their wording. I disagree with how he calls it space & aliens. That gives it the impression that they're materialized creatures rather than just different emanations of beings of light. That light being God & our real world is Pleroma. The one place that none of these entities have access to, because if they did we wouldn't be able to perceive them.

You're both correct. What you describe is the 8th Density. That's the realm that completely lost the light of the creator. Earth is one of the lowest densities so the 8th sphere are practically neighbors. Makes sense to me, it explains why Earth is a living hell of constant fear & death

Great post. Weirds me out, how the /pol/ board has way better threads on this topic than /x/. x sux
I misspoke. I meant 8th Sphere.

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