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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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His Vice presidential running mate just made the blunder of a lifetime pissing off the biggest voting block of women. Now a huge liberal influencer just took to her Instagram with over 45 million follower's to secure the vote for Kamala Harris. Thats over 1/3 of the voting block of America.


Its over. Republicans can try again in the next 4 years maybe.
I don't care what the childless cat lady has to say about anything memeflaggot kike
That's a man.
Vance needs to be fired he is killing this fucking campaign

He sucks so much
That's Jennifer Aniston now? Ozempic turned her into a featureless ghoul huh
>Jennifer Traniston
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That's literally a man
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the funniest part is the MIGA cult is so delusional they are still cheering for him and think it wouldnt be better for Trump to replace him
Only an incel would impregnate a poojeeta.
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more like Jennifer Maniston amirite
I don't think the women that get angered at being called "childless cat ladies" were ever gonna vote for trump in the first place
He’s right, obviously, but it was a stupid thing to say when you are trying to get votes. Vance is not Trump, he can’t pull off and get away with the same shit Trump can. He did not gain any votes by saying this.
Coconut mommy has adopted kids. Vance is a demon being manipulated by Thiel
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>huge liberal influencer just took to her Instagram with over 45 million follower's to secure the vote for Kamala Harris.
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>I don't care what the childless cat lady has to say about anything memeflaggot kike
Same. Send these hoes back to the kitchen!
Couch fucker fucked up again
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Did they edit that photo? Is that why trannies disappear? Is that why they made Madonna get cat lady surgeries? Is it to stave off the tranny face or to trick people into thinking all women age into guys?
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>He did not gain any votes by saying this.

All women will come together to vote Trump out because of this. The sisterhood is real and you will see in November.
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If Trump had said that himself nobody would give a fuck, why is it a surprise his right hand man would say it?
>sour grapes from empty crates
lmao, even
>Jennifer Aniston
>childless cat lady who couldn't hold down a man
oh wow who could've seen this coming
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All her followers will surely vote Harris then. She's rallying the cat ladies I suppose
Repeal the 19th amendment.
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Have a pat on the back, sir. You're putting a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into shilling for Kamala.
don't let the beard fool you.
being off her hormone treatments is turning her back into a man
Rare flag checked. I think he said it in 2019 when everyone was clowning on Kamala. Dems magically liking her happened about 4 days ago. Within 15 hours of them announcing her as candidate they started writing articles saying she was never in charge of the border. Honk honk I can't even imagine what October is going to look like other then I want to have at least a small solar setup by then and maybe a water distiller. Probably put that together for about $2,000. Everyone stacking guns and ammo and salty food. The guy who has water and can defend his water is going to be the real kind of the wasteland.
Dude she looks like macron's wife now gross
OH no is that real?
>What color is your Bugatti?
>why homosexual of course
That cigar makes a lot more sense now.
>Takes photograph in front of the most scenic view in Roma-mania.
1) not all women are lefties
2) lefty women weren't ever going to vote gor trump
3) 45 million followers=/=45 million UD voters, as it is worldwide
Lol. Jennifer who?
> no eggs
> no children

Opinion discarded
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Its better to have no children than to make mutt children that will grow up to hate White people
Fucking Top KEK
>what about the poor infertile women who can't do IVF if it's outlawed
>stating the obvious
that's one way to look at it.
another way is, it's obvious and nobody cares.
Republicans will never be elected in this country again.
she looks like a top-tier 00's shemale pornstar
Cat ladies have that disease.
But not a peep from Aniston on what should be done with the lonely men other than tax them more and send them to die in war right? Or if she's a pacifist, just keep taxing them more to pay for spiteful women who blame white gentiles for everything that has gone wrong, is going wrong and ever will go wrong. It's not the Aniston's of the world who are expected to lift one finger in their entire lives. It certainly isn't them who sweat, bleed and die for Jewish Empire.
you can already tell the coloured children despise their white father
Plastic surgery is a bitch.
Don't Gaetz.
Why are white women the worst?
Every guy she's ever been with kicked her ass to the curb as soon as something better came along. This was way back when she was in her physical prime, mind you.
I think JD struck a nerve.
This. Vance doesn't change anything with these comments. Besides making repubs laugh and dems who'd never vote for trump anyways seethe
I'm ignorant. How is Vance worse than Pence? This just feels like 2016 Electric Boogaloo.
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what a self-report by her, kek
>Childless cat lady 2 is upset childless cat lady 1 was called a childless cat lady
They showed their hand too soon. Alienating average voters while the heritage foundation couldn't wait to write their cringe master plan. The cat is out of the bag and they win on white men voting alone.
(Also, not smart to alienate fatherless men lol)

>selfish hag seethes because she was reminded how much she hates herself and how meaningless her life and wealth is.
Maniston had so many abortions from sleeping her way to the top that it left her womb so scarred it is incapable of planting the seed of life in it.
Just tweet a picture of an empty egg carton to her.
She finally aged.
Why would guys too creepy to get a girlfriend be Jenifer Aniston's problem? Inceldom is a male problem that males will have to solve. Right now, the prevailing solutions seem to be: #1 trans you into sterility or #2 blow you up as cannon fodder.
Literally no woman will vote for a guy who thinks women have no value beyond being brood mares. None.
it's funny because she took it personally and tries to be a moral fag about it (literally the only card they can play besides calling a man an incel or trying to get another man to kick his ass).
just say "listen nigger, you're not going to vote for us anyway" and do that will all women and non-Whites.
the ones with the rape fetish will
No, she reacted to a male politician who thinks women, who comprise more than half the population, should have no rights and who is so full of hatred for women that he's dumb enough to say so out loud when he needs their votes to elected.
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>And like that Trump lost the Presidential Election

He will never be a real man.
That's like 12 chicks on Only Fans who were sexually abused by their fathers. Women, as a group, don't have rape fantasies. Bernie Sanders wrote an article in the 70s fantasizing about women having rape fantasies. But that's a male thing.
>Childless cat lady, whom has never voted Republican, confirms recent allegations levelled against her and other childless cat ladies (who do not vote Republican)
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>Women, as a group, don't have rape fantasies
I used to work with a woman who looked like that. She committed suicide. Not because of how she looked though. A mexican stole her job.
She's obviously a dog person and I wouldn't be surprised if she voted for GWB.
The 5000 other Republican politicians are smart enough to hide it. Vance is a literal retard and "his" kid is named after his wife's boyfriend.
the entire biological (heckin' science) point of women AND men is to pump out babies. everything else is in support of that.

childless individuals fail at life the hardest.
only post wall childless roasties get mad at cat lady jokes
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Better childless cat lady than pajeeta breeder.
Fuck. This. Goy.
Maybe a career woman spinster that mainly votes republican for lower taxes?
That's a biological essentialist view, which posits we're no different than any other animal. To take that position, without hypocrisy, you'd also need to believe that civilization is unnatural and we should all be living naked in the woods. You can consider yourself a wild animal, if you want.
yes, we're no different to animals, but civilization doesn't refute it; civilization is in support of children and creates even higher numbers of them.
>To take that position, without hypocrisy, you'd also need to believe that civilization is unnatural and we should all be living naked in the woods
I'm pretty sure that if the goal is replication then creating conditions where you die less is pretty fucking natural you imbecile.
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>It’s suicidal for Trump to pick a true conservative to reinvigorate the base! We can’t have two establishment outsiders!
I read like 7 years back that that whore needed pussy surgery because everything was "falling out"

You will never be a woman.
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Some washed up dishrag whore has an opinion.
Say it isn't so.

Those other Republicans are spineless pussies. We need to push the Overton window in that direction in order to have a functional, stable society again.
How does that work?
You are brown.
Prove me wrong.
Any comment from Edith Bunker? How about the bitch from Good times? No one gives a fuck about this stinky old roasty, and she's finding that out.
>How dare you question worthless parasites to society
>blunder of a lifetime
That was well said and, frankly, pretty accurate.
>actors opinions matter
Which is why many women have opted out of having children in the US. The US has the worst maternal mortality rate of any Western nations and the #1 cause of death of pregnant women in the US is murder by their partner. Again, the problem is low quality men who run the medical industry and hate women.
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Checked and kek'ed

That's actually a great idea. I'd love to see her get a few thousand empty egg cartons tweeted at her. The meltdown would be epic.
>Sars calling sars brown
Were all Dalits under the leaf sar
republicans got the pajeeta vote locked with vance
That's something that happens to women who have a lot of children.
But call her a childless cat lady, and you will be astonished at how she suddenly shrinks back, how she recoils: "I've been found out"
Ahahahaha I knew this shit was going to blow up as soon as someone famous saw it. RIP Trump campaign
Oh no, not the conservative childless cat ladies! Trump will lose all 6 of their votes, how terrible!
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Meanwhile trump has onlyfans whore speak at his rally.
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Fuck that disgusting barren hoe.

I hope Brad Pitt beat her ass on the daily when they were married.
once you guys lose to this bullshit again you should just kys
Wait till they find his yearbook photo
kek Vance touched a nerve
>"global news"
>memeflag fag
>author is kike with giant kike nose
>upset cat lady gets more upset because she is called an upset cat lady
>writes article about another upset childless cat lady, who is upset about being called a childless cat lady
dude married a poojeeta. how is he on this "muh children" high horse
Actions have consequences when you buy the expensive campaign you get this

When people just campaign for you well uncharted territory

I can do it myself can't force anyone to do it with me
Jawnnifer Manistan
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The media told everybody that they don't like these sort comments. Fucking retard tier shit post.
Cats are more important than any of these sick fucks, any of their brats and especially poojeet sprogs
Vance is playing his part. This cannot have been Trump's first pick. This was some kind of RINO scheme.
that faggot drag queen VP really feels like a distraction strategy, and its working wonders, bet thats the reason they picked him.
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Cats are more important than your crotch fruit, better remember that sick fucks
Maybe she should stay in her fucking lane.
Wow, literally who? has an opinion! It's fucking happening!!!!
Put me in the screencap.
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>jennifer aniston
How big is the childless cat lady voting bloc? How big will it be in 20 years?
Oh wow, some washed up childless dry hag said something.
>childless individuals fail at life the hardest.
But enough about /pol/.
The base didn’t need to be reinvigorated dumbfuck it was already in firmly in his camp.
Wait, wtf? Did she troon out??? ain't no fucking wayyyyyy
Trumpfags will act like ACTUALLY this a good thing because they're retards who don't understand that pretending you're an IRL /pol/lack/Bronze Age Pervert/whatever is offputting to most people. Trump really is a complete moron for going with this loser instead of someone who could have actually won him the election like Youngkin.
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Cats get move votes than his poojeet brats
Childless cat lady defends childless cat lady.
>true conservative
Being a fat closeted homo who looks like a FtM troon and got his position by allowing his ass to be pumped by Peter Thiel's silicon microdick isn't really conservative but okay.

this mayocel has the nerve to call out childless white women when his children are literally poojeets !
this is great. peejeeta fucker with pajeet sons fighting childless, White ex-stacies.


That may be so but atleast J.D Vance's daughter didn't sleep with Lumbergh
>like Youngkin
Or Mr. Ye.
This is a tough one. Vance has bigger tits, but Jenny's are perkier.
Honestly most anyone probably would have been better. The schizo fent-addicted bum hanging out in front of the Wawa all day would probably have been a better pick.
According to the spic goypers you need to placate women and minorities to "win".
Please whatever you do, don't upset geriatric female celebrities, trannies or women. You might make them vote democrat!!
uh, is there a backstory here?
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Hello. I just made this. Rate.
Vance is a closet homosexual sent by PayPal fags to convince Trump to keep importing Jeets. That one thing is unacceptable.

No more “legal immigrants” I want a moratorium on all immigration and definitely no aliens owning land. Call them aliens again too.
I agree. Cat ladies which also exist on the right are a very large and powerful voting block. Not only did this dude destroy Trump's chances, he destroyed any chances he has of being reelected in Ohio. He is a dud with no personality. Ivy League attorneys suck.
Vote for Floppa. More intelligent and pleasant
Naw, we hate those bitchy cat ladies. And Rachael ain’t the shit no more after Brad Pitt left her.
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Also, JD only procreated because he married a brown woman. He would have been better off with no kids.

Pic unrelated
I voted for Trump twice as Hillary was too much of a war hawk. I'm not a cat lady, but offended at the comment as a woman.

He only has kids because he married an Indian.
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Pathetic attempt at moving goal post after that anon called you out on your faggotry and retardation
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Cats will come biting this fat poojeet-loving fuck comes November
Actress making shit up and playing a sympathy role for her massas.
he literally said his heart goes out to those with fertility issues. Fucking lefties have so many accounts blocked they have no idea how debunked their outrage already is.
Why do those bitches care about being able to get an abortion if they can't get preggo? Seems a bit womany in thought process.
Vance is a genuine retard.
Swing state normies get annoyed by it being inflammatory and dismissive similar to "Basket of deplorables", seeing it as writing people off as undesirables regardless of their opinions.
No Eggs, No Dice.
She's just butt hurt she never had kids.
Don't groypers openly hate women, hence why so many of them are flamingly gay?
Comes November, cats will decide the fate of the world
in bizarro world, Vance and Jen would have gotten married with White kids
ok pajeet. i rather be childless than bring little mutts into the world who will be bullied. look at the number of incels in the world. its because ugly people procreated.
10 years ago when she was still fertile, he would have been better off with an old bitch like her who at least is white.
Jennifer Can't-get-a-man-iston.
Women need to be beaten
No, you wouldn’t. Back to elementary school logic

vote RFK jr
Vance isn't much of an "Outsider", guy is firmly an AIPAC pick.
Shut the fuck up and never post again you retarded gash
Are you an idiot or something? Oh no, liberal roasties who will already vote blue are mad. What will we do
The race of these "partners"?
>The US has the worst maternal mortality rate of any Western nations and the #1 cause of death of pregnant women in the US is murder by their partner
These aren’t even sort of related
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I prefer panthers to "partners"
and the eyeliner wearing ex-scene kid with his jeeta wife, and pajeet my sons, is very bitter at childless White women.
look, i get it, you like cats. cats are awesome so i ain't hatin.

im just rage posting at clown world
That poojeeta looks like an old prune from 5 years past expiration date for sure spreading her jeet dna and now her cuck is telling white Americans they can't vote
he got permanent eyeliner in india to look like more of a pajeet. he hates poor whites and talked bad about them.
Nigger shut the fuck up. JD is 100% right and it needs to be said more. Childless faggots who have never served in the military or really done anything of note in service of their country (as opposed to themselves or some kind of global cosmopolitanism) just exacerbate the already-fatal flaw of democracy, that being that elections prioritize short term patronage instead of governing with longevity and posterity in mind.
he believes a nigger with 10 kids should have more of a voice.
>"i have a jeeta wife and pajeet sons, so im just like you, fellow family haver! aheehee"

god damn. goddamn this fucking clown world
his pajeeta already has all grey hair before even hitting 40. i noticed indian hair grays fast.
She had admitted as much. She froze her eggs and tried IVF but it didn’t work.

vote RFK Jr
You're talking about a guy who married a foreigner and pumped out Indians and his biggest mission in life is to send people to die in Iran for Israel. Military, family, "Civil service" and it's just the worst shit imaginable for this nation.

I also fall in the category that people should have investment in the country, but Vance is the living contradiction of that idea, and the ultimate end result of such a policy. You don't get a whiter, healthier, more active nation, you get a browner, warhawkish country that funnels more money to Israel and bleeds for their causes.
Mainly due to niggers in both regards. You forgot to mention that part.
I can't believe she's 38, shock, looks 50. The fatso also looks 50.
Are you one of the 2016 Hilldawgs? I ask because you are so blatantly incompetent at this. Btw, flyover country doesn't care what rich coastal cunts think. We hate you more than we lile Trump.
i know. big law and ivy league ages the fuck out of people. these two are no better off than the proles they attack.
IVF has a massive success rate for women still in their fertile stage. Anniston is lying through her teeth. She never tried to have kids.
Bro you can be retarded, but that doesn’t mean we have to let people like you steer the ship. What’s so hard to understand about that?
>The US has the worst maternal mortality rate of any Western nations
this is because they are SO DAMN FUCKING FAT AND OLD when they start having children
Not all though. That kike Bill Ackman is 58 and did Harvard but looks like a fresher.
>he hates poor whites and talked bad about them.
not the point because he is one of the few that also talk TO them
Trump doesn't talk to Whites.
Oh no. The liberal cat ladies with their dried up eggs are making the switch from Not Voting for Trump to Voting for Kamala
Big Mac wouldnt vote for some ex scene kid who still wears eyeliner.

Vote RFK Jr
I don’t care who the quote from, and I don’t care if it costs Trump 6 gorillion votes that it’s been said. I’m just happy that someone with a platform stated the obvious-but-taboo truth that childless women make the most dogshit worthless politicians.
>inb4 hurr durr I wouldn’t have a beer with him so I guess I’m With Her now fellow conservatives
Who the fuck even are you dweebs?
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you are talking about a dude who wished his own flesh and blood dead. he is a sociopath.
>The liberal cat ladies
don't be a dufus
there are millions of women bred under the most excellent propaganda since the Babel Building that are enthralled by lies leading to cat-lady-ness
be kind and have courage ... courage alone is insufficient
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It's hard to feel any sympathy towards eggcels when they dedicate the remainder of their barren, childless lives to spreading as much pain and misery as they possibly can.
not disagreeing ... just saying ... james bowman addresses Whites.
>struck a nerve
shit, is she really 38?
maybe if there weren’t so many incels more women would want to procreate. women aren’t wrong for wanting to seek out the best possible partner to have strong offspring. they aren’t wrong for preferring celibacy or sterilization to making ugly kids.

JD Vance thinks Mexicans and blacks who fuck like rabbits should have more of a voice than you and more of a voice than the white couple with one or two kids. I want to see more white kids, but I also won’t vilify people for being responsible with marriage and procreation.

Jennifer Aniston was dumped for Angelina Jolie when she was still in her fertile years. It wasn’t easy to move on after Brad. Now she has to be insulted by some fat dude married to a Pajeeta who couldn’t find a proper woman of his own race.
>True conservative
>Encouraged his woman neighbor to chop her titties off and get a ravioli penis
she's beyond past it. vance has a trad wife, kids. meanwhile she sucked and fucked her way into baseline hollyweird and has nothing to show for it.
yes born in 86
no. lets extend the branch of friendship to those that are serving darkness in the dark. we all have gone astray. and we want our racial kin to recover from the mental muck, together.
It's 100% on point though. People with no kids seem to be a lot more interested in destroying the fabric of society. Almost like they have no dog in the race. Unironically the only people that should be allowed to vote are either landowners or parents. People who have a vested interest in the benefit of the country.

I say that as a person that is neither, but maybe society wouldn't be so fucked if we'd stuck to those principles and I could afford a house or to have a kid.
She looks like he's withholding food from her, probably is chomping it all down before she can get to the food
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Imagine wanting to marry a white woman ...

But... Im a Trumpster. And I think Vance is an absolute moron and piss poor choice. But I'm not voting for him, I'm voting for Orange Man
>women aren’t wrong for wanting to seek out the best possible partner to have strong offspring.
They are actually. In the past women didn't have as inflated a perception of their own attractiveness and value. In those days the behavior of the cat ladies itself would have been a bigger scandal than Vance's comment about it.
im 41% sure we call every woman a tranny on this subreddit
Your first sentence is self refuting. Your second paragraph is just biological reality, if you don’t reproduce you die out. God/physics/the universe doesn’t care about your retarded luxury beliefs, and I think regardless of the election outcome we’re all going to be snapped back to reality sooner rather than later.
Trumpbros its so fucking over

FoxNews is even saying Kamala is leading Georgia by +4
Must serve the jews in war to be a real man. Huuuuuurrrrrrrr

I'm a Christkike. You are a jew if you don't send your kids to die for jews.
you shill the anon's point you respond to.
i don't agree with the premise.
Trump is a jew faggot. lol

I hope he is embarrassed in November by the niggress.
in the past men weren’t as ugly and as weak as today. the baby boom led to many undesirables being born. only the strongest should procreate even if it means a smaller population. as somebody who was bullied, i would prefer women using good sperm donors rather than falling in love and procreating with an ugly dude. incels are cruel for wanting to make more incels and generations of kids who will suffer.
You newfags need to read Starship Troopers as a bare minimum before ever posting here, jfc.
Also must shit out crotch fruit so that the country will be overpopulated and filthy like the Poojeetistan
it's a book too ?
oh well i believe only the best looking women should also procreate and we need to make IVF free in this country too and create sperm banks of white athletes.
>only had kids from curry-drilling
this. people such as this are the last ones who should be making commentary on others' relationship choices.
Right, smaller but better quality population is much better than breeding crap masses
Kek. More babies for the jewsus cult to be slaves for corporate jew america.
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> I don't care
> makes a post
Hehe, every time. Better luck next election cycle, CHUD.
Someone with this mindset could only exist in a period of absurd decadence. You will be humbled in the coming years, friend.
No it's you who will be humbled and miserable among the ever breeding sea of poojeets, mediocrity, filth, imcompetence, vicious competition for all resources and weakness that you people breed
This comment hurt
shut the fuck up you piece of snipcock shit, youre a foul shilling fucken hooknose infant cocksucking punk. now gas yourself and your yid internet prowlers. the jidf of yesteryear is long since dead if this is the best you got pussy
Who gives a fuck? Oh wait, femoids do.
ah shit not jennifer aniston its literally over this is almost like sex and the city levelz
Kind of envious of people who got to live in much less populated world. If they keep breeding now major exterminating world war will be necessary and inevitable, that's how nature controls the population of invasive species
In America even up to 1985 one could still get free land for homesteading, stuff like 80 acres of free hold. Now it's competition for half and acre
Who is Trump gonna replace JD Vance with?
>Jennifer Aniston was dumped for Angelina Jolie when she was still in her fertile years
99% certain this is because Aniston was either infertile or didn't want children then
>Jennifer Aniston
Does anybody that actually know who that is give a fuck what she thinks?
Andrew Tate
The reasons they want to keep pumping up the population 1) enrich wealthy kike corporate and financial owners class, supply more slaves and cows for them 2) have more cannon fodder for future wars with China. If they just did eugenics sand paid attention to good genes they could outcompete the chinks AND jeets with all their cesspool genetics, while keeping small population and uncrowded countries that white people deserve
True. We live in a society that says everyone must survive and is special. All children are precious and must be given every opportunity to succeed.

In reality this isn't possible. We've used technology to exceed our natural carrying capacity and now it's all going to collapse.
she actually did. its been stated. brad pitt is a pig who fell in love with jolie who was a seductress at the time on a film set. now he dumped jolie for somebody else about 10 years ago.

This childless cat ladies drag down the other women around them into their pit of despair. They know thier is no hope for themselves so they continue the cycle of abuse in order to gaslight themselves into believing their useless existence is valid and actually helps women which is the only way they can sleep at night.

> a parallel to how satan in christian mythology pulls people down into hell in order to increase the number of people in hell and trap others with his fate.
Vance was the absolute worst person Trump could have picked. It's like he's intentionally trying to lose or something.

No, they want dumb food addicted vaxxed sheep that believe their god is jewish. lol
I wonder if Brad is gay and Jennifer his lesbian beard cousin
I remember living in an American big city, traffic only used to be at rush hour. 5 pm and in the morning when people were going to work. Now we have 24/7 third world traffic.
Yep. Everyone thinks they and their genes are some special snowflake the universe rotates around. In reality time for strict eugenics and licenses to breed.
This I legit think the Republicans are intentionally trying to lose
Andrew Tate is childless. Not a Christian.

Maybe he's one of those new influencer converts.

Trump could pick Russel Brandt, the two could share makeup tips and spiritual advisors.

he wants there to be people shitting in the streets like India!
Those do not exist.
Mac would absolutely vote for Trump+Vance if they had kept his character faithful instead of flanderizing him into a vacuous faggot.
Nah, they thought they had it in the bag with Biden in there and they chose the Peter Theil bought and paid for stooge because that's all Trump ever was.

A fucking wallstreet jew owned faggot that will do whatever they fucking tell him.
I seriously doubt Iggy Pop sees himself as a “cat lady”.
And I remember the time when there were no cars on the streets, including no parked cars and now they're parked everywhere. Everything became competitive: housing, healthcare, decent jobs (each has hundreds of applicants including an army of jeets), parking, driving, going to nature places.
Some of the most badass men in History didn't have kids and they also weren't christkuck faggots
How did this joke get into Trump tower with that book?
vance is based kek what did he say thy was wrong?
This will blow over in 24 hours Kamala gonna do something retarded
>meme flag poster
Every time.
Don't worry its already over, that's why everyone is already calling him Mr President kek
Blow over? Cats never forgive things.
I have a feeling Vance is going to be a long string of foot in the mouth fuck ups.

Did you hear his dumb fucking Mtn Dew joke the other day? lol.

Nobody even clapped or laughed. It was awkward as fuck. This guy is a total Loser. I gaurantee Trump is trying to shitcan his ass right now.
Tate is a PUA, what the feminists falsely present as the redpill/MGTOW/MRM, PUAs are just another flavor of simp because in the end all they're doing they're doing for pussy, it's literally no different from simps giving their full paychecks to Pokimane, they just think they're better than that because they instead spend their paycheck on steroids, cars and expensive jewelry, but the end objective is all the same: Attempting to impress some whore, often in vain.
The whole "beta alpha sigma" bullshit is PUA claptrap, self-respecting men should not engage in it, if you want to work out, buy a car or build a fucking cabin do it for yourself, not to play into femoid hypergamy.
Kek. no.

He's barely even leading in polls now after his faggot speech at the RNC.
Thats because you're an idiot.
Trump also doesn't reveal that it's his legal immigrants from India who take "white jobs" not the illegals.

Mexicans are still Western and Christian even if non white. They are taking ultimately taking crap jobs. Don't get me wrong, they also shouldn't be here, but it's amazing how thats the only immigration thats talked about negatively.

All immigration here whether legal or illegal is brown immigration now. The last wave of whites were those who came in the 90s during the Yugoslavian war. After that, immigration should have been stopped completely. We have enough people in this country.

It also makes me sick how Musk encourages people to have so many kids. Not everybody his a billionaire and even him as a billionaire couldn't stop his son from being a tranny. Maybe he should have just had one or two kids and been a quality parent rather than jizzing in every bitch he meets.
Trump didn't pick him, he was imposed on Trump by the party, just like Pence last time.
Cats even made Brazil lose the world cup in Qatar.
Is this fatso completely stupid?
George Washington never had children
not a great idea to piss off many women who were lied to with sex and the city and the you can have it all meme

miga can fuck right off these people are probably worse than the left
These women weren't voting Trump anyways. But people who hate them who might not've will now.
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What drives me nuts about that is that there is overwhelming evidence he was straight until season 7 when they started gaying him up

And don't count the tranny he dated. Despite what some think, most men attracted to shemales/Lady boys/femboys consider themselves straight. They're attracted to overwhelming femininity, and just like sports... Men do it better.
Hitler also never had kids.
Ok =)
Republicunts and Libtards both love "legal" immigration because it makes them rich as shit and funded by corporations hiring those jeets and paying them decent but low wages for the industry. Trump isn't any different.

They want to cut out whites completely from the tech sector.
And neither did Andrew Jackson
I'm still voting Trump, I just think Vance is everything wrong with Republicans.
>Imports wife
>Makes mixed babies
>Warhawk to die against Iran for Israel
>Anti everything else for Israel

There's more than one brand of bad politician and I fear Trump might get his brains blasted for Vance since he's far more in the "Boots on the ground in Iran" than Trump is.
Hard not to love this man
Vance is a stupid bastard to say shit like that. It will cost The Don big time.
>They are taking ultimately taking crap jobs.
This was true until Obama, ever since then the main flow of illegals into the US is neither mexican nor the crap job-taking type, the reality is that unfettered mass illegal migration is an issue for both countries, you are attracting a metric fucton of central and south american parasites and criminals, and the ones who don't make it over there stay here and crap up this country.
Not saying you're wrong about the poos, btw.
The main issue is that Vance is as created by thiel and his pocket politician. The real deal is not anything Vance says or does, but the fact that this is what was necessary to get thiels tech oligarchs on his side. Vance is clearly a sociopath that do it say anything he needs to in order to get power and his complete 180 on trump after he realized trump was winning proves that. I think Vance thinks he’s being groomed as trump’s successor, and if that were true I’d be worried. But trump has consistently brought his enemies into the fold only to have them destroy themselves by betraying him. I doubt it’s intentional, I think trump really is very susceptible to flattery. But it keeps happening anyways. Vance will be lucky to run for mayor after the next four years.
What about all the Groypers who are childless with no prospects at all. You think the love what Vance is saying? That their not as important as normies with kids? lol

Vance is a fucking idiot.

Unless the stupid fucking Groypers actually beleive that as soon as Trump gets in he's creating a Patriarchal society so they get to stick thier dick in a state appointed wife. Kek.

Nah, they gonna send their asses to Iran.
>Childless cat lady mad at her own position in life and aging into a lonely death mad at man for pointing out childless cat ladies are mad at their own positions in like and end up aging into a lonely death
>more news at 11
Quite frankly, women and children get in the way of great men more often than not.
Washington was a gay kike and a pawn of the East India Company
I don't think it would have been a problem if Mac was gay as long as he remained a staunch conservative, the problem is that the writers fudamentally assume being a homo makes you an effeminate faggot, so he can't just be a cool dude who just happens to enjoy bodybuilding competitions a bit too much, he has to do ballet and apologize for being sexist and all that stupid effeminate shit that californian faggots do.
Yeah, how many times Republicuck boomers repeat this "there's a shortage of teeeeechnical workers in this country, we need pooojeets here" while American CS grads can't get jobs. I did hiring of engineers for my team for major US tech firm in Silicon Valley, they were forcing me to hire jeets only. I ended up in major battle with them, leaving and dropping out of this sick industry for good. The jeets are taking over gang up and expell all whites from US companies, take over completly all the way to CEO.

As to this idiot Musk, he's breeding with another poo fucking jeet right now, that betch he popped out last 3 brats is half jeet
Trump also wants to encourage white kids unless they come from rich families to become proles. He believes whites shouldn't have access to a good education or student loan relief. Many whites have to take loans in since they don't qualify for diversity scholarships. However, he wants to import educated Pajeets. These Pajeets were educated for free or cheap in India and/or some even come here and get full scholarships.

I can't believe whites still think Trump has their best interest. Of course, Kamala sucks too. It's all around sad. As mediocre as Biden was, he was probably the safest choice for whites at this point.

America has no choice. Both parties are essentially social liberals and fiscal conservatives. In Nordic countries, even if they are social liberal nut jobs, at least they give their people some benefits. Here Pajeet immigrants and their offspring are valued more than citizens.
This bitch is evil
I think the "AIPAC handlers" Massie talked about put him in place. It's why his most unwavering positions are pro Israel and pro war with Iran.
You haven't seen Zion Don round two yet.
your 100% right about the point of existence is to have children.

absolute kike nonsense people live and build a society in order to lower the chances that they or their offspring will die from the elements or other dangers.

your argument applied to any other animal is dismantled immediately. You want to mate with the other monkey's chimpanzee then why do you use tools?

100% retard view sorry you can't have kid's troon. white death rate is 20 in 100,000. which is 1/5000, also age of the mother plays a factor with women over 40 having 4x the death rate.
>biggest voting block of women.
Most women have children.
The ones who don't and got abortions know they are childless cat women to pay for their sin.
They know Vance is right.
Fuck off kike
I want every right wing candidate to be an extremist, even if it costs them the election.
Childless cat ladies should wield no political power whatsoever.
Appeasing to le rational female voter bases got us into this mess, you're not getting out by voting or being considerate to these people.

They will never support you, they hate you, and they'd rather replace you with niggers or foreigners if you don't want to endorse their twisted way of life. A pet is not a child.
Yes it might make women go have sex with niggers and other criminal men that beat them.
Is he governs as the most milquetoast Republican in the universe but still has an autistic enough personality to just say shit that everyone knows is true but are ‘too smart’ to say out loud if they know what’s good for them, I consider that a decent win.
Yes, of course many Central Americans not Mexicans and even many Middle Easterners and others crossing the border. Some cannot get an American visa, so they get a visa to a neighboring country and cross the border illegally into USA.
Very well said.
I'm childless and have cats and I'm not offended by his comments at all but that's probably because I'm not a retarded woman.
>Behind Harris by 4 points in Georgia
He can't win without Georgia faggot
Fuck, the childless cathorror.
Damn she looks like hell now, no wonder she's pissed.
>the problem is that the writers
the dude who plays Mac is the writer and executive producer of the show

Every company I worked at had pajeets in the IT department and most of them don't know shit and can't solve any problems.

I also cringe every time I hear Newsmax and Fox journalists telling white kids they don't need college to go enter a trade. Yes, plumbers are important too, but it's amazing how trades and prole jobs are only promoted to whites. Pajeets, blacks, and everybody else are encouraged to become educated to surpass the white man.
LOL, point of existence for rats, perhaps. Ew.
She's like 60 now. lol
Yeah, he's part of the problem, the actor is not the character.
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Sar, excuse me Sar, the poopin' fields are now open, Sar.

Do "shills" have emotions?
this turbo conservative retard is gonna tank the election for Trump. he doesn't realize that shitting on childless women low key insults childless men, too. they should have picked Mama Tulsi as vp.
His children aren't white. He has 0 children as far as I'm concerned. Also even if there is truth to that, you have to be elected, so you don't say that out loud. Should he get up there and drop a redpill on niggers having 85 IQs too?
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That bitch got a peen.
Since poos enjoy being watched while taking a shit could this potentially be a good solution to the streetshitting issue? Cunts can be as voyeuristic as they want WHILE ACTUALLY IN THE GODDAMN LOO.
They give all the blacks government jobs if they can manage to string a sentence together. Government jobs are filled to the brim with women, mexicans, blacks and jews.
Jeets are mafia, at high level now, though elites do use them as their puppet dogs, they're not on top of the hierarchy. The incompetent jeets fake their education and work experience, have their cronies confirm all that to US companies, run many bodyshops in the US that bring employees with fake education to replace US tech workers, most of them are incompetent hacks
Give that offspring challenged toxoplasmosis host some ivermectin and wormwood tincture before she says something else stupid. Still voting Trump
Men aren't going to get offended because of a stupid joke about cat ladies. That's some crybully spinster shit right there
I noticed that too. If a white doesn't speak Spanish, they are told they need Spanish speakers for these government jobs. Blacks can't speak Spanish. Many can barely speak English, yet they are given the jobs. Thats modern America for you.
>shitting on childless women low key insults childless men
No it doesn't.
Yup, same as chinks who self-report their IQs and claim to have the biggest fucking brains in the world even tough they're the most retarded, insect-like people in the world and are always getting themselves killed in idiotic ways.
It's such a transparent grift it's not even funny.
And Musk got 3 brats with half-jeet woman and 1 turned trans now, so it's minus 4. Dumped all his families and kids to move to the next good thing
Those poos are you ancestors what does your gutt tell you
who the GIGA jew supports Trumps little faggy photo op. Big surprise there. Zuckercunt is a billionaire jew. Of course he supports Trump.

Didnt you see what happened from 2016-2020? Trump fucking doubled their money with the covid scam and his raiding of the U.S. Treasury by that kike mnuchin
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retarded gay nigger
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It's cute how you guys are thinking you will change the election.

Though chinks somehow got controlled in the US tech industry and didn't take over, but the poos did it. Any US tech company is a giant curry-smelling jeet toilet now
Men don't clutch their pearls and cry over some simple bantz.
Women have a biological imperative that tells them to find a man and have a bunch of children, which is why cat lady insults are so effective against them, they know the clock is ticking and every second it takes another egg.
Men can potentially be fathers at any time in their life, and biologically speaking don't feel driven to it nearly as much as women.
what does it say about you that you are so unnatural and indoctrinated that even a rat has more common sense and a deeper purpose then you?

A rat may fear the snake, but at least the rat didn't allow the snake to lie, demoralize and destroy the rat's purpose of existence all through the jew tube. You have allowed yourself to be defeated by a snake who only ever had to lie and deceive you i pity you.

Don't be mad at me because the kikes told you could fill the hole in your heart by cutting off your dick and now your just as empty inside but incapable of producing children.
LOL I recall how of these poojeets managers sent me a link to a blog some jeet engineers made money in the US and moved back to India to farm, so they were walking among massive amount human sheet in nature daily like it's nothing for them it was like cow pies. I was sick, oh my
Also this. I have no children and a cat and I'm at 0% offended levels. That is indeed some stupid bullshit you could only expect from a middle aged karen
Didn't read, stupid rat with one-cell brain and one purpose in life to breed, dk not interesting. No you're not entitled to breed and destroy nature, find something intelligent to do redneck
I don't think anything is changing. I think it's been planned out well in advance by the kikes.

Trump will be president and the U.S. will go to war with Iran.

That said. Vance is stupid faggot.
already have bred got 2 kids, cope and seethe. oh it's the enviorment nonsense that got you god you guys are retards.

I work on a solution to global warming actually, i set up algae carbon traps at industrial refineries. have eliminated over 5,000 metric tons of carbon a week, and mad 6 figures a year doing it.

have fun in your shit box in jewyork.

I actually went to college for something that mattered like chemical engineering not how to be a troon 101 or niggerology 202.
>find something intelligent to do redneck
You're intelligent so what if he do you it will compensate for his low redneck IQ and he will compensate your faggy cat lady leftoid blue hair

match made in heaven
>Trump will be president and the U.S. will go to war with Iran.
Good :)
Go off yourself, worthless appalachian fataass redneck. And keep your stinking brats away from people. You're a poojeet or white poojeet trash with no intelligence, so stay in your lane.

One cell brained animals like you have one purpose in life, to breed, like roaches, because you have no intelligence boring twit. There should be strict control over who can breed and eugenics and you don't get the license, snowflace. Get off the face of fucking earth. You don't have the right to spread your filthy genes and destroy nature and enjoyment of life for us, normal people
Yeah, good for whom?
Then why are you on 4chan at midnight? Lol

Face it faggot. you are one of us.
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My popcorn hour :D
White poojeet wtihout brains or education, that's what you are fucking incel.
Go kill yourself and don't turn the world into poojeetistan or chinkland where the likes of you, who can only eat and shit, and shit out brats live and destory everything, fucking roach.
Hope yall get mass extermination. No wonder you're a dumb incel.
She is butt hurt because she's been having sex in the wrong hole all her life. Now she realizes it and is mad. Poor Jennifer Analston.
You don't understand it's just one more step in the destruction of the west? The ultimate plan the Jews have been developing for centuries?
oh shit i spawned the blue haired godzilla :D
Fucking roaches, think they have the right to keep popping out their disgusting brats that got fat ass brainless genetics of their parents.
All they can do is shit and eat, like fucking animals. No wonder nature will get rid of you scum. Don't bother breeding, it'll be in vain, hopefully natural destructive events will cleanse the earth of your shit
Sandnigger cope
OP is a massive faggot
Maybe she can't have kids. Vance really stuck his foot in his mouth like a real dumbass. A lot of women simply can't have kids.
Dumb poojeet incel keep jerking off in the basement where you live and stay envious of people who live interesting life, you got one, trash.

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