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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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One issue voter here.

Who sucks less jew cock?
Trump has been shown to love his masters so much he even says Israel First.
Kamala did not attend Bibi's speech, and despite condemning the protests, has come out firmly in the direction of saying Israel needs to defend itself appropriately.
Kamala Harris is therefore the most anti-jew candidate we have ever possibly had.
I vote for Harris.
I don't care about anything else.
If we end jewish worship we can fix the world.
I'll still vote for Trump to cancel out your vote, don't worry
Hi One Issue Voter,
Anon here. Do you have any idea how many cocks Kamala sucked behind the sage bush over there? I'll give you a hint concern-shill. Only one less than you, faggot.
DNC pretends to be anti Israel
GOP pretends to be anti Ukraine

In the end they will give all your tax money to both it doesnt matter who you vote for its just a circus act anon

Trump and Kamala probably have drinks together with the other elites and have a laugh when the cameras are off. Biden and JD are probably with them too.

Youve got to keep the masses distracted with entertainment and illusions
Harris is wondering why the humanitarian issue isn't getting worse than it should be.
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Meanwhile Trump is fantasizing about being assassinated so we can go to war with Iran, which benefits only israel.

Fuck off kike.
Why Geee! You think people don't already know this by now? Wowzers!
still gonna do it
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Only 1 candidate is constantly talking about their love for Israel.
Only 1 candidate got a settlement named after them.

If you vote for this candidate then you are professing your undying love for jewish cock.
I'm the same way. I know democrats have a lot of Jewish influence and policy but the first step to ending Jewish rule is stopping Israel. We can't possibly beat them when they have an ethostate that funnels our tax dollars into propaganda and lobbying against us, and we actually have grassroots support from the left. It's really not hard to figure out Kamala is the best option you just have to not be a football team rah rah personality cult faggot
>still gonna love jewish cock
okay no need to brag about it
still gonna kek
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>it's just one big act
Alright its fine if you don't vote or vote third party, but ultimately these two frontrunners are the only ones with political power.
Do you vote for the one who loves israel hard and talks about them every day?
Or the one who is speaking against israel?

I'm going to take my chances with Kamala and you can see how upset the jewish shills are in this thread.
What's up with the rhetoric, we don't want to wipe Iran from the face of the Earth, just the mudslime shitskins...Iran needs to remain to be repopulated by white people and Jews as it used to be before the shitskin occupation.
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Communism is atheistic judaism. Lurk 4 years OP.
Kamala literally sucks jew cock every night.
/thread OP is an faggot
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You fool.
Trump is the one that keeps the kikes in a chokehold. They literally tried to have him killed over it.
Jill Stein is the only anti-Zionist candidate.
The alternative is someone who goes full MIGA.
You're not a NatSoc unless you're going to be for the candidate with power that is the most anti-jew.
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Trump literally sucks jewish cock every hour.

You are jewish.

Show me a picture of Harris touching the wall. Go ahead. I'll wait.
FFS Kamala is married to a jew. By definition then she sucks jew dick
kys yourself retard
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>keep kikes in a chokehold
How so? He has empowered them by affirming Golan Heights.
He empowers them by backing their engagements against Gaza.
He empowers them by talking about Iran and how we need to fight them in WW3.

Harris hasn't done any of that.

“A lot of people recognize that we need to do something with Iran, but not these weak little bombing runs. If you’re going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard, and that’s what he did when he took out [Qasem] Soleimani..."
All of Trumps children are married to jews.
Anyone who knows anything about jews knows its through the Mother, not the Male.
By not marrying a jew, even her husband can be see as anti-jew.

>jewish shills in overdrive
One sucks jewish cock on stage. The other sucks jewish cock in the behind the curtain.
Esau's gambit.
But for what it's worth Congress showed how much baby dick it's willing to suck in public the other day, sure half the people weren't there and the other half were random invitees to fill the room, but the fact that they even gave him an audience... i dunno man, everyone knows by now that every single one in Washington has an AIPAC handler that proofreads all of their shit, and should make anybody question the legitimacy of the American government in ANY capacity whereby they do not serve America anymore and you are at the mercy of the benevolent whims of Israel.
you fucking retard. please go kill yourself right now
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For me it comes down to the party that loves jews or the party that loves blacks and hispanics. It's a tough choice but lolocaust isn't real so I know who I'm voting for.
>Who sucks less jew cock?
She sucks jew cock literally. You shills are not even trying.
You shills are not even trying. Pretending like a fucking democrat married to a literal jew is not their slave.
>By not marrying a jew, even her husband can be see as anti-jew
This is getting ridiculous.
ActBlue astroturf thread number 5,876
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This is good, because this version of "divide and conquer" at least acknowledges that people will vote out of their anger at Jews.

This is bad, if the Jews actually cheat it to win again.

That would be good, because the next American civil ward will be Goys vs. Jews.
the truth is there are 2 different types of Jews opposed to each other.
The Jews in Israel are conservative nationalists
the Jews in the US who promote all the liberal shit hate Israel and support Palestine and are globalists.
They aren't the same.
Muslims are just as big of an enemy as kikes are and much greater in number. "We can fix the world" 1300 years of constant warfare with Muslims says otherwise but you don't know shit about anything and subscribe to beliefs which lack any semblance of reason or sense or intelligence, so why am I even wasting my time
It's amazing, somebody in the DNC actually thought
>Hey we can flip a lot of votes to Kamala if we go on 4chinz and do the antisemitism
>Israel has a right to defend itself.
No it doesn't. Israel is a terrorist state. It must be completely destroyed.
It's Zionists v Bolsheviks, which is what it's been for 150 years…
Defending itself properly means he has free reign to keep bombing Gazans. I'd say bombing them back to the stone age but it's not exactly like they evolved out of it.
I literally see no downside to nuking Tehran. Why are you simping for shitskins?
if you think they offer the slightest promise to ending Jews then you are a literal retard. all the Jews have to do is pay/threaten Harris like they do everyone else. the current " anti semitism" shit is only concerning for bottom of barrel Jews. they want the heat turned up in the US so their people start leaving 1st world countries and relocate to Ukraine or Israel. they've come out publicly and explained all of this
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that was 6 month ago
Also seconded, sadly
I'm sitting out the presidential election. trump is a russian asset and harris supports medical experimentation on children. I'm just going to vote local
Uh, harris isn't the president...is she? What the fuck is going on? Did Biden just give up being president? This is all so weird.
I think they need to offer peace foods. Like peace leave now k tnx.
Dems pretend not to support Israel while openly and proudly supporting the jewish war in Ukraine.
that's part of the psyop, Kamala is adopting presidential like duties for the camera while Joe quietly fades into the sundown
Is it even appropriate to send a woman to do that?
Thanks for telling us you are an inbred retard mutt.
they did a photoshoot with someone looking like Biden to pretend he's still alive
Extreme lefties like Harris don't have to care about Israel as much as they're already participating in the subversion by existing
Jews do hate it when their male offspring marry a non-jew.
people think they're on the same side is the part that jacks people up.
There are literally Jews on both sides here. The Israel Jews support Trump and conservatives, and the Conservatives, especially Evangelical Christians, will support the state of Israel, so the Zionists are on their side, now yes, Tel Aviv itself is a cesspit of Liberalism which throws people off track, Israel allows all Jewish people to come immigrate there Alliyat or something like that I don't spell it right I'm sure.so they get some liberals in there. but the norm is like Conservative Religious Ethnic Jewish Nationalists, you know, Zionists.

But on the left you have other Jews, that are globalists and they actually hate Israel. The hollywood types, the Chuck Schumer and George Soros types, the Pornographers. They claim to be Jewish, ethnically, but they don't believe in God and promote evil. That's literally what Jesus meant by Synagogue of Satan. Those people.

So when you have Netanyahu on one side and Chuck Schumer on the other side and they seem opposed to each other.. that's what's playing out.
An actual redpill on /pol/. I might faint from shock.
here's another one: a jew is a jew regardless of what side of the Israel question they are on
You can will perish for your hatred of gods chosen people
it's also a black pill though, because it just shows you can't get away from Jews. If what you hate is Israel specifically sure you can side with the leftists.. but they're the ones pushing all the woke stuff from their anti-zionist Jews on the left. If what you hate is the woke liberal Jews on the left, then you go conservative and now you're supporting a Jewish ethnostate.

So.. how do you oppose both? How do you not want a foreign state intervening in our politics AND oppose the leftist marxists?
Under international law, a state does NOT have the right to take military action from a threat that emanates from a territory it illegally occupies. Under international law, an occupied people have the right to free themselves from that occupation, by any means necessary, including force. Every single bullet fired by an Israeli, much less the bombs they've dropped, at a Palestinian is a war crime. They're the most criminal nation that's ever existed.
They killed him. The new one is way taller and doesn't speak.
>how it does so
Harris is an anti-Jewish piece of crap
I dont even care anymore. politics is gay as fuck and our political class is retarded. Voting is for losers, let it burn
I like your defeatist attitude. just kick back and enjoy the show
None of these people are actually Jews, though. The Talmud was written by Khazarian pagans in the 9th century and it runs in complete conflict with the tenets of the OT/Torah. The Satmar Jews are the only real Jews because the rebuke the Talmud. They get the shit kicked out of them in Israel on daily basis.
by one definition, a jew is what a jew does and this is jew
I don't buy into the "ethnic jew" bs because religions are not ethnicities. Anyone can become Jewish if for some reason they wanted to do that. But 97.5% of people who call themselves "Jews" are from Khazarian heritage and have no Middle Eastern DNA at all. They can call themselves Khazarian (they prefer "Ashkenazi" for whatever reason). Ethnically they're basically Ukrainian. If we can shift the focus to that scientific fact, they lose a lot of the power of their deranged argument that the Levant somehow belongs to people from Eastern Europe.
you're not wrong sir
it's a religion
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Bidens cabinet at is all jews and she literally sucks Jew cock. Literally you niggerlover
Jews hate the fact that Kamala is in power.
This means I'm voting for Kamala.
It really is that simple.
>omg this person met with this person!!!!!
People meet all the time you dumbass.
She is giving lip to israel and I like that you dumb kike.
Iranians are whiter than you.
Another reason why you should vote Kamala.
They very much upset the kikes.
Maybe they're against invading a country's native population?
Yes that's Biden's cabinet.
Kamala has shown she is anti-jew.
Meanwhile Trump wants Fink in his cabinet.
The choice is very clear.
It's literally in the name. Iran means Aryan
she didn only meet with him
she never ever voted against any bill pertaining to Israel in her whole career
that mean several billion of dollars used for the very genocide she pretend to be against suddenly
Why don't you people ever stop lying
really? you're still at it?
>Basing your political opinion on what politician says rather than what they do
Are you restarted? All trump did was go lol ok embassy in Jerusalem now hehe and Jews bought that shit hook line and sinker. Trump sent less money to Israel than any other president. He also disparaged netantahu on stage one time regarding Palestine, which is why many Jews don't want him elected.
leftoids are only turning against jews because they view the isreal-palestine conflict in the same white colonizer-oppressed natives dynamic they use to attack our own rich history of empire & conquest

it's just misguided anti-white sentiment

white nationalists can co-opt and make use of the trump movement. the same is absolutely not true for anything to do with kamala or democrats
Israel is a country, Palestine is a smaller country next to Israel. Israel is a powerful country. Israel decided to invade Palestine, so basically that's wrong.
wtf I'm heels up for hoes now lol
You’re a Jew pig , kill your family
Most people don't know or refuse to acknowledge the truth.

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