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Why can't you give us a couple of hundred of those? We aren't asking for F-22 and F-35. Good old F-14/15/16/18 will suffice. Warthogs are ok too.
>Why can't you give us a couple of hundred of those?

What are you offering in return?
Um I thought you were winning tho?
Trump is going to demand on day one all of the money we lent you back, this is his official platform
what would an A-10 even be useful for in ukraine
honestly can't think of a use case
We want to reduce Russia's mobilization potential, not escalate it into a nuclear war.
That black one is sexy, what is it?
Why should we care what happens in Ukraine?
Yeah fuckin right. Tomcats are a national treasure museum piece and don't you shitters dare ruin the combat record of the Eagle.
Because they are not your "partners and allies" like your politicians tell you.
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Those Tomcats were slick...Why don't that make them like that any more? #Sad
Why do you deserve an F-14 over me? Those jets are going to be on the civilian market once they're retired from service.
You know why? Because we paid for them faggot.
Ukraine is spilling blood for European security. You should be asking what YOU owe us. Well, I'm telling you - give us the fucking planes.
i think F14, but I dont know for sure
How will the government people make money sending old planes?
Its equivalent Su-25 has been used since day 1. But numbers are the name of the game. We need to have superiority over russia.
because you don't have the pilots to operate them, nor the logistical infrastructure, nor the appropriate airfields. did i mention russian drones are flying over the airfields you have left and then directing iskander strikes on them? how are you supposed to set anything up when iskanders and cruise missiles come flying every week, not to mention shahed drones.
Removing an economic ally of China(Russian gas money) before the great bug War to secure the world's chips etc manufacturing.
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>Ukraine is spilling blood for European security.

I live in North America. We're already secure here, except for the invasion at our southern birder.
Go ask the Europeans for planes. If you don't have a better offer for us then we should decline.
Because you're not worth it the west will give you just enough to keep this war going and thats great because the more dead slavs the more erect my cock gets.
>Its equivalent Su-25 has been used since day 1
Yeah and it's fucking dogshit
Slow, subsonic flying MLRS piece of shit that can't carry LMUR or UMPK and has to go into enemy MANPADS range to do minimal CAS contrbution
Americans keep that shit for strafing civilian car convoys, it's useless against any air defense
Because if Ukraine falls, russia will be emboldened to attack NATO countries. So you will have a choice - sending your own troops to die and risk all out nuclear war or abandon Europe and be the laughingstock of the World.
>Gibs me dat
Ukraine isn't going to destroy Russia. And I don't want a war with China.
Make a better offer.
>Ukraine is spilling blood for European security.
Why would America give a shit about that though? The EU as a political bloc is a quasi-rival of Americas dominance, anything that keeps the EU weak and divided is to Americas benefit.
Sorry but Europe is not our problem. Besides, euros constantly tell us things get fucked up when we involve ourselves over there so I think it best if we not involve ourselves this time.
Haha you retard. Only country still using Tomcats is Iran, murrica destroyed all F-14s after they were retired in 2006.
thanks for the confirmation anon
Seems to me Europe would be a lot safer if we weren't on the brink of war with Russia over two provinces and a peninsula that most of us had never heard of before 2014, and are inhabited by people who speak Russian.
So you only use your weapons in perfect conditions for some "record"? Or maybe it's time to use them for something worthy?
European security went out the window in 1945 my guy. You fight for communist banker clans.
>Because if Ukraine falls, russia will be emboldened to attack NATO countries
lol. lmao even
You will just sell them on the black market, then ask for more.
I seem to remember western media constantly telling me about how Azov was committing genocide against ethnic Russians but all of that was silenced as soon as the Russians fought back.
The EU is basically equivalent to us in population, economy, and technology. They could easily handle Russia without our help.
Do you have the infrastructure and expertise to maintain and operate them effectively? Why would we give you planes only for the Russians to parade the ruins around as a trophy because you didn't know what you were doing?
If the year was 1990 perhaps.
But we sent all of our manufacturing to China.
It will take a decade to replace what we've already given you.

Blame the hebrew's not only for this war, but also for your eventual loss.
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Yes. Make your own planes, you faggots. I know you have Antonov. Oh wait, you stupid kikes even let the An-225 get destroyed for insurance bux.

nigger i learned to fly and land a F-16 in DCS in one weekend. Telling me it takes 6 months to train an already experiencced MIG pilot. That is fucking BULLSHITTTTTTTTTTTT
You guys have already lost. It's useless to be throwing more arms and money out the window. You guys are Germany around February 1945
F-14. One of the most aesthetic jet fighters ever. It's the one in Top Gun for a reason.

Because I want Russia to win.

The best thing that could happen to Europe at this point us for Russia to take over. At least that'd way it'd remain white rather than get replaced by niggers, poos, and Arabs.
India is happy to replace China for you saar. They are experienced in tech support too.
>or abandon Europe
That's a bad thing? You just said either start a nuclear war or achieve what most Americans have wanted for years.
Why can't you give me a couple of hundred Ukrainian women? I’m not asking for 8/10s or 9/10s. Good young 14/15/16/17/18 year olds will suffice. Older women are ok too.
pretty much this you fought for Blackrock that now owns your country and they are gonna fill it up with niggers for economic growth offcourse, Thrown away like a used comdom
Because most of us fucking hate you
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>Why can't you give us a couple of hundred of those
>ayo gibs me dat
Fuck off nigger, I'll be flying an F-4 in ww3 and you didn't get shit.
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fuggin czech't and KeK't
russia tried throwing ALL their legacy arsenal at the war earlier howd that worked out?
>Why can't you give us a couple of hundred of those?

First, only about half of those are airworthy. Don't kid yourself otherwise. Second, it wouldn't do you any good, your pilots have been +80% killed off and even if you had pilots, they would be seriously ineffective in planes they have never flown before and the russians would be able to kill them even more effectively then if they were in their own planes. Third, you have no airfields left to base them.

Btw, NATO pilots flying from outside wouldn't change anything either.

Say NATO mobilized 500 planes with 500 NATO pilots...all of them would need to be kept in Poland and Romania...Russia would bomb the shit out of them with long range missiles before they even took off.

You are much better off waving the white flag, chum. This is a war that the longer you drag it out, the worse the outcome will be for you.
>If ukriane falls
you are falling only you did not hit the ground yet for absolutly nothing
No, you neutered Europe's armies and military industrial complex after WW2. And there's an economic crisis right now to just try and kickstart the production. You have by far the biggest stockpile in the West. It will rot anyway. Why not give it to us instead?
>And there's an economic crisis right now to just try and kickstart the production.
No the mutts blew up our pipeline you seem to forget the mutts occupy europe we have no say in this
*smacks lips*
Gib me dat pls
Fuck off. You idiots thought it would be a good idea to deliberately provoke your neighbours. That's your problem.
Back then, Ukraine had the strongest integrated air defense networks made up of deadly russian air defense systems like the Buk and the S300.
Those have been largely destroyed by now...that's why you see so many russian planes throwing FAB bombs everywhere.

Western air defense systems like the Patriot, the NASAMS, the IRIS-T, these are garbage compared to russian systems, otherwise there would be a whole lot more russian planes and missiles shot down.

All these western systems can do is shoot down Shaheed drones.
>Gibs gibs gibs me dat
Hey, asshole, even those dandy Euro poofters have made some fuckin sweet combat jets since the end of the cold war. Why didn't you?
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As the one ambassador of Sweden and nephew to the leader of our people, us swedes will not take a hundred American Warthogs, but we would be interested in a hundred-thousand American Braphogs. Please respond kindly and make sure the hogs are young and ready. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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That's unironically a great idea. Beats me they aren't hitting you over the head with their old planes.

That said, the war must end, Ukraine should be partitioned and a solid peace with Russia must be brokered. And while we're already high on larpium, the jews must be kicked out of Europe and the US.
Ask your own government. There are several million Ukrainian refugees, mostly young women. But for some reason anglo countries didn't take in much of them.
I suppose you shouldn't have thrown a coup and then started shelling ethnic Russians. Turns out, that's offensive to Russia. Now get subjugated, bitch.
>No, you neutered Europe's armies and military industrial complex after WW2.


>And there's an economic crisis right now to just try and kickstart the production.

A looming threat will keep European industry focused and motivated. Relying on us just gives them an excuse to delay.

>You have by far the biggest stockpile in the West. It will rot anyway. Why not give it to us instead?

Because we can get better offers elsewhere. We're not a fucking charity.
Lmao show us something worthy.
we'll give you a couple of hundred of planes, taras.
Make your own planes you filthy begging nigger jew.
God I really wish he wasn't so damn transparent about giving Putin a crafty handjob under the table, it really is disgusting how much he simps for him.
Like bro, you're Americas president, you dont have to give Vlad shit anymore.
It's more like they outsourced everything to us and now are paying the price for not being able to suck off one hegemon or another.
>something worthy
you're the only ones seeing this war as existential and world-ending. For the rest, it's some bad US investments and just another restructuring of the post-Soviet space
They're on their way swedebro. Prepped, lubed and ready.
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The 4th-largest air force in the world is out in the desert at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona, sitting idle in plastic wrap. There are hundreds of F-16s and F-15s that can be restored to flying condition in a week or two.
Worse than niggers, I swear.
Just fucking die already, Ukraine was never a real country in the first place.
I'd give them the equipment but only the agreement that no training manuals or trainers are provided and that the only munitions supplied are nerf bullets. It'll be hilarious as hell.
>Well, I'm telling you - give us the fucking planes.
This right here is exactly why I'm not giving them to you.
Ukraine thread is always a treat because these guys have no shame when it comes to asking for free stuff lmao.
Yes. I love the Ukrainian women you keep sending over here. Thanks.
You do not deserve F-15chan. How about some F-5s?
Post tits and vagine, preferably with sharpie and timestamp. If you are a man in Ukraine, you should be on the front lines fighting the mighty Russians.
Kiddo, NATO weapons are designed and produced for one single purpose: Sales presentations.
Putting them into an active warzone is bad for their carefully crafted media image. Look what happened to the Leopard 2: It was invincible for 50 years. Then some of you retards thought it would be a good idea to send that tank into a battle. Nobody buys Leopard 2 tanks anymore now.
That's not my problem you jEWish toy. Fuck off and die already glowcuck.
I actually did fuck a Ukrainian refugee it was pretty funny. She came from far western Ukraine and wasn't in any real danger but said she used the war to get out of the shithole. Had family in America. She gave mean head. Small ass but big titties. Honestly? Might see if she wants an anchor baby
Its like a Jew coming to ask for something every fucking day. Oi vey.
Why can't you retarded beggars make your own? Are you too stupid?
I had no opinion about hohols at the start of the war. When it started, I was even pro-Ukraine. Their universally shitty behavior not only made me change my opinion on Ukraine, it was so off-putting that I ended up pro-Russia.

Rooting for Ukrainians has made me fucking hate Ukrainians.
Oh if they think they can get it by those means they will. I've been on a date with two so far. Weirdly, they're easier than western women. And that's saying something.
>if Ukraine
when ukraine*
>just give us an entire air force bro, please!
the absolute state and nerve of Ukranians. who the fuck thinks they deserve to be given a modern airforce for free? when has this ever happened in the history of aviation?
nigger your overlords that occupy u also occupy us we are vassels tell your bullshit to the tv boomer babies they might believe you
Fight your own wars.
Pay debnts for resources lent by us.
>implying I give a fuck about European security
Kek we should pull all military and financial support from every European country and see how long you faggots last.
Terrorism for when they eventually have to sign a treaty.
Our proxy's for war always end up being our next enemy.

>Stupid amerikanski, this is your fault, why you no give us nukes (angry emoji) !?!?!?!
>Pay debnts for resources lent by us.
Plan was for dems to hand out rebuilding contracts to their donors like republicans did with iraq
problem is that there wont be any ukraine to pay them lol
Heh gonna see what she says honestly. Some sort of legal agreement beforehand though for sure to stop me getting raped financially and a paternity test as well. Wish me luck boys.
Once he joins The Federation, our planes will be his planes too. Easy but this is a bait thread because no 404 dude is this retarded in his comments.
states that don't exist anymore can't pay debts.
It doesn't matter the Russians are too retarded to fly them anyways so they'll parade them around and try to reverse engineer our 45 year old tech lmao
Meh, of course they'll keep buying, it's a solid tank.

The real problem is that retards descended into bigger and bigger idiocisms where they thought that modern war machines are that much more effective than older gen tech.
Worse, they completely forgot that war is mainly a numbers game. Above all else, you need to leverage numbers. Your "higher quality" tech might constitute a slight advantage but you need manpower.

That means that while Russia had thousands, Germany only had a few dozen fieldable tanks!
And a hit from a modern AT rocket will smash any armor to bits.

That means that while the Leopard is pretty good, you still need roughly the same amount your opponent has in the field. Against thousands of tanks, you will have almost no options if you only got a couple hundred.
If you have only a couple dozen, you might as well not field any tanks.
Ukrainians will bomb russians for being russian
Ukrainians will bomb any european country they think helped russia with peace deal (hungry,belarus,etc)
Ukranians will bomb any european country who didnt give enough gibs (czechia, germany, etc)

Basically ukranians will be chimping out arab tier
No, they are needed for drone conversion. Be glad for F16s your getting.
F-14s hit the shredders besides museum pieces, dumbass.
No. Make a treaty with Russia before it's too late.
Why should we care what happens to NATO?
Who's going to fly them?
The only way would be to hire American mercenaries to fly them
theres not the money or parts or weapons to get these rusty old planes working again
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>Kek we should pull all military and financial support from every European country

lol financial support? you dont provide that
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Hmm. A theory about "dominoes". Where have we heard that before? Besides, Russia didn't inject mnra into people. "the west" did that. Russia is not an existential threat to the human species.
I’m fine with being a laughingstock. Most Americans go their whole life without leaving the country. We won’t even hear you laughing.
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and just Surrender already
It's not a threat, it's a fucking promise! You know what's going to happen if you fail to help Ukraine and russians will be able to break through? Hundreds of thousand angry and armed Ukrainian veterans along with millions of civs will storm the EU. People will have no other choice. Living under russia is not an option. Ukrainians dreamed of Europe. You didn't take us in when it was possible, when russia was in no condition to invade. You don't want to help us properly now, fucking banned from striking russian airfields from which they bomb us daily. Well, we"ll just enter EU by force. You know, like the Germanic tribes did with Rome. Migration period all over again! And we are going to take land from you too, cucks. And establish our own Hetmanate somewhere in the center of EU. How would you like that?
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The pig is DESPERATE
Lmao imagine believing this. You decided to do the kikes bidding now you’re repeating kike propaganda. Ukraine is getting btfo because your jew in chief just HAD to be apart of nato, just HAD to have bio terrorism labs and just HAD to randomly kill Russian supporters in ukraine. Nobody to blame but yourselves and given the current shit show, you’re not defending a god damn thing, let alone europe.
Because the US makes lots of money selling fighters.
If people find out that they are obsolete, then they lose their grift.
I don't think they're be enough uncrippled Ukrainian men to pull that off. Your women will invade sure, and take cock as their prize. But if there are any Ukrainian men they'll accept Russian rule or just continue on in the rump state left to you. You seething hohols piss me off so much that I'm happy when misfortune falls upon you.

This is the actual state-of-"mind" of the average khokhol.

>I'm telling you

No one is fucking listening.
West of your border the USA already spends $900b per year….if they “break through” Ukraine they will then have a real enemy to face.
>fight world war III for us or we will invade you with weapons you paid for!!
jesus christ do you even hear yourself? i hope russia FAB's all you retarded faggots. you were the ones dumb enough to let yourself be used as a meat shield by neo cons and jews with a historic hard on against russia. ukraine is a "nation" of brainwashed mongrel retards larping as aryans.
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LOL the cope. Euro poors hate us while begging for us to come save the day? Blame Britain. They shoa'd your peace deal to drain Russian assets and money launder and you let it happen so get fucked
Training one pilot takes up to 7 years and carries and implies a huge expenditure, where pilot maintenance is only a small part of it.

You're just stupid for that kind of stuff, just go defend ukraine on contract to catch the FAB with your stupid pig fuckface and be done with it.
The old era planes are worthless and would be instantly destroyed. You want at least F-16s
Same reason they can't give hundreds of Abrams even though they supposedly have thousands in storage. They have a reputation to protect. If Russian Telegram becomes packed with pictures of steppes littered with the burnt-out wrecks of American war machines, it might hurt future export orders.

Furthermore - American war machines and munitions are expensive, Ukrainians are cheap.
imagine thinking that a bunch of piggers with rifles and no heavy weapons or air force can conquer the EU. the absolute state man. we'll let their women in to as breeding stock and we might let the men in as unarmed refugees. at least they'll make the EU a bit whiter. but the thought of ukraine conquering the EU when they can't even conquer Robotyne is the funnies thing i've heard all week.
They wont do fuckall as you can not secure your airfields from russian attacks. Ergo aircraft are pointless.
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You just rejected f18s as 'flying trash'
Make up your mind, hohlina
>two more weeks until we retake Crimea!
They haven't even accepted the loss of Crimea yet and it's been ten years. The delusion of the hohol is almost impressive.
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lmao you are going to be beaten up in a Paris drugstore by 4 skinny Algerians and you will take it like the little bitch you are
Assuming you ain't a larping troll, I think you need to accept the fact that your value is rapidly decreasing. US still needs to reserve military power for a potential war with china over taiwan's chips. The God's chosen people, Jews, have demanded US for their unconditional support in the middle east. You will have to do with NATO's handouts. I think you should consider a peace talk with Russia before you reach the point of no return.
If NATO membership is not seen as being a deterrent against Russian attack, then why has Ukraine been so hellbent on joining NATO in the first place?
imagine thinking you're going to make allies by threatening to invade your prospective allies
>fight russia with us or russia will invade you when they're done with us
is a lot better argument than
>fight russia with us or we will invade you after we lose!
after they lose to russia they won't be in a state to invade anything. the state of the hohol cope is so cringe it almost makes me feel bad for them.
>for European security
USA has been colonizing/stationed in europe since WWII, whereas Ukraine has been happily providing manufacturing and resources to their rule and aviation needs. to the USA, you're nothing more than a retail store currently under attack by rabid russkies. not really their problem, but enough of an inconvenience to atleast look at it with half an eye. this is the sad state of ukraine, as it always has been. too bad you've been a corrupt hellhole full of cope. you could have been based, in an alternate timeline.
Where do you think all the money comes from that the eu gives to ukraine? Even we pay more into the eu than poland, even though we are not even a member.
>refugee wave
I think this might be why Ukraine's sponsors are so enthusiastic about Ukraine fighting to the last Ukrainian
That's the point, these scumbags expected a Zerg swarm of GAYTO "allies" to come a running to fight for their shithole.

All they got was some outdated gear and some redditor volunteers who got BTFO first month.
Should have accepted what the Aussies offered.
What did the Aussies offer?
That was stupid. F-18 are very capable. F-16 is a cheap version of F-15, but F-18 isn't.
Nobody wants you to win decisively. They want an endless meat grinder for the military industrial complex.
You're such a fag that I'm sort of hoping it happens at this point.
>That was stupid
The question is whether they still have any pilots at all. Presumably they would also reject F-35 with some excuse to avoid admitting the truth.
>blood for European security
who asked you to do that?
>who asked you to do that?
"fuck the eu" nuland?
You have two choices.

Let us flood your land with muslims and niggers
Become a part of Russia.
Why can't you just give us billion dollars worth of death machines. Oh, I don't know OP, why doesn't Bill Gates just give me a couple of mil, I really need it!!
because you cant fly them peasant
ya but.... where are you going to deploy them from and keep them running, let alone what are you actually fighting with them?
Your horns are showing, bro
You don't get it. American feds can't deal with Russia geopolitically It's too large and resource rich. It would challenge the us's power in Europe which is why they have to constantly keep churning anti Russia propaganda both in the form of movies and biased news.
Russians tried to join the EU and become European since Russia isn't the soviet union but the euros were manipulated into not letting them in by the Americans. Ukraine is just fodder for them to use to weaken Russia. Ukrainians and Russians don't differ in their eyes you're both soviets.
>YOU owe us
Ukranians actually believe this
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I called this month 2 of the invasion.
>Mujahadeen -> Taliban
>Heckin' Based AZOV -> VOZA nazi (wh*te trump supporters)

this shit is so tiresome.
About 10 years too late I'm afraid
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Where will you park them and take off from if Russia can just spam hypersonic missiles anywhere in Ukraine?
you could have just said they'll take Trannynistria and Moldova.
Nobody believes your CNN talking points retard
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Are you really spilling blood for European security? Why do I want European security? You should offer me something I really want.
They will sell them to Russia for some quick cash.
No your dieing for jewish bankers so they can buy up whats left of your depopulated shit hole for 1p
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>if Ukraine falls, russia will be emboldened to attack NATO countries
You don't honestly expect me to believe that.
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Nobody wants you here, mutt, your DC industry fuckboys tried to fuck us over. And were exposed like the hypocrites they are, damaging your already spiraling out of control pathetic reputation.
You trusted the Americans.
A colony founded by Anglo-kikes.
No, you've already had far too much, parasite. Fuck off
>help us or we'll invade you after we lose
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I will enjoy your whore women when your country is finally destroyed. I will piss on the graves of your retarded slaves. I will drink and eat my fill of whatever your shithole calls fine dining. And I will live like a king, all for a measly month's pay.
No F1-11, picture sucks. Also lmao at Jewkraine begging for another 30 years of pointless existence. Poland and the Baltics should fuck off back to Russia too. The Finnfags are starting to piss me off as well. Get nukes or get wrecked.
You're not going anywhere, Taras. The deal clearly said "to the last ukrainian". Stop dreaming about leaving that zoo, it's not happening.
i didnt know america was in europe, but then i realized one of our states was called georgia so that must be it. shut up you stupid kike.
Go watch Illarionov already. He got some facts and answers. Basically, Biden is pro dictatorship and cancels most of weapon help. 4chinks too brainwashed by da juices to fight globohomo and ccp. Our population of idiots in here too, screaming Kabala is savior.
Eбaнi люди. Як в пycтoтy кpичy.
The really funny part is that Ukranda could have conquered the EU instead of begging to be let in and losing upwards of 10m of its population to war and immigration.
No one owes you shit, hohol. Your people brought this war upon yourselves. Now your men are dying in trenches for a jew and his cabal, while your women are whoring themselves around in Europe and America.
Fuck you guys with a chainsaw. I suggest you surrender and salvage what is left of your population.
I agree, except that most of them aren't rough runway capable. You should be looking for 1st gen gripen, imo. I dunno if anyone has any they're retiring, but a plump deal to help cover the costs of gripen 2's could go a long way.

Iran flies the F14.
With a package upgrade for radar and computers, it could put out AIM-40 that, in theory could end up at mach 5 or greater.

BUUUUT, it's ancient. Parts aren't being made, they light up radar like a passenger jet, and to get to anything useful on gear would be essentially a full rebuild. Not that I'd complain, I think the twin engine is useful, and maybe with an engine upgrade, assuming mounts would hold, it could be bumped into supercruise... hard to say.
Effect to 1/4 the cost of a new plane program to sort proper replacement parts with near mounts, and the cost of 2/3 a new plane to strip and replace with new gear. You would probably lose alot of weight on vacuum tubes alone.

Another discussion, have you considered buying fleets of Supertucano? Used conjunction with HARM and quality drone operators, they can do alot.
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>willingly serves the globohomo
>gets hilariously betrayed
>acts surprised
Reminder, anyone backing Russia after they threatened to Nuke the USA for selling weapons to a nation we oathed to help keep safe when they gave up the 3rd largest nuclear stockpile, is a drooling moron, a nigger, or a jeet hired to make noise. Yes, that includes FSB posting from US flags.
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You've got billions of dollars in donations. Why can't you give me a couple hundred million?
Because once Trump wins you're on your own kike.
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Shut the fuck up, agent hernandez. Were laughing at hohol desperation here. Go suck off the united vassal states of niggerlandia somewhere else.
OP is an obvious b8er, why did /pol/ fall for it? Moreover, why are you celebrating the deaths of hundreds of thousands just because OP is being deliberately annoying? Is this board full of subhumans?

"immigration" is when people come in.
"emigration" is when people leave.
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>Vlad Shlomovich Putin
His mother wouldn't like you for saying such things.
>willingly serves the globohomo
>gets hilariously betrayed
>acts surprised
it really is both funny and sad
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>I say holhol
>I'm against a US Empire
>I'm against nazis
>but I've been on chans forever
lol. Giving in to Nuclear Blackmail from Russia, is how a BITCH would live.
Send your cousin some of your american dollars, you can see he needs it.
I know we give some stuff. I hear it saves money to give them away so we don't need to pay to maintain them.

Maybe we don't give planes cuz you don't have pilots that could make use of em. They are not like rockets were it's easy to train
How many of your pilots can fly them? It's stupid to just hand over a hundred planes so that inexperienced pilots can get killed and lose the planes.
Cause you guys will just have them get blown up in a propaganda offensive that is doomed anyways just so Zelensky can tell the civilians they are winning or sell them off by corrupt officials to then ask for more.
I think that they think that we have WW2 levels of industrialization still.
They wouldn't be begging like this if they were aware about how much we've destroyed ourselves for cheap chink shit and vulture capital.

They're just going to continue to grind themselves into the ground while Zelensky continues to mash the 1000 dead for $1million button.

The funniest outcome of this war would be Russia being able to conquer the entirety of Ukraine since our bankers (oy vey) are dead set on turning Ukraine into a NWO hellscape.
>why funny?
They spent a lot of money and can't claim what they're owed because Ukraine is back to being The Ukraine.
I've also seen that the Ukrainian government is selling land and property it doesn't control as well (listings of property in Crimea and Mariupol).

Unironically though, being conquered by Russia would be best for Ukraine and they're too stupid to realize it. The more realistic thing would be Russia just stopping at the Dnepr.
Now in control of the part of the country that wants to be with you and you now have a big ass natural barrier so you don't have to bankrupt yourself doing some weird Great Wall of China shit although you guys managed to tard wrangle the Chechens so conquering beyond the Dnepr is also a possibility, it's just down to can you afford it?
Ok jew
i recently saw a couple of videos on militaries around the world, like china and russia and why their military is kinda bad. you cant just make a plane or a tank and stick it in some hangar, it needs to be maintained constantly, most parts expire, in a really short time. So my point is you cant just hand some nations your old planes and tanks, you also need personel to operate it and even keep it running.
they would get shot down, you need something more modern like the F16 with radar that can see long distance.. i bet the F14 radar is not that good maybe on par or worse than mig29
folder unload incoming. Just go back and post it there
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Russia is facing 24-34% inflation this year. They're paying the USD equivalent of $22k for a signing bonus, whch in Russia would be the same as $100k US, to get soldiers from Moscow.
They're down to wrecked vehicles and artilery in storage, their "high production" over the last two years has been refit of shit made 60 years ago, they're buying arty pieces and munitions from Iran and Nork, they are losing passenger jets at roughly 1 per week, CRASHING...
>russia will beat the west and make newworld order
they said to a round-table of Nigger Communists.
1 in 10 breeding age men is dead, 1 in 10 breeding age men will come back shell-shocked/ptsd.
Industry is competing with "signing bonuses" and nightclub roundups to send meat.

For Sevastopol and Putin's Mitzvah to kill as many goy as he can before he dies.
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Fuck off, you sound like a jew.

"Hey, uh, goyim I uhhh eyyyuhh I noticed you'reeee not using those errrryeeeeuh planes there goyeeuhhh you should uhhhhh give them to theeee uhhhhh thee uhhhhm the cause ya know?"
>russia will beat the west and make newworld order
I never typed that.

You must be one retarded shill
>Unironically though, being conquered by Russia would be best for Ukraine and they're too stupid to realize it. The more realistic thing would be Russia just stopping at the Dnepr.
>Now in control of the part of the country that wants to be with you and you now have a big ass natural barrier so you don't have to bankrupt yourself doing some weird Great Wall of China shit although you guys managed to tard wrangle the Chechens so conquering beyond the Dnepr is also a possibility, it's just down to can you afford it?
Russia can't afford to let Ukranda exist as a NAFO FOB, and hohols have completely dehumanized themselves with their goreposting and terrorist attacks on civilians, so I have no doubt Ukranda will be conquered or become a Russian satellite state.
>managed to tard wrangle the Chechens
Through massive bribery and subsidization. No one in Chechnya has a job but everyone drives a Mercedes or BMW
they are good against some third world nation with no AA, in ukraine they would get shot down just getting closer to the frontline... all you need is more of them cheap chink drones
Not France's. Not UK's. No one but Germany really. And not after unification, which was quite a while ago now.
>i never typed that
No, you didn't. Putin and his nigger cabinet did.
>we need to give military equipment to Ukraine to get chips o algo
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> Ukraine is spilling blood for European security.

You mean you want to pull us into a Nuclear war and wipeout our cities and salt our lands with Nuclear fallout?

it is easier, cheaper and smarter to give you the middle finger
Those "ethnic" Russians invaded Crimea and Donbass, so they got shelled.
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Slava Ukr-ACK
Oh shit, looks like Ukraine is winning. I don't think they need any more donation.
isn't the whole point of the war(tm), why you are getting all those weapons so there will be no more of you left?
Russia is giving up land in the east to appease Xi. I don't think it will work, and Putin has been emptying Russian bases in Siberia to get gear around Moscow and on the front.
I'm sure China isn't the type to betray a Molotov contract.
American planes have always been expensive and hard to maintain.
In fact the Swedish JAS Gripens are much less so, they're engineered with the idea that they're easy to supply and maintain, even without a hangar with a skeleton crew that pops from the forest to a country road that the Gripen could land on.
Easy serviceability was never in the minds of American designers, as they are designed with the idea of having the whole American supply chain intact with them at all times.
How much of that is because it simply makes sense for the Americans that have the best logistics in the world and how much is it of maybe a deliberate feature that buying their gear marries you with them, I don't know.
Well anon, since Russia is FIVE TIMES THE POPULATION AND 20x the resource, and Ukraine's GDP was 10% of Russia in 2022, I think there's a reason you've been finding close friends in the Abo community.
>fucking banned from striking russian airfields from which they bomb us daily.
Just fucking do it. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
Shills aren't that bright.

I just dismiss anybody who does the, "The enemy is both weak and strong" shit.
Like how they cry about Russia conquering the whole world then not even 2 seconds later go on about how Russia is about to collapse from economic despair.
NPC's to be more exact.
Ziggers can't help but give themselves away. You all are constantly using other countries flags, but for some reason you absolutely must reveal yourselves. Even if you tried to hide, you're easily spotted, but you don't try. Very weird behavior.
Nice sell them to Iraq aka iran and then yemem amd then syria ttain them for free and them help them fire bomb the zionist entity
There are shills here alright. And they are full blown psychos playing the game. NPCs are the poor bastards getting blown up in the fields of Ukraine.
The divide and conquer tactic. Turn Russia and China against each other, and then take out whoever is left standing. Based kike. I kneel.
Been a long while since a Ukraine flag decided to oink.

Blackouts must've kicked in.
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you deserve to be raped by russias homo army for letting jews genocide you.
It would probably work better if mutt generals and politicians weren't constantly talking about preparing for a war against Chyna
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You moron realize that they own the other half of 90% global nuclear stockpile that can reach our shore?

Keyboard General perhaps you should volunteer for the front rather than snacking on cheetos and gooning to troon porn

>Get free
You're a fucking communist or something?
You don't have anything to pay for them
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>>Vlad Shlomovich Putin
You know that "Shelomova" has nothing to do with Judaism and is the Old Russian word for "helmet" right?
Our boomers think you all live in the stone age.
They really think that you don't have Internet access.

Our hubris is like the French as they entered WW1 or French hubris today with that shitshow they call the Olympic Games. Whole ass country is like Skid Row. and they're proud of it.
>the potential of a real nuclear armaggedon is blackmail
you are quite litterly retarded with a childs mind
>Ukraine is spilling blood for European security.
Russia is a friendly nation, I have no problem with it.
>Ukraine is spilling blood for European security
We do not do terrorist attacks in Europe, Ukraine usually does this, does terrorist attacks in European Russia
Russia was strong. Not anymore. When they were strong, they were so stupid and bumbling that they squandered their strength and are now suffering massive losses every day trying to gain wheat fields and small towns. Every day they get weaker and weaker. I'm curious to see their status next year.
are we winning NAFO sister?
/pol/ is full of zigger shills and useful idiots as always. What a fucking joke. Get drafted then, taggots.
this is a US proxy war we can only pray the inevitable balkanization of muttland happens sooner then later because make no mistake they will try ww3 and blow up europe again just to stay on top for a little longer
>Get drafted then, taggots
Taran theorem activated
you kikes will beg for peace when the money supply stops

just like kikes do when they're found out
thats where you are for
Nukes ain't happenin, Ivan. Half of US nukes don't work and I'll bet 95% of Russia's don't. Russia won't use any nukes just because their air bases bordering Ukraine got bombed. They haven't done shit about Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet, but they'll launch nukes all of a sudden? Uh huh.
Why aren't you at the frontlines Mr.Patriot?
The eu is our only rival
for what? niggers and shitskins on welfare? on rare earth mining fields? oil? gold?
>I bet
thats enough for me let the rockets fly son
Yeah, we are. Everyone except Russia and Ukraine are winning this war.
F14 is gone thanks to Iranian sanctions We destroyed our own mothball fleet to keep them from getting parts. Guess we will be destroying f16s next.
How is Russia doing bad in Ukraine but threatens the entirety of Europe at the same time?
no. defend your own country.
kek you occupy us nigger thats why i cant wait for the balkanization of your shithole
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Why is there no F-17?

why exactly am i supposed to give a fuck about that? i owe you nothing. tell your whores to fight for your country.
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Well technically none of them are airworthy by US standards, its a boneyard meant to replace parts. You'll have to mix and match to get airframes and fire control all working again. However just to point that out the number of planes you could make out of that boneyard outnumbers all other airforces on the planet combined and is likely to be qualitatively superior to all of them combined as an aggregate.

Whites own all the land in the US and the whties who do are all racist, so balkanization is far less likely than a genocidal murder spree in which anyone a shade darker than milk is shot on sight, all electricity and food are cut off from cities, and a bunch of shitskins and libtards flee leaving a genocidal imperialist nation of about 200 million which is far stronger than it was prior to the civil war. Which will last 6 months at most.
actually, Russia is attacking should NATO gib. Not otherwise. It might also just go back at like the 1990 borders and that's it. Russia attacking or not is completely up to NATO itself. Russia can actually steamroll Europe at ths point.
Again, 95% of Russia's nukes are duds now. You think they've been maintaining them? That shit is massively expensive and complicated. No way Russians of all people actually maintained them or refurbished them.
no you the US and china are winning this is very bad for europe as a whole when you blew up NS2 i really felt the winning nothing sayes winning like blowing up the vital infrastructure of the terrotries you occuy
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I’m not going to be able to hear xim/xer over the loon calls from the lakes in NH. Must suck to be elsewhere.
strange way of spelling jewish but oke
Russia's missiles work and they have hypersonics.

If they have submarines outfitted with some hypersonic missiles they're definitely pointed at DC and the surrounding glownigger capitals so we won't be able to retaliate.

>what about the secret launch sequences like in the hollywood movies that make our government look hyper competent?
Propaganda for retards who can't discern fantasy from reality. If such a system existed Mark Miley wouldn't needed to have conspired to steal the Nuclear Football from Donald Trump.
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yeah sure thing there einstein
Yeah, they can't anymore. Ukraine has made sure of that. Pretty sure any EU country can handle chinese golf cart and motorcycle assaults.
YF-## test models become F-## production models once they get a contract. So as not to make the US numbering system even more retarded(we still have 16 things designated "M1" and had 124 in WW2) the airforce reset the F series designations in 1962 and now allows for now duplications. Thus numbers are skipped submitted prototypes and test types which are not contracted are not duplicated.
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>You know what's going to happen if you fail to help Ukraine and russians will be able to break through?
I don’t, but whatever happens is not my problem.
>Ukraine is spilling blood for European security
Funny say of saying "dying for jews".
can your food supply handle that?
Mykola, I'm sorry to say this, but they're only using you to bleed Russia dry. You will be thrown by the wayside when the war is over.
First off, Russia won't do shit. If by some fluke they do, which they won't, the nukes won't work anyway. At best it'll be a dirty bomb.
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Bumble fucks claimed Russia would never attack and yet here we are, or the phenomenal prediction when it was claimed they only was had ammo for 2 weeks and would runout, how many failed prediction will you make, your are like Jim Cramer of politics.
Idgaf europe, i want them to suck the dick of their own hubris for defunding their militaries for social welfare programs and criticizing us for being their policemen. Europe can burn and you in it.
They're expensive to operate and require pilots ground crews and other infrastructure. It's happening but it'll take time.
>At best it'll be a dirty bomb.
Do you think nukes work like regular bombs?
Most US nukes don't actually work anymore either. It's really expensive and difficult to maintain nukes over the years so most of them are neglected. It doesn't matter anyway. Russia ain't nuking anyone.
>Those Tomcats were slick...Why don't that make them like that any more?
Because Dick Cheney hated Grumman, so instead of a Super Tomcat with most of the defects of the original F-14 fixed, we got saddled with the far less capable F-18.
You're a country with a population of 44+ million who had every opportunity to prepare for a defensive war against a bunch of subhuman russian mongoloids and you fucked it up The question is why was Jewkraine exporting weapons to other 3rd world shitholes while this was always a threat?
Now you're getting trillions of dollars worth in training, intel, diplomatic support, weapons, etc. etc. and you still cry that it's not enough.
>Bumble fucks claimed Russia would never attack
*Pro-Russian bumblefucks.
F-14 Tomcat.
If you need planes you need to buy them, they cost a lot of money
Of course not. But when they don't go critical, the high explosives that are the first step in the chain reaction just spreads radioactive metal all over the place.
If only Polish politicians had that mindset before giving all we have to ukrainian scum. Braindead, sellout "elites".
Sounds like you shouldnt have euromaidan’ed faggot
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>Get drafted then, taggots.
americans lost all their wars because bourgeois aren't military , they are merchants and it shows look at how the mutts put a sex brand on their military planes kek. Only in merchant land you'll see this
because its not a cost effective method to genocide you. gotta give you 1 jet to kill 1 ukranian? thats retarded. theyre better off just giving you a bunch of guns made in mexico with faulty firing pins like theyve been doing

if i sound insensitive its because i am. you let your jews leave. rule #1 for shtf is dont let the jews leave ffs
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Is there a sketching or a model for the concept of an F-17 that didn't get put into production?

They had the 14,15,16,...,18,...,...,...,22.....35?

Like maybe there's a secret plane that was just too badass for the public and they were all "Yo this F-17 is sick, send that one to Roswell and let's just pretend this never happened."
>Ukraine is spilling blood for European security
if that were true, you'd be killing niggers and dune coons instead of other slavs.
Do you have a screencap of a tweet that called it a "jewish miracle"?
I have an exemption.
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can someone explain how a nation with a GDP only about 20% higher shitholes like mexico can hold off the entire MIC off?
does that mean cuba could basically conquer florida if they had some chinese drones?
Officially all weapons and equipment have been given on a lend/lease program, similar to the one we used during WW2.
Ukraine will pay for all ammo spent and any equipment that gets destroyed.
I cannot wait until a Russian zala drone takes out your apartment complex and you with it, entitled hohol scum
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Toilets closed.
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sorry i dont think so
>with a GDP only about 20% higher shitholes like mexico
gdp is an indicator of economic activity, not production power. If I sell 1000 bottles of bath water for a million dollars, my gdp will rise by a million. If Russia produces a rocket by mining the resources and transporting them, their gdp won't increase but they'll have a rocket.
>does that mean cuba could basically conquer florida if they had some chinese drones?
depends on the amount of drones
Send me Ukrainian QT 3.14's and we'll see what we can do.
Ohh, we didn't think of that, genius! Ukraine doesn't have money, we just had to restructure $20 billion in debt. And the budget deficit % is highest in the World, which has to be covered by foreign aid almost entirely.
But come on, try and stop the "gibs" and see how far it will get you. It's not like we are standing between you and the trench.
>give give giv giv gib gib gibs
>Literal nigger flag
lmao, nice bait post.
Those planes are for bombing churches and children in Palestine, that is why they are given to the zionists in Palestine.

Biden says they are needed to bomb Americans as well, especially those that are uppity about the anti-Christian zionist genocide.
Shame, it was posted a lot in the first days of the SMO, I should have saved it back then
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Lucky bastard. Medical? Are you getting paid to post online or doing it for free?

The zionists are the enemy of all Christian people.

They exploit Christian nations for anti-Christian genocide.
Hi Fritz
If you dont have money then you need to negotiate a peace, cant fight wars without money
>It's not like we are standing between you and the trench.
Well you aren't, its not like Russia is going to invade NATO, you are just used as cannon fodder by some very rich arms dealers
Taк и нaдo дeбил )))
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The zionists serve a godless and anti-Christian ideology.
No more handouts nigger

sooooo.... you sold all yours' in the 90's+ now you want us to give up ours.... (make us less capable of defending ourselves)... to clean up your mess.

you fucking Ukrainians are something else. fucking ingrates.
I mean, you have a sound point, but what most of us is worried about is this would escalate the war effort. Most of us want to move on from this war. Just settle for DMZ like worst korea and move on.
Nice ragebait pig
Fuckin pig can only say "dai" bit never work by itself
Fuck you piggers
you're right. sending over a few thousand right now

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