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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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if Vance wasn't a threat to powerful interests, the spam would be unnecessary.
Address what he said faggot. No one made him say that.
Faggot cuck says
Harris is going to win in November.
I don't do what you tell me
That's right you just sweep for the eyeliner fake hillbilly faggot venture capitalist that sucked Peter Thiel's cock for his job.

Keep sweeping eyeliner janny there's a lot of filth the hillbilly left for you.
I went to elementary school with JD Vance, or JD Bowman as he was known then. He wet his bed until he was 13 and we all called him JP Soakman. That's the real reason he changed his name to JD Vance. But then we just called him JP Pants and he left our school.
I enjoy how upset you are. It's making me want to vote Trump/Vance even more than I already do.
>I love that if something happened to Trump this brownoid manchurian candidate would be President and take away 4channers' rights
still gonna vote Trump/Vance :)
J.D.Vance says only cock-sucking faggots should be allowed to vote. Wow, I'm so shocked!
All you normie faggots don't realize that the only honest position is to hate every single one of them. Right, left, center, independent,libertarian. If you are a part of the machine. You are an enemy.
Oh? Is he covertly suggesting the roman three? Family, Military service, Property? Two of three gets a vote? Thanks for the info shills.
No, he's just saying the more kids you have, the more votes you get.
This guy is an idiot if he really said that. If trump loses it will be because vance doesn't understand optics.
Uh no /pol/ has always been an anti-zionist mob and Vance is a race mixing kike lover who hates whites
those that plant a tree for those that can appreciate it in the future XD jk MORE BROWN NINOS VAMANOS

dude better be careful I would pop him in the fucking fat baby face of his if I see it or a bitch slap cause he is a b itch
OK, only problem is the state's clients will have the real incentive here and they're the population I want suppressed.
But they don't it, meaning the household and family you must possess before so is what is truly getting the vote, vastly overshadowing the voting power of single people. It could easily get the ball rolling for much better reform.
He's part of the (((tribe)))
Post the full speech
they just have nothing to run on. their policies suck and they'd lose if they tried to fight on the merits, so they can only attack character. notice how its just family and children shit they are trying to attack JD Vance with, nothing else.
This is a policy that would disenfranchise most of the posters here in favor of third worlders who have no problems procreating in poverty and squalor you simpleton.
That guy reminds me of the typical pol wife guy, that marries the first woman that gave him attention after a life of inceldom and then goes around bragging I HAVE CHILDREN I HAVE CHILDREN
big push for gay married adoption that you know they'll beautifully lose over.
I agree. Families have more stake in the future than single people.
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Sounds like the type of thing...
good goy
Wants to give votes to children, fetuses, what about dead people?
the out of nowhere CIA spook "senator" has nothing to run on but his gay lovers spunk he swallows nightly
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...this type of person might approve of.
>white people have the lowest birth rates
>white people are the oldest (meaning that their children already vote for themselves)
>ethnic minorities have higher birth rates and younger populations(more centralized voting power)
bearish for white people, bullish for high TFR minorities.
This would be good in principle only if we got rid of two things first:
Womens right to vote
the only difference between Vance and Crenshaw is an eye patch.
nice link
ah yes, Trump, the side known for their high quality policies
Boomer logic. ESTABLISHMENT NO LIKE SO GOOD! Moronic reasoning on par with trump boomers. Just vecause one head of the hydra doesnt like him, doesnt mean hes perfect for another.
I also have less to lose think about it that way as well. Maybe I want conditions for men like me to prosper in the future. NAH I NEED IT PLAIN AND SIMPLE MUH CHILDREN ARE MUH EVERYTHING WITHOUT PROGENY WHAT AM I HURRR fucking dumb ass talking point that is backfiring on the faggot
I'll address it. I don't know why they would say anything divisive. On either side.. The point is to win, so why not drop the shit until you've won and are in office? not sure. Cater to the fucking normies and then do you in office.. the niggers on both sides only know how to make their base narrower.
big if true
Do some research you lazy faggot. It's true and correct. It's just a google search away.
His first statement after being nominated was we have to "punch Iran hard". Nobody has to shill to notice how bad that is
He isn’t. His entire career has been funded by the prime contractor for the private arm of the government’s surveillance apparatus.
Good way to encourage more school shootings, lest you give tax breaks
My meemah said that immigrants only work hard and drink beer, im ok with that
Down with the fake hillbilly venture capitalist in eyeliner.

Does he want to give votes to spermatozoids too, though?
Is this guy actually like clinically retarded?
my meemawmoomoo said the same thing i reckon
What about it? a family vote is better than roasties getting toasty over politics and making us all miserable by extension of their liberal voting patterns.
look at that gaping maw he is clinnicaly brain dead only knows how to respond to mossad trigger phrases
black people would multiply their vote 7x lol
what a retard
What about pets? Can cats get votes?
That's exactly what happened, fat faggot incel finally managed to get a poojeeta to shit out three mongrels that he calls children. And now he won't shut the fuck up about his street shitting progeny.
with how secure our elections are you can probably make up all kinds of fake kids to add to your vote.
Duh, they don't teach them math in West Virginia, he does know how to dress a deer tho
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is he a communist? they had all kinds of fiscal punishments for single people and childless couples in the USSR.
It's "JD Vance on our Civilisational Crisis" at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. It's 35 minutes long.
at least he understands his little faggot sons aren't white and will never be white
Fine I'll stop paying for them too
That guy sounds about as stupid as Dan Quayle.
Yeah like their earned income child credit "kids"
I have a better idea.
Requirements for right to vote:
1. Must be a White male.
2. Must own land OR join military service.
Vance’s ideas are all about prioritizing national interests and cultural unity. From their perspective, it’s less about 'taking away' rights and more about ensuring policies reflect American values and the country’s best interests. Good thinking, if you ask me. It’s kind of a yummerino take on keeping things aligned with a vision for the future.
It's already been confirmed that cats get two votes each
Redditors win again!
Shut up nigger. You have no kids.
you're in the minority here bud. fuck off and take care of your fucking kids you loser bum.
Good. All you faggots are gay. I denounce the talmud.
my brother and sister have children but nevermind fuck em they didnt come from my loins so no interest in their shared future.
Wasn't fucking talking to you.
Lmao this guy is taking a sledgehammer to trumps public relations image, what a fucking bonkers idea, I have to assume this isnt real
Trust da plan, if ppl call a crazy person crazy that just means his idea is that good lol
go take care of your kids you fucking crumb bum
Yeah he wants to traffic children to pedos and open surrogacy farms like they shut down in India because of the cruelty. Troons like Vance are really turned on by sexual slavery.
Cultural unity with poo-jeets
I do and they aren't filthy poojeets like you or JuDe Vance's mongrels. And if I didn't that would still be better than bringing more street shitters into this world.
It's real. Do some research.
That's impossible with open borders and a culture that is uniquely American. What he's really doing is sabotaging Trump's possibility for a re-election.
look at this plump pretty boy man bimbo
he's going to run on the disenfranchisement of white people
there's not a thought in his fucktoy head
Vote by baby count. As long as baby-momma get their card filled every month, bet.
I do not think Trump is dumb enough to keep this idiot on the ticket.
man with brown wife wants browns to be given MORE votes

what a shocker
>White People fall below replacement levels
>Giant Sociopathic faggot wants to give more power to people with children
Any questions?
I dont think Trump has a choice
I'm not opposed to the idea of making voting a merit-based activity, but starting off with only parents is kind of a shitty thing to do in light of the current situation.
Wasn't Neo-Reaction pushing "R" and "K" selected breeding strategies?

Doesn't this favor "R", which presumably they were against (hey maybe that's the trick)
Lol i know im just sayin its like, unbelievable
It is uncanny honestly
2020 showed that real niggas already get multiple votes.
My cats won't vote for this guy
Jews like him and his ilk make having children unaffordable and then want to penalize you for their misdeeds. Every single time.
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>no link
>still no link
>35 minutes and no timestamp
You want only Jewish men to be allowed to vote in the US.
lazy bitch
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can someone tell JD he left this pillow at my gay friends house
do you really think trump has the capacity to publicly own up to a mistake

look into your heart
>White people unable to have children thus cannot vote due to having to fund diversity, other countries, etc.
>The only people having children are non-whites so now they are the only ones who can vote

Surely this won't spiral out of control at all.
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>Trump picked this guy
Was it his Seinfield audition though?
It's not his mistake. It's an easy dump.
Kikes don't fight, faggot.
US army = IDF, they definitely fight
I'll take "things that will never happen" for 500
>takes an hour to post a link
>calls others lazy
Fuck you newfag and fuck your shit thread, next time lurk more before you make a thread

I know he's a cat-hater
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>vance promotes white families
>Shills screech incessantly
Fuck you for doubting the veracity of my post. Get fucked salty faggot.
this policy in no way promotes white families.
Sounds like he's a part of that same infiltrating Indian mafia as Haley, Rawasmamy, Sunak, Kamala and all the tech CEOs
Hes a single mother roastie simp or more simply put, a republican.
thats why he has a pajeet wife
he literally went on television, sat next to the guy and pretended he was his maga succesor lmfao
It's the Apprentice.
single mothers will get more votes you cuck.
Hmmm...sounds like he's no animal lover in general. Funding burning of live monkey testicles?
He's a retarded zionist that believes in magic soil.
>Promotes women with children
>Tells childless babymurdering career hags to fuck off
Dont worry about childless abortion hags, theyre already extinct
>Takes away your political rights in the process
>It's a W goy!
His little shit niggers came out of his wife's asshole. Fuck that fat cunt
Does this sick fuck even own any kind of pets? Can't find any info
this promotes r selection strategy populations. which white people are not.
statistically speaking, no they wont
>threat to powerful interests
First thing he said after to media after becoming VP:
>Your taking away our rights to destroy this nation before we gracelessly expire with no heirs
t. 8 abortions
>WIll a single mother of 2 mulattoes have more votes than a childless anon under JD Vance's system?
Not a bad idea, but this assumes that the children are not as badly behaved as their parents.
Moral standards have to be restored in this country before anything better happens. You can't exact moral discipline unless moral standards are firmly entrenched in place.
Hmmm....didn't know that
"Donald Trump is the first US leader in 118 years not to own a dog"

I'm suspicious of people who don't own pets while they can afford them and have housing
I am suspicious of people who take their dogs everywhere. I know they don't always pick up their shit. PICK UP YOUR DOG'S SHIT YOU FUCKING BUMS.
Found the childless hag
>ummmm you actually think people would post a fake link on /pol/????
kek thanks for confirming you're a newfag
its hilarious how blatant it is, but also sad how boomers will totally fall for it.

>thats right, we need those heckin family values, only people with families should be able to vote likeourselves

>dad.... you let me cut my dick off and encouraged me to be a fag, that means i wont be able to vote....

Pets are a colossal waste of time
as far as i understand him, that would mean giving most votes to beaners, jeets and zipperheads because it's them that have most children.
Hey.. uh bud, here's a fucking tip. Most anons don't have children. If you do, you should be fucking TAKING CARE OF YOUR KIDS or playing with your kids instead of shitposting on /pol/ you fucking BUM.
I'm a cat not a dog person. But any sick fuck that got tons of money, big ass house and does not own a pet is a suspicious cold fuck in my book
If the American kids are killed in one of your school shootings parents can't vote. JD Vance and you are Retarded
Presidential pets: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_pets

"Theodore Roosevelt was known for having many pets in the White House. He had six children who owned pets including snakes, dogs, cats, a badger, birds, and guinea pigs.[6] "
To me, this shows a person is not devoid of humanity and ability to care
he's saying that, in the 60% white country, the 40% nonwhites should get all the votes since they have all the children.

Every time an illegal crosses the border and shits out a child, they get a vote..... but the unmarried 30 year old millenial with no children because their partner keeps aborting it like the jew told them to doesnt get their basic human rights you dumb nigger.
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What do you think guys is he gonna snake for The New World Order Of The Jews?
The only way is to Export 1776 to the shitholes. And you know what that means for those peoples and the way they simply are.


Nearly half of couples are democrat and a 1/4 of children are in single parent households meaning this would net liberal votes and brown votes.
The only stat contrary to this reasoning is the "republicans have more kids" stat but its not extremely substantial and Republicans are roastie worshipers and want to make us womens slaves so I see no hope there.
miganigger couch fucking shill
Sorry anon, I've procreated. I do worry about how they may be gearing up to push more "antisemetism" laws. Especially w\ the gaza protesters defacing DC.
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>>vance promotes white families
Yeah, I can see that
Go play with your kids instead of shitposting then you fucking bum.
Childless people just want more freebies and luxury for the present, at the expense of future generations.
Which explains why theyre so comfortable with personal and national debt
Found the single mother roastie
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Abraham Lincoln's dogs:

Though I'm a cat person, I can see how a dog is an American tradition, a dog always meant safety, fun, warms in the family, playtime, companionship, helping a human. There's something sick about these fucks Trump and possibly Vance not owning any pets despite having tons of money and living space. I guess rich class is above that
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>Whoever has the most kids.
So Orthodox Jews, Muslims, Indians, and Mormons. But at least we will still have the Constitution!
I think I found out why Trump and likely Vance do not own any dogs unlike all recent US presidents in 118 years of history

"In the Jewish mystical tradition, dogs are symbols of the demonic."
He’s a potato
This is true, but it's hard to believe our cultural values will be reflected all that well if it's run like a bad PTA meeting with over emotional parents.
People quite literally don't behave as first world citizens, and I mean within the core demographic. They have been too dependent, too sheltered to actually pull it off until they mature a bit more, morally, spiritually, and as men and women.
Just cause he has an indian wife dont mean u can have a white wife
So less than half of couples are democrat is what you're saying? And what you're also saying is there's less single mother children than normal children? I know. Thank you.
>If red team and Israel win, then that's a W!
I want my rights fuck you.
Watch the whole speech, or skip to 16 minutes
Hey, I was just playing along. Of course it's laughable he'd want to disenfranchise citizens.
>Let me explain why we should have more rights than childless young men
jews and muslims are right about dogs
This policy can't work when one race is forced to subsidize the other races.
Go have children.
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Lets give beaners a few million extra votes.

Great idea hillbilly.
Go take care of your kids.
Republicans announce nigger breeding program. This was an unexpected development
He is correct
This is an insult?
>and just like that
>abortions became less important
>mass temporary adoptions every 2 years became the new norm for demonrats

This socially murders the left
If you are shitposting on /pol/ instead of spending time with your kids you are a fucking bum. You can act like you're better than us but you're actually worse because you behave the same but have more responsibilities.
I think his idea has merit, but is incomplete and highly imperfect. there are plenty of people with children that shouldn't vote, and if this is just some stupid attempt to increase birthrates, I may find myself hating Vance.
It’s this. Did he have girlfriends in junior high/high school?
Possibly the dumbest statement ive ever heard. This optics queen is such a fag.
You are very sad, very pathetic.
t. jd vance
I have lots of children. If he wants to disenfranchise the trannies that post here it's fine with me.
Don't be surprised when your sons get drafted to fight in another pointless war
Who am I kidding? You'd probably love sacrificing your own kids to Moloch.
It would help offset women voting. I am for it if prince pudgington puddingchops gets in. He’s still a cocksmoker for wanting to zog us into Iran.
>I am for having my rights taken away
Can you just jew-jitsu this and say Vance is against the fag vote? I just want Trump to go out of his way to say "I love fags! I really do! I'm friends with the faggiest fags, and they're wonderful people. The best"
>1 child = 1 vote
This is actually a good idea. Just filter out people on welfare and ensure that it only applies to people who pay taxes.
Hes a bisexual who thinks that having kids makes him straight.
Putting your dick inside of a mans poo filled asshole is disgusting pajeet tier behaviour.
>kike mouthpiece says some evil kike shit, Americans shocked
you guys still don't understand that all sides are bad because all sides are the same?
He's from the Cincinnati area, he's lying about being from Appalachia. Which says a lot about how much you can trust him.
He's FAKE and GAY
4chan is a botnet honeypot. Fuck you. 4chan needs to be put down, it's 19 years beyond Obsolete.
thank god i quit my office job and do something real now so i dont have to be around cunts like this anymore
gimme 5/6
I would support giving more votes to parents based on the number of minors in their households. Probably times two to split up between spouses.
not gonna lie, he has a point.
but the lack of childlessness among many isnt wholly a choice, but a mix of many, many factors.
taking the power away from those you (the politicians/government) helped make the problems for in the first place is a no go.
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I agree.
t.married for 15 years
Yo Vey, fellow 4channer what will we do??
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At this rate, we're going to wind up with a 3/5ths compromise for women and children of the household.
god damn i got the gook when it couldve been the pre tranner ellen page
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Won't this give more votes to immigrants?
Not after mass deportations.
It's one of those ideas that seem good on paper, but in practice will be a complete clusterfuck
>Single moms get greater voting power on account of being a slut
>Illegals that come over the border, pop out a kid, and then get a greater say with voting than borne-and-raised citizens
>Forcing people to purchase a home (assuming the policy means you must also have a home for it to count) gives greater power to groups that already have a stranglehold on the market
>Gives greater power to older generations (such as Gen X and Boomers) that already have established families but not as long left to live as younger Zoomers and Millenials, contradicting the point
Trump is great, but Vance is trying too hard and coming off as shit
>opens up with implying he didn't want more white babies

racemixxer faggot reveals his colors.
If I don't get a vote being a single tax paying male then I'm no longer paying taxes and will start breaking things, I'm not going to be reduced to literal serfdom by married cucks and their whores.
except he's just plain creepy. even children and dogs can sense his creepiness.
like i said, good sentiment, but would only be viable if you fixed multiple other issues first.
I do agree we need more than just a free vote for everyone though, but the problem is everything's been so fucked over its hard to find any solution that doesn't involve fixing many other things first.
hahahaha. he married a peejeeta and has "pajeet my sons" and he is playing this card SO HARD like he married trad White.
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facts are facts j.d. 1pbtid
Real or not, it's a retarded idea. People with families tend to care a bit more, but that's not a given nor cause enough to start fucking with votes. This is a sell to tie more data to voting. 1 citizen - 1 vote.
Full time meme war verern here

I'm fine with both trump and Vance getting killed
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>Meemaw, is I gay?
>Do you want to suck dick?
>Yes, Meemaw.
>Well you're still not as gay as OP, little JD.
One family one vote. good idea
Every Republican is a closeted fag.
I don't think the establishment is actually afraid of him, given his position on Israel. He's the super AIPAC pick who hates foreign aid because it takes away money that could be given to Israel, not on principle of anything else.

If anything he seems to just be a big retard to sink Trump, and failing that, they still get their massive AIPAC supporter.
that idea is based actually.
nobody gets anything unreasonable.
nothing gets taken away from anyone.
fixes a flaw in an essential system
zogcow tears!
He's implying Indian mass migration should be rewarded the more kids they have while whites sterilize themselves.
Why? Those fuckers eat up my tax dollars.
But Indians are incels.
As if ovewrpopulation was not a problem already.
This fat poo loving faggot is the worst politician I haver ever seen
Ok now thats based.
Change it to people with kids who also are married and have income that isn't provided by the state
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so if vancey-pants has a mamaw and papaw, does his pajeeto "wife" have a moomoo and a poopoo?
We need to elevate the voices of those with mixed race kids.
And have monoracial kids.
>white families
Nigger please.
I have a kid though. He doesn't realize he would be giving too much power to the poverty nigs
Childless cat ladies have no investment in the future they are barren genetic dead ends so they should get no say or at least reduced, same for stinky incels
oh good, he'll fit right in with ever single other american politician.
You have no right to my tax dollars. If you have your way you will have war on your hands.

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