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Here’s my first one:

Midsommar. Directed by (((Ari Ester))) about these evil white Germanics having a pagan folklore festival but offering human sacrifice in secret
I haven't seen midsuommar. What does that mean Jewish subversion especially in the context of midsommar?
Pretty sure they did human sacrifice during blot.But i agree that movie is kike propaganda.
Here’s one that saddens me: “Inherit the Wind” by (((Stanley Kramer))). This is a film that recreates a version of the Scopes Monkey Trial.

The entire film is brimming to the rim of hatred towards white rural Protestant Americans, who are all portrayed as irredeemable emotional monsters. There’s a part where one of the creationist lawyers, Matthew Brady, cries to his wife about being mocked in court for his faith in the Bible and we’re supposed to viciously laugh about it.

The entire film pretends to have these sentiments about progress and science while still respecting God, but the entire film is Jewish and doesn’t actually have those grounded principles - they are sentiments.

Rather the main point of the film is to depict Rural white Protestants in a malicious evil backwards light.

>They don’t have sex!

This is a court scene in the film
You’d quickly run out of humans if that was a common practice. Most people have always been farmers or working with food production. Not warriors capturing enemies.
It’s a film demonizing white Germanic European folklore by a Jew.

Imagine if the roles were reversed, and I made a film where a Catholic attended a Jewish festival and there was a group secretly offering children to Moloch. I would be called Anti-Semitic.
you would be called a documentarian

honestly im trying really hard to think of a movie, i suppose most of those types of movies suck cock and i end up not watching them

most of the cultural marxist stuff happened before we were born and now we are just watching movies made by people who were influenced by cultural marxism, not the other way around
Are you saying that human sacrifices weren't a thing with pagan religions ?
Yeah its not like the aztects and their crazy stuff.Human sacrifice here was done rarely and usually on criminals and enemy warriors.
depends on which religion and which time period, but in the viking age no i dont think it was common or if it happened at all
I know it’s not a film, but obviously there’s Santa Inc., which I hope 4chan isn’t retarded enough to forget what happened a couple years ago (they are)

(((Sarah Silverman))) and (((Seth Rogan))) making a TV show about how evil white patriarchal and male Christmas as a Holiday is and how we should replace Santa Clause with a Jew elf.

It caused so much backlash from 4chan that in response Seth Rogan and Sarah Silverman made these videos calling Christians stupid goyim and calling them virgins.

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it would too realistic
>Santa Inc.
>turning everything into a corporation is good goy
lmao do they even try??
The Jews did human sacrifice to Moloch according to the Bible. So can I as a white person make a film depicting Jews in 2024 secretly doing human sacrifice?

If the answer is no, then Jews should not be allowed to make films about Swedes in 2024 doing human sacrifice as a part of their cultural heritage.
Good that you are spreading their antics so many newfags here during election time,Its good time to redpill many new people on the jewish question.
Yeah it saddens me that 4chan has the memory of a gnat. This happened 2 years ago. It was really redpilling seeing this in real time.
oh yeah i had forgotten about this movie, i never actually watched it though
>Ari Ester
Aster. Star.
Also Pagans is a very broad term and refers to all non Abrahamic religions.

The Swedes and Hindus did not do human sacrifice like the Canaanites used to do.
Cults are not a new theme or phenomena. It is a remake of the wicker man film. And lastly it's like nordic white people because the director wanted a horror film during the daytime so that is the place to be for that to happen
What a boring movie not even the grandpas sacrifice was funny or the nigger death
its an inversion of blood libel using midsummer instead of passover
The story I heard once on here is Steven Spielberg was furious with Seth over the fallout of the movie, and called him to a meeting. When Seth arrived there were like four or five big ass tough guys there with Steven. Anyway it’s probably bs but a veiled threat due to causing dissension with the goys sounds cool and Spielbergian. I just read the director of the original Twister was a real asshole one day to his crew, and “inadvertently” pushed someone into a hole. Steven flew over, walked down the steps of the plane but never fully got off, screamed at the guy for fifteen minutes, then got back up.
Exactly, jews doing human sacrifices to Moloch was a pagan belief. Doesn't take away the fact that human sacrifices were widespread all over Europe, druids had a huge thing for it.
World war Z is blatant jewish propaganda. We have been hasbarad why its ok for the kikes to attack everyone at will
There are 100% religious and ethnic connotations to this you retard, he’s making normal Swedish people look like monsters, and he’s a Jew.

If I made the same film about Jews offering human sacrifice to Moloch, I would be called racist and anti-Semitic
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take your meds lmao
the absolutely incoherent babbling can only be from the brain of a schizo
You are just too retarded to understand propaganda.
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you dont know who moloch is? you dont know who the canaanite people are? perhaps you should wait a bit longer before posting
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i would have sex with her if you know what i mean
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You’re missing the point. It’s a Jewish director who is trying to paint Swedish people’s culture as evil and monstrous. That’s the point.

It’s a reverse blood libel.

Europeans still have remnants of those pagan cultures having taken on Christian or secular meanings.

I mean like imagine if a Jew made a film about white people having orgies and blood sacrifice to the goddess Ostre during Easter in secret. That’s what Midsommar basically is.
Jews and Muslims are cannaites
>Oh no they replaced one abrahamic bullshit with another!

Christianity is kike religion to begin with.
not if you are Stanley Kubrick doing eyes wide shut
You’re a Jew.

If you were a genuine pagan, you would know that Christmas has elements from Germanic paganism including the 12 days of Yuletide
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I don't think I've ever seen a depiction of any ethnic European majority completely/vaguely religious group that didn't have negative connotations. Not ever.
That said I do enjoy Wickerman tier movies so I liked the OP pic.
did you know that mary phagan died on shabbat of passover 1913 at the hands of leo frank?
murder April 26, 1913
>Saturday, April 26 Pesach V (CH’’M)
Yeah Hollywood and now A24 has been kiked for decades
Don’t you ever think with your tiny brain that marvel jewed Norse paganism have nothing to do with any other pagan religions?

Slavs never worshipped Odin, learn more
Actually there’s the Northman. Really good non-Kiked movie, although I think the adolescent ritual was a bit exaggerated
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this book was banned for a reason
It's designed to make you think people in white countries are demons who want to murder you

The people in the movie go with their friend Sven to Sweden and everyone is white and blonde haired and they make retarded incest babies that write a secret Bible that tells them to kill people and wear their faces
Le white people are evil and modern whites are evil and stupid
and btw ariel toaff is also jewish
The movie is based and you're a tard if you can't see it.
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I think about a year ago an anon posted an image of one of your pilgrim settler villages and it looked so comfy I went looking for more images. I realised that I actually had an incredibly negative view of the settlers, everything about that era, even your Thanksgiven holiday. I've seen that portrayed in TV shows a lot but I just couldn't connect it as being a nice thing the way Christmas is. Idk it just gave my brain a bad feel. And I have a tendency to think I'm immune to propaganda. It's crazy how genuinely insidious it is.
>the Northman
lol damn, this and other Viking shows kind of give me the same feel, probably because I've never actually seen a truly positive depiction.
The Vikings TV show (and it’s sequel) were really good too.
Christianity is a universal declaration of rights that allows people to progress since 2 thousand years and not yet fully realized.
Where do you get this? i tried searching and found nothing.I am reading the History of central banking and enslavement of mankind at the moment.
Not a film but a documentary miniseries. It’s basically a Haitian dude seething about whites and colonialism and making really odd comparisons. There is also a things where there is a random white guy killing minorities throughout different points in history and at the end he ends up being ganged up on and attacked by a horde of blacks. Also there is a scene where a bunch of Indians or some shit bully (yes bully) Christopher Columbus.
Midsommer would have been an S-tier film without the jewish anti-White filth
So is that what you think they might have been portrayed as doing in that movie? I always thought it was about secret sex orgies with young teens, but the child sacrifice to moloch might have a true angle.
You don't mess with the Zohan

Kike comedy with main kike played by Adam Sandler (the kike) gets a muzzrat girlfriend and tries to end tensions between his kike buddies and the mudslimes and other middle easterns
If it convinces shitskins not to come here, then I'm all for it
Another good movie I enjoyed “King Arthur Legend of the Sword” - not the best film but it’s non-Kiked

here you go op it's a short film
The official title of the book is
Passovers of Blood
The first copy was banned so the book had to be "revised" so the public one should be the second version, which is available on internet archive https://archive.org/details/ariel-toaff-blood-passover-the-jews-of-europe-and-ritual-murder
How bad is it?

People said this film was amazing. Took one look at it and saw it for what it was.

No surprise it was made my little, weasely Ari Aster
you know what i did to the doctor at the psychiatric hospital who ordered them to give me an injection?

I knocked him out.
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I would show this to everyone willing to watch it. Its intense age, in my view, only adds to the impact. Vonnegut-level craftsmanship.

I would also show them pic related. I'd argue Network and Newsbenders are practically companion pieces.
>“King Arthur Legend of the Sword
I'm kind of a purist when it comes to Arthurian legends but thanks for the recommendations bro. I'll check them out because I want some historical movies with genuinely inspirational feels.
Here’s one: a tv show

Whites are comically depicted as racist klansmen, directed by a Jew

i still dont understand why midwits are so obsessed with this movie.
>if you date a man not on Tinder, etc you will be roofied and eaten

pox blanket is a clear and transparent atrocity propaganda
population density was abyssal and trade too slow for a pandemic (especially without horses
to me it sounds like circular reasoning

>Step 1 estimate too high population number for paleolithic age
this is done for sensationalism and to prove that natives weren't primitive savages
>Step 2 european written history arrives
so accuracy drastically increases even if not perfect
>Step 3 are my estimations wrong?
that would counteract your politics
>Step 4 what if europeans spread death and plagues causing a genocide? this proves Step 1 was correct all along
thus the loop is formed
did you guys see munich? how much that movie sucks and is falsifying history
shows that schindlers list was only accidentally the best propaganda movie ever made
I’ve heard mostly women praise it as female empowerment. The guy forgot her birthday so she happily had him stitched into a bears corpse and burnt him alive.
I heard that in the real scenario before Kubricks death, Tom Cruise discovers that Nichole is in the sect and their children are meant to be initiated and hinerith a place in the satanistic religion but who knows.
in the real movie, there is a sacrifice, though, of the woman that bought back Tom Cruises life.
Every time any non-swede now sees a snippet of a real midsummer's celebration i.e. white people dancing around a pole once a year in a bright summer meadow, their innate reactions are not something that is pure, innocuous, and beautiful, but rather they are now a bit wierded out and suspicious of the whole thing thinking that there are dark underlying tones hiding somewhere because the introductory messaging that primed their minds to scandinavian culture has been tainted by the movie already.
The movie is an attack on scandinavian culture becuase it literally introduces aspects of said culture to the outside world framed as the very anthitesis of what it actually is: a beautiful family tradition.
Sure, it is "just" a movie, but the human subconscious cannot easily differentiate between movies and reality - imagery is imagery, narratives are narratives, thoughts and preconceptions are thoughts and preconceptions whether they first were concieved out of observed reality, a movie, a dream or whatever else.
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This was ridiculous. The base premise didn’t even make sense.
>I want this niggers photography skills so I’m going to steal his body.
Creative ability doesn’t exist in your eyes, it’s in the mind. But look at this white woman drinking milk, creepy right?
This movie is jewish projection. Try to make a movie about hannuakah or some other retarded kike festival in the same vein and you would be canceled and maybe even killed. Of course no cinema would show it. But shit on European pagans? Go ahead!
good spot anon
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to their credit, its really hard to make a realistic movie about a completly fabricated story.
>it was not real communism
Argument. Fuck off zogbot
pol found out way back that the villian of schindlers list amon goeth got convicted for killing an inmate

this corroborates a telegram pol found ordering all camp commanders of the death camps to minimize casualties of war critical labor
Elaborate to clarify
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This movie was just a rip-off of The Wicker Man, a movie directed by an Anglo.
That's because you Europeans are scum and you are weak. It's fun to bash when you just take it. Loser bitch..
That movie was pro Christian propaganda. Still kiked, still demonised native European practices.
Though I will say it just made the Copper look like a fool and made me want to live on the island. They can’t even do it right.
I really hope that seth rogan dies from extremely painful cancer
Sounds like a good movie, I can see through the kikary so I'll watch it.
Midsommar is probably one of the most flagarant and hateful against the white race. They took a real Swedish holiday and turned it into a religion where an inbred retard writes holy scripture from his own shit. Absolutely vile kikery.

A piece of shit, ultra low budget horror, about a girl who walks around and gets harassed by random male characters, including a lecherous priest and police officers who mock her for reporting a naked homeless man. But the catalyst of the story is how much of a victim the protagonist is because she drove her boyfriend to commit suicide. Yeah. The dead boyfriend is the asshole.
>The Green Knight
A story about chivalry and bravery becomes a shitty story about a coward who cheats and lies his way through life. Completely reverses the meaning of the green belt.
ironically, there wasn't actually much of anything evil or bad in that movie, it was merely the tone in which it was portrayed, through the eyes of a mentally damaged woman (i repeat myself, i know). i found it to be beautiful, but i am a poltard, so probably not the normie opinion. aside from the burning sacrifice thing at the at the end, it seemed like a close-knit group of people enjoying their traditions, and none of "le bad" things were done maliciously.
>and none of "le bad" things were done maliciously.
I think that might be one of points of the movie, aka throughout history many have done unspeakable acts for supposedly good purposes. I still think its a "jewish tricks" movie though.
>You know those safe, clean, homogenous, high-trust communities your parents grew up in and we intentionally destroyed? Well those were all horrible and evil! You wouldn't want to live there, all drab and boring. Aren't you glad we added some "color" to them?
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>20 something year old played by a 50 year old woman
>post war period
>women get the vote
>Italian cunt goes to women march
>african American occupying soldiers are the only supportive ones because muh one struggle
>she burns her 100 year old family pastry business because muh comunist revolution eat the rich
>runs away with nigger American boyfriend
>interracial sex scene
>earliest in the morning she bravely goes to vote for the first time.
All movies are jewish propaganda. There is no need to list specific ones.
(((Gary Ross)))
The Boy In Stripped Pajamas was so on the nose that I think that movie alone made more people holocaust deniers than any neo-nazi movie.
Didnt they do that to the Celts with Wicker Man?
>tfw no cute pudgy fleshlight
I like that movie, but you're 100% right.
My favourite movie of the last few years. Eggers did his research so well I can't point to a single thing that's incorrect mythologically speaking.
Not to mention, it's based on the writings of Saxus Germanicus, which later became the inspiration for Hamlet (from Amleth). Maybe aside from the Count of Monte Cristo, it could be the best story of revenge I know because [/spoiler] Amleth makes it to Valhalla [/spoiler].
Fuck I love that movie. I play the soundtrack before I go to jiu jitsu
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The Purge.

>During a night all crime is legal a White family lock up their home to keep themselves safe.
>A very White group of upper class kids are chasing down an innocent black man to kill him.
>The family's kid opens their door to help the black man.
>The father in the family ties up the black man
>The White kids break into the home to kill the black man.
>They also start killing the family who's home he's now in.
>The White father gets killed.
>The black man gets free and saves the family from the White attackers!
>There by proving he's a better father and protector than their real (White) father.

An embittered hatred for White people drips from every frame of this movie. And it's sequels. This movie is what got me looking in to race. Because after seeing it I wondered "why does the system hate me?"
I’ll take attestupa for a thousand Alex. Stop lying. Odin demands sacrifice. More skulls for the skull throne.
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>“King Arthur Legend of the Sword” - not the best film but it’s non-Kiked
Except all the tons of niggers that apparently lived in Medieval London.
>human sacrifice was done rarely and usually on criminals and enemy warriors.
where do you get this from?
>Post your Jewish subversion film
Almost any movie from 1920 till now, any film that isn't was despite not due intent.
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>his firefighter father get killed by feral niggers
>his residential area become a shithole because there are niggers everywhere
>he get jailed because he defended himself and his family from an armed nigger pack
>he get raped in jail
>his mother is fucked by a 1930s caricature tier disgusting fat jew in the house of his dead father
>his sister is a liberal nigger loving cunt
>his brother get killed by feral niggers
>moral of the story : don't fight back goy, violence and hatred : bad
>his face when

6.000.000/10 jewish subversion
>Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
A nigger punk anglo screaming bush the fash every 5 seconds
>The new Swat series
Muh bisexual strong womah that cannot handle even a tall white guy on panic mod and still saying how touch shit she is.
>Molly's Game
Iris ebony screaming how a guy said niggers instead of poor
Commie dyke couple on the resistance one of them pakistani
Half lefty half glownigger propaganda
>Behind enemy lines
Kike fairytale on how ebil serbs are and the mutt army was based backing up the shitskin serbs.
>Every 80s horror shitflick
I think the last is proof enough for the gayness of 80s and the fetish issue of the Hollywood.
Pic posted from shits and giggles.
you are idiots, it is a very good movie about stupid women, who would do anything to get an attractive man to love them.
also, women are witches
>small breasts
>wide shoulders
>raspy voice
>fat cheekbones
>omg i was a nazi, it is soooo bad
why are hollywood like this?
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Why would you watch some contemporary Jew movie about midsummer when this movie exists?
>Post your Jewish subversion films
the Bible
directed by an Anglo, sure. but also written by a Jew.
>The Boys

When Jewish subversion subverts Jewish subversion, as all the Marvel and DC characters were created by Jews to Judaize Greek mythology

>Corporatism is evil because… white people! Because religion! Because men!
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Disputation of Paris 1240 AD
why do you dance around pole, that seem sinister, you are probably murdering someone and offering it to the pagan god. You need to stop doing this and make your country more diverse
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There are around 20 or so non-kiked films in the past 40 years. It would have been more efficient to ask for those
>Yeah its not like the aztects and their crazy stuff.
Nordics were exactly that crazy, It's enough to remember how one norse nigger prince when forcing christianity put the how iron on the belly of his prisoner what his belly simply exploded.

If such cruelties were the norm among the freshly converted it's easy to believe what kind of hellhole it was under paganism.
>how iron
Midsommar is a good movie. You’re hypersensitive if you cannot watch it without feeling attacked
Turn on the TV in Britain on any channel at any given time and it's anti-white propaganda and the exaltation of blacks to an unbelievable extent. I don't know how it's even possible that normies take this shit for years on end.
List 'em
>the problem lies with you goy
Fuck off
Fabelmans (dir.Spielberg): tries to demoralize the father figure, glorifies cuckoldry. Also invented a cute Christian gf for his character (he admitted she never existed) and mocks her faith several times
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This piece of shit erodes into some rather jewish cinema, I couldnt watch it all
This shit is just a rip-off of Teorema by Pasolini anyway
Who do they sacrifice? Is it not other Germans?
No. Those kill themselves. They sacrifice the visiting students and most of all brainwash the female main character into choosing her bf to be killed
Do it. Make the movie.

Retards. Its a good horror movile with great scenery.

The sets and the theatrics are indeed pagan, but the rituals in the film have nothing to do with reality. At least in Europe, nothing like that happened. And even if they did, the film presents it as a positive.

In fact, it portrays American students who try to steal this remaining lock on tradition for fame and money in a negative light. It's no surprise that 90% of ITT hasn't even seen the film, talks about it as such, or who have seen it were too stupid to understand anything of the story.
You're a midwit.
Kikeloids and other abrahamic shizos fear pagans thats why im full hearted pagan.
>Post your Jewish subversion films
erm, that's nearly all films. it's quicker to list ones that aren't i.e. Birth of a Nation(even then i'm not sure.)

human sacrifice is jewish
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>you would be called a documentarian
The sets and the theatrics are indeed pagan, but the rituals in the film have nothing to do with reality.
They did: sacrifice, drug use, ritual insemination are all pagan elements.
>At least in Europe, nothing like that happened.
It did occasionally and sparsely as it was not prevalent but the worst mistake is not realizing that Aster tried to demonize European pagans by associating them with these practices.
>And even if they did, the film presents it as a positive.
The movie makes the culture seem like a blatant sunny variation of le nazis.
>In fact, it portrays American students who try to steal this remaining lock on tradition for fame and money in a negative light
Also a dishonest choice of the director, made worse by the fact that the most honest and most knowledgeable amomg the group was- hilariously- the black guy.
The movie was made in a way that's resentful and antagonistic towards whites
My problem with this movie is that it's 2 and a half hours long and boring as shit. I can not for the life of me wrap my head around why women love it so much. It must just be a YAASS QWEEN KILL YOUR BOYFRIEND thing.
Check here, this guy did lots of reviews for similar movies

Yeah, they didn't even have a proper Ättestupa. Ours has a lake at the bottom of it, much more efficient
>World war Z

I laughed my ass off at the Israel scene. The sheer chutzpah.
I did like seeing all those fat MILF/GILF tiddies tho
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It's easier to post the non subversive movies, they are just a few, everything else is subversion.
Even if I were a buttfuck with reddit opinions and filled with irrational nigger love I'd think it was boring.
Where do we draw the line between an execution and a human sacrifice?

TACITUS Germania.
The Assembly is competent also to hear criminal charges, especially those involving the risk of capital punishment. The mode of execution varies according to the offence. Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; cowards, shirkers, and sodomites are pressed down under a wicker hurdle into the slimy mud of a bog. This distinction in the punishments is based on the idea that offenders against the state should be made a public example of, whereas deeds of shame should be buried out of men's sight. Less serious offences, too, have penalties proportioned to them. The man who is found guilty has to pay a fine of so many horses or cattle, part of which goes to the king or the state, part to the victim of the wrongful act or to his relatives. These same assemblies elect, among other officials, the magistrates who administer justice in the districts and villages. Each magistrate is assisted by a hundred assessors chosen from the people to advise him and to add weight to his decisions.
Wasn't Kubrick a Jew?
Has anyone mentioned American Beauty yet?

Exception to the rule. He lifted the veil several times, most famously in EWS (try adding a letter to the acronym)
The guy who made Sisu (movie where guy kills a ton of German soldiers in WWII)
Same guy made a movie called "Rare Exports" which was a take on Nordic Chrismas which revolved around Nordic mythology elves invading a town, and later being repurposed as mall Santas. Pretty funny concept except they are all naked and the protagonist is a young boy so it's a very weird movie.
Also there is a film called "Border" that I couldn't even finish. It was supposed to be Nordic mythology but it was a muslim director and they made the nordic mythology creatures into like an Epstein island cult (they always project).
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It was a DIRECTOR-FOR-HIRE GIG for him. It was ORDERED by SWEDISH producers.

>According to Aster, he had been approached by B-Reel executives Martin Karlqvist and Patrik Andersson to helm a slasher film set in Sweden

You fucking uninformed retard.
This movie is about deification via left hand path. It is Crowley sex magik.
That film would be accurate though
>Americans sperging out about nudity in European films
>Americans getting traumatized if they see a family member and/or a member of the same sex naked

Every time.

It's a Finnish film and nudity is normal here. Get over it.
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La Haine by (((Mathieu Kassovitz)))
A film about a jew, African and Muslim in paris during the riots
Ari is a pretty fucking good director, hereditary was the only horror movie that shitted my pants
Did you like Sisu?
I find this movie to be deeply spiritual and anti modernity. Western degeneracy and aloofness is punished while sickness from modernity and cries for belonging are rewarded. Definitely a happy ending
did you write a lot growing up? fiction, diary etc. genuine question
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Also by same director. A film all about the futility of having a family and one of the first to show a young child get decapitated. I’ll admit decent cinematography and sound track but overall the most bleak subversive message I’ve ever seen literally.
Haven't seen it. Saw Rare Exports in theaters, hated it and wrote off that filmmaker forever.
It's the only good movie he's made. He's a hack fraud
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Came to post this. This is the single most jewish movie ever made.
Both Midsommar and Hereditary are crying simulators with no plot. Both are some of the worst films I've ever seen.
Lel one of my yt accounts just recently recovered from a ban that originated in this period.
every fucking holocaust movie
every fucking WW2 movie because it always has a boohoo fucking jewish character/holocaust situation
every "nazi" film that was made that /pol/ retards think is "cool"
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>doesn’t know about Jew child sacrifices to moloch that’s gotten them kicked out of 109 countries over the last 2000 years.
Eat a dick kike. We know what you are
>thinks it's a man
>still wansts to fuck
It's a faaaaag
by nazi film I mean films like Imperium or American history X. they are bullshit propaganda. idolizing jewish made films is fucking gay.
Which film?
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Black Pilled has made videos about

Falling Down
Norma Ray
The Apartment
The Jazz Singer
American Beauty
Gangs of New York
Bird Box
Wag the Dog
The Cider House Rules
Forrest Gump
Office Space (He praised that one)
The Pawnbroker
Boys Beware
Colossus the Forbin Project
The Handmaid's Tale
The Time Machine
Easy Rider
Stepford Wives
Gentleman's Agreement
Day the Earth Stood Still
House of Rotschild
Mr Smith Goes to washington
Children of Men
Strange Days
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Tbf Fred Armisen isn't jewish, just some kind of mutt, but this is still hilarious.
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This film is nothing but young people being tortured the whole time.

(((Eli Roth))) the director said it’s a great first date film to take women to.

Early Life:

Roth was born the middle of three sons in Newton, Massachusetts, to Sheldon Roth, a psychiatrist/psychoanalyst and clinical professor at Harvard Medical School, and Cora Roth, a painter. He has an older brother, Adam (born May 1970), and a younger brother, Gabriel (born December 1974).[4] Roth was raised Jewish
Fallout TV series
Hostel was really hated here because it took place in Slovakia
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The Green Knight
Should be obvious why.
His name is Eli Roth you shouldn't even have to look up his early life sectors lol
the scandis are druids?
where? it's not on his official YT channel
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I know lol but I wanted to illustrate how many of these people come from very affluent backgrounds with parents as influential psychiatrists and professors who also direct the course of the culture, from a position of authority and moral pretence.
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God those comment sections were the best whitepills of that year.
Everything jews do is projection
He has movie analysis playlist
I remember jerking off to that scene when I was 14 year old. That was hot as fuck, the way that bitch slits her throat.
Oh I see it now, thanks
Name one that isn't.
Triumph of the Will
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This movie was a taste of what the future of the entertainment industry would become.
Good job Herschel
Here's one. I capped my own post like a faggot
This. It’s all over media to the point that you can’t unsee once you notice it. It comes down to
>look at these happy white people
>there must be something evil and creepy going on
This subliminal messaging is everywhere.

Back in the day the CIA was doing all kinds of research on mind control. Efforts to completely remote-control a person, Manchurian Candidate style, were unsuccessful. They tried copying Haitian zombi techniques, kept the datura cocktail but didn’t do any of the actual spiritual procedures so that failed too. Then tried LSD, but that only made people less suggestible, so they scrapped the mind-control side and had Grateful Dead distribute it around the country as a mass experiment in consciousness alteration.

But as far as mind control the really effective thing they found was a method of indirectly influencing large numbers of people via TV and video. Basically, the human brain has never adapted to seeing movies, and stores the memories from movies in a similar way to seeing stuff actually happen. Thus, even though you rationally know that it’s just a movie, your brain has stored the memories of the characters’ behavior and will subconsciously use them alongside all your other memories. So consider that one’s image of masculinity is patterned after your memories of your father, your uncles, your football coach, etc and you are subconsciously likely to act the way they do. Now if you also have grown up watching Indiana Jones, he is also a part of it the way these real men are.

Consider “heroes” of movies as “people who the system wants you to imitate”. And likewise, “villains” are those whose qualities the system wants you to fear and reject.
>time machine
this fucking movie, it goes from subtle to blatant at the flip of a switch
>children of men
basically the last 20 years laid out to the viewer
uk is a "fugee" dystopian nightmare, world can't have kids, but it's really just white people, mexicans and blacks can somehow have kids, white man sacrifices himself to save black woman and black baby, just endless propaganda, the deeper you look into it.
Can't believe I used to like this movie when I was younger, goes to show what great directing and producing can do to manipulate young minds.
i have not yet seen network. thank you for the recommendation
Network was surprisingly redpilled for a movie made by a jew
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I liked it and thought its critique was directed at the Gauls vs. catholicism. Not necessarily along racial lines. I think they just had a joke that in valhalla you get plum wine from the goat that eats plums, but its a male goat so you have to suck it out of his dick. They still do the harvest fest in Ireland where they capture a goat and make him king, Somewhere on the ring of kerry. Alot of media is inspired by people that see things that leave the house. I think the inspiration for death stranding beach was probably Trá Fhormaoileach. That beach is all fucked up and everything dead floats up there.
Inherit the Wind displayed the retardation of the average American serf, and was about helping brainwashed Christian slaves with no high school take a step toward becoming real humans. It’s similar to when we Jews tell our goy classmates in kindergarten that Santa is your parents. We are ultimately trying to help you become less retarded. It’s for your own good. You can’t compete and prosper very well in this world if you are 10 years old and still believe in flying reindeer. You should just say thank you and leave it at that.
The writer was a Jew but he feels a way about Saudis that everyone else feels about Jews. Also wrote Marty. A black pill incel film where he flips it around, realizes there’s a nice girl out there for him, and gives her a call. Great film.
Sidney Lumet is also a jew
He also directed 12 Angry Men where one guy makes the jury give mercy to a non white criminal because of pure speculation
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>The Jews did human sacrifice to Moloch
they still very much do
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the first too are actually pretty cool
the original Cabin Fever (2002) as well
For maximum noticing...
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... watch them both.
these are connected with fertility rites, and they are all of kike origin - like their ongoing for millennia issues with inbreeding. faggot.

if you mean white Europeans "human sacrificed" for holiday observances, then NO, they didn't. CUNT.
>And even if they did, the film presents it as a positive.
>In fact, it portrays American students who try to steal this remaining lock on tradition for fame and money in a negative light.
That was my take on the movie. In the end she is very happy with her ethnic and insular "chosen family" in their communistic society. It gives the impression that those societies can be fruitful only if they proactively fight against outsiders trying to subvert their society.


Jews are allowed to depict Swedes however they want because jews have experienced persecution and undergone attrocities. But swedes are not allowed to depict jews in a negative light because it would promote antisemitc tropes and contribute to white supremacist rhetoric.
>kike throws his masonic shabbos goy under the bus

>kike throwing his masonic shabbos goy under the bus
>Hindus did not do human sacrifice like the Canaanites used to do.
They did shit like sati until the superior man shut them down.
Which is irrelevant because we are talking about human sacrifices and shitjeets arnt human.
Verification not required.
I’m not quite sure how it’s subversive
Hereditary was better anyway
>I’m not quite sure how it’s subversive
read the thread then faggot
What about the Jews in the Middle Ages who would kidnap Christian kids and sell them into slavery to be used by the Jews in Southern Spain / the Sultan? What about the Jews who killed Christians for blasphemy and martyred them? What about the way the Jews beat down Palestinians?

You also in America make twice as much than whites and are responsible for hundreds of millions dead via communism (esp. under Lenin and Trotsky), the Atom Bomb, LGBT, Antifa, BLM, and all the violence, death those things caused.

You aren’t victims. Youre psychopaths. You’re an abusive manipulator who uses victimhood to feign empathy so you can take advantage of naive suckers. That’s what psychopaths do, and that’s what characterizes your whole race.
You blindly believe in capitalistic metanarrative ala social Darwinism even though 99% of human history didn’t operate that way, so who believes in fairy tales? At least Santa Clause has precedent in human history
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This is a false equivalence as the teenagers are hedonistic retards vs a paging cult
It’s basically the wicker man without the Christian element
I would argue however that the central element of the wicker man is
>the desire for knowledge can lead to destruction
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that's pure kike propaganda alright
the jewess soldier was too cute
you could tell her instincts were kicking in and she was plotting to steal Brad Pitts genes the moment she saw him
Steven Spielberg isn’t an asshole
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notice how every episode had the real soldiers commenting on what HAPPENED in that episode at the beginning EXCEPT episode 9
If she had bigger tits this would be hot
Spielberg is an asshole solely for directing Saving Private Ryan.
>Jewish subversion films
Well, all of them really. Anything Hollywood produced for sure.
Anything suggesting we are all equals, in gender, race, intelligence, whatever, is automatically subversion.
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Notice how most of Tom (everyday american) Hanks movies he gets cucked and forgives and marries the woman anyway to save her.
What show
Yes. There's only a handful of sketchy hearsay on the topic, usually regarding executing criminals or the elderly committing suicide for the sake of the village, which are then circlejerked and used as a source, and those publications are then used incestuous as sources themselves
Whole movie is Easy E getting Jewed out of money
>War Dogs
Whole movie is about living after getting Jewed out of all his money.
This is a good post.
He doesn't marry her though. She comes back, fucks him, fucks off, then calls him up when she is dying from AIDS and reveals he has a son.
cant help you kid, i dont even own a tel avivision. i just read books.
>It’s similar to when we human remind our kike classmates in kindergarten that Satan is your parents.
You are not a real human and you never will be kike. Literal demons all of you.
That would be a documentary, not a film
Thats literally a jew phenotype face, fix your jewdar dumbfuck
Even if theres no info on the internet about his jew origins he clearly is one if you just take a look at his facial features
Oy Vey.
The Druids never ever sacrificed anyone or anything. They literally worshiped life which is how they were so easily eradicated by the jewish demon worshipers.
I still believe in Santa just to spite you kikes.
>i actually liked midsommar

Not a horror fan but has the sunlight ever been ubiquitous throughout a horror movie before? Its nearly a character. I am vaguely i.e non ritualistic pagan/animist and can admit that theres an element of creepiness to match everything else about it. Also the biggest tits i ever sucked on was the day i watched it.
The Jew screen is a very powerful tool of subversion, it’s addictive and ruins peoples ability to form their own opinions.
When will you faggots realize all films are subversive?
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I didn't see it, but based on your description is that really subversion?
Master and Commander. Pozzed wannabe alphas and vidya addcts who grew up without father figures tout it as some kind of masterpiece when all it is is a coded film about pedarasty and propaganda for the Evolution Hoax. (Earth is flat and God is real, see Eric Dubay.)
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is this a jewish subversion film? I really liked it :(
You triggered the pagancucks lmao
>Christchads can't stop winning
If it stood by itself I'd agree with you. Next to all the other constant subversion I'm gonna disagree. It was very well dressed kikery
This site has rotted your brain with cynicism
This movie sucked, the wicker man did "secluded pagan community is evil and sacrifices people" way fucking better.
Awful b8
You sound like a retard.
Imagine thinking a book written by middle eastern goatfuckers from the bronze age holds the ultimate truth of reality, holy shit
Hit a sore spot I see.
all A24 films, they all portray white people as weird and some quirky jew protaganist as the normal one, just about everything they literally do they project on whites and add some eerie music and lighting.
I don’t give a fuck what anybody says
Forest Gump was good
Yes, let the beta incel rage pour in. The truth hurts, especially for you.
It's basically just a rip off of The Wicker Man
The black "Londoners" and the WE WUZ KANGZ anthropology student are kek worthy though
Nigger you think the earth is flat.
There is no room for you to act condescending to people when you hold a belief that fundamentally wrong and retarded.
That actually sounds like an awesome movie. Have you thought of pitching this plot idea to Mel Gibson?
Suck a dick roo fucker
Show me measured earth curvature.
I'm busting these out next Christmas season for all the judeo Christians in my family.
He's already busy doing Passion 2 which doesn't really make sense
The fuck is the movie gonna be about?
The got the wrong Jesus and they have to do it all over again with the real one
Nice cartoon and calculations based on the (unfounded) assumption that the sun is near-infinitely far away. Why do you spinning water globe cultists always need to look up and billions of miles away to measure what's below your feet? Do we measure the floor of our house by measuring light from the ceiling? How about some measured earth curvature like I asked?
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Day After Tomorrow
Oh ok, so you're just larping, got it.
why are bongs so fucking ugly
Also one of the best musicals I've ever seen
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Suomen Marsalkka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Marshal_of_Finland?useskin=vector
>" fictional film based on the life of Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim. "
>filmed with niggers in africa
Ah so you have zero evidence for your spinning water monkey globe, got it. Earth is flat and your father was right about you.
I enjoyed it. It was clear from the start that it was an anti-white jew movie, but, like American History X, the kike director tries to make it more "interesting" by making the villains appealing and the victims loathsome so you'll feel all uneasy about finding the wrong people attractive (KEK). I watched it with my ex, and we were placing bets on who was going to get BTFO'd first.
I assume it'll be about the 40 days after the Resurrection and showing the Pharisees kvetching while the Risen Jesus goes around BTFOing them. So essentially a post-Passion victory lap.
I've watched that about 20 times. I still get chills when Odin does a cameo. And, you're right, the music is very cool.
I was guessing after the kikes canceled him for saying the nigger word and calling out kikes it would be another one of his jew apology movies
Well i can tell you're larping because not even the most blithering retard would tell me that an explanation is invalid because it's based on mathematics, but I forgot that the FE community is actually that blitheringly retarded, so let me give you another one.
Geodensity is used to measure the distance between a point and the Earth's core(and we KNOW it has a core, as we KNOW that it is a spheroid and not a flat plane that some jew book may tell you), which, combined with knowing the distance between two points, can easily tell one the curvature of the planet between point A and point B. This, btw, is what made us discover the fact it is not a perfect sphere, which makes sense given the rotating motion in the equator.
but you'll ignore this, as you have ignored the first link I posted, because you are a moron and you worship a jew.
That's cool, how about showing me some measured earth curvature instead of triggered kosher word salad? Until then Earth is measurably and observably flat, God is real and you are accountable to Him, and your father was right about you.
Barbie trailer: white 2-3 yo girl throws away a doll which has blue yes to look up to a 30+ whore in slutty clothes. Then it switches to stupid men and women with psychotic eyes. Had the most inorganic hype too.

Kira Muratova's "Three stories", part 3. Very blatant propaganda.
Actually, moreover, people have easily been able to determine the curvature of the earth utilizing the fact that a straight line goes upwards due to the curvature, something completely impossible in a flat earth model.
not to mention the countless images we have of the planet, as well as the fact that several technologies would just not fucking work on a flat earth, hell even the way german artilery had to account of the earths circumference when bombing allied trenches in ww1, ad we HAVE their calculations. What, you think they were wrong too?
How about you prove the earth is flat instead. You're the one who made the assertion to begin with.
How about you prove that the earth is measurably and observably flat then? And I have shown you the measured earth curvature right here >>475609430 which you completely disregarded.
There is no evidence whatsoever regarding the earth being flat OR a dead kike on a cross being god, but you believe them both, why?
Jews didn't get btfo until Emperor Hadrian almost exterminated them all by 135 AD
Paganism starts with fun, an ode to your passions - drug use, sex, drunkenness - and ends with people getting torn limb from limb as a result of those same passions. Even the Greeks figured this out ("The Bacchae" by Euripides). This is why Christ is the way.
>That movie was pro Christian propaganda.

Yep, most of the actors in that 1973 film were devout Christians.
>Lee was an Anglo-Catholic Christian.[169] After the Second World War, he was an altar server at St Stephen's Church in South Kensington, London, during T. S. Eliot's period as a parishioner there.[170] Politically, Lee supported the Conservative Party.

It was based on a novel by David Pinner. I don't think he's Jewish or maybe my Jewdar is off. The screenwriter that adapted the novel to film is Jewish.
band of brothers
>"determine" the curvature without measuring it
>changing hypotheses in order to fit a pre-conceived conclusion

What part of *measured* earth curvature is hard for you to understand? It should be extremely easy to provide it if we indeed live on a spinning water globe hurling 66666 mph through space. Earth is observably and measurably flat, so the onus is on you to refute all of our sensory and empirical experience.



At least they didn't throw in the ovens and gas chambers since the western allies or red cross never found any
Miraculously only the Soviets found death camps and we know they never lied about anything
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Ha! So much for the so-called TOLERANT left!
Yeah those are grifter videos utilizing false pseudoscience and skewed mathematics to "prove' their worldview, and have literally all been denunked
This video entirely debunks erics video, all 200 proofs, something which you won't watch because you are a retard.
And i don't need to fit your retarded preconcieved notions of what a proof is. What I provided, measuring the curvature of the earth based on light is a perfectly valid way to prove it. There are other ways to prove it, like, again, based on the distance to the core, the drop-off in visibility based on a certain distance, or even the simple fact that gravity is measurably higher near the equators(oh and by the way, this experiment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavendish_experiment proves gravity exists, so don't claim it doesn't)
You are a retard following grifters. Not that surprising considering how brown and stupid this board's, and your nation's, become, but still.
All experiments and observations point to a stationary, flat earth. NASA assumes a stationary flat earth in all of its official research documents. Show me measured earth curvature like I asked for.
The video is an official grant-funded scientific experiment which measures drop over distance and shows that it is negligible and in discrepancy with the official globe model by hundreds of meters over 40 miles.

Since you're actually linking a "Professor" Dave (an 80 iq kike shill) video, I know you're mentally retarded and likely gay.

Show me measured earth curvature. Drop over distance. Or you will lose your shilling job.
Not a single experiment or observation points to anything even remotely close to a flat earth
>NASA assumes a stationary flat earth in all of its official research documents
This is a fake claim based on a singular research document, where NASA assumed the earth being flat for simplicity of calculations. Like how in a lot of physics exercises and research papers we "assume" conditions without friction, or other things that would actually affect a real world experiment, but would add unnecessary complexity to the calculations.
>flat earth schizo shits up a decent thread
Except that video has also been debunked multiple times
Also, your retarded buzzwords don't actually mean anything. You seem to project a LOT of homosexuality and father issues onto me anon... what is that about?
Moreover I have shown you a measured curvature several times, something which you continue to ignore like the mouthbreathing imbecile you are.
Every single observation in human history points to a flat, stationary earth. The globe cultists like you have to (pretend to) look 6 gorillion lightyears away and show us CGI cartoons to justify anything.

I know you're a shill but I will repeat again: show me measured earth curvature or your globe is a lie.

Until then, I will continue to post videos for anons actually interested in understanding their world in good faith.


I was on twitter back then and not here very much and that Santa inc debacle was huge on twitter.
I copied the link wrong, my mistake
You still have no measured earth curvature. Drop over distance.


>Every single observation in human history points to a flat, stationary earth.
Not a single one does, and not a single flat earth model makes sense, especially given the information and technology we have.
And I already have posted a measured earth curvature several times, something which you, again continue to ignore.
Still waiting for measured earth curvature. *Measurements* not experiments. Should be easy.


You still have no measured earth curvature.

For good faith anons:


As a Swede, Midsommar was pure comedy. I watched it with my brother and cousins and when the guy fucked the women and they cut to the little retard kid watching, we died of laughter.
You still haven't made an argument. You keep saying the same thing, denying what I have already posted and telling me I need to put my proof in your specific parameters, all the while posting videos from a grifter that has already been debunked many many times.
No proof nor observation shows the earth is flat and there is no model that works with a flat earth. Furthermore multiple technologies would be impossible in a flat earth model, and your retarded arguments aren't going to change anything.
Also, jew on a cross. how can you call me a kike when that is what you worship?

Still have no measured earth curvature, eh?


My argument is you have no measured earth curvature. No measured earth curvature, no globe. Should be easy.



>he keeps repeating the same thing
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Yeah that's the main reason why I would not go see Longlegs, more horrific imagery next to Christian iconography. It's designed to make the goyim feel uneasy when they go to church.

You still have no measured earth curvature and still no globe, lol.


Kike power fantasy #6000000
I have already how you how to measure it, you simple said WRONG and ignored it. I already have done my part, while you just keep posting the grifter's videos, with reddit spacing no less.
Check out Excalibur, it leans heavily into German folklore and the quest for the Holy Grail.

Still no measured earth curvature, lol.

For cognitively capable anons:


I have, right here!
Maybe you missed it?

Why is it so hard for you to show me measured earth curvature to support your spinning water anti-entropy atmosphere globe?

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It's really not! I have already, twice now!
i don't understand why you keep pretending I haven't? And why you keep spamming the grifter's videos? Might as well just link the channel and be done with it.
Still no measured earth curvature for your spinning water globe where the atmosphere is in perfect lock-step with the rotation at all times?

but jew always tell us goys can't be jewdge and jewry
why can jew, for one?
It's pretty clear the the kikes were the bad guys here. The Basterds were all kikes, and they commit clear war crimes in the movie, only the Germans are shown with honor. I hate it when people don't "get" films especially when it is obvious.
Hey anon I watched the movie a while ago and it's really really bad, like top 10 worst films I've ever seen.
But the clothes are really really beautiful. Do you guys really have that kind of clothes? I want my bride to use something like that in our wedding. With a flower crown even.
Nope, already have.
Are you purposefully not reading my posts, anon? Why, that'd be arguing in bad faith, wouldn't it?
No Flat Earth model makes physical sense, no observation or experimentation shows the earth is flat, there is no historical datat to suggest round earth is a recent phenomena, since even the ancient greeks believed the earth was a sphere!
Always remember this.

I know it's hard for you to understand, but cartoons and looking at stars is not measuring the curvature of the earth. I don't ask you to measure your floor by looking at the ceiling.

Show me measured earth curvature, drop over distance.


That man just wanted to see, dumbo. For all he cared he could have been a 2ft tall midget with good eyes. He would have still gotten the body.
Flat earth retard frog

So to summarize, you are unable to provide me measured earth curvature. You have failed to defend your point and therefore must concede.


Show me measured earth curvature.
I know it's hard for you to understand, but cherrypicking edited footage and setting up experiments in such ways that errors occur, errors that seemingly show something contrary to reality, is not science. It is, instead, retarded grifters, like the one you keep posting!
Mathematics, physics, hell, the empirical observation you keep hammering on about, all prove the fact the earth is a spinning spheroid, and not flat.
No flat earth model makes sense, after all. And no flat earth model ever will. Because the earth ain't flat.

No measured earth curvature, no globe.


So to summarize, I have already provided the measured earth curvature twice, which you have ignored to keep up your spam. Everything you have posted has been debunked, and the retarded homosexual you keep bringing up is, at best, a moron.
Therefore you... won't concede because you're brown and stupid?

Seethe and kvetch all you want. But you will never be able to show me measured earth curvature.


Her boyfriend is named "Christian" and they burn him to death at the end. Based off of the shit pagans say about Christians, I believe it desu
this movie is weird. The Germans, represented by Hans Landa, are elegant, cultured, brave, know multiple languages, are running a safe and prosperous occupation in Paris, etc. The Jews are ugly, angry, hateful, violent, lying, disgusting freaks, and supporting them leads to literal race mixing and chaos.

I know it's not what QT wanted, but I am not sure he could have made a more pro-Nazi/anti-Jew movie if he tried.
>he keeps coping
>he keeps spamming

Still no measured earth curvature. Still no globe.


this one was actually pretty decent. it was like american history x if they'd actually done research on the cause.
>he doesnt think that raiding villages and killing people aren't another form of "sacrifice"
Level up your thinking
>more cope
>more grifter youtube links

>he still can't provide measured earth curvature


>5 seconds later

>he still thinks CGI images and cartoons of fart clouds from six gorrilion lightyears away prove his gay materialistic nihilistic worldview
>he still can't provide measured earth curvature

>he still posts his grifter
>he still ignores the proof
>he's still a retard
>he still thinks a jew is god

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