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Her last words were "I'm sorry" when she had nothing to be sorry about. I hope that pig gets a life sentence, too impulsive to be a cop. I know most pretend to be racist here, doesn't make it right.
I agree with OP
This website is full of chud incel scum
who cares? She was a moron, a slob, and an asshole.
>throws boiling water in your path
Leave them crybaby
I need that "cops and niggers: match made in heaven" image if anyone has it
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just like the progressive stack
wignats have their own
apparently zogbots are higher up than niggers
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lol i literally just posted this

no it isn't

it's not 'full' of them
just cooperate and don't act like some idiot spook. she threw the boiling water, which can blind some one. good nigger is dead nigger etc. cops have to be able to act without fear of prosecution to be effective.
K keep us posted
He quickly pulled a gun on her and she took the defensive position. Also he shouldn't be a cop if boiling water is his concern.
He should be commended, he prevented another 3-4 niglets entering this world and making people's lives hell.
>nigger was killed
ya i feel bad for her
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>Also he shouldn't be a cop if boiling water is his concern.
fuck you, police shouldnt have to face ANY additional risk to give some nigger the benefit of the doubt.
He has the build of a linebacker and needed a gun to kill a 120lb black woman?
Yeah I agree he should have beat her to death with his bare hands instead
even in the contest between man and steer, the issue is not certain

A cop should never have to fight on anything close to an even playing field with a criminal.

it shouldn't be a fight ever. if someone tries to fight, instant lethal force regardless of any other circumstances.
unfortunately after 2016 the board was absolutely infested with MIGAkike bootlickers. we still experience fallout from the great orange kikening
this kikelover is a great example of what im saying
you again. In this thread just to suck the niggerdick. fuck off, ticklemonster.
I am a landed somewhat wealthy american. I want the authorities to keep the boots/knees on the necks of the riff raff for me, thank you.
Correct, he should have used that superior strength rip her lower jaw right out of her fat monkey face before beating her to death with it.
I don't care about either of them. She hates me because of my skin color and he works for ZOG.
why should he have to risk his life getting close to her?
then stop fishing for sympathy on /pol/ then. we are not your people.

what did you expect, this site is full of ugly 4chud polcel mayocels.............
>pigger who is incompetent
>nigger who should earn darwin award

thus the equation for police violence

Lmao what a larp. A "landed somewhat wealthy american" posting on pol.
i wouldnt roll around with her on the floor either.
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We're not celebrating, we just don't care. If you don't want to get shot, don't throw a hot pot at a cop.

Yeah, I think it's gross too. Don't see any proof of there being an actual threat justifying that level of force. Still need a proper trial and everything to determine the facts, but it doesn't look good at first blush.

But you do have to understand that this kind of reaction is a result of the left trumpeting people like fentanyl floyd. When the facts in one big case don't matter, it breeds this kind of response where the material facts don't matter in another case.
all she wanted was a little bit of bwc and she got shot in the head
so sad
Americans should be able to defend themselves in their own homes from jackbooted fucks
Then don't let them in in the first place.
>I'm sorry
Reminds me of this
Luckily the pig was so incompetent he was unable to shoot the man dead, I hope Tyrone sued the shit out of them and he's living on the easy mode now

posters below this line are perma newfags and promote the talmud
--------------------dumbass line-----------------
I agree, but sometimes they'll break into your home.
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Don't care, not my problem, i fucking hate niggers
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cops are the biggest niggers of all
I hope her death caused multiple suicides in the black community.
Because it is far more viscerally satisfying to watch blacks be torn into pieces. Guns, while an undeniably safer and more efficient method of negro-disposal, simply do not tickle my prostate in the same way as when I get to watch one of these sub-human parasites get torn to shreds. The absolute, abject fear in their eyes when they've lived a lifetime of zero accountability and suddenly understand that today, today is the day that they are absolutely going to face consequences for their actions, and no amount of hooting or chimping or scream "wai-wai-wait listen LISTEN" is going to stop it. Seeing the mounting dread and horror as their filthy black skin peels back and their worthless polluted blood spills out onto the pavement. It is necessary.
Actually, no. Niggers are the biggest niggers of all.
This is total bullshit. He shouldn’t be killing people over a fucking pot. Glad he’s in jail. I saw them shoot someone with a fucking belt a few months ago They are unhinged.
Thank god for body cams.
She's not an American. She's an animal, and she has no rights.
stfu retard, how come they pay you fat pigs to be on 4chan.

kys the moment you read this fat cop oink oink
You can’t do this anymore. Takes me 60 secs to post. I denounce this post and delete it.
We need a protection dog up in here.
Most anons think the cop is an evil retard and look forward to him getting buggered in jail. The anons simping for him are tourists or pigs themselves.
Three nigger teenagers are going to rape, mutilate, and finally murder your daughter. Before she dies, though, her screams of pain and fear will reach a point where her throat breaks.

Just figured you should know what the black future holds in store for you.
The job of the police isn't to kill morons, slobs, or assholes. Faggot gigachad is so scared of water
Anon I just like it when niggers die and I'm not pretending. They're a detriment on this nation so in the interest of national security and the prosperity of America, I want them all dead.
LMAO nigger
I hope the cop gets tortured in prison, fuckin piece of shit. Literally killed her for no reason at all.
That has nothing to do with overuse of force. Call it what you want. Huwhites have been on the receiving end of this bullshit too. Simping for a fucking pig is disgusting.
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kek, you're still a cop nigger.
Hope she lived long enough to reflect on how worthless and meaningless her life ultimately was.
They can't put him on gen pop, because he'd get tortured to death for being a cop when it he wasn't infamous. He'll be kept in protected custody which is psychological torture itself. He'll wish he was dead every day of his sentence while slowly going insane.
then you can shoot them. If you let them in and then get shot in the face, don't come to me crying about it.
He should receive the death penalty for murder.
total nigger death :)
shut up you nigger loving faggot
Just drop the boiling water on your feet bro, police orders
Killing people is not ok he should pay reparations to the local jew who lost his pet
>she said "i'm sorry" right before trying to throw boiling water in his face
I'm telling you guys she lured them there for this exact reason. Their instincts were right to get away and her asking "where are you going?" was one of the weirdest parts of an already very weird encounter that only makes sense in hindsight and looking at it as her trying to lure them inside to attack them with the boiling water.
Anyone who hates the good blacks because theyre black are unironic faggots.

This football faggot got his demon called out and couldnt take it.

P.S. look up H K Edgerton or that oldest ww2 vet (youtube) both based chads who "dont fuck with credit cards....cash only".
Only retards support the cop. Most are happy the violent zogbot is going to prison but are indifferent about a schizo nigger being shot. The rest defend the nigger.
In the heart of Illinois, where the Nigger animals roam,
Deputy Sean Grayson, he stands alone,
Got his badge and his gun, ready for a fight
while the Nigger menace is boiling water in the night.

You better fucking not
or I swear to God
I’ll fucking shoot you in the fucking face

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

[Guitar Solo]

In the Niggers dirty living room,
Planning his ambush, full of fury and fear,
Nigger lunges with the pot, trying to cause third degree burns,
But Sean's not the kind to let a Nigger reign supreme!

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

With a flick of the wrist, the trigger pulls tight,
A shot in the Niggers head, Nigger lost the fight,
No more boiling pot, no more sneaky schemes,
Just a Deputy legend living out pols dreams!

No More Niggers!

[Guitar Solo]

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

So here’s to the deputy, keeping the peace,
Against all the Nigger madness that will never decrease.

Total Total Nigger Death!
(Total Total Nigger Death!)
Total Total Nigger Death!
She literally was about to spill her spaghetti
>schizo tells her daughter she's afraid she'll be killed by the police
>calls the police
>rebukes them in Jesus' name
>gets shot
Don't talk to the police, folks
>He should be commended, he prevented another 3-4 niglets entering this world and making people's lives hell.
She was older and probably infertile. The odds of her having more niglets was basically zero.

>Actually, no. Niggers are the biggest niggers of all.
You are Jewish.
She was 30 so she probably still had some eggs left
She was 36.
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>I saw them shoot someone with a fucking belt
Wut dat meenz
Total nigger death
Starting with OP
It's a good thing you didn't waste time on learning an instrument
She was ripe and easily could have shitted out another 4 niglets.

Stop talking shit, you dumb nigger.
Write nigger and "I denounce the Talmud" or you're a shill.
I love jews and blacks.
>don't throw a hot pot at a cop.
After a thorough and exhausting examination of the evidence, I'm 99% sure she wasn't throwing the pot at the zogbot.

1) The cop was standing about 1-2 feet behind the counter. The counter has a depth of two feet. And the pot was thrown about 2 feet in front of the counter. Which means the pot was thrown 5-6 feet in front of the cop.

2) The cops had repeatedly yelled at her to "drop the pot" when she wasn't even holding it. This probably confused her and made her believe the cops wanted her to put the pot on the ground.

3) The pot was almost completely empty. She never stood up. And she tossed it very awkwardly over her head to the side(not towards the cop).
If she was so ripe and ready to shit out more niglets, why did she live alone at 36 with no children?
Schizo nigger calls cops because she hallucinated a prowler in her yard, they turn the call into a mental wellness check, they ask her for some id and she i sists on getting up from couch and going into kitchen to get hot pot off the burner while thinking the cops are demons she is going to exorcise in the name of Christ and gets shot after being told to drop a pot after saying sorry and then going for the pot. Good shoot. Dead nigger. Tnd, tkd.
You think where the pot landed is a good indication of where she was trying to throw it when she was shot in the process of throwing it?
They wanted her to go to the kitchen, retard. If anything, the cop should have just turned the burner off himself if he was so scared.
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In the heart of Illinois, where the Nigger animals roam,
Deputy Sean Grayson, he stands alone,
Got his badge and his gun, ready for a fight
while the Nigger menace is boiling water in the night.

You better fucking not
or I swear to God
I’ll fucking shoot you in the fucking face

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

[Guitar Solo]

In the Niggers dirty living room,
Planning his ambush, full of fury and fear,
Nigger lunges with the pot, trying to cause third degree burns,
But Sean's not the kind to let a Nigger reign supreme!

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

With a flick of the wrist, the trigger pulls tight,
A shot in the Niggers head, Nigger lost the fight,
No more boiling pot, no more sneaky schemes,
Just a Deputy legend living out pols dreams!

No More Niggers!

[Guitar Solo]

Nigger Massey, you think you're tough?
you think you got the guts while you are high on some stuff!
Boiling water pot in hand, you're just a crazy Nigger one headshot is all it takes
Sean's got his firearm, he's ready to ventilate!

So here’s to the deputy, keeping the peace,
Against all the Nigger madness that will never decrease.

Total Total Nigger Death!
(Total Total Nigger Death!)
Total Total Nigger Death!
>You think where the pot landed is a good indication of where she was trying to throw it when she was shot in the process of throwing it?
If you watch the video in slow-motion, you can see the pot's direction of travel. It was not moving towards the cop. It might have gone further if she hadn't been shot(IE completed her motion), but it would not have gone a different direction.

Based on the direction of travel, the pot was thrown 5-6 feet in front of the zogbot.

Moreover, the zogbot claims that she "came at him with a pot". That is false. She was kneeling down and didn't make any movements toward him.
damn someone was faster
you can literally see the crazy nigger throw the pot towards them
So how do you shoot a guy with a pojas
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Wrong pic
are you a nigger lover?
Let me speak to you in the language of der furhrer:
Der Mann Mit Pojas, War Erschossen Von politizistin.
Nobody cares about the nigger or your narrative.
/pol/ is much smarter than normies.
>nigger woman shot
>cop bad
>Trump bad
>vote Kamala
Childish bullshit. Fuck off you faggot shill.
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>You can literally see the crazy nigger throw the pot towards them
Ignore the words in this video because they aren't true, but it is a good video for looking at the key events.

If you look at the direction the pot was thrown, even if it was thrown at 100 mph, it wouldn't have come anywhere close to hitting the cop.

In pic-related, the red line is the direction of travel. The green line would be the direction it would have actually had to have been thrown. And the purple is where it actually went(behind/under the chair).
Same people shilling for Kamala, I bet. Only this time they're probably posting off the clock.
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oops, this video.
We know the cop will as he's tossing Tyrone's salad for the next 40 years.
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1 less criminal is a good thing. We need TND to lower crime rate.
Even /pol/ agrees
You niggerlover. One less nigger breathing up the White Man's air and living off welfare is a good thing
Did you mean "cops shot a man *over* (because) of the belt" and not "cops shot a man *with* a belt"
Not crying over spilt nigger, but holy shit this officer was a clown.

>hopping between agencies six times in four years
>two DUI’s
>bad conduct discharge from army before finishing initial enlistment
>responds to threat from emotionally disturbed person by immediately escalating to deadly force, screaming like he’s in a call of dooty lobby

As a professional zogbot and glownigger of 17 years myself I can’t stop laughing. Any of those jackoffs who actually hired this dude ought to lose their fucking jobs too lmao.
If she was innocent, why did the Lord then tarnish her skin with the color of evil?
you can see the steaming water splashing on the chair you blind fuck. The cops even talk about it to each-other after more cops arrive
she was dumping it out, not throwing the pot. The water and pot would have projected towards him if that were the case you leaf
You remember that toddler some ape stabbed to death last month? This is payback
The pot landed on the chair a foot away from the cops legs. She got shot mid-throw. It would have gone even further and hit the cop if he didn't shoot.
>jew OP forced to post after being called out for 1PBTI because it knows its thread will die off
We will never stop hating you, kike.
Weak b8

Throwing boiling water at someone is felonious criminal battery and assault, and doing so at a police officer is of course worthy of a deadly response.

Dumb nigger should’ve followed instructions. But alas, she’s a proto hominid with minimal IQ and abstract thinking abilities. Just like EVERY OTHER NIGGER ON THIS PLANET
>I’m a fucking retard and just like dead niggress can’t into setting a pot of boiling water on the stove without picking it up AGAIN to throw at the police
Hello niggerbrained imbecile
In the video he progressed toward her with his gun at the ready. If she was enough of a threat with a heavy pot of water to use the deadly force it would have made sense to back up instead. Not to mention the threat of shooting her in the face prior to carrying it out. Come on now.
>you can see the steaming water splashing on the chair you blind fuck.
Yes, as it flew, a small amount of the water came out of the pot and splashed on the chair, the vast majority landed on the ground under the chair.

Moreover, the cop was 1-2 feet behind the counter, the counter is 2 feet deep, and the back of the chair was 2-3 feet behind the counter.

The pot never came within 6 feet of the cop, and based on the direction of travel, the pot was not being thrown at the cop. Moreover, there was almost no water in the pot. Maybe one water bottle's worth. The pot's capacity was probably a gallon to 6-quarts. There was only a tiny amount of water at the bottom(which is why she could toss it one-hand over her head sideways).

Moreover, if she was actually trying to throw water on the cop, she would have stood up and used two hands in a forward motion. She threw it basically a sideways motion and wasn't even looking in his direction.
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You dumbasses defending the nigger should remember the horrible situations these awful niggers put cops in a daily basis.

He's probably had buddies killed by these literal animals and here's one belligerently disobeying his every command and acting suspicious.

We observe this video from the future and were not in this situation as it happened and so a different set of standards must be applied.

Nigger not complying, nigger giving disrespect then the nigger gets checked by a cop, nigger throws boiling water and gets justice.
>got a headshot on her while boiling water was coming toward him
Deserves award/promotion.
>namefag idiot
>dumbfuck reddittt post
>is a pseud and a low IQ retard
Go away tranny
Have you thought about uploading it to honk radio?
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Let's thank that cop for stopping this nigger from spawning any more criminals and lowering the tax burden on all white people.

Any other point of discussion on this is a waste of time. Fuck niggers but most of all fuck the jews using niggers as their attack dog on whites.

Every time you see a nigger you should hate jews more as the only reason they're here in your country is to be used as a cudgel against you to keep you as a slave working for jewish mammonism.
>She was old
she was only 37
>He's probably had buddies killed by these literal animals
By small Christian black ladies ?
>and here's one belligerently disobeying his every command
She actually obeyed every one of his commands
>and acting suspicious
You mean mentioning Jesus ? Would "Shalom" be more up your alley ?
>foot away from the cops legs
Rofl, no. Retard. Watch the video again. His outstretched hand was behind the counter. Which means his legs were more like 2 feet behind the counter. A standard American counter is 24 inches deep(25-26 inches if you count the countertop). The computer chair I'm sitting in is 28 inches deep. The pot landed behind the chair.

Which means at minimum the pot never came within 6 feet of him, and the closest the splashing water came to hitting him was four feet, but it had no chance of hitting him because there was a counter in the way.
Don't hire guys with skulls tattooed on their forearms to be cops. It's insane that that's not an immediate disqualification.
seasun da wadur an den thro it on da CraKr
You're dreaming, we 100% sincerely want all niggers, kikes, chinks, ragheads and streetshitters to die.
look man. I don't know what this is about. But what I will say is the current state of the world is straight garbo and it's only going to get worse. Remember to try and look after yourself and those you love.
Who cares. She dictated how it went down.

One less for chow.
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He got a few shots in that ugly beast. A true American hero.
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lmao this roided up faggot is going to be sucking black dick in prison while his fiance is sucking black dick on the outside
couldn't care less. feel threatened by white people? then move the fuck back to yours.
Her last words were
and then
>I'm sorry...
If you couldn't tell that she was a derranged christcuck, don't know what to tell you. The cop looked like an Odin and Freya worshiper. His tattoos looked pretty Viking. Why are you siding with a christcuck who throws boiling water at cops, instead of siding with a deputized Viking officer? Are you black or Aryan?
You can replace niggers with cops and it would be just as accurate.
Nah, the life of one sheboon isn't enough. Burning down a village of at least 100 niggers should be enough for one white toddler.
>he shouldn't be a cop if boiling water is his concern.
What planet are you on? I could make a more convincing argument for locking up the piggy in my sleep.
how can the cop know this when he has to make a split second decision?
>crazy nigger is throwing a boiling pot of water at me lets just stand here and do some calculations first
You dogshit faggot indian. Why are you using a Croatian avatar. No fucking way a real Croatian is defending a nigger in America of all places. You idiots are too easy to spot.
This whole thing happened because she said she "rebuked him in the name of Jesus" and that white nigger was too stupid to understand what that meant so he took it as a threat, pulled his gun, aimed it at her face, threatened her life, and began yelling at her commands that made no sense.

Not only did he yell at her to drop the pot when she wasn't even holding it, he continued yelling at her to drop the pot after he had already shot her in the face and her dead body was laying on the ground.

That guy was a fucking violent, retarded, roided-up white nigger zogbot. Fuck him, and fuck you.
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You do know that Holy water is made by boiling it right anon?
Demon Pig had every right to be afraid the moment that ol crone invoked Christ
I dunno how
because not even niggers want to bang their women.
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Okay nigger lover, your points are dog shit as is your skin colour.
Jeba ti konj s krvavin kurcen trudnu sestru na grobu razjebane matere a otac invalid sve to gleda iz kolica i drka, na vjerski praznik.
There. Balkan man confirmed.
Ok then I hope some throws boiling water to your face
>I'm upset people on here celebrating the murder of an innocent woman

You're on the wrong website.
Nice google translate. If you're a real Croatian then you're an extreme faggot who loves niggers.
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i know, right? it's cool that the cop is going to prison. no fenty floyd shenanigans before the election though, boohoo.
Fuck nigs and fuck pigs. She rots in the ground and he rots in prison. A match made in heaven.
the fact that the second cop reluctantly joins the first cop in pointing his gun at her (like come on do you really need two guns pointed at the head of a woman with a pot of boiling water 9 feet away) and then the way both of them are like FUCK, GOD DAMMIT all just comes off as so fucking retarded

blowing a niggers head off for threatening you is one thing but dont pretend to me like you fucking cared about them with your faggoty ass cursing and stomping around like you just had no choice because she was such a big threat but oh no you didnt want to harm anybody!!1

that guy is a fucking retard and his buddy is a pussy who just goes along with the retarded shit he does all day long
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"Ja sam jebeni crnja"
The cop escalated the situation because he is retarded and doesn't know what rebuke means, he gave commands that made no sense, was never in any danger, and lied about what happened(claiming she "came at him").

That zogbot is going to rot in prison. Period.

I actually thought Derek Chauvin wouldn't get convicted(and his convictions were ridiculous and excessive). This guy stands no chance. Not sure why you guys want to defend this retard. He was clearly in the wrong.
Ko ti jebe mrtvu mater stoko retardirana
Idi puši kurac Židovima, Angloida je bog stvoria za taj zadatak pičko smrdljiva
Dabogda krepa il' od injekcije il' u onome logoru di vas špediraju nepoćudne KEK KOJA PIČKA (KKP)
>Vidi, ja jadan retardiran naša jednu sliku od crnca u Hrvatskoj to je isto ka moja pripizdina od duginih boja
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Hey instead of mashing your keyboard with your prolapsed gay arsehole maybe go to Africa and help them invade Europe some more with your stupid altruism?

Nigger loving dumbass. No wonder communism had such a stronghold on your nation with genetic retards like you in the mix.
>Not sure why you guys want to defend this retard.
Because this is an unserious website. (Except for the porn, the only pixels if actual worth here.) There's zero reason to try to change the mind of people who are only pretending to care one way or the other.
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Bootlickers cant help themselves, they bitch and cry over tyranny but will always defend pigs.
he posted 3 times. fuck off nigger

btw zog bot went too far. he knew that dumb bitch wasn't going to hurt him with any of that shit.
I have no dog in the race but I do think pigs are the reason this country has a nigger problem.

Better that they both wipe eachother out.
Checked. The queer bootlicking infestation is the worst I have ever seen.
>t. originalfag
Majmune retardirani pogledaj se kako si jadan i kako ti je država šugava, ne smiš rič reć dok te svaka šuša jebe uzduž i popriko, jadu, goljo, bijedo ljudska ubij se da ne patiš više jeba ti pas mater bljedunjavu
the cop did literally nothing wrong.
crazy niggers should be shot and lets be real here, taking out this nigger probably saved some white life.
>I'm upset
Go live near niggers, enjoy your life. This is a non story about a cop shooting a crazy person that does something dangerous. Let it go to court and see what the court settles it.
>He has the build of a linebacker and needed a gun to kill a 120lb black woman?
Go to Yellowstone and tackle some boiling water please.
I am no fan of niggers but this pig went way overboard. Modern cops are scared as fuck. Even if he got hit with a pot full of scalding water I dont think it justifies shooting her dead, in my opinion. And that’s hypothetical. Seems the situation wasnt even that severe.
Put yourself in the mindset of that cop with almost non-stop abuse and the ridiculous level of aggression negroes exhibit on a daily basis.
>ok with the government monopolizing violence against citizens and murdering people in their homes

you better hope a nosy neighbor never calls the cops to your house and you use a word the armed retard doesn't understand and execute you in your kitchen for it
I hate niggers, but the cop was wrong and needs to go to prison and be raped Bubba's BBC
I see your point but I think the average person can quickly assess the fact that a being engulfed in a pot of boiling water has a very low probability of being fatal. Therefore, in my opinion, the use of lethal force is too harsh. If she had grabbed a knife I would not hold this same opinion. Should a cop be able to shoot you if your scratched them with your fingernail on their arm? Where is the line where they get to execute you like Judge Dredd?
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As a 31 year old man in a relationship with a 33 year old Kenyan woman, go kys.
if I was that worried about it I wouldn't have ordered her to answer the door, invited myself in the house for no reason, and then told her to go remove the pot of water from the stove
Yeah but the house was a disgusting shit hole. Another nigger hoarder. For all he knew she was about to grab a gun from a pile of rubbish as she ducked out of sight where the cop had not mapped yet.

Ultimately the world is a better place now.
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More than that the average person would intuitively understand that she's not going to be accurately hitting anyone with the water in the pot. I'd argue that if there was a high chance of her actually scalding someone with boiling water that shooting her in the face is entirely acceptable, but there was zero chance of that actually happening and the average person would immediate make that correct calculation..
It's okay, niggers can also be nigger lovers. The guy was talking about white people.
A niggerlover's opinion is worth less than a nigger's. Race traitors get the gas first
No. But I have noticed a trend with people that have severe dislike of police. They tend to be criminals.
he attacked her, if she had shot him it would be justified self defense on her part
she committed no crime, complied with every single thing the cop was telling her to do, and out of fucking nowhere he pulled his gun and said he was going to shoot her in the fucking face

btw he had been fired from 5 other departments since 2020 and has 2 DWI convictions
a real stable genius
This sounds more like a case of “I hate niggers more than cops, so thats my verdict” a bit more than an objective assessment of the situation I am attempting. But whatever I hate em both
That's because you have hindsight. The event has happened and now you have time to process every frame of what happened.

The policeman hero had no time. He legitimately made the world a safer place.
fuck niggers brother
Fuck off christcuck.
I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
I've never seen anybody celebrate it. You are an idiot
Nothing more pathetic than an atheist. Too stupid to realize that atheism is just another religion that openly denies someone they inadvertantly belive in.
You are correct. Cops statistically rarely kill. Niggers on the other hand... It's not even comparable. Of course I hate things that are worse than other things.
>Subhuman with gun approaches you in your own home while hollering dumb shit and acting aggressively
>Lone unarmed woman kneeling down for cover terrified for her life grabs a fucking pot of water and spills it on the ground
>Somehow the subhuman is justified in shooting her
I’m quickly developing the view that cop bootlickers are genuinely mentally and should be thrown on a nut ward. If you’re too retarded to comprehend why this is wrong swap the races around. Maybe it will click in your deformed chimp brain.
I know that guy. I've heard him bragging to a chick about how much he hates trump. He was shitfaced in a bar and definitely wanted to get laid.
She only missed because he shot her.
never happened
27 men(all colors) were killed by cops the same way at home the same day.

Men have every reason to say "I do not care."
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>I'm upset
Oh no, that sucks.
This. not sure why boot lockers don’t understand why having equanimity would be important when you are given a license to kill. Read a fucking book you fucks. Plato’s republic even.
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He's a Pink Twink. They're gonna have lots of fun with him in jail.
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>I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
>critical failure the target is not undead, just braindead
>get shot
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she put the pot of water back on the stove and THEN got up again to pick it up about 1s before she got shot
>This is total bullshit. He shouldn’t be killing people over a fucking pot
its fucking amazing to me how you faggots have to downplay what happens every time because if you explained it properly you'd know that you are full of shit
its not
>just a fucking pot!
its a pot of boiling water right off the fucking burner. getting it thrown at you means a very high chance of great bodily injury
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The factual version
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Get the FUCK away from me ZOGbot pigger
>Had stolen car got caught
>Boils water to attack police
>Cops take preemptive action against rogue nigger

What’s the problem?
I don't like cops or blacks and I'm starting to think anyone on this board defending cops is a plant/bot/jew
Please let me harass, kidnap and murdeer you, because I have orders that came down from the most high
No you're not, OP is obviously a nigger
>nigger with schizophrenia calls cops into her house and then tried to throw boiling water on them when they try to write a police report on what she called them for
one less nigger on welfare
She did, she just failed. She would have been better off going full Home Alone style and rigging her house with traps.
That would've been actually based.
I'm upset that you think it's okay to throw boiling water at someone.
We no longer care when they get shot.
Honestly surprised there's no talk of protest, this is far more outrageous than Floyd.
You're too retarded to comprehend any of it
Fucking dead jesus nigger Lmfao.
Reminder that this incident wouldn't have happened if americans had kettles
>Civilian policing requires consent.
>"Policing" without consent is, in all practicality, a military operation.
This is the inherent conflict and contradition in law and order policy, but it's almost never talked about, especially not by you retards.
Blacks have effectively and illegally annexed their "no go" ghettos and collectively refuse to submit to the law.
Such locales must have martial law imposed on them to restore order, with extreme prejudice.
Sending police to do a soldier's work.
>nig: Dead
>Zogbot: In jail, soon to be prison
IDK why anyone is complaining
How dey gon maek dey crab boil n dat cracka kettle?
i just find it crazy that we live in an age where technology is so readily available that sheboons can have boiling pots of water on hand to disfigure cops with
On the one hand the cop shouldn't have shot on but on the other hand it's just a nigger so it's impossible to tell if this is bad or not.
>She's an animal
...who you can fuck and create fertile offspring with? Some "animal".
Why'd she pick up the pot to begin with?
No her last "words" were a loud chimpanzee screech before she succumbed to her wounds
>police shouldnt have to face ANY additional risk to give some nigger the benefit of the doubt.
I live in Missouri where it is legal to kill a police officer if you feel your life is in danger, in the exact same manner as it is legal to kill anyone else threatening your life, so I disagree. Anyone on my properly who loudly shouts "I will shoot you in the fucking face" has signed their own death warrant.
Has the CIA nigger Donut Operator made his glorification video yet?
I'm sure the jews are working hard to make this happen. Even though 100 outrages of black on white crime happen in comparison to this case.
All protests are fake dude. Every single one on TV is staged by the reporting agency covering the story about the protest.
Perfectly put.
> i just find it crazy that…
I find it “crazy” you are posting on MY FUCKING BOARD.
The zogbot worship is out of fucking control.
Found the nigger who's never been scalded. Moisture burns are fucking hideously painful, cunt.
Better him than me!
Sure, but the ones they pick to start shit over makes no sense to me.
I appreciate you. Tell your friends and family.
It also wouldn't have happened if we did not have niggers.
Ditto. He is the one that acted like a senseless nigger. I felt sorry for her.
Or maybe, and hear me out here, the dumb nigger intentionally threw the fucking pot of boiling water at a cop, exactly like he knew she was going to, and she caught a few bullets to the face as a result. No amount of confusion is going to cause a rational person to throw boiling water across the room when there’s a gun pointed at them and someone yelling at them to put it down.
This is the sad and ugly truth.
didnt know this board loved niggers, lol
she threw the pot of boiling water
dont care
Don’t call the police to your home and then start acting like a strung out schizo with a pot of boiling water in your hands and you won’t run into that particular conundrum.
It's clear from the recording that she's loading up her arms and shoulders in preparation to throw the pot.
She cowers instinctively when he pulls the gun, dropping the pot a split second before he fires.
Just the other niggers, jews and indians larping as Crotians who use google translate.
You can see later in the video based on the steam rising off the ground that the water was only like a foot away from where he was standing when she threw it. It’s a moot point anyway. If you fired a gun at a cop and missed by a mile they would kill you immediately. Assault with a deadly weapon justifies homicide.
Are the bucks too broken to burn and loot over this? Or are their Jewish masters not bothering to whip them up when they’re at war?
These retards just ruin the image of /pol/. Perhaps a psyop that aims for group polarisation to further demonise our 'conspiracy theories' and acute pattern recognition. Association and connotation is an incredibly incredibly powerful propaganda tool. /pol/ glows like a nuclear reactor.

The lady did nothing wrong. We hate (some) niggers because they cause violent crime at a disproportionate rate, so that is from acknowledging facts like antisemitism. However, if you hate niggers because they're simpy niggers, then that's a purely emotional bark which puts you on par with progliberals and wokefaggots. I'm sad that /pol/ has fallen and gone to shit.

Much love to the anons that are siding with her and her innocence.
I was wrong
This webm clearly shows her throwing the pot in an act of attempted criminal mayhem.
I don't condone death of the type that you all are concentrating here. This is so demonic it smells like O9A Satanic Worship. However, I would celebrate the death of the Department of Defense if it were to fall due to a miscalculation in the algorithm. I'd cheer at the fall of the war machine.
you may only choose one
Blacks historically have never risen up against jews to topple them. Never once. They aren't going to be some ally who will be pivotal in the mass awakening against the jews.

They're simple an element of chaos that are harnassed by jews to be used against Whites to keep us distracted against Jewish behaviour.

Both jews and niggers need to go.
It’s pretty big on normie social media like twitter and TikTok. The media has successfully race baited the fuck out of people by saying he has “neo nazi tattoos” (a pagan hammer) and showing exclusively the body cam video where you can’t see a fucking thing because hes jerking off in the doorway until the woman is already dead. They’re also replaying the sound bite where this retard says “I’ll shoot you in the fucking face” and saying there’s no point in medical aid since she’s already dead.
Fuck you Ryan.
>The lady did nothing wrong.
She was shot while committing felony assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer. See >>475649037
Sounds like bucks won’t do shit without marching orders from moishe,they can whine all they want on social media but without the ZOG media machine giving them their orders they will be good boys and take it. If they were gonna do something it would be cracking off by now .
This board is full of nigger lovers jfc.
Correct. Niggers are incapable of putting in the work required to riot and loot without democrats dropping pallets of bricks around the city, bussing in anntifa pedos from states away, and forcing the cops to stand down.
In the old days they woulda just whipped their cocks out and went to town on her
It's physically impossible to get an erection over a niggress. Prove me wrong!
i agree, i hate these goddamn chud leftists
Shouldn't have repelled him in da name of jebus. Then he absolutely knew you were going to throw the boiling water at him.
police should have bots that just taze everyone for them to bring in to interrogate, and compensate through printing/inflation all the false arrest. u s a u s a.
>then stop fishing for sympathy on /pol/ then. we are not your people.
No nigger lovers here.
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and therefore she must be killed? by that logic, 97% of /pol/tards must be killed...
It's all a humiliation ritual. They choose the most disgusting and ridiculous niggers to get the country to chimp out over just because they can and it's funny.
Women are more reactive to stress and danger. She was shaking and kneeling down for cover in confusion and great fear, grabbed the pot likely out of irrational instincts and adrenaline. If she was white, you poltards would go apeshit and seethe. Even then, there was no reason to warrant lethal force.

Just fucking lol you retard. This clearly stems from irrational arrogance at a psych level lol.
I concur with OP as well. lady literally put the pot down and was cowering in fear but the nigger cop kept screaming to put the pot down.
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Yes the only way to drop the pot was lift it ABOVE HER HEAD and launch it towards the officer.
I would love to know what the world looks like with NIGGER VISION. Does your brain censor this image with a big black cock to protect your ego, or does your brain just go blank with rage when confronted with evidence that a nigger is not a perfect angel?
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Fuck off, nigger!
I was proven wrong many many times. my first threesome was with two nigresses. I felt like Thomas Jefferson
I'm sorry anon if someone comes at you with boiling water that's a threat of grievous bodily injury. Backing up and non-lethal options are not good options to deal with that, especially if you think the person might be tweaking. I would agree with you if she never launched it at the officer but she did.
As far as psychological effects go, I agree a lot of them are at play. But I would argue the biggest one is that niggers psyche themselves out and tell eachother that every cop just wants to blast them away from a young age. I can't imagine what that does to young minds, much less a paranoid schizophrenic.
No one is helping by downplaying what this woman did. If you actually care about dead niggers, the message should be "just stay calm and usually everything will be fine", but of course this will all just make it worse lol.
I’ll slice your carotid open with a boxcutter and rape your nigger bitch on your corpse until she cums, faggot
what is this retarded argument that she only picked up the pot because the cop told her to drop it?
they told her to drop the pot, she said sorry and dropped under the counter to hide
the cops didnt say anything as they advanced
the cop tries to tell her to drop it before she throws it and a second later fires his gun
the video exists for all to see
My thoughts exactly.
you are a nigger brained moron and not white. she was cowering in fear while a roid rage cop still screamed at her incessantly with a gun in her face to 'drop the fucking pot'. she scared picked up the pot again to comply and throw it on the floor and the nigger cop brained her. I'm sorry your iq is about 80 max and cannot use deductive reasoning then again your nations males are known for being absolute weak pathetic beta males who cower to authority and let low iq niggers and muslims rape your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives and gfs
Even if it was exactly what happened (it's not), it's a retarded argument.
>A cop has told you to put something down that could cause serious injury. You have already put it down. Do you:
>1: Raise your hands to show you're not carrying anything.
>2: Say "I dropped it already".
>3: Pick up the object and drop it again.
>4: Leave the officer's line of site, pick it up again, and throw it at them to make sure they know you dropped it.
It's like the joke "obviously wrong" answer on a multiple choice test because they needed a 4th option.
also watch the video you fucking sub human moron. she puts the pot down on the fucking counter and cowers in fear with nothing but oven mitts on her hands. she only picked it back up because a roid raging cop kept screaming at her repeatedly to 'drop the pot' that she had already left on the counter you literal dumber than a nigger tier moron
genuinely not sure if it's a jeet using google translate or a retarded illiterate kurwatian being a niggerlover, really could be either or
Don’t reproduce with her though.
thank you.
Cuz the pig told her to move the pot, she does and then gets shot

Granted she did say she would rebuke him in the name of Jesus
She launched it above her head. It lands next to the officer and the water went from where she was standing to the officer's feet. I don't know why you keep characterizing it as just picking it up again when that's clearly not the whole story to anyone who's intellectually honest and analyzes the video.
>move the pot
>she does
Launches. She launches the pot. This is like saying Crooks "moved" a bullet towards Trump.
Keep licking boot, idiot
no racism attached - she was a looney that had a pot of boiling water. do you relate to loonies or drug addicts (gorge flod)?
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
>a bloo bloo bloo she was a woman you can’t expect her to not commit assault with a deadly weapon when she’s stressed out
>you would excuse her if she wasn’t a nigger. Never mind the fact that white women practically never nig out to begin with
>thinking a cop should be able to protect himself from permanent injury or death is “irrational arrogance”
Shut the fuck up nigger.
Also, he sternly said he'd shoot her in the fucking face or something and he backed that up. nice shot square to the dome.
One less pig n one less nig... Nbd,

No one cares, all for the better..
>he dun broke her boon-cherry

There should be mandatory aids testing after every shooting

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