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Do you agree or were there legit reasons to fight ?
Picture makes no sense. How was Germany “helping” the U.S. by declaring war on them?
you do see the two star of davids in the picture right? The logic is the Nazis were freeing the world of Jewery but the Anglo-Saxons stopped them
>you do see the two star of davids in the picture right? The logic is the Nazis were freeing the world of Jewery but the Anglo-Saxons stopped them
They were freeing the U.S. from Jewery by declaring war on them? Are Nazis retarded?
>Jew gets a dog to attack you once
>Next time you attack dog preemptively
>why did you attack a dog.
Ofcourse, its always legit to try and remove tyranny from your lands
It's called liberation
Stop pretending to be a retard
Hitler actually loved the Jews and he was worried for their safety, so he kept them protected inside special camps with swimming pools and theatres and shops
The idea is that the UK and US are part of an Anglo-Saxon cabal that from the outset impeded GER aims of eliminating Jewery. (UK declared war on GER and US started providing armaments to UK only etc).
>Bro don’t fight back I’m liberating you by attacking you what are you doing
So Nazis are retarded
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Totally right I don't get it
So your go to is that Hitler was retarded?
>im going to eliminate Jewery by putting my country in an un-winnable situation
Well the sinking of the rms lusitania, attack by the Japanese (their ally). And then Germans declared war on us so we were kinda stuck no?

Germany was fucking retarded from start to finish in the strategic sense.
How is it retarded to be against jewish international finance?
>goy ID
Maybe don’t sink the dog’s boats and declare war on the dog if you don’t want to get bit?
It was retarded to declare war on the U.S.
American actions were provocative as could be.
When the declaration of war came through it was pretty redundant.
USA was already waging war on Germany by that point.
You realize germany declared war because the US went to war against them first right (supplying britain)
bro just fucking kill me
I thought you kikes were high IQ
you were already at war with Germany, you just didn't declare it
>When the declaration of war came through it was pretty redundant.
USA was already waging war on Germany by that point.
Oh right, the 3 million US military personnel now stationed in Europe after Hitler’s declaration were redundant
Supplying countries isn’t a declaration of war and Hitler was a retard if he think declaring war wouldn’t push the U.S. into sending troops over
Stfu your flag literally gets mistakenly flown as pride flag more often than its flown in triumph of anything
Oh wow, really? Can you please show me the major American combat operations happening in Europe prior to Hitler’s war declaration? If we were already at war you’d surely be able to provide that, right?
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>Supplying countries isn’t a declaration of war
Ofcourse it is, it makes you a co-belligerent
Sinking boats was fine. You were aiding the british.
How did invading neutral countries help stop global jewery?
still trying the pilpul eh
doesn't matter, nobody cares about your word games anymore jew
>Ofcourse it is, it makes you a co-belligerent
No, it doesn’t. The U.S. was officially neutral. There was no declaration of war
>still trying the pilpul eh doesn't matter, nobody cares about your word games anymore jew
All that yapping and no example of what I asked. I accept your concession
Mhm. Right. Like how the US is neutral in Ukraine.
Wait, do you think German was only sinking ships that were providing aid to Britain?
Neutral countries dont supply weapons to wars, I know since my country used to be neutral
you invented "pride". and BLM.
foreskinless kike
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>play my game or I win
miss me with that dollar store pilpul, zogdog
>Poland decided to help ukraine fight against Russia.
>Why did Russia declare war on poland? That's totally unnecessary, poland didn't do anything wrong.
Fucking retard.
Lend lease legally adhered to neutrality laws
>makes declarative statement
>I ask for proof
>you can’t provide proof
Still yapping I see
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Laws passed by the United States yeah, topkek, why would other people believe you are neutral just because you say you are even though you provide weapons to war?

>The Neutrality Acts were a series of acts passed by the US Congress in 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939

Whatever, this is not an interesting discussion, Hitler was right, simple as
>Laws passed by the United States yeah, topkek, why would other people believe you are neutral just because you say you are even though you provide weapons to war?
And Hitler’s solution was to… officially declare war inciting even more American support. What a retard
>Hitler was right
About offing himself? At least we can agree there
>so we were kinda stuck no?
Get your order of events right, golem. The (((US))) was itching to go to war with Germany, but the public was against it. You had no effective way of provoking Germany, but Japan is a stone's throw away. So what did you do? Puff your chest in the Pacific, embargo Japan, cut off supply lines, trying anything to goad Japan into attack. And it worked. That way Germany, who was loyal to its allies, came to the defense of Japan and declared war against the (((US))). The shabbos goys thus had reason to rally public support for joining the gentile war in Europe. It was all according to (((plan))).
>Get your order of events right, golem.
Imagine saying this when the rest of your post is conveniently leaving out important events
>You had no effective way of provoking Germany, but Japan is a stone's throw away. So what did you do? Puff your chest in the Pacific, embargo Japan, cut off supply lines, trying anything to goad Japan into attack.
Oh, you mean after Japan attacked China, bombed the U.S.S. Panay as it evacuated American citizens from Nanjing AND occupied French Indochina? I’m guessing you’re also just going to ignore the Hull-Nomura talks in which in 1941 U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull engaged in extensive negotiations with Japanese Ambassador Nomura making it clear that Japan needed to cease its aggressive actions and withdraw from occupied territories to avoid further economic sanctions.

But it was totally the U.S. stirring shit
>that flag
Dude the nips were literally bayoneting your teenage Christian missionary girls, did your grandad get cucked by a yank on shore leave or what?
You've basically demonstrated how the US wasn't staying out of a war it claimed to have no involvement in lmao. You should try a different angle, kike mutt

Before or after we were dragged into the jewish war against God's chosen?
>You've basically demonstrated how the US wasn't staying out of a war it claimed to have no involvement in lmao. You should try a different angle, kike mutt
Oh wow you’re an actual retard. How is refusing to sell Japan supplies “not staying out of the war”? I can’t wait to see you try to squirm out of this one
>Before or after we were dragged into the jewish war against God's chosen?

T-the Japanese are god’s chosen?
The UK got the US to enter WW2. America is their dumb golem.
you made billions of dollars and destroyed their empire. you were itching to join in.
Pretty much
I was talking about the policing of the Pacific. Keep your pilpul out of this, mutt.

You know I was referring to Germany (or Amalek for you jews ITT)
The declaration was on behalf of germany being allied to japan.
>I was talking about the policing of the Pacific. Keep your pilpul out of this, mutt.
What policing? The US wasn’t policing anything. All the U.S. did was tell Japan to cut out their shenanigans or they’d stop selling them supplies.
The ford company supplied motors for german tanks, also Hollerith provided the necessary infrastructure for concentration camps.
The Tripartite pact was strictly a defensive pact and didn’t obligate Germany in any way to declare war on the U.S.
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>you made billions of dollars and destroyed their empire.
Jew bankers made money destroying Germany
>you were itching to join in

WW2 was pre-planned to pave the way for the hell we in now.
On top of that the nips just let USSR ships pass through their sea because they were pissed that germany didnt declare war on russia earlier.
The tripartite pact was a meme like BRICShitskins.
you made billions with lend-lease. Roosevelt wanted to kill the Axis powers. The US was aware of Japan's plans to attack pearl harbor and did nothing so they could act all surprised and join in.
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educate yourself ASAP

>The US was aware of Japan's plans to attack pearl harbor and did nothing so they could act all surprised and join in.
dumb nigger
>25 Oct 2017 — US dropped prosecution of Chicago Tribune for espionage during World War II for leaking that US Navy knew about Japanese plans to attack
I just said WW2 was pre-planned.
just let us slaughter you, jew
better start WW3 because the US is providing weapons to ukraine
lets nuke each other, damn the world and kill everyone
le based nazis!!!!
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ok yes it was. but it wasn't "jew bankers". well it was them as well, but it was also your military and all your arms manufacturers that colluded to make billions on it. And, you wanted to join the war.
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>i cant defend myself in an argument
changing hearts and minds
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that's not the only thing that the Chicago Tribune leaked btw, and the man himself brought it up here >>475661530

the United Slaves of Israel are cartoonishly evil, it's just that most Americans are oblivious to the true nature of their government. Multi-billion propaganda wouldn't waste billions of dollars if it didn't work.
Also unsure why you cant differentiate between jewish bankers and the normie citizen debt slaves. Jews and Freemasons planned every war for hundreds of years.
>if i declare my people as gods chosen, its right
nothing says good christians like plunging the world into chaos and genocide
Roosevelt was a commie rat, is anyone surprised here?
Fuck off Jew.
it always surprises me the mutts are unaware that they wanted to join the war and made it happen. then again they can't find europe on a map, so maybe it's not surprising afterall
i have a foreskin. you don't.
Why are you posting an article about the Japanese attack on Midway being leaked when you claimed that Pearl Harbor was known prior to the attack? You do realize Pearl Harbor and Midway were two different things right? You do realize that the attack on Midway being known is common knowledge right?
i dont think he read his link
you knew about both. and you let both happen so you could enter the war and make billions of dollars.
The mutts didnt want to join. Roosevelt and his gang made those borderline war activities, because he was a commie fag. The populace was pissed about the gooks (for racist and white supremacust reasons) though, they didnt know the details.
Are you blind or are ESL lessons in Germany just that bad? Your pic is talking about Midway, not Pearl Harbor
You aren't fooling anyone subversive kike. Post nose.
Where is your proof about him knowing about Pearl Harbor? You know, the question I originally asked before you tried to deflect with some article about Midway being known?
>worships the man who like a nigger, could not help himself and avoid attacking his neighbors
>then again they can't find europe on a map, so maybe it's not surprising afterall
Claiming we don’t know geography when you confused midway and Pearl Harbor in this same thread is hilarious
>you knew about both
It’s common knowledge that the U.S. knew about Midway retard
then why did you sue the newspaper that "leaked" it? you let them both happen so you could get richer
americans confirmed for crony golem liars who twist language as an excuse to invade sovereign nations for their jewish masters

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uh no actually many of them know this very well and praise it out of jingoistic delusion, I'm talking about neocons and cuckservatives specifically. If you zoom into the MAGA crowd and you look closely you will notice this weird, how can I call it, almost like an anti-European stance? Trump's first term went from being pro-white and riding on the wave of pro-white internationalism that started from Europe's refugee wave and branched off into America, to directly shunning all of these pro-white people when Cville happened, to having the whole MAGA movement turn from anti-Mexico and anti-China to anti-Europe and anti-nazi. The later years of MAGA were characterized by Europoor-posting, by mocking Germany and Merkel, and by mocking the rest of us for being lower than them. "Haha Paris syndrome Eurabia LOL LMAO" type of shit. This type of latently anti-white jingoism has never left the American society. As you said yourself above, the all-white congress and the white president and the white army decided to act like this and bled to the best of their ability to neutralize Europe and the patriotic "right wing" faction of America loved it, which was 99% white. Whether jews told them to do it or not mattered little, they'd still do it on their own, just like the anglos.

But it should be noted that while we had the ideological insight from an entire century ago, that this was a rotten ideology that will sooner or later manifest into full-blown anti-white genocide on a genetic level, that some Americans are starting to wake up and regret ever glorifying it. There's not a lot of them and the cuckservatives still hold the ground and push the pro-white people out, but I can see an increase of anti-American/anti-jingoist stances as more of them realize that this American empire thing actually does threaten them on an individual genetic level and that the hatred of Europe will always mature as the hatred of them as Europeans.
hitler started the war, retard
he literally started a war with his ally, and you accuse the US of profiteering off war?
germans nazi economy was war based
and you've still yet to provide evidence that they knew about pearl harbor ahead of time

Germany fucked up by invading the frogs desu senpai.
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the best way to btfo Eurabia and put the Europoors in their place is to just kill the said Europoors. And oh would you look at that - when you hold these views, sooner or later the mutts around you will identify you as the said Europoors and will trigger an immune reaction against your race. You'll call it anti-white, they'll call it justice. Like the kulaks of the Soviet Union who thought that they were communist allies until they were declared to be wealthier than the average and just eaten alive.
Midway was an intentional trap set up by the U.S. navy to destroy then Japanese Navy. They didn’t want it leaked because they didn’t want the Japanese to know the U.S. had broken their codes. Do they teach any history in Germany or do they only teach you how to have opinions on things you have no idea about?
Bro is yapping
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very astute observations friend
He won’t because he didn’t know the difference between Midway and Pearl Harbor prior to making his claim
fpbp, natsoc in germany was just asshurt over losing ww1, germans always destroy europe every now and then.
you can hate niggers and trannies and have an ethnostate without supporting a kraut chimpout
Nah. The chimpout was necessary.
chimpout in your own country then without killing millions of europeans.
nordic countries had nothing to do with continental cringe but krauts brought war there anyway
neonazis, being true intellectuals of geopolitics, have a hard time wrapping their heads around why rival empires didn't just let Germany invade all their neighbours and expand indefinitely unchallenged
According to people in this thread that makes you a war monger. Also you have to let them not only invade but also you have to not supply your Allies but also you can’t stop supplying their Allies
Sweden had no war, thanks to Finns though.
Killing commies is based though.
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That's not the point. The point is that Americans claim the ultimate moral highground to invade Europe and outlaw nazism and push anti-whiteness as a precaution against the resurgence of nazism, and the mutt is arguing that he was justified and had the full moral™ right to do it, and we're merely pointing out that there was no highground or moralities at all involved here. Just cold premeditated imperialism and well-planned rivalry for world domination, which the anti-white coalition achieved, and hence the anti-white world of modernity, where a shitskin jeet like you is allowed to post from Canada. It's not like Canada doesn't deserve a lower form of life like you lecturing them on what neo-nazism is though, they literally bled to achieve this exact turn of events. Canadians should be proud that based Visajeet is bashing the fash here, like their great-grandpa was on the European beaches.
>That's not the point. The point is that Americans claim the ultimate moral highground to invade Europe and outlaw nazism and push anti-whiteness as a precaution against the resurgence of nazism, and the mutt is arguing that he was justified and had the full moral™ right to do it, and we're merely pointing out that there was no highground or moralities at all involved here.
No, you’re wrong. The allies 100% had the moral high ground. Nazi’s and their allies deserved every thing they got and the world is better for it. I don’t know how you could consider starting a war that kills millions of Europeans as anything but a moral low ground
I blame Japan. They caused Americans to enter the war. If that didn't happen the good guys would have won.
except you are wrong and there was a perfectly moral high ground there. one party was the aggressor, and the other party wasn't. the aggressors who initiated a global conflict which killed millions of people are morally in the wrong.

you say "both parties engaged in imperialism bro so who cares" but the UKs imperialism was literally just allying other nations for mutual defence to protect their mutual interests, and the other groups imperialism was aggressive expansionism and initiating conflicts.
norway and denmark did, im norwegian, flag aside.
german autism causes white deaths
Japan never attacked PH. It was 100% a false flag.
Not my norwegerinos before they would have been conquered by the UK.
You filth have never been moral, nevermind had the moral high ground. You just kill and then lie. You are Evil in a way that almost no-one else has ever been. Hypocrisy is your superpower.
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See, you didn't even mention that you were arguing about the moral high ground of the Army of Light defeating the evil nazism and outlawing any sort of pro-white/pro-European ideology that could succeed it. You never said a word on it and I read you like a book and here you are arguing for it now. You're exactly one step away from admitting that pro-whites suck and that racemixing is based.

As I said in the wall of yapping here >>475664092 , this type of anti-nazi/anti-european world view that our 32 posts by this ID friend is holding here, that it will always devolve into pure anti-whiteness and racial genocide of the neo-kulaks, which are the white Europeans. Whether they're in our out of Europe. The anti-whiteness of America is being spun up to prep them up for an inevitable white genocide. It will start with the repeated invasion of revisionist far-right Europe (coming soon in the next decade, probably under a GOP presidency), to then the bombing of it, to then the justification of Dresden on steroids, to then the genocide of all fifth column whites in America. If I can predict that both the mutt flag and the visajeet one were arguing about the moral justification of killing nazis all along and that it wasn't even about WW2 but about that specifically, then I'm probably right on the rest of the slop that I wrote. So, it's 3 AM now and I gotta go, but I'm always happy to be proven right. Read what I've written carefully and let it marinate. Especially the bunch of European flags ITT.
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>ww2 in a single picture
they were sinking all ships (as was their official decree that EVERYONE was aware of) and "just so happened" to sink a boat that we now know was full of munitions for Britain's war effort. America was not a victim in WW2, but a perpetrator.
this goes for World War 1 as well, America's involvement in both wars has been a disaster for the future we live in today.
no we didn't, we had a shootout
because our king withheld information from our border guard
You cannot take a W, huh?
>See, you didn't even mention that you were arguing about the moral high
I am arguing from the moral high ground, don’t let me confuse you. The allies 100% were in the right
>outlawing any sort of pro-white/pro-European ideology that could succeed it. You never said a word on it and I read you like a book and here you are arguing for it now. You're exactly one step away from admitting that pro-whites suck and that racemixing is based.
No one has been more anti-white and anti-European than Hitler and the Nazis. Those retards caused the deaths of more Europeans and White people than any other regime that’s existed. Not only that, but their actions left such a horrible taste in the mouths of everyone that you’ll never come close to having any type of nationalistic pride as it’s now automatically associated with Hitler’s retardation.
Russians arent white. And that youre a faggot too faggy for nationalism is yours and only your problem.
what "W?" we got to rob Europe for the duration of 1918 to 1950, resulting in an unprecedented period of wealth and prosperity we have not been able to replicate since, because it was gained through the unjust slaughter of millions, including our own people who were drafted against their will to fight a foreign war we had no business fighting. not only did it put us into our current debt spiral, but our intervention revived the failing Soviet Union at the time, spreading communists bullshit all over the world, strengthened anglo/kike bankers' grip on the economies of the world, and set us on a course for complete self-destruction of whites thanks to our ancestors foolish ideas about preserving their hegemony over the world forever, despite rapid technological advancement happening everywhere.
>America was not a victim in WW2, but a perpetrator because it supported it’s allies who were actively trying to stop a militaristic, expansionist empire invading it’s neighbors
So let me get this straight. The US is just supposed to be cool with all this?
>Russians arent white
Well then I guess modern German aren’t either as Hitler’s chimp out resulted in Germany getting mass raped by those same Russians he started a war with lmao. He sounds like a real savior of the white race and German people…
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I dont get it
why the fuck is Britain a US ally nigger? oh right, because of banking interests that were completely irrelevant to everyone except the elite who wanted to rule the world. Germany ruling Europe would have not harmed us in the slightest, and shit like the refugee crisis and forever wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe would have never occurred. but thank God the pakis who rule Britain now don't have to speak German.
>still number one
>english is lingua franca of the großgermanische Reich
>every brown slut still craves secretly white cock
>white women currency of the world
>every nation that could be an enemy to US hegemony is too cucked and has fertility problems as well
>"I-it is not a win wah wah wah"
Grow some balls, its embarrassing, you hippie. Dont tell me my forebears died for you being a fag.
>Do you agree or were there legit reasons to fight ?
That's why you put your own oxygen mask on first.
Hitler finished an age old german manifest destiny in the east. Russia being an aidshub is the best thing that could have ever happen to Europe.
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Hitler was a zionist, and his entire goal was to fulfill the wishes of Herzl to force "old Jews" to become "new Jews," or zionists.
The sooner you realize that Hitler was either controlled opposition, or completely and utterly subverted by jews, the sooner the entirety of the murder of millions of blonde nordic types in west Russia and central Europe makes sense.
Those weren't death camps, they were isolation camps to give clear reason NOT to bomb them.
>every nation that could be an enemy to US hegemony is too cucked and has fertility problems as well
America is only half white today retard, the actual native white population of this country is the one having "fertility problems," i.e. not having 5 kids to a couple like all of these 3rd world imported mongrels do. your forebears absolutely died just for America to grow into the pozzed shithole that it is, Austria too, just by observing your cucked logic.
The UK and France were major trading partners with the U.S., so seeing them get attacked by an expanding empire wasn’t in our best interest. Is that too hard to understand? Also, banking interests are super important to the success of a country so I’ll just ignore that nonsense
>Germany ruling Europe would have not harmed us in the slightest, and shit like the refugee crisis and forever wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe would have never occurred.
Germany had talks with Mexico to invade the U.S. during world war 1 and he literally saw the U.S. as being run by Jews. Do you think he’d just normalize relations with the U.S. after winning? In what world would that happen?
Yeah because america thinks that cuck genetics like your own isnt needed anymore. Nothing wrong with that. Shitskins will soon follow with even more left liberalism.
>gramps you old bastard, the nazis were saving the white race when they blew your brother tzxcsfascxz(polish name) up.
he wanted to deport all jews to Israel, if you think Nazi Germany would end up like modern US (where 50% of all jews in the world live) you are delusional.
oh no, trading partners, we could just trade with Germany, who gives a fuck. we trade with China today faggot, are they on our side too? our ironical servile overlords cucking to banks is the precise reason our economy is going nowhere, where is that "success" and how can I get more of it? I'm just so tired of "winning," mr. fag.
>Germany had talks with Mexico to invade the U.S. during world war 1 and he literally saw the U.S. as being run by Jews
well, were they wrong?
>Do you think he’d just normalize relations with the U.S. after winning? In what world would that happen?
in the world where we didn't send civvies transporting munitions to artificially extend a war that would have ended far sooner had we not intervened to preserve a dying superpower. Britain has been reduced to nothing and both it and America are now being overtaken by hordes of brown immigrants.
but Austria will last forever... not.
Who gives a fuck about austria lol. Its either Großgermanien or nothing. The west belongs to the germanic people.
Nope, we should've sided with Germany 100%
americans are black.
so you do understand but are being contrary to me... why? all this disaster over the previous century and now what is to be wrought upon this one has been the result of anglos resisting the inevitable rise of the Germanic people, it is basically entropy. the dominant ethnic group (of whites) in America are Germanics, Germany runs the EU, England is failing, and American WASPs have no control over this country anymore. that is why world war 1 and 2 was pointless for the US, we are now left holding an empty bag.
>oh no, trading partners, we could just trade with Germany, who gives a fuck.
Yes, I’m sure the guy who considered the US to be a hotbed of international Jewry would be completely fine with open fair trades with the U.S.
>we trade with China today faggot, are they on our side too?
China isn’t at war with the UK and France right now you retard
>in the world where we didn't send civvies transporting munitions to artificially extend a war that would have ended far sooner had we not intervened to preserve a dying superpower.
Absolutely not. You’re trying to skirt around the fact that he considered the U.S. the capital of International Jewry. How can Hitler destroying Europe and invading his neighbors to destroy Jewry in Europe exist in the same universe where Nazi-US relations would be totally fine despite him considering the U.S. the capital of international Jewry? It makes no sense
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WOW ITS OFFICIAL. Thanks for officialising things officialising officer.
I thought the USSR signal handedly fought the German all by themselves and US did virtually nothing
Youre spreading demoralisation, you spit on your ancestors and your country. Youre worse than an enemy, youre a pacifist. US is a germanic shaped country, but ethnicities arent something that is constant. They change after millenia and the american becomes white and the german becomes european. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it and you will not change the fate and course of your people. Something new will arise, you cant go back.
>Yes, I’m sure the guy who considered the US to be a hotbed of international Jewry would be completely fine with open fair trades with the U.S.
you must be retarded, do you not realize he thought this because of our aggression during world war 1?
>China isn’t at war with the UK and France right now you retard
I know our education system fails much of our youth, but are you aware we broke away from Britain for the explicit reason of not having any control of our own destiny, finances, and government? what gave us the right to rob Germany of its destiny, just because we could? The America world police era has been an utter disaster for us.
>Absolutely not. You’re trying to skirt around the fact that he considered the U.S. the capital of International Jewry.
again, for the aforementioned reason of aggression during world war 1, which shouldn't have happened. Hitler modeled Nazi Germany after America, a homogenous white society that was only to import people of European descent, with close ties of government and corporation. oh the irony that brainlets like you demonize Germany for doing exactly we did.
Youre being absolutely stupid about this and on purpose.
I can only assume you are filthy fucking kike using those same old tricks.
Yes Germany would have to defeat Jew controlled lackey nations to oust the Jew. Fucking duh.
>unwinnable situation
Because it was the right thing to do and we would have ALL been better off as a human species if the nazis had succeeded.
War doesnt limit commerce. EU still has trades with russia.
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>Youre worse than an enemy, youre a pacifist
I don't support getting involved in foreign wars that have no long-term benefit to us anyone we call "ally." We already have our own hemisphere, we should be culling the criminal warlords south of us and clean up after ourselves after unleashing the Soviets on South America, instead we ignore it and let their dregs fill our streets. we could own half the fucking world with two oceans on either side but instead we continue to meddle in European affairs and ruin both our country and yours, again, why the cuckery to America? we haven't done anything that has benefitted you, quite the opposite.
>There is absolutely nothing wrong with it and you will not change the fate and course of your people.
who is demoralizing again? I think you need to "go back."
>oooops I’m being a faggot better start including “ism” onto the things I don’t like.
>UKs imperialism was literally just allying other nations for mutual defence to protect their mutual interests, and the other groups imperialism was aggressive expansionism and initiating conflicts.

Britain was the worst empire. You have got to be joking. Yea all colonies wanted to be under empire. Anglo has been a scourge on the world almost worse than jew.
were talking about ww2 anon
it's complete hypocrisy as well, America did plenty of its share of aggression and expansionism prior to the Civil War, but Germany does it in their hemisphere (after the British had been doing it all over the world) and now suddenly, wars of aggression are a problem we need to step in to solve? it's lame, gay, and completely pointless moralist pearl-clutching.
Culling criminal warlords in mexico is going to war with china. Who do you think is involved in the drug trafficking? Just a bunch of jews and some retarded featherniggers? US isnt really micromanaging anything in Germany, thats what french and brits do because they have poo in their pants from last two times.
This ww1 was a banker war for US side and ww1 cucks watched willson take a shit on constitution and marched like god goys for jewish bankers.
Actually we are French and Roman shaped country you pollack
And you only think everything changes for no reason is because you’ve been conditioned into thinking you cannot effect change in this world.
That you have no god given free will, the Jew wants everyone else to believe this because they don’t believe this.
And want to be the only ones who can change things. Controlling the world.
Your country wouldn’t exist without us. But I don’t require your gratitude any more than I require that of Ranjeet or M’bwembe for giving them countries.

why not just use ss?
>ww2 is not tied to ww1
>speaks a germanic language
Ahh you dont say, you 1/1024th feathernigger. Were roman shaped too.
I am not, god forbid, sw*ss.
>Who do you think is involved in the drug trafficking?
China, as you said, our own corrupt government, particularly the alphabet agencies with no oversight, and the local South American governments as well. again, I am not being hypocritical here, China is not magically our ally because they sell us plastic garbage.
>US isnt really micromanaging anything in Germany
not anymore, we left Germany in charge after we assraped them and Britain for years, sapping their countries of wealth.
And last but not least the white trash that rather consumes that garbage instead that a patriot government sends them to die for american interests like they used to in better times.
I am really more concerned about french faggots than americans, really. They sabotage everything we start.
>you must be retarded, do you not realize he thought this because of our aggression during world war 1?
What aggression? You mean supporting our allies ?
>I know our education system fails much of our youth, but are you aware we broke away from Britain for the explicit reason of not having any control of our own destiny, finances, and government? what gave us the right to rob Germany of its destiny, just because we could? The America world police era has been an utter disaster for us.
Because they were attacking our allies and our allies neighbors? Are you legit brain dead?
>again, for the aforementioned reason of aggression during world war 1, which shouldn't have happened. Hitler modeled Nazi Germany after America, a homogenous white society that was only to import people of European descent, with close ties of government and corporation. oh the irony that brainlets like you demonize Germany for doing exactly we did.
Oh okay. So in your fantasy world we have to completely change world war 1 in order for it to work. You should just suggest adding giant robots into your fantasy it would be just as plausible
Oh fuck off you should be salted up like chartage. Only anglo scum can aid the turks to hurt russians. Anglos have always been destructive agitators. The way you drew your colonies borders caused countless wars. You are a nation of parasitic bankers that only works to sabotage everyone.
>Yes Germany would have to defeat Jew controlled lackey nations to oust the Jew. Fucking duh.
How did that work out?
>Because it was the right thing to do and we would have ALL been better off as a human species if the nazis had succeeded.
No we wouldn’t. They lost though so we’ll never know which proves my original point that his plan was retarded
Historical revisionism. US attacked and supplied countries attacking Germany first,
Which countries did the U.S. attack?
The US supplied germany till 1941.
Stop posting. You are embaressing us.
The US financed and supplied the British and the Russian empire during WW2. Only entering after an attack on a military base in Hawaii by the Japanese
just wars do not require involuntary service. that's really all I have to add to any of that.
>You mean supporting our allies ?
again, allies because we exchange money for goods. answer: are we allies with China?
>Because they were attacking our allies and our allies neighbors?
if only the founders and revolutionaries could see you now, fellating Britian and their economic interests. what a faggot you are.
>So in your fantasy world we have to completely change world war 1 in order for it to work.
no retard, in my fantasy world, we could have just said "I'm gonna sit this one out," and the results would be:
1. Germany becomes hegemon of Europe, this changes nothing for us in terms of trade
2. the Soviet Union collapses early on due to civil war, America never steps in to save the Soviets with foreign aid, communism never spreads all over the world
3. Germans are ethnic supremacists, so the refugee crisis never happens
4. the soviets being gone means China never has their revolution and becomes a threat to us later
5. the soviets being gone means the middle east has no choice but to make nice to the new emergent military superpower of Germany
6. the soviets being gone means no territorial disputes cause balkanization and the 3rd worldification of Eastern Europe.
honestly, if all this was to happen, giant robots being built to enforce this peace would probably follow soon after.
Nothing you just posted proves the US wasn’t neutral. You might as well have just not posted
Who talks necessarily about involuntary service. I could imagine a scenario in which white trash readily rather goes to war instead of continuing this undignified existence.
>again, allies because we exchange money for goods.
Yes. Exactly
>answer: are we allies with China?
If Russia started attacking China and interrupting trade relations between the U.S. and China then you’d bet the U.S. would start getting involved in some way or another to assist China. Did you think about your question before you typed it?
>if only the founders and revolutionaries could see you now, fellating Britian and their economic interests.
Wait, do you think it was only about British economic interests? Do you think the U.S. had 0 economic interest in Europe not being taken over and America’s allies not being devastated?
>no retard, in my fantasy world, we could have just said "I'm gonna sit this one out," and the results would be:
>1. Germany becomes hegemon of Europe, this changes nothing for us in terms of trade
Okay wow, you are actually brain dead. The UK was the biggest trading partner of the U.S. prior to World War 1, with France being number 2. In what world does both of these countries being devastated by Germany in World War 1 result in “nothing being changed for the U.S. in terms of trade”?
I’m not reading the rest because your larp can’t even get past stage 1
I thought that was your implication when you said the government sends people to war, my mistake.
>Yes. Exactly
>you’d bet the U.S. would start getting involved in some way or another to assist China.
lmao, no we wouldn't. did you think about your answer before you typed this? China/Russia are too powerful to face directly, America only picks on countries it deems weak, and we have a terrible record of successful foreign intervention.
>Wait, do you think it was only about British economic interests? Do you think the U.S. had 0 economic interest in Europe not being taken over and America’s allies not being devastated?
America's allies being devastated is pretty much a direct result of us dragging out the war. You are pretending like Europe was completely stable before Germany began warring against France and Britain, it wasn't. The French hated their government and cheered when they were liberated by the Germans, conversely, American nigger (literally nigger) servicemen raped French women post-"liberation."
>In what world does both of these countries being devastated by Germany in World War 1 result in “nothing being changed for the U.S. in terms of trade”?
I’m not reading the rest because your larp can’t even get past stage 1
because Britain would not go away after WW1, they would just be a client of a larger European government that would still trade with us. why the fuck wouldn't they? your poor understanding of history leads you to these retarded conclusions.
You might not like it but reversing LGBTQ and woke nonsense or backpedalling on that stuff could actually lead to such a scenario.

This is agreeable.
possibly, but only after we stabilize our side of the world. America is not going to be able to sustain armed conflict with a stagnant economy and unresolved immigration crisis. it certainly is not going to be the same country after the war ends.
>lmao, no we wouldn't. did you think about your answer before you typed this? China/Russia are too powerful to face directly, America only picks on countries it deems weak, and we have a terrible record of successful foreign intervention.
I’m sorry, can you not read? Where in my post did I say we’d get involved directly? I said get involved in some way to help China, you know, like almost exactly like what we’re doing with Ukraine right now.
>America's allies being devastated is pretty much a direct result of us dragging out the war.
Yes, because World War 1 wasn’t dragged out at all before the U.S. got involved. Again, are you actually retarded?
>You are pretending like Europe was completely stable before Germany began warring against France and Britain, it wasn't. The French hated their government and cheered when they were liberated by the Germans, conversely, American nigger (literally nigger) servicemen raped French women post-"liberation."
I never said or implied this at all but it was certainly more stable than what happened after Germany’s chimp out
>because Britain would not go away after WW1, they would just be a client of a larger European government that would still trade with us. why the fuck wouldn't they? your poor understanding of history leads you to these retarded conclusions.
Yes, I’m sure Britain would be totally fine with being a subjugated vassal state and there wouldn’t be any hiccups in their trade relations after being taken over by an imperial power. Again, do you want to throw robots into this fantasy as well?
A stagnant economy and the unresolved immigration crisis are root causes of lgbtq crap and woke shit, not the other way around.

This. You still have the spirit to support The True and Genuine National Socialist cause.
Makes no sense.
>like almost exactly like what we’re doing with Ukraine right now.
and how is that going for us? what a faggot.
>because World War 1 wasn’t dragged out at all before the U.S. got involved
yep, Germany was about to achieve imminent victory, ask any historian and they will tell you the same. American intervention tipped the scales of the war and reignited the conflict.
>it was certainly more stable than what happened after Germany’s chimp out
sure, if you consider a government that funds endless unwinnable foreign wars "stable," I guess you can justify similar idiocy anywhere else.
>I’m sure Britain would be totally fine with being a subjugated vassal state and there wouldn’t be any hiccups in their trade relations after being taken over by an imperial power.
was trade with Britain interrupted when they joined the EU, how about when they left? no? then shut the fuck up retard.
and the causes of the stagnant economy are the result of debt spiraling from attaching ourselves to international finance.
>and how is that going for us? what a faggot.
It’s going good. We haven’t lost a single soldier lol
>yep, Germany was about to achieve imminent victory, ask any historian and they will tell you the same. American intervention tipped the scales of the war and reignited the conflict.
Lmao no it wasn’t. By 1917 the Western Front had been locked in a stalemate for years. Trench warfare and the enormous casualties on both sides made “imminent victory” impossible. Germany had launched several major offensives, but none had achieved a breakthrough. Don’t forget either that Germany was running out of manpower and resources. The British naval blockade severely limited supplies, leading to widespread shortages and civilian suffering at home.
>was trade with Britain interrupted when they joined the EU, how about when they left? no? then shut the fuck up retard.
A trade union among participating states is completely different than being subjugated completely by a foreign power and having your government completely reorganized you smooth brain
>It’s going good.
no it isn't, pic related.
>Lmao no it wasn’t
ignored this entire section because it is not worth debating someone who has no idea what they're talking about when it comes to this period in history, America tipped the scales of the war and this is a universally agreed-upon fact.
>A trade union among participating states is completely different than being subjugated completely by a foreign power and having your government completely reorganized you smooth brain
and Germany is le ebil and hates money so they wouldn't let Britain trade with a neutral America rite? this is your brain on liberalism. the existence of a large military state in Europe would necessitate trade with America.
The pyramid has nothing to do with the war, you outed yourself as vatnigger influenced retard lmao.

>The pyramid has nothing to do with the war
why, because you say it does? this new trend of population decrease gets more intense after 2011 when military engagements increased and has finally culminated in today's demographics which are absolutely flattened. the war has been a disaster for the Ukrainian people. I'm honestly very satisfied with how this argument turned out, now I have you faggots on record psychotically bragging about how "we lost no soldiers lol" after we dragged out this conflict and deleted an entire generation of men and women from the country. go democracy, go foreign intervention, amirite?
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Top kek
Nigger the bump in the zoom zoom generation started around 2000 and ended around 2010. This is a Gen X war and nobody misses these nirvana listening cringe retards.
>This is a Gen X war and nobody misses these nirvana listening cringe retards.
right, except their parents and their children. Ukraine may never recover from this war precisely because America has been funding them well into their loss and total demographic collapse. very reminiscent of past conflicts, one may observe.
The war didnt even cause any dent in the gen x yet lol, vatniggers fucking themselves again and again. Whats wrong with these born traitors.
don't care about your Russian boogeyman. the Ukraine war is a complete failure and I don't want to fund it any longer.
You have high hopes that a modern industrialized country misses these old farts at all.
Nobody knew or cared what was going on with the jews. What they saw was a tyrannical Germany that sought to dominate the entire world, and they were certainly on track to do so.
A failure for russian superpower ambitions lol. For anybody else an annoyance at best.
yes, and I am sure the videos of young adult men being dragged into vans for service are fake as well. fuck you retarded warmongers with no self-awareness.
Yeah, probably staged. Also on russian side. Why would you film that at all.
>no it isn't, pic related.
How does that picture prove at all that the war isn’t going well and that U.S. interests aren’t being served by supporting Ukraine?
>ignored this entire section because it is not worth debating someone who has no idea what they're talking about when it comes to this period in history
Ignoring it is probably the best call when you’ve taken up such an ahistorical and indefensible position lol
>and Germany is le ebil and hates money so they wouldn't let Britain trade with a neutral America rite? this is your brain on liberalism. the existence of a large
military state in Europe would necessitate trade with America.
When did I ever say that? Maybe that’s in my post in your fantasy robot land. My point is that the conditions for maintaining a successful relationship with Britain would be at the very least ruined for a period of time. There’s no incentive for the U.S. to allow Germany to take over Europe from a purely economic factor and that’s just completely ignoring all other factors that incentivized the U.S. to support its allies. You have no justification for why the U.S. shouldn’t have supported it’s allies
Let me guess: He is poor and his patriotism is defined by his materialist greed, not by actual results for the anerican people.
The US and UK declared war on Germany first. Germany realized they are controlled by international Jewry (his real enemy) and reluctantly accepted, hoping his victory would provide Germany with thr strength and position to get the bloodsuckers off their back once and for all
>why would anyone film their tyrannical government forcing their child to go to war
sounds like a mystery is afoot, but I am sure if we follow blue's clues we'll be able to figure it out.
>How does that picture prove at all that the war isn’t going well
flattened demographics. also, what tangible benefit is the US getting out of this war? can't wait to hear this one.
>You have no justification for why the U.S. shouldn’t have supported it’s allies
yeah I do and I explained myself fully, you are pathetic and an embarrassment to your ancestors. the British are literally our original Enemy. what, you thought it was just us they wanted to control? we were just a colony, they wanted to rule everyone, and they got their just deserts as a result. if you think repeating the British Folly is desirable then I won't stop you from being a retard.
Wanna hear something funny, a jew took this picture
Read him: >>475680782
He thinks he funds the war at all with his government subsidized job. Pacifists in the west are driven by materialist greed and consumist nonsense.

They staged it afterwards, right?
The US navy had attacked German ships before the declaration of war. Including civillian cargo ships.
Thats not the family filming, its the police force, you dingus.
you honestly convinced me throughout this thread that Austrians should be burned at the stake. any other Austrians lurking here willing to denounce this faggot are welcome, otherwise, it's gonna be the stake for the lot of you.
By whom? A pacifist that cant stand higher fuel prices for a few years? A comfort creature that rubs his belly without responsibility for his allies? Make me laugh, you fool.
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>Ofcourse it is, it makes you a co-belligerent
Now if NATO countries could learn this vis-a-vis Ukraine, you might have something there.
enough schizobabble, not a single person involved in this argument is a pacifist. I don't want to fund the war precisely because I disapprove of it, why are you so desperately trying to steer the conversation away from the war itself and into this meaningless horseshit? I wonder if you would be this enthusiastic about American intervention if it was your people being sent to the meat grinder for democracy and gay sex.
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>the war is about gay sex
Thats what the germans said end of 1918, thats what all pacifists say. Its for "dishonest goals", not a nationalist ally on the eastern flank of the pax americana. Piece of shit.
>pax americana
fucking L O L
I really fucking hate jews
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Crimea river, neutroooler.
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>Hitler zionist
Oh, stop it, Hymie. You really are tiresome.
I'm not pro-Russian, I am pro self-determination. Zelensky is just another warlord on America's payroll, like Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin-Laden before him, you can continue drinking the kool-aid, just do it out of my sight.
You're such a fucking idiot it's unreal.
you can take the flag off, Zelensky is a jew and he runs Ukraine now.
Nigger your border is open like a gay mans anus, not because of a rusty fence, it is because your empire doesnt kill its enemies within and from outside. Its not Ukraines fault, that youre a demoralized piece of shit.
It doesn't because by this logic the Soviets and Sweden were Axis allies for supplying them with raw materials, Soviets only stopped because they were literally invaded. Furthermore by this logic the USA was also a member of the Axis for supplying Japan with its oil needs up until we cut them from it.
>Its not Ukraines fault
and never did I say it was.
>that youre a demoralized piece of shit.
I am no such thing, but here you are seething that I don't want to fund tactically pointless wars. I already addressed everything you said here anyway, so as you begin to repeat yourself I'll let my previous posts speak for themselves. cya
No war was ever pointless. We germans do not even have a living generation of Kamerad Krüger types of guys while USians can scoop from vietnam veteran and iraq veteran stories and test if their equipment is worth a shit. This daily stormer tier faggotry and whining is so pathetic. War hardens your population. Only hippie fags destroy countries, not barbarians.
Do you know who an iraq veteran was? Timothy McVeigh.
This is all because of the British/Hebrew supremacists of Central Banking installing the federal reserve in America and turned us from truly successful commercial republic into debt slave war golem. Surely you can't blame the US for doing exactly what the British Empire wanted them to do.
we were literally sinking german ships without a declaration of war, we were funding all of their enemies with food, weapons, ammo, and wallstreet kike money
gas yourself
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
The best summary of events from an American perspective of this period is G. Edward Griffin's the Creature from Jekyll Island. He lays it out entirely. American oligarchs heavily tied to England. Woodrow Wilson belonged to JP Morgan, they got a third Central bank installed in America, Bing bang boom World War I and all the ensuing INSANITY. The Pat Buchanan book about Hitler and Churchill is great too.
I wont address the picture but I'll address the question
>were there legit reasons to fight?

Yes and no. There was no legitimate reason for the US to join the war in europe. We should have just stuck to our fight in the pacific with the japs. We were basically pressured by the alliance to send troops to europe, when we should have focused ALL our resources on wiping out japans fleet and occupying their country. We never should have been in europe, but we knew britain wouldnt survive the german war machine on their own. Germany wouldve bombed them into submission in short order, and the administration at the time decided that a german occupation of britain was unacceptable, for whatever reason.
oy vey it really makes no sense fellow goyim
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Semites can just kill themselves this time around lol
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Nazis have their share of posers liars and Jews too
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Etc... It's not hard to figure out why Jews / Semites / Communists / Lbgt and reptiles causing Lbgt / Dr and nurse Frankensteins, a rabbit hypocritical police state, rat races, etc are no good...

Rabbit was a typo lol, a parasitic hypocritical police state
The education system is working!
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Individuality matters too, and the original Nazis got too wrapped up in their glory and lost because of it, I have an underdog mindset but dislike the "gym bro" poser culture of fake Nazis, but believe in learning to make everything better

There's definitely a difference between Straight White Non Jews... And Jewish "muh fellow whites" which are either fake white or / and spiritually Jewish... And they want to fuck everyone over and backstab everyone over money or trivial things and make life miserable... The Germans (and other heritage Whites) got tired of it

It makes sense that the Nazis wanted separations... Then the "allies" bombed them and wanted to control them and didnt want them to be a free nation

The original Nazis had to fight in WW1... Then fight their own communist government... Then fight in ww2.... They were tired and angry at that point.... Jews are inclusive, that's the problem, Hitler wanted Jews separated to their own territories... Jews want to be "all one" while parasiting and hating Germans / Non Jewish Whites... Fuck Jews, and once it's lived in this time period the history is easy to trace now
America declared war first on Germany, same way it was England that first declared war on Germany, not the other way around.
You will get nowhere arguing with these zogbots. They know it’s wrong but they can’t admit it due to the kike brainwashing
Statement: True!
This post was fact checked by certified Aryan patriots
You forgot the part where Germany has their ally Japan knife America in the ankle.

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