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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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We could have this after ww2 if churchil wasn't such a faggot
Without churchill you would be speaking russian rn, be grateful
Poland is not a real country.
more like both would be speaking german
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No, churchil love spermany, he wanted to give them back the empire
Jeez, sit down irrelevant faggot.
We need another partition
>an even huger potato wasteland full of slavic retards
why does Poland stll exist?
Do we really need that many toilet cleaners?
because somebody needs to fuck you up again when you sperg out and go to war again
youre an irrelevant shithole
You know, Polacks have acted like this so often troughout history only to get steamrolled again, and again, and again, again, again, again
You're not fucking anyone up but yourself
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>We could have this after ww2 if churchil wasn't such a faggot

(You) are the Faggott!
Yeah, after Volyn and Katyn and this shithole still has draconian gun laws, nah, only thing this shamfur shit hole deserves is a putting out of it's sad misery.

Pooland by now should have BTFO of arms manufacturing industries like CZ. Yet no one even wants your "modular" crap because, it just embarrassing.
You are relevant shithole.
>when you sperg out and go to war again
they won't
they've been too thoroughly Dresdened in the ass
which was totally deserved btw
it's been 80 years without another barbarian chimpout
why poles vs germs "retard removal" threads so comfy
that doesnt even make sense
no need to change the name
Berlin is perfectly in line with Polish phonology and word formation rules
You're too idiotic to understand the power structure of your own continent. Lmao
Give slavniggers 100bn km2 and all they replicate is the same potato fermented hell, see russia. Give germans a swamp like the netherlands and they create an seafaring empire around the world and hightech utopia. Why is that?
its funny how youre ypaping, yet your own shithole croaked within a few weeks
there aren't enough toilets in the world to employ all those polaks
Wrocław is spelled wroslaw and katowice is Kattowice. Don't who made this map, but I don't think they were Polish.
Churchill betrayed Baltic nations to the Russians, he did not give a shit about white people or europeans for that matter, typical bastard anglo vampire cunt.
In the end we won and you lost.
5 weeks, 5 years, what's the difference
you lost the war and you're never coming back from it
enjoy your doner in Osmania
Breslau is the real name
oh yeah, they are
some retard did this
What would have happened to the population of 60 million germans? They would have been polanized/Nederlized/Czesnized? Or would there been a final solution to the kraut problem?
Implying anybody would have wanted this slavic peasant fanfiction.
just not a Pollack
noone gives a fuck how your shithole names are pronounced
>Or would there been a final solution to the kraut problem?
unlike German animals, Poles were never genocidal
not even at the height of the Polish kingdom in the 17th century when Poland subjugated smaller nations around it
but give a barbarian power and watch him go
Wrocław, Gdańsk, Szczecin
protip: don't lose wars
against you? no problem
crisp, clear, easy to pronounce, kino
awkward consonant cluster, weird NY sound, only one vowel, hard to pronounce, looks like shit written
need I say more?
>we were always pussies
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much better map
the vermin was in check
>polan is not a real country
>awkward consonant cluster, weird NY sound, only one vowel, hard to pronounce, looks like shit written
so is D'etritus DeBris Muttson III
but here you are
>implying you know a second language
the cope is yours because if you walk down any formerly-German city street none of the history you see is yours and you know it
>b-b-but Duke Konradoszczńy owned a few huts here in 1003 before losing it to the Czechs!
nobody cares
All german versions sound retarded
This should've been for the best, if you think about it, the g*rmans are the jews of european races
yes you're a nigger, we know
Can any French anon translate?
like your entire language?
>Polish IQ not high enough to understand an insult
>nobody cares about impotent German revisionism
you copied the word 'black' from an online arabic dictionary, congratulations
the زنجي is you
we fucked you plenty of times before jews sabotaged us
oh so true Mateusz, Silesia was heckin Atlantis before those evil Germniggers ruined everything in the Ostsiedlung
better version
Why would churchill give the soviets even more land?
this polish inferiority complex is getting out of hand
sure buddy
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Churchill should've let Poland get flattened by the Germans. Polish people are some of the most insufferable people in the world
dreams of faggy blonde chimps with asian gunpowder
you were the one that ruined our pact with germany, retard lol, youre lucky jews were in power in poland because you would be definitely speaking german right now
you would not even know what to do with it poldude
definitely not blow it up with asian gunpowder and import bunch of homo erectus hybrids from other side of planet, we do just fine with poland after jews are gone
> You would be speaking German right now
Yeah I'm sure that is better than speaking Arabic
Be thankful we even came to help you in your shit war with Germany, otherwise there would be no Poland
so funny seeing polaks copepost about how they totally have a right to territory they either:
>loosely controlled but kept trading hands over with the Bohemians (Silesia)
>only claimed and never effectively controlled, inhabited by a different group of Slavs (Pomerania)
>never effectively controlled and caused them major problems, requiring German Knights to come in and fix (Prussia)
>literally sold off (the Neumark)
no idea why you helped this ungrateful vermin
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dont worry, we cooperated with nazis anyways even if you fucked up our pact, there were polish SS officers killing your faggot brit ass
It shouldn't. Germany and Poland should unify and bring back the old imperial colours. Call it the Pole-Germanic commonwealth
Holy kek, i bet you think your country fought zig in ww2
>posts a Kashubian
Poland is so coal even the Kashubians preferred to be German rather than Polish!
No he didn't. It was Stalin that didn't want Poland to be part of Soviet Union. He said, I quote: "comminism fits Poles like saddle to a cow". If he wanted Poland to be part of Soviet Union - he would do that and NOBODY would (or could) stop him. He already had Red Army in Poland, communist gov that would do ANYTHING he ordered and western allies were spent and tired of war.
Poland can keep pre-1914 Russian Poland plus Galicia, we can make it a nature reserve for Jewish and Polish kvetchers alike, it’s their natural habitat
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hitler's driver was polish, and the death camps were polish too, cope
>We need another partition
You do? Who would like to partition Sweden tho'? Finlad and Norway, Denmark - or maybe Russia?
Go clean hans's toilet you fucking poolack faggot
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Good. The British people never wanted to help your ungrateful ass in the first place. We wouldnt even be there if not for Churchill who you should thank indefinitely for saving your shithole country. Fuck Poland
Don't you NATO lapdog niggers have a war to fight to restore the glory of the PLC?
Again - Poland owes nothing Great Britain
-> >>475590920
on the contrary, Poland was realising british policy and for that she paid the highest price. Churchill didn't save polish state - Stalin did.
But we already have 6 gorrilion km2 and except the mongol rapebabies, we have created cozy civilized places for ourselves
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we helped you with enigma, with fighting over your sky, shut your rotted mouth ahmed
Poland is an utterly irrelevant shithole
Even Ukraine matters more than them
I’m gonna become a Generalplan Ost denier for the fun of it. So much attention has been focused on debunking Jewish kvetching not enough has been given to debunking Slavic kvetching
Just like your nanny state
they have
and? ummm hmmm… hmmm…
Lol Churchill gave pooland to Stalin you fucking simpleton, guess what he made them learn in school?
>i learned history from reddit
German cucks always lost against Polish bulls
>Austria still on the map
Come on, they were even bigger nazis than Germans themselves. Anshluss was a marriage, not a conquest.
very polish name right there
I guess the years 1795-1918 never happened
never. polish chicken!
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But without germany after WW2 nobody would have had money to pump into poland to make it the prospering country it now is.
Polish hubris is something else. They've spent the last 70 years trying to turn Ukraine into a buffer zone and now it's completely fucking ruined and they're going to have the Russians on their borders to the east and north. They just cannot learn
Germans are jealous of Poles because Germany, while being better on paper (muh GDP), is a shithole compared to Poland, which is comfy and white, no truck of peace, no new years eve rape squads
Sometimes I think it would be better.

Shitskins are faggots.
Most Germans are faggots.
You are probably a faggot as well.

Just fuck humanity.
It doesn't really, just a figment if your imagination.
noone her gives a shit about Poland
I wish I was speaking German
>800€ fulltime is le baaaased
Poles rather clean german toilets for 1200€ than being an engineer in poland.
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Why are they acting this way? What the fuck are they telling you at school??
obligatory demoralization video, thanks for sharing Moshe
since you speak a german language anyway its easy to learn from that point on
I tried it but the way the course was set up in college, especially during COVID, sucked ass so I quit
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Fixed your gehy map
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Poles have a well-known reputation for being the biggest coalburners in Europe. Ask England. No other nationality is more likely to breed with niggers. Poles and niggers are 2 peas in a pod.
do some online class and join some telegram/discord channels
>duolingo eg
sad desu, those girls are built for BGC (Big German Cock)
they already had the Kenigsberg madlads on north
>Die eternal Polen
berlin is already a slavic name
I don't care about individual psyop videos and hearsay, I care about the statistics. I'm not very likely to get stabbed by an engineer at night in Poland. How many new mosques have been built in Germany compared to Poland in the past 20 years? How's the immigrant percentage?
Polabians weren’t Poles retard
>oh so true Mateusz,
the name's Grzegorz, Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
I live in Chrząszczyżewoszyce, county Łękołody
if you wanna fuck around and find out
ask around town, people know me
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Poland always btfo german scum. Its rare for you to win anything without first teaming up with someone else. Even today our army is stronger. We could march on berlin and you would run out of ammo in 3 weeks.
Even a nigger lives a better life in germany than your average slavic fag
two can play at that game, idiot
the w*sterner reveals his final form
They were western slavs who got germanised.
>Grand Français
>Greater Poland
>Greater Czechia
I'm not sure if getting stabbed by bydlo is any better
okay, props for having a good spirit about it, this made me smile
and so their heirs are…?
Wait, this is the map with Italian speaking Austria. Italy is based so I'll allow it.
closing time bro


the roaches are furious !!

you're delusional and you deserve everything that you're getting, you're almost as bad as the br*tish
way WAY WAY too late
>boohoo I am an underpaid fag seething about my ancient slaveholders petting their houseniggers better than me
>I deserve german pet treatment
yes still done!
The parts of poland with biggest g*rman minority have the highest crime rate btw.
Based. Time for another deluge.
How are the toilets in Bratislava, Wojciech?
A place for Indian men to poach women.
you make it sound like we wanted to really help bandera neonazi larpers that killed us in ww2 lol
>be Poland
>Germany wants to ally you to counter the commie threat
>deny request of Danzig to rejoin Germany (Danzig isn't even really part of your country)
>start murdering germans for no reason
>Germany invades and you get absolutely curbstomped
>massive world war breaks out, worst war in history
>end up dominated by commies after all, turns out the Germans were right
>finally freed after decades
>still carry a seething hatred for Germans for some fucking reason, even though they were right the entire time
you niggers are fucking retarded. life would be so much easier if slavs simply disappeared
fuck pooland and fuck europe all of it should burn
>I am again a pussy
Only pussies fear crime.
eh Bulgarians are pretty cool
is this the last Silesian German? or a nigger or jeet
>30 million dead slavniggers
>germany second biggest world economy after the war
BEST war in history.
bulgarians think they somehow have a claim on like half of greece, they're dumb niggers too
rzeczpospolita retard
Russians did actually manage to create two beacons of enlightenment in Moscow and Leningrad. I wonder if the Mongol and Tatar heritage helped.
EU monies
>Why is that?
socio-economic factors
>(Danzig isn't even really part of your country)
yes it is dumb faggot, look at older maps
correct nederbro
polish are ungrateful. look same as now:
we freed them from the gommunism
allowed them in the eu
>still want more money for nothing.
Don't care go clean my toilet just took a huge greasy shit.
the city of danzig was not part of poland during the interwar period you stupid fucking mongoloid
it was under a league of nations charter, you just represented them internationally
we won over danzig and silesia in 996
your name is Ronald Reagan?
>in 996
who the fuck is talking about 996 you absolute imbecile
god slavs are so fucking dumb holy shit
shut your whore mouth german from aliexpress
After the fall of the Berlin wall Germany turned Poland into a nation of toilet cleaners and prostitutes with the lowest fertility rate in Europe, so I think you did get your vengeance.
we're in 2024 and its still ours, cry about it
>copeposting about territory you barely controlled for like 20 minutes
the truth matters more than your feelings, get over yourself pussy
>it's okay to talk about the 19th century
>it's not okay to talk about the 10th century
this pilpuling polderjood
Brazil >>> Pooland
>see it all started 20,000 years ago when monke ancestors settled swamps around Moskva
Russians and Poles...
you're genuinely too stupid to understand anything i've said so far
i'm not saying Danzig today needs to be part of Germany you complete morons
holy shit these niggers are retarded beyond comprehension
Don't forget the seething hatred of Russians because the Soviets tried to uplift Poland.
we have brick outhouses older than your country
so yeah, our perspective is little longer
why would you even comment on something you know nothing about? you caught muttism on the chans?
that map is cope, just one example: the Pomeranians were a different group of Slavs who kept rebelling against Pooland and it took the Germans to civilize them lmao
shut up retard
it pisses them off its hilarious, they cant get over being lucky in last hundred years and overblow it
>Poland has outhouses
That you stole from the Germans.
Why can't we talk about the 10th century?
no i understand you fine, you dont understand that you lost, it was never meant to be yours, now you cope while your women are fucked by ahmed immigrant in this very moment, go do more faggy things in your failing country
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danzig was not poolish

checked. true i had my share, if you know what i mean! kek
for one Poland didn’t even have much control over those territories and two they didn’t control them for long
What actually is the Bulgarian claim on South Thrace? Is it another piece of ethnic Bulgarian land that was annexed in the Second Balkan war?
go back to your swamp, troll and don't forget to lower your gaze if you meet a Swede on the way
because it's completely irrelevant to anything i've said

what has any of that to do with anything i've posted? are you an illiterate retard perhaps?
how does it matter if it was 1 minute ago or 10 minutes ago? dumb mutt, you're just mad there is any history before your country and its hard for your brain
Gdańsk was founded by Mieszko I (the founder of Poland) and got its city status from the hands of Świętopełk II (polish prince). It was taken away from Poland.
That being said, I would give it away in 1939. It is better to lose a part of a country than the whole country (I'm talking about the highway that Hitler wanted, not Gdańsk). The question is if Gdańsk was even polish to give up in the first place, since - like you noticed, it wasn't part of Poland.
shouldn't have build houses on our territory, are you stupid or what? free germ labor
>Loses the War
>Begs for land
You got the best deal, the Soviets were considering annexing you tards
>I would give it away
it wasn't part of poland. it literally, officialy, was not a part of your country. there was nothing to give away. you guys just had some special rights for sea access, but Gdynia was already a better alternative anyway
germany didnt even exist when we took over danzig, you were still on trees when we wrote our constituion
Still mad about BIG URALIC COCKS that Göran used against you during the deluge?
i responded too quickly, you acknowledge what i said later in the post. sorry about that.
these other retards have me on edge
>were considering annexing you tards
and they backed the fuck down realizing it wasn't worth the insurrections and constant unrest
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So true!
>germany didnt even exist when we took over danzig, you were still on trees when we wrote our constituion
incorrect, Germany was referred to in the early 10th century
yes, we were also promised access to the Aegean sea but you can guess how that turned out. There are thousands of refugee families from southern Thrace
>the deluge?
some dutch faggot ITT said we can't talk that far back
only 19th century onwards
They did it so that you'd master the art of toilet cleaning.
no you illiterate nigger, i said that the point i specifically raised had nothing to do with historical claims
still you are being an absolute retard. learn to fucking read holy shit
Understandable. Bulgaria will one day regain its rightful borders.
no literally it was part of poland, the chrzest of poland in 900's included both gdansk and silesia regions as the founding region of poland
>we won
we were betrayed and then betrayed again. If you think we won anything during and after ww2 you are retarded.
>in 900's
no it wasnt, it was just bunch of disorganized little nations
>An entry in the Annales Iuvavenses (or Salzburg Annals) for the year 919 records that Baiuarii sponte se reddiderunt Arnolfo duci et regnare ei fecerunt in regno teutonicorum, i.e. that "Arnulf, Duke of the Bavarians, was elected to reign in the Kingdom of the Germans".
kill yourself, retard
They exist as a testament to the question: "what would niggers look if they were white"
> live off of gibs (most subsidized cunt in EU)
> constant wewuzzing
> constant butthurt
> low IQ
you just cant comprehend such large timeline, maybe youre immigrant of some short, limited brain capacity due to homo erectus DNA
>Being this illiterate
What do you think the KING OF GERMANY referred to?
So, again - if Gdańsk wasn't polish to give, what exactly Hitler wanted? Technically Poland couldn't give away something that wasn't hers. It was Treaty of Versal that decided its fate, not Poland. Eius est tollere legem, cuius est condere.
>T. Homo habilis
from your mouth to god's ears as we say
nigger, it's irrelevant to anything i've said
you are retarded.
is that what hitler wrote after burning the history archives from rage?
giving up their special rights to the city and not blocking the railways between the german mainland and east prussia
it's very much relevant to what you said, monkey, it explains why you're so stupid
no it's not. i was strictly talking about the situation of europe in the interwar period. the 900's are completely irrelevant to my point. you just have a chip on your shoulder.
Funnily enough Pooland could also have cockblocked the Germans annexing Czochoslovakia had they just allowed Soviet troops to cross into it. I suspect the reason they didn't was that Pooland also participated in the annexation.
>ignores the Czechs also claimed Silesia and Poland never really held it for long
lol cope
what's the point? we would blow it up just like we blown up nord stream 1 & 2, you're not making any deals with bolshevik communists ever again, failed national socialist, lol
Churchil got out of office during Potsdam
nah, you need to read some non-kiked history books and realize that they don't want strong and independent Poland to exist.
the original claim of region matters, the later ones do not, cry about it, the first original claim is mieszko 1, its written down as founding borders of poland
Not even former USSR countries speak Russian (like Baltics) what the fuck are you even smoking
>let in soviet troops
lol might as well join the S*viet Union
germans lived in the area during the roman days, so if you want to talk about historical claims you lose either way
>if churchil wasn't such a faggot
He was the only one that proposed attacking the soviets and he got shot down.

Odds are good the allies would have lost continental europe in short order.
>we have been shitting outside longer than your country existed and continue to do so
Weird flex
>ur just mad we have history
>Nooo not a single rail line in Lwiw
Cope. Poland caused WW2 through its greed and hubris.
Like I said - I'd do that for common sense reasons, but as a lawyer I see plenty of problems. Like I said, the status of Gdańsk (including the rights you mentioned) had its source in Treaty of Versal. Polands wasn't a side of this treaty, therefore was unable to change its resolutions by one-sided act. On the other hand - more the reason to do it, lol. After the war it would be easy to invalidate it as illegal.
*Cleaning toilets outside
no it was poles there
Based Finn bants
and your history is the exact same pic but every dog is jewish
>teutonic knights
>ukrainina n faggots
>holy grrman fagpire
lol, we fucked them all over, read a boom retard.
Don't be like that.
Germans were settled there because of so called Colonization under German law. I'll explain how it worked. Polish princes wanted their cities to thrive, but polish society had three classes only: noblemen (warriors), peasants and clergy. There was very little of native middle class (townspeople). So they were settling in their cities Germans - for Germans were THE COMMONEST PEOPLE IN EUROPE. Yes, that's right: the commonest and therefore the easiest to get. There goes the myth of "ubermenchen". Slavs (so called Sorbs - polish relatives) were living between Oder and Rhein - and they were germanised by german tribes coming from THE WEST. So no - in roman times there was no Germans in vincity of Gdańsk, hell - there wasn't even a village when Romans were a thing.
>bulgarians think they somehow have a claim on like half of greece
Literally no one here thinks that except for some one or two small regions that in the past have been part of the broader Bulgarian Tsardom and until the mid-20th century Bulgarian-majority, you live in your own fantasy world.
Stop it, you had nearly 10% of the jew population before Hitler marched his ass through your country and cleaned house.
Or does history not matter anymore, poolack?
Cope, you've been ran through more than a drunk girl at a frat party.
OP is a fucking German cocksucking faggot, and this is a smear campaign. Nobody in Poland is THAT stupid, bringing bad name to us publicly? What an absolutely irrelevant fucking opinion, it is almost as if somebody lied to this moron his country is relevant. They want something for nothing, kinda like Zelensky the junkie... but he gets something.

Polaks can't actually go out and kill, most pussified society, lowest crime rate, no outward expansion, self hate, cynicism laziness.

Euroniggers deserve nothing but death and Poland's like in denial they have been gangraped, assraped by neighboring countries. 70 years no answer. LOL.
absolute retard lol
Oh we anwsered, and they're still crying about it.

I've seen no march towards Berlin for 70 years and counting.
I've seen no slav-to-slav sympathy (USSR 2.0) and consequently animosity and hatred towards the "west" -> angles and germs.

Putin knows better what Poland NEEDS. He SUGGESTED to us, we should have started a march for Kyiev and Lviv 24 February 2022 before the first shelling landed we should have been on the way already, happy smiling and ready for blood.

None of the western fags ever give a shit, they don't know what Poland is, there would be N O REPERCUSSION NATO OR NOT.

Scared to shoot = landless, armyless
You didnt win anything. The Russians, together with the enormous help of UK and US and their colonies.

You got completly steamrolled by the Wehrmacht. And no, you werent "betrayed". By the time the soviet union invaded your eastern border the Germans were already in Warsaw. Even if the French attacked immediately from the West and the russaisn wouldnt have done anything, it still wouldnt save you because your shithole literally collapsed within 3 weeks of getting non-stop raped

Hitler was your last hope he knew there was not much time before US' hegemony.

No say in the world anymore all you can do is "rule" over the corpse that eu is. Enjoy slow colonisation under US and death.
>wewuz liberators n sheeeit
That's a prime example of niggerijen understanding and manipulation of history
You mean if kikes weren't so greedy.

Germany is a locomotive of innovation and economic giant. No way they are going to genocide us and miss those profits.

Exactly, and Polaks are stupid and ungrateful as a whole.

Polaks fail to recognize, the strongest of our slavic tribe can terrorize the US by uttering some N words on TV, and suddenly all those american girl power movement is now googling can putin blow up their city.

This world became Slavs vs Angles after ww2 and polaks forgot they are slavs, wanting to be something between a germ, angle and slav. Disgusting.

You don't have to LIKE THEM MORONS, ruskis are primitive and disgusting, but just kill what they kill
The witcher is 1% of the polish gdp, imagine that lmao
>good ending
>Georgian flag
>Calls other countries shit holes
The irony
Berlings army won the war, keep coping.

Irrelevant Poland missed a chance at Western Ukraine in 24 Feb 2022 given to them on a silver platter by Slav Overlord Putin


And you wouldn't have gotten any reparations because the strong economy was in the west.
you are not even talking to german if you havent figured it out already
remember files he posts
youll see many flags post those but they all come from one country
How have you been overran in one night?
Atleast I know that my country is a shithole and I dont pretend otherwise. I am fully content admitting that this country hasnt achieved anything at all and has no value. Unlike the polish who are bloating themselfes up like a puffer fish, hanging onto historic events that happened 1000 years ago and are totally irrelevant today.

Almost every goergian is trying to escape eigther to Moscow or to Germany. No one dreams of escaping to Poland.

Thats why Poland doesnt have any niggers. Because even niggers refuse to go there. Because its a shithole.
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>confederation of the danube
imagine the tariffs
على الأقل أنا لا أتحدث الألمانية
My heart is touched by all the white brotherhood in this thread
>you would run out of ammo in 3 weeks
I hate to break it to you pal but the Polish Army has even less ammunition than the German Army.
>swamp with access to the Atlantic and no invading Muslims and Mongols
The polish army buys equipment from korea like mad men. People that cant produce their own defense inside their own country should rather close their mouth.
Two of the greatest colonial empires were of German origin.
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we run out of ammo
also not one night
Don't be so hard on your country, apparently you have really good wine.

That being said, there are a lot of Georgians in Poland and they're top3 foreign prisoners.
>boohoo da muslimerinos
Nigga they had mongols right next to them, and the English.
Churchill didn’t do shit. It was all for Israel, ya retard cumskin, cuz min British Israelism. Enjoy dying for a Jew again cuz eurotards are too retarded to know real history.
majority of it will be produced in poland though its part of the contract
It was basically one night. And how did they fail to have ammo when Germany was arming up massively for years already? They should have known that Hitler and Stalin both wanted to eat them up.
With german money, there has to be at least some use of these polish niggers.
>Thats why Poland doesnt have any niggers. Because even niggers refuse to go there. Because its a shithole.
lol cope, we bully you subhumans and you wont find any job
>and the English
Limp-wristed Anglos even we bullied a thousand years ago?
Thinking the Netherlands is not in a high quality position geographically is retarded. Compare it to Belarus for example.
you only know history of mcdonalds, nothing else
keep moving the goalpost paid shill
1 month and couple nights
> They should have known that Hitler and Stalin both wanted to eat them up.
we were arming but you invaded 3 years before we finished and allied with soviets to do so because you were scared you'll fail despite 2 decades of preparing and severly outnumbering us
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Wouldn't last, Churchill was a poser and a pawn, and he himself wouldn't care to wipe out a nation he shares his ethnicity with. Now go to Church and confess your sins.
Imagine having the audacity to actually think a toilet cleaning subhuman nation is more important than Germany.
Astonishing how similar Pooland is to India.
>they were preparing for two decades
>Despite the threat and long time we failed to do it ourselves
Doesn't exactly make you look bright.
To be fair the case that can be made is that Germany has fallen so badly they can soon be compared to toilet cleaners.

Still not sure who blew up your pipelines? kek
>giving the fr*nch any land
I'd rather get nuked
>we were arming but you invaded 3 years before we finished and allied with soviets to do so because you were scared you'll fail despite 2 decades of preparing and severly outnumbering us

That only shows we are retards who don't learn from the history. We still don't.
2 decades of preparing under the rule of Versailles. Germany wasn't even allowed to have any armed forced beyond self defense. But Hitler ignored that and in 6 years armed up to a force that could unleash the greatest war in history.
You should have been prepared.
>we cant build shit yet, b-but we will
>w-we will destroy you NOW
Well. Were waiting.
toilet cleaner vs poop eater
You mean the eastern europoor gypsies they have in masses there? Jah, theyre poop eaters from india.
We will do to you what netanyahu is doing to the palis when the time is right, toilet scrubber
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Learning about the "Flucht und Vertreibung" in school was probably the first redpill I ever swallowed. I was taught basically NOTHING about it in my normal history classes, barely even a single mention of it. I only learned about it by pure chance because I signed up for "deutsch" as the subject of my P-Seminar in 11th and 12th grade.
The english tried to rule the seven seas when the dutch were their biggest competition. And you talk about some shitskins as if its the decline of the west.
Starving them all was a considered option (look up the Morganthau Plan) or perhaps they were going to scatter the population across the globe through deportation, with a good chunk going to the united states. Only reason Germany still exists is because the allies turned on each other right after the war.
This further demonstrates Britain's approach to Balance of Power, which generally leads to more wars.
Only way to achieve long term piece is for these minor states to become a client/satellite of someone else, preferably a nuclear power.
Romans found this out the hard way during the 2nd through 4th Macedonian wars.
same, Beck, Stalin, Churchill, and FDR were faggots.
thats the same all over eastern Europe, because it was part of the soviet block
there is literally nothing impressive about it
>implying Poland exists
look at that retard and laugh
>we were arming
kek, sure youi were, you irrelevant shithole that was poorer than communist Russia
>but you invaded 3 years before we finished
how unfair of us
They were first to space, something that will be remembered for the eternity of human civilization as the first step out of this nigger infested planet.
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Gee I wonder fucking WHY ruskies and mutts did so much space stuff.

What could it be...? Hmmmm. How did these 2 superpowers suddenly become so smart? It really grinds my gears.
Shut the fuck up Dutch scum.
I always thought it was the most unjust and awful thing I had heard of, it makes me sick people will justify it
in 935 Silesia belonged to the Czechs. *Womp womp*.
No. Give germanoids well prospering sates and just in 50 years they will import millions upon millions of niggers, invent LGBT, socialism and feminism to ruin themselves. Get real, don't invent some fantasy stuff, we can see it by our own eyes.
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why are you argueing wiht polish niggers
polish nigger education
>very polish name right there!

>Maria Sklodowska-Curie
> ummm hmmm was she polish?? nah, she's french!
forgot: guess Bialystok isn’t Polish then
>muh Marie Curie

now clean it up
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Magna Germania, holy fuck. Here, another pre-Jesus empire, Magna Lechia. Just as real as Magna Germania.
>The Vandals were a Germanic people who first inhabited what is now southern Poland.

polish nigger
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Hopefully, we'll have this after WW3
oh yes because small country that just got independence is capable of surpassing 2 most militarized empires in current europe through good will and pressing *build military* button dumb fuck
you were building military in soviet union to bypass the quotas already in the 20s
We're still waiting for total war faggot. Bombing civilians is just total cope.
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suits you well nigger
FDR, Churchill wanted this.
>small irelevant country that shouldnt even have existed
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>the daily poolak butthurt inferiority complex thread appears

daily reminde fake poolaks slavs are not native to europe
Kill yourself you fucking subhuman creature. You fucking whoreson shitsucker.
I can’t read zigger whats it say
seethe subhuman
new schizo history just dropped
oh, now you larp as Vandals
what a worthless wasteland
is there anyhting your shithole has ever produced other than stealing shit?
just your typical pollack nigger
it was written by ethnic german and member of Holy Roman Empire imperial council retard

Lol, you are like fucking muslims.
>be somewhere for 20 years
Not to mention everything before year 950 in central Europe is highly speculative. What isn't speculative is DNA research. According to which ancestors of Poles where here since the time immemorial.
>In the region identified by Ptolemy and Pliny, east of the Vistula and adjoining the Baltic, there was an Iron Age culture known to archaeologists as the West Baltic Cairns Culture or West Baltic Barrow Culture, and the Przeworsk and Zarubintsy cultures east of the Vistula river. The Baltic cultures are associated with the Proto-Balts. These herders lived in small settlements or in little lake dwellings built on artificial islands made of several layers of wooden logs attached by stakes. Their metals were imported, and their dead were cremated and put in urns covered by small mounds.[12] The Przeworsk and Zarubintsy cultures are associated with Proto-Slavs, though the Przeworsk culture was a mix of several tribal societies and is also often linked to the Germanic tribe of Vandals.
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Germany itself would be irrelevant country between US/anglo and USSR.
It is somewhat relevant thanks to EU and its expansion towards east
Not sure who's more delusional at this point Pooland or Albania with their silly dreams of conquest.
Look at this germ, lmao
That "somebody" sure as hell isn't Poland. You exist to be "Deutschbait" for the Western Powers, you exist to get fucked by the Germans, who in turn, will get fucked by the West for fucking you.

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