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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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/mu/ >>>>> /pol/
im voting for kamalla harris because we need a president who sucks cock and eats ass and gets fucked in her ass with cocks and eats cum
Is the online right only gay men, browns and Jews? Yes, you may have already known about the Jews and browns, but I think I’ve underestimated the sheer mass of gays like Nick and Spencer
I heard he got caught jacking off to tranny porn on his stream and trying to get trannies to meet up with him on X. Is that true?
Gee would you look at that another glowing e-celeb faggot tumor.
That's disingenuous
He's right. Brat is unironically one of the greatest albums of this century and Kanye is the only right-wing artist who can make good music.
Trump is winning blacks on his own merits. He pardoned lil Wayne and Kodak Black and brought lil pump on stage during a rally what more do you want? Ye lost the plot and Yeats latest album was trash
I was always kinda on the fence about Fuentes. He seems pretty smart and is right about a lot of stuff, but he can also be a massive contrarian faggot. The shilling for Kamala is just too much though. He won't recover from this. Also, he really should just come out as gay at this point.
>nick the spic wants nigger endorsement
>e-celeb cock sucking thread
Why would Christian nick Fuentes promote a porn addict like Kanye west who also claims to be god
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did jaden and nick make up?

ive been out of the loop.
You look like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
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trump is not the guy who can solve this, all he can do is delay the suck for 4 years if at all
Of course that little gayboy likes the brat thing.
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Seems to be the case.
I've been right-wing since joining /pol/ in 2013, and their meme game was on point in 2016, but they've got no answer to the infiltration of the board. /pol/ is the perfect example of a bunch of emotionally-starved individuals who seek out any kind of attention they can get by any means necessary and cry when the attention they get has consequences. Did they have some laughs? Sure they did. Are they paying for it? Yes. Because of hubris. They thought that because Correct the Record/Shareblue fell flat here that the enemy, with all their money, people, and resources, would concede defeat instead of coming back and adjusting their strategy as they go along. Then /pol/tards look to glowie faggots like Fuentes to save them and all he does is constantly punch right and advocate for the enemy since he gained a serious following. They just fall for it every time. And of course Nick is in on it. Of course he knows to play the absurdist, to humiliate his followers, goaded out of hiding by edgy bullshit, by association when he inevitably . .
>draws card
gets caught jerking off to troon porn.

Wow, who could have predicted that? I'm still a right-winger, but the left gained the victory here.
I understood that reference
I'm a fucking Kamala-Missile now
>amerinigger reading comprehension
La Raza spics being Democrats?! WOWOOOO who could have seen this coming?

The greatest fool is the retarded christcuck that ever thought Fuentes was on their side, or "redpilled", or even right-wing. He's a pro-invasion hispanic fuck who views jews solely as a force to power struggle against. In any other capacity, Spic is a democrat.
We can vote for buttigieg and get the same
If you know the story of Easter Toad, the you would know that Spic Fuentes followers are not Groypers.
Kamala's husband is a jew
I'm thinking based
Buttgay is a terrible choice
Nick is so goated for this take.
It’s lost internet history at this point
this is just like milo endorsing biden
why do fags do this
Fitting for an homosexual without moral
Oh wow totally legit screenshot
Fucking moishe
Nick is so based.
Who supports Drumpf the Jew?
Schizo Peterson the Jew.
All jews flock to Trump like he is their prophet.
they forgot politics is an attention whore olympics for the candidates, not the pundits
I honestly don't get this brat thing at all.
She's an old lady.
I'm not even out of mommy's house so a delay of 4 years is completely fine by me fuck all of you faggots
If we need a president who sucks cock and eats ass and gets fucked in her ass with cocks and eats cum he’s the one
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I knew I had this saved somewhere…
I love boiling brats in beer and then dousing them with ketchup on a tasty, properly sized bun. No hotdog bun, a proper bun.
they try to market her as young
a large quantity of the spam you see on /pol/ is probably done by the goyper themselves, it look like their usual spam
>extremely repetitive
>borderline insane
I’m getting real tired of all the hysteria around this guy, especially from the people who can’t stand him and have to make a thousand threads a day. You’re all fucking annoying
Kamala is going to win on memes.


>This Should Have NEVER Been Allowed To Happen

>The Energy of the Groypers is Inspiring!


>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

>The Fake Controlled Right Wing

>Group Chat Leak EXPOSES Jewish Bribery Network

>Tim Pool is Controlled Opposition


>Nick Fuentes x Keith Woods x SNEAKO
>Nick Fuentes x Cheesur Stream
>Nick Fuentes vs Gavin McInnes | Zionism DEBATE
Buttplug for VP!
>Jesuit opinion discarded
No his friend catboykami aka lolisocks would grossdress and drink water out of a horse dildo. Then they went on an all day shopping date together.

opticskings, we lost!
Yang was based. Actually cared about normie voters.
Increasingly irrelevant little twerp cry's out in pain as he strikes you.
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He's married and has twins too.
He's old enough to know how dumb people are but still too young to know when to stop talking.
Nick is right as usual
Trump could win, but he's too busy sucking off jews and niggers. fuck trump
I have no idea what you said.
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my favorite jew cock sucker
(i mean fuentes, he sucks loomers floppy mess of an axe wound)
Trump, but only with jewish men.
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I don't get the fucking retarded acronym and I don't care to. The cringe is off the charts.
> Yang was based.

This is true, if Dems are serious about beating Trump they should nominate him at the convention.


Then farted, sharted and ass blasted until it pisses out like liquid anus.
You can tell he's hurt that Trump won't go along with what he says. He genuinely thinks he's the reason Trump got elected.
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Why do people support an exposed FBI rat running an FBI honeypot? His best friend and former co-host Patrick exposed him after Nick got picked up by the FBI for his Jan 6 involvement. They put him on no-fly list, froze his bank accounts, and seized his bitcoin. Patrick told him to go public with the fact he was being investigated and monitored by the FBI, but instead days after he was questioned, he created a website, streaming service, donation processing system all in one week (wonder who helped him program and set it all up so fast) and then organized an entire event that required people's name and credit card info just to attend.

Why did Nick make all the effort to keep it secret that he was being investigated by the FBI and host an event that provided prime intel for the feds on who is supporting him financially instead of letting people know and giving them the option to not get dragged in with him?

Ever wonder why Patrick Casey and the original crew abandoned him? Why do you think he pals around with Baked Alaska, a confirmed FBI informant?

He's an informant just like Hal Turner was, because of the trouble he got into from Jan 6.

Video of Patrick Casey exposing Nick Fuentes for being a fed informant. Starts at the 7 minute mark
Nick is a retard per usual
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>Searching for posts that contain ‘FBI rat running an FBI honeypot’. 544 results found.
>544 results found.
Many people are saying it.
at least she hates trannies i guess
Blacks who follow Tariq Nasheed = Whites who follow Spic Fuentes
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How is it that people STILL haven't caught on that this little shit is controlled opposition in the same rank as Richard Spencer?

I don't understand.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
At least Tariq made a kino rap video called “Wash Yo Ass”
Sounds like a good representarion of america
Yep thats what we need, a black / indian brat
>praising Kamala’s meme game
I refuse to believe this actually happened
All in on Kam'. Unstoppable. Inevitable.
>dont vote goy!!!
kys, buy an ad, penus gropers
He's doing the righteous thing to not let trumptards get complacent and keep licking every turd that comes out of the GOPs asshole.
What a fucking nigger cuck, he despise all that nigger faggotry at the RNC and now he wants the nigger shit back? Fuck off f(ag)uentes.
And stop posting about this faggot nobody.
We already had Obama
not political
He got subpoenaed but is that enough to confirm he's doing a rule 35 / 5k1? What is the statute of limitations on the charges anyways? Supposedly there isn't even proof he went inside that is was fake.
Yeah this spam is suspicious
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All of a sudden I feel like playing Max Payne 1, anyone else get that vibe from this pic?
What's this "brats" thing? Some gay new bit of zoomer slang?
So much copein here. In 2016 Trump was the King of Memes, now the Mandate of Heaven is with Kamla.
it's so sloppy and on the nose, worst shills in the whole board
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>on the nose
Honorary mentions:
>tranny fucker
They got nothing on him.
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I don’t like jews so I’m voting for Kamala :) Jews control everything and she already snubbed Netanyahu. Based.
it's the most obvious smear campaign ever
the irony being that whoever is paying for it is unequivocally helping fuentes by giving him tones of free exposure and keeping away literally retards from joining AF
What is this fags obsession with niggers?
If they put out 100k openly to shit on him before like it was nothing, paying for 4chan spam must be peanuts. Point being, it probably wont go away that fast.
Nick latches onto the popular culture of blacks and homosexuals, but dismisses 100% of white popular culture as "low class kitsch." Makes you think. I'd pay good money to deck this little faggot.
>he’s winning the votes of convicted felon trash ass rappers who can’t even vote
>while he loses votes from white men who never got what they were promised from Zion Don the Con
>worship a jew or youre a jew
>loves niggers and assorted shitskins
so THATS what they meant by brat
exactly and that's a good thing, fuentes just keeps getting bigger meanwhile 4chan keeps dying and being less relevant
twitter is the new /pol/
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they should join forces and call themselves BRAPERS
check out this completely organic post:
Glad Fuentes is nuking himself, maybe I won't have to deal with any Christcucks on /pol/ anymore
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>Oy vey goyim don't you enjoy the bread and circuses?
Just fucking shut down the Truman Show at this point things are getting so gay and retarded.
I'd pay to see you deck him too. I hate that little queer.
Until Elon decides to pull out the rug and ban everyone for “antisemitism”. He already went on multiple tweets about how shameful it is that the Democratic Party is “openly and boldly antisemitic”
All I’m saying is don’t get too comfortable posting there, they made him take the apology field trip and he’s never been the same since
so far so good, we'll cross that bridge when we get there
I'm not defending elon, but he's either larping and letting people do as they please, or twitter is too poor to enact any kind of actual moderation
people get banned and make new account that same day, and regain all their followers within a week, they don't even hide it
as of today, frogposters run that site
ffs, why can't you lot just choose Yang?
It’s almost like every prominent right wing eceleb is a twofaced faggot
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>twofaced faggot
This is /pol/ anon you can just say 'jew'.
Stop posting this Jesuit coadjutor piece of shit.
Because he has a kike shill team pushing him here. (((they))) want to drag the goyim through the mud by associating us with kike faggot ecelebs.
There aren't a lot of them but they are quite common on /pol/. They don't have jobs so they can post as much as about 8-12 real americans.
you can tell this guy has been working with the feds for at least 6 or 7 years now.. i never was a fan of him, but god do i miss the times he was organic, and would debate people on warski live or other shows
white rightwingers are too busy infighting about monarchies/emperors and other gay larpish shit.. it's like too many of whities on the extreme right have very serious autism
Kids don't vote. Trying to appeal to retarded kids just makes you look worse to the voting crowd.
who are the 2 gentlemen on the left?
because nick became control op somewhere down the line, and because he's either big fan of kanye, or because kanye is also control op, he's trying to work together with kanye when possible (he went to alex jones with him if i remember, tim pool, and didn't he also try go dine with trump with him?)

during all this, there was the gay jewish pedo milo with them too
None of legitimate people do anymore. It's only the brainwashed young teenagers whom still support Nick Fuentes. All of the right wingers whom are old enough and have been following the circus for years can tell Nick isn't legitimate, or hasn't been legitimate for quite many years now
don't worry, most of real right wingers on extreme discords all laugh at nick. I know because I've been there, nobody takes nick seriously.

We all know you're gay,nick....
I used to watch you until the catboy date thing happend and i couldnt watch after that. literally no one believes you're straight. Just come out already
What's the worse that can happen?
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The jewish hand got very deep into his ass

they said to him

"you will die if you don't do this date with this australian twink"

that's how they get these influencers
does jewish cock and cum not count???
So you're saying Nick has a shot at being president?
Then why don't you vote Trump
Yes, he was genetically engineered to run a burger country
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Sorry, I don't speak nigger. Can you translate this into English?
Ever heard of outlaw country? I guess not considering you are supporting the “accomplishments” of a nigger ape “musician”. Fuck off and kys
Wild accusations. Any video evidence?
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Who cares about AF anymore? No one is going to trust these scandal ridden weirdos to run the country when they've proven they can't accomplish the most bitch basic political function offline.
Spencer was at least entertaining and said some based stuff, probably a playing his handlers type of thing lol, but Nick is just so lame and wimpish about everything, it's honestly bizarre how he even has a following
Jaden might have an IQ of 80
No you people vote wrong and amoral as fuck

Stop voting for this shit, just stop, if I shut up shit ends you don't hear my voice anymore your world and life will be fine

If you vote wrong am fuck you are fuck and we all fuck together

You just know Butigeig is going to be her VP..
Nick is smart and knows that the candidate that hurts Israel-American relationships is the one that is ACTUALLY America First. Though I guess having open borders is retarded as opposed to that.

It really is a shitty deal for Americans.
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Oh no, the MIGAtard mentally deficient Jew cocksucking PTG refugees from reddit and facebook are shocked when an ideologically consistent radical white nationalist doesn't bow down to the Israeli republican party's cucked selection to further white genocide for 4 years. I despise all of you faggots and I hope you leave this board for something more your speed like r/Jewish.
Damn what the fuck happened to Fuentes?
fucking cringe
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Nah we're all in the woods waiting.
He knows people have realized he is a giant faggot.

Also, all voting is a scam and if you havent realized this you should KYS
where was picrel picture taken? it looks so much better than the set of his own show
was meant for OP >>475663772
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Nick is finally coming out of the closet? you go girl!!!!
What "real right wingers" think on their "extreme discords" counts for fuck all.

It's the millions of mid-wit normie republicans with "come and take it"stickers on their trucks, that are the main target for this kind of demoralization.

>nobody takes nick seriously
He attracts a specific group of people by pretending to support the solid values that they all want to see, gets them to publicly associate with his personality, them willfully makes a complete fucking clown of himself in front of the world, destroying the credibility of those values to his fan base, shutting them up, and reducing the credibility of the people who associated with him in front of other voters.

That's what this is about.
He is a literal pet retard.

>Spencer was at least entertaining and said some based stuff
They fucked up with Spencer because they made him too retarded until people cheered for him like you'd cheer for Wile E. Coyote chasing the road runner.
His whole thing was to act like a clown from the star, and paint the alt-right as a pack of mouth breathing idiots.
But with Fuentes, it's a lot more nefarious than that, because it's plain psychological sabotage.

The best (and cheapest) thing you can do is call him out on it every time he says something retarded like this.
He needs more fed$ to entrap heterosexual white males for the SPLC and ADL, so he needs Kamala to win.
There is a good fucking reason why there used to be habit of shitting on e-celebs and anyone mentioning them on this board regardless of who they were.

People just gave up on that when it got flooded by enough dumb cunts that would start bumping the threads that were getting pushed.
The goal of both them is something like Jan 6, or the Whitmer plot. Ruby Ridge or WACO would be kino for these faggots.
>What "real right wingers" think on their "extreme discords" counts for fuck all.

>It's the millions of mid-wit normie republicans with "come and take it"stickers on their trucks, that are the main target for this kind of demoralization.

I stand corrected, I think you may have a point
Either way, it’s predatory and beyond fucked up. We must ruin them.
That's not the goal.
It's simply to embarrass the people supporting ANY of the things that he's supporting, by putting some good ideas in the same mouth as a lot of other stupid shit.
>Grifter moves on to a new grift
All of you Nick Fuentes haters are just jealous that he can sexually satisfy a room of men while you sit behind your computer screens jacking off to it.

You'll never know the thrill of having two men sodomize your gaping anus (at the same time) while pleasuring another man's erect penis with your throat and mouth and keeping your upcoming daddies rock hard with your hands and feet like Nick does. You'll never know the joy of having your anal cavity be so full of semen that it leaks from your throbbing anus as your latest daddy thrusts deeply inside of you, only to have him replace the missing semen with his ejaculate while your micropenis dry cums repeatedly in chastity from the prostate pounding that you're receiving like Nick does. You'll never know the feeling of having a group of men urinate on you while calling you a cheap slut like Nick does. You'll never know the ecstasy of being a cum dump like Nick does.

Let's face it, you all wish you could be like Nick Fuentes, but you'll never be able to do half of what he has done.
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Thats nothing Trump won't do if Israel is involved
im voting for trump because we need a president who sucks Israel’s cock and eats Israel’s ass and gets fucked in his ass with Israeli cocks and eats Israeli cum
Mental gymnastics. Pray for Israel.
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Regardless they're still faggots
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544 Nick Fuentes threads? That's a lot of Nick Fuentes shilling. Nick Fuentes is hard at work to meet the conditions of his agreement with the feds for Jan 6.
The guy got spunk Way better than Alex Jones
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>we need a president who sucks cock and eats ass and gets fucked in her ass with cocks and eats cum
If only Obama was eligible for a 3rd term....
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That image is a distraction from the fact that Nick turned informant after the feds showed him all the evidence they had of him encouraging and rallying his members on Jan 6. Many went to prison for less. Nick got a sweet deal though.
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a retarded amount of shilling for that faggot for some reason lately.
brb calling him a nigger on all 129 sock puppet accounts

everyone knows you're paid to do this but like I said, it's clearly a good thing
Well, fucking thank us bitch because we're the only ones keeping the goddamn movement focused on important shit while the whites waste allt heir time infighting and calling each other out for engaging in the left's tactics as if the fucking left doesn't deserve it.
Exactly my thoughts. Good post, bro
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I fell out of a coconut tree
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This is Andrew anglin
this is like two 50something year old fat FBI agents trying to samefag a thread, kek
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Kike dick sucking judas vs unvaxed anti-semitic Hitler & Stalin loving Spicky. Tough choice
i am rightwing and have no idea who this nick guy is
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that clip never fails to make me laugh....
It's an accurate of the hoe who went to Willie Brown's birthday party as his date while his wife was at the same party.
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Damn, I didn't know there were that many Nick Fuentes threads. Almost seems like an organized attempt to shill Nick Fuentes on this board ever since he avoided jail time for Jan 6 mysteriously. The one thing they don't call that Patrick Casey video is a lie Nick Fuentes is a confirmed fbi informant.

Normally if someone is lying, they point out and disprove the lie, but they don't. They just highlight the amount of shilling that is done for Nick Fuentes. Funny how that works.

He's an informant just like Hal Turner was, because of the trouble he got into from Jan 6.

Video of Patrick Casey exposing Nick Fuentes for being a fed informant. Starts at the 7 minute mark
Cringe & based
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100% lmfao
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>That image is a distraction from the fact that Nick turned informant
after the reach around you gave him
There's not much you can do.
He's on the stage as one of the clowns.
No matter what you do, he'll still get publicity.
Remember that the goal is not to convince people to switch sides, or to change their vote.
That's too hard.
It's to get people to shut up, to embarrass them to the point that they will no longer publicly support their own values, and if possible, to stop caring about voting for them entirely. DEMORALIZATION
Meanwhile, the other side has the public's ear all to themselves.

Actively, as a group, you can call him out on it in a specific way:
>you do not support my ideas
>you're not one of us
>this person is not associated with me at all
>that guy's just a clown
Simply tell the truth.

Passively, you need the group to stop having a permanent speaker at all.
Don't follow anyone, don't support any celebs, don't allow any shady organizations to represent you AT ALL.
Assume that anyone getting media presence is planted there.
Build lots of independent social groups, not affiliated with one another, but visible to all, so they can share content passively.
Follow only good ideas, not good personalities.

This is the only defense.
Buttigiege for VEEP!!!!!
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>Buttigiege for VEEP!!!!!
A peter on the bootie's edge?
Kamala IS Brat, skibidi Harris, hawk tuah spit on that thang, let's WIN this
>Searching for posts that contain ‘https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpHK7BWe5ZE&’. 730 results found.
>730 results found.

Hey! That’s why I voted for booty judge last time!
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its insane they waste time shilling him here.
Youre not fooling anyone worth honeypotting.
Nice link farm, fed intern
Truly delusional tax cattle. No wonder my country faces it's current juncture.
But you don't have a clue and are obviously a lying newfag?
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lol, lmao even

you're not fooling anyone at all, nobody cares
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>Spic Fuentes followers are not Groypers.
They are Gapers
They get addicted to the the fedbucks
At least the 3rd worldist communist also hates jews
They are not individuals with autonomy, you braindead political pageantry enjoyer.
Hes retarded cause Trump pardoned a bunch of nigger rappers instead of actual political prisoners
Also nigger music fucking sucks
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ah hard to argue your logic here senpi
This single-handedly made me a Kamala-sister
Why do shills shit on Nick but never post clips of him saying the things he supposedly says?
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Groyper? More like GAYPER.

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