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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Let's fucking go!
Fuck Disney.
she looks like she would rape you after a date
Fuck the mouse
If she's so "based", why is she obese?
Checkmate, chuds.
Something a chud would do.
She is just big boned.
Shaming fat people is perfectly appropriate.
she's with an architect
You can't rape the willing
No it isn't. Chuds do that.
Why’d she have to put on mucho weight bros? It was very unwelcome.
That website picked an unattractive photo of her.
Hasn't looked like that in a long time
>Non obese people do that
>Former athlete gets fat when they no longer have to train

Many such cases
Yeah. chuds
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imagine being a senior employee at the mouse and seeing the high quality and sterling reputation of their brand turn to utter shit that writers from the CW would consider retarded
>It was very unwelcome.
Anon pls
Nothing a little training couldn't work off.
i would be much more understanding towards her if she wasnt so fucking fat
fucking BASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chudshaming anons is only something a fat person would do
If a brand as colossal as Disney imploded under my business plan, I'd actually kill myself.
There are 2 genders and they are a spectrum:
Fat and Chud

Get that through your thick little racist skull.
lol. imagine simping for this total idiot.
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When is Candace Owens suing Daily wire/Ben Shapiro on First Amendment grounds?
she's italian, all she does is eat, cook, and fuck
Daily stress from being assassinated by the mouse.
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hey /pol/ we found the tr00n, anyone got some rope? I have a tree on standby.
God I wish that was me
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
The negrification of USA. This trend of girls showing their asses to the camera like this really started in the late 2010s, which also coincides with the explosion of negro worship.
Words have meaning, it's how we communicate!
As soon as an even more Jewish Jews figures out how to make enough money off it
It's funny cuz if she didn't get canceled /tv/ would call her a tranny


Total Mousenigger death!
>Disney should be LEGALLY REQUIRED to employ me, and to make a tv series just for me

The nicest thing you can say is she's doing a fine job of wasting some right wing patrons money
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God I wish.
Crooked WOKE Disney tried to silence her after she (rightfully) pointed out the Fauci Fanatics were behaving like the Nazis who persecuted the Jewish people. Pathetic!
This bitch is thicc like a typical crossfit chick and i love the FUCK out of it
It's a typical red carpet pose to show the dress off you fucking moron. Dubbed the 'Royal Look Back' or something. Women have been doing it since time immemorial and actresses have always done it on the red carpet since the silent movie days.
(((Disney))) is just more Jew cancer that needs to be eliminated from society.
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>noooo don't smother me with your thunder thighs and bring me face to face with your pussy!!!
how did he not coom during this?
He's not face to face with her pussy, he's face to face with his arm
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lol remember how she's such a shit awful actress that entire movie has her performance ADR replaced
>one Star Wars show dose well
>it loses everything for wrongly firing one of its stars
ping internet lawyers!
does her lawsuit have any merit and was this motion like the slapp thing?
That's a good thing
Unironically hope she wins. It's beyond ridiculous to fire someone for saying "beep boop bop". Maybe if she said an actual racial slur or something.
She's saving the bill of rights more than anyone
>kill ugnaught in s1
>kill that german guy who makes documentaries in s1
Welll at least we have two recurring characters left :D
>fire Gina in s2
Welll at least we still have Apollo Creed :D
>Carl Weathers dies in s3
They just made bad decisions every step of the way
too little too late, she walled hard now
Liked her character. Think she’s hot. Thought firing her was dumb. Think this lawsuit is dumb. Employer doesn’t want employee spouting off on the internet. She’s just seething because she got lucky with that role and will never be relevant again.
>fat shaming chud trying to come off as an anti-chud
we know your tricks Ivan
T. Chuds
when one side is leftist trannys and the other side is right chuds how could you possibly not know which one youd rather be?
She looks really cute there. I assume this picture was taken years ago?
holy kekamole! you didnt greentext, therefore you are that! oh no no no!
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there's a difference?
I don't know what a chud is and I don't care. This is the designated architect thread now and I expect to see some fat titties and fatter tummies.
Don't think that person shot anyone, do you have a source?
>see ass
>think about blacks
why is pol like this?
chat, is this real?
Her movies with Ben Shapiro all flopped. She realized conservatives don't watch movies.
She wasn't fired, they didn't renew her contract.
disingenuous or completely retarded, bit of a coin flip these says
She already proved she has dicipline during her fighting days so she has earned the right to balloon up.
Ok chud
That just means they gonna go to court. I doubt that whatever lawyers Gina can hire is going to see any light against the army of disney. They have the legal department that could take on any billion dollar mega corp. Who can Gina get? Backing from the shapiro the daily faggot?
I don't know what the slapp thing was, but her lawsuit has merits because some fucking retarded exec at Disney sent out a tweet when she got fired basically calling her firing politically motivated. Some dumbass on twitter is going to cost Disney millions.
"It was bad for the brand" the end
It's all muscle and curves. No obesity at all.
I think it should be down to why fire Gina but not Pascal when both pretty much used the same metaphore
Pascal is a libtard and Carano isn't.
>I doubt that whatever lawyers Gina can hire is going to see any light against the army of disney. They have the legal department that could take on any billion dollar mega corp. Who can Gina get? Backing from the shapiro the daily faggot?

elon is funding it
This isn't the real clip. It misses out the erection animation. Also, Fuck Disney.
the mouse poisoned her body
Kept up the high protein diet.
this. those people are used to eating a ton of food
She looks like she'd eat another human for lunch.
I would have let her rape me 15 years ago when she was actually attractive.
Oh the muscles are there, just buried beneath 3 inches of lard.
It’s not “rape” if you’re willing. It WOULD be rape if she fucked you today.
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Why doesn't Disney bring her back, put her on a diet, give her her own show, have her parade around in skimpy clothing with lots of flesh showing, maybe get a few other hot women (absolutely no uglies) involved, find a writer who doesn't shit on the lore or legacy characters and doesn't overtly girlboss the character/s. They need to be seen as vulnerable but can work together? Also no snarky lesbians, group singing/dancing or tiresome feminist shit, just write the characters like aspirational men who have no time for drama. Why don't they give that a try?
Shes Italian
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>put her on a diet
Finally an actual win for Star Wars fans.
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>shooter just happens to look like an incel
Curious. Will they find 6 gorillion TB CP on his dad's computer next?
I want to eject in between those, haha.
And issued a statement. So effectively they voluntarily fucked themselves out of that technicality defense.
It's the jews
Elon Musk is funding her defense

This thing will probably go to the Supreme Court and the republican court will be forced to side with labor to fuck with the DNC operatives in the media
I like the ogremaxing look she has now

It’s a shame her and Cavil didn’t breed
Why Do They Capitalize Every Fucking First Letter?
She's from a rich casino family, she doesn't need the musk money
Based. Leftists have been abusing the Justice System & using it as a tool of political suppression.
If they're not going to stop, then the least we can do is play the sand game by the same rules.
It wasn't. More people cared about Pascal endorsing and memorializing a literal convicted child-molestor shot dead by the minor he was attacking and he didn't have shit happen to him.
You and Disney just used that as an excuse.
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That's how you write headlines
Musk is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Be weary or be skinned alive later
House of Mouse
Hating musk is reddit
She has always had weight issues even during her peak. She'd keep being too heavy for her weight class. Now that she doesn't fight or exercise anymore she got fat.
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She's bankrolled by Elon. This is going to be another HH-Gawker event
first amendment beats the mouse
nothing beats disney you stupid trumpanzee, even florida had to bow and beg the mouse to stop
>sweaty prime carano fucking some buff dude while ranting about niggers
be still my throbbing cock
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Reminder how close Cavill came to impregnating her. Her refusal to have children may have been the reason they separated.
gina retardo had a golden ticket in the star wars jewniverse. everyone even knew she was your wannabe tradcath italian jersey slampig and was fine with it. she just had to step in front of the bus for the chuds and their snarky bullshit. dumb broad.
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>hfw unironically ended up on "the right side of history", as deranged lefties like to put it
Cool, can she get back into shape now? The fat wine aunt look doesn't suit her
>responding to high quality bait
post wrist and bmi
Lol they did?
Last I checked they lost a lot of of their exceptional privileges and are rapidly losing money.
This happens to most athletes. I’ve dated 3 gymnasts and a wrestler and I can literally see them getting fatter like clockwork over time. They eat an insane amount of calories and it becomes what they’re used to. Only plus side is fat athletic girls look so much hotter than regular fat girls.

I'm not into nigresses, but Candace is a QT3.14
Even with Elon funding it, what really is the argument? Employers can fire people way less popular or well known for similar speech. Why should this be an exception?
They fired her and painted her out to be some sort of bigot and flaunted firing her, that could easily damage someone’s career.
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>how did he not coom during this?
he did
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>and a wrestler
She did that to herself, who the hell links up being a republican in America to a jew in nazi germany
I don't give a shit about her shes fat and can't act but I do very much want to see the house of mouse crumble.
chuds have no standards or morals, they just like whatever they like
shut the fuck up troon. woke/feminism/lgbtq ruined fucking everything.
Gina has some nicely defined facial features. Makes me want to jerk off in her mouth.
yas queen Gina slay yass
>That time Henry gifted her a shitty Alienware computer
He wanted to play Warhammer games with her online, only then would he know she was the one.
All the roids are catching up to her, she is getting fat.
Still hope she gets to dunk on disney.
I just looked up Gina deep fake porn and it was disappointing.
My god I want her to fart on my dick
Disney is the next woke company that is going to fall. Their profits are down and they only produce trash. That is not sustainable. I wonder how stock holders have not rebelled against the CEO yet.
They wanted to fire her for refusing to bow to the social media pronoun police, but couldn’t until the “Hey, maybe we shouldn’t be acting like Nazis” remark gave them a Jew-approved excuse, because only they’re allowed to reference historical acts of othering and genocide.
because somehow, these people keep making money despite producing slop. It's like they want to push the slop whether they think it's going to fail or not. so they can "force behaviors".
What if she farted on your dick and then quickly spun around and started sucking it?
I want to blast and cruise on her boobs
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They are not. Their profits are abysmal.
There was an attempt: https://www.thewrap.com/disney-bob-iger-nelson-peltz-proxy-fight-2024-annual-meeting-preview/

It failed. Bob Iger managed to hold onto his job for now.
Who will Jews make their new shabbos goys for Israel handouts then?
A moron. She, like every other gold-foiled retard in Hollywood is a moron.
Really the blame lies with her tard wrangler for not screening her tweets ahead of time when she started getting political.
Celebrities are like toddlers, if you don't keep an eye on them, it's only a matter of time before they stick a fork in the outlet.
If Jews thought that far ahead they wouldn't have been expelled from 109 countries already.
that would be... acceptable
Getting expelled is a 4th quarter problem.
whites in the us will still be a minority by 2035.
Kino couple broken up by fate. Ours is a truly cursed timeline.
No one should risk losing his/her career over some mildly offensive shit they said.
Go back to the hellhole that used to be Twitter Elon
she'd be too tired after eating the entire cheesecake factory
How are Tesla’s stock doi…. oh…. nevermind
holy fuck no you fucking retard
>really started in the late 2010s, which also coincides with the explosion of negro worship.
You need to be 18 to post on this board.
poast moar webms pl0x
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Bank account getting dry, huh chud
Same. I'm mostly turned on by her personality but I'd go in raw without thinking twice.
>I am fully aware that my employers are woke and progressive and I'm going to say multiple controversial things that will piss them off and get me fired
Gina was kind of retarded
So you think it's right to fire someone over their political party or beliefs? That's the world you wanna live in?
Of course not but she knew it would get her in trouble.
nta, but if you're going to be a fucking jerk about it to all your co workers, than yes, not because of your beliefs but because you're an asshat
>actually thinking the people on top are legitimately "woke" and "progressive"
smooth brain
the us will still be minority white by 2035
Cope shitskin, lol
bueno! adios gringo
They unironically are because they hire women.
Maybe you should see it the other way. Disney knew they would be open to a lawsuit if they fired someone for that.
She's getting her legal fees bankrolled by elon, if anything she's baiting disney into dropping their case.
didn't they fire her over one tweet or something? i hope she gets a huge payout
That must have been so fucking hot, Alex Jones reacted the same way when they knocked him out on his show
That's how you know she isn't a FED
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t.disney shills in panic mode
Her co workers including Bill Burr and Carl Weathers liked her and thought she was sweet. You’re just making shit up.
>being an antidisney hater
you're not special
>current year
>still thinking Elon is in any way smart
Elon is a fucking moron
clean your basement incel
Wherever this belongs it isn't here.
The fun part is a bunch of leftoids would be angry but this actually would benefit them since it means the Mouse can't do damage control on their actors anymore. Meaning, they can't bury shit as much as they use to or over wrangle their actors to behave certain ways. You'd be seeing more and more Disney actors really not acting as family friendly as they painted them for years as well as saying some 'no no bad think' moments more often.
I'd dig my chin so far into her puffy snatch you could call me prince of whales
Weird that a judge is upholding 1A rights against a private company, but good to see.
Lurk more summerfag
After I'm done with her, yeah
Begone, skank.
What she sayed about disneyland?
Why does he look so relieved?
Like he just bust.
>all these idiot excuses
>what is aspect ratio
they are being shitty because they hate her for her politics so the very petty stretched the pic aspect ratio to make her look like that
>ywn be held and gently strangled by prime Gina Carano
why even live?
Because it isn’t him.
Is that Moot?
Healthy at every size you fucking bigot?
Shills out in force, keep up the good work anon. Can’t let The Big Gay lie it’s way outta this one.
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Make a new thread on /tv/
Gotta make the Jrannies work for it.
The amount of blatant kike shills in this thread is hilarious. Jews really hate free speech.
she would give me 7" tall berseker sons
They moved a thread after like 190 replies?
Why even bother at that point?
If OP made the thread there it would be jannied for being political.
This is about 1A rights, and if that bothers you because it's Disney getting fucked in the ass then tough shit reddit sperg.
Fat shaming leftoid? Kys

yes god please i hope she chains me up for the rest of my life as long as she feeds me decent food and doesnt hose me off
something a chud would be
And that's a good thing!
I like the new trend of tranny jannys sending everything to/pol/
How does fucking trash like this end up on /pol. Tranny mods
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>why is she obese?
Stop, bait-anon. I can only get so erect
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fuck the Groomers.
Oh no haha that would be terrible
Tranny jannies of /tv/ absolutely seething and coping.
You love to see it.
God I wish that were me.
They thought they had enough comrades to generate consensus, lost the argument, got assblasted and ragequit.
trannies are getting the shit kicked out of them on every board its glorious
this. She looked good like 15 years ago. She looks like a dumpy pile of shit now. Still hope she hurts the mouse tho.
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You sound like you’re begging lol.
As long is gives anon a kiss afterwards, that'd be cool.
Like the building and everything?
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I coomed here to post this
I now understand female rape fantasies.
I think this bitch has actual male genitalia now. She looks like she should play Tony Soprano in the reboot.
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The fuck this thread come from?
>thread about a movie actress
>moved to /pol/
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Get a brian moran.
Damn, Gina. Put the fork down.
Disney is so dumb, they legit got the best boss girl actor ever seen, ever. And fired her.

The one female actor both chuds and cucks liked
jannies quit dumping your goyslop on our intellectual gentlemen's club
who the fuck is this disgusting looking bitch
/fit/ here. It's just your basic biology, man. As you get older, it gets harder and harder by the year to melt fat. Once you hit your 40's you really begin to struggle with it, no matter how hard you push it. Fitness is the youngin's game, so enjoy it while it lasts.
This. Gina should also indiscriminately kill the green jedi bitch and the twins in S1E1 of her new show. Pre-title.
that lip biting gif of her in EliteXC crowd makes me cum instantly
God I want to fuck her
Total Disney Death
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With the amount of testosterone this chick consumes the only thing that does it for her anymore is pegging.
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This wants to rape me?

Oh God, please, no, not that. Anything but that!

You faggots never cease to amaze me with your faggotry.
That's what you get for hiring tranies I suppose.
Why would the 1A even apply to Disney in this situation?
and I look like I would let her
it would be a rape contest ok
What gets me is shit diet.
I understand dad bod, but most people who are morbidly obese in old age eat like shit. 'I cheated on saturday' means 'I ate an extra large pizza made from artificial ingredients by myself'
You can't out train bad nutrition.
>doesn't stop smiling

neither would i
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This gif is epic. She’s smokin not even fat. I prefer her fat because when she was fit I had no chance with her, when she’s fat. I have a small chance.
what the fuck is an areola
yeah... she is strong enough to carry all our babies to term
people get fired from companies for their speech all the time, its 100% legal
The Mandalorian went downhill after season 2 anyway.
>what the fuck is an areola
made me chuckle. have your (you)
But Disney will meow Rachael Zegler who talked shit about this Snow White movie and the ride. Who caused so much hate Disney postponed her Snow White movie so they could CGI dwarfs in. She basically cost Disneys millions!
why not the bad for business argument?
look at how much her movies have made after disney
They fired her and painted her out to be some sort of bigot and flaunted firing her, that could easily damage someone’s career. There’s a difference between quitely letting someone go and publicly shaming them to the public.
>Show about a baby yoda
Count your lucky stars there was anything worthwhile at all.
100% guarantee it was transferred from /tv/ because the truth is literally illegal there.
Okay, now post the video from the show where she does it with her thighs.
As I virgin I have no idea how you would even handle a woman like that.
its easy, you just grab her by the pussy
Contrary to popular opinion, wheyfu girls love cuddling.
It's the psycho types that want to be sadistic or masochistic. Spear wives want to play mommy.
I choked aguy out accidentally while carrying him outside when I was a bouncer. Because I didn't realise he had lost conciousness it was held too long and he shit himself. He wasn't so smiley after.
>I choked out some drunk guy
That's not impressive.
I don't recall saying that it was. Only that he shat himself and was sad. The opposite to posted video.
Not the dainty wife I'd be looking for... But then again, imagine if you had sons with her.
I would ejaculate in her vagina, if you know what I mean.
Once your penis is in they lose a lot of control if they wanted the sex at all. The pleasure of having a man that you wants dick in you overloads their nervous system.
>freedom of associa-ACK
freedom chuds OWNED, statist chads stay winning.
They could even title it "Xena, Princess Warrior" like it has never been done before.
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choked my friend out in a pet store back in highschool. I asked him why his face went through so many changes when he woke up and he said first he was confused because he woke up and wasnt sure where he was and then he was mad because some beaners were staring at him lol

Also OP if you're still in this thread. I just got this captcha but I think it's for you
That's a different ugly leftist
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W why doesn't it show the physical anatomy cartoon graphic of him straight-up cumming in his pants from that?
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Probably from /tv/ because the jannies on that board are absolute turbo faggots.
Also the topic of this bread is from the entertainment industry.
She's a big gal.
Jason Momoa suing Disney?? weird
Translate for someone who hasn't watched a modern movie since like 2012 due to all the faggotry and woke shit in modern media.
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Small dicks can’t handle strong women energy.
Good job outing yourself.
Pic unrelated
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Based Brosnan
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You speak in riddles, anon. Please explain yourself better.
>Pic of woman.
>Simping ensues.
its less the firing and more the defaming on the way out.
absolute unit
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I dunno. I'm a pretty big dude. I think I could be one of the few to man handle her.
Bullshit, I'm nearly 50 and eat whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want, and I'm crippled these days so get zero exercise
The difference is, never once in my whole life have I eaten when I was not hungry, so I stop wanting to eat when I've had enough.
Having lived through every stage of development and now in my downslide, with everyone telling me every step of the way that "your metabolism will slow one day", I am now convinced that all, ALL, weight gain is because of gluttony, and all people who "can't lose weight" are a pack of filthy fucking lying scum. I've been stuck on my ass for 2 years, just existing in a room, waiting to die, drinking like a fish, smoking like a chimney, eating whatever utter garbage I can choke down, and I'm still a bit underweight.
It's not age. It's greed.
Nah. When I hit 40, my metabolism plummeted. I eat way less now than I did at 30 and I'm gaining weight. I couldn't gain weight when I was 30 and I was eating fast food twice a day.
Now, I eat a bowl of granola cereal for breakfast (need the fiber), a banana for lunch, and I skip dinner and end up gaining weight by the end of the week. I eat fast food once a week and I'm gaining 2lbs a month. Whatever high-speed low-drag metabolism I once enjoyed is now long gone.
how does one get his mojo back? this is the question.

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