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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>475645041

▶Day: 883 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

> Russian Parliament passes law punishing soldiers for using gadgets with internet access
> The ambassadors of the EU agreed to provide Ukraine with 4.2 billion euros in budget aid from the EU
> GUR hacked the banking system of the Russian Federation: Sberbank, Raiffeisen and Alfa Bank are down
> Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian side, but it should be an "honest dialogue" - Kuleba
> Russian Shahed drone attacked the Romanian village of Plaura
> Andrei Torgashov, deputy chief of the radio center of the military satellite communications unit, was blown up in Moscow.
> A Spanish court sentenced a retired man to 18 years in prison for sending a series of booby-trapped letters to embassies of Ukraine and the United States at the end of 2022
> Kuleba visits China
> Su-25 eternal flight over Donetsk region
> Hungary will not be allowed to host a strategic EU meeting next month because of Orbán’s self-proclaimed “peace mission” trips to moscow and Beijing without the union’s authority
> The Parliament of Ukraine extended martial law and general mobilization for 90 days from August 12 to November 9, 2024
> Ukraine to ban Lukoil from sending oil to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline
> The governor of Belgorod region Gladkov instructed the heads of municipalities to go to the homes within 15 km border zone and persuade people to leave - RIA
> The russia attacked by 75 drones, russian MoD reports, visible confirmation of arrivals at Tuapse oil refinery and at Morozovsk airfield
> Trump and Zelenskyy had a phone talk, both gave a positive feedback about it


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually-confirmed losses)

We need to discuss the extreme faggotry of EU hours.

The constant caterwauling of EU lesbians is intolerable. Its a bit like hair and nail salon in here, just endless cackling women flinging shit in all directions.

When it comes to Burger hours, all the sackless europeans flee and uhg is dead.

This is enough evidence for the notion that the US should abandon NATO countries. You're all fucking worthless.
The greatest poverty in the world can only be found when looking for America's interests in ukraine.

There is so little interest for the American people in ukraine that the opposite exists in reality.

In fact, there are significant interests for the American people in being allies with Russia.

The US has no geopolitical conflicts with Russia worth going to war over. The two (along with Europe) have vast opportunities for trade and cooperation.

The west's involvement in ukraine is the embodiment of all the reasons the west is in decline.
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God hates Russia, land of the sodomite damned! The fag-infested land of Russia is burning. The fire of God's wrath is sending hundreds of those filthy Russian beasts straight to hell! We in the West are rejoicing, and we are praying that the dear Lord would burn many more Russians alive!
> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory:
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all Finished.

say no to fake ukie flags.

ukraine has no electricity, we shouldnt be hearing the crying of piggies anymore.
Fake woman detected. Mearshpidorashka, when will you stop embrassinf yourself?
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>Ukraine to ban Lukoil from sending oil to Hungary and Slovakia via the Druzhba pipeline.
What is this? Pipe is used by various oil companies. They can easily lie about the origin or swap timeslots when “such and such company oil is flowing”.
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Uh oh, stinky jeets itt~
is oyver
why did you turn down the chance to debate the ukieflag mearshnigger?
how many military and civilian casualties is ukraine estimated to have suffered
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the current government in ukraine wont be around long enough for this to matter.
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Im not here to debate trannies.

I am here to rub your face in shit.

Previously on SFB
>>475052201 >>475052265
Possible FATF sanctions against Russia
>>475052371 >>475052413
Buryatia highway bridge collapsed
The Ministry of Finance is falling further behind the borrowing plan
>>475052567 >>475052605
KamAZ's profit collapsed 20fold
>>475052681 >>475052723
Trade with China has become a gamble
The ex-head of the Moscow Department of Culture, arrested for bribery, is going to war
Russian imports are still declining
>>475052908 >>475052943
Russia lost 3 trillion rubles worth of imports due to payment problems
>>475053019 >>475053055
Communist policies in real time
>>475053114 >>475053149 >>475053196
Majority of Russians will repay mortgages after retirement
>>475053234 >>475053270
UAE bank stopped accepting transfers in dirhams from Russia
>>475053384 >>475053428 >>475053466 >>475053501
Russians' debt grew by a trillion rubles in a month
>>475053560 >>475053596 >>475053638
Arkady Volozh cut ties with Russia
>>475053791 >>475053823
Residents of Krasnodar came out to protest
>>475053856 >>475053893
The government has increased duties on goods from “unfriendly” countries
>>475053948 >>475053983

>>475054711 >>475054767 >>475054820 >>475054860 >>475054903 >>475054954 >>475054991 >>475055037 >>475055085 >>475055135 >>475055169 >>475055250
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Say, in 336 hours?
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Reminder that this >>475654186
>>475654258 redditspacing tranny isn't an american, but a rusnigger on a VPN lmao.

>dead links
silly turd
so why didn't you rub his face in it? same reason your id is jew?
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Are you also here to pretend that you are an american? lmao get fucked rusnigger
sex with ukrainian refugees

endless cackling women flinging shit in all directions.

the lesbians simply cant contain themselves.
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and I am here to see DEAD RUSSIANS
>thinks the majority, especially lurkers/outside observers, use 4chanx
You really can't get over the fact that you fucked up. I will keep telling people that you are a rusnigger on VPN until you drop the VPN. It is that simple. Once you stop being ashamed of your subhumanity, I will stop as well. Do you feel liberated?
He loves Americans. He desperately begs us to change our minds and be allied to Russia. As if we’d ever lower ourselves to something that disgusting.

idiots associate themselves with piggy women.

The wisdom passed down from the ancients tells us not to stick our dick in crazy. Fucking piggy women is orders of magnitude more disastrous.

Please make better decisions in the future, anon.
Such is a life of a rusnigger. They desperately want to be somebody else.
Hey, mongoloid, when will you drop that VPN? How long will you make a clown out yourself?
>cares about newfags
>thinks lurkers can't use an archive
even newfags laugh at you
>I will keep telling people that you are a rusnigger on VPN until you drop the VPN.

what will that accomplish?

everyone ignores you.
Have you seen the slight uptick of people that call you out on this? It will only continue. You can cope all you want, but you can't help it. Get fucked, subhuman lmao
>lesbians can't contain themselves
>says Mearshpidorashka
>who posted drunk and fucked up his VPN switch

Fucking lesbian, I swear.
true, ukrainian women are golddiggers with high body count with absolutely no sense of loyalty as this war has shown
>what will that accomplish?
about as much as a pantry boy talking about political lesbianism and professor mearshnigger.



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Evil cannot create :(
Ziggers just steal, steal and steal :(

Your picture doesn't show any contradiction. Ukrainian diaspora directly helps the war
It's called Remittance you stupid faggot

In fact your meme is fucking ironic, a lot of drones are bought from donated money

So much irony
No self awareness
>le pathetic ragebait "swede" has arrived
I honestly can't believe you are still pretending to be retarded

I have seen so many videos of piggy women dancing on the graves of their own family/people. Both literally and figuratively.

piggy women are among the lowest class of female in the world.


everything i said is true and even czech brothels are full of them
Hey rusnigger, when will you drop your clown act and start using your real flag? I mean, I know that you are from eastern russia, which makes you even bigger mongoloid, but still.
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jesus. how fucking low is the shill budget these days that they are trotting your ESL thridie ass out here.
Ok, monkey lmao
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Feels pretty good to be in the drinkable tapwater club.
Russian schizo who desperately simps for Russia while using an American VPN and trying to convince us there’s any use for an alliance with Russia. He uses a lot of weird, idiosyncratic phrases like political lesbians.
Nah, this one is different. I feel like it is an attempt to immitate triple reply schizo anon.
I don't think it would be wise for them to waste money on brazil with Russia right on their new borders.
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>is oyver
>piggy women are among the lowest class of female in the world.
true, although they are high tier in looks they are absolute filth and rotten on the inside
Oh lawd

Our famous reddit spacing primrose path lesbian, Mearschizo, fucked up his VPN switch and revealed himself to be a pidorashka (Russian).
>no refutal
thought so
Wb this?
Basically, this retard starts pretending he is retarded and all he accomplishes is being obnoxious. Well, recently he got drunk and forgot his VPN, then he admitted to be a rusnigger, but still uses american VPN to save face. He won't.

YET SHILL s still here





AN THE THE NASTY BITCH .. on Russisan Clay.
>no refutal to no argument
>therefore I win
Tell me you are a nigger without telling me you are a nigger
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Azuca is back to seething about Ukrainian women. Kek.
Fucking classic. The whole clown brigade is here once more to embarrass themselves in hopes of swaying the public opinion, while doing the exact opposite.
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reminder: everytime you dunk on mearshnigger the broomstick of correction is pushed an inch deeper.
But you're already allied with Israel...
There is nothing lower than being allied to Russia.
Listen get CUNT !
DONT FUCK WITH with those who set the BREADS ..
and a quick one You need to set self Free
that ok ,
You got so ..
YET ..
I wont raid as we did ..
I will keep dunking on him until he either completely changes his writing style or starts showing his real flag. That is my ultimatum to that subhuman.
>simps for ukrainian whores
>says others are embarrassing themselves
>allied with Israel...
>Vassal state
Hey monkey, dance for me lmao
Yes, I will be cheering for Russians dying and no, I won't go back. Seethe, cope and dilate.
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>bad bye
biden lost, no more counteroffensives, it's over, kys
Is the summer over?
wtf jannies, it's not even nsfw
>and no, I won't go back

we have discussed this.

you wont have a choice in the matter.
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Well-done zigger, extra crispy.
>le Trump will save us even though he has no administrative power to do so
Keep pretending that you are retarded. Much better than people knowing that you are a disgusting monkey.
>I will be cheering for Russians dying
>from the safety of finland like a coward
ok refugee bitch
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Sounds jewish.

Azov was funded by an Israeli, it's own founder idealizes Israel, it allows Jewish members, it actively promotes Jewish interests such that the ADL has certified them incapable of harming Jews, it's currently defending a Jewish Comedian turned President, with a largely Jewish administration, in the Ashkenazi Jewish homeland of Khazaria, while carrying Israeli rifles. They are Kosher Glowniggers.
Any second now, mongoloid lmao
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I sometime wonder how many Russian soldier’s only kill were themselves.
He might. He ran 2 years before fighting kicked off during covid
You literally live on welfare and don't even know swedish, you disgusting gorilla. When will you kill yourself? Could you at least stream it?
Yes, I will have a choice, Mearshpidorashka. Looking forward to a video with your gibbed mortal remains in Goreleaf's collection.
>president has no administrative power
just lol
>bad bye >:-(
gets me everytime
Ukraine lost. Defeated by American cowardice.
Explain in your own words, how can the president of United States stop congressional aid to a foreign country. Go ahead, pretend to be retarded some more, nigger.

the average piggy dies without ever laying eyes on a russian soldier.

the average russian dies in direct combat with their enemy.
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This poster was funded by Kremlin
>president is like a king who can decide everything on his own
just lol
Hey rusnigger, drop the VPN or the bullying is going to continue. Are you liberated yet?
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If shelomov is not a jew, how can he be godfather of citizen of israel? Why is his best friend jew? Why have his daughters married Shumalov and Zelensky, two jews?
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Yes, I will be cheering to Russians dying and killing themselves. Their government can tell them to go home and it will be over.

Just like it's over for you, niggy piggy.
Well they can't frag their officers because their rifles are taken and only handed to them right before a charge.
> how many Russian soldier’s only kill were themselves.

They won't go to hell at least, since they were drafted under duress.
I think it is a bot. This spam has been here since 2022.
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russiki mir

look at the emotional lesbian try to fling shit.

You spend all your life running, but can never escape your fate as expendable fodder.
What has it been? Like a year since you started this "Political Lesbianism" retardation? It didn't land the first time, and it's not going to land the 300th time either. By all means, continue. I'm always amused to see you n-tuple down on the most absurd jargon.
Facts leftist the ukraine supporters cannot deny and never do:

1. Gulaghomo is not real, while globohomo is very real and ukraine supporters fight for it
2. The Ukraine fights for trannies and gays
3. Groomers support the ukraine
4. Hundreds of thousands more faggots support the ukraine
5. The ukraine is losing, after 2 years they are 25 percent occupied with nothing to show for it
The ukraine has NEVER given back to the west (killing white people doesnt count)
The ukraine has always been a criminal state
Putin’s mom is not Jewish
Putin is not Jewish
Etymology is not proof, for low iq brainlets, that means a name doesn’t equal ancestry
Not everyone, some willingly came to Ukraine for money.
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>the average russian dies in direct combat with their enemy.
>or the bullying is going to continue

I want the "bullying" to continue. Its entertaining.
Why use the VPN? Everybody will know. Are you scared to respond to me? Are you scared to be a fucking retard? It is not going to stop.
Not one person gives two shits about these worthless fucking threads.
If you are not discussing how and when to hang ALL democrats in the US who are behind this blatant genocidal money laundering operation, you're part of the problem.
all russians go to hell when they die. except >>475629101 he's cool.
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hey what ship was moskva fighting when it sank?
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Answer the questions

1)If shelomov is not a jew, how can he be godfather of citizen of israel?

2)Why is his best friend jew?

3)Why have his daughters married Shumalov and Zelensky, two jews?
Mearshpidorashka, how does feel to be worthless Russian bitch nigger like you?
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Just letting you know, that I will have a comfy life, while you will suffer in rusnigeria until america comes to save you by dropping food onto your cities. Enjoy your shithole, rusnigger. Also, you are a massive pussy for still using the VPN.
he can pressure them through public opinion and negotiate
>>I want the "bullying" to continue. Its entertaining.
>my pants aren't full of shit, YOUR pants are full of shit reeeeeee
>3)Why have his daughters married Shumalov and Zelensky, two jews?


Why the fuck are chechens such vile people?
Russia is winning.
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Heard about rifles from Pow interviews. Some would argue they had choice, but in reality it’s not so easy to discern and ngl on human level I sometimes sympathise imagining bullets wizzing, arty shells exploding, drones hunting, buddies bleeding out screaming. Still, meme diplomacy dried up therefore TZD.
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look. Every knows putin is not jewish and zelensky is. Your cope is weird and reeks of conspiracy theories. ICK
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Well that will be tough, when the public opinion is pretty much unanimous even amongst his voters lmao monkey ook ook aaah aaah
>hurrdurr I'm a meticulously cultivated golem
Haha. Sad.
He keeps trying this since forever. Pathetic, really.
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Careful there.
Thank you for pretending you are retarded. Keep doing it.
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Shelomov said zelensky is not a jew, and in fact a nazi
Putin: "I have many Jewish friends. They say: Zelensky is not a Jew, he is a disgrace to the Jewish people
Shelomov-Pootin again whined that Zelensky is a nazi

Soloviev(Shapiro) : "Zelensky is not a jew"
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tranny detected
If Ukraine surrendered they could join Russia and then conquer them from the inside by out breding Russians.
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Facts aids ridden pidors who suffer from fetal alchocol syndrome cannot deny and never do

Gulaghomo is absolutely real
>Putin openly supports mass immigration and multiculturalism
>Russia has anti hate speech law-282. People are being arrested for writing comments.
>Those who offend Islam are being send to jails in Chechnya.
>Economy of Russia is controlled by western and Chinese companies and Jewish oligarchs with western passports.
>Russia has one of largest prison populations in the world.

>Majority of children of Russian elite are faggots. Shoigus son is faggot. Solovievs son is faggot. Mizulinas son is a faggot

>Pootin is a cuck who thanked Prigozhin and Erdogan for cucking him.

"Russia is fighting for BBC"
t.Zacharova and Shelomov-Pootin
Just let him pretend to be retarded. He is the best Ukraine propaganda one could think of.
he can still veto aid packages
not ones that already passed
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JD skating sneakers on suicide watch
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I have many Jewish friends since childhood xD
>T.Shelomov pootin xD
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>Can I claim payment?
This is what Ziggers die for.
And then congress overrides it anyways
Passed ones sometimes need an amendments due to an extension or other issues and one no is enough to cause trouble.
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Person, who is ethnic Khazar, whose entire family have citizenships of Finland, which is part of so called hostile bloc, has title "Hero of Russia"\

You can't make this shit up xD
And it's impossible to defend xD
ziggers just ignore this xD
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When Kamala wins, I will enjoy the absolute state of nu/pol/.
Never mind. Thought you guys talked about Hungary.
I hate that bitch so much, but I’d love the seethe too.
Who is that ?
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that's true but the president can only propose amendments he can't make them.
>Thank you.
- you welcome
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Why? She is first generation asian american. Hard working, put thousands of dindus in prisons xD
how many draft dodging fines have you paid faggot
What if he works in war related factory xD
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She’s half poo. Poo’s are my natural born enemies.
I hooe she bharatifies Israel, kek
2..8.. million.. EU

go the Fronts ok
I would like the mass seething here but I actually think Trump would be better for ukraine than the democrats
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>American flag giving an opinion
I listened to her speak a few times, people who say she can literally just sound as incoherent as biden were right.
Hey, welfare nigger, at least learn english, before talking shit.
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Trump is self serving and although unlikely could indeed become even worse for Russia than Biden is now.
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Arkadoy rotenberg, pootins best friend since childhood.

He owns construction company that is constantly "hired "by the government to build stuff, including the infamous crimea bridge.

His family have finish citizenships

He has bunch of medals for some reason, including title "hero of rasha"
We'll see if [MAGA=TZD] does come true then, fren.
im done with this ukraine coping general
ukraine's fate has been sealed, they are doomed
bye losers
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>im done with this ukraine coping general
>ukraine's fate has been sealed, they are doomed
>bye losers
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Before going to sleep I just want to thank Czech fren for baking and baking. Thank you.
>ukraine's fate has been sealed

this was the case a long time ago.

you wouldnt be a ukraine supporter if you werent far behind everyone else.
see tomorrow, beigenigger
I think Trump could go either ways, but that it's more likely he's worse for Ukraine than the dems.
of course a latvian thanks others for spreading cancer.
ook ook aaaa
Sleep well.
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Took a kino screenshoot

Also, made kino post on /chug/ xD
See you later, monkey. Try not to post pathetic ragebaits next time. Maybe white people won't make fun of you, if you don't pretend to be a retarded fucking nigger.
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>this was the case a long time ago.

You do realise that Shelomovland lost most of it's black sea ships in this war xD
And you are a rusnigger supporter, because you are a rusnigger on a VPN lmao
this is incorrect.

The nightmare scenario for Ukraine is if a uniparty candidate wins and Project Ukraine continues.

If Kamala wins, she will say it is important for the west to continue to "support" ukraine. We all know at this point there is no support to be had. The slaughter will continue and likely escalate into a broader war.

If Trump wins and dumps ukraine, the war will be over. The slaughter of piggies will come to an end. Trump is, by far, the best possible hope for ukraine and everyone else.
My long-ass forward-slash mogs them!
But yes, ⧸kino⧸ indeed.

you constantly bleat over the black sea fleet because you are starved for any sort of victory.

the black sea fleet never mattered.

By the time ukraine recovers from this war, Russia would have enough time to create 10 more black sea fleets.
i dunno. he would straighten out the retards like MTG in the house. you saw how quickly they got that aid bill up for a vote when he said something.
>If Trump wins and dumps ukraine
Why are you pretending to be retarded while pretending to be american?
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>the black sea fleet never mattered
has any russian life ever mattered?
>the black sea fleet never mattered
>Russia would have enough time to create 10 more black sea fleets
fucking kek
At least you are hilarious. Still a mongoloid though.
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> are starved for any sort of victory.

Funny you say that because under shelomovs tyrrany Soviet space industry has died. Russian auto iand aerospace ndustries have also died. Everything is now just an assembly of chink stuff

Overall this accusation is projection, ziggers cosntantly post "tranny,tranny,tranny" because Shelomovland has lower life expectancy, lower salaries, higher abortion and aids rates than west

In other words, shelomovland has no victories, nothing to be proud about

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>Russia would have enough time to create 10 more black sea fleets.

SU-57 announced in 2002
BMPT Terminator announced in 2002
UAV Altius announced in 2011
MiG-41 announced in 2013
Armata announced in 2014
Ratnik announced in 2015
Kurganets-25 Infantry Fighting Vehicle announced in 2015
T-14 Armata announced in 2015
RS-28 Sarmat ICBM announced in 2016
Uran-9 Unmanned Combat Vehicle announced in 2016
Poseidon underwater drone announced in 2018
Pantsir-SM Air Defense System announced in 2019
Sotnik announced in 2021
Su-75 Checkmate announced in 2021

Every project is either failed like Armata or too expensive like SU 57 and 75

In the context of ukraine, each Russia is worth roughly 50 ukrianians.

The average russian matters more than you do.

There is no value to traitors.
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Evil cannot create :(

No auto industry
No aeroplane industry
No domestic hardware and no domestic software :(
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>each r*ssian is worth 50 ukrops
>but 1 ukrop kills 50 r*ssians on average
Christ, the numbers are even worse if you put it like that.

My 140GB "Zigger vs drone" beg to differ.
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His pick of Vance puts some damper on this since Vance seems to deepthroat Russian propaganda.
Rumor on twitter is that Harris wants to replace the cowards in the state department but idk how true that is.
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>The average russian matters more than you do.

Not to shelomov

Russia used to spend 7.60% on healthcare and 3.7% on education.
Now it spends even less

Norway dedicates 10.09 % of GDP on healthcare and 8% of GDP to education
Norwegians: better educated+live 10yrs more than Russians
That is interesting, because it seems like every Ukie is worth at least 5 rusniggers at the front lmao. Which makes you 0.2 of a human, rusnigger. Drop the VPN.
now apply the same standard to yourself.

Lithuania creates nothing of value. There was never a time when balts were ever needed for anything.
lmao. they can't even manage to fix the kuznetsov after all these years. get the fuck out of here with this fleet building nonsense.
Here's a sound webm.
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Shelomovland has the most resources in the world, but result of 20 years of Shelomov is
Birth-rate is bellow replacement
One of highest abortion rates in the world
male life expectancy is shorter than male life retirement age. Puccian men do not retire, they work until they die
wow... did swedes finally revoke your residence permit and send your shitty black arse back to Haiti?
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fresh fabricated cringe to appeal to zoomies with
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>now apply the same standard to yourself.

Lithuania doesen't larp as supower power xD

>Lithuania creates nothing of value.
Lithuanias exports per capita are 3x Shelomovlands

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>there is no value in traitors
you're russian mearshnigger I saw you fuck up your vpn.
>the average russian matters more than you do
that's not true and you know it. just look at the fields of russian bodies burning mearsh.
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>the black sea fleet never mattered
Holy fucking kek if you think they can't cope more they just keep COPING COPING COPING MORE THAN HUMANLY POSSIBLE

damage done to the black sea fleet never stopped ukraine from being destroyed, and it did not slow the rate with which nato was demilitarized.

There are few points in history where the Russian Navy ever mattered.

Again, you are just desperate to claim any sort of victory possible. Damage to the black sea fleet is important to your information war and little else.
lol, lmao even at dead faggot russians
So when millions of migrants (at least 15% of population of Russia given many got the passports already) get deported?
warm water ports bros...
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> which nato was demilitarized.

Shelomov is literally importing shells from DPRK and drones from Iran.

Literally disarming his so called "allies".
South Korea might invade KimLand one day and DPRK will lack ammo to defend itself.
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so when the bridge is destroyed how will russia resupply crimea without landing ships?

amphibious golf carts.
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Oh ya bud, it's time KEKAROOO
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rotting russniggers, enjoy!
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For this?
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at this point in the war I believe you
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Pipe down commie shitskin LMAO
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Even russians dont care about other russians. A whole fiefdom filled with retarded meatbags. Now go sacrifice yourself, so monke can buy another french yacht.
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Always plenty of time for rotting russniggers lmao

what you believe does not matter, tranny.
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Hi senpai.

Feel free to take over, i feel sleepy now
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>IT'S TIME!!!!
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I hope Ukraine bombs r*ssian hospitals.
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I read your post about the / <---. Still pretty gay that I have to fix 'em because it's good to have it set for archival purposes, but it's not a big enough deal one way or the other.
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>it did not slow the rate with which nato was demilitarized
Did Russia even destroy more than one drone patrolling the Black Sea yet?
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Who's ready for total russnigger death.
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in many ways, its worse. When Biden speaks you can see how there is still some cylinders firing in that brain of his. There is a train of thought that exists.

Kamala says a lot but nothing she says has any meaning.
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the truth doesn't matter?
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That's a lot of disk space.
Why British are such kike slaves? They had created the whole world domination by ZOG thing being under kikes for centures
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Since they already bombed their own hospital, I don't think bombing Russian hospitals would be much of a stretch.
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Appreciate it
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This is what happens when you ask a nigger a question lmao. Why even bother.
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Cry about it commie shitskin KEKAROO
no one cares about Russians
Life expectancy in Shelomovland is even shorter than in Brazil :-(
That describes it perfectly. Like she would talk in circles, but not even big circles just A implies A.
Nobody asked me any questions?
>too scared to post it during day in Europe on anonymous website
>calls others lesbians
Only your Ukrainian brothers are crying
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Not a slav commie shitskin, just love watching niggers get their just desserts
I'm sorry you got beat up by slavs. Yes, they're tough. You need to start working out
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russian mother's don't cry when they lose their sons. infact they cheer because they will get gibs.
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Hey, I laugh at snow niggers, just like I laugh at hood niggers that get blown away by cops. Shoulda stayed home KEKAROOO
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The mysterious puccian toughness.
Except the snow nigger is you. Poojeet Kanada. But you're in Kiev shithole and a kike
Poojeet, go hit your hair salon or whever ones like you hang out. yawn
but no Ladas anymore...
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Nice cope commie shitskin lmao
Little poojet. Posting pictures online from the basement. Don't worry you won't get drafted, they don't draft fattie wuss material
Is this a mexican cartel?
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An ESLmaxxing commie shitskin and a fevela nigger is all that's left of the russnigger shill ops. How sad KEKAROOO
Out of curiosity I read about that famous 2022 draft peace agreement evil Bojo broke

>Most importantly, Putin’s officials inserted a clause saying that all guarantor states — including Russia — had to approve any response if Ukraine were attacked. Moscow could invade Ukraine and then veto any military intervention to defend against the aggression.

Tl Dr Moscow wanted to gain rime to attack again
Ukranda needs more aid to drive back the orcs so their children can be trannies and niggers imported en masse. I donated, did you??
>An ESLmaxxing commie shitskin and a fevela nigger is all that's left of the russnigger shill ops. How sad KEKAROOO
Dickless poojeet who can't get laid. Pposting pictures online oh sooo strong. Haha, what a pathetic wuss posting from Kiev, coward
Why is this such a consistent r*ssian thing?
>pls let us into HATO )))
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What are you gonna do about it commie shitskin? LMAO
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>Pposting pictures online oh sooo strong.
Literally stuttering on the internet.
We have big scary guns in America kanada coward. But you're in Kiev, khazarian ukie meat, you got no gun rights either. Keep seething from behind the screen incel wuss, eww
That's what they ALWAYS want.
Where are you posting from, poo?
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lmao, the absolute state
holy booba and nips, pls moar
Yes, we can do this to you, khazarian coward, with big scary guns. Scared yet? Keep posting pictures high school student they should turn off your internet
I will tell you when you post timestamp of hand and outlet.
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Tell me more lmao
What is this, stream of poo? Go back into poojeet ass where you came from
Flow back into poojeet ass, liquid chocolate
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It's from that mudslime attack on crocus hall in March.
Ukrainian women are now a whore diaspora
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Go on.
Didn't know the worms that live in poojeet asses can talk and post pictures I guess they got the internet there now
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Is that so?
Yeah, two legged maggot. Your mothers cunt had a whole bunch I guess
you seem upset.
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>Pentagon finds another $2 billion of accounting errors for Ukraine aid

Oh ok.
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Is that so?
Keep dreaming, you won't eat a white face as long as you live, maggon. Stay in poojeet's poo your natural habitat
>meanwhile r*ssia can't find money for tourniquets for mobiks
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Go on.
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>inb4 zigger seething and "grift" posting
Entire Kanada is a sea of poojeets excrement, keep dreaming maggot about ghetting to white country to eat white faces you're just coping. Though ya probably in Kiev behind closed borders, anyway nothing but poo there too poo maggot
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Yea. $2B may be OP-worthy.

That's nice for Ukies, but I don't think the extra 2 billion is gonna do much.
How do you guys feel when u wake up and see another village/town has been liberated by the russians?
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Uh commie shitskin, the only town russniggers even tried to take over recently is Vovchansk, which was a day 1 goal in their grand summer copefensive. An objective those niggers STILL haven't taken in 3months KEKAROOO
you mean how I feel when I know that another 1000 vatniggers died when "liberating" another assembly of 5 ruins? Great. It's worth every € of my taxes spent for it.
Its abandoned because the ukies within got killed :)






I forgot about the Litvak guy lol
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Article mentions this too:
>increasing the improperly valued material to a total of $8.2 billion
Maybe that's actually as much as Biden can still deliver without even asking US politicians.

Krasnohorivka status?

yeah yeah 1000 dead a day, zelensky told you this? Did he also tell you that the war is a stalemate?
Tell me a story about rabbits
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>gaylenzky is a degenerate kike dancing in heels
>gaylenzky supporters think they're National Socialists
this kind of shit is the reason why all of you chopped your dick, troons
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