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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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the end is nigh
Healthy pullback.
It’s been needing one bad.
the stock market won't collapse unless the dollar suddenly gains value
based trading view enjoyer
Not yet. Military industry needs a bigger pump and dump. Cuckvid scam was just the intro.
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now i know youre a retard
>not having a trend indicator and watching the weekly.
>Not using the MMRI only
I already bought and at the bottom during covid. If it drops again I will do the same thing again and make even more money.
buy the dip retards. rate cut cumming in a few months then to the moon
bullish a f
It's so over
historically there is a large sell off after the rate cut, then moon. Just wait for that.
Theyre doing rate cuts in September
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Max pain is support in OP. I already sold and bought back for the scalp. 90% it retraces like always. /pol/ is like a max. pain indicator.
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I hate this rigged game. I hope the stock market collapses completely and people throw themselves off office buildings again. Fuck the elite. Fuck boomers. Burn it all to the ground.

what's our rebuttal Biden bros?
suck kamala's dick
djia is still UP for the month
>AAAHHHH we might not have a green month! slash rates! we're collapsing!
and july
They've been saying rate cuts since February lmao
2 more weeks!!!
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Rate cuts delayed...

it should be made illegal for the stock market to go down
Calm down Maxine Waters
When the AI bubble pops out will take the entire global economy with it. This isn't your daddy's 2008. This is over 7 trillion dollars of hype.
Zoom out retard
>no custom color scheme with a sleek gradient background
he can't be enjoying it that much
Lol, no. Inflation is still dogshit and a soaring stock market is a reason to raise rates, not lower them. We are years away from rate cuts.
I invested all my savings at the very top the day before the crash. How fucked am I?
Trump and JD will devalue the dollar and pump the market while plebs continue to suffer.

kek low IQ bagholder
Except this time you bought back in at the literal beginning of the new Great Depression. Elites are going to pull the plug and blame the fallout on trump after he wins. The market is about to have a 66-85% retraction. Screenshot this post
The Harris economy is looking even worse than the Biden economy.
>BTC scheduled to go up in January
great news OP
I hope the stock market crashes and burns; 5.200 by EOM.
Nooo. A healthy short term correction after years of historic growth.

Why the fuck would it crash
I’ll buy more at $25. I did the same when $18 dropped to $14. This is a long game. Grow your stack.
>being a technical analysis astrology fan
Changes on the interest rate have a delayed effect on the market, up to 1 year or more.
What happened their printer is broken?
>shit and piss 500 down half a percent
Oh no, anyways.
Got a question about Mannarino. I like his videos but he always seems to be just saying "look at these numbers!" What does he want us to do, just buy into commodities and precious metals? I appreciate him but wonder if there is more I could do to prepare.

kek, he doesn't know a recession is coming
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its not politically necessary right now
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Discounts just in time for my paycheck
I'm guessing someone decided to short Boeing and force them in line with the whole quota hire thing. You can surmise the rest.
Shorting being one of the more obviously callous type of betting, in a market where whole continents' economies, multinationals, etc. are on the line. Daily.
See, I've been getting it all wrong until now. (Sports) betting is truly an profound social affliction and pastime. It afflicts every layer of society and we're all equally chips on the table in a game in a game where we're all participating at, with all random feature on.
finally some good news
This. Nothing ever happens. And if it does, they'll just restart QE and save the markets like always.
with the dollar being 50% less in value lol
nice american empire you had there
greetings from chine land
Two more weeks.
the stock market is fake and you are the inevitable bag holder
The more you say this, the higher it will go incel. It's going to take a massive dump as soon as you buy your first stock.

I don't believe you're allowed to collapse if you're coming out of the closet internationally. Some old ass economic laws that were written and erased from publication. You can always pretend it's a new day though much more earnestly tho.
a big war in lebanon with Iran getting involved after Israel does some heinous shit, and ukrainian lines collapsing prompting direct NATO involvement, could easily escalate into supply line disruptions and instability in the energy markets (Iran could shut off the persian gulf and Houthis could shut off Aramco and UAE fields, and IRGC militias could shut off the med via militias in Algeria) could change the world into a very different place in 2 weeks or less
not to mention, you know, the thing, the cyberpandemic or whatever.
sorry china is also collapsing, 2 more weeks

burn this mother fucker down. America is an open air prison shithole
Hopefully yeah, but we’ve been let down too many times to get excited.
sorry they got literally a billion slaves working overtime while the north american continent is literally busy sucking all kinds of dicks with government protection
nice empire you had there
Very bluepilled. Mmm, no, not very wise
I would rather china win the future than jews
Lmao, white incel losers hoping their life gets even worse
lol I'm hoping everyones life gets worse. no one is going to do shit while they're fat and happy
Mmm, very unwise.
Chinks are the jews of asians.
I don't live in asia
>do shit

You think they will do what you want?
Boomer rocks rekt
plus you're a boomer lol no one is taking advice from you
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As long as the government "prints money" aka issues bonds, asset prices will go higher in nominal terms. When that stops are you going to see some serious shit.
I think they will eventually revolt and kill pigs and politicians. won't happen until they're starving though

so bring on the starve
rolling for full crash and civil war
This is the Godzilla Bubble. This is the last grab for power and wealth before they implement the police state.
As a wise man once said, "it's better for your corpse to be splattered on the pavement under your luxury condo than to never have had a luxury condo"
I suppose from your perspective, anyone above age 18 is a boomer.
Back to plebbit with you until school starts.
White incel loser kicked off redddit so now he cries here
Nothing will happen until the yield curve reverts.
>they'll just restart QE and save the markets like always
That won’t work this time because inflation is so high and they’re barely keeping a lid on it as it is. The only thing they can do now without the wheels coming off is to raise rates and bleed off the massive amount of debt accumulated since 2008.
It’s going to crush the zombie banks and corporations that have been keeping themselves going by rolling over loans at near ZIRP, but it won’t completely implode the economy.
The government is presently issuing bonds to pay for the bonds that have matured since it doesn't have any money. National debt is how much the government owes its people, and as of about 6-7 years ago its income hasn't even covered the interest on the debt. The only reason stocks go up is every time the money printer fires up, the value of the dollar deflates which means you need more dollars to be worth the same as right now. It's not that a McDouble is suddenly worth $4 after being created as a dollar menu item, but that the dollar is worth 25% of what it was a few years ago from printing and frivolous spending.

We are beyond fucked financially and there's no way to fix it at this point beyond total collapse and rebuilding like what Iceland did and Zimbabwe attempted back in 2008.
>Not just professionally using MDMA to get the job done
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so close, Anon, so close.
jew here, we're pulling all money outta the market, gotta give that last hit in before the election to fortify the election for trump
The dollar is already almost completely devalued. Total economic reset incoming.

Verification not required.
Wah wah wah I'm a financial genius who is a broke white incel loser wah wah
>Verification not required
Now I'm scared
all in on chip stocks right now
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>the end is nigh
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Switch to Weekly or Monthly chart going to be head and shoulders pattern.
>The dollar is already almost completely devalued

Scared because retards believe dumshit like that?
look around, look closer

they are everywhere

and growing faster than cancer
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just in time for the FOMC to cause a dip
Glad someone gets it.
>t. Glownigger posting from a base in worst Korea

automobile repos on the rise
Yeah it is. And it cannot even pay back usury now. The result is one of two options.

1. Almost total collapse, only mitigated by those who prepared beforehand.

2. Long suffering that gets dragged out a few more years until there's actual riots in the streets and then almost complete collapse anyways (but in a less controlled fashion).
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>the end is nigh
Yeah, but it ain't today.
If everyone is saying to buy, it's a huge fucking sell signal.
White incel loser praying for muh collapse so everyone will be miserable like him
many such cases
>He said the quiet part out loud

Lmao I read it in a white incel loser thread and repeat it to sound smart.... I get it your life sucks and will get worse but there will be no collapse and the $ is the most desired money in the world...grow up
Outed yourself as a glow or a kike.
hahaha that was an awesome video. the futire is bright.
GME is still cheap, so this dip is a nothing burger. When hedgies fail margin calls and get liquidated, then the fun can begin. WAGMI
Outed yourself as a white incel loser crybaby the sky is falling,,,,,lmao
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It hasn't begun until the U.S. bans shorting for which institutions will circumvent anyway, receiving sloppy wet noodle fines (operational costs) for doing so. Which will be in less than 2 weeks.
2 more weeks
There is no "fixing it" hence the fucking circus that has been my entire professional career. My profession has always been real, but these numbers aren't.
Bro not cool we're still in the room
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kys faggot

Worst korea is worst

Why would we want to live like Koreans?
Chang here pretending he isn't contemplating jumping off the bridge every morning on his shitty job commute
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>dollar is desired
Obvious kike
Okay Sgt. Bernstein.
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No Park-nigger, this is what is happening live and has been for the past 30+ years, only ramping up to problematic status over the past 18.
Zoom out retard
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Nothing ever happens, OP. We are trapped here forever
South Korea has the lowest fertility on earth and you faggots will be extinct in 30 years

Profit taking, which is normal. Time to buy.
Wrong. And also incorrect. Stock go up
>babbies first graph

keep learning lil pups, you'll learn how your emotions of the most recent candles is an indicator for how you treat all life events and you're not good at seeing the whole picture. Its an IQ thing, so you actually wont ever figure it out
It is just a mild reaction to both Trump and Biden wanting to impose trade tariffs and be competitive with China. Imagine what would happen if US actually decides that it doesn't want to lose complete relevancy and goes on a full trade war. You can say -30% to those stocks easily, maybe more.
Looks like it just had to fill a gap. Buy the dip lol
I noticed fidelity made it so you can’t look up gme on their app today. Strange activity surrounding that stock…
Dead cat bounce then it's done
still waiting for that 200D EMA
it's 2008 x25
one day there will be a nightmare that involves pillowing every boomer and taking their money
>It is just a mild reaction to both Trump and Biden wanting to impose trade tariffs and be competitive with China. Imagine what would happen if US actually decides that it doesn't want to lose complete relevancy and goes on a full trade war. You can say -30% to those stocks easily, maybe more.
this is actually a strong manuever, a total ban on china quickly we would realize what is good for us and the US has the resources and people to do so
and it would make employability worthwhile shoveling sand for computers
What do you mean We? Ann Rand told what Boeing would do a long time ago.
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lets see yours
It's been up since 1930 OP !
What are you talking about
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>It's been up since 1930 OP !
>What are you talking about
Americans go homeless everyday. What makes you any different ?
You are living in a false reality
Suburbs out side of Big cities are the only place to survive
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kek, dumb bagholder
The USA will blow Yellowstone and it will be better
More people working then unemployed, how can an economy fail.
2.8 economy growth is awesome
Futures are up.
the stock market is what determines the value of the dollar, at least more than the commodity markets

the value of the stock market is a direct measurement of how plugged in the goys are - consumerism and gambling - it measures the faith of the subhuman population in the system
no rate cut in near sight, they've been fabricating the economic data to put that off as long as possible.

the media will keep banging the drum and saying everything is good.
they won't cut rates until there is blood in the streets
Nothing ever happens
>t. dr chud
the elite and their direct underlings know exactly when it will collapse and they will profit from it all the same

only the slaves suffer
the elite only suffer when their slaves are gone
kill the masses if you desire life and freedom
Classic song
Boeing went up today.
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I think it's the trumpets that make it so
the thing about the trump assassination attempt is that it was totally organic

it was just some outcast that decided to take a shot and no one in the system expected it or thought it could happen

the jewish system is weak and incompetent

if only a few amateurs rebel it will collapse
it'll find support at 5300 region, drop a bit to 5100 and climb to stabilize. it's about fucking time too
buy the dip
To tell one that all have sined, to say "one violation is as bad as many violations" is the same as to say "you should commit more violations because it doesn't matter"

I reject christian nihilism.
yeah let's see yours
This. There aren't going to be any rate cuts.
I saw that. Gonna buy more tomorrow out of spite
Blue and white are the colors of jewish duality.

Red the color of blood.

Blue, red and white, or
Black red and light.
Are the colors most translated across languages.

The wine dark sea is black and blue.
Shiva is black and blue
Upon the chessboard black goes first, but if it were blue?
Blue is the color of sadness, black the color of evil.

White always the opposite of black, but also of blue. The heavens are blue, but beyond the mortal realm is dark and void.

Red white and blue. A reduction of reality.

Make of this what you will.

You retard, the shooter was obviously brainwashed by MKUltra. Some deep state agent used a signal to activate him to kill Trump.
I already called the top of vol spike for this event in last nights thread. Thread is light years behind the market now.
i sit on some working groups and webinars for my job and basically it looks to me like they will improve material conditions marginally, in the name of "sustainable development" and "ESG" and whatnot but use those small improvements as a trojan horse to increase centralization and control and greater stability in the system. technology will be a big driver of these changes
you misunderstand, i'm praying for systemic disruption (not collapse) because that's what is needed for things to get better

instability opens up cracks in the edifice, and that's where the Light gets in.
you are a christkiked bot
you conceive of the government as being divine and all powerful

in reality they're retards and they fuck up everything they try to do
the only reason it doesn't end up mattering much is because 95% of the population are like you
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volatility will continue to be crushed tonight
this shit happens every summer in august/september when traders go on vacation and volume collapses.
the decrease in bond yields would seem to indicate that big asset managers are seeing risks in the equity markets
10 minus 2 year yield is about to cross zero finally (strong predictor of recession, zoom out to "max" and look how the crossing over zero precedes a crash every time)

I want it to be 2008 x1488
Trade futures MACD, EMA 200 ,50 and just do the crossovers and pullbacks
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Pboc rate decision
The deflationary dead spiral can't be hidden anymore. Pyramid scheme collapsing domino in October/November. Then "free money" and inflation goes full cuckoo
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k i bought more lunc crypto
why lunc??
>inb4 he doesnt know
is it coming back?
Nigga you were in japan before. Now korea? You’re glowing
go back
nigger, it has to go down to go up.
this is completely normal and joe biden solved inflation.
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Weird syncrosity. I’m watching fight club right now lol
it's a problem if you're a retard who owns SPY and diversifies with QQQ
small and value are up, faggots.
Banks won't last years with interest rates the way they are... regardless of what the stock market does, the FED has to cut rates or risk blowing up the banking system
The Russell is always the last thing that pumps, the least
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>he doesn't know to always buy after Yom Kippur
Yea Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed, any defense stock really. Pic related looks impressive. Mark this post boys things are gonna get carazy
Buy the dip. Now is a good time to move over $20k
i like how obvious they manipulate everything and people still dont notice or care
interesting theory
How do you learn to use all the FRED indicators? Which ones are important?
AI bubble kind of needs popping desu
Still going long
current downtrend is indistinguishable from the one in mid-April, which then went to reach a new high, so panic is not warranted
How do I sell at the very top?
Nope dead cat bounce and then collapse. They’re trying to do it quickly as Kamala is gaining on Trump which means no war with Iran and less bombs for Israelis to bomb hospitals with.
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no reason in particular
I'm in California. How bad it will be?
god he's such a tard
Digital assets are fake & gay and incredibly jewish. The jew fears silver coinage, it burns their skin
they are priced in
so is trumps presidency
stocks will remain flat for the next few yaers
this is a buy
Q3 is gonna be ugly. If you dont know what you are doing take your money out by then. If you do know what you are doing adjust accordingly.
What about hoomers? All I want is a 800sf old box to shit post from and chill and not to pay rent.
GDP is still soaring, I expect one rate cut at MOST this year
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Kike cards... poat'm if you got'm
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I have literally all my investment money in this stock (ITA). I just keep buying it. Going to get XAR next. We are going to prep for a war and those are the best bets.
Shhhhh don't tell them that gaps must ALWAYS be filled by autistic Juden
Jew here and can confirm that's what we are doing. Let's see if they believe us or not
17 rate cuts by the end of this year!
This. I know exactly what your asking Anon.
He says buy silver, trade commodities? Always confused about stocks. Long ETFs until MMRI hits a sell signal?
It can just means things like mass unemployment, rise of homelessness and cost of living, maybe civil unrest and oppressive militarized lockdowns.
Just in time to give Zion Don an even bigger victory.
kek, there was a thread two weeks ago saying you should buy SP500, lmaooooo
I do not own any stocks myself, some take positions against stocks to profit when they go down. The last crash came with riots, lockdowns, mass unemployment, civil unrest.
>Almost total collapse, only mitigated by those who prepared beforehand.
And how do you prepare beforehand? Not live within an hour of any major city? Fuck
That literally looks like it’s going to go down a bit and then go up again higher than ever just like it’s done for the past 100 years or so snd just like it will always do because the whole thing is literal money magic devised to turn money into more money. Grab your small piece and ride to the top.
I'm riding to the bottom on a piece of debt larger than I can ever pay off, thank you very much.
Its nowhere near max pain. FP this thread is calling it a pullback nothingburger and half of all bulls still expect it to rally back to ATH any day now. A wick under April lows would be max pain.
yeah the palantir rise to the top was totally organic.
Gold and Silver always pull back during a crash as banks liquidate holdings to try and keep afloat. They take off shortly afterwards though.

Slander that mocks Grace for being Grace. That of which pride boasts in what it has done but not what it has failed to stop. For in honesty, there is closure but in arrogance there is only ever pride, then the fall.
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Oh well. At least the next president will be a nigger lady.

7 trillion in 2008 money is like... I don't know, 700 billion? Who could even say it for sure.
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I don't understand why would you ever invest in stocks when the wealthiest people are insider trading it, like Pelosi.
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yep crypto is new multidecade cycle. so everyone elon, gates, bezos, all boomers go to crypto. But guess what it wont be just bitcoin and eth. But also memecoins. And since we never had a cat pumps. Now its time for catcoin to shine. Its at 25mcap

binanc is ensured since bnb keep shilling and also binance labs recently invested millions in cat oriented coins
i fucked up, i should've listened to Zanon. he posted about a large decline around July 12th. DAMN IT.
what does this card do?
dude, because it's free money if you mimic their trades. i WISH i bought NVDA when i first heard that Pelosi was buying it up back in 2022. i fucked up. i missed both the long and short plays. i'm poor now because of it. goddamn it!!!!
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bunch of paper hand bitches in this thread

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