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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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OP loves kids
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Literally where?
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Did someone make noises against the jews or central banking in particular?
>after further consideration
op is a jew
op posted with no link
Ummmm jewish sweaty, do you have a source for that
France southern of the med sea
It's West of Germany.
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Sick quad get. Thanks for the education, anons. American public education system, amirite?
oh it's just a "normal coup", nothing to see here then
Op rapes kids
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everybody gets a turn as the king of fagville
the world is unstable. America just had a coup. lmao. then again Europe is going to fall apart pretty soon too.
So a simple mass shooting is a "coup"? Guess we have coups every day in America.
Fucking retards
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you're the one getting baited, like a retarded 16yo summer fuckface tourist that you are.
I have lost the ability to care
Why are shitskin structures so fragile? They all have a coup every other day
just sand nigger things
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hes lying dont listen to a Jew.
Here frens
Some niggers in Africa are more north than me. Grim
Malta is a man made structure. Go in google maps switch to satellite view and loom for star forts and artificial coast line.
Or look for malta star forts
This is because of colonialism
>Another coup in Africa

lol who cares
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take all the bombs from ukraine and give them to telaviv
armed and dropped from a plane at 20k feet.
kikes rape kids.
Isn't that that south american country led by that jew Milei?
sounds cool but prolly fake
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>some niggers in Africa are north of me
So that makes you what, anon? I’ll give you a hint, pic related
mystery girl see dancing near El Mouradia Palace
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No i think its that one upside down country with spiders
Niggers killing niggers, slow news day, EH.
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its alabama with sand
Great, so more unchecked nigger boats to Italy and Spain, right?
Out it doen kill jewz
Powering coups since 1947
Oy vey, shut it down!
Jews pushing more brown Mohammedists into Europe
Oh man now more of them leave their shithole.
Nice. Italy and spain are gonna be getting some love soon.
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>yids couping algeria to divert attention from gaza and to flood Europe with even more sand niggers
>coup in shithole country
Nobody gives a fuck
>ANTOHER African coup
Is this one pro west or pro east?
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Add Algeria to the Coup Belt.

It's going to be really strange when all the new governments in all these are pro israel. :shrug emoji:
Happening cancelled
its just some schizo who tried to kill his commanding officers
delete this thread jannies
>more algéchien incoming
Oh for fuck's sake.
Thats the new EU wall against migration. Sorry about the coups, nothing personal niggers.
No news channel is talking about it
Is there a day in africa when there isnt a coup event?
fake news from a kike
why am I not surprised
Algeria. It's a French region.
You know the drill.
Fuck off we are full.
And paris is an algerian region same with straßbourg and marseille
you're thinking of austria retardo
Oh. The place that ships niggers into Europe.
EU and UK will kindly accept them refugees
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Algeria is a country in Africa. It is close to Tunisia which is another country in Africa. Algeria is big and Tunisia is small though. If Algeria attacked Tunisia that would be a bad thing and Algeria would be evil.
I'm sorry anon but my life isn't really affected by Algeria as it is, I doubt a coup will change that
Besides, it's just going from one one islamist government to another islamist government
The Jews couldnt stand that Macron almost lost his foothold on France due to French white uprising, so they decided to destabilize another African country to bring in more brown people and finish off Frances white population once and for all. I hope civil war happens all over the western world. We asked for it. The Balkan War is going to look like a picnic.
a normal day in france
we are already under military rule
Didn't they rename it to the aust republic after they separated from slovakia?
>Thats the new EU wall against migration
ahahahahaha sorry, I just can't... ahahahahahaha
EU politicians doing anything against niggers instead of directly flying them to germany.
ahahahahaha. good one.
Half the usa is south of those niggers in Africa
What does that make you?
>>47561391Another Jew lie, is it me or that kike lost it ?

Another French disaster
Nationalists vs Islamists?
>Add Algeria to the Coup Belt.
Why are they all former french colonies aside from Sudan ?
And add USA too, a coup just occurred yesterday in your congress focus on that.
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>a coup happened
>in congress
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four eyes lmao
I mixed up Algeria with Albania.
Bibi just took control of the USA and is driving them to a war he decided for, prepare your self to fight for them and STFU about Algeria you wouldn't even spot it in a map pig.
Muslims wanted the war and all of the Muslims fighting in it are under the thumb of Iran.
And USA is under the thumb of Israel so what ?
Did Iran coup the Muslim countries?
Wait, they overthrown Macron? When did this happen?
And this impacts my life how?
>It's going to be really strange when all the new governments in all these are pro israel. :shrug emoji:

Well a lot of those nations had russian military presence and we all know russia loves israel.
No here all is good and stable, but the countries who got destroyed by USA are all in the side of Iran, Russia and China, the only ones forced are those supporting Israel m, Morroco, UAE SA and Jordan.
+500k algerians to europe.
oh look the EU is going to accept a few million refugees in the next month
western german boomers will still travel to algeria to spend their holidays in a resort hotel
>another kike driven slide thread
Neck yourself, Satan worshiper.
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Nafris, this is normal for the dunecoons

The Incel Belt
You better not be planning on sending these people to Europe
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>sandniggers being sandniggers
who cares?
New slave trade on the horizon boyos.
webm nigga
>Niggers in Africa nigging
Must be thursday

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