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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
https://youtu.be/cz4clo15uZs (RSBN)
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475651637
Ultra MAGA.
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there is a very limited window in which the media apparatus can convince the otherwise apolitcal public that their kamala astroturf can compete with recent events. this blatant astroturfing, both here and elsewhere, is probably to force a false consensus that kamala has a chance to begin with, in order to create plausible deniability for fraudulent activities through the illusion of widespread support that, in reality, does not exist.

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This poster is a darkie, don't believe anything he says
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Kamal is going to win
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Gather 'round and learn the tricks of the trade.

The fraud network comprises of associates of the African Methodist Episcopal church. They have vote counters in all the key cities in swing states.

Clyburn is their pointman, and it's why any heed is paid to this retard during election season. He orchestrates the vote counters.

It's really quite simple. The elected vote counting officials that are part of the AME network count the votes on election day. Afterwards, by having access to the voter rolls, these AME riggers go through the rolls to determine what registered voters in their precincts did not vote. These AME network riggers then fill out "mail-in" ballots and assign these ballots to people that did not vote.

Voila! Democrats "win" the election and if anybody wants to audit the AME rigger fraud network, well, they are insurrectionists and threats to "democracy"!

It has been thus for generations.

Trump won so BIG LEAGUE in 2020 it took WEEKS to forge the ballots.

Camel cigarettes are alright
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Washington DC today.
Everybody hates Israel.
They're coming for you Crackers. They're lacing your food with bones.
>everytime I open the catalog it's full of harris shill threads
Goddspeed to you guys, I hope Trump wins.
>rally in Tennessee
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>Gaza is non-binary
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I don't understand how you could have chicken wings without bones. That's kind of their defining characteristic, like drumsticks. It's not like a tenderloin that is the meaty part separated from the bone.
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I think a bot posted that.
no wonder they're all suicide bombers
Sup, tranny. Still sucking dick?
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(pls someone tell me to stop procrastinating)

>I take no side and will not make any comments on this because I'm too scared to offend anyone
Hahaha get it?

The boneless chicken.
Is gonna get a bone?
My goodness.
stop procrastinating

Stop procrastinating.
Thank you
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nn when the One Who Concedes arrives make sure you tell him he missed the iranian so he can be really upset
Like how Kamala Harris spent a day in Indianapolis and today in Houston?
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Here's the link for the OP pic:

I’ll see you in a few hours when you want to post coal at him. But for now goodnight.
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Reminder that Cumala LITERALLY sucks Jewish cock every night.
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It's time to stop procrastinating faggot
Ben Carson just did an interview with Tucker Carlson, confirming my belief that Ben Carson should be Trump's Vice President and not Vance. Ben Carson is a million times more articulate and confident than a puppet like Vance is capable of. Ben Carson said he immediately liked Trump the first time he met Trump in real life at Mar a Lago and even before he met Trump, Ben Carson had nothing negative to say about Trump. Meanwhile, Vance said Trump could be the American Hitler and a sexual assaulter.

Dr. Ben Carson: The Left’s Worship of Kamala Harris, and God’s Mission for Donald Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAvO2Zdl7Gc
She literally took her career from sucking nigger dick to sucking jewish dick
>random speech grabbed out of context on twitter
>it was out of context and used across mainstream media headlines
Do you even know what he was responding to? Do you even understand the context of this speech or did you read a headline?
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I'm still enjoying the movie.
Btw. Your jersey person is a fucking №Show
>He says explicitly that people should have one vote per kid
>Acknowledges taking political rights away from people without kids
>This is out of context
Why are you so desperate to sweep for this retard?
lol no one cares about Vance, dipshit
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We are at Awoovement Condition FOUR
Please remain Awooing!
Thank You.
I do. I think JD Vance is cool as fuck dude
Thank you, frens, I'll begin watching at once.
>anons on /pol/ suddenly crying that JD Vance called politicians on the LEFT who are childless and are miserable should not be voted in for positions in power because they don't have children who will be affected by their policies
They really think Trump of all people would be offended by remarks about childless cat ladies on the left.
You ever wonder why Peter Thiel wanted him in there? In case something "happens?" Yeah fuck you glownigger I'm onto you.
He also said that people should have one vote per kid. He is a fucking retard and pandering to human scum.
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You're welcome fren!!
What 40k army does Trump play?
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Nashville is an african village.
What fucking human actually talks like that?
She's the pajeet female version of Zuckerberg, isn't she?
>[slang inception attempt failed, please learn proper english]
dumb kike
What's in your box?
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Vance is the VP pick hated most by:
>Nevertrump RINOs
>deepstate glowniggers
>illegal aliens
This tells me everything I need to know about him.
>No one cares about the position that takes over if something happens hehe stop worrying about it goy
t. catlady
Some people perform better under extreme pressure. Just accept this is who you are and start working 1h (or however much time you need to barely finish) before the deadline. Enjoy the rush and stop worrying.
>Hated by everyone because he has bullshit hot takes and thinks saying them outloud makes him look based
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Why do women have vaginas
cope and seethe kike
He named the Space Force (Planetary Defense Force) members Guardians (Imperial Guardsmen). He's playing forty kay IRL, just like Elon has the Adeptus Mexicanicus welding starships together down in Texas.
Hey ptg...
Fire Vance or lose.
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>hated by everyone who was never going to vote for Trump and was glad to have him assassinated
Yeah that's why Trump picked him. You niggers going to try to rub out Donny again?
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As it should..
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The next few months will be surreal.
Doesn't really matter who he picked, shills would cry about it regardless. If he picked Carson/Donalds, they'd be saying things like "Why did Trump pick a nigger?", if Rubio, "Why did Trump go with the spic?", Bergum "Why'd he pick the boring white guy?" etc. All while digging up years old shit to show "proof" that they're bad for Trump.
To have sex and birth children.
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>Adeptus Mexicanicus
I hate admech and skitarii but that's a really good one
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Article on how replacing JD Vance might go down.

>That's a B file
Hi Sgt B
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>Coping with fanfiction
Nah, we're gonna win

Ok I don't care. I will vote for Trump if picks Satan as his VP
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It's an old /sci/ meme.
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he's also going to Harrisburg, PA next Wednesday
Vance is hated on 4chan, though. Stop pretending otherwise, you fucking shill. Why would anyone on 4chan like a Peter Thiel puppet like Vance. 4chan is anti glowie and Peter Thiel is literally the King of Glowies and Vance has been serving and kissing Peter Thiel's ass since for most of his adult life.
Good. Do it.
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>urban people
>streetwise kids
Trump isn't going to replace JD.
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ah lets see what else Business Insider has to say about Trumo...oh...
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I also HATE urban people and streetwise kids!
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they're just trying to create friction because the honeymoon phase with Harris is over
wait but i thought the shills said she wasn't a kike puppet? next you're gonna tell me that she's married to a jew
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No shit
We could have our pick of Republicans who agree with all of his based takes without wanting to take away our votes and give them to beaners with two dozen kids.
The cycle of retribution continues
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> darkie
> posts a black cat
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I won't vote for anyone who wants to give my vote to people who reproduce like rats and cockroaches.
You file naming is greatly sus
"We" will be sending you to the gas chambers
ay carsteala
Cope. Vance is an awful pick and he will be fired and you'll pretend you were always against him because you're a FAGGOT.
Have sex
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>It's BASED that he wants to give people votes for popping out kids!
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what about gato banditos
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It's called sarcasm.
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Unlike Vance, Ben Carson has no negative soundbites to be discovered, because he subscribes to the belief that if you have nothing nice to say about someone, keep it private to yourself. The Democrat opposition would have to spend millions of hours trying to find a bad Ben Carson interview.
As long as they aren't black or brown I do not HATE them.
Good Awoovening, /pol/!

Based Sleepy Uncle Ben's Rice Man.
>esos numerales
basado y rojoempillado
Have STRAIGHT sex.
Dinner shown appropriately
That's not Momiji, that's a dog not a wolf.
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>Be a third worlder to maintain your political power in our third world banana republic where mexican grandfathers have 100 votes
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Still believe that Ben Carson would be objectively been the best possible VP pick, but he did respect Trump's choice to pick Vance, and said that it was a good pick. So I am willing to give Vance some time to get his mojo.
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reminder of why the shills hate Vance so much
Leftists struggle with sarcasm since they have no sense of humor.
Notice how the Kamala shilling has stopped since the Vance seething started?
WTF I love JD now
Keep sweeping for the guy who wants to make welfare queens into political bosses.
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Different shift, kamala shills are active night/morning.
I'm aware. I was one of the few here who actually wanted Carson from the beginning. My point still stands, though: Shills would have found anything to doompost about no matter who he picked, even if it means just spamming "lol, he picked the nigger" over and over.
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Time to get elected.
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Based wolf inspector
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dont care ur gay lol

I would have preferred Ben Carson too but the shills were already market-testing "Drumpf is the oldest presidential candidate ever!!!!!" and anybody saying they wouldn't attack Ben as a senile uncle tom on account of being a sleepy old man like Biden (but without the braindamage) is delusional
/ptg/ wouldn’t even be around if it wasn’t for the Russia trump bots bumping it
Just in time to be picked for VP.
It's only because November is drawing near
Gotta start cleaning up his image for '28
The VP candidate has a history of giving retarded hot takes that alienate large swathes of people, including white men. The fact that he actually wants to give brown people who pop out kids more votes than a 2 kid white family makes me ABSOLUTELY HATE HIM.

There was no reason to take that stance politically. He actually believes it. He's a FAGGOT.
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>muh russia
I'm a wolf vulva expert.
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The full speech is "JD Vance on our Civilisation Crisis" on ISI's "The Future of American Political Economy" conference in Alexandria, VA. July 24th 2021.
He states that these are aggressive, outsider ideas in response to Democrats calling for the voter age to be lowered. The discussion was about how conservatives should have policies based around supporting families. Watch it for yourself and make up your own mind. Don't ever listen to mainstream media headlines and the DNC.
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Do not come
Do not come
There is nothing out of context about what he said. He wants to give people votes for having kids.
you've been getting your ass kicked in meme warfare by millennials masturbating to anime in their mom's basement, not russian superhacker bots, you stupid glownigger. why do i pay taxes for this shit?
It's actually because a real stinker of a federal court order prevented it until last month. Trump's Supreme Court justices helped overturn it. This is one of the rare cases where Newsom actually was trying to do his damn job but couldn't. My only criticism is it took his dyslexic ass a month to publish the EO.

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>Who here still ridin' with biden?
Cope and sweep. But this is pretty filthy you'll be sweeping for a while, eyeliner janny.
Vance is unlikeable enough to sink the ticket on his own. Trump is a decent man but he has a double-digit iq. He chose a former nevertrumper married to a pajeet. The people he's pandering to already view him with suspicion. The people he isn't hate him more every time he opens his mouth. He has no charisma and everything about him is fake.
You didn't watch the full speech.
wait is this still the shill from last night who admitted his reproductive organs don't work?
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little xi visiting again?
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I don't think it's a good thing after Newsom invited all the fuckers here
how racist of them.
Ah yes. The right is enforcing laws because the left doesn't care to. Very common.
>wait is this still the shill from last night who admitted his reproductive organs don't work?
yeah, trannie surgery went bad
he and Harris are both from California, so he can't unless she's not the nominee
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There are some japs talking in the background so it's like an anime version of 9/11.

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>lots of words that mean nothing
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Liru the Werewolf still voting for Trump!
Of course I'm coping. I don't want a nigger-pajeet cum rag in the White House.
The court order impacted the whole country. It is singularly responsible for the explosion in urban hobo camps.
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>Death before detransition
oh no no no no.
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That's not a werewolf. This is a werewolf.
Keep on dreaming fairies..

Santa's coming home
And you're never gonna get
a vagina or a bone
Merry Christmas Trannies
>what everyone should have already realized by now
That the towers were crashed into? I don't know what this video is supposed to show.
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It's a little early for Halloween posting. Although I'm very concerned about an October surprise this year.
Japanese werewolves are funny.
>mexican shows up at hospital to deliver baby
>no identification
>entire family deleted to Cambodia
please, make more shit up to bump the thread with
Freedom Cobra
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They already see England as conquered.
no planes hit the WTC
jet fuel can't melt steel
but look at this perfect passport found on the street
>Yep every Hispanic family that pumps out 12 kids is getting deported. None of them are here legally.
Yeah, can't tell if he's trying to say something else but you can see the first tower buckle and collapse naturally.
Do you really find it that hard to believe that Muslims would commit terrorism?
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What's a wolf Volvo?
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Building 7 is the weirdest part of 9/11. The rest is explainable by Israelis sabotaging security to allow the sandy suicide pilots to do it.f
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>Do you really find it that hard to believe that Muslims would commit terrorism?
I would look first at a different type of semite
cui bono?
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Shill infighting is too gucking fun 2 watch
So instead you want the actual nigger-pajeet in the white house? You make no sense.
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Since shills cannot understand Kamala's appeal. Maybe a Star Wars reference will help.
Oh that burn is good cause it's true, but the rating is like 15% really
Shill bros...it's over...Trump wins.../ptg/ says that kamala is too ugly to run...furthermore, would Americans trust a lying whore who hid bidens cognitive decline for years???

I have no rebuttal...it's literally Hoever and we all should set ourselves on fire
for once a star wars reference that actually fits
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What did the jews do to Kamala? What happened to her neck?
Even more based!
we need to ban assault queefs now!
skibidi harris
kek, that's actually a good one
>JD gay
>muskrat troonson
>holla for kamala
It's always grotesque to watch someone imbibe their own gaslight and copium but I suppose it's because they don't understand the feelings they invoke in others hence them keeping it up. Honestly I'm pretty sure half of the time these days they're just doing it to scream into the void that nothing is going their way.
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my God couldn`t they find a better image of her????
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>my God couldn`t they find a better image of her????
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The Mask
>So instead you want the actual nigger-pajeet in the white house?
Who did you think I was talking about?
is this the "was recently shown some footage of the Kennedy assassination, but from an angle you've never seen before" look?
You have to include the acknowledgment to Rick Wilson for the extra cringe.
How will Kamala picking Mark Kelly affect the election? Will it win her Arizona? (Everyone knows it's Kelly.)
>Building 7 is the weirdest part of 9/11
It really isn't.
A large piece of one of the towers hit building 7 and ignited a large fuel tank inside. The FDNY tried to save the building but couldn't and it was allowed to collapse due to massive structural damage. The footage that day that you see is from the side of the building that wasn't hit by the debris and looks intact. Building 7 was evacuated long before it collapsed and it was beyond saving.
There's nothing unexplainable about it if you look at how these buildings are engineered and where their weaknesses are. Then again, I'm old enough to remember watching it live that day as it happened.
Did they kill her and replace her?
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>hey babe. I bet wherever you are, that you're looking so mighty fine right now all pretty and smiling cuz you know I'm taking you <3
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but let me tell you about j6
Oh that actually makes sense.
>when you're owned by jews but all your voters are shitskins and you have to make a public statement but you're not really sure what to say
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you will never be a real slug
you have no pneumostone
you have no caudal pore
you are a small doggo twisted by fabric and wool into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection
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I haven't seen that kind of fear in someone's eyes for a while.
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I'm sure it's nothing.
>Americans with lower credit scores
add it to the list
Thank you. Now it's glorious.
who has niggercat_with_notepad.jpg?
we need it asap
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Normally /pol/ would be calling someone that says that based.
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America has fallen into a clown world.
The strangest part to me always was the most obvious 9/11 conspiracy theory that the conspiracy theorists always ignore: that there was credible intel the attack would take place and the deep state intel community willfully ignored it for their own gain.
Somehow the conspiracy theorists always come up with the most elaborate complex insane plots that would have taken thousands of insiders pulling it off and not one of them ever talking about it, yet they ignore the simplest theory which is the most plausible.
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Hahahaha the comms are going wild
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>they'll still say it's a larp
Reminder that I am still baking.
Red pill me on why people eat boneless wings vs chicken fingers? Boneless wings are poor ppl food.
Boneless wings enjoyers also like dousing chicken in chicken. Disgusting people
Ughhh she must wear so much makeup she looks terrible
that was a good show he was watching on TF-1
> 9/11 was an inside job
The details of what happened and how exactly it happened matter less than the obvious pre-knowledge and intentional mishandling.
What is a chicken? See famous contracts case. Frigaliment Importing Co. v. B.N.S. Int'l Sales Corp., 190 F. Supp. 116 (S.D.N.Y. 1960).
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ThankQ Baker
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Good evening everyone.
Happy Burrsday!
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This.. should not have made me laugh as hard as it did.
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i would also like to say that senate polls are wrong because even in 2020 the ticket splitting wasn't even bad especially in swing states like AZ and MI where the difference between the senate candidates and Trump were only like a quarter of a vote difference
>AZ: McSally: 48.81, Trump: 49.06
>MI: James: 48.22, Trump: 47.84
ticket splitting will not be as bad as polls are saying. candidates will likely run in Trump's range despite the nigger pollster's narrative
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> Trump, innocent, watching the gorilla channel
> Kamala political ad comes on
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I got the limited edition
There are two conclusions
>they are shills
>they understand that Vance needs to appeal to the moderates
If they cared about the latter, they would point out that the clip was out of context and was only referring to politicians on the left who seek power. He later explains that it's not an attack on regular people who cannot have children.
Once this point is made, you can bring in moderates by demonstrating that clickbait headlines are often false.
But if they do not state this, then the only other conclusion is that they are a shill.
Is this fag still pretending to be a Republican? Haha
Cozy burr.
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frysday here.
He’s not wrong you know.
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I used to be like you. I was a 'Bone in' guy, but after trying boneless a few times I never looked back.
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>the best is yet to come babe
Closer than I thought, but that's it? So much for a honeymoon bump.
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Ask yourself this question..

Do you believe in coincidence?
Trump has lost all his steam. He will be down by double digits come October.
Harris will win. I am now convinced.
>dousing chicken in chicken
Is this a Lovecraftian geometry joke?
the fundamentals of the race are still the same
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What's the word?
You think chicken fried chicken is a joke?
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Trump is going to win. The corruption is being put on a big silver plate for you anons

Silvsd Screen Glamour Scene
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Just like chicken watermelon.
Damn I'm jelly
If deep staters aren’t being rounded up by April 2025 Trump is just business as usual.
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A little foreshadowing

>replying to meme flags
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>i take no side because i cant say publicly that i want to both of them nucclear bombed
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I like the big red button
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?????? Ohm octet wies barsoom?
No stalling.
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only to mock them, and checked
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based woods
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Laura Ingram just said she has nude photos up on Instantgram. Can anyone confirm?
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The ring?
Onion ring?
The letter O is a ring.

Think about it
That's me after a few shots at the bar.
>Trump Pence
>Trump Vance
>Vance Pence
>Va Pe
So this guy spamming Q shit another shill or just a schizo?
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The good kind
I'm gonna stall and you can't stop me.
Just an 8kun guy I think.
If you find an onion ring in your french fries at McDonald's, you should be concerned.
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Real deal
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reminds me of that gibbon pulling those tiger cubs' tails. you all know which video i mean. fucking ape
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Who owns the top and why?
For what reason was it acquired?
It's much deeper than you can possibly imagine
>>Trump Pence
>>Trump Vance


“Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.

“… But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.”

Ezekiel 33:3–5.
if politicians werent involved in this, muslims would attack whitehouse or congress building

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