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List the main deep state groups and factions. How are they going to lose?
Trump does Kabbalah too. It's in his book.
Transhumanist technocrats (Schwab, Thiel, Vance, Rothblatt, Pritzker, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc)
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Trump is a member of a luciferian occult power group called PLVS VLTRA (Plus Ultra). This group is managed by the illuminati.

New members have to die symbolically, i.e. fake their deaths to reach a higher level within the group. See Michael Jackson, Elvis, Diana.
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These groups are going down one by one while each of them think they are winning group.
That's still Kabbalah. The Illuminati were Kabbalists who infiltrated Freemason groups and changed it into something that we know today.
Diversity is their strength, but make no mistake, Satan's kingdom is all in agreement.
>How are they going to lose?
In the valley of megiddo...
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>List the main deep state groups and factions. How are they going to lose?
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Each deep state group wrongly assumes that they have successfully infiltrated and took over the other groups :)
Basically three groups

Pure grifters and thieves: Every cuckservative
Communists: Much of the Democratic party though some grifters as well. This is why the Democratic party tends to win uniparty spats as they have genuine believers while the cuckservatives will always sellout.
Dark occultists dominated above all by as this man said
The Jesuits
Mostly the genuine dark occultists try to keep out of the public eye. Hillary Clinton though is genuinely a witch the pizzagate stuff around her... as obviously was Fauci who was one of the most evil of them all. The homosexuals in the government tend to also be dark occultists.
Don't even care about Trump but do you parrot fuck idiots research literally anything for yourselves?
Actual question.
Because if you READ THE BOOK you're referring to, it's in a section of QUOTES written by OTHER PEOPLE who Trump asked to contribute to his book
He may well be a Luceferian Saturnist faggot, dunno, but this is just pure lies

You water-muddying niggers are actually worse than the pure leftists, impossible to tell if willingly retarded or legit bad faith actors
All these prolific famous people, and then bhad bharbie. Kek plvs.
Anything that says Bernays was a bad guy is bullshit. Life was better when almost all women smoked. Getting millions of women to smoke got millions of hambeasts to lose weight. Globohomo getting women to quit tobacco caused obesity and hard drug use to skyrocket. They were right to allow tobacco companies to give free cartons to high school girls in the 1950s.
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No it's Kabbalah. That's what they're doing. That's what Bohemain Grove is (Lillith Owl). That's what "woke" culture is, Frankfurt School's "critical theory". It's clear as day once you understand history and stop larping as internet sleuths.

>read a book! It's a lie!
Here is Trump saying it.
United States Federal Government, Federal Reserve, and large financial institutions.
BTW, legacy media, networks, Hollywood are just harmful propaganda outlets and court Jesters to the players in the first sentence.
The Kabballah is one occultist school of thought the Jesuits draw on ancient occult schools the public really has no access to (possibly its available in the Vatican libraries) even if you knew what you were looking for. I wouldn't look for it though... they use very black occultism that draws energy from suffering.
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Here is an interesting analysis.
I was just talking to someone last night about MJ faking his death.
The Illuminati goes back to Ancient Egypt. Ra is Apollo. Cult of Apollo.
I don't think there are whole underground cities of hellish evil but there are tunnels where dark occultists go to do dark rituals and do human sacrifice and such things and yes keep kidnapped children.
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Dark occultism is more babylonian mysteries than Egyptian mysteries. There was a dark occult school in Egypt (the cult of Set) but the real evil is from what I can gather as an outsider is the cult of Ishtar and the cult of Baal which came from the Babylonian mysteries not the Egyptian one. The other Egyptian mystery schools were white occultists and we are not ruled by white occultists anymore...
What were the cult of Ishtar's practices? I know Baal is about the genderborg and child sacrifice.
>groups and factions.
Ishtar's was much the same though it also had holy prostitution and did less sacrificing (but still did some).
Side story mentality

Lost in neverland
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Jesuits are underrated. Literally 60% of the entire federal bureaucracy comes out of Georgetown and other jesuit programs.

However, it is important to understand that Jesuits were founded by Jewish Kabbalistic Illuminists, the same group which took over most of Freemasonry in the early 1800s.

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>The Kabballah is one occultist school of thought the Jesuits draw on ancient occult schools
The word "occult" is an academic catch phrase. The 'occult' in the West is judeo-christian mysticism that likes to larp >>475654690 as something deeper, older, and more worldly. But it's just gnostic fuck and suck that evolved into many groups thanks to fucking Constantine.
You larpers don't know how to do history so your opinions are that of a drunk guy at the bar.
Constantine as in John?

Ok I know where we are hoverhanding

Someone is becoming neo
Reminder that Trump didn't write any of his own books. He used ghostwriters(most likely Jewish ghostwriters). All Trump did was agree to the publishing company using his face and name for the cover and let him be a character in the book. While the books do have decent advice (pulled from all sorts of philosophy, business and selfhelp books), very little of it actually comes directly from Trump.
The occult literally means hidden. Nothing truly powerful is ever going to become a popular fad. If I wanted to get into effective occultism (NOT dark occultism but I'm leary of even white occultism) I would start with whatever Newton and Francis Bacon were into since they were definitely effective and powerful occultists and most of what they studied is a matter of public record. I have no interest in Jesuit torture rituals even if they work unless I can practice them on fucking Jesuits...
Bill & Ted Balance The Universe
Newton and Francis Bacon were in luciferian occult groups.
Newton was hardcore anti catholic and anti Jesuit and advanced human knowledge. Obvious white occultist is obvious. Bacon was perhaps more gray.
For a while I hated these secret society faggots, but having a group of (non homosexual) brothers to conquer the world does sound comfy.

Are there any non homosexual groups that help elevate their members into good lives?
Idk about Newton, he was smart, but then also part of some dubious cliques where one would raise their brow, wondering what he did to get in.

I like his writings though, even considered learning Latin so I could read Principia and Euler's texts.
The Freemasons WERE ORIGINALLY a white occultist group not a dark one... the problem is the fucking Jesuits infiltrated them in the 1800s . Nowadays they just aren't that important and its more purely a social club...

I'm not sure there are any known white occultist clubs remaining at least that you could find through publically searching.
Well, I'm unaware of white/black concept, though it reminds me of the pope, now being black. I just can't condone all the gay/homosexual rituals.

>I'm not sure there are any known white occultist clubs remaining at least that you could find through publically searching.
If you mean straight men who don't sell their soul, that care for their needs out of watch of the masses' stupid ways, while indulging in research as Newton and Euler did, do tell. That's me.

In the past these "brotherhoods" were common from what I can tell.
I've read good studies on raw milk from here for example, written in the 1700s.
Being German I would think you would be well aware of the distinction. This was pretty well known to be a symbol of left hand path/dark occultism. Given how awful clownworld is there are various ignorant anons who say the 3rd Reich were the good guys but no... the Kaiser was the good guy in WWI and unfortunately he lost but Hitler was a bad guy fighting other bad guys.
Eric Schmit, google, microsoft, unelected bureaucrats, FBI. These are the lefty style guys who love niggers and gey shit. They are generally incompetent but still want to enslave you.

Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, CIA, NSA, Palantir, and now Donald Trump. These are youre right wing style guys who are very competent but still want to enslave you and brainchip you so you can't even conceptualize rebellion.

But just because they are different factions doesn't mean they don't agree on almost everything. They just want to be on top of the top. If you want to take the slowest path to eternal slavery until a solar flare resets us back to zero to start the cycle again, choose democrats. Thiel is very competent.
The right wing neoreactionary groups are outsider elites and nah they want to restore a more decentralized medieval type order eventually. They hate the centralized Hegelian state as that is one of the central tenets of neoreaction.
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I wont tell you how they will lose since it's an ongoing struggle.

But big one below pindar is Octagon trust group or the DVD (aka German Defense Services)

Then you have the other niggers below them like the P2 freemasons and other nigglets you see charted in those more elaborate flowcharts.
you are the dumbest fucking nigger I've ever seen.
The right wing Palantir AI surveillance state that they want to make isn't decentralized. At thin\s very moment they are creating a centralized call center for all 911 calls and data to be processed by Palantir to predict precrime.
dear god youre so fucking stupid
i reread your post again and I just have to reiterate what a completely dumb stupid fucking retard you are. You quite literally deserve to be neuralinked and controlled by an AI supercomputer. I hope you fuccking die before you manage to speak your retarded fucking opinions to another person
Its the gay jews vs the pedo jews vs chinks vs black Israelites vs banker Jews vs based Jews vs nazis vs transhunists
You need to turn the enemies power against him before you destroy it you stupid nigger. Its our stupid petty elite that wants to surveil ordinary people to tyrannize them because they are obnoxious power tripping trannies. Thiel having something better than the NSA will allow him to destroy the leftist elite and even the dark occultists.
No you're stupid. NRx ideology which is the ideology of Thiel is very clear on centralization... its only good to scale military power so you don't get wiped out by something bigger. For civilizational flourishing otherwise centralization is cancer. Thiel and Musk look at technological enhancement in a different way than the Jesuit WEF trannies who want to create a borg hive mind. Creating one single hive mind is not the goal.
>Choose democrats
Why? I don't understand kek. I've never picked a retarded side once in my life (nor voted). You identified the problem, why even play the game.

Let's be honest, your votes count for shit. And your leaders are selected, not elected.
This board is crawling with leftist shills now, both sides in elections generally suck and you generally can't pick a 3rd side but there are times when it does make sense to vote for the right wing side of the dialectic (and Trump is one of them)... even if they have to rig the election afterwords they still lose legitimacy doing so.
You are so fucking stupid and clearly propogandized. I'm assuming you watch alternative media. Guess who is the largest funder of alt media? Peter Thiel.
The CEO of his company Palantir said Christian nationalists are the greatest threat to America.
His AI facial recognition company Clearview AI bragged about locking up Jan 6 protesters.
You are mistaking him trying to take over the Intel agencies for his being on your side. He's just trying to fully privatize them so he can control them as opposed to the unelected bureaucrats.
It's just a shift in who runs them not a shift in policy. He is still in the top0.01% and will be loyal to his class. You are still in the bottom 99% and he fucking hates you.
You are going to cheer on your own enslavement and it's fucking pathetic.
You're literally shilling for Democrats with a memeflag. Anyone who says to vote against Trump is a shill or is retarded doesn't matter what their reason is. At least Trump will drop gas prices even if everything else is the same and life is better with lower energy prices, simple as.
> He is still in the top0.01% and will be loyal to his class. You are still in the bottom 99% and he fucking hates you.
No you idiot there is always an elite. The right wing elite doesn't hate people below them it just mostly doesn't give a shit but there is no malice.

The left wing elite (and their Jesuit puppetmasters) they otoh really do hate you and are controlled by people who literally use suffering to power occult rituals.
Same with fucking Elon, he projects that he cares about free speech, but whenever he is asked to censor people, he does so. EX: Turkey,Brazil,India,Israel, and yes even in the US

You are one of those retards who judges people by their words not actions. A quick tip if you want to figure out if someone is on your side: are they receiving government subsidies? Elon is a massive intel/military contractor and the same with Thiel
>Who cares if the create a massive Palantir-operated surveillance state at least gas prices will be lower!
This is how fucking retarded you are.
>mostly doesn't give a shit but there is no malice.
how the fuck do you know their feelings? your making shit up in your head to justify your own enslavement. Just because all the options presented to you are shit doesn't mean you have to support one.
Ignorant fucking slave
You are literally advocating voting for democrats you memeflag tranny
Kabbalah is a magic system, not a religion. Yes it's Jewish, but fundamentally, it's a system of esotericism. As long as you're not doing any prayers or sacrifices you can practice Kabbalah without being one of Them.
It's like LHP and RHP occultism. LHP is the bad stuff, most of the time. Other-focused, benefic RHP can seem superficially similar but with very different purposes, intents and morality. Oversimplification to put it that way but LHP is self focused and RHP is system/other focused, generally.
The only outright evil magic, is anything Crowley came up with. See- Thelema. Designed to trick you into thinking its just some cool self-actualisation and following your heart, man.
Anon >>475651404 isn't "doing the Kabbalah". Can you explain anything about "the Kabbalah" for us?
What Jackson (who didn't die, at least not when we're told he did) is doing here is signifying the central theme between Odin, Horus and Chokhmah. Ultimately, it's all a reference to the same thing.
Now, Chokhmah does have something to do with the Kabbalah. Since you seem to understand it, hence using it, go ahead and explain to everyone why that is.
Thats a quote by Guy Oseary, its in big letters at the top.
Here's the easy maths:
>When I was 19
Trump is 3 years younger than that yacht partier creep Geffen.
When Trump was 19, Geffen was a mailroom clerk at WMA trying to blag his way to being an agent. Trump wasnt going to be talking to Geffen for advice then. Meanwhile, Oseary is 30 years younger than Geffen and also Jewish.
Trump probably is a kabbalist too but fucking hell you dont even read your own shit.
Please explain youre reasoning
Here's mine: the lefty elites mostly have control ever the intel agencies because they are government organizations. The government is more restricted in the ways they can surveil and control the populace than a private company. Thiel wants to privatize the intel agencies and eric prince wants to privatize the military. Privatization will unchain intel agencies and further enslave humanity. The best case scenario barring revolt is to keep them chained to government and keeping them in the hands of the left.
I'm assuming youre a dumb nigger who hasnt given any thought to it and are just voting based off feelings instilled in you by Thiel funded alternate media.
But please do explain
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>New members have to die symbolically, i.e. fake their deaths to reach a higher level within the group
Okay, first, where did you get this because this is very interesting and pertains way, way fucking more to what's unfolding right now than you seem to think? Second, this is actually correct, it seems. A lot of people that you're told are dead are in fact still alive.
Well this is disappointing. Looks like you turned out to be a normalfag who doesn't get it.
The number is 616. Read the books. You're doing it all wrong. Check out Tesla.
Jesus reigns over you as well as your ideology and idolatry that is conjured up.
Privatization divides and decentralizes power. A cyberpunk dystopia is much freer than a 1984 dystopia. The middle ages despite its all powerful feudal lords was in practice much freer today because of how incredibly decentralized power was.
>Ra is Apollo
Apollo would probably be more like Horus, just like Sol Invictus. The catch is Horus is also Re, so we're being sort of inconsistent if I'm honest. Hell, sometimes Re is Horus' dad. Either way, Horus is the Sun/Son, just as Apollo is both of them too. Jesus, you'll find aligns with the archetype in a similar fashion.
Re is the Sun itself, born of the Lotus.
What's wrong with Apollo, anon? He gave us The Music, the Oracles, was a renown healer and embodied the Sun. He was also the reflection of Dionysus and the twin brother of Artemis (sometimes the Moon, but also sometimes Venus).
Did you know that Apollo and Artemis are both Twins and Lovers, just like Kekui and Kauket (both the Morning Star and Evening Star, just like Apollo and Artemis, respectively)? You know him better as Kek though.
>Dark occultism is more babylonian mysteries than Egyptian mysteries.
Explain to everyone what "Dark occultism" is, anon.
>There was a dark occult school in Egypt (the cult of Set)
Boy, that sure is interesting. What about the time when Set helped Re by defending him from Apep though? Remember how sometimes Re is Horus' dad? What was Horus' deal then, if Set both killed his dad and, curiously, protected him from dying?
>the real evil is from what I can gather as an outsider is the cult of Ishtar and the cult of Baal
That's neat but did you know Ba'al and Ishtar are just another reflection of Apollo and Artemis or Kekui and Kauket, just like I mentioned here >>475669669?
Say, anons, any chance you're noticing a pattern here?
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You may as well just beg them not to look, you desperate nigger.
>The Kabbalah is one occult school of thought
Is it? Is that what it is? Explain more. This should be fun.
>the Jesuits draw on ancient occult schools the public really has no access to
No, we have access and they're very easy to find. You're looking for Mithraism and then Neoplatonism. Check out some Aquinas if you don't believe me. He never shuts up about Aristotle (or at least what he talked about).
>they use very black occultism that draws energy from suffering.
Is that right? Can you explain what "black occultism" is?
Sam Hyde's Fishtank is a CIA funded (Peter Thiel) recruitment group for both the CIA and Freemasons. Sam is a Freemason. Fishtank is a recruitment operation and it's obvious.
>never has complete recordings of the seasons, half the data or more is lost, always released in a disorganized unusable fashion
>final cuts of seasons are shitty on purpose so nobody will watch them, purposefully include none of the real story arcs of the show or degradation contestants went through (yeah I fucked you up but now you're "stronger" and nobody knows, you owe me!)
>show is filled with light torture, both physical and mental challenges engineered by production to test their mettle
>production's interactions with contestants are classic CIA "manipulate them to do what you want instead of asking"
>always ends up looking like stockholm syndrome because Sam is a wealthy celebrity and he only recruits the poorest people imaginable
>production follows the fish post show, is always in their discords under different usernames
>production always donates to fish under different usernames to manipulate the situation so they feel like they "owe" Sam for making them successful
>production uses black hat databases to scrape data on the fish to know EXACTLY who they are before the show, they know EVERYTHING about the fish and all the "shocking revelations" are planned in advance
>they are the ones who "hack" contestant's web accounts using these databases
How did production get access to the backend of Google? They would need government connections for that.

If he was running a web TV show, he would at least try to grow the show. He isn't running a web TV show, it's a recruitment scheme. They pretend to be incompetent so there is no evidence of what they did that season.
how does a privatized central intelligence agency with no restrictions from the constitution divide or decentralize anything you complete retard. what divisions do you see?
>How are they going to lose?
The same way they always do. They'll do it to themselves.

Sucks to suck.
>The occult literally means hidden.
>Nothing truly powerful is ever going to become a popular fad.
>If I wanted to get into effective occultism (NOT dark occultism but I'm leary of even white occultism) I would start with whatever Newton and Francis Bacon were into since they were definitely effective and powerful occultists and most of what they studied is a matter of public record.
Newton and Bacon are cool, sure. Bacon wrote a cool book that's a sort of sequel to Plato's Republic. But who the fuck is telling you about muh "dark occultism" and muh "white occultism" and why are you letting retarded charlatans inform you about this shit?
>I have no interest in Jesuit torture rituals even if they work unless I can practice them on fucking Jesuits...
Woah not bad. Let's not got all obsessed with hurting people though. That's not what we're here for. Your inclinations about the jesuits appear to be accurate though. Well done.
>the problem is the fucking Jesuits infiltrated them in the 1800s
It started sooner, but I like where this headed.
>I'm not sure there are any known white occultist clubs remaining at least that you could find through publically searching.
While what you're saying is very confused, there's still some solace to be had here. The Mystery Schools do appear to be dead, at least in large part. If they were active, they'd contact you. You wouldn't walk into one of their clubs one day because you got bored and looked up the address on the internet.
There are alternatives, however. Still, "white occultist", as if everything were in fact black and white, is very lazy. You should feel bad for being this lazy.
Hitler was allied with Italy. Where's Rome again? How do you think Hitler got so much money? Who owns the Vatican?
What happened is very obvious, especially when we account for both the Balfour Declaration and the Haavara Agreement.
Basically dark occultist you use occult/spiritual forces for egoic ends rather than the greater good and to bring you closer to the source and they are willing to furthermore use stuff like torture and sacrifice rituald. Newton and Tesla were obvious white occultist. Dietrich Eckhart, the Jesuits in general, the pizzagate people are dark occultist.
you mean the jews, jew.
This one said a naughty word.
>Yes its' Jewish
If only it were. Unfortunately, some say Persian, some say Egyptian and some say Sumerian. Jewish, however, it certainly was not.
>LHP is the bad stuff, most of the time. Other-focused, benefic RHP can seem superficially similar but with very different purposes, intents and morality
Alas, this is dreadfully incorrect. You've got this all wrong. "Left Hand" means heterodox and "Right Hand" means orthodox. In practice, this means "Right Hand" would be like Catholicism, Protestants, Christian Orthodox, you know, the Established Religion™. Instead, "Left Hand" in practice means Gnosticism or Tantrism (traditionally, it was a reference to Tantrism, largely because it doesn't necessarily require a guru).
>Oversimplification to put it that way but LHP is self focused and RHP is system/other focused, generally.
Maybe I should have kept reading, but I'll leave the above. You do sort of seem the idea, but relating it to the duality of normalfags' apathetic graspings at morality is beneath us.
Ok now we know you’re a filthy jew
No the enlightenment started while the jews were powerless ghetto dwellers jews are overwhelmingly the same middlemen to the truly powerful they have been since the middle ages.
jews ruin everything
Middlemen to Satan.
You know how when Elon Musk became the world's richest man, he went back to PayPal, bought the company out and started torturing everyone he conquered after finishing his business with the company? You know how you, a grown man, suddenly had the urge, as if you were a kid, to go outside with a magnifying glass and spend 8 hours burning ants alive? You know how whenever you drive by a daycare, you have a sudden, overwhelming urge to go in and tell all the stupid, unlearned kids how dumb they are, about how you're totally way better at math than them, about how you can drive a car, get your dick sucked by your girlfriend and beat up all their stupid, ugly dads?
That's exactly what it's like to go through all of the trouble of learning all about these subjects just to turn around and be a super huge asshole to everyone because you figured out something they didn't. It makes zero sense and you or anyone else making these suggestions should feel stupid because you're stupid. If you think "beings more powerful than us" would come here and prey on weak, feeble humans who can't even acknowledge them, I'm afraid you have no idea just how deluded you are.
This isn't the way real power is accrued, especially not in any spiritual way. To your credit though, there are loads of assholes out there. I'm not convinced they have any success "doing magick", but if they do, they have to strain themselves considerably to sustain what they're doing. I highly doubt that's something they can keep up. Maybe that's why everything is crumbling around us rapidly.
Neither of these are correct. "jews" aren't helpless mutts sitting in the corner over there, entirely irrelevant. The Catholics hired them to avoid exposing themselves to Usury. Just like the Jesuits, the "jews" are another arm of the supposedly "royal" families.
Elon only seems to torment those who deserve it like the useless jeet leftist parasites investing twitter...
WEF tools
luciferian creeps (may be the same as the WEF tools)
christian dominionist assholes
russian billionaires
saudi billionaires
Middlemen are not entirely irrelevant but they have very little real power and to the extent they have real power they are far better than the jeets they are being replaced with now...
oh yeah, and zionists. how could I forget the zionists? they're the worst of the bunch. 20 minute standing ovations for an incompetent (or outright evil) war criminal. what a joke
>List the main deep state groups and factions. How are they going to lose?
Acusers shall be held to account
judges shall he judged
liars shall be decieved
taskmasters shall be put to the tasks
gatekeepers shall be kept out
waarmongers shall not know peace
idolaters shall never produce
necromancers shall never live
leaders shall only follow
followers shall not lead
the illuminated shall live in darkness
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>The occult literally means hidden
I said this and you don't write "literally" for everything hipster.
> If I wanted to get into effective occultism (NOT dark occultism but I'm leary of even white occultism) I would start with whatever Newton and Francis Bacon were into
Get a STEM degree then

>Jesus reigns over you as well as your ideology and idolatry that is conjured up.
Jesus couldn't even reign over his disciples.

>LHP and RHP occultism.
Grow up harry potter. That's just selling points to get you to do gnosticism. It's not old and it's not even esoteric because it's been well known since Simon Magus starting the larp.

Do you know how quotes work you moron? It's either a ".." or a : with a space and full paragraph.
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kabbalah is not monolithic. in fact there are many subsets, some of them jewish and some of them christian/gnostic, like rosicrucians and masons.
the masons are gnostics and therefore they hate the jewish God and their religion more than anything.
modern day israel is wholly masonic, as well as one of the most irreligious countries in the world. their supreme court building is very masonic too, with a big pyramid on top.
and the founder of the illuminati, adam weishaupt, was born a christian and died a christian. masons are largely christians, and royal arch masons specifically have to be trinitarian christians.
they see jesus as in opposition to the creator God, who is seen as immensely powerful, yet still not as powerful as mankind. the sticking point being that people have to achieve gnosis, or understanding in order to gain such power, to become gods themselves.
the so called gospel of truth has jesus saying that he was the snake in the garden, he gave gnosis to adam and eve. most christians equate the snake with the devil or satan, although the bible only says serpent.
lucifer is also jesus, it is the planet venus in the morning. in the latin jesus calls himself lucifer in revelation, but in english it's usually rendered "bright and shining morning star". the pentagram is a symbol of jesus too, it's all over cathedrals in europe. it symbolizes the five wounds as well as the path of the planet venus over time.
I have just the archived thread for this topic
I have a stem degree (electrical engineering), fuck jeets.
>the pentagram is a symbol of jesus too, it's all over cathedrals in europe. it symbolizes the five wounds
interesting. Didnt know that one.
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in the gnostic texts, to which they adhere, the beast is a good guy, who has been unfairly slandered. there is a small quest in a psp game, brotherhood of the blade, where a guy called beast needs his name cleared.
666 also represents jesus, it's an astronomical number, actually 66.6. this is because the tilt of the earth is 66.6 degrees (usually listed as 23.4 degrees, but the other side of the angle has a measurement too). there are therefore 66.6 degrees between the tropics of cancer and capricorn. the tropics are where the sun shines the strongest, which is highly symbolic because esoterically jesus is also the sun. look up robert sepher's videos on 666, he does a better job than i can of explaining.
if you watch this you can see the beast, sexy boy the monkey is a stand in for jesus, believe it or not. there is even a shot of the twin towers (jachin and boaz) as well as 999 (upside down 666) on a building. so the monkey goes away to the moon (ascends into heaven), and when he returns, everyone loves him, and all of the world leaders pledge allegiance to him.
also note the lyrics, they talk about becoming a God as well.
un jour je serai beau
un corps d'un dieu
>one day i will be beautiful
>a body of a god
>the masons are gnostics and therefore they hate the jewish God and their religion more than anything.
Gadreel and Samael are actually both just Saturn, anon.
>modern day israel is wholly masonic, as well as one of the most irreligious countries in the world. their supreme court building is very masonic too, with a big pyramid on top.
Masons have never been fond of "jews" since they blew their spot up. At lest, masons claim to come from the people who "jews" have been larping as, the Proto-Christians.
>they see jesus as in opposition to the creator God, who is seen as immensely powerful, yet still not as powerful as mankind. the sticking point being that people have to achieve gnosis, or understanding in order to gain such power, to become gods themselves.
Nope. They think Jesus resembles Thoth-Hermes, Apollo, Azazel, Enki, Dagon-Ea, Dionysus-Osiris and plenty more.
>the so called gospel of truth has jesus saying that he was the snake in the garden, he gave gnosis to adam and eve. most christians equate the snake with the devil or satan, although the bible only says serpent.
It goes quite a bit further than this. Jesus was the Serpent which hangs from a tree (see Odin) and offers the "Fruit" (of the Vine), which procures Gnosis-Samadhi. He is a Druid. The symbol of the Druids is the Apple Tree.
He's not Lucifer. He's a Lucifer. One of them. Lucifer is a title, an archetype. Sometimes he's Thoth. Sometimes he's Prometheus. Sometimes he's Enki. Sometimes he's Quetzalcoatl.
He also happened to be the last Pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Empire. His name would have been Caesarion. He inspired the King Arthur myth.
The number, again, is 616, not 666.
Also, the idea is definitely not, without any doubt "to become a god". The idea is to remember that you are and always have been apart of the one true consciousness experiencing itself and that so is everyone else.
Rothschild & Co
Russia and China
Muslim Brotherhood (Now allied with the elites. Huma + Søyboy Soros)
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bohemian grove is not kabbalah dude. but again jewish and christian kabbalah are two different things, and they usually spell them differently in order to differentiate, like cabalah, qaballah, and so forth.
the cremation of care is explicitly christian:
>The ceremony was further expanded in 1893 by a member named Joseph D. Redding,[5] with a Midsummer High Jinks entitled The Sacrifice in the Forest, or simply "Druid Jinks", in which brotherly love and Christianity battled and won against paganism, converting the druids away from bloody sacrifice.
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Jesus was a nobody named Joshua that never actually existed but was based on the Cynic's philosophy mixed with the Judean revolutionary passive resistance movement that is the TRUE "ESOTERIC" meaning of the gospels. They had been doing that shit since Philo of Alexandria. It's all a larp that wouldn't exist today if Constantine's mother hadn't gone on vacation and converted to a "women are equal in the eyes of the Creator" religion that hated Rome.
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they were rosicrucians, francis bacon was their leader. they are gnostic christians who hate the old testament and the law of moses.
here is an excerpt from the golden dawn 5=6 ritual, and there is all kinds of symbolism as well as their explanations. they also invoke jesus.
All separate Wands and Cruces, and give Sign of Cross.
All: The Sign of Osiris Slain.
Ch. Ad: L -- The Sign of the Mourning of Isis. With bowed head.
2nd Ad: V -- The Sign of Typhon and Apophis. With head erect.
3rd Ad: X -- The Sign of Osiris Risen. With head bowed.
All: L V X, (Lux) the Light of the Cross. Saluting Sign and head bowed.
All quit Tomb and return to previous places.
Ch. Ad: In the Grand Word YEHESHUAH by the Key-Word I.N.R.I., and through the concealed Word LVX, I have opened the tomb of the Adepti.
All present give LVX Signs.

i forgot to mention that 666 is also gematria for shem yehoshua, which means (the) name (of) jesus
>Last of the mystic numbers of the sun. סורת, the spirit of Sol. Also עממו סתן, Ommo Satan, the Satanic Trinity of Typhon, Apophis, and Besz; also שם יהשוה, the name of Jesus. The names of Nero, Napoleon, W. E. Gladstone, and any person that you may happen to dislike, add up the this number. In reality it is the final extension of the number 6, both because 6 x 111 (אלף = 111 = 1) = 6 and because the Sun, whose greatest number it is, is 6.
You do know about the concept of controlling any and all opposition right? The giant owl is Lillith. Change the letters all you want... it still comes off as "progressives" pretending their not pinko commies.
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Sekhmet and Maahes are both pretty cool.
Like the second post says, the Lion-guy is the Demiurge, Saklas, the Ialdaboath, Abraxas, Samael, Gadreel and so on.
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i'm not speaking about my point of view, i am speaking of theirs. i did not come about my viewpoints by conjecture or putting thoughts in other people's heads, i came to it by careful study of some really boring books written by occultists.
ok now i know what's fucking you up, it's that retard girl who made a power structure pyramid, and she supposedly is an expert (we have her word on this i guess) because she was in a satanic cult. this is fucking dumb. she is beyond full of shit. there are tons of these ex-whatevers, ex-witches, masons, satanists, that claim to have insider knowledge and just blather pure shit through a firehose.
the oldest known meaning for the g was for geometry, and this is because knowledge of such is immensely useful in actual masonry. so they took these ideas and used them as teaching tools. pythagoras, who is one of their progenitors, claimed to demonstrate the existence of an intelligent creation through the study of geometry.
and gadreel means wall of god, not god's builder. and God IS the builder ffs.
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in some old manuscripts, yes it is. but not all nor the majority. to say this with such certitude means you don't know the background.
masonry is explicity about apotheosis, aka becoming a god. pic related is the apotheosis of george washington. he is also depicted as the baphomet, which is not the devil but sophia, goddess of wisdom.
so the pyramid with the all seeing eye represents God. but when one becomes a master mason, one becomes the capstone of the pyramid oneself.
Tate doesn't really fit in that image considering that he's the only one there who doesn't support the Jews and openly supports Gaza
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>The giant owl is Lillith
no, the giant owl is minerva, an analog of sophia, as both are associated with wisdom. so is athena, who shook a spear (shakespeare!) in the face of ignorance, who to gnostics is personified by the demiurge. athena also had a magic helmet that made her invisible, much like frodo and bilbo in lord of the rings.
i should also say that laveyan satanism is based explicitly (he says so in the introduction to the satanic bible) on ayn rand's objectivism. her worldview is also extremly gnostic, just cross out God and write in government. atlas shrugged is about a group of enlightened individuals (masons) who basically go on strike, as a union would. the masons were originally a union. she also has a book called the fountainhead about a great architecht, the masonic name for the demiurge, which means artisan or craftsman
and communism is about the return to the golden age of saturn/cronus, an agrarian society where everyone was equal.
moshiac and nachash (serpent) both have the same gematria value of 358
jesus compares himself to the bronze snake as well. pretty sneky of him. he also caused a miraculous catch of fish, much like pythagoras...
A rabbi wrote a chapter in "his" book. Not the same thing.
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he is the top G, though, isn't he? he is playing a role, he is taking on the role of demiurge, who in the apocryphon of john creates sex to destroy mankind. the saturnian desires (all gods associated with the planet saturn are associated with the demiurge) are the base ones, also compared to lead in alchemy. in fact the metal associated with saturn is lead. so the riddle is that lead and gold are very similar, both heavy and most importantly malleable, easy to shape and work. so if alchemy is about changing lead to gold, the analogy would follow that one would transform earthly desires of the flesh into golden, spiritual outcomes.
remember too that masons compare horus to jesus, and not for the reasons you see in zeitgeist, which is horribly wrong. you can see how the pythagorean theorum is used to encode osiris, isis and horus. remember that osiris had a replacement golden penis with which he used to father osiris, a spiritually immaculate conception. in fact it was very common in the mediterranian are to have godmen who had virgin mothers, like alexander the great and romulus. also perseus, the story from the movie immortals.
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and just to tie this in with masonry
also note that 47 is code for jesus
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here is an obscure 666
the three nails of the cross, right? but the letter vav, which has a gematria of 6, is modelled after a tent peg or nail. so it could be read as 666. notice the sun behind it, a symbol of christ
some catholics might have been to a mass in which the priest takes the host and puts it in this special device with a sunburst motif. he then prays towards it in silence while incense is burned. it's called eucharistic adoration.
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might as well dump my 666's
His name was definitely not "Joshua". It was apparently James, potentially having derived from what would now be translated as Jacob.
The "G" means Gnosis, anon.
That doesn't mean Gadreel isn't ever featured or discussed. Again, Gadreel, like Samael, is Saturn, the overseer of Samsara.
>everyone is a satanist lol
>masonry is explicity about apotheosis, aka becoming a god
Apotheosis doesn't mean "being a god", anon. Apo (from) and theos(is) (God) means "from God". So practically it's more like "of God" or "an aspect of God" or maybe "God-like". It doesn't mean to "become a god". It's about incorporating or integrating Divinity.
>the baphomet, which is not the devil but sophia, goddess of wisdom.
Baphomet isn't Sophia. Baphomet is the combination of opposites. I like Crowely on this, where he cites Zeus-Harpocrates and Dionysus-Zagreus. This feels apt, symbolizing the subtle, whimsical, child-like power combined with the Rebirth archetype in Dionysus-Zagreus, a potent composite, fusing secrecy with justice/power along side potency and rebirth. It should speak to the luminating, cyclical fertility of the human spirit. Of course it's not evil.
For the Gnostic Mystery, you're looking at Jesus marrying Sophia (Mary Magdalene).
>jesus compares himself to the bronze snake as well. pretty sneky of him. he also caused a miraculous catch of fish, much like pythagoras...
He's the Piscean Avatar. He's Dagon-Ea-Enki. If you like the whole Maitreyan thing, here's your chance to talk about how Enki is actually Jesus, Saint Germain and Apollonius of Tyna or whoever else. Anyway, the story is everywhere from Quetzalcoatl to Oannes to Padmasambhava and it mirrors Enki (see also Neptune/Poseidon), his water and fish symbolism and the general Bodhisattva nature.

>no, the giant owl is minerva, an analog of sophia
No it's Lillith because they are JUDEO-CHRISTAINS NOT FUCKING GREEKS!!!!!!!!!

You /x/ posters muddy the waters worst that Alex Jones.
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666 can also refer to the meeting of heaven and earth, what the masons call the great work. the only other time we see 666 in the bible is when it's talking about solomon's gold, which was 666 talents. this could mean idiomatically that he had all the gold in all of creation, or more gold than anyone.
its literally just Jews, they will destroy themselves but are going to drag everyone else down with them
jews made Michael cover one eye just like they snuck boys in his bed
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vatican,edinburgh,third reich,trump vs cia city of london, rothschilds, rockefellers, biden.
both are jewish
Loads of aspects of "Judeo-Christians" were Greek. The designation doesn't make sense though, "Judeo-Christians". There weren't "Jews" around yet. The Essenes were definitely not "jewish".
The deep state does not work for the United States.
The deep state are the foreigners who tell Americans what to do.
They function as government employees but do not work for the American people.
Essentially the deep state is organized crime just like the Mafia.
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>g is gnosis only
i explained it means several things, meanings are not exclusive in symbolism and often mean many things at once. context is key. and i agree it can mean gnosis, but as i said i am using and posting sources that can be verified, not just me huffing farts.
sit down and have a glass of water please. i'm picturing you typing standing up like jerry lee lewis
Apotheosis (from Ancient Greek ἀποθέωσις (apothéōsis), from ἀποθεόω/ἀποθεῶ (apotheóō/apotheô) 'to deify'), also called divinization or deification (from Latin deificatio 'making divine'), is the glorification of a subject to divine levels and, commonly, the treatment of a human being, any other living thing, or an abstract idea in the likeness of a deity.

please go away
Anon asked where did all those kids came from I step up and said my name so they could all know is because they fucking spy on me
As usual, their reach will exceed their grasp and everyone will get tired of the bullshit.
After that...I'll have a coke.
this is a fairly comprehensive list
I think the big issue is you saying "a god". If you just said "God", I'd be on board. But "God" isn't such a malleable subject, I don't think. I don't mean to be a pedant about this, but feel like it's important for the normalfags because they're going to sperg over you "being a pagan" when what you're saying isn't really wrong. In other words, my pedantry is on purpose, anon.
>G and Gnosis
I guess I'm not saying it can't mean other things, but I'm basically certain it's either Gnosis or (Saint) Germain. "Geometry" and "God" seem like shit they say to get you to shut up.
>y-you're huffing farts and stuff
I don't care if anyone clicks on some link and confirms I'm right or whatever. Sources are for niggers. They can figure it out themselves if they want to badly enough. It's fun you'd act like I don't have a good grasp of these subjects though.
>the jesuits
nice deflection attempt. it's pretty well known that the freemasons are now a jewish fraternity, you can only join as a non-jew if you become the goodest shabbos goy.
>Demiurge is a bad guy
Saturn isn't bad. He's not a big meanie. He's not "keeping you locked in a prison". If you don't grow up, you won't get anything out of this.
>everyone is jewish guys!
It's the Jesuits that repeatedly infiltrated them. The founding fathers even discussed it publicly. The Jesuits and "jews" have long been buds.
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>Greeks, Egypt, Druids, Witches, Babylonians, Indians....aliens.
You can cover your pig in lipstick but it's still just plain old Kabbalah... You've been found out.
Almost any idiot can join the freemasons today, jesuits takes 14 years.
I am not a member of the jesuit order they just like me because I follow liberation theology
Mason here. I see Jesus/Yeshua as a teacher of hermetic truths
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the sqaure and compass is clearly the same as the hexagram, which is a label for God, the demiurge. it is lots of other things too, but you see this in movies all the time to point out which character is the demiurge. in most instances, it means great architect of the universe.
here is one instance in drive, where shannon (means wisdom in irish) is killed by the demiurge cum jewish gangster loan shark who has a pizza place with checkerboard tiles like solomon's temple. he uses a jewish ritual slaughter knife to kill him, and even has the halachic case for it too. when the camera angle changes to him, the race car with the number 7 is right beside his head.
so driver is jesus who pays the debt for standard, the everyman. in hebrew debt and sin are the same word. there is a version of the lord's prayer where they say debt instead of sin. same idea in merchant of venice. shylock being God is the only thing that makes sense out of wanting flesh, which is what atones for sin in the christian worldview.
so it's pretty clear the square and compass/hexagram is a symbol of the demiurge
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yep, running scared. you got me
here is joker as the compass in the square and compass configuration, which in this context means jesus
the demiurge is thought to be 2 parts, hence square AND compass, and 2 triangles forming the hexagram. also jachin and boaz have the same meaning, the union of opposites.
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OK: The Klan (Freemasons), Mormons (Freemasons), Jews, Perverts (Jews), commies ( Jews too), Media scum (jews), Banksters (Joos), Dope ( Chinese Jews), Casinos (Jews). Faggotry ( Jews), Feminism (Jews)
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this is from the 18th degree of scottish rite, where the compass is equated to the pelican, which is equated to jesus. this symbol was also on the 1st edition cover of the kjv. queen james was also a very public homosexual as well as a mason.
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How much does it cost to move a step ahead of NPR?
The Six(th) is Saturn, sure.
So the G can mean Gadreel. But the real mind bender is G being Gnosis and the implications of Freemasonry keeping Gnosticism alive this whole time.
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and of course the compass is open to 47 degrees
>my pedantry
you are not being pedantic, to be pedantic you would have to be correct. instead you are making up new meanings for words like apotheosis.
>Sources are for niggers
good lord
WWI was the last of the aristocracy getting purged by globohomo. They should have burned Paris to the ground when they had the chance instead of letting it metastasize. Rome and London too for good measure. They had a chance to purge the Parisian enclaves before it was too late but they didn't.
>you're making it up
I'm not. The word is a combination of the two roots "apo", which means "from" and "theo", which means "God". I'm not making it up when I'm correcting you in saying it doesn't mean "become a god", but "from God". You can say I'm not right, but that's literally exactly what those two roots mean when put together.
>ugh just post sources
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gadreel is probably the only thing it doesn't mean. it's just azazel and they call him this once. it's like someone just seized on the first time they saw a name with a g and decided that that's it. no more investigation needed.
azazel and semjaza gave men knowledge, they are promethean good guys to gnostics, not the bad guys.
this video gets into all of this for anyone following the conversation.
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I'm a regular visitor to level 9!
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>Apotheosis (from Ancient Greek ἀποθέωσις (apothéōsis), from ἀποθεόω/ἀποθεῶ (apotheóō/apotheô) 'to deify'), also called divinization or deification (from Latin deificatio 'making divine'), is the glorification of a subject to divine levels and, commonly, the treatment of a human being, any other living thing, or an abstract idea in the likeness of a deity.

good night anon
>Look masons!

47+90=137 Fine structure constant. The universe is divinely and perfectly made. Be like the universe, constantly eradicating the problems which plague it on the macro scale, on the micro delve deep into your inner being, rectifying that which needs to be rectified
Samyaza is called a Satan, Azazel too, I believe. Azazel fits the bill for a Lucifer archetype. Samyaza too, to some extent, sort of reminding me of Odin.
>it doesn't mean Gadreel
I'm not really all that attached to what its actual meaning is. I just think it's most fun to point out it means Gnosis because it pisses everyone off equally.
Gadreel is not Azazel.
Again, none of this means "becoming a god". To "deify" isn't to "make something become a god". When we mock someone for being "wrongfully deified", we're not objecting to them "being a god" now. We're objecting to their being compared to "God". These are important linguistic distinctions to make and you confusing normalfags like this is annoying. Call me pedantic if you want, but this definitely matters.
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>>Look masons!
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Kabbalah is a system of spiritual enlightenment. It doesn't mean raping and dimembering kids, frazzledrip, being the deep state,etc. The deep state is ZOG nad the banking system. Conflict is fake and gay, fake pandemic proved that to everybody. Please catch up anon
Big Tech is one of them.
The mask slipped when Facebook gave money to voting polls for (((COVID safety)))
deep state
mill (military)
farm (pharma)
n-words (redacted)
sec (security's)
psy-cops(swarm management)

the meemes are not that funny but its kinda still funny theres like 30 more i skipped all the scary ones

(not includeing the cross party when psy meets mill pharma theos we get black sites and that shit is nightmare fuel)
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ok 007
on the off chance you will watch and digest anything in this, you can see that christian kabbalah is used by masons in conjunction with astrology, numerology, geomancy and tarot imagery.
i'm calling you dishonest and slippery and manipulative, not pedantic. you tried doing this with me months ago on the definition of cthonic too, you just made shit up and refused to budge when called out. you are a dime store psychopath and not a very good one.
yes! i'm glad you caught that. it's also the 33rd prime. 33 is important because it represents da'at, or knowledge on the tree of life. there are 22 letters and 10 numbers used to create the world, as God spoke the world into existence. so this equals 32, with 33 being sort of transcendent if you will.
despite what some may claim, the jewish and christian concepts of da'at share many similarities but also many differences. for jews it's about union with God, and for gnostics a way to defeat him
Yes, we live in an atheistic jewish hegemony, but they aren’t the only players at the table. The factions continue to war with each other.
>you tried doing this months ago
That doesn't sound at all familiar. I'm not "being dishonest. That's simply not what the fucking word means.
>uhhh yeah kabbalah is basically distorted Christianity
Yeah we know, Jews, Freemasons, and Jesuits have been seething at Jesus for 2,000 years.

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