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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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what's your opinion on vitaly's child predator hunting?

i think it's pretty based. he's doing much harder jobs compared to other pedo hunters.
also he resembles tesak, he even forces the pedos to drink urine and shaves their hair. plus he is from russia as well, so he was probably influenced by tesak.
incredibly based
Don't know about him but what's so different from him and others?
The most extreme I've seen are DAP, that always beat the shit out of them or at least give them a few slaps on camera
I don't know who that is. Did he ever tried to shave some female pedo or he is only focused on the male predators?
Who knew Vitas was a pedohunter?
damn, i didn't know about them. just googled and they look great.
Anyone who has some kind of public content are gonna be tame. About as good as you're gonna get.
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Looks like a budget Tesak. Maybe it's his follower.
How do pedo hunters even catch pedos? Do they pretend to be little girls and ERP with old men? That seems pretty gay and pedo to me.
They're shit is pretty viral on twitter
NVCAP/PPsoutheast Texas is good, Colorado pred patrol is good, SkeeterJean is good, CortneyElixbeth or however you spell it is good

Kinda god but out on these because most of them are pretty much the same
Often they will work with women who will do the decoy work and then send over the evidence, and the catcher is the one to approach them, that's how Alex Rosen does it
Daily reminder what Tesak said what breeding 14yo and older is fine. Only those who go for 13 and younger are pedos.
They learned from the Master.
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This is the face a psychopath. He gets off from abusing people who cannot defend themselves. This isnt about protecting children, this is about abusing people without consequences.
I think its a super weird hobby to pretend to be a minor or sometimes even just barely legal on Tinder and Grindr, and then have gay sexting goon sessions with a stranger for weeks before you go out and beat him up for playing along with your kinky role play.
fukken based
only pedos are against it
tbqhwy though, i believe in reforming these people
what the krauts do, with the chemical castration is a really good idea

Kek. Was about to comment the same way.
Western politics is really like 15 years behind Russian, recent anglosphere chimpout about immigrants included.
Seriously I miss Yarowrath. Anglo would never know the KROKODIL fever.
shut up pedophile
I (happen to be) attracted to females not yet of legal age, as I love fairly flat, short and neotenous women in general.

I'll never 'do anything bad' because generally human interaction irks me.
Frankly these types make me sick.
There should be a lower age of consent, but arranged marriages, bride-gold/fosterlean and harsh punishment for pre and extra-marital sexual relations..
for me it's Alex and the predator poachers crew
>baits with 11/12 y/o decoys instead of SHES 17 YOU SICK FUCK
>arrests in 47 states
>regularly uses the words nigger and like without fear

they recently had a pedo and registered sex offender go into his house and shoot himself in the head a couple days ago knowing he had been caught. Extremely kino
Yeah, 14-15 years is the age of consent in most of the civilized world, whats your problem?
*kike not like
fucking kike autocorrect
fuck off content fags
>Alex Rosen, who ran the Chet Goldstein channel.
>Rosen posted an Instagram video about the channel ban, pointing his followers to his side-channel Stanley Yelnatz.
He's Russian so
I dont really have an opinion on it. Its fine to do but none of these people are ever going after high level peds. They only ever catch dumb and weak guys cuz those are the only ones that go for girls online. They never do anything about the dudes that do stuff like luring that one girl under the bridge. Wouldnt be surprised if half the dudes they catch arent even actual pedos as much as they are just lonely losers that ever only had one chance and its from some girl pretending to like them while pretending to be of almost aoc. Kinda sad honestly. If the hunters were serious they would get real predators but theyre mostly just manipulating retards into becoming criminals.
It's a jew op that only goes after Whites to paint pedos as only being White. Why would I ever trust a kike?
this is the thing that always pissed me off about chris hansen


and the actress they used is like a 30 year old roastie and somehow we are supposed to think these people are monsters
Alex is based. He realized after doing it for fun to just see if there was predators in his area to film, that if he's not doing something then he's part of the problem. It helps that enjoys what he does but his dedication to the gig is admirable. I'm not joking when I say he's saved lives, he's save children.
was there ever a webm of that?
There's something called due process, which is required for a functional society to keep things fair. These pedo hunters are the antithesis of that, and hurt more than they help. They hurt legal cases against the pedos, and a pedo caught by retards like this will not stop being pedos, they'll just be more careful about not getting caught by authorities.
predator poachers catches niggers all the time. they even caught a rabbi once
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Go after grooming gangs and or the pedos infesting the education system and childcare industry.
You're not a hero for having steamy cyber-sex with lonely losers for weeks, then harassing them as a group when you arrange to meet. That's why that nog shot one of them a month ago.
Who is this?
Hes currently being silently canceled because he caught a major Hollywood producer trying to pick up young prostitutes and when he called the cops they defended the Hollywood executive and basically said that human trafficking was legal in LA.
buy an ad
>they even caught a rabbi once
Though for some reason they got shut down after this happened.
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they aren't arrested for cyber sex with a fake decoy
how it works is:
>they monitor CP trading groups on apps like telegram
>pedos are dumb enough to use their real # to register on the app
>the get all the pedos info from their phone # and add them on social media with a little girl decoy account
>the pedo can't contain himself and of course starts flirting with the girl and wants to meet
>they meet up and get a confession
>all the evidence is handed over to police
>pedo goes to jail for either having CP on his phone or confessing to other crimes involving children
He caught a Hollywood exec and when he got the slightest push back from authority he tried to act like it never happened, but his career is already over because of it.
They are just a bunch of degenerate sadists that found someone they can vent their violence on. They should be exposing politicians and hollywood stars, not torture some desperate freaks. Thats what the popos are for.
I agree with the people who call him immoral, but i don't care. He's funny. He kust assaults random people in pu lic places. Most of them are probably not even pedos.
>they monitor CP trading groups on apps like telegram
How exactly do they do that?
>"I was only doing research occifer."
Since most pedos are christians who work in the church, I hope he’s targeting christian leaders.
its based and honorable but the people who do it are usually incredibly weird themselves as well
you can turn off images on apps like telegram and kik
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This is what I want pedohunters to look like.
Probably not what his audience wants to see. I have a feeling they only want to see him beat up what his audience already deem as marks. The second he caught somebody with actual social and political clout he ran away, and still pretends like it never happened.
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do you remember when vitaly thought he was a big man and tried to do a porn but he couldn't get his little pecker hard?
That still doesn't clear any wrong doing.
no, there's no footage. Basically the cops showed up and he was about to go to jail. So he went inside and shot himself
I don't know who the person in the photo is (he's a nobody, why would I) but I think pedo hunters are fedora white knight tier narcissists. Should pedos be held accountable for their crimes? Yes, of course. But when Chris Hansen did this vigilantism and decoys, it was lame too. Look up how many got away because they fucked the investigation. I don't trust anyone who is thinking about children all day to be honest. It's a grift to either monetize or moral grandstanding, both of which are third world behaviors.
He’s not wrong
One of them got shot by a pedo even
Good sport, more humane than fox hunting.
Both of them have made 0 cases. Yelling about someone being a pedo doesn’t do shit but make videos. At least Alex actually gets convictions for cp
You're probably too young to actually remember that.
Sar, please no
Post videos
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>CP on the phone
Do people really? Like they never assume their phone would be lost/found, browsed by someone curious?
Tgscanrobot shows you all the groups someone is in
Yeah, shot dead by a minor. The guy was trying to bait a pedo and ended up sexting another minor then when he tried to "confront" the minor in a "sting" the minor's friend (who was also a minor) shot him dead.
They’re wagie pedos they don’t know what opsec is
I dont trust anyone who has this much of an obsession with pedofiles, especially when they claim to be the good guy.
Again, at what point does this stop being a gray area?
They don't target female pedos nor do they go after actually important pedos with any power, so they're cowards as well as hypocrites.
I think I know the guy you're talking about. They caught one of the Space-jam producers a month and a half ago.
Imma say under 12 is the dealbreaker (that’s how the law defines it as well).
The only problem I have with pedo hunters is when they use women with huge giant buldging breasts as the decoys. It’s pretty absurd. It’s not pedophilia at that point. Alex Rosen seems to be the most legit one of them and I like his streams
Child predator hunters are self-loathing gay pedos themselves.

>Spend countless hours behind a screen ERP'ing as a pre-pubescent child
>Spends countless hours arranging meetings with grown up dudes
>Beat them up and accuse them of something you framed, with a fake sexual persona you fabricated
>Suspiciously downloads swaths of CP, but somehow paints himself as a vigilante hero

Really makes you think
From what I have read, some of these people still get arrested for meeting up with decoys that are teens, but are also above the age of consent. What’s the legal work involved with those cases like? What are the charges?
Bingo. The pedos they capture are completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. They know fully well they'd be dead men walking if they went after (((certain actors)))
kino alert at 22:00 minute mark
obviously the epstein types aren't retarded enough to be caught by the means that these pedo hunters use to catch people.

it's not their fault that they don't have FBI level resources to catch the big fish retard
You’re thinking of that black guy from up north. The DAP guy who got shot was a different guy. He wasn’t seriously injured because the bullet only lightly grazed his thigh. I have heard that in both cases, the shooter was black. On DAP streams, they’ve said they specifically drop any cases where the dude turns out to be black because they tend to carry weapons
Even the FBI can’t catch most pedophiles though. Most pedophiles only become known once the victim reports on them. There are sometimes cases of randos or parents calling in police reports but thats much more just by chance.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
/our psycho/
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
>threesome with a 12 year old and her mom
dude wtf
So in this case, the minor shot and killed the older man who was sexting the minor?
He went to jail for being a creep himself. I don't really care. At least it's not kik streamers bullying old ladies at cafes or retail and fast food workers for once.

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