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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I fucking wish I could get paid for antisemitism
These Persian shitstains owe me for decades of good work.
Wait Iran is funding democrats to protest ?
Wait...you're getting paid?
>Being paid for antisemitism
How? Where's my cut?
yes arent u getting paid?
post xmr address
Fuck, I’ve been ranting about ZOG for free
You faggots are holding out on me, where the hell do I apply for that gig?
How do I sign up? I’m an antisemite with 15 years experience
meanwhile israel is funding all of congress and there are crickets
what does "funding a protest" actually mean?
all people do is show up with hand-drawn signs and walk through the street
why iran?
did blaming russia stop working?
Getting ready for the puppet President to have the reasons to declare war on Iran
Shit I need to get one
Do I just go to the Iranian website and file for a W2 or...
Becuase if I know I could get paid for my antisemitism, I'd be a rich man by now
No shit. Where's my check? Hating jews is its own reward I guess.
>MIGAtards are schizos
more at 11
I called Oct surprise being war with Iran already
I am doing it for free as a Bot.
Umm, where’s my money?
This. Where’s my check Muslims? I hate Jews for free? Wtf?
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This is fucking disgusting if true. Iran, a foreign country, directly financially interfering with American politics? This outrage means war!
This guy literally has rat DNA. I’ve never seen a more rat faced kike liar in my life. It’s unreal. Like in a movie.
this is the way

> some of
Iran has Russian hypersonic missiles now.
ZOG won't do shit.
>he does it for free
Did netanyahu tell them this too?
its classified
>Thinks /pol/ has anything to do with the pro palestine fags, commies and troons
I reckon /pol/ position is to sit back and laugh at the kikes and the revolutionary leftists they helped enable turn on them.
These fucking niggers always accuse everyone else of being propagandists
Despite the fact that the only verifiable evidence of true paid shills has come from the west
Are Iranians in the room with us right now?
My check is late
Who funded the (((Maidan))) protests in Ukraine?
I hate mudshits muslims and also jews.
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Boy do I feel dumb. I have been working for free all these years.
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You guys are getting paid? Damn now I know what a janny feels like.
Its always those gosh darn iranians running everything. Iranians run all the porn companies. Iranians run all the media companies. Theres numerous multimillion dollar pro iranian lobbyists in DC. They even run all the elite universities in the US.
cool it with the antiaryanism
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I wish I was paid to hate jews
friendship ended with khazaria, new jewish gaza is my new best friend, they're prepping the current thing npcs
I am antisemitc but I fully support Israel because I know if it ceases to exist all the kikes are going to come back to white countries and fuck things up even worse than they already do.
Fucking /pol/acks are Iranian equivalents of jannies
I just got my paycheck straight from Raisi's ghost. He says "Total Kike Death"
Get your Iran bucks while you can :D
>they're prepping the current thing npcs
next thing is bad for jew
jew just dont know it yet
If they start a war then surely everyone will vote to keep the current US regime in power. One of the oldest tricks in the book.
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israel is the one funding the "protests."
Is that a joke?
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Much like jannies, we do it for free.
Is there any law the protestor is breaking by taking the money? Asking for a friend.
This is the kind of response I'd expect from a banana republic.
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>everyone will vote
yes but vooting is fake and gay anon
No. I think all of the west's Jews should be expelled and forced to live in Israel, or some other third world shithole I don't really care. As long as they aren't here.
>John Kirby
I thought this guy was killed by racist cops in 2020.
You don't have to pay me to hate Jews.
Just like jannies cleaning up shit sucking dicks, I do it for free.
are there any open positions?
I want to join, already made all the material already
Das correct OP, we went to the jews, they told us only three fiddy to shill for them....Iranians paying much more $$$... business is business.
How is Iran paying these protesters when they are completely sanctioned and cut off from Western economies? No one is accepting their shitty currency either.
Please show me where I can sign up for this, I'd love to make money shitting on kikes.
No matter where or how, as long as governments are funding them, they will ruin it for everyone.
>Iran is funding 100 college protesters by giving them $100 each
>meanwhile Israel is funding 90% of democrat and republican politicians and straight up controlling them to do their bidding
I am beginning to get really tired of USA and Israel.
15?! Fuck, not bad.
Only 11 under my belt.
>stop attacking jews
You got a source for that? Sounds like an unhinged conspiracy theory
Wtf, a box of silver eagles just showed up to my door with a note
It says
>For your Outstanding bravery in the face of gross semitism
>With love, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Supreme Leader of Iran <3
I am getting so much I may have a new pair of sandals as early as 2030.
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Assuming this is true, protests are protected by the american law, its not illegal, and US also finances protests across the world.
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>You hate libtards doncha?!
>Iran is behind their protest!
>Attack Iran!
Get a new playbook, Schlomo.
I have a lot of downtime at work and spend half of my workday every day on 4chan, so I do get paid for antisemitism
only applicable in muttland and must visit ur local synagogue for an interview
Yes and when they'll all expelled to their strip of desert you cut them off from the finance industry, by placing all of their banks under sanctions, and boom 95% of our problems are solved.
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>lack of actual discussion on the one thread elucidating the real reason this site has become unusable
Iran has around 35 synagogues. Jews do quite well there. Checkmate.
kek this is the way


Usa /Israel sneak attack Iran and take it back to the stone age. Or
... Iran notices the incoming attack and replys with nuking Israel and fulfilling the jewish prophecy, that jews have been working towards because they're religious nutcases
i do it for free
whats coming is far greater than what ur feeble mind can comprehend
The only reason to be antisemitic is if you are paid to be. The Jews literally never did anything wrong. They are on the right side of history and are pulling us by the hair kicking and screaming along. I shalomed my local rabbi in gratitude just today.
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guess I am worse than a jannie as I do it for free
It don't get why my employers don't just wipe Israel out right now
The US will never be able to rally a force that could destroy Iran and for some reason I don't think the Euros would do shit about it
Shill spotted. Not a single penny or drop of effort to Jews or their fake empires. Because that's what they are: empires. You are foolish if you think kikes of all people will ever be satiated with a state. Their entire paradigm is to leech and enslave others.
remember that mother russia holds all the cards
very soon this will all make sense
Considering people are judging that cartoon network pedophile the same way "judging a book by its cover".
I'll do the same here, I couldn't trust a man that cant look straight.
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Very good employers!

That ain't working, that's the way to do it!
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i totes trust this info cuh
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>BLM was Iran backed.
You guys should try push that narrative.
Literally two birds with one stone
>getting paid to hate Jews
I would be the richest man alive.
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trips of truth
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Wtf? People are getting paid to hate Jews and I’m over here doing it for free
It means directing media dogs to tell npcs the protest is a "good thing"tm, it means directing police to ignore property damage, and it means paying for the logistics of bringing shills to the protest.
John Kirby would never lie out of his ass on behalf of Israel
Did God tell you this in a dream ? Or was it Q?.
Hamas is literally running the protests in London. One of their "former" commanders is in charge of it and 16 of the 21 groups in the coalition are all Iranian funded. The last few days there's been an uptick in Islamic violence nationwide including the attempted murder of a British army Lt Colonel after CT raids take in over 100 Iranian terrorists.

Germany has just raided and shut down 53 mosques btw linked to Iranian government and proxy groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas. They've demolished another 4.
Yeah it’s just projection. Classic kike move to do so, too. No wonder people are protesting Jews. They haven’t woken up fully, but it’s a step towards it. TKD
something like that
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Then, that means that Hitler was paid by Iran. Now we know where the nootsees got their financing from!
What are you guys buying with your Iran bux?
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Told you to get the Gold Pass
>They've demolished another 4.
You jews really are the son of satan and can't speak or type without lies.
Why did you type that? Were you incapable of not typing it? Are you like possessed by a demon? Was there like a voice that told you add that bit? Did you get a thrill out of it perhaps?
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>implying /pol/acks do anything beyond bitching on /pol/
The fall of the US Empire. Look how horribly, awfully they are out of touch. So far up their own ass they can't even imagine for a second that people could actually protest against them and their regime. No, must be Iran funding it. Their hubris will be their downfall.
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Those motherfuckers in Iran better pay me right fuckin' now or I will start singing Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran like John McCain at a child pornography film festival.
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I publicly spit in the mouths of jewish women, and then refuse to let them suck my cock. You’re welcome.
Where is my money?
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It is a reward in and of itself.
calm down and stop thinking like a jew
If you love your job, you’ll never work another day in your life.
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Bullshit lol
the best part of all of this is that i bet most of their college professors were these bolshevik jew midwits
Does Iran print real money?
Mossad ran a lazy PYSOP this time.
>look the woke liberals don't like Israel so you have to now!
I'm anti-semitic for free, I didn't know you could get paid for it haha
>muh iran is funding anti-semitism and accusing jews of being self-serving backstabbing rats
>not the faggot pride parades or the antifa or the BLM, those were all patriotic american peaceful protests cohencidentally all being led by your fellow white people
They pay the broke college students apparently.
>Iran is funding protests in the USA and other political rabble rousing
Israel funds all but one of our politicians and doesn't have to register as a foreign agent
Kikes need a war with Iran finally. They aren't making headway with Russia.
holocaust is a lie
jews did 9/11
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Do you people not realize how rich we could have been?
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How do I contact Iran for this job? Fuck it I'll just do it for free
The Jews really need you to die in Iran senpai
Does it cost much to write slogans on some cardboard and just go there and shout?

Or are they implying those protesting don't give a shit, they just went there to make a quick buck
Oldfag here. Not looking for a paid position. But after 40 years of hardcore anti-semitism I think the Iranians should provide me with a comfy pension.
Great way to self doxx… crypto is traceable
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I'd be a millionaire by now
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the goal there was to genocide the men of Ukraine so that Jews can move in since they already killed their last host body (the west).
it's already been achieved.

Iran is the next step for Israel to finally formally expand so they can have the local resources to finally usher in their new world after the west finally crumbles.
I've been doing it for free all this time...
Where do I signup?
Arson and destruction of federal property (including defacement) are illegal.
How do I get paid for my antisemitism? I've been doing it for free all this time
if you think the east isn't working overtime to:
>make you hate your country
>make you think of the west as degenerate
>make you hate women
>demoralize you
>project everything they do into the Jews
>false flag
>replace even the simplest explanations with a conspiracy
then I got 10 fucking bridges to sell you
but then again >flag so you'll dismiss me. you're all fucking blind. you spend half your day here and can't see the influence they have on you
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Israel, Step Aside.
We should create our own version of Canary Mission but for whites
Doesn't matter, Democrats didn't do shit about other ones that were NOT funded by Iran. Fuck both Israel and Iran, Fuck the Middle East.

Total Middle Eastern Annihilation! (TMEA)
Fucking this, most of them have no fucking clue that all of this are the end result of allowing this trash to infest the west.
We all know that you already are.
looks like the US is going to war with Iran soon, they are raising some major flags. we'll either get TKD and the collapse of the western economic system or the birth of greater isreal and return of the anti Christ I assume. the memes are going to be wild either way so I'm all for it.
Checked. On the clock spreading counter semetism as we speak
Their new candidate kumala is anti jew.
How do demojews cope?
Checked. Doing the Lord's work
Jews ruined America by making it non-White via Emmanuel Cellar
Isis is funding her, terrorist!
Don't they mean "claimed without evidence?"
I only have four years of experience
Don't let your dreams be memes, we can ALL get paid to shitpost on 4chan. Might even be able to trick a rabbi into paying for it.
Where's my fucking money then?
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Ayatollah, send me some bucks and a based Persian tomboy bride and I'll get my jew hate numbers up. I promise.
This is very dangerous for the government to be saying. They think they can shut down political protests because of some undisclosed, undefined funding. At the same time, how many other things are carried out with significant foreign investment that they do nothing about?
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>Iran will PAY ME to neet on /pol/ all day

wtf I LOVE Iran now!
Maybe don't let a bunch of Islamic sand niggers into your country. Iran doesn't have to "pay" anyone.
Jews are the most hated, vile race on the planet. Tons of people hate on them and do it for free. All the best people hate kikes. I'm excited to see America dying before their eyes thanks to their treatment of White people. We're going to see what a post jewish world order looks like which will be good for everyone except kikes. It's slipping a little further every day from them. Their fear and neuroticism about inevitable defeat is extremely satisfying to me. Anything I can do to help is worth my time.
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what if the real antisemites were the frens we made along the way
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>(((we))) do know
>doesn't give proof of shit

keep doing this profane kikery, jews

plz & ty
Will Iran really pay me to hate kikes? I'll get a Monero wallet right now if they do.
remember it's okay when the kikes do it!!!!!!!!!!!

Including attacks on american ships.
beat me to it
Iran sounds based

Tick tock, kikes and niggers, the masses are waking up
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I'll care when Iran false flags us to fight a war on their behalf and when their PAC controls all of Congress.

Fuck kikes! Lmao! Iran will be Aryan again!
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Its not a question of hubris.

Jews evolved in very precarious social situations where they could be expulsed, have their good confiscated or simply killed at the blink of an eye.

The type of person that is ''selected'' in these circumstances is the short term ''wheel and deal'' type of person. You dont plan an harvest for next year. You may not be there.

For the jew, long term is simply a sucession of directly advantageous short term decision. But of course those short terms decisions may create long term ''unforeseen'' externalities, leading him to be stuck like a mouse in maze.

Under such circumstances the only thing he can do what has always workd for the past 75 years or so, scream victim, and his short term brain CANNOT comprehand that this trick doesnt work anymore and is left confounded.

The next thing they'll do is do exactly what should not be done, they'll start using their power position on every sector of society to try to sway public opinion towards them. This will of course make them loose all. Its very stupid but the jewish ''intellect'' is not something that is calibrated for that type of long term thinking.

When all else fail they'll fall into a ''every jew for himself'' mentality and they'll shoa themselves. From their own individualist perspective as long as some jews survive all is permissible, just like some spiders sacrifice one of their leg in order to survive against predators.
This but unironically
Iran funded the summer of love? why didn't (((they))) tell us sooner?
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>Me too
Where is my pay????
where do you cash in?
do they know protestors are paid by iran in the same way they "knew" the biden laptop was russian disinformation?


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You’re the “east” dirty reptilian faggot, you are (((they))).
So, so mad.
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I hope my check is in the mail. I expect back pay.
>Last name Kirby
I'm currently doing an unpaid internship in antisemitism but chances are looking good I'll be hired at the end of it, here's hoping
I would like to be hired iv got 21 years of experience and majored in Kikeology
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well damn I didn't get my check
Wait, there's money in these kike wells?

I can get paid for antisemitism?
They knew this all along and are just letting us know because it is inconvenient politically for them. What pieces of fucking shit. HUman garbage.

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