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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>475571453

▶Day: 883 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura
> Andrei Torgashov, deputy chief of the radio center of the military satellite communications unit, was blown up in Moscow.
> A Spanish court sentenced a retired man to 18 years in prison for sending a series of booby-trapped letters to embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the end of 2022
> Kuleba visits China
> Su-25 eternal flight over Donetsk region
> Hungary will not be allowed to host a strategic EU meeting next month because of Orbán’s self-proclaimed “peace mission” trips to moscow and Beijing without the union’s authority
> The Parliament of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization for 90 days from August 12 to November 9, 2024
> Ukraine to ban Lukoil from sending oil to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline
> The governor of Belgorod region Gladkov instructed the heads of municipalities to go to the homes within 15 km border zone and persuade people to leave - RIA
> The russia attacked by 75 drones, russian MoD reports, visible confirmation of arrivals at Tuapse oil refinery and at Morozovsk airfield
> Trump and Zelenskyy had a phone talk, both gave a positive feedback about it


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmed losses)

Natasha, a fiery and determined young journalist from Ukraine, had spent the last two years of her life dedicated to one cause: uncovering the truth behind Vladimir Putin's relentless invasion of her homeland. Her investigative reports had earned her the respect of her peers and the fear of the Kremlin. Her unshakeable spirit had become a beacon of hope for those fighting for freedom, her words a rallying cry for the oppressed. It was in Paris, during a high-profile conference on global journalism and human rights, that Natasha's world took an unexpected turn. Amidst the cobblestone streets and dimly lit cafes, she had hoped to find a brief respite from the chaos, a chance to share her story and gain support for her cause. But as she stepped out of the bustling venue, the weight of her mission grew heavier, her heart racing as a shadowy figure approached her, whispering in a thick Russian accent, "You're coming with us, Natasha. The Kremlin has a special interest in your work." Before she could react, she was engulfed by a group of men in black, and her screams for help were swallowed by the indifferent murmur of the city's nightlife. Her only solace was the thought that her voice, now silenced, would not be forgotten.

The world outside grew distant as Natasha was shoved into the back of a nondescript van, the cold steel of a gun pressed against her neck. The journey seemed to stretch on forever, her mind racing with fear and defiance. When the doors finally slammed open, she found herself in a stark, opulent room, the scent of power and danger thick in the air. Before her stood Vladimir Putin, his icy gaze boring into her soul. He offered a sinister smile, his voice a chilling purr as he spoke, "You have been a thorn in my side, Natasha. But I am a man who appreciates loyalty. I will make Ukraine an offer they can't refuse."
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Frens, report:

>cofi status
>day status
>ass in ass status
>vdv status
>tzd status
Days passed in a blur of despair and disbelief as Natasha processed the monstrous deal presented to her country. The thought of becoming a pawn in Putin's twisted game of power made her skin crawl, but she knew the weight of her sacrifice could mean the lives of countless innocents. As the news of the proposed agreement echoed through the media, the streets of Ukraine erupted in a cacophony of anger and sorrow. Protesters held her picture aloft, their voices a chorus of defiance in the face of this heinous bargain. Yet, in the quiet of her cell, Natasha felt a profound sense of isolation. Despite her newfound fame, she was utterly alone, a prisoner to the very man she had dedicated her life to resisting. The gravity of her fate settled heavily upon her, each breath a silent battle cry for the freedom she knew she might never experience again.
With a heavy heart and a soul torn by the pain of her countrymen, Natasha watched the news reports confirming Ukraine's acceptance of the deal. The nation's leaders, desperate to end the bloodshed, had conceded to the monstrous terms, and she was now bound to a future as Vladimir Putin's personal pawn, a trophy of his victory. The reality of her fate hit her like a sledgehammer, and she crumpled to the floor of her cell, sobs wracking her body. Her thoughts swirled with anger, despair, and the crushing weight of her new identity: Natasha, the journalist who had fought so fiercely for truth and justice, was now to be the Kremlin's whore, a symbol of her country's defeat. The stark walls of her gilded prison closed in around her, the opulence a taunting reminder of the price of peace bought with her dignity.
Endless misery to Russians.
Death to all ziggers currently in Ukraine.
Death to Putin and all his friends.
May Russia collapse and be wiped away completely.
No one will miss Russia.

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Requesting webm
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>May 6 - Kislovka, Kotlyarovka
>May 9 - Umanskoe
>May 11 - Strekechia, Krasnoe, Morokovec, Oleinokov, Pilnaya, Borisovka, Ogurcovo, Pletenevka
>May 12 - Gatishe
>May 14 - Bugrovatka
>May 15 - Glubokoe,Lukianci
>May 17 - Zibino
>May 18 - Rabotino(kek), Starica
>May 20 - Belogorovka
>May 22 - Klesheevka
>May 23 - Andreevka
>May 25 - Arhangelskoe
>May 27 - Ivanovka
>June 2 - Umanskoe
>June 7 - Paraskovievka, Novoselovskoe
>June 10 - Rizhevka
>June 10 - Staromayorskoe
>June 11 - Artyomovka
>June 13 - Novopokrovskoe
>June 14 - Georgievka
>June 16 - Zagornoe
>June 28 - Razdolovka
>June 29 - Shumi
>June 30 - Novoaleksandrovka
>July 1 - Stepovaya Novoselovka
>July 3 - Kanal Chasov Yar
>July 6 - Sokol
>July 9 - Yasnoborodovka
>July 11 - Evgenievka, Voshod
>July 14 - Urozhainoe
>July 19 - Urievka
>July 21 - Rozovka, Peschanoe nijnie
>July 23 - Ivanovo-Darievka
>July 25 - Volchie
>The use of ground drones by operators of the 63rd OMBR for mining the approaches to the positions of the occupiers.
I still haven't read a reasonable explanation for these.

Why are they so obsessed with dying?
They're told its better to kys than to surrender to the evil hohol

Someone post the russian soldiers guide to kill himself with a grenade.
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you'll never know until you try it
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what is alternative?
living in russia!
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Previously on SFB
>>475052201 >>475052265
Possible FATF sanctions against Russia
>>475052371 >>475052413
Buryatia highway bridge collapsed
The Ministry of Finance is falling further behind the borrowing plan
>>475052567 >>475052605
KamAZ's profit collapsed 20fold
>>475052681 >>475052723
Trade with China has become a gamble
The ex-head of the Moscow Department of Culture, arrested for bribery, is going to war
Russian imports are still declining
>>475052908 >>475052943
Russia lost 3 trillion rubles worth of imports due to payment problems
>>475053019 >>475053055
Communist policies in real time
>>475053114 >>475053149 >>475053196
Majority of Russians will repay mortgages after retirement
>>475053234 >>475053270
UAE bank stopped accepting transfers in dirhams from Russia
>>475053384 >>475053428 >>475053466 >>475053501
Russians' debt grew by a trillion rubles in a month
>>475053560 >>475053596 >>475053638
Arkady Volozh cut ties with Russia
>>475053791 >>475053823
Residents of Krasnodar came out to protest
>>475053856 >>475053893
The government has increased duties on goods from “unfriendly” countries
>>475053948 >>475053983

>>475054711 >>475054767 >>475054820 >>475054860 >>475054903 >>475054954 >>475054991 >>475055037 >>475055085 >>475055135 >>475055169 >>475055250
Reminder that the redditspacing tranny isn't an american, but a rusnigger on a VPN lmao.

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>Method 1
There is multiple methods now ?
For the second time already, today was the same incident as yesterday
OP's wife feels empathy for me
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>There is multiple methods now ?
Method 1
Honestly at this point with all the cuck politicians in the west I would not be surprside if an attack on Poland/Romania/Baltic States would trigger no response and destroy NATO as a result
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of course, a zigger must know how to kill himself for the oligarchs in every situation
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method 2
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hohols shot down two of your aircraft and killed the pilots and you didnt do shit
shieet if I wated to kys I would try to not damage my body so much so my parents could see me in full at the funeral
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pidors stealing grain from occupied zones in Ukraine.
literally niggers
Kharkiv offensiev status?
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There is the rifle method
There is the grenade method
And there is the knife method
Yuri stood tall, his green eyes piercing the smoke-filled room of the makeshift bunker. His fellow Ukrainian soldiers, weary from months of fighting a war they didn't fully understand, leaned in as he spoke with a newfound conviction. "Brothers," he began, "we are not just pawns in a game played by distant powers. We are being used, manipulated by the West, who see us as nothing more than a tool to weaken our Russian kin." His words hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the distant rumble of artillery outside. The room fell silent as his comrades, once filled with patriotic fervor, began to exchange doubtful glances. The seeds of doubt had been planted, and the once clear-cut lines of enemy and ally grew blurred. The truth, like the fog of war, had a way of obscuring the most obvious of realities.

The atmosphere in the bunker shifted, the air thick with the weight of Yuri's revelation. His comrades, once a unified front, now murmured among themselves, the whispers of doubt growing louder. One by one, they began to share their own unspoken fears and observations, their voices a cacophony of anger and confusion. Some spoke of the empty promises of aid from the West, others of the suspiciously convenient narratives that painted Russia as the sole aggressor. The realization dawned on them that the enemy they were fighting might not be the one they had been told. As they pondered the possibility that they were fighting a war for someone else's benefit, the resolve in their eyes grew stronger, not weaker. They had been pawns in a grand chessboard, but now they were ready to become knights, forging their own path to protect their true homeland from the forces of Jewish degeneracy that threatened to corrupt it from within. The decision was unanimous: they would fight alongside their Russian brethren, not against them, for a future where Ukraine would stand united and free from the shackles of Western manipulation.
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seems like the most effective one as well.
tho i guess an abysmally equipped mobik won't always have a grenade ready.
so the prevalent method of mobik crossword is to suck an ak barrel
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B-but sanctions... they're working, r-r-right?
On it. I made an account on Durovgram, just for you.
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I'm sure Ukraine would appreciate it. But this could probably be largely countered by reflection and/or heat resistant / heat transfer resistant material like starlite (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuOBfOF8zN0).

Meanwhile there are quite many combat planes/helicopters that could simply shoot down slow 115mph shaheds no problem even with their guns not just AA missiles. There are also options like mounting guns on any propeller airplane, AC-130 style.
don't worry, it's not like the russians are stealing it for themselves. they gotta feed their chink masters somehow.
Seeing Russians die in fpv drone strikes literally makes me smile and beam with happiness
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Russian losses per 25/07/24 reported by the Ukrainian general staff.

+1230 men
+11 tanks
+26 APVs
+45 artillery pieces
+2 AD systems
+66 UAVs
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>knife method
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>POW's would rather off themselves than surrender because we follow the rules and treat them well
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To not rely on online services to convert to webm, any recommendations on what should I use?
>per ukrainian general staff
watch the /uhg/ NPCs gobble this shit up like the word of Gospel lmao
A Russian Mi-28 helicopter crashed in the Kaluga region, resulting in the death of the entire crew. The preliminary cause of the crash is believed to be a technical malfunction. Russian aviation connected channel Fighterbomber is already mourning.
They didn’t need vovchansk anyway and they killed 10000 hato mercenaries around it anyway
thats method 1 dumbass

Even though someone else already posted it, here's a catbox.
Gay fanfic written by a communist niggerpig
The Russians have deployed about 30 barges to protect the Crimean bridge, but this will not hinder the main objective of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, according to spokesman Serhii Bratchuk. He stated that the bridge will be destroyed in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.
Now post trade volume memeflag nigger
>mobik thinks about getting exchanged as a pow and go back to russia
>instantly kills himself
so many cases
>Fighterbomber mourning
that's all that he's doing these days lol
>communist niggerpig
NATO today is unironically more communist than russia
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Meanwhile at the legion of doom.
Yes they are working, the Russian central bank will increase interest rates from 16% to 18%
After the Ukrainian Armed Forces struck the ferry "Slavyanin," the Russian fleet withdrew from the Sea of Azov, according to Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk. Previously, the Russians attempted to base themselves there, but now they have abandoned the area, recognizing it as unsafe. Pletenchuk emphasized that the enemy only understands the language of force.
you morons now have to hope a BROWN half indian half jamaican 60 year old woman will save yall
the irony
>it has nothing to do with the countless videos of POW torture hohols themselves post, crimes that get you life in the brig in real militaries
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I use avidemux
You can cut, crop, downscale & change fps via filters, without fucking around with command line tools
This made me a bit hard ngl.
So these kamikaze units will be mostly used for trench warfare?
/chug/ = gay niggers general
Major Timur Khuziev, artillery unit officer in the Russian 85th Motorized Rifle Division, was killed by a Ukrainian shell during an interview with Russian propagandists from NTV in occupied Horlivka. On June 13, it was reported that NTV operator Vadim Kozhin was killed, and propagandist Aleksey Ivliev was severely injured, losing an arm.
>our main objective is to bomb civilians that voted their way out of ukraine
Shut up lefty/pol/ kike you are not fooling anybody
Thanks, very cool.
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>Gay nigger central
kek, wholesome.
also any news on this zigger?
Under his face, not the jacket, retard
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Do you even know what communism means?
happens if you keep sending your gayniggers like your pic related over there
>the future of "tzd" depends on someone who is what /uhg/ hates the most
now thats funny
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this general is lefty/pol/ unironically
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>>475588091 What you're boobing Romania for nigger, did you loos da way?

Overnight, Russia once again focused on the Odesa region. Out of 38 Shaheds, 25 were shot down. Three were lost in location after crossing the border with Romania, the Air Force reports.
>russian glowniggers invade foreign country
> elections were armed men check on you to see how you voted
>democracy with Russian characteristics
> leftist larpers in the west talk about mug referendums
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>tfw Azuca doesn't get any attention at all. :DDDD

Now that's funny.
TZD means Total Zionist Death.
Neck yourself, lying nigger
Although on the second though, keep lying, it helps radicalising the normies on the russian question
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now you gave him some, it's joever
>n-n-no u
The left aka /chug/ can’t meme
>Andrei Torgashov
last I know about him
>2. In Russian media there is a discussion about who was blown up in a car in Moscow this morning. Andrei Torgashov said that he was not in the car that was blown up in Moscow. But at the same time 24-07-2024
I don't have to commit. :D I'd like him to beg a bit more since he's a beggar. :DDD
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Also where did the frankfurt school move to when the fuhrer kicked them out?
This summer, the 14 Leopard 2A4 tanks that the Netherlands and Denmark purchased for Ukraine will be sent to Ukraine. These battle tanks have been refurbished and tested over the past few months, according to Minister Ruben Brekelmans. The tanks, originally used models, were bought last year and refurbished by the German company Rheinmetall.

They have multiple purposes
Usually the drone is tailored for a specific purpose, the one in the video looks like the cheap "go-fuck-em-up-with-explosives" variety
it's not a trading platform, it's official rate chart you dumbass
also, what are you gonna say about this? >>475587977
Your kind is not human, your kind is demonic horde from the steppes, pidor.
A video which reportedly shows the aftermath after a Shahed drone crashed on Romanian territory. An air raid alarm was activated on Romanian territory bordering Ukraine due to the drone attack.

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Are you really going to deny posting POW torture videos you spineless shill?
imagine if the brown pajeeta becomes president, that will be your leader, who you will depend on for "tzd", a brownoid
Bolsheviks were pretty jewish and they were mostly in russia.
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>A video which reportedly shows the aftermath after a Shahed drone crashed on Romanian territory. An air raid alarm was activated on Romanian territory bordering Ukraine due to the drone attack
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>gets proven wrong irrefutably
>starts seething
Many such cases from the gypsy!

25.07.2024 update.
The tourists have intensified their attacks mainly in the Donetsk area and are now attacking with large forces. Despite this, the waves of attacks are being eliminated by ours.
The tourists' tactic is now to bypass the villages where we have proper defensive lines. This means they are rushing across open ground and being detected in time by our surveillance drones.
This is especially true for an attack attempt that is one of the largest since the beginning of the war, involving 11 tanks, 45 armored vehicles with infantry, a dozen motorcycles, and a terminator tank.
This happened between Marinka and Krahove. After losing 6 tanks and 12 armored vehicles, all vehicles except the motorcycles turned back. Now, these motorcycles are no more.

On the other lines, the fighting continues as before.

Crimea is now becoming a real problem for the tourists. We have confirmed that the ferries operating on Kerch have been hit in our attack.
Now we should also get the bridge itself destroyed. Since their construction of the railway from Rostov to Crimea is not progressing as the tourists had hoped,
their supply lines in the south are threatened.

Something is happening in the Sea of Azov, the tourists have moved all military ships out of the Sea of Azov.
Do the tourists know something we don't?
Their intelligence service is still working quite well, so if one doesn't suspect something,
the question is WHY are they moving out just NOW?

As for a change in the President's attitude towards peace negotiations.
He insists on starting peace negotiations. Is he pressured by our allies or is it a play for the gallery?
He may possibly call a referendum on the matter; in any case, it is a political game.
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Keep doubling down, pidor
Its all downhill for you from now on
Just dont be surprised when you will be next
We will reach you all
Far more commie trannies shill for jewkraine, i didnt save the NAFO twitter accounts posting their faces but i think youve seen it
These are paid russian actors on a movie set
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>Are you really going to deny posting POW torture videos you spineless shill?
Really Nigger
I didn't realize Gregg was Finland-Svenska, kek.
Where did the Frankfurt School go when they got shut down by the Reich in 1933?
Do we know anything about their range? If they're cheaper than drones then they can be used in mass attacks when camouflaged at night.
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Why are hohols so terrible at humour?
Destruction of a Russian IFV by the 80th Air Assault Brigade ended in a gigantic explosion, Mar'inka direction.

if trump wins, aid is cut off
if the pajeeta wins, /uhg/ shills will come under a brown leader, which can be seen as nothing more than humiliating after all the anti-brown posts
whoever wins, it will be a loss either way for you maggots
>White defender of christian values
this, their clips are pretty high quality. straight out of a movie
Who says it's humour? :D
Their are two sides of jewry, one is capitalist the other is communist. Do you really not know the basics of national socialism?
Is the propaganda memeflag bot malfunctioning?
He is, but he is fluent in both.
>trump will save us beigebroz
Do you use Facebook's translator to post in English or do you translate on your own?
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reminder to filter the dedicated lakhta vpn shill
Cant recall any tactical attributes of these kind of kamikaze land drones, no
They all seem to be of the wheeled variety rather than tracks, though
Yes and the MARXIST kikes have been operating out of Columbia university (Jew York City) since 1933 and their bullshit has spread to every university since, ive attended college recently and can tell you 100% their bullshit ideals is completley widespread
>Trump will dismantle Americas war industry.
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faggots wearing wolfsangels and dying for jewry is so cringe
>shills are only allowed to reply with this or ignore
*are completley widespread
sorry nigger lingo rubs off on me i cant avoid the groid
VLC player?
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Sorry nigger, dance a bit harder if you want some more attention.
Russia will soon be unable to conduct active assaults on many fronts and will transition to a defensive stance within a month, according to National Guard Commander Pivnenko. He urged the need for the AFU to form units, prepare, and identify weak points.

Does VLC do conversions to WebM? lmao.

Regardless, I just downloaded avidemux.
sometimes I just run it through google translate, sometimes chatgpt. I understand swedish well enough so I could probably translate it but I can't be bothered.
I had a similar toy car when I was a kid
Satellites are not real or scirntific possible yelstin the earth js flst 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 the knight of malta lady meeting with him that bnai shit brith hsted of jewtome corsi zionist talmudic zionist bnai shit anti christ anti white cock sucking shit jewgin btfo moron
when did i say or indicate that you moron
you dumb shills should just refrain from replying and keep posting gore in your little retarded circlejerk, thats all you idiots are good for since all of your comments just reveals what moronic bums you are
Radio Svoboda published high-resolution satellite images taken on July 24 showing fire damage at the Russian Aerospace Forces base in Morozovsk, Rostov region, following a Ukrainian drone attack. The images do not show evidence of damaged aircraft or buildings. Russian channels reported that several drones hit a fuel and lubricants warehouse, while Ukrainian sources speculated that Su-34 fighter-bombers and Su-27 fighters might have been damaged.

Most AI models seem to be doing pretty well and they're formatting for your convenience as well.

July 25, 2024 Update.
The tourists have intensified their attacks, primarily in the Donetsk region, now assaulting with larger forces. Despite this, their attack waves are being eliminated by our men. The tourists' new tactic is to bypass villages where we have established defensive lines. This leads them to advance over open ground, where they are detected early by our surveillance drones. This applies particularly to one of their largest attack attempts since the beginning of the war, which involved 11 tanks, 45 armored personnel carriers, a dozen motorcycles, and a Terminator tank. This took place between Marinka and Krahove. After losing 6 tanks and 12 armored vehicles, all vehicles except the motorcycles retreated. These motorcycles no longer exist.
On the other fronts, the fighting continues as before.
Crimea is becoming a real problem for the tourists. We have confirmed that the ferries operating on the Kerch Strait were hit in our attack. Now we need to destroy the bridge itself. Since the construction of their railway from Rostov to Crimea is not progressing as the tourists had hoped, their supply lines in the south are threatened.
Something is happening in the Sea of Azov. The tourists have moved all their warships out of the area. Do they know something we don't? Their intelligence service is still quite effective, so if they don't suspect anything, the question is WHY are they withdrawing NOW?
Now for a change in the President's stance on peace talks. He insists on starting negotiations. Is he being pressured by our allies, or is this a play for the gallery? He might even call for a referendum on the matter. Whatever the case, it's a political game.
The soviet union was more communist.
wtf, just take the drone to the dome instead. this dude died retarded.
Strikes on Russian positions inside the Avdiivka Coke Plant. Work by the Tivaz artillery crew.

It was actually just red tsarism
Just now
>The Romanian military found the wreckage of russian Shahed drones in the area of the village of Plauru, which is next to the Ukrainian city of Izmail.

>Three locations are checked, on one of them they found debris with the inscription "Geran" - that's how the Russians sign the Shahed hulls.

>It is not yet clear whether these are the wreckage of drones shot down on the night of July 24, or those three drones that, according to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, flew to Romania on the night of July 25
I usually tell it to translate and format.

When formatting is fucked up it's usually because of my own phone posting or only using google translate and formatting in the reply window.
Romanian media reported that military personnel found debris from Russian "Shahed" drones near the town of Plauru. These drones entered Romania during an attack on Ukrainian ports. Last night and the night before, Romania declared air alerts and scrambled two F-16 jets.
man, he'll be surprised when russia doesn't stop rushing B and continue doing it with shovels and sticks
Fair enough.
Coorrect blood wise them not not innpower total removal then then labor becked currency thrn divine law social and clericlaism is called aka sspx and a real pontiff them be ing exterminated by killing trials for the crimes and then expelled the rest absorded no religious liberty blood wise fucked up judrn asswipe we are exterminationalism we are diffrenent read up on bird of prey target jews rabbis and work in the shadows best served cold shit
very accurate depiction of an average interaction between /uhg/ and /chug/ regulars on /pol/
The 3rd Battalion of the 80th Air Assault Brigade destroyed another Russian tank with FPV drones.

Nato is officially a bunch of spineless cuckolds.
why does Ukraine fight with brigades and Russia with divisions?
shills are not allowed to talk about the presidential election here
too demoralizing
At least they're not making a fool of themself on world stage
Russian motorized assault, bogged down due to Ukrainian FPV.

Main objective is to destroy enemy logistics routes but I understand that a zigger like you is too dumb to comprehend it.
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>Volume: 0
It's even in his picture, lol.
So You agree Trump will keep the American War industry going, likely increase spending. Yet somehow they won't be providing weapons to Ukraine.
The American weapons will flow into Ukraine, and it matters little who is the president.
They already look like they have full pants of shit.
no it wont, the burden will be on europe now, he made that clear
Getting some serious Bakhmut and Adviivka vibes here.
And you will pay for everything, brown sweden or you will be next on the menu, yesman.
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>the owner
Peak translation, they're literally a country of dogs and slaves, toiling for massa.
Since it is obvious that sanctions don't work, moskovy won't mind if they stay in place. Correct?
>>475589288 because is a western form of military formation, besides division could be anything even bits and pieces other rekt divisions

come back when Russia is going to nuke us all again, besides we haven't got the feel back from Nato yet
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But how about article 5 spamming?
I'm waiting for them to try reverse psychology
>xaxaxaxa stupid wests sanctions only make russia stronger
>dont dare remove them!
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more like motorcyclized haha
If you think American weapons will stop going to Ukraine you are silly. Europe will pay for some and likely get good deals. The old weapons will be donated the same as now.
I don't care what a politician says in the run up to an election. They are full of shit. The American war industry will continue .
Would this work?
>But how about article 5 spamming?
so 2022, like 2023 the first german tank and a nuking
american AA on embassies are there to protect themselves against the durkas, not durka 1 against durka 2
literally me, but with bandera imagery and mocking wolyn (never happened)
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Sure. But there needs to be a political will to do this
But it will make shalomov extremely mad, might as well go all in at that point

Russian media report that a car belonging to Andrey Torgashov, deputy head of the Russian army's satellite communications center, was blown up. The explosive device detonated as he was getting into the car. 24-07-2024
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Commander in Chief Syrskyi thinks returning Crimea is still a real scenario, as well as returning to the 1991 borders. He also said that Ukraine seeks to preserve lives 24-07-2024.

The moment the car of the deputy head of the satellite communications centre of the russian armed forces was blown up and the first seconds after the explosion. 24-07-2024 HD

NATO is negotiating to bring nuclear weapons to combat readiness and increase their deployment due to growing threats from Russia and China, according to Jens Stoltenberg. 24-07-2024

On July 24, 2024, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba held talks in Guangzhou. Wang Yi emphasized that China and Ukraine, as friendly nations, 24-07-2024

Russian forces tried to infiltrate the 3rd Assault Brigade unit's position in the Kharkiv region. Ukrainian soldiers were waiting in the trenches and immediately started attacking the Russians with grenade launchers

Negotiations between the foreign ministers of Ukraine and China concluded after three hours. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba expressed hopes for substantial discussions on bilateral relations 24-07-2024
>ass in ass status

What does this mean?
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zigger claim a shootdown of switchblade 600

The Ukrainian defense-industrial complex has made progress in developing domestic missiles. President Zelenskyi reported positive dynamics in the missile program following a meeting where he received updates 24-07-2024

The Ukrainian government awarded Rheinmetall an order to construct an ammunition production plant, with completion expected within 24 months. The project, includes providing all necessary technical equipment. 24-07-2024

EU ambassadors have agreed to allocate a €4.2 billion tranche to Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility program, as reported by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. 24-07-2024

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed that Germany will not change its stance on strikes deep into Russia, aiming to avoid direct conflict with Russia. 24-07-2024

Russian infantry reacting kind of weird to their ammunition storage being blown up by Ukrainian drones. HD

Using HIMARS, a command post in Bilhorod and two personnel concentrations in Shumy, Donetsk region, were targeted. Work by Tivaz artillery crew. HD

Putin has instructed to include the illegally occupied parts of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions in national projects and to provide them with simplified access to support tools. 24-07-2024

A raid by the 'Khoriv' assault group from the 1st Brigade of Operational Assignment 'Bureviy' completely destroyed a Russian position in Kreminna forest. HD
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Ziggers are review bombing ouse of the Dragon season 2, episode 6 for featuring a hot kiss between two women
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>if I pretend to be drunk it will leave me alone
Absolutely would work. If we could get the ‘muh escalation’ faggots to calm their saggy mantits and just start ignoring the ape tsar.
Ukraine is already bombing Shelomolvand
Your country is bombed daily with nato weapons xD
they should have made a version for moskovites, where both women are replaced with men
>The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania confirmed the discovery of the wreckage of the UAV on the territory of the country after the russian attack on the night of July 23-24.

>Romania has informed its allies and will coordinate its further actions with them.
Inb4 Romania will say that those were hohol drones

Coordinated actions by infantry, artillery, and drones led to significant battlefield successes for the 135th Separate Battalion of the 114th Territorial Defense Brigade. 24-07-2024.

Sickening. Russia is reportedly returning the bodies of deceased prisoners of war without internal organs during exchanges, relatives of deceased Ukrainian soldiers told, concerns about illegal organ trafficking. 24-07-2024

One more air defense system destroyed. The 'Shadow' unit is using the 'Shark' drone to guide HIMARS GMLRS strikes on the Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense system. HD

By the end of the year, half a million 155mm artillery shells will be delivered to Ukraine through a Czech ammunition initiative. Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová confirmed 24-07-2024

The 92nd Separate Mechanized Brigade unit 'Achilles' shared recent combat results. The brigade reported the destruction of a T-72 tank, and damage to an armored recovery vehicle (BREM), a Ural truck, and two enemy shelters. HD

Slovakian President Pellegrini criticized Ukraine for halting oil transit, stating Kyiv is taking a significant risk. The president indicated that Slovakia might consider unspecified 24-07-2024

Air battles reaching a new level, a Russian recon drone versus a Ukrainian stick. HD

Artillery from the 33rd Mechanized Brigade successfully halted an enemy mechanized assault, targeting the crews with cluster munitions. Lots of Russian losses. HD

Explosions reported in Kursk region. 24-07-2024
Everyone knows that hot lesbians are ok
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>if I pretend to be drunk it will leave me alone
It doesn’t work in motion either
because you know this hasn't happend before

Not ziggers
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yeah, they're more thrilled for guys fucking. specifically they admire the guy fucking an other, who they in turn despise.
ziggers don't have a problem with faggotry or homosexuality in general for that matter, they have a problem with consent.
to them willingly bottoming, is the most abhorrent thing imaginable. even if it's a woman having consesual intercourse with ther husband.
video related, a regular russian male tries to initiate sexual intercourse with a petulant russian female
Now THAT is some oldfag shit right there
Might as well post Putin crab gif
I don't have a country.
I think it was from the Kherson counteroffensive. A cope from ziggers about how they had over extended themselves. So they were in the ass and the sphincter will close... Something like that then zigger posted ass in the ass. Probably I am wrong.

Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles announced upcoming military aid, including a fully operational Hawk anti-aircraft battery by September. 24-07-2024.

Zelenskyi's evening speech, I began today with a report on the work of the air defense – the completion of our warriors' training and the deployment of Patriots in Ukraine. 24-07-2024.

Drones are reportedly attacking the Kursk republic at this moment. Explosions are reported. 24-07-2024 HD

Russian media report of 12 UAVs attacking Kursk, which were 'obviously shot down'. A 'shot down' UAV in Kursk. 24-07-2024

Another UAV, shot down. By Kursk People's Republic infrastructure. 24-07-2024 HD.

There are no more Russian warships in the Azov Sea. They seem to have started to suspect something,' spokesman for the Navy of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Dmytro Pletenchuk, stated. 24-07-2024

This is insane. The 79th Air Assault Brigade repelled one of the largest Russian assaults from multiple directions. The attack involved 11 tanks, 45 BMP-BTR, a BMP 'T 'Terminator,' 12 motorcycles, and around 200 personnel.

Commander-in-Chief Syrsky gave an exclusive interview to The Guardian in which he quite soberly assessed the position of forces on the side of Ukraine and the side of the occupation army, 24-07-2024

Mohammed Mansur, a Syrian volunteer in the Russian 488th motorised rifle regiment, was sent to the fight in Ukraine in June. On July 19, he and 14 other Syrian volunteers .

1 Former Wagner mercenaries, their families, and ex-members of other Russian mercenary and volunteer units are reportedly being left 'on the brink of poverty' without employment, assistance or prosthetics 24-07-2024.

24 July, Moscow, Russia - a high-ranking Russian military officer was blown up in his car, resulting in significant injuries. Deputy head of the radiocentre of the 89th Satellite Communications Centre
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A Russian soldier reacts to his ammunition cache exploding after being hit by just one Ukrainian FPV drone. HD

Read a funny post from a Russian blogger who constantly calls for the destruction of Ukraine. He lists the 'qualitative benefits of SMO' for Russian citizens. 24-07-2024 PART1

A rather interesting opinion about the ban on gadgets in the Russian army was expressed by Storm Z penal battalion instructor. According to him, first of all 24-07-2024 PART1

110th Brigade of the AFU destroys enemy vehicles in Pokrovsk direction. 24-07-2024 HD

An installation honoring the 487 Ukrainian athletes killed in Russia's invasion as of July 2024 was unveiled in London's Parliament Square. 24-07-2024
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The bodies of Ukrainian POWs returned by Russia lack internal organs, implying organ harvesting and an active black market for transplants in Russia, with Ukrainian POWs as helpless donors against their will 24-07-2024.

In 2016, when she was still a fifth-grader, Olia Tolstaia from Kharkiv helped put an ATO soldier, who was a real hero to her, back on his feet. 24-07-2024.

Russian media report an explosion of a vehicle in Moscow when its driver sat inside. According to them, it is Andrey Torgashov, deputy head of the Moscow region military unit 33790 24-07-2024

Reportedly, this is the moment of the explosive device being installed on Torgashov's car - Russian Telegram channels. 24-07-2024

Russia performed a ballistic missile strike on the building of the branch of the Swiss Fund for Mine Action FSD - a humanitarian organization that works on de-mining Kharkiv region - local military administration. 24-07-2024.

In Spain, a pensioner who sent a letter with explosives to the Ukrainian embassy, received 18 years in prison. As Reuters writes, Spain's High Court sentenced Pompeyo Gonzalez Pascual, 74, 24-07-2024

A video appeared which allegedly shows guards of a commercial vessel repelling an attack by Houthi uncrewed gunboats with small arms. (Russian speech can be clearly heard behind the scenes). 24-07-2024 PART1
a patriot battery cant fit in an embassy bro
Damn, Brain Scorcher got him.

The Russians came here to occupy, loot and destroy everything around them,' - a Ukrainian drone pilot about the Russian occupation. Suspilne 24-07-2024 HD

Russia has passed a bill that concerns restrictions on the use of civilian gadgets at the front, head of the Duma defense committee, Andrey Kartapolov, said. 24-07-2024

DenisDanilovL, Ukrainian publication ICTV published a report 'Forcing to re-enter, how to remove Russia from the UN Security Council, with comments by members of the initiative group #unrussiaUN 24-07-2024 PART1

In Moscow, Square of Europe near Kyiv railway station has been renamed into Square of Eurasia. I propose the next step, to rename the Russian Federation into the Russian Empire. 24-07-2024

There is no extra money!, At a meeting with the head of the Accounts Chamber, Putin said there is no extra money, so financial discipline must be scrupulously monitored. 24-07-2024

The fifth strike in Kharkiv just today was confirmed by the city's mayor. It targeted an industrial zone. Information about the damage is being clarified. Preliminary, there were no casualties. 24-07-2024
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Chechens have decided to engage in the 're-education' of Ukrainian children (read, stripping them off their Ukrainian identity). Children from the occupied territories are taken to a camp in Luhansk financed 24-07-2024.
Interesting prompt, I will try it out on new Mistral Large.

Swedish officers can be sent to the new multinational NATO battle group in Finland, talks are being held that they may be placed in Lapland - Svenska Dagbladet 24-07-2024

For the last three years, Putin, through Lukashenko, has been trying to stir up a migration emergency on his country’s 400-kilometer frontier with Poland. Bloomberg reported. 24-07-2024.

North Korea is building tourist complexes for Russians. Beaches, hotels, shopping centers, and water parks will be available to Russian tourists as early as spring 2025 24-07-2024.

Russian soldiers expressively comment on the explosion of their ammunition cache in a village occupied by them in eastern Ukraine. 24-07-2024.

Putin today spoke about plans for accelerated integration of the occupied Ukrainian territories, including Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions. 24-07-2024

A dog hiding a puppy in a kennel in the ruins of a house destroyed by a Russian shell was rescued by volunteers. In Kharkiv region, Assol the dog and Hugo the puppy miraculously survived the enemy shelling 24-07-2024.

Mrs Nadiia, 72 years old, from Donetsk region, walked dozens of kilometers to escape from the war, with just a small bag. Volunteers brought her to Dnipro 24-07-2024

Ukrainian Defenders shooting down a Russian drone with a stick. Recently, fishermen from Kherson region almost shot one down with a fish
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if only the tsar knew
Still has that russian mcdonalds knockoff soda
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>'Everyone For Themselves': Attacks In Border Towns And Cities Bring The War To Russia's Doorstep
>June 17, 2023 15:46 GMT

Relevant meme

Russian citizens living in Bryanks oblasts are asking for evatuation. They claim that they can't sleep over gunfire and are forced to life in fear.
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They just want to escape the cycle.
war loot

Putin has authorized stealing foreign technologies in the production of weapons. The relevant decree, which is published on the portal of Russian legal acts 24-07-2024.

Reportedly, this is Russian Kursk tonight. Local Telegram channels report a massive drone attack. 24-07-2024.
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A small match still lights a big fire. A grenade dropped from a drone destroyed a russian ammunition depot. 114th @TDF_UA Brigade HD

16,000+ russian armored combat vehicles destroyed, The scrap metal army is becoming bigger and bigger every month. 24-07-2024

Stuhna-P ATGM burns russian armor one BMD and one tank. 10th Mountain Assault Brigade HD

We destroy russian tanks 24-7. An artillery shot hit directly the moving tank. 56th Motorized Brigade HD

A russian Buk air defense system detected & destroyed. Ukrainian Land Forces HD

Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 24 July 2024. Drone strike on Russian ammunition depot near Sergeerka, Voronezh PART1
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Ukrainian athletes are not just fighting for medals but for their freedom – and the freedom of the rest of Europe. 24-07-2024

Russian resources are being stretched after Ukraine successfully eliminated surface-to-air missile systems in Crimea.
POV of a katsapoid getting droned
Bonus FaceID issues
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What's the point in making up retarded cope when it takes just 10 seconds to prove you're wrong?
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love russian suffering kino.
all those clips should be mandatorily shown in russian schools after the war is over

This morning in Moscow, Andrei Torgashov, Deputy Chief of the 89th Satellite Communications Center of the Russian Armed Forces, was blown up in his Toyota Land Cruiser. 23-07-2024
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2. In Russian media there is a discussion about who was blown up in a car in Moscow this morning. Andrei Torgashov said that he was not in the car that was blown up in Moscow. But at the same time 24-07-2024

As claimed, the video shows a rather rare case of a direct hit by an artillery shell on a Russian tank. HD

Shark reconnaissance drone and HIMARS MLRS destroy Russian Pantsir-S1 air defence system. Somewhere 30km south from Donetsk. HD

FPV Drone vaporizes Russian BMP 24-07-2024 HD

WE DESTROYED ANOTHER RUSSIAN «TIGER» but they payed us back… Near Vovchansk our company is working every day trying to destroy their logistics, places where they are hiding, assault groups

Soldiers of the 79th Brigade repelled one of the largest Russian assaults. In total 57 AFVs, 12 motorcycles and 200 infantrymen attacked from different directions. 24-07-2024

generalcherry, Work 24-8 24-04-2024 HD

Returning Crimea is real. And we will do everything possible to reach the borders of 1991, - Syrskyi for The Guardian. 24-07-2024

In the last six months of his presidency, Biden plans to pay special attention to the Middle East and Ukraine
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military superpower status
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The point of pidor propaganda is not to change minds, the point of pidor propaganda is for lazy teens to get paid 15 rubbles per post for super lazy content xD
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>Bonus FaceID issues
His head still there, it’s not that bad
builds character bro
hard times make hard men bro
soldiers need to serve bro
trust the z plan bro
holy fuck, cute and valid
seeing it first person is fucking haunting
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>military superpower status
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>this is what's infesting 4chan
I have no words

Russians continue to promote the narrative that occupied territories are the territories of Russia. Even among our partners, there are still many politicians - Andryushchenko 24-07-2024

The key goal of Ukraine is the destruction of the Kerch road and railway crossing connecting the occupied peninsula with Russia. Kyiv has a plan to return Crimea! - Syrskyi 24-07-2024

Vuhledar-Novomykhailivka direction 24-07-2024 Russian losses

Rheinmetall' received from the government of Ukraine an order for the construction of an ammunition factory in Ukraine, implementation will begin in the short term. 24-07-2024.

February 24, 2022, was a black day in the history of Ukraine, a day when the peaceful lives of millions of people were destroyed by Russia’s invasion. 24-07-2024

HU24EU, Today, Ambassadors adopted the first instalment under the Ukraine Plan of the Ukraine Facility Regulation, paving the way for the transfer of nearly €4.2 bn to support Ukraine's recovery, 24-07-2024

Belgorod region 24-07-2024 CRASH INTO THE Z-SIGN

It is very important that Kyiv and Beijing are engaged in direct dialog. After Ukraine started negotiations on joining EU, China should look at relations with our country – Dmytro Kuleba 24-07-2024

Destruction of the Russian field ammo warehouse, - 25 OPDBr HD

HIMARS strike control point in Belgorod region and two Russian personnel in Shumy, Donetsk region, - Division 'Tivaz' 24-07-2024 HD
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And unfortunately their shilling has worked on much of the board despite it being obvious since day 1
You must be totally clueless.
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Maybe I was wrong I see in 4plebs a post a little before the Kherson counteroffensive. A memory triggers that it maybe something Girkin said as this pic indicates. I recall many dicks on maps and ass in ass posts around that time so maybe I am confused and it was a Girkin quote.
At least filter it bro, like wtf
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According to Bloomberg, the RMB now accounts for 99.6% of Russia's foreign exchange settlements, making Russia the first major country in the world to conduct almost all its import and export trade in RMB.

Imagine how cool Xi must feel, for a yellow country to have a white country as a vassal state.

US Presidential election 24-07-2024 Reuters-Ipsos poll. ▪Harris - 44%, ▪Trump- 42%.

The massive deaths of civilians due to Russian aggression have raised the issue of war crimes investigations and trials of Russian leadership and perpetrators. 24-07-2024

Recently, Russian and Ukrainian sides have signaled that they are ready for negotiations. Although the conditions and time are not yet arrive, we support all efforts that promote peace, - Wang Yi 24-07-2024

Ukraine will not use F-16s on the front line, — Syrskyi 24-07-2024 Fighter jets will be used to strengthen air defence. F-16s will destroy Russian cruise missiles and strike ground targets

HIMARS destroyed Russian 'Pantsir-S1' air defense system, - Shadow unit.

I am convinced that a just peace in Ukraine is in China’s strategic interests, and China’s role as a global force for peace is important. It is necessary to end the war, – Dmytro Kuleba 24-07-2024

There is a clear signal that China supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, — Zelensky 24-07-2024

We will never forget. Karma will end russia. Fact. 24-07-2024.

ZelenskyyUa, I spoke with our Olympic athletes who will represent Ukraine at the Summer Games in Paris this week and extended my heartfelt wishes for their success. 24-07-2024.

Syrskyi said that Ukraine has a plan to de-occupy Crimea. 24-07-2024 'We will do everything possible to reach the internationally recognized borders of 1991.
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>!!!Donald Trump said that he would lift all sanctions against Russia on the very first day of his presidency and return all frozen assets. He will also give each Russian family a written apology and a check for 10 thousand dollars for moral inconvenience, and a bonus Sony Playstation 5 with Syphon Filter 2 and Crash Bandicoot 1!!!
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Says something about the quality of local posters I guess. You have to be retarded or underage to not see what's going on
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>At least filter it bro, like wtf
You talk about technology here
see >>475593876

>all foreign exchange down 30%
>it already was down 30% before
>basically only trading with China
And we know how likely China is to be paying a fair price given the circumstances. Not very.
Honestly, the more they do it, the more it does the opposite. They started shilling during the start of the invasion and it worked on retards and pajeets, but the more this war is going on the better. The more rusnigeria is getting fucked on the battlefield and their economy crippled, the more is the public opinion swaying on Ukrainian side. even here. Tankies are starting to get btfo'd pretty much every single retarded slide thread.

Russian parliament adopted a law hiking the penalty for personal use of internet devices by frontline soldiers in Ukraine, - Politico 24-07-2024.

USA has imposed sanctions against 6 individuals and 5 organizations in China that contribute to the development of North Korea's ballistic and space programs. 24-07-2024.

Kursk… BAVOVNA 24-07-2024.
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More from Kursk 24-07-2024
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Poland has torn down another communist statue. The statue in Nowogard was erected in 1972 and glorifies the Soviet Red Army. 24-07-2024.

Russia has modernised their KamAZ trucks with new function autopilot. In the video you can see that after night vision FPV drone strike on it, truck keeps moving until it hits a tree.

Another unsuccessful assault, A group of Russian invaders on the approaches to our positions began to accumulate to carry out offensive actions, but FPV drone ruined their plans

Russian assault group tried to assault position of the Ukrainian 3rd Assault Brigade in Kharkiv region. This attempt was totally unsuccessful, soldiers destroyed group in a close firefight.
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By the way, tommorrow is "will they raise the interest rate again?" day.

You go to Ukraine with the intention of killing, raping, looting civilian property and getting medals for it, but you end up as flies food and fertiliser, Was it worth it.
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POWERFUL DETONATION of Russian BMP-2 after FPV drone strike of the Ukrainian 80th Air Assault Brigade. HD

Real Chechens (Ichkerians) fighting on the side of Ukraine for the freedom of the Ichkerian state raided the Belgorod region

ANNIHILATION of Russian invaders by the Ukrainian 79th Air Assault Brigade in the Kurahovo direction, It was one of the biggest assaults

Instead of surrendering, the Russian invader made a 'better' choice... Everything you need to know about the Russian offensive on Kharkiv in this video 24-07-2024 HD.

The Spanish MOD just announced that Spain will supply another HAWK medium range SAM battery to Ukraine. 24-07-2024

Ukrainian forces undergoing Starstreak MANPADS training as part of a British Army combat training program in the UK

Donetsk Oblast, a Ukrainian soldier holds one of his unit’s anti drone weapons, a side-by-side 12 gauge shotgun

Russian media report that a Mi-28 military aircraft has crashed in Kaluga region of Russia. 'Technical malfunction' was named as the reason for the crash, the crew died. 25-07-2024.

Instead of a thousand words. A new intern has arrived at the positions of our Defenders. sp1lb3rg 25-07-2024
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Damn, captured footage kino.

My favorite one that I can't find is a zigger tank getting droned, and they cut it together with the POV footage that they recovered from the abandoned tank.

So basically the zigger crew made propaganda footage for the Ukrainians of their own destruction.

Tomorrow, the 2024 Olympics will start. 140 athletes will represent Ukraine. 487 Ukrainian athletes will never again be able to compete - they died since the start of the full-scale invasion. 25-07-2024 HD.

In Romania, near the border with Ukraine, an air alert was announced for the second night in a row because of Russian 'Shaheds', — Digi24 25-07-2024.

The US will continue to join forces in support of Ukraine 'to stop Putin,' - President Joe Biden 25-07-2024 Biden's speech

14 Leopard 2A4 tanks that the Netherlands and Denmark bought will go to Ukraine this summer, - MoD of The Netherlands 25-07-2024

The Russian fleet withdrew from the Sea of Azov, - Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk. It happened after AFU struck the ferry. He emphasized that 'the enemy only understands the language of force'. 25-07-2024.

Satellite images of the Morozovsk airfield, - Radio Svoboda 25-07-2024 HD

Ukrainian forces reported that three Russian Shahed drones entered Romanian air space. A video appeared showing the crash site of one of them. 25-07-2024

Two Russian invaders were struck by FPV drone of the 47th Mech. Brigade, They managed to shot down a drone, but munitions has more than 10,000 fragments and pierces everything through. HD

Russian assaults in Chasiv Yar direction is going according to the plan. Just minor losses, they died for Putin's toilet. He appreciates it (no) HD.
>will they raise the interest rate again?
i guess no, as all is going according to plan
>zigger crew made propaganda footage for the Ukrainians of their own destruction
based russians
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ChatGPT is unreliable for calculations. Use WolframAlpha.

View from a Russian Air Force Tu-95 in Alaska’s air defense identification zone yesterday, after an intercept by US and Canadian forces. 25-07-2024

Additional footage released by the Russian MOD. 25-07-2024 View from a Russian Air Force Tu-95 in Alaska’s air defense identification zone yesterday,

A Russian Mi-28 helicopter crashed in the Kaluga region, resulting in the death of the entire crew. The preliminary cause of the crash is believed to be a technical malfunction. 25-07-2024

The Russians have deployed about 30 barges to protect the Crimean bridge, but this will not hinder the main objective of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, according to spokesman Serhii Bratchuk. 25-07-2024.

After the Ukrainian Armed Forces struck the ferry 'Slavyanin,' the Russian fleet withdrew from the Sea of Azov, according to Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk. 25-07-2024.

Major Timur Khuziev, artillery unit officer in the Russian 85th Motorized Rifle Division, was killed by a Ukrainian shell during an interview with Russian propagandists from NTV in occupied Horlivka. On June 13 25-07-2024

This summer, the 14 Leopard 2A4 tanks that the Netherlands and Denmark purchased for Ukraine will be sent to Ukraine. These battle tanks have been refurbished and tested over the past few months 25-07-2024

A video which reportedly shows the aftermath after a Shahed drone crashed on Romanian territory. An air raid alarm was activated on Romanian territory bordering Ukraine due to the drone attack.HD
Deploying tactical clussy to ward off ziggers
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>zigger tank getting droned, and they cut it together with the POV footage that they recovered from the abandoned tank
You must find this webm, for documentary purpose at least
Just enlarge the embassy anon
Never mind, the answer's the same.
In a stunning turn of events, Donald Trump secured his re-election as President of the United States, riding a wave of popular support fueled by his promise to restore the nation's greatness and challenge the status quo. His first order of business was to reach out to two formidable allies: Russia and China. Recognizing their shared distrust of the New World Order, he proposed a strategic alliance to reshape the global balance of power. The world watched with bated breath as these three superpowers converged on the international stage, their collective gaze fixed on the embattled nation of Ukraine—a pivotal pawn in the chessboard of geopolitical conflict.

Within days of his re-inauguration, President Trump, flanked by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, announced a historic tripartite agreement to support Ukrainian sovereignty and combat the entrenched New World Order. The leaders' unity sent shockwaves through international governments, particularly those in Europe and the Americas that had long held sway over global affairs. The alliance's first move was a coordinated diplomatic and military buildup in the region, signaling to Ukraine's oppressors that their days of dominance were numbered. As the world held its breath, the stage was set for a battle of ideologies that could potentially reshape the very fabric of global governance.
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883 days into SVO & chill and he gives you this look.
In a swift and decisive operation, the combined forces of the new tripartite alliance—the United States, Russia, and China—managed to dismantle the corrupt and beleaguered western puppet government in Ukraine. As the dust settled, the relieved nation began to rebuild under the watchful eyes of their newfound allies. President Trump, ever the maverick diplomat, took it upon himself to spearhead reconciliation efforts between Ukraine and its long-lost Russian brethren. With the New World Order's grip on the region loosened, the path to peace and unity grew clearer. The air of tension that had permeated the land for nearly three years started to dissipate, as the echoes of war gave way to the whispers of hope and freedom. Ukrainian citizens, who had suffered the brunt of the conflict, tentatively emerged from their shelters, their faces etched with a mix of relief and trepidation, ready to embrace the promise of a new chapter in their tumultuous history. The stage was set for a reunion that could redefine the future of Eastern Europe and, by extension, the world at large.
Sparks are also typical of shitty soviet ammo. Either way I don't care and the ziggers deserved it

Destruction of a Russian IFV by the 80th Air Assault Brigade ended in a gigantic explosion, Mar'inka direction. HD

Russia will soon be unable to conduct active assaults on many fronts and will transition to a defensive stance within a month, according to National Guard Commander Pivnenko. 25-07-2024

Radio Svoboda published high-resolution satellite images taken on July 24 showing fire damage at the Russian Aerospace Forces base in Morozovsk, Rostov region, following a Ukrainian drone attack. 25-07-2024

Strikes on Russian positions inside the Avdiivka Coke Plant. Work by the Tivaz artillery crew. HD

Romanian media reported that military personnel found debris from Russian 'Shahed' drones near the town of Plauru. These drones entered Romania during an attack on Ukrainian ports. 25-07-2024

The 3rd Battalion of the 80th Air Assault Brigade destroyed another Russian tank with FPV drones. HD

Russian motorized assault, bogged down due to Ukrainian FPV. HD


imagine if ziggers had half the footage of ukrops that we get of russians brutally dying
this thread would be unusable
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parade uniform status?
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>883 days into SVO & chill and he gives you this look.
We've seen worse
This shows how hopeless it is to shoot them down. Seeing it from the drone's PoV, it's a lot easier to wonder why they don't manage to shoot them down.
i have a drone and its almost invisible until quite close to you, you hear it much much sooner than you see it
Is that zigger goo pouring out?
Zigger hydraulic fluid.
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>tfw when you come back from an assault without having exploded
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>Is that zigger goo pouring out?
>Zigger hydraulic fluid.
>Zigger meme use GTA image
Lmao, you really have a hate-love relationship with the USA uh ?
Be still my beating *ACK*
That character in the game is a piece of shit NEET so it tracks
they really want to be a part of the cool countries club but at the same time can't stop acting like subhumans
They hate them because they ain't them.
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>ruzzia is le trad!!! le western world is doomed!!!! no more dollar soon!!! only ruble!!!
yes comrades, only the ruble could double as toilet paper, truly an achievement for the centuries to come
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Some at least filter it with old plastic bottles and a dirty sock or whatever that tissue is.
You just need a plastic bottle, sand, charcoal, you make layers one on top of the other, and that's it, you have a filter
they live long enough to get thirsty ? that's some fucking slackers
>worthless piece of shit that's a disappointment to his father
Yeah that's about right.
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>Romania has informed its allies and will coordinate its further actions with them.
they will joint condoooooomn puccia and thats it
Baking at 300.
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Can someone explain why Russia has transgenders in its army? Shouldn't these be filtered out before they even join? I don't get it. I guess you take meat where you can find it.
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Let's go .. and thx
Guess russian women just look like that.
They get rid of it, just like the new passport holders and prisoners, they send all their shit to Ukraine
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they do indeed
X is only bad when the west/HATO does it, it's based and trad when Russia does it (like gay rape).
Do you have the old Russian Blowjob webm?
I have not seen that in too long.
The aesthetic of >>475597407 reminded me of it.
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they come here because we offer free transition surgeries
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No, I don't, unfortunately.
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I'll use it for the next bake.
Russian soldiers are gay
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>I'll use it for the next bake.
Be my guest
It is a masterpiece and it needs to be remembered. The ziggers doing zigger things in bombed out ruins with a happy ending.
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Speaking of faggots, I'm reading a book on MI5 history, here's an amusing little factoid.
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One more message for a new thread, you niggers.
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Gib Brot
Much obliged.

Baked, get in.

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