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It appears that the Nation of Islam copied Yakub's backstory from the pulp magazine Amazing Stories by Raymond A. Palmer, which was based on accounts by Richard Sharpe Shaver and Fred Crisman, one of the suspects in the JFK assassination and the first person to supposedly see the "Men in Black".









Fred Crisman was an OSS agent during which some of you might know was a precursor to the CIA. Common OSS tactics involved posing as informants to pass along fraudulent information and planting false stories in newspapers. Crisman's actual role in OSS isn't known but it is known that he liked to write stories. Crisman actually contributed stories of his own fanciful supernatural encounters to Amazing Stories after returning home from the war.

The holes in Crisman's story (most notably that there is no proof he worked on a boat in the Puget Sound during this era) combined with his history of conjuring similar stories cast doubt on his intentions in crafting the tale of the Maury Island incident. His history with OSS raise the question of whether or not he planted these stories as a hobby or in order to carry out someone else's orders.

There is no official documents that confirm Crisman continued a relationship with the intelligence community after WWII but there are odd coincidences that raise the possibility.
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It's wild to learn that the UFO phenomenon has had glowies like Richard Doty since the beginning. The Maury Island incident is one of the first saucer sightings of that era (1947) and even codifies the standard Men in Black story. But then you find out the primary witness, Fred Crisman, was an intelligence asset. Crisman was OSS during World War II. Returning from the war he started writing about societies of underground creatures for magazines like Amazing Stories which would soon be caught up in flying saucers. When Crisman submitted his UFO story to magazines, they sent Kenneth Arnold, the guy who popularized the name Flying Saucer, to investigate. Arnold had his own sketchy history, having been a close friend of Jack Parsons. Anyway, Crisman ends up working directly for the CIA and even ends up being subpoenaed by Jim Garrison during his JFK trial. It seems Crisman was one of the three "tramps" arrested in Dallas on the morning JFK was killed. All in all, not a trustworthy character and when you put this knowledge dude by side with a guy like Doty it's hard to not suspect that Crisman was fulfilling a similar role but in an earlier era.
>huehua flag
why do you care about this so much? you're not a yakubian. you're not even white.
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The founder of the Nation of Islam was a man who was radicalized by an agent of the Japanese Black Dragon Society. He called himself Allah and went door to door selling pamphlets. After famously teaching his version of Islam for four years he disappeared, leaving everything to Elijah Muhammad, the most famous leader of Nation of Islam and a close friend of Satokata Takahashi.

Satokata Takahashi was fingered as the man behind the Pacific Movement of the Eastern World (PMEW), a "1930s North American based pro-Japanese movement of African Americans which promoted the idea that Japan was the champion of all non-white peoples."

His main goal was to convince black people that they would be liberated by the Japanese Empire, while also setting up a criminal organization to get rich (most black dragon society hubs were run like the mafia). They also claim they set up the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, which was famously headed by Marcus Garvey.

Fard, the founder of Nation of Islam (the door to door salesman) was apparently in a group called the Moorish Science Temple of America and many early members were a splinter group from them, more than likely created at the behest of the Japanese. Their core belief was that as African Americans they were the direct descendants of Moors and actually not black at all. They were also black supremacists approached by the Japanese as early as the 20's. The Moorish Temple was particularly influencing due to them being set up during the initial Great Migration, swelling their numbers among the many poorly educated blacks.
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>Following the Russo-Japanese war, which occurred in 1905, many Black Americans took pride in Japan’s victory because it symbolized more than a military achievement. W.E.B Dubois saw the outcome as a win for all oppressed people around the world. Activist and religious leader Reverend J.M. Boddy viewed Russia’s defeat as an achievement of the Black race. He declared that the Japanese race “must be akin to the Negro race” and because of their “large infusion of Negro blood in their veins.” Black nationalist groups adopted Reverend Boddy’s view of Afro-Asian relations and “merged the Black and Asiatic identities to serve their agenda”

>On August 15, 1959, the FBI sent a story to the Chicago New Crusader newspaper, stating that Fard was a "Turkish-born Nazi agent who worked for Hitler in World War II." According to the story from the FBI, Fard was a "Muslim from Turkey who had come to the United States in the early 1900s. He had met Muhammad in prison… where the two men plotted a confidence game in which followers were charged a fee to become Muslims." After the story was published, Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X subsequently charged Black media outlets, who reprinted the accusation in large numbers, with running the story without requesting a response from the Nation of Islam
Hillarious if true
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>Satokata Takahashi was fingered
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>Arnold had his own sketchy history, having been a close friend of Jack Parsons
Many anons compare the Nation of Islam with Scientology, of course:

Jack Parsons, a disciple of Aleister Crowley, was a NASA rocket scientist who performed occult rituals with L Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, in the late 40s. This rituals included the Babalon Working, which was based off of Crowley’s idea to bring about the birth of the divine female and her Moonchild, or the Age of Aquarius/Aeon of Horus, an age of Rebellion, Libertinism, and Debauchery (what the 60s Counterculture was a decade later). Remembering that the Process Church of the Final Judgment which Charles Manson belonged was founded by Scientologists.

Despite being considered the Nazi death rune, the hippie symbol is officially taken from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) logo. We know that the reason of Israel/Mossad wanted Kennedy dead was because he was hesitant to give them nuclear weapons.

Jack Parsons was involved in the Manhattan Project to create the Atomic Bomb, his Moonchild fetus was placed in the bomb tested Death Valley in New Mexico, this event was the world's first nuclear test and in the US state where the Roswell UFO Incident occurred.
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yakub didn't create me to read all that shit you wrote
Jeffrey Epstein partner Ghislaine Maxwell is the sister of Christine Maxwell, who is married to physicist Roger Malina. Roger is the son of Frank Malina, who was part of Caltech's 'suicide squad's of Jack Parsons. Parsons ended up fleeing to Israel to run their rocket program with stolen US technology, and Frank Malina ended up moving to France to found the United Nations with Aldous Huxley's brother.

>Frank Malina moved to France and joined the fledgling United Nations as secretariat of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) under Julian Huxley. In 1951, Malina became head of UNESCO's division of scientific research. Two years later, Malina left UNESCO to pursue an interest in kinetic art. In 1952, at the height of the Red Scare, Malina was indicted for having failed to list his Communist Party membership on an old security questionnaire from Caltech. He was declared a fugitive, to be arrested if and when he returned to the United States

Epstein coincidentally owns a ranch in New Mexico. There is a pig farm on the grounds of the CIA called Claude Moore. Podesta worked there. The McCann campaign was a cloning advertisement whence her coloboma changing position. Hence why they met Obama and The Pope. Hence why Jeffrey Epstein met the Pope. Hence why Zorro Farm is located just miles from Roswell. Hence just miles away from Los Alamos. Hence the homunculus of Los Álamos, Trinity Jack Parsons Atomic Ritual. Hence Epstein merging clones and AI in New Mexico. Hence Area 51 having an underground tunnel to New Mexico’s paradise ranch.


how many more views do youtubers get if they include a picture of mr beast in their thumbnail?
I click on every mr beast pic. So at least one.
Look out Yakub!
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The very creators of the Atomic Bomb like Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein regretted having created it and the Cold War was only cold because of that. Robert Oppenheimer quoted a verse of the hindu sacred book Bhagavad-Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." The Beatles and Hippies also liked Hinduism. There is a statue of hindu god Shiva where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is located, it is the largest particle accelerator and the highest energy existing in the world. It's all connected. The Manhattan Project guys were even involved in proto-MKUltra drug testing.


The "Father of Supersonic Flight" Theodore von Kármán, who provided support for Parsons and his crew, is a descendant of the Kabbalist Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the creator of the Golem, which essentially Moonchild was.

>Theodore von Kármán was born into a Jewish family in Budapest, Austria-Hungary, as Kármán Tódor, the son of Helene (Konn or Kohn, Hungarian: Kohn Ilka) and Mór Kármán. Among his ancestors were Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, who was said to be the creator of the Golem of Prague, and Rabbi Moses ben Menachem Mendel Kunitz, who wrote about Zohar

He was the one who taught Kabbalah to John Dee.

>According to Michael A, Hoffman II in his fantastic lecture Magic and Paganism in the Reign of Elizabeth I, Dee and a mystery man named Edward Kelley Dee’s scryer or medium traveled to Prague and met with Rabi Juda Lowe where he allegedly pledged to the Rabi the destruction of the gentile race. It was Rabbi Judah Loew, who created the famous golem monster. Rabi Juda Lowe was perhaps the greatest master of Cabala to ever live since King Solomon himself. The fact that he met Dr. John Dee is not disputed
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John Dee is one of the most interesting occult figures in history, he was the magus who founded/coined the term British Empire and the British Museum, protected Queen Elizabeth, started the Invisible College (which became the Royal Society and United Grand Lodge of England), taught Shakespeare and Marlowe all they knew, talked to angels, wrote the Voynich Manuscript, made gold for the Holy Roman Emperor, mapped the world's magickal currents, analyzed Stonehenge and the Pyramids, invented a flying machine, stopped the Armada, translated the Book of Enoch, and set off the linguistic Enochian time-bomb that created the Golden Dawn, Jack the Ripper, and the fall of Communism. Plus, he was the first Agent 007 of Her Majesty's Secret Service.

Philip II of Spain was an inveterate occultist. A lot of persons confuse his religious piety with fanaticism, which was false, he was the one who gave an Aztec Tezcatlipoca's magic black mirror to the occultist John Dee during his stay in England. He also ordered the construction of his palace, Escorial, in the image and likeness of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, a fact that complements his custom of wearing black clothes, not so much because of his religiosity but because he was looking for, following the advice of the Arabic grimoire Picatrix (which he kept along with many other esoteric books in his palace library) attract the influences of the planet Saturn, that is, knowledge but also melancholy.
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Anyone have that "Fuck this, I'm gonna invent white people" Yakub school-nerd comic edit?
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Perfect, thanks Bazilbro
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>They even stole their nuts conspiracy occult shit
>and set off the linguistic Enochian time-bomb that created the Golden Dawn, Jack the Ripper, and the fall of Communism

Jack the Ripper was Winston Churchill's father. The reason for the murders (which were of a Masonic nature, the Goulston Street Graffiti speaks of the Juwes, who were the murderers of Hiram Abiff), is that Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, was a frequent visitor to brothels (including homosexuals/pedophiles) because of the low fertility generated by the incest of his German family, who ended up secretly getting pregnant/marrying a prostitute of Catholic origin called Annie Crook, thus losing his right to the British royal throne, this infuriated the Anglo-Masonic elite who imprisoned Prince Albert in Windsor Castle and lobotomized Annie Crook. His daughter Marry Kelly, who also became a prostitute, and her whore friends tried to blackmail the British Crown.

Also Lord Randolph Churchill, Churchill's father, did not carry out the murders alone, he was helped by Sir Charles Warren (chief Grand Mason of the Metropolitan Police), Sir William Gull (Crown doctor who lobotomized Annie Crook), John Netley (fast driver of carriages) and JK Stephen (who assisted in the Masonic murder rituals).
Furthermore, Winston was his son with a American-Jewish lover from New York. The father of Winston Churchill was an English lord who married a wealthy Jewish woman from Brooklyn named Jenny Jerome, whose real last name was Jacobson. Jenny Jerome became Lady Randolph Churchill. Was born 6 weeks prematurely. And of his daughters, Sarah and Diana, Sarah was an alcoholic and Diana killed herself. Was fond of Islam, most of those closest to Churchill were concerned about him converting at some point. In 1940, during "Britain's darkest hour", Churchill and his wartime cabinet authorized a budget of 100,000 pounds for the construction of what became the London Central Mosque. Wrote a preface in the book An Idea Conquers The World, by Coudenhove Kalergi, where Churchill states his support for Islam, Third World mysticism, open-borders, and Kalergi's hatred of Europeans, explictly stating that he also found some Indian street shitting mystics to be racially superior to Europeans. Churchill describing the Jews as “the aristocracy of the human race”. It's also said that his final political effort was a campaign to "Keep Britain White", hue.

>Jeanette Jerome , Lady Randolph Churchill (Brooklyn , January 9, 1854 – London , June 9 , 1921), was an American socialite, wife of Lord Randolph Churchill and mother of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill

>Hall family tradition insists that Jennie had an Iroquois great-grandfather. Moshe Kohn, in an article in The Jerusalem Post on January 15, 1993, stated that the Jerome family name was originally Jacobson, and that Jennie's ethnic origin was, in fact, Jewish , at least on her father's side she. However, there are no certainties; the family name has always been Jerome ever since the family (in the person of a Huguenot immigrant named Timothy Jerome) set foot in America in about 1717
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Funny that Crowley said Jack the Ripper was actually Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, but also said he had love letters from Prince Albert to a twink prostitute. Crowley worked for the British secret service during WW2 and won the magical war against the German occultists of the Vrill and Thule societies. It was responsible for Churchill, who belonged to the Ancient Order of Druids, starting to use the typhonian (Typhon is the Greek name for Seth, the Egyptian god of the Hyksos/Proto-Jews) V of Victory sign with the hand as a vulva/vagina symbol as opposed to the National Socialist outstretched-arm salute, which is a solar phallic inherited from the time of the Roman emperors. Crowley had relations with the Bush family and the American majority at NASA were Thelemites and ex-Nazis. It is the main influence of Modern Occultism.

>While Aleister Crowley wasn’t the first person to scrawl a “V” on the walls in Brussels, nor was he the first to put two fingers in the air as a sign of some idea or insult, he demonstrated that he was the first to publish a “V Sign,” and he claimed to have invented Churchill’s use of the gesture in WWII as a magical foil to the Nazis’ use of the swastika. Crowley passed this idea to friends at the BBC, and to the British Naval Intelligence Division through his connections in MI5, eventually gaining the approval of Winston Churchill

>Some may dispute this version of history related to us by Crowley, and honestly there’s not a lot of evidence to support it, but then again there’s not much evidence against it either. Regardless, as Thelemites we may certainly build on the idea, embrace the symbolism as Crowley explained it, and make use of the “V for Victory” to promote our values of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty. Indeed, the following graphic, based on the V for Victory, has been used by the Thelemites Against Injustice for some time
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The Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn got supposedly their charter from the Continental ´Golden Rose-Cross´ which stopped existing somewhere in the 1700s. It was replcated in 1780 by the "Morgenrothe Lodge" of Frankfurt and the "Initiate Brothers of Asia" in Vienna and their superiors were called "Fathers and Brothers of the Seven Unknown Churches of Asia", the Asiatic Brethren, whose founders were Sabbatean-Frankist Jews. These should not be confused with some actual adepts living in Asia, but it is an direct reference to the Christian Seven Churches found in book of Revelation. They also got the attributions for the Tree of Life from this very same contact ('Fräulein Sprengel').




These are also directly related to "initiating" the Apocalypse of John Dee. Pic related with the word "Antichristus" includes the Seals and John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica symbol. In the novel Les sept têtes du dragon vert - la guerre des cerveaux ("The seven heads of the Green Dragon - the War of the Brains") by Teddy Legrand it is heavily implicated that the Swastika was brought from Tibet to Europe. The novel features right facing Swastika. Look for pictures of the Swastika found in traditional Bonpo religion, that are all right faced. And as such it has no connection the Dharma wheel. But to something more sinister (Caput Draconis).
Whites were created 6000 years ago by Yakub as part of a genetic experiment to breed a relatively peaceful, highly intelligent, highly xenophilic race which would spread its seed through the other races and create a better mankind. Wallace Fard slandered our creator in the 1930s.
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This is for example a typical division of between The Red Dragon and Green Dragon in the outer symbolism. Some people understand Kundalini as a force as something only inside of man, while not understanding that the Great force of Vril or Green Dragon concerns also the Earth and material in a sense of macrocosmically. One cannot produce anything in the microcosm without affecting the macrocosm so to speak. This is the East-West connection quotes Guénon speculates in 'King of the World':

>Note also the representation of the Lamb on the book sealed by seven seals mentioned in the Apocalypse; Tibetan lamaism also possesses seven mysterious seals and we doubt if this connection is purely accidental

>This is for example a typical division of between The Red Dragon and Green Dragon in the outer symbolism. Some people understand Kundalini as a force as something only inside of man, while not understanding that the Great force of Vril or Green Dragon concerns also the Earth and material in a sense of macrocosmically. One cannot produce anything in the microcosm without affecting the macrocosm so to speak

Book of Abramelin grimoire was very influential in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Forehead Lamen of Abramelin reads "VHRIL" = VRIL and it stands for Magical Force as is found in Crowley's edited Sepher Sephiroth. So the concept of "VRIL" was not invention of "VRIL SOCIETY", but owes to certain occult movements that had beginning much earlier than Third Reich.
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Next to the word "Green Dragon" in the picture is the Geomantic sign of Carcer.


Carcer is Latin for "the Prison" or "Cell" and thus it stands as a symbol for Qliphoth.

>Eleven are their classes, yet ten are they called; seven are the heads and yet an eighth head arises. Seven are the infernal palaces, yet do they include ten

Pic related picture is featured on the novel Les Sept têtes du Dragon Vert (Seven Heads of The Green Dragon). S.I.M.P stands for Superieur Inconnu, Maitre Philippe, ‘Unknown Superior, Master Philippe', Guénon's occult mentor in early life and thus the same Unknown Superiors who were the Secret Chiefs of Golden Dawn of whom they got their Tree of Life attributions. The Seven Headed Dragon was also featured on the floor of the Vault of the Adepti of the Golden Dawn.

The Nazis were inspired by the secret black magic that the Tibetan Buddhists know how to invoke. All the top Nazis and pro-Fascist intellectuals of the time were part of the Green Dragon Order, which was related to the Black Dragon Society too.



Europeans first stumbled upon the black magic of the Bon religion when mountaineers climbing K2 and other summits in Kashmir brought the dark arts back with them on their travels.

The area with the greatest black magicians is called Baltistan. It is where characters like Raz Al-Ghul from Batman were inspired from:


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The Bonpo/Nazi/Baltistan connection is one of the most interesting rabbit holes I have ever gone down. A wierd mixture of Sufi Mysticism, Shia Assassin Schools, Shamanistic Asian Religion mixed with Buddhism and a fuck of other things, Europeans like Aleister Crowley and Julius Evola bringing back the things they learned from their mountaineering adventures in the East.





Although Thuban lies in the Dragon's tail, its name comes from an Arabic phrase that means "the Serpent's head." The Green Dragon. Polaris has not always been the Pole Star. Instead, the old Pole Star was the Thuban in ancient times. See pic related.

>The myth of the “Black Sun” which was able to win a central place in the neo-fascist movement and displays similarities with the Tibetan Rahu myth from the Kalachakra Tantra, can be traced to the inspiration of Wiligut and his milieu among others

>Rahu plays such a prominent role in the philosophy of the Kalachakra Tantra that according to Helmut Hoffmann the events associated with him form a “darkness theology” of their own (Hoffmann, 1964, p. 128). The epithets of the dark demon alone have much to say about his psychology and proclaim his comprehensive mythic program. He is known, among other things, as the “enemy of the moon, subduer of the moon, darkling, flesh-devourer, lion’s son, the roarer, but also [as the] lightgiver of the heavenly paradise” (Petri, 1966, p. 141). He is also called “dragon”, “snake”, “eclipser”, and “lord of the darkness”. In the Hevajra Tantra it is still said that it is solely the consciousness of the yogi which brings the sun and moon under control
Never lost this hard before. Congrats.
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>But in the Kalachakra Tantra, the Vajra master in league with Rahu pronounces the sentence of destruction over the two heavenly bodies. It becomes the task of the “darkling” (Rahu) to destroy the two shining orbs as autonomous forces, that is, to bring the masculine and feminine energies to a standstill

>The destruction of the gender polarity appears — as we have seen — as a necessary stage along the road to power in every tantric ritual. The final goal is first reached by that initiand, “by whom the ways of the sun and the moon are completely destroyed” (Grönbold, 1969, p. 74), as a text from the Sadhanga Yoga says, and the famous tantra master Saraha requires that: “Where motility and intentionality are not operative / And where neither sun nor moon appear, / There, you fools, let mind relax restfully” (Guenther, 1976, pp. 69-70). Since the sun and moon both indicate the time, their exterminator Rahu is also described as “free from time” (Wayman, 1973, p. 163)

>Likewise, in the Kalachakra Tantra the middle energy channel within the yogi’s body (avadhuti), which draws the right-hand, solar and left-hand, lunar energy currents into itself and thereby shuts them down as independent forces, is equated with Rahu which indeed also destroys the sun and moon. The avadhuti therefore bears its name and is called “Rahu’s channel” (Wayman, 1973, p. 163). In reference to the “lord of the darkness” the middle channel is also known as the “leading channel of the darkness” (Naropa, 1994, p. 272)
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>Its association with the bodily geography of the yogi also brings the planetary demon into contact with the mystic heat. Accordingly, Rahu, the swallower of the shining orbs, blazes as an “androgyne fire” in the Tantric’s body (Wayman, 1983, p. 616). “Hence also when one reaches the androgyne as fire in the middle the sun and the moon will disappear” (Wayman, 1983, p. 616), The relationship of this fire symbolism to the candali, who is conceived of as purely feminine and not at all androgynous, remains unresolved. But then the tantras are often not very exact when it comes to the details. Important for us is that in the Rahu myth the destruction of the heavenly orbs is executed through fire as well as through darkness. This combination has also earned the imaginary planet Rahu the name of “dark sun”

>The power symbol of Rahu adorns every Tibetan stupa. In tantric doctrine it is this small, unprepossessing flame which has elevated itself above the sun and the moon so as to demonstrate that both shining orbs are under its control. The androgynous violence of the “black sun” could hardly be demonstrated more vividly or concisely

>In Hindu tradition, Rahu is a cut-off head of an Asura, that swallows the sun causing eclipses. He is depicted in Art as a serpent with no Body riding a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Rahu is one of the navagrahas (nine planets) in Vedic Astrology

>In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Rahu (or Rahula; Tib. gza) is considered to have been subjugated by Padmasambhava, becoming one of the principle Protectors of the Dzogchen teachings, particularly the Longchen Nyingthik. He is usually depicted with nine heads and a thousand eyes all over his dark-colored Body. In his four arms he holds a bow and arrow, and often a lasso and victory banner. He is wrathful in appearance, ablaze with Fire, and his lower Body has the Form of a snake. Rahula is a sa, a class of deities associated with the heavenly bodies
>During his time in Paris, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers consulted the grimoire collection of René de Voyer d’Argenson in the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal and was particularly struck by one entitled the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin, which was written in a French hand of the late seventeenth or early eighteenth century. It was quite possibly one of those conWscated by the Paris police in their campaign against the magicians. Mathers explained in the preface to his 1898 edition of the manuscript that he had been informed of its existence many years earlier. He believed Bulwer-Lytton and Lévi knew of it, but it was the poet Paul Bois who urged him to immerse himself in its wisdom

>Like numerous other manuscript grimoires of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it provided its own founding myth, telling how it was a translation from the Hebrew script of a mage and celebrated Kaballist called Abra-Melin. According to the manuscript he was born in 1362 and had written down the secrets of his magical knowledge in 1458 as a means of passing on the wisdom to his son. During his life he had travelled far and wide in search of knowledge, performing at the courts of European nobles, including that of the English King Henry VI, eventually settled in Wu¨rzburg. He was, then, an archetype of the Jewish Renaissance mage. Mathers was ready to believe in this story and thus seal the importance of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin as a profound work on the ascetic, spiritual basis of ancient Kaballistic magic largely free of the contamination and meddling that had marred many of the versions of the Clavicule of Solomon
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>More surprising was his adoption of the Scottish title Count MacGregor of Glenstrae, bogusly claiming that Louis XV had bestowed it on an ancestor after the Jacobite rebellion. After his mother’s death in 1885 Mathers moved to London and it was there that he began to publish the Wrst of his books on occultism and magic. In 1888 he produced the Qabbalah Unveiled, a translation of a seventeenth-century Latin treatise, and a book on the Tarot. The following year he sealed his place in the history of grimoires by putting together the Wrst English print edition of the Key or Clavicule of Solomon

There were factions of Freemasonry, one aligned with the House of Stuart and another allied with the House of Hannover. All those civil wars had an esoteric basis because Rosicrucianism had developed in Germany under the exact same jewish influence that had created Freemasonry in Scotland then Sweden and France, thus the Protestant Rosicrucian Monarchs had a tradition and claim in direct opposition to the Catholic Masonic rulers and institutions, the Tudor dynasty was dominated by Protestant Rosicrucianism, the Stuarts Catholic Freemasonry, the Hanoverian Grand Lodge the Protestant assimilation of the former Catholic tradition.

Little known detail, but everyone knows Brazil was founded by convicts and that our Independence only happened because the Portuguese Nobility wanted to escape Napoleon, but Britain was sending convicts to the US colonies too. They weren't all criminals, it was political dissidence the isles were being ruled by the Hanovers who were not popular with the people following the Stuarts because they were foreign nobility. The Stuart monarchs were the descendants of Robert The Bruce (the guy who gave refuge to the Knights Templars), and the Tudors, unifying the Scottish and English thrones. Hence Blackbeard's pirate ship being named Queen Anne's Revenge and preying on British ships, he was a Jacobite.
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A funny thing about Pirates is the Jolly Roger (symbol of Skulls and Bones) probably comes from the Blackmoor Decapitated Head.

>Another version says that since the 14th century, the Barbary Pirates in the Mediterranean chose as their insignia the coat of arms of Corsica, which had long been plundered by pirates from North Africa. This coat of arms consisted of a black Moorish head girded with a white band. This emblem is found on geographic and portolan maps, always associated with pirates, but the Moor's head tends to become a skull and the colors are inverted: white for the figure and black for the background. In the 18th century, the skull became rare or disappeared, leaving only the black flag on the pirate ship, not only in the Mediterranean, but in all the seas of the world

>The precise origin of the Moor's head is a subject of controversy. The most likely explanation is that it is derived from the heraldic war flag of the Reconquista depicting the Cross of Alcoraz, symbolizing Peter I of Aragon and Pamplona's victory over the "Moorish" kings of the Taifa of Zaragoza in the Battle of Alcoraz in 1096. The blindfold may originally have been a headband

>Another theory claims that it is the Nubian Saint Maurice (3rd century AD)

>The earliest heraldic use of the Moor's head is first recorded in 1281, during the reign of Peter III of Aragon and represents the Cross of Alcoraz, which the King adopted as his personal coat of arms. The Crown of Aragon had for a long time governed Sardinia and Corsica, having been granted the islands by the Pope, although they never really exercised formal control. The Moor's head became a symbol of the islands
Bumpd. More people need to know about esoteric mysticism and secret societies.
The yakub story is correct. The white race is literally fucking demons.
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There is another theory that the Roger in the word Jolly Roger comes from the Templar King Roger II of Sicily. But I like this version here better:

>The origin of the term "Jolly Roger" is not likely to have derived from the supposed French "jolie rouge", 'pretty red', because pirate flags did not come into common use for many years; and in any case the red flag of piracy was infrequently flown. The far more likely source is that the English commonly named their stud bulls "Roger", this word already being a term widely used for sexual intercourse, usually of a vigorous nature

>When they were at sea for long periods, all they could think of was getting back to a port where they could have a “jolly roger” with one of the local ladies

>And incidentally, what makes this one even more humorous is that around the 17th century, “to Roger” came to mean “to have sex” or “to penetrate”, from a slang for “penis” at the time. Meaning if you combine the two slang terms across centuries, he was “Penis Fuckebythenavele”

>This also perhaps gives a new perspective on the “Jolly Roger” pirate flag name, though its origin isn’t definitively known
I believe in this version because it makes more sense since the Freemasons put the skull and bones symbol to the apron in the groin region, where the G is also located, referring to the (G)erative Principle, a euphemism for the male reproductive organ, the penis.
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Have you ever heard of the Zebra Murders?

>A Black on White Mass Murder spree that took place over a year and a half time period in San Francisco in the early 70's. The murders were committed by certain members of the Nation of Islam sect

>The black attackers typically went out alone or in pairs to commit the killings, usually selecting any seemingly vulnerable victims on the streets at dusk or in the dark, with their weapons of choice being guns, hatchets, or machetes. Sometimes, victims were kidnapped and brought back to safe-houses to be tortured and killed by the entire group, with their bodies afterward dismembered and discarded

>Police officials estimated that there were over 70 such killings throughout California, though the true number is thought to be 270 dead victims

>Not only did the Zebra killings represent the greatest instance of racially-motivated killings in modern American history, but the number of victims was quite possibly greater than the combined total for all other such examples over nearly the last 100 years of US history. Based on that reality, the near-absolute media blackout has been quite remarkably Orwellian and deeply disturbing


The Zebra/Death Angels would be part of a major network that connects extremist political groups, sects/cults and serial killers mainly from California in the 60s/70s, all influenced by the CIA:

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>The Zebra murders have all but been forgotten in 21st century America despite the incredible wave of terror they inspired in San Francisco in the mid-1970s. When all was said and done, at least 15 individuals were dead (the death toll for Zebra seems to fluctuate between 14 and 17 victims, depending upon the source), and up to another ten were seriously wounded, and a state of martial law had been enacted in the city by the Bay. The victims of these crimes were almost entirely white while the perpetrators were all black (allegedly), which inflamed racial tensions to the point that some felt a full scale race war was narrowly avoided in a city that prided itself in blurring color lines. From the time of the first murder to present day the killings remain shrouded in mystery with countless questions left unanswered, such as whatever became of the Death Angels, a cult inspired by the Nation of Islam that was fingered for the killings?

>In this series Recluse will attempt to shed a little light on this curious time in recent history. But to fully understand the Zebra killings, we must first understand the context of where they occurred: San Francisco, 1973-1974. And to understand the San Francisco of '73 and '74, we must study its history, as well as surrounding areas like Santa Cruz, from the 1960s on, for the specter of the 1960s hung over the Zebra killings like a shadow. I will warn the reader now that it will be some time until I even come to the Zebra killings, for there was much going on in the San Francisco-Santa Cruz area at the time, and a lot of it is relevant to Zebra. So bear with me, for this will not be a quick journey
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>In the popular conscience, San Francisco will always be the focal point of the psychedelic 60s (in America at least), and for good reason. The San Francisco of that era was immortalized in the legendary Mamas and the Papas tune "San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)" where the general public was first introduced to the so-called 'flower children' making the scene along the Haight. Much of the signature music of the hippie era derived from the San Francisco scene, which featured such notable acts as Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead, Big Brother & the Holding Company (which briefly featured 27 Club member Janis Joplin), Santana, Sly and the Family Stone in addition to more obscure, but influential groups, such as the cult folk-rock band the Moby Grapes (maybe best known for the middle-finger salute on their debut album) and the proto-stoner metal outfit otherwise known as Blue Cheer
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>In addition, many of the key personalities of the psychedelic movement would at least make the scene in San Fran, if not set up shop. Of course Timothy Leary was there. In fact, he uttered his famous "Turn on, tune in, drop out..." jive in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge during 1967's Human Be-In. Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson was living there in the mid-60s while researching his first major publication, Hell's Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gang, an account of the notorious motorcycle 'club' that originated around the Bay area. Thompson would go on to write the legendary Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas a few years down the road. The always controversial Thompson hung out with such notorious figures as Sonny Barger, the founder of the Oakland chapter of the Hell's Angels (who were very active in San Francisco around this time) and attorney Oscar Zeta Acosta (who was the inspiration for the character of 'Dr. Gonzo' in Loathing), a major figure in the Chicano Movement. Thompson was even linked to the Franklin cover-up as an alleged child pornographer working for an international child sex ring, though Nick Bryant's The Franklin Scandal (IMO the best work yet published on Franklin) debunked this claim
I knew the story was sparking my schitzo instincts
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>Ken Kesey was also there in the mid-1960s with his Merry Pranksters, conducting the first of their legendary 'Acid Tests' around the Bay area. Naturally, Augustus 'Bear' Owsley Stanley was also there with his infamous acid sheets, ensuring the San Francisco was the first region of the country where LSD was sold on a large scale

>"Haight-Ashbury was the world's original psychedelic supermarket, the place where acid was sold on a mass scale. The undisputed king of the illicit LSD trade was Augustus Owsley Stanley III, a dapper individual who could rap for hours on topics ranging from acid rock to Einsteinian physics...

>"Owsley's product first hit the streets in February 1965, during the halcyon days of the early Acid Tests. Though his career as a bootleg chemist led him to adopt a reclusive lifestyle, he did pop up now and again on the psychedelic scene. He visited Millbrook and was on hand to freak freely at some wild parties hosted by Kesey. Owsley was so impressed by the music of the Grateful Dead that he became a patron to the band...

>"Known throughout the Haight as the 'unofficial mayor of San Francisco,' Owsley cultivated an image as a wizard-alchemist whose intentions with LSD were priestly and magical..." (Acid Dreams, Martin A. Lee & Bruce Shlain, pgs. 145-146)
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>The legendary Haight-Ashbury was ground zero for 1967's 'Summer of Love.' Since the Beat era various artists, free thinkers, and other eccentrics had been attracted to the previously quiet neighborhood with its Victorians and low rent. Things went into overdrive as the 60s wore on. Roaming youths could expect ample assistance from the Diggers, self-described 'community anarachists' who provided free food, free 'stores' and free concerts to the youth. They could also expect to find ample drugs available, especially LSD. This led researchers such as Lee and Shlain to refer to the Haight-Ashbury community as a kind of 'psychedelic city-state.'

>"...The most significant expression of the new psychedelic lifestyle centered in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. It was in the Haight that the cultural rebellion fueled by LSD happened so vividly and with such intensity that it attracted worldwide attention

>"Situated on the periphery of Golden Gate Park, this quiet, multiracial, and somewhat run-down neighborhood first became a haven for nonconformists in the early 1960s, when tourists, gangster elements, thrill seekers, and narcs squeezed the life out of the hip scene in North Beach. A good number of beatnik refugees migrated across town to the Haight, where ramshackle Victorians were available at low rent. The next few years were a gestation period in which Haight-Ashbury continued to evolve as a gathering point for the creatively alienated. Increased numbers of Berkley radicals, fed up with academia, joined the artists, musicians, and bearded habitues who were probing eccentricity and other forms of dissent
Ayys are a CIA psyop confirmed
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>"By 1965, Haight-Ashbury was a vibrant neobohemian enclave, a community on the cusp of a major transition. A small psychedelic city-state was taking shape, and those who inhabited the open urban space within its invisible borders adhered to a set of laws and rhythms completely different from the nine-to-five routine that governed straight society. More than anything the Haight was a unique state of mind, an arena of exploration and celebration. The new hipsters had cast aside the syndrome of alienation and despair that saddled many of their beatnik forebears. The accent shifted from solitude to communion, from the individual to the interpersonal. The sound of the in-crowd was no longer folk or jazz but the bouncing rhythms of rock and roll that could incite an audience to boogie in unison almost as a single organism." (ibid, pgs. 141-142)
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>However, no sooner had San Francisco emerged as a Mecca of social change than it began to go into rapid decline. Ironically, it all played out in 1967, during the Summer of Love, as more and more outsiders, many lacking the idealism of the original residents, flocked to the Haight

>"Violent crime increased dramatically as the acid ghetto became a repository for hoods, bikers, derelicts, con men, burnouts, and walking crazies. The shift in sensibility was reflected in the kinds of drugs that were prevalent on the street. First there was a mysterious grass shortage, and then an amphetamine epidemic swept through the Haight. By midsummer 1967 speed rivaled pot and acid as the most widely used substance in the area. The speed syndrome ravaged people mentally and physically. Widespread malnutrition resulted from appetite suppression, and infectious disease like hepatitis and VD (from unsterilized needles and 'free love') were rampant. The Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic was established in response to the mounting health crisis. Among its other functions the clinic offered a special 'trip room' where people could ease off the bummers and freakouts that were becoming even more commonplace in the Haight." (ibid, pgs. 186-187)

>The 1968 Jefferson Airplane single, "Greasy Heart," may have best summed up the Haight by this time:

>"Because he just had his hair done and he wants to use your wig
>He's going off the drug thing because his veins are getting big
>He wants to sell his paintings but the market is slow
>They're only paying two grams now for a one-man abstract show"
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>Despite the disaster that was unfolding in San Francisco, many still held onto the idealism of the Summer of Love as the 60s gave way to the 70s. Some of these individuals fled the mounting instability in San Francisco for the tranquil and fertile Santa Cruz Mountains. It did not take long for the negative aspects of the San Francisco scene to follow

>"...many other disenchanted hippies and flower children move on in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Many of them found refuge in the hundreds of square miles of sparsely settled wilderness offered by the Santa Cruz Mountains, where the abundance of rich soil and clear, running water provided ideal conditions for communal living and marijuana cultivation. By 1972, some seventeen thousand men, women, and children had taken up residence in the fertile glens and along the rich creek beds of Santa Cruz. As Margaret Cheney described the scene:

>Every enterprising commune or solo Druid grew a patch of cannabis; but it did not end there. More enterprising men began to operate small, portable pill factories in the remoter parts of the forest, turning out LSD and amphetamines for the city market, free of police harassment. A small cult of Satanists from San Francisco liked the landscape and opened a local parish. After them came the pretenders, exploiters, and hangers-on. The more sensational news media promoted the black-mass aura. Small sacrificial animals were occasionally found beheaded." (Programmed to Kill, David McGowan, pgs. 134-135)
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>As the reader may have gathered, there was more than a little bit of a dark undercurrent to San Francisco and the surrounding area than popular culture tends to remember. In actuality, that undercurrent is down right sinister. Things took a decisive turn for the worse in 1967 as many of the original progenitors of the Haight scene uprooted themselves from the city in a brief attempt to return to nature. It was at this point that the real madness began to set in as far more ominous 60s icons such as Charles Manson began to make the scene

>"Haight-Ashbury circa 1967 was an ideal breeding ground for the type of wayward youth that new to the scene and budding guru Manson found easy to attract. As popular legend has it, Charlie -fresh from the slams -landed in San Francisco smack dab in the summer of Love. Initially, he drifted about the town, bumming around, emerging from his institutionalized shell. But his transition back into society proved easier than expected, due mainly to the psychedelic scene unfolding around him, of which Charlie dove into headfirst, feeling an instant connection to all the flower children hanging out in the streets and sleeping in the parks. It was in this social milieu that Manson soon became a familiar figure, fitting seamlessly into a patchwork of social outcast, as he as well had been an outcast all his life. Manson was adept at interpreting the key elements of people's personalities, determining what responses would put them at ease and make them friends, allies or sexual partners. This ability was another factor that helped him fit so well into the brave new world he discovered upon prison release
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>"Manson was later quoted in the underground newspaper, Tuesday's Child, about how he'd met a boy this period who introduced him to the Haight. 'We slept in the park and we lived in the streets and my hair got a little longer and I started playing music and people liked my music and people smiled at me -I didn't know how to act. It grabbed me up, man, that there were people that were real.'" (The Shadow Over Santa Susana, Adam Gorightly, pgs. 14-15)
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>It wasn't long after the Summer of Love came to an end that Manson and his budding Family left San Francisco, due to the bad vibes Manson was getting out of the whole scene. Perhaps Manson had a point. Beyond the typical social parasites -the con men, pimps, and professional criminals that had descended upon San Francisco during 1967, there was a new menace to contend with that was just beginning to make national headlines: the serial killer

>It all began on December 20th, 1968. It was on this date that the first official murder attributed to the notorious Zodiac Killer occurred inside the San Francisco Bay Area. Over the next couple of years a bloody trail of carnage would be left across the San Francisco-Santa Cruz area that would leave the latter with the highest per-capita murder rate in the entire nation while no few than six serial killers would be spawned from this region
I’ve heard about this incident before and the connections to the NOI, had no idea there was CIA influence however but not surprised in the slightest. I have seen videos of Farrakhan talking about esoteric Freemasonry which explains a lot. Rabbithole goes deep.
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>"...women began missing from around the Santa Cruz area. As early as autumn of 1968, reports began surfacing of grisly occult sacrifices being performed in the surrounding mountains. By the summer of 1972, it was clear that Santa Cruz had a problem. Mutilated bodies began showing up in the hills. By the time 1973 rolled around, the bodies were piling up at an alarming rate. In just the first six weeks of the year, eight bodies were found, and women were continuing to disappear. What had once been an idyllic community had been radically transformed; the murder rate had quintupled and Santa Cruz had achieved the rather dubious distinction of having the highest homicide rate in the country. Many of the area's killings were credited to two alleged serial killers, Edmund Kemper and Herb Mullin, who were said to be operating at the same time in the same city, though acting independently of each other. Kemper's bloody odyssey reportedly included eight victims brutally butchered between May 1972 and April 1973, most of them coeds whose corpses were cannibalized and sexually violated. Mullin was credited with dispatching thirteen victims in just four months, from October 13, 1972 through February 13, 1973. Mullin admitted to having a strong interest in the occult, a fact made evident by the nature of the killings attributed to him: the first victim was killed on Friday the 13th, the second on or about Halloween, and the third murder was the stabbing of a Catholic priest in his confessional on November 2, celebrated as All Souls Day
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>"To briefly recap, no fewer than six serial killers/mass murderers -Charles Manson, Stanley Baker, Edmund Kemper, Herbert Mullin, John Lindley Frazier, and the Zodiac -were all spawned from the Santa Cruz/San Francisco metropolitan area in a span of just over four years, at a time when 'serial killers' were a rare enough phenomenon that they hadn't yet acquired a name. And another serial killer was said to be at work not far away during this timeframe. As Bundy chronicler Richard Larsen recounts, the bodies of at least fourteen young women and girls were found, nude with their belongings missing, in Northern California between December 1969 and December 1973..." (Programmed to Kill, David McGowan, pgs. 135-136)
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>If the serial killers weren't enough, the late 1960s and early 1970s also saw the rise of various radical organizations identified with the 'New Left,' many of them based out of the San Francisco-Santa Cruz area. Some of the most notable of these organizations included the Black Panther Party, founded in Oakland, and its even more militant splinter group, the Black Liberation Army; and the Symionese Liberation Army, the kidnappers of heiress Patty Hearst who have drawn so much attention in conspiracy circles of late. We'll examine some of the conspiracy lore concerning this outfit a bit later. There was also the New York-based Weather Underground, who were active in San Francisco by 1970

>"The Weathermen, who now called themselves the Weather Underground, had been operating in the Bay area since 1970, when a bomb planted in the SFPD's Park Street Station killed Sergeant Brian McDonnell and injured eight others. Other bombings around the area were also linked to the Weather Underground, and just a year before Zebra began, the FBI discovered an abandoned bomb factory they had fashioned in the Fillmore..." (The Zebra Murders, Prentice Earl Sanders & Bennett Cohen, pg. 172)
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>Finally, there were the cults. In 1966 the Church of Satan was founded by Anton LaVey at the Black House in San Francisco on April 30th, Walpurgis Night. In 1970 services for Jim Jones's notorious Peoples Temple began being held in San Francisco. By 1971 the Peoples Temple established a permanent facility in San Francisco, using an old Scottish Rite Masonic lodge for this establishment. By the time Jones officially moved the Peoples Temple headquarters from Redwood Valley to San Francisco in 1975 it had long sense become the central point of the organization. Jones would become a big move and shaker in San Francisco politics until 1977 when he fled to Jonestown, Guyana where the rest, as they say, is history. Thus, many Peoples Temple members were heavily active in the Bay Area by the early 1970s
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>The mysterious and highly controversial Process Church of Final Judgement was also active in San Francisco during this time frame as well. Anyone who has read their fair share of conspiracy literature will instantly recognize the Process, who have been linked to both the Manson Family as well as the Son of Sam cult, in addition to an international ring dealing in drugs, sex trafficking, contract killing, and kiddie porn. Needless to say, the legitimacy of these claims has been highly debated for years, essentially ever since Ed Sanders linked Manson to the Process in his 1971 book The Family. More fuel was added to the fire with the 1987 publication of Maury Terry's The Ultimate Evil, which is kind of right-of-passage type book in conspiracy circles. This tome further linked the Process to Manson in addition to the Son of Sam killings and several other notorious murders. A thorough examination of the Process is well beyond the scope of this article, but I would like to address their origins and philosophy in brief as they will crop up again before this piece is over

>"...the Process Church of Final Judgement, usually referred to as the Process. Formed sometime in 1963-64 as a splinter group from Scientology, its founder was Robert Moore,a British subject who was born in Shanghai on August 10, 1935 and had been -according to one account -a cavalry officer who served time in Malaya... and who later lived in London at the time of the Process' creation. At the Hubbard Institute of Scientology in London he met Mary Anne MacLean, a woman who is said to have been engaged to prizefighter Sugar Ray Robinson in America for a brief period, before returning to England. Mary Anne MacLean was born in Glasgow on November 20, 1931, and was thus four years Robert Moore's senior. Before she met Moore, however, she became involved with several high-ranking British politicians, a la Christine Keeler of the Profumo affair...
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>"The headquarters of the Process in London was on Fitzroy Street in the early days, before moving to a large house on Balfour Place in 1966. The philosophy of Robert and Mary Anne Moore (now known as Robert and Mary Anne DeGrimston, a name of cultic significance to them) was a mixture of reincarnation, existentialism, some concepts adapted from Scientology, an attempt to merge the worship of Jehova and Lucifer, and a bit of neo-Nazi flavor. Their emblem was a stylized swastika, which in all fairness could have meant they were Buddhist; however, the philosophy of the Process and its alleged origins as a front for a German neo-fascist group, coupled with Mary Anne's belief that she was the reincarnation of Josef Goebbels, seems to indicate a Nazi rather than a Buddhist inspiration. Further, the group was known to have kept thirty German shepherds on hand as a kind of totem-cum-guard dog arrangement. It was this very public association of German shepherds with the Process that would later lead some investigators in the United States to link Process members or former members with a series of sacrifices of these particular dogs where cult activity was believed to be taking place." (Sinister Forces Book I, Peter Levenda, pgs. 295-297)
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The NOI was teaching race war since the '30s:

>Fard’s demise as the leader of the temple was brought upon him when, on Thanksgiving Day in 1932, one of his followers, Robert Harris, renamed Robert Karriem, committed a human sacrifice in order to bring himself closer to Allah. Karriem cited a quotation from a book entitled Secret Rituals of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, authored by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, which read, “The unbeliever must be stabbed through the heart.” This quote, as well as another stating, “Every son of Islam must gain a victory from a devil. Four victories and the son will attain his reward..”

>1965 report on 'Black Muslims and the Police,' pg2of9

>The Muslims claim that they will overcome without violence or torture, but there will be complete annihilation of the white man. The tentative date set for this annihilation is 1970

This of course is about the time the Zebra Murders start.
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>The Process brought their curious belief system to the United States in 1967, just in time for the Summer of Love

>"In 1967, the Process set up camp in San Francisco, a few doors down from where Manson was living at the time on Cole Street. By the spring of 1968, they were in Los Angeles, and making a frontal assault on the entertainment industry... Dressed in black, German shepherds at the leash, and speaking about worshipping Jehova, Lucifer and Satan, they were a pretty common sight in California. In 1966, Anton LaVey had already opened his Church of Satan to much media hoopla in San Francisco, so Californians were getting used to Satan-worshipping and oddly-dressed, blackly-dressed young people working on their satanic stares while everyone else was working on their tans. And then, in the summer of 1968, the California operation of the Process suddenly went underground." (ibid, pg. 297)

>There are few explanations given for why the Process opted to go underground in 1968. For one thing, U.S. Immigration Service was issuing deportation orders to the British Processeans by May of '68, which seemingly drove most of the non-American members back overseas. Researchers like Sanders and Terry have speculated that the move underground was driven by a more sinister agenda than deportation: terrorism. The Process looked forward to Armageddon and may even have taken steps to bring it about

>"War -and specifically a kind of hodgepodge racial Armageddon -was much on the mind of Process members in 1968 and 1969. One member of the cult, questioned by LAPD on his link to a pair of biker homicides, described the 'natural hate' Processeans reserved for blacks, but the cult was also willing to use minorities, where feasible, 'to begin some kind of militant thing.'" (Raising Hell, Michael Newton, pg. 297)
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>Race war was seemingly a preoccupation of numerous individuals wondering around San Francisco in the late 60s and early 1970s. Charlie and the Family certainly believed in a coming confrontation between blacks and whites and even attempted to set one in motion by leaving clues pointing toward the Black Panthers at the scenes of both the Tate and LaBianca killings. The Panthers, in turn, were also preparing for a race war as was an even more radical Panther-splinter group, the Black Liberation Army. Jim Jones also foresaw a coming race war, and used this as a rationalization for moving his largely black congregation to South America so that they would avoid this struggle. The concept of a race war between black and white Americans will be a major theme in later installments, so keep it in mind dear reader

>But for now I shall pause. In the next installment I'll consider the other sinister force, this one of a federal nature, that was also heavily active in San Francisco since at least the mid-1950s. From there we shall finally move on to Zebra. Stay tuned
In addition to the Process Church, Manson learned about it from Krishna Venta.

>Krishna Venta (born Francis Herman Pencovic; March 29, 1911 – December 10, 1958) was an American cult leader. He was the leader of a Californian religious group in the 1940s and 1950s. Venta founded his WKFL (Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, and Love) - Fountain of the World cult in Simi Valley, California

>Francis Herman Pencovic was born in San Francisco in 1911 to Albert Pencovic, a Jewish immigrant from Romania, and his wife Maude Busenbach, born in Utah. Pencovic graduated from high school in Elko, Nevada. He married twice and served in the United States Army during World War II

>After World War II, Pencovic started his religion. In April 1948, he stated: "I may as well say it, I am Christ." Krishna claimed to have been born on another planet, Neophrates, 240,000 years ago. This planet purportedly occupied the same orbit as Earth does currently. Pencovic also alleged it was humanity’s first home. As Pencovic's canon goes, Neophrates moved inexorably closer to the sun and became uninhabitable. According to him, a fleet of great rocket ships, each more than a mile long and capable of carrying 35,000 people, then set off to colonize the dark planet that would become Earth. Naturally, their leader was the soul that would one day manifest as Krishna Venta. Along the way, Venta would bestow revelations upon such notables as Melchizedek of Salem, Kukulcan, Quelzalcoatl, Masaw, Abraham, Moses, Mohammed, the Buddha, the angels Moroni and Gabriel, and Jesus Christ. All of this was detailed in Krishna Venta’s history of humanity which detailed a series of periodic near-extinction-level events with distinctly theosophical and Mormon overtones. In 1951, he legally changed his name to "Krishna Venta" in California
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>Venta prophesied an imminent cataclysm, with the Master’s projected flock of 144,000 guaranteed to be saved and to build a new world once the dust and blood had settled, a version well adapted to the Cold-War climate of the times. The coming cataclysm would be a racially motivated civil war in the West, particularly in America, where the blacks would rise up and bloodily vanquish the whites (with aid from Russia). Then the traitorous Russians would turn around and conquer the blacks, and try to take over the world. However, Krishna’s followers after spending the war tucked snugly away in a safe place would re-emerge from a secret valley, conquer the Russians and build a shining new world of equality, justice, and peace, with Krishna Venta in his rightful place as world messiah

>It is also purported that in 1968, ten years after Krishna Venta's assassination, another Jesus-claimant by the name of Charles Manson and his coterie (including Susan Atkins) resided for several months at the Fountain of the World. Manson had even made an unsuccessful takeover bid. He was eventually booted from the commune and moved his group to the nearby Spahn Movie Ranch. There is debate over how far Krishna Venta’s teachings influenced Charles Manson, but there are strong parallels between Venta’s apocalypse and Manson’s Helter Skelter. A bloody race war in which the whites will lose to the blacks, after which Manson's family would re-emerge from a secret cave in the desert or “hole in the earth” and take over

>Sun Myung Moon and his followers also took up residence with the Fountain of the World community for several months in 1968

Moonies are other rabbit hole. Nazi war criminals, drug smuggling, Jerry Falwell, the Bush family, South American coups/death squads:

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>In part one of this series I briefly examined the rather curious state of affairs in San Francisco in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Beyond the psychedelic landscape of Haight-Ashbury that is so firmly engraved upon the popular conscience we found as cesspool of the most notorious figures to emerge from the hippie era and the years immediately following it. These figures included such gangs, cults and radical groups as the Hell's Angels, the Black Panther Party, the Black Liberation Army, Symbionese Liberation Army, the Weather Underground, the Church of Satan, Jim Jones's Peoples Temple, the Process Church of Final Judgement; in addition to several notorious serial killers such as Charles Manson (who began assembling the Family in San Fran before uprooting it to L.A. due to the 'bad vibes' of the Haight) and the Zodiac Killer, among others. As regular readers of this blog know, when the specter of serial killers, radical outfits, and cults is cast upon a community or region of the world, chances are the U.S. Intelligence community is also lurking somewhere in the shadows nearby
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>San Francisco is no exception, and was in fact a major hotbed for MK-ULTRA by the 1960s. For over a decade before the Summer of Love the CIA had been conducting psychological warfare experiments there. And incidentally, many of these experiments revolved around LSD

>"San Francisco was a hotbed of MK-ULTRA activity in the 1960s, incorporating everything from drugs to hypnosis and, later, to paranormal and occult research. In 1955, MK-ULTRA operator George White )who worked for the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and not directly for the CIA, and thus had 'plausible deniablity') had moved to San Francisco from New York City, where he had run a 'safehouse' that was used to test the effects of various drugs on prostitutes and their clients via two-way mirrors and the like. He set up an identical operation on Telegraph Hill, and wired it for sound, bringing in hookers, their johns, and eventually a whole assortment of local characters, both underworld and 'civilian.' George White's operation in San Francisco went on until the summer of 1963..." (Sinister Forces Book I, Peter Levenda, pg. 317)
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>Levenda doesn't quite do White's operation, dubbed 'Midnight Climax,' (seriously) justice

>"In 1955 White was transferred to San Francisco, where two more safehouses were established. During this period he initiated Operation Midnight Climax, in which drug-addicted prostitutes were hired to pick up men from local bars and bring them back to a CIA-financed bordello. Unknowing customers were treated to drinks laced with LSD while White sat on a portable toilet behind a two-way mirror, sipping martinis and watching every stoned and kinky moment. As payment for their services the hookers received $100 a night, plus a guarantee from White that he'd intercede on their behalf should they be arrested while playing their trade. In addition to providing data about LSD, Midnight Climax enabled the CIA to learn about the sexual proclivities of those who passed through the safehouses. White's harem of prostitutes became the focal point of an extensive CIA study of how to exploit the art of lovemaking for espionage purposes." (Acid Dreams, Martin A. Lee & Bruce Shlain)
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>George White and his safehouses were not the only LSD experiments happening in San Francisco at this time. Stanford University and the Veterans Administration Hospital in Palo Alto, both located in the Bay area, were also running their own tests. Stanford would 'turn on' such 60s icons as Allen Ginsberg and Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter (who would in turn introduce the rest of the Dead to LSD) while the Palo Alto VA hospital would do the same for Ken Kesey in 1960. Five years later Kesey would return to the Bay area to conduct his own Acid Tests. So yes, the CIA had a rather substantial role in creating the psychedelic culture that would blossom in San Francisco in the mid-60s. Whether they truly intended to create the psychedelic era or whether it was merely a case of 'colleteral damage' will probably never be known, but the Company soon realized that it had a problem on its hands. By the late 1960s the American Intelligence services and a whole slew of other agencies were in a full on war with the budding hippie movement
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Since I mentioned the Japanese at the beginning of the thread, there is a manga with something similar to this.

>Yuko Kusaka is a Japanese journalist sent to Brazil to do a report on the gold rush phenomenon that seems to be making many people rich from night to day. Rumors say that among the many "garimpeiros" (gold diggers) currently on the Amazon forest, there is a Japanese known as Rio Baraki. Reaching their destination, her crew member is promptly attacked and she is raped as a warning to stop their work and return immediately to their home country. Determined to do her job, she stays and finds out from the attacker that he is none other than Baraki, a white haired muscular man with a large scar on his back. Later she discovers that his real name is Keisuke Ibaraki. Once a promising quarterback, he ended up falsely incriminated by a powerful organization known as GPX

>GPX is a department of the CIA, it is not Selected Golden Pornographic X-Rated Film but THE GREAT PERSON X, a global organization, a machine for the study of people elimination, whose pornographic studio was just a facade of intelligentsia. If despair makes you a new man, why give up on revenge? Against the United States of America, Keisuke, Misty and henchmen look at the Statue of Liberty. Keisuke takes off his clothes, close up on the scar on his back. Let this shit explode
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The name of this manga is Kizuoibito (Wounded Man). The beginning of it takes place in my Brazilian state (Pará).
The MKUltra CIA stuff is fucking insane. They literally were trying to usher in a new aeon of culture to the masses through mass LSD distribution, and with music and television with hidden programming. And it worked really well which is the fucked up part. One weird connection which I remember is that the Laurel Canyon neighborhood in Los Angeles had a house that the CIA owned where the hippie artists they were trying to push would all go to record their music at. If I’m not mistaken I’m pretty sure Jared Leto owns it now and he’s a super fucking creepy guys who has a cult-like personality.
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Shhh. Let him cook.
I wonder how Kazuo Koike knew about the symbolism of Project Monarch (Butterfly) when Cathy O'Brien only revealed it in the 90s and Wounded Man was written in the 80s. That fills my head with fucks.
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The use of drugs for mind control precedes the CIA. Hassan ibn al-Sabbah, the Old Man of the Mountain, bosom friend of poet Omar Khayyam, put the capital "A" in "assassins." Actually, he put the whole word "assassin" in "assassins," thanks to his habit of using hashish to drug his "hashishin" into ecstasies of easily-brainwashed loyalty. His Order of the Assassins thus begins the tradition that spawned drug-crazed serial killers and CIA mind-controlled "lone gunmen."

They were a death cult which brainwashed on drugs and sex his members into unquestioning hyper competent killing machines. Also hardcore into Alchemy and Sorcery. In 1164, Hassan II of Alamut, leading the Nizari sect of Ismailis, proclaimed the Qiyamah, i.e., the abrogation of Sharia according to Bātinī explanations. We know that Qiyamah means ‘the End of the World’ and the ‘Day of Judgment’. But according to the Bātinī interpretations of Ismailism, Qiyamah is the beginning of an era of spiritual renaissance where the spiritual dimensions of Islam will be practiced openly, spiritual truths will become widely known, and the rituals of Islam, like salah, will be abrogated. Fatimid Ismaili texts from the 10th-11th century describe the anticipated arrival of the Qiyamah era by a future Fatimid Ismaili Imam. These expectations were fulfilled by the declaration of Qiyamah by Hasan‘Ala Dhikrihi As-Salām. Two years after his accession, Hasan ‘Alā Zikrihi’s Salām conducted a ceremony known as Qaim-ul-Qiyama (resurrection) at Alamut Castle. This is one of the most significant events in Ismaili history.
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>In 1164, Hassan II of Alamut, leading the Nizari sect of Ismailis, proclaimed the Qiyamah, i.e., the abrogation of Sharia
This reminds me as fuck the Antinomian Carpocratians Gnostics and Sabbatean-Frankists Kabbalists.

BTW When Alexander the Great entered the Middle East, his philosophers known as the Pythagoreans held secret knowledge coming from Egypt (back then Alexander even decided to create his new capital in Egypt: Alexandria, so the Greeks and Egyptians were very close to decades) they learned in the Amun temples, the Greeks shared this secret knowledge with the Persians since Alexander's Campaign was against the Achaemenid King Darius III, the Magi/Zoroastrians transmitted this secret knowledge to the Muslim Shiites, of which the Hashashin were a sect. The Hashashin passed this secret knowledge to the Crusaders, who passed it on to the Renaissance occultists, who passed it on to the Rosicrucians, who passed it on to the Freemasons, etc...

Sunnis believe that Shiism is Jewish because the first Shia sect was created by Yemeni Jew Abdullah ibn Saba. All previous mentions of the name Ali in pre-Islamic times is located in Yemen as the name appeared among the Mukarribs and Maliks of Saba (The Jewish Himyarite Kingdom of Yemen). Although Muhammad has Jewish matrilineal descent (Salma bint Amr) and the Hadiths have Jewish sources (Israʼiliyyat).

Pic related is Alexander the Great as Jupiter-Ammon, the ram god. Alexander was responsible for creating the Greek translation of the Torah, the Septuagint, when he ordered 70 Jewish-Egyptians in Alexandria to do so. He thought Yahweh was Jupiter-Ammon.
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>This reminds me as fuck the Antinomian Carpocratians Gnostics and Sabbatean-Frankists Kabbalists
The normal Gnostics seeked to shed the Planets (referring to them as Archons), by living extremely ascetic lifestyles (no material items, no possessions, no jobs, no sex etc) as a means to reject the planetary Archons influence, the material world and returns to the Pleroma. These last Gnostics (Carpocratians/Borborites/Cainites/etc...) were the opposite of this, breaking all the Mosaic laws that represent the 365 archons of the days of the year.

>This same philosophical foundation pointed licentious Gnostics, such as the Ophites and Carpocratians, in the opposite direction. If pure spirits or souls are alien to this evil world, these sects believed, then it didn’t matter what they did here on earth. To these Gnostics, the concepts of sin and immorality were rarely addressed; by definition, everything the soul did was pure and everything the body did was evil. Since both were separate entities, why worry about the ramifications?

>The 613 commandments include "positive commandments", to perform an act (mitzvot aseh), and "negative commandments", to abstain from certain acts (mitzvot lo taaseh). The negative commandments number 365, which coincides with the number of days in the solar year, and the positive commandments number 248, a number ascribed to the number of bones and main organs in the human body

>Epiphanius also indicates that the Phibionites honored 365 archons, with the 8 listed archons merely being the greatest of them. According to him, a male would have sex for each one of the archons as an offering
Got any info on Sabbatai Zevi and the Tettragramatron?
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After conquering Persia/Babylon, Alexander left for India, but had to turn back because his army didn't want to move forward. The gods of India (Devas) are the demons of Persia (Daevas), while the god of Persia (Ahura-Mazda) is the king of the demons in India (Asura-Medhira), this happens because of a civil war between the Aryans tribes (Dasharajnya - The Battle of Ten Kings). The word Angra Mainyu (the Persian Satan) comes from Angiras, one of the compilers of the Vedas and father of Brihaspati (planet Jupiter), the guru of the Devas.

The Devas were not totally demonized in the Proto-Zoroastrian Iranian Paganism, it is no wonder that the Magi priesthood were known in Antiquity for being "star/planet worshipers", which the Zoroastrians considered as Daevas created by Angra Mainyu.

>'Every good and the reverse which happen to mankind, and also the other creatures, happen through the seven planets and the twelve constellations. And those twelve constellations are such as in revelation are the twelve chieftains who are on the side of Ohrmazd, and those seven planets are called the seven chieftains who are on the side of Ahriman. Those seven planets pervert every creature and creation, and deliver them up to death and every evil. And, as it were, those twelve constellations and seven planets are organizing and managing the world

>These are the seven: Aka Manah, Sauru (or Shiva), Taurvi, Zairitisha, Naonhaithya (Nasataya), Aeshma and Indra
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>Sabbatai Zevi
Biblical tradition portrays Yahweh "coming forth from Seir", the Shasu of YHW, originally from Sinai and northern Edom, went on to form one major element in the amalgam that would constitute the "Israel" which later established the Kingdom of Israel. The Midianites of Sinai/Arabia are identified by scholars with the Shasu of YHW, a nomadic people known from Egyptian texts. The Shasu of YHW were formerly known as Shutu. These are the “sons of Sheth” mentioned in the messianic prophecy of Balaam son of Beor (Numbers 24:17) and were the first to call upon the name of Yahweh (Genesis 4:26), the Sumerians called the sons of Seth Suteans and believed that they were the enemies of civilization.




The evil Sumerian goddess Lamashtu was considered a Sutean witch who took the Tablets of Destiny stolen by the bird monster Anzu to Mount Šaršar. This mountain was probably Mount Seir or Sinai. There was actually a bird cult connected to the Midianites and culture in the Sinai.


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The Jews call Lamashtu Lilith, she knew/pronounced the Tetragrammaton and went to the Red Sea (the sea that borders Sinai). The Tetragrammaton is believed to be so powerful that it contains the entire Torah and the 10 Commandments Tablets.

>The fight continues until Lilith becomes so frustrated with Adam's stubbornness and arrogance that she shamelessly pronounces the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable name of the Lord. The name of God (YHWH), translated as “Lord God” in most Bibles and roughly equivalent to the term “Yahweh,” has long been considered so sacred as to be indescribable. During the days of the Jerusalem Temple, only the High Priest said the word aloud, and then only once a year, on the Day of Atonement. In Jewish theology and practice, there is still mystery and majesty attached to the special name of God. The Tetragrammaton is considered “the all-embracing name” (Zohar 19a). 11In the burning bush episode of the Bible in Exodus 3, God explains the meaning of the divine name as “I am who I am” or “I will be what I will be”, a kind of formula for YHWH ( הוהי), associated with the Hebrew root “to be ”. The entire Torah is thought to be contained in the holy name

>In the Gilgamesh and Isaiah episodes, Lilith escapes into desert spaces. In The Alphabet of Ben Sira your destination is the Red Sea, a place of historical and symbolic importance for the Jewish people. Just as the ancient Israelites achieved freedom from Pharaoh at the Red Sea, Lilith gains independence from Adam by going there. But although Lilith is the one who leaves, she is the one who feels rejected and angry
>The brazilian deepdive journalist blesses us once more with esoteric knowledge on the CIA.
Doing God's work
Please go on anon,.I'm screemshotting everything for further research
Reminds me of infinity
Brazilians are the best posters
Based and high IQ thread good job OP
/pol/ is normally utter dogshit but it's threads like this that always bring me back. Gems in the rough
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The Gnostics called Samael the Demiurge, who in Rabbinic Tradition is the lover of Adam's first wife, Lilith (associated with serpents again).

Asherah was the consort of El, who is also known as Yahweh. She was also known by other names: Elat was her most common epithet. The Greeks knew her as Dione or Rhea. The Canaanites knew her as Tannit or Hawwa, which is Eve in Hebrew (Fun Fact: YHWH is the fusion of Y of Yah, with Hwh, which is Hawwah/Eve). Who worshiped Asherah? Everyone who lived between India and Spain, 2nd millennium BC. until the Christian era. With the exception of the Hebrews, who only venerated it until the monotheistic reforms of Hezekiah and, later, of Josiah. The etymology of “Tannit” proposed by Cross is: feminine of “tannin”, which would mean “the one with the serpent”. Furthermore, Asherah had a second epithet in the Bronze Age, “dat batni”, also “she of the serpent”. The Sumerians knew her as Nintu or Ninhursag. Its symbol is a serpent coiled around a tree or staff: the caduceus. Associated with snakes. Asherah is also an Ophidian mother goddess. And both are also associated with trees.

>´Asherah is also called Labi´atu, the Lion Lady. She was represented as a lion with a human female head in the Sinai, from an early find. Other leonine aspects include Her representation as Qadasha, a human female standing on a lion, from sites in the Levant, Egypt and North Africa, and a lion-headed human female from a Punic temple at Siagu. Her sons are referred to in the Ugaritic texts as Her lions

>Lamashtu is depicted as a mythological hybrid, with a hairy body, a lioness' head with donkey's teeth and ears, long fingers and fingernails, and the feet of a bird with sharp talons
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The Jewish Menorah comes from the Pole/Tree of Asherah and represents the seven classic planets as the ancient Jewish historians Philo and Josephus wrote:

>"... But still that sixty cubits in length was divided again, and the first part of it was cut off at forty cubits, and had in it three things that were very wonderful and famous among all mankind, the candlestick, the table [of shew-bread], and the altar of incense. Now, the seven lamps signified the seven planets; for so many there were springing out of the candlestick. Now, the twelve loaves that were upon the table signified the circle of the zodiac and the year; but the altar of incense, by its thirteen kinds of sweet-smelling spices with which the sea replenished it, signified that God is the possessor of all things that are both in the uninhabitable and habitable parts of the earth, and that they are all to be dedicated to his use." (Flavius Josephus, The Wars of the Jews, 5.126–128)
>"Why is the lampstand turned (and) of pure gold? The lampstand is a symbol of the purest substance, (namely) the heaven. For this reason it is said later that it was made of one (piece of) gold. For the other parts of the world were wholly made through the four elements, earth, water, air, and fire, but the heaven of (only) one, (this being) a superior form, which the moderns call the quintessence. And rightly has (heaven) been likened to the lampstand in so far as it is altogether full of light-bearing stars. And rightly does He describe it as turned, for the heaven was made and illuminated by a certain turner’s art in accordance with periodic cycles, each of which is accurately and clearly turned, and the natures of the stars are all described by divine skill."

>"Why is it that the shaft and the branches and the bowls (and) the knops and the lilies were all of that? (Since) the theologian was all-wise, he clearly knew in his wisdom that the heaven itself is a harmony and union and bond of all those things which are in heaven, just as the limbs which are arranged in the body are all adapted (to one another) and grow together. What were the six branches which went out from either side, three equally? Since it is not in a straight line but obliquely that the zodiac lies over and glancingly comes near the summer and winter solstices, He says that the approach to them is from the side, (and) the middle place is that of the sun? But to the other (planets) He distributed three positions on the two sides; in the superior (group) are Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, while in the inner (group) are Mercury, Venus and the Moon."
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>"Why are there, on each of the three branches, bowls modelled into the form of nuts and knops and lilies? At each season of the year the sun completes (its course) through three zodiacal signs, which He has called mixing-bowls, since three powers, distinct and separate from one another, undergo a unified mixing to make up the time of one year. For example, the spring (consists of) Aries, Taurus, Gemini; and, again, in the summer (we have) Cancer, Leo, Virgo; and in the autumn, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius; and in the winter, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. And He likens the form and nature of the zodiacal signs to those of a nut, perhaps because a nut first sends out a bud and afterwards flowers. It seems that (this comparison is made) also because harmonious sounds are set in motion, for I am not unaware that the name of the nut is mentioned in (the festival of) Heralds, for its shell is wont to make a sound of rattling."

>"And (the bowls) are modelled in the form of spheres, since whatever is in heaven is wholly spherical, being given a perfect form just as is the world. And the lily (is mentioned), perhaps because of its whiteness — since it is luminous, and the stars, moreover, are brilliant — perhaps also because there are radiant axes around a lily — since each of the stars gives off radiance. The statement also contains a description of character. The lily has a certain contrariety to other flowers, for (of these) some send out buds in winter, and (some) in spring, but the lily (buds) with the coming of summer, when other (flowers) wither. And (it is) a symbol of the distinction between the human and the divine, and between profane or polluted and holy sacrifices, and between the imperfect and the perfect. For (other flowers) blossom when they are irrigated by streams of water, but the lily (blossoms) with the dog-star and after the dog-star, when the sun is flaming-hot."
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>"Wherefore some prophet says that the contemplative nation shall blossom like the lily, indicating that it does not enjoy prosperity at the same time (as other nations) but that at the time when others have passed their prime, (Israel) begins (to flower) without the things it ought to have as inducements, for its flowering without water, when the sun is flaming, is not to be compared with what is usual."

>"Why are there four (mixing-)bowls on the lampstand? Each branch constitutes one season of the year through three zodiacal signs, as has been said, while the lampstand represent the seasons of the year, which are four. Now these undergo a certain mixing to produce a year, for a year is nothing else than the completion of four seasons, of which it is mixed and consists. For the nature of the seasons is not unmixed and inharmonious but has a harmony of mixture and a community of interchanging (elements). For the completion of the preceding (season) happens to be the beginning of that which follows it."

>"Why are there seven lamps on the lampstand? It is clear to all that the seven lamps are symbols of the planets, for the holy hebdomad belongs to those things reckoned as divine. And the movement and revolution of these through the zodiacal signs are the causes, for sublunary beings, of all those things which are wont to take place in the embrace of concord, in the air, in the water, on the earth and in all mixtures from animals to plants."
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>"Why does He say that the lampstand shall give light from one side? The planets do not travel around all parts and sides of the celestial sphere but only in one part, in the south, for their motion is, as it were, near our zone, whence the shadow falls not on the southern but on the northern side. For this reason He has said not ineptly that the lampstand shall give light from one part, indicating (thereby) that the revolution of the planets is in the southern regions." (Philo of Alexandria, Questions and answers on Exodus, 2.73-79)

Philo’s Judaism, like St Paul’s Christianity, attempted to blend ancient Greek philosophy with Judaism. While Christianity tried to appeal to the pagan world, Philonic Judaism attracted Jewish mystics (who later became the Kabbalists). Kabbalah has a great deal in common with Gnosticism, Hermeticism and Neoplatonism. They all originated in Alexandria, with Kabbalah being the Jewish version of the other three systems. There were many disputes between Gnostics and Kabbalists because the Gnostics regarded the God of Kabbalah (Jehovah) as the Devil. In Kabbalah, the eternal Platonic domain of Perfect Forms is relocated to the mind of Jehovah. To be more exact, the Perfect Forms are thoughts in the mind of an emanation of Jehovah that Philo called the Logos (the Word) – and Jesus Christ was of course later called “the Word” by Christians.
Malachi Z York also wrote his own expanded lore on Yakub, basically making black scientology and explaining how he was actually an alien.
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Adam Kadmon, the heavenly man, was the perfect image of the Logos (not of God himself as Ein Sof/Ein who cannot be represented or have any likeness or image). Heavenly Adam was neither man nor woman but rather an incorporeal Idea. Earthly Adam, who was later fashioned from clay by the Logos, was corporeal and belonged to the world of the senses. In short, Adam Kadmon, primordial Adam, is the Platonic Idea, and Adam, Earthly Adam of flesh and blood, is the image, the inferior copy, the simulacrum of the Idea, brought to life by the Logos (whom Plato would have called the Demiurge). Earthly Adam was formed as a man-woman (androgynous) and then the Logos separated them into Adam and Eve. So, the Idea of Adam pre-existed Adam’s earthly appearance. But imagine if Adam Kadmon himself could somehow incarnate on the Earth. Would he not be Man-God, the Messiah, the Word made flesh? This applies perfectly to Jesus because the Kabbalah says that the Messiah has to descend into the Qlippoth to rescue Edom (Rome) and bring them back to Jacob (Israel) and they justify this with the fact that Messiah and Serpent (who is supposed to represent Samael, or Edom’s guardian Angel, Rome) both add up to 358 in Gematria. Sabbetean-Frankist seem to be the only Jews who noticed this.
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>Scientists estimate that the recessive gene that causes blue eyes originated 6,000 years ago in the Mediterranean area which directly correlates with the story of yakub
>Within the Bible and Quran it mentions that Jacob, one of the Patriarchs of Israel created a new people that would rule over the Nations
>Archeology on Patmos will show evidence of civilizations 6,000 years ago which have a population correlating with the story of Yakub
>Twelve Tribes of Ishmael which inhabited Mecca were black because Abraham who was the father of Ishmael was a descendent of Noah's son Ham
>Yakub's creations reign over the Earth was said to be over 2,000 years and end after a certain time
>If you do the math it would lead you to the 20th century, which was the end of the british empire and the birth of African nations Independence
Yakub existed.
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>"The use of informants and provocateurs was part of a massive sub rosa campaign to subvert the forces of dissent in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Joining the FBI in this effort was an alphabet soup of federal agencies: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), the intelligence division of all military services, and numerous local police forces. Over a quarter of a million Americans were under 'active surveillance' during this period, and dossiers were kept on the lawful political activities and personal lives of millions more. Those affiliated with black militant, antiwar, and New Left groups were prime targets of dirty tricks and other underhanded tactics designed to stir up factionalism and 'neutralize' political activists

>"During the Nixon presidency the CIA stepped up its domestic operations even though such activity was outlawed by the Agency's charter. In 1969 the CIA prepared a report entitled 'Restless Youth,' which concluded that the New Left and black nationalist movements were essentially homegrown phenomena and that foreign ties to American dissidents were insubstantial. That was not what President Nixon wanted to hear. The 'Communist Conspiracy' had become an idee fixe in the White House, and Nixon pressed CIA director Richard Helms to expand the parameters of Operation CHAOS.. and other domestic probes. In addition to monitoring a wide range of liberal and left-wing organizations, the CIA provided training, technical assistance, exotic equipment, and intelligence data to local police departments. The Agency also employed harassment tactics such as sprinkling 'itching powder'... on public toilets near leftist meetings, which drove people wild for about three days after they sat down." (ibid, pgs. 224-225)
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Black Americans have 20% white genes, so they are Yakubians too, hue.

Talking serious, the ethnic group most brought to America through the Transatlantic Slave Trade after the Bantus were the Yorubas. The Yoruba people are of Eurasian orign, not Negroid. This is why I laugh a lot when I see Afrocentrists posting photos of artifacts from West or East Africa as African achievements, when these were not accomplished by Native Africans, but by descendants of Eurasians who migrated to West and East Africa. There is a lot of evidence for this in the genetics of these populations. Furthermore, the artifacts clearly show Eurasian features such as a wide nose, flat face and slanted eyes. There is a correlation between the amount of Eurasian ancestry and the amount of achievement in a Negroid population. Ethiopians (and the people of the Horn of Africa in general) are descendants of Proto-Dinka populations and West Eurasian populations. They have the greatest amount of West Eurasian DNA in all of Africa and have the greatest amount of achievement in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The first Eurasian migration to Africa occurred 70,000 years ago. The basal Eurasian carrier of haplogroup E1, originating from the Persian Gulf, migrated back to Africa via Bab-al-Mandeeb and dominated/mixed with the locals. Even the West African Black is actually descended from Middle Eastern Males, the generic West African DNA that is represented by the Yoruba and Mandinka has between 13 to 15% basal Eurasian DNA and almost all of them carry basal Eurasian paternal DNA belonging to haplogroups E1b1a and E1a. Even today you see evidence of this, because in Nigeria, the Igbos are the elite and the Yoruba are the masses. The only factor is that the Igbos have more Eurasian DNA. There is also a region of Nigeria that has a considerably higher IQ than the rest of Africa. I just won't remember the name of this ethnic group. Of 10 Africans who become doctors abroad, 9 are Nigerians of that ethnicity.
That could explain why out of all of Africa, Nigeria seems to be one of the few nations that is actually making some form of progress while the rest just allow entropy to set in.
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>Naturally, San Francisco would continue to play a major role in these activities. It was in 1967, in the midst of the Summer of Love, that a lot of strange drugs, many of them substances the US Army and CIA had been experimenting with for the Cold War, began appearing mysteriously in the Haight

>"STP... was developed in 1964 by an experimental chemist working for the Dow Chemical Company, which provided samples of the drug to Edgewood Arsenal, headquarters of the US Army Chemical Corps. Scientists at Edgewood tested STP (which was similar to BZ) to see if it could be used as an incapacitating agent, while the CIA utilized the drug in its behavior modification studies. In early 1967, for some inexplicable reason, the formula for STP was released to the scientific community at large. By this time ergotamine tartrate, an essential raw ingredient of LSD, was in short supply, so Owsley, the premier acid chemist, decided to try his hand at STP. Shortly thereafter the drug was circulating in the hippie districts of San Francisco and New York...

>"STP was just one of the bizarre drugs that were pumped into the willing arteries of the acid ghetto. According to doctors who worked at the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic, there was a rash of adverse reactions when a compound purporting to be THC (a synthetic version of marijuana) inundated the Haight. The drug was actually phencyclidine, or PCP -otherwise known as 'angel dust' -which had originally been marketed as an animal tranquilizer by Parke-Davis. But the army had other ideas when it tested PCP on American GIs at Edgewood Arsenal in the late 1950s. At the same time the CIA employed Dr. Ewen Cameron to administer PCP to psychiatric patients at the Allain Memorial Institute in Montreal under the rubric of Operation MK-ULTRA. The Agency later stockpiled PCP for use as a 'nonlethal incapacitate,' although high dosages, according to the CIA's own report, could 'lead to convulsions and death.'" (ibid, 187-188)
Also, are you the same Brazilanon with all that info about that crazy mexican cartel death cult that follows some african voodoo religion called Palo Mayombe?
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>Once 'Bear' Owsley was busted in 1967 and began moving out of the LSD racket, the CIA was more than happy to help other budding chemists set up shop at the Haight

>"According to a former CIA contract employee, Agency personnel helped underground chemists set up LSD laboratories in the Bay Area during the Summer of Love to 'monitor' events in the acid ghetto. But why, if this assertion is true, would the CIA be interested in keeping tabs on the hippie population? Law enforcement is not a plausible explanation, for there were already enough narcs operating in the Haight. Then what was the motive? A CIA agent who claims to have infiltrated the covert LSD network provided a clue when he referred to Haight-Ashbury as a 'human guinea pig farm.'" (ibid, 188-189)
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>And what a human guinea pig farm it was, with its freaks, dropouts, informants, provocateurs, dope, radical groups, cults, serial killers, and spooks. It was a place where such individuals as Charles Manson, Jim Jones, the Zodiac Killer, the DeGrimstons, 'Bear' Owsley, Allen Ginsberg, Anton LeVay, Timothy Leary, Hunter Thompson, Ken Kesey, and members of such legendary rock outfits as Big Brother and the Holding Company, the Grateful Dead, and Jefferson Airplane and a whole slew of other interesting folks would pass through in less than a decade, if not take up residency therein. And it all happened at a time when domestic operations of various US Intelligence outfits were running on all cylinders. The CIA especially had a lot invested in the Bay area. Was this all coincidence? Highly unlikely. I've already chronicled the likely CIA involvement in the sagas of Charles Manson (here and here) and Jim Jones (here and here) before and new readers are advised to check out those pieces if they find this one compelling. But let us move on to the topic at hand

>Many fine researchers such Martin A Lee, David McGowan, and the invaluable Peter Levenda, have all published outstanding accounts of San Francisco in the period examined in this blog and have linked many of the after mentioned personalities and outfits. More controversial conspiracy researchers such as Michael A. Hoffman and Alex Constantine have also added their own unique theories concerning hippie era San Fran. Yet there is one group that is curiously absent in all the accounts I've read from the above authors, despite the fact that they were big news in San Francisco in the early 1970s and shared characteristics of a radical group, a cult, and of serial killers all at once
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Yes. Palo Mayombe is Bantu while Santeria are Yoruba. This cult was called the Narcosatanists of Matamoros, led by Cuban-American Adolfo Constazo. He was connected to the Mexican cartels and the Hand of Death cult that operates all over the world and, according to Henry Lee Lucas, a serial killer, has a training camp in the Everglades of Florida like Lee Harvey Oswald.
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>I am of course referring to the .32 Caliber Murderers, more commonly known as the Zebra Killers. They were alleged to be a radical secret society operating out of the Nation of Islam known as the Death Angels. They would instigate a spree of murders around San Francisco lasting from October 1973 until they were finally apprehended of May 1, 1974 (the date of one of the major occult holidays in European paganism, Beltane). They would leave at least 15 people dead and another eight to ten seriously wounded, including Art Agnos, the future mayor of San Francisco. Eventually four people would be charged with the murders, leading to the longest criminal trial in California history, and featuring 181 witnesses and 3.5 million words of testimony. Several other men were suspected of being members of the Death Angels, but were eventually released from lack of evidence. One of them was a Nation of Islam member named Dwight Stallings who had known SFPD homicide inspector Rotea Gilford, one of the detectives working Zebra, for most of his life

>Like many of the after mentioned groups and individuals mentioned in part one, the Death Angels were obsessed with race war and almost exclusively targeted whites. They would spread such terror in the city that full scale martial law tactics were instigated that almost solely targeted blacks. And most curious of all, they have been almost entirely forgotten in the sands of history, even by many noted revisionist historians. We shall thoroughly examine their strange and savage journey in the remainder of this series, as well as their possible ties with some of the after mentioned groups and individuals. So, let us begin
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>One of the chief problems one encounters when researching Zebra right off the bat is the lack of quality sources. Despite the sensationalism of the crimes and the time frame that they occurred in only two books to date have been written on Zebra. One, written by Clark Howard, was published in 1979 and is simply called Zebra. It can be read online here

>Howard's book is a true crime novel based upon trial transcripts, interviews with those involved, and other sources. This presents two problems: As the book is written like a crime novel and not a historical work, it's pretty bare bones, largely sticking to the basics such as the killings and the police investigation. What's more, Howard takes the Death's Angel narrative at face value and constructs the entire killing spree around it. He never questions whether the Death Angels in fact existed (highly debatable) or whether some other group was involved
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>The other book on Zebra is called The Zebra Murders: A Season of Killing, Racial Madness, and Civil Rights and is by Prentice Earl Sanders and Bennett Cohen. Sanders is a former Chief of Police of San Francisco and worked the Zebra murders in the 1970s with his partner, the after mentioned Rotea Gillord. Sanders is an interesting figure, to say the least. As Sanders never ceases to remind the reader throughout Zebra Murders, he was instrumental in the 1973 Officers for Justice discrimination lawsuit against the SFPD. This in fact probably takes up as much space in Sanders' book as the actual Zebra killings

>Sanders was only Chief of Police of San Francisco for 14 months until he was forced to resign under dubious circumstances. This revolved around an incident dubbed 'Fajitagate,' where Sanders allegedly helped cover up an assault on two civilians committed by three off duty police officers, one of whom was the son of his assistant-Chief, Alex Fagan (who briefly became Chief himself upon Sanders' resignation). He was later accused of withholding evidence in a 1989 case that led to two innocent men being imprisoned for 13 years. San Francisco Weekly reports:

>"In 1989, Sanders and Hendrix arrested and later helped convict two young black men, John "J.J." Tennison and Antoine "Soda Pop" Goff, in a gang slaying. The two men said they were innocent and had been framed by Sanders and his partner. After they spent more than 13 years in prison, a federal judge freed Tennison and Goff, concluding that Sanders and Hendrix engaged in misconduct by, among other things, withholding evidence that another man confessed to the killing."
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>Controversy also surrounded Sanders' book on various fronts. He was accused of greatly embellishing his role in the investigation, of greatly over-exaggerating the racism in the San Francisco Police Department at the time, and, most disturbing off all, of taking the case files of the Zebra killings with him upon his resignation from the police force. Continuing with the San Francisco Weekly piece:

>"After being appointed chief in July 2002, Sanders had eight boxes of materials related to the Zebra killings removed from police archives and brought to his office in the Hall of Justice. The boxes constituted an untapped treasure. They contained material the cops had assembled about the murders but that the district attorney's office did not require in prosecuting the three Zebra killers it brought to trial, including material related to several suspects who were never charged for lack of evidence...

>"During his hectic first months as chief there wasn't time, he says. In November 2002, as he and Cohen were preparing to dig into the boxes, the Fajitagate scandal erupted. Upon his retirement in September 2003 (at which point, due to the medical leave, he hadn't been to the office in six months) the SFPD packed up Sanders' personal effects and shipped them to his home in Folsom
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>"Mistakenly included among those belongings was one of the Zebra boxes. To his surprise, its contents included the handwritten and dictated confessions of Zebra informant Anthony Harris and previously undisclosed details about the killers' plans the day before five of the victims were murdered in a single night

>"Detractors have taken issue with Sanders' use of these long-forgotten police files after his retirement. Calabro, the ex-cop, who worked the Zebra cases during his career, acknowledges having petitioned Police Chief Heather Fong to investigate whether Sanders broke any laws. (He says he also sent missives to the U.S. Attorney's Office, the FBI, and District Attorney Kamala Harris.) Fong didn't respond to interview requests for this article."
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>That the San Francisco PD would have so little interest in recovering their case files is most curious when one considers that one of the Zebra suspects is still under surveillance by the F.B.I. But then again, police incompetence and/or corrupt is something of a reoccurring theme in many of these types of cases, as regular readers of this blog well know

>On the flip side of the coin, Sanders' usurper of the Zebra case files may have been a cynical ploy to sell more copies of his book, which apparently he hoped to turn into an action movie. Consider the credentials and objectives of his co-author, Bennett Cohen. From the same San Francisco Weekly article:

>"Sanders' involvement with the book came about as the result of an unsolicited phone call from Cohen in 2002 while he was assistant chief of police. As a Los Angeles scriptwriter and occasional producer, Cohen was looking for a true-crime story to pitch as a feature film. He contacted Sanders on a hunch after recalling the Zebra killings, which had occurred when Cohen was a young UC Berkeley drama student

>"Cohen says that almost everything he had read about the murders suggested that there were no black detectives involved in solving the cases, something he thought to be odd considering the black-on-white nature of the crimes. An Internet search turned up the names of Sanders and Gilford...

>"But Sanders wasn't a writer. Then, just as it seemed he would never get his chance to 'set the record straight,' he got the call from Cohen out of the blue. In Cohen, who had set out looking for an African-American protagonist for a movie project, Sanders found the perfect writing partner. In Sanders, Cohen discovered a legendary black cop with a great back story."
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>Certainly, this doesn't help the perception that Sanders embellished his role in the Zebra investigation. The article goes on to state that The Zebra Murders had already been optioned by Plan B, a production company founded by actor Brad Pitt, with Jamie Foxx and Will Smith in talks to portray Sanders and Gilford in the film version. Apparently things are still stuck in pre-production

>Regardless of whether Sanders was simply looking to cash in, to cover up something, or was simply incompetent, he does not come off as the most reliable source. That being said, his book does do a nice job of putting the Zebra killings in historical context. Outfits like the Black Liberation Army, the SLA, the Weather Underground, as well as serial killers like Manson, Edmund Kemper, and Herbert Mullin, are all given their due. He even addressed some of the black opts the FBI and CIA were running in that nation at the time. On the flip side of the coin, Sanders is quick to poo poo any notion of a broader conspiracy once he brings the topic up

>In a way The Zebra Murders reminds me a lot of The Franklin Cover-Up, written by former Nebraska congressman and CIA asset John DeCamp. Both books provide invaluable information on their respective topics, but one can't help but feel both authors are trying to distract the readers attention by playing up the more sensation aspects of the respective incidents. With Franklin, it was the allegations for Satanism. I've covered Franklin, as well as related incidents such as the Finders, before here and here, and while I found compelling evidence of an international child sex trafficking ring and trauma-based mind control, I did not find much evidence of actual 'Satanism' (a label used by many right-wing conspiracy researcher on virtually anything that fall under the occult). In Zebra, it is Sanders obsession with racism, which leads him to portray the Zebra killers simply as isolated nuts driven crazy by the prejudices of the US
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>So, as I was saying, reliable sources for the Zebra killings are in short supply. The Internet is not much better. Typically when the Zebra killings are addressed in the blogosphere, it is usually by the neo-con faction which sees the murders as an early example of Islamic terrorism and 'Islamo-fascism.' But as previously stated, the alleged murderers did not belong to a mainstream denomination of Islam, but rather to the Nation of Islam. To describe the Nation as highly controversial would be a gross understatement. The highly-suspect Southern Poverty Law Center (which considers virtually any kind of anti-government outfit a hate organization), which considers the NOI to be a hate group, describes the Nation as such:

>"For what would become one of the largest and best-organized groups in the history of black America, the Nation of Islam (NOI) had a relatively obscure beginning. Founded by a mysterious clothing salesman in the ghettoes of Detroit in 1930, NOI was considered an insignificant, if highly media-worthy, 'voodoo sect' throughout much of the 1930s and 1940s
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>"Founder Wallace D. Fard (alternately, Farad Muhammad) and his 'messenger' and successor Elijah Muhammad preached a hybrid creed with its own myths and doctrines. These held that over 6,000 years ago, the black race lived in a paradise on earth that was destroyed by the evil wizard Yacub, who created the white 'devil' through a scientific process called 'grafting.' Fard and his disciple preached of a coming apocalyptic overthrow of white domination, insisting that the dominion of evil was to end with God's appearance on earth in the person of Fard. Following this, NOI predicts an epic struggle in which the Nation of Islam will play a key role in preparing and educating the Original People, who ruled the earth in peace and prosperity until Yacub's 'blue-eyed devils' came along to gum things up. The Nation of Islam teaches that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. This is point 10 of the official platform, "What the Muslims Want" published 1965...
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>"NOI's efforts are tainted, however, by a long history of racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric that escalated dramatically with Farrakhan's coup. Even prior to Farrakhan, NOI's characterization of whites as 'devils' was unwavering. The seeds of anti-Semitism were deeply rooted in the organization, with Elijah Muhammad preaching early on about greedy Jews who turned Jesus Christ in to the authorities. Even during the early days of the civil rights movement, a period of collaboration between progressive Jews and blacks, Malcolm X had denounced Jews in the leadership of the NAACP and linked their presence there to the group's non-militant stance

>"During the early 1980s, the deeply bigoted language for which NOI is infamous for today became daily fare, exacerbated by the charged atmosphere surrounding Jesse Jackson's 1984 presidential bid. Farrakhan made several of his most infamous remarks during the campaign, including calling Hitler 'a very great man' and Judaism a 'dirty religion' (some say he actually termed it a 'gutter religion'). While these and other remarks ultimately spurred Jackson to publicly disavow Farrakhan, the controversy actually increased the NOI leader's visibility and appeal to many African Americans angered at the attacks on him."
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>The Nation is commonly described as a black separatist movement, attempting to build independent communities for black Muslims within the United States. As such, the Nation is commonly seen as being similar to white organizations that fall under the banner of the 'Christian Identity Movement.'

>"...the Christian Identity movement, which claims that the US Government is being run by Jews, and that Jews are the sons of Satan and must be exterminated; in this tortuous theory (eerily familiar to students of Nazi ideology), the 'real' Lost Tribes of Israel are the Aryans and the Jews are merely descendants of Cain... The Lord of the Jews thus becomes Satan, even though they may secretly believe that their own god is a white warrior-demon, a light-bearing spirit known as Lucifer... The Christian Identity movement is itself probably an attempt to create a 'white' fundamentalist Christianity as distinct from the 'black' Southern Baptist and Pentecostal denominations. By putting a different spin on the Old Testament and the Chosen People, the Christian Identity 'ministers' hope to exclude not only Jews from the New World Order, but also all other races, with their unevolved, 'polluted' form of Christianity." (Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda, pgs. 349-350)

>Essentially, both the Nation and the Christian Identity movement sees their respective races as the 'Chosen People.' They both see a great struggle coming to the United States, one which will probably include a race war, and they see themselves as destined to survive this war. In the aftermath, either the Nation or the Christian Identity movement will establish a utopia, free of the pollution of their lessors, and everyone that survives (and is of the proper race and religion) will live happily ever after. That's the theory, anyway
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>In my brief review of the cardinal beliefs of the Nation, I couldn't help but be struck by the similarities between the NOI's theology and the theories of Zecharia Sitchin concerning Sumerian creation myths and the Anunnaki, which essentially held that the human race was genetically engineered by extraterrestrial scientists. To a lesser extent, one can also find hints of Robert K.G. Temple's 'Sirius' theory, which also purposes an extraterrestrial origin for the human race with a special emphasis on occult traditions out of Africa. I've written much more on the vast significance of Sirius before here and here

>NOI members are big believers in the extraterrestrial hypothesis with current leader Louis Farrakhan (who many conspiracy sites claim is a Freemason even though I have found nothing to document this) claiming to have been taken onboad a flying saucer. In fact, proving the existence of extraterrestrials has been something of preoccupation of the Nation lately. The ever dubious Fox news reports:

>"The Nation of Islam, long known for its promotion of black nationalism and self-reliance, now is calling attention to another core belief that perhaps isn't so well-known: the existence of UFOs

>"When thousands of followers gather in suburban Chicago this weekend for the group's annual Saviours' Day convention, one of the main events will include a panel of scientists discussing worldwide UFO sightings, which they claim are on the rise

>"The idea of seeking the divine in the skies is deeply rooted in the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, whose late leader Elijah Muhammad detailed in speeches and writings a massive hovering object loaded with weapons he called The Mother Plane' -- although religion experts, Nation of Islam leaders and believers offer very different interpretations of what exactly happens aboard the plane, its role or how it fits into religious teachings."
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>Even if claims that the current leader of the Nation being a high ranking Freemason are bogus, there is little doubt about the Masonic origins of the Nation

>"The Moorish Temple was a progenitor of what would become the Nation of Islam; a West Coast mystic who called himself Hakin Bey revived the Temple and made it a catch-all for occultists, magicians, Christian mystics, Islamic mystics, homosexual mystics, and assorted counter-culture types." (Sinister Forces Book I, Peter Levenda, pg. 280)

>The Moorish Temple Levenda refers to is the Moorish Science Temple of America, founded by an individual known as Timothy Drew in 1913. Nation of Islam founder Wallace Fard Muhammad was allegedly a member in the late 1920s or early 1930s. The Nation itself hotly contests this point, but there is clear overlap in the belief systems of the two outfits. To be fair, Louis Farrakhan has been a vocal critic of Freemasonry of late. Witness these two You Tube videos, which can be found here and here, where Farrakhan 'exposes' the secrets of Freemasonry. Of course, Scientology has been a vocal critic of the US Intelligence community despite the fact their religion was founded by a former Naval Intelligence officer as well
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>The founding is but the first of many controversies surrounding the Nation. By the time the 1970s rolled around the NOI was riddled with them. Of course there was the assassination of Malcolm X, the most well-known member of the Nation next to boxer Muhammad Ali, which was officially committed by Nation members after X had broken with the NOI (of course, there are ample conspiracy theories surrounding X's death, some of which will be examined later). There was also the Nation's stance against the Vietnam War, which led many members to refuse to serve in the U.S. armed forces, of which Muhammad Ali was the most famous. Even more sinister, there were rumors that the Nation, with its paramilitary-wing known as the Fruit of Islam, was bracing for, and possibly even planning, a war against white America. The Zebra killings that begun in 1973 would only add to this suspicion

>And it is here that I shall ends things for the time being. In the next installment of this series we shall consider the notorious secret society known as the Death Angels and their relation to the Nation of Islam. We shall also consider the forces working inside the Nation itself. Stay tuned
An excellent read. What is this all from?
huebro do you stream / podcasts?
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Nope. But if you want to hear what I'm posting here, look for George from CAVDEF.
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>In the mid-1960s, for a few brief years, San Francisco was transformed into a psychedelic city-state with the scent of revolution in the air. Signs of positive change, of a more enlightened era, seemed to be everywhere. Then, just as the Summer of Love was reduced to a grotesque tourist trap, things began to get weird. A wave of serial killers, beginning with the legendary Zodiac killer, began to breakout across the Bay area and nearby Santa Cruz. They were soon followed by a wave of radical groups such as the Black Panther Party, the Black Liberation Army, the SLA, and the Weather Underground. Combined with such local fixtures as the newly opened Church of Satan and the notorious Oakland chapter of the Hell's Angels, it was a trip even without the CIA-sponsored LSD. Such was the scene that we examined in parts one and two

>Just as I was wrapping up part two I began to address the focus of this series of blogs, namely the criminally under-reported Zebra killers, a group of militant black revolutionaries who killed at least 14 mostly white victims in San Francisco between October 19, 1973 and May 1, 1974. The Zebra killings are officially attributed to a group within the Nation of Islam known as the Death Angels. The thing is, only one individual, Anthony Harris, has ever spoken of the existence of such an order. Harris was the prosecution's chief witness in the Zebra case and is of rather dubious credibility, as we shall examine in the next installment. Beyond Harris, evidence of the Death Angels is slim to none
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>"However, one key element not corroborated at trial or ever thereafter was Harris' description of the group he called the Death Angels, the supposed secret clique within the Nation of Islam. According to what Harris told both the police and the court, membership in the Death Angels was the primary motive for the attacks...

>"No police investigator who worked on Zebra has ever heard the Death Angels mentioned by anyone other than Anthony Harris --not one. That is true, too, of the lawyers who worked on Zebra, both for the prosecution and the defense

>"Among Harris's claims about the Death Angels was that pins affixed with wings were given out to those who became members. Not one such pin has ever been found, nor has a photograph of one ever emerged. Harris also purported that Jessie Lee Cooks was high up in the Death Angels, and that this was the reason he could shave his head. Yet shaved heads had absolutely on relation to status inside the Nation of Islam. Roger Pierucci, Cooks's lawyer in the Zebra trial, who once it was over had no doubt of his client's guilt, discounts the shaved-head story as absurd. Harris claimed that photographs of victims were taken to document each kill for the purpose of getting credit for it with the Death Angels, but not a single such photograph has ever been found. Harris also asserted that there were scores and possibly hundreds of Death Angels in groups located across the nation, yet in over thirty years not one of these supposed members has ever come forward in the hope of trading information about the infamous group as a way to curry favor in an arrest or prosecution." (The Zebra Murders, Prentice Earl Sanders & Bennett Cohen, pgs. 254-255)
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>On the other hand, there was evidence of dozens of execution-style murders occurring across the entire state of California that bore striking similarities to Zebra and were also potentially committed by black Muslims

>"At the state capital in Sacramento, plans were being made in the Division of Law Enforcement, California Department of Justice, to conduct an interpolice department meeting as early as possible for the purpose of establishing a task force to investigate an ongoing series of execution-style killings throughout the state. For the purpose of obtaining budgetary approval of the plan, a presentation was being made to department heads by Richard Walley from the Intelligence Analysis Unit, a group whose purpose was to correlate and cross-reference all known criminal activity throughout the state

>"'Gentlemen,' said Walley, 'as of last Friday there have been sixty-four execution-type murders in California during the past three calender years. That figure is up forty-two percent since the last quarter, when the total was forty-five --an indication that the incidents are rapidly increasing. All of the victims of these incidents have been killed by shooting at close range, or by hacking with a machete or meat cleaver. The incidents have occurred primarily in San Francisco and the East Bay area of Oakland and Berkeley, as well as in the Los Angeles and Long Beach areas in the southern part of the state. They are not exclusively limited to these metropolitan areas, however, there have also been incidents in the counties of Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Diego. The suspects, as described and identified by witnesses and survivors, have been exclusively black." (Zebra, Clint Howard, pg. 169)
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>Sanders and Cohen also confirm Walley's briefing. Even during the last leg of the Zebra killings in San Francisco, other murders of whites by Nation of Islam members were occurring in the state capital, Sacramento

>"Tension rose even more when members of Sacramento's Nation of Islam temple were arrested the afternoon of April 24 for what was described as the 'random slaying' of a twenty-four-year-old white man, who was killed by a shotgun blast through a picture window. Another member of the temple was accused of shooting an off-duty Sacramento cop... Two other motiveless shootings were said to have occurred in Sacramento since the Zebra sweeps began, and the sheriff told the press he thought they had been 'fostered' by the Zebra attacks." (The Zebra Murders, Prentice Earl Sanders & Bennett Cohen)

>In a press conference shortly before the mass arrests of multiple Zebra suspects, then-San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto asserted that there had been at least 80 killings across the state of California linked to Zebra

>"The next day, April 29, determined to calm the fear and put a stop to the killings, Joseph Alioto held a press conference to lay out what he believed he knew about Zebra. Never one to do anything halfway, he didn't limit his comments to the attacks in San Francisco. Rather, he laid out a huge collection of speculative intelligence, claiming that more than eighty killings across the state going back to 1971 could be linked to Zebra, and implying that those responsible for all the crimes might be tied to the Nation of Islam." (ibid, pgs. 235-236)
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>While Alioto's numbers have been hotly debated ever since, it seems clear that Zebra not was limited to just San Francisco. So, while there seems to be no hard evidence of the existence of a group known as the Death Angels, there was clearly someone mobilizing young black males with a revolutionary bent. And the Nation of Islam was a major player in all of this. The extent to which the upper brass of the Nation were aware of the killings has also been hotly debated for decades. In Zebra, author Clint Howard implies someone within the upper echelons of the Nation was aware of the murders and was even encouraging them. Sanders and Cohen never give any serious consideration to the extent of the Nation's involvement at the upper levels. While it seems likely that someone in the Nation's command structure had some knowledge of the killings, where the loyalties of this individual or individuals lied is the real question. We shall return to this a bit later
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>For now I would like to briefly consider the dates of several of the murders and a few of the more notable victims. The killings began on October 19th, 1973 while the last murder attributed to the Zebra killers happened on April 16th, 1974, just a few days shy of the seventh month anniversary. Sanders believed that several of the murders were revenge killings for what the Zebra folks saw as attacks against the black community in the Bay area

>"One indication of this can be found in a written statement Harris gave to police on the night of January 28 as 'revenge for the shooting [sic] of Larry 3X.' By 'Larry 3X' Harris meant Larry Crosby, who had been shot by Berkeley police a few days earlier

>"Random acts of revenge were intended to create terror among whites in what killers saw as an ongoing struggle. Other assaults also had possible triggers motivating revenge. Just prior to the attack on the Hagues in October, members of the Black Liberation Army were convicted for the murder of SFPD sergeant John Young. Just before the shootings in December, an FBI agent shot a young black man, George Session, in the back in San Francisco's Federal Building soon after the Chronicle reported that the FBI had been trying to infiltrate the Nation of Islam. The very day of the attacks on Thomas Rainwater and Linda Story in April, the Chronicle began a two-part story praising the work of the SFPD's Homicide Bureau." (ibid, pgs. 259-260)
Scientology is based in Aleister Crowley Satanism.

weird how all these new age religions are full of shit.
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>Sanders explanation of the dating sounds rather flimsy, to say the least. The reasons for the deaths in October and December are some what plausible, by why would the Zebra killers opt for a revenge killing over a positive article in the Chronicle concerning SFPD's Homicide Bureau? No, revenge does not seem to have been a primary motive

>There are, however, several fascinating overlaps with major occult dates in the Zebra murders. The second killing occurred two days before Halloween, one of the two principal fire holidays of the ancient Celts, some of whom called the holiday Samhain. Two victims were dispatched of on December 22nd, which was the date of the winter solstice in 1973. The winter solstice, typically celebrated on December 25th, was one of the two chief holidays (along with Midsummer) in most non-Celtic branches of European paganism. When the killers were finally arrested, it occurred on May 1st, the same date of the other major Celtic fire festival, Beltane. That the beginning and end of the killing spree would revolve around Samhain and Beltane is most curious to me as they were the two key holidays of Celtic paganism
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>The dates of two of the other murders also stand out to me. As noted before, the first murder, that of Quita Hague, occurred on October 19, 1973. On October 12th, 1974 (a week shy of the one year anniversary of Zebra) Stanford University (which was a big part of the CIA's experiments with LSD and remote viewing) student Arlis Perry was brutally murdered in a highly ritualistic fashion in the Stanford Memorial Church, in the shadows of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Perry, whose murder still remains unsolved, has long since become a minor figure in conspiracy culture after David 'Son of Sam' Berkowitz linked her killing to a cult he claimed to have been a member of. This link may same tenuous at this point, but we shall return to Son of Sam a bit later
Do you have more about the Intel UFO connection?

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