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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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tim sucks china off
water is wet
But Epic Games Shills told me China didn't own Epic. How could they lie?
For those who don't know "Chinese Taipei" is the term the CCP uses for Taiwan "when" they take it over. Internationally China pays the Olympics to refer to Taiwan as this no one not directly getting paid by the CCP calls it "Taiwan".
In other words this basically confirms that the CCP owns Epic.
Timmybros, this one's pretty cut and clear... How do we spin it?
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*Anyone not being directly paid by the CCP call it "Taiwan"
Ching Chong to you good sir
Your government agrees with that as well. Aren't you outraged that your government bends the knee to China? No? Didn't think so
I don't even care what country you're in, it's only recognized as independent in like 2 tiny countries and you're not in those
>play EDF
I don't want to. Fuck chinks, to hell them all.
Hi chink. The US in practice treats Taiwan as an independent nation. All you can seethe about is UN recognition when the world knows Taiwan is separate from China
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Chink logic. No matter how much you seethe you will never have Taiwan.
*Bites your remote
>in practice treats
Yes that's the little show they're putting on for retards like you. Meanwhile the actual documents say that they don't recognize it. And as long as retards like you can be whipped into shape with just a little narrative, the documents don't ever need to change
>it doesn't matter what the documents say, what matters is what the UI in a game shop says!
That's right, my fellow brave freedom fighter. RESIST the video game shop owner while making excuses for the government. Very brave and also powerful
>press Z
holy smokes when did taiwan become a russia supporter!
they took honk kong, the only reason they don't have Taiwan is probably because TSMC
Is because chinks can't swim so Taiwan will always be safe from them.
>Some random piece of paper is more important than reality
The US didn't recognize the CCP until 1980s so I guess the CCP didn't exist until then.
UK handed Hong Kong directly to China in a mutual agreement.
Taiwan does belong to the CCP though.
Taiwan is a province of China which is governed by the CCP, simple as
>chinks can't swim
They are the best swimmers in the world by a massive distance, actually
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>A piece of paper dictates reality
Uh, amerisisters? I thought swimming was our event, what the FUCK happened?
Because the Chinese navy can't take Taiwan and never will
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>Taiwan does belong to the CCP though.
seethe, incel
Taiwan will be "independent" as long as ZOG can defend it for them, which likely won't be for that much longer.
>little show
You mean actual military assistance when the chinks try to invade?
Invasion stopped by bee
I just don't care about the beef between the 2 types of chinks. They can call it chinese taipei or independent taiwan, I won't care either way.
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came here to say this
it all seems so performative
Why does china make buildings out of explosive materials? Seems a bit silly imo.
they're not two different types of chinks. They're one type of chink, with two governments, split apart by globohomo. But even official US policy is that Taiwan is part of China, in spite of what mush brain Biden said a couple years ago.
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>split apart by globohomo

god the stupid it hurts
it's just reality. Taiwan can't defend itself. The USA defends it. Once the USA can no longer defend it, things will go back to reality. There probably won't even be a war, Taiwan will just arrange to merge back into the mainland, probably as a quasi-independent governing body like Hong Kong.
achilles heel type moment. Survive the ocean but your body can't handle a little neurotoxin
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China is a third world shithole filled with sub human dog eaters. Taiwan isn't. China will never have Taiwan no matter how much you seethe chink

it takes a weird type of degenerate to save stuff like this on their computer
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the ZOG will never give up taiwan in its current state, chinks can seethe as much as they want
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Did you know that in only two more weeks chinz will stop being a third world shithole and finally be able to tahe Taiwan?
Han chinese who speaks traditional chinese are actually Taiwanese and 0% chinese......okay
Expected something to fall, then I though that the post is about some women being late, then shit fell.
Why can’t they just land some paratroopers on that island? Or just surround it with a boat
People with guns and people with bigger boats.
they put a pipeline right next to a fucking road?
Taiwan isn't a country, the same way Ukraine is just a Russian City.
Cope, seethe, and dilate you trannies.
Well people who use traditional Chinese (Taiwanese, Hong Kong) are actually humans while Chinese are third worlders that eat dogs and shit on the streets
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The only one seething is clearly you Chang. Now drink up
and then retards ask me why I ain't even making account for epic spyware store and epic spyware services
if I'll want a free game, I'll go to tracker or shit like gog-games.to
if a game has epic spyware services, I simply won't buy it
and I'll just stop playing if a game I already played gets retroactively infected with this shit, plenty more of other ahit to play
Anon you don't think they invaded Hong Kong do you?
Actually the Republic of China is the only legitimate Chinese state with a rightful mandate over the Chinese people and the mainland Chinese territories
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Of course. Why not?
Good reflexes on that lad. This isn't his first rodeo.
I don't care about taiwan... ugh, I KNOW! I KNOW!... I just don't care is all.
You have literally been seething over Taiwan since it left the mainland 130 years ago. Do you really think all this seething will be helpful?
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Final warning #901
Taiwan produces most computer chips on this planet
Ukraine aint worth throwing a nuke over but Taiwain definitely is
people who live there identify as chinese though. only ignorant westerners refer to them as taiwanese. RoC and PRC are both china. it would be like calling the confederates texans.
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Nobody recognizes Taiwan as an independent country except for some third world shithes, because even the Koumentang itself doesn't recognize Taiwan as an independent country, rather a providence held by a faction on a stalemate civil war. NAFO has been trying to push this meme that China can't take Taiwan because it's weak but in reality China is busy creating a functional society while the West is decaying. Why waste a thousand artillery now when you can just watch Taiwan collapse on it's own? Taxpayers from western countries are sick of the NATO NWO agenda.
no one but Tawan #1 and China cares about this shit
Anon.....third world refer to capitalist countries that are failing
China is second world which refers to communist countries
first world is the 5 countries that are actually successful thanks to warmongering
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The actual name of the country is neither Taiwan nor Chinese Taipei. Those names are used to appease the PRC. The real name is Republic of China.
China is more first world than America is right now, don't consume goyim UN and IMF propaganda at fcae value.
Only Amerilards and their golems call it Taiwan
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>Angry to die
Do you think they went back to business as usually, or did these guys get arrested? What will be the tipping point for the entire country revolting, I wonder...
they subverted the government and the same will happen to Taiwan if they didn't have US backing. Russians tried to do the same with Ukraina and then US intervened.
You're brown.
my favorite:
it's literally on all electronics, retard.
Holy fuck. China should just pack it in. What losers.
this is so emblematic of the taiwan situation it's hilarious
Hey man. I know this is hard for you so please take a deep breath. But no matter how much you seethe and cry, the CCP will never have Taiwan. Good?
Literally everyone not a seething Chang in China calls it Taiwan.
this guy is based
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We get it Chang. You are really butthurt about China being a third world shithole and Taiwan being a wealthy first world nation.
China? Oh, you mean that mainland rebellious Taiwan province?
Chang how does this seething get you back Taiwan?
>people who live there identify as chinese though
I know about 15 Taiwanese people from having a close friend and his wife who are Taiwanese and they literally all refer to themselves as Taiwanese and distinct from Chinese people. Taiwanese and Chinese people generally hate each other and do not get along well.

Go to bed CCP shill.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I look like this unironically.
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>mutt meltdown
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Please stop seething chink. Taiwan isn't even a part of NATO. Shouldn't you be focused on saving the 100'000s of Russians dying in Ukraine?
>This is actually what Taiwan numba 1 fans think
Good goy, keep citing the CIA NPC talking points!
Now post more gifs and spam the cope pasta more. You are SURELLY not seething.
That place has been completely subverted. They get their electricity from the CCP and even fly their flag there.
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I love Taiwan
How iconic. What a shithole country...
Yet China can't take it. They lost so hard now they have to give them free electricty. What cucks
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>>mutt meltdown
If that piece of paper is the law then yes it does, literally. Also this is a thread seething about letters on a screen so you're not pulling the
>ummm official documents are meaningless actually
on me.
Absolutely pathetic display. All of you sad fucks making excuses for the government while shitting on a company for doing exactly the same thing. Corporation bad, government good? I don't think you're as anti-CCP as you think
Only 5 more billion rockets funded by the US taxpayer before Ukraine wins you guys!
Lol Chang
What went wrong?
Fine by me. That's like 0.0001% of the US yearly GDP
So the CCP didn't exist until the 1980s. Now I see Chang
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No dawg, place is ccp pozzed.
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>press Z if you agree
why are those chairs so tiny
Z,X,C games are soul.
Why are the Turks always such assholes? Just hold the flag above the Boratland one
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>Taiwan is the only place in Asia to have gay marriage
Oh no nafotroons, we're kinda fucking faggots!
>he thinks it works
Hey Chink. Do us all a favor and stop seething at Taiwan for a few minutes. it's been 130 years.
No they fucking suck because the controls interfere with my gooning hand.
what is htat?
Checked and rare USA politician w
it still makes them cope and seethe so hard anyway
An agreement which China broke, and then when the UK offered citizenship to Hong Kong residents so they could get the fuck out of there, China bitched about that too.
Covid happening, which considering the source of origin likely not as a coincidence, basically meant the whole world forgot about Hong Kong. Just all news from there stopped one day.
Funnily enough, didn't this guy go on a rant calling everyone on 4chan a faggot and saying he didn't want them playing his game? Based lol
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>Funnily enough, didn't this guy go on a rant calling everyone on 4chan a faggot
do CIA spooks go to chink websites and shitpost there? Or is this another case of 3rd worlders coming to American created sites to seethe?
>reminder that chinese torture and boil cats alive cause they think tortured animal tastes better
literal bugs
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Fun fact. The richest city in all of mainland China still has a GDP per Capita SMALLER than the Taiwan average. Taiwanese are actually richer than the top 99.7% of Chinese
nerve gas
the sheer escalation of it
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God I hope so. Chinks are so annoying on 4chan.
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I can FINALLY use this stupid image
Some people might find that harsh, but I sincerely believe that all USAnian subhumans should be genocided. That would rid us of mind-bogglingly retarded threads, such as this one.
how does this affect you personally?
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Goon with your mouth, faggot. Z X C control players fuck bitches and get money.
Well for one I wont be installing shit games launcher and will be pirating EDF6
>one of the most homosexual emperors
he keeps a blacklist on a readme in the game files and it keeps getting larger, 4chan is listed like in 4 different ways if i recall
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It is one mutt from /pol/ that got cucked by his chink wife so now he has a daily meltdown over china
>The US in practice treats Taiwan as an independent nation
They treat it as a rogue meatshield and every time they get slapped they kneel and admit that they don't support Taiwanese independence.
>china lore
>the wang a ligma disagreement: gorillions die, dragons extinct, invented women rights
>citing the CIA NPC talking points
He was citing his personal relationships though.
If people in Taiwan refer to themselves as Chinese, it's only on the sense that they believe Taiwan is the true China. If they wanted to be part of Communist China then they wouldn't have their own government.
hurled irl
>everyone already abandoned the hohol pigs to their slaughter
>onto the next sacrificial cuckolds
Gotta give it to the zogkikes. Absolutely merciless.
No retard. They say whatever to make China act like the cuck they are while they continue to give weapons to Taiwan and treat it like a country
so you're saying you personally benefit from this
communism eliminating native culture to supplant it with its own dogmatic cult as per instructions
Why aren't the Russians in Kiev then?
>inb4 "two more weeks"
Two more decades maybe.
"Selling" them 60 year old amphibious vehicles and F-35 priced F-16s is just ripping them off. God bless muttland and their demonic ways.

Your nation got buck broken in 1979 and you've been cucking yourself ever since.
Timmy gets money from China.
what game
the Chinese cheat super-hard and they still got BTFO at the 2020 Olympics
Lmao NAFOid cuckold. Ukraine is gone buddy. And your shithole is next.
So you are saying two more weeks. Good chink any century now!
>the US is next
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Taiwan? Israel? Ukraine? Sorry, not countries. Fake faggot areas that will be erased.

Why are the chinese mainlanders like this?
Do you just support anyone starting any war? If the larger and more powerful nations just go around annexing their neighbors, do you simply not give a shit to avoid war at all costs?
2 more weeks until zogmutts defeat the Houthis lol

Tranq free amerishitholia any millennia now!
Many Chinese games call it Taiwan in English materials. Xi is receiving some next level dick sucking from Tim.
i dont give a fuck about taiwan since its all just third world shitholes over that part of the world, but mainland chinks seethe more about island chinks than the island chinks there seethe about the mainland chinks
so go taiwan lol
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I love Fear and Hunger.
Oh the guy that got cuckolded TWICE and got kicked out of the country for being a scamming pest? kek

Nice pic bro. Here's your reality.
West Taiwan mad
Do you all seriously not understand China did covid on purpose
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any heavier and the floor would collapse
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I have no idea what these mean.
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>When you live in a third world shithole like China and look across the ocean and see happy Taiwanese people
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This can't be real... Never buying anything epic related ever. If someone makes unreal slop I'll just not buy it
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Fun fact. The CCP bans sexy women so in China men have to model sexy clothes. yes that is how cucked they are.
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>shit that didn't happen
Clean up your tranq streets, niggerzog. Foreign corps are not allowed to own land in China. Unlike your sold out shithole.
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>here's your reality
American conservatives worshipping jews doesn't take away from the fact that "communist" China is competing to gargle on some jew balls and call them "master".
Epic Games Store.
>>[Chinese] Taipei
What the seething Chinese call Taiwan.
A game.
Chinese Communist Party.
a.k.a. Chinese Cuck Party
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China just shoved thumbs into the eyes of amerikikes because they hosted Hamas and their opposition to form a government lol

Go seethe at the UN, golem.
>A game.
What's the full name? This is a video game board, and ironically, the one piece of information you can't provide is the name of a video game. LMAO.
>Chang can't understand why people who see active combat are traumatized by it
As expected by a low T male who has only ever seen combat in video games
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Sorry niggerzogs. But it is what it is. Maybe push your puppets to rewrite their constitution.
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Please stop seething
Yes, he's a jew-worshipping conservative too.
>Fun fact
>falun gong granny webm
Ahh yes. The glownigger mindrape is activated.
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I love flying mutts
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millions of amerifats will die for kikes and that island soon
Earth Defense Force.
Yeah it is pretty funny that you can't figure out how to type "EDF game" into a search engine (which would immediately give you the answer).
China's final warning #902
Last time I buy anything through epic games.
Are you guys really chinese?
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Man Chinks really are butthurt in this thread. I'm sorry Taiwan is richer and better
I mean they are a paper tiger just like russia but they will sacrafice bigger numbers in the end to achieve nothing. Still if they invade that will mean war for you though I doubt they even will seeing how hard russia gets btfo just by a bit of american money and nothing else.
that being said kikes will drag you into war nevertheless
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Who else would seethe at Taiwan so much? Most non Chinks don't even know Taiwan exists. I like it because it makes chinks seethe
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Chink shill just same fagged
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Sure any day now
China's last warning #903
I never shilled chinks. Learn to read subhuman
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Sorry but Chinka isn't invading. Too pussy and small and pathetic.
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My nigger in christ. You are blinded by your own seethe. I wish nothing but death onto those subhumans same as any russian
No but seriously why is everything they make so explosive?
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Son what? It does. And those little slanty eyeed bug people better fucking remember that.
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/v/ mods seem to be sucking Xi’s dick
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Dude, come live here. You'll see how filthy, snake, and scummy and dirty these 8th world degenerate barely evolved mud people really are.
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Chink fleeing to Taiwan only proves what a shithole China is.
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all their medals are from "artistic swimming" and "diving"

aka not swimming
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Lol, a lot of taiwanese on here folding faster than turbo charged superman with a time machine on laundry day.

I've seen taiwanese here completely bend over cos a customer complained that they just didn't like a staff members nail color and offer them a full refund. I've seen taiwanese give up the second someone even LOOKED at them. I've seen taiwanese bosses willingly hand over bags of cash to a customer who's just in a bad mood and decided to demand a refund for no good reason or she'll blast the company all over social media. Not to mention you're recent shrine in kaoshiung "honoring" your own people for helping the japanese invade and murder you lot. You think you effeminate fag boys would last 0.5 seconds against china? Bending over, apologising, giving up and completely collapsing into a pathetic whimpering little bitch is the absolute essence of the taiwanese. I've never seen a weaker bunch of people anywhere else in the world.

You've already surrendered and now spend all day buggering each other up the arse, screeching taiwan numbah wun and playing video games while your women spend all day recreating shitty k pop videos with one camera that quickly zooms in and out and think that's good editing.
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Chang please stop seething. You aren't getting Taiwan no matter how much you seethe about it
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Get back on the other side of your firewall Chang
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Chinamen are scammers just like jeets and jews.
The corruption in Chinese society is in form that everyone in a supply chain is the maximum jew capitalist.
In their bug world it is actually encouraged to cheat, they will see scamming as something you should always attempt and then one getting scammed being at fault.
So if you are cement supplier that can steal a buck by replacing half of the materials with recycled trash - if the receiver doesn't notice you did a good thing.
If you are the brick supplier that makes bricks out of the cement, make half brick out of trash - if you get away with your scam - you did a good thing.
If you are the constructor and you can scam the buyer by using less bricks than you should in the parts that are not visible - you should definitely do that - the buyer is at fault for not checking your work every step of the way.
That is Chinese society in nutshell, they are scammers and everything is a scam, which results in tofu dreg buildings made out of trash.

In fact it's pretty much only the European races that actually care about their fellow man, while everyone else tries to take as much as they can for themselves.
That is why our societies are the best and everyone else's sucks.
And why the Jew is in its greed and envy trying to destroy us by leeching our wealth and importing millions of non-whites to drag us down.
He scolded, killed by, you lonely bastard
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Doesn't Taiwan consider themselves real China and think Mainland belongs to them?
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They do.
Stop trying to make me give a fuck about a shitty little island that is rightfully chinese clay
Why do people feel the need to spam so many stupid anti chinese posts over and over to take out a thread like this? No other country suffers from this phenomenon.
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>Stop trying to make me give a fuck about a shitty little island that is rightfully chinese clay
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They meant that Taiwan is the real china
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>Lol, a lot of taiwanese on here folding faster than turbo charged superman with a time machine on laundry day.

2 posts under Taiwan flag, one post under Anarchist flag!

What does faggot mean by this?
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Based as fuck chink exposer
gay ass nafo shirt and all?
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List of countries that recognize Taiwan:

Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, Holy See, Marshall Islands, Palau, Paraguay, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Eswatini and Tuvalu

So who the fuck cares? It's Chinese Taipei.
Based, he even has a happy merchant in the game
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Sure, chang. So when are you going back to the hive?

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