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Why are amerimutts so lazy
They arent lazy they are mentally retarded.
its racist to niggers that cant steal with manual transmissions, sharing is caring goy
I assume you also start a fresh fire in a stove whenever you cook? Row a boat across the ocean manually when you need to go overseas? don't use any grocery stores? Sent carrier pigeons to complete these posts? Since obviously outdated technology and methods are better.
You breath smells of s0i
Some of us still know manual I drive a rabbit for years, but it’s true Americans don’t know it in general. My friend tried to learn and the next thing I’m installing a clutch for him and then he almost burnt it again before giving up entirely
It’s a millennial thing. Boomers, gen x, and zoomies can all drive stick, at least the white men from those generations can. Millennials look at a manual transmission and start pissing and shitting themselves. There is no group of men with lower T than millennials.
I have immense respect for people that still drive stick.
I drive for a living and people are such low impulse control niggers that I can't even imagine about mad I would get if I had to drive stick with these morons that seemingly have no regard for their own life

You drive a stick because you're trained at revving up cocks.
There's no reason for a manual transmission anymore
I’m not a fan of manual trans in trucks. Cars are fun. I never got the three on the tree, that gets your arm hurting
I learned to drive on a stick my good pastanigger. But when I buy a new car I don't go out of my way to get one.
There’s just no need for a manual transmission in everyday life you stupid faggot. People like YOU are exactly what’s holding us back.

You fucking expect the average person to use an inferior method of driving (for the common man) because it’s harder? You’re dumb as fuck but think you’re intelligent.
Imagine needed TWO shift knobs.
Look maaa Imma change 15 gears to get up to 60!
There’s no reason for a lot of things anymore, retard. That doesn’t mean we just get rid of them. Man up and learn to drive a manual transmission, it’s not even hard.
Now THATS kikeposting
But anon that other shifter is for high and low range. It's in 4x4 vehicles. Sometimes its a shifter, sometimes its a button.
Backing a trailer with a manual sucks. I only own manual cars but if I bought a work truck it would be auto
I already know how to drive stick I used to have a manual transmission Honda Civic when I was poor.
>Foreign garbage still can't afford an automatic
My favorite part of going to Germany was listening to drunk retards stalling their manual 25yr old 1.0L Polos at red lights constantly. Nothing funnier than going to autistic car and beer capital of the planet and finding out they can't hard their liquor, their women jump in bed with Americans at first sight, and they can't actually drive manuals.

That's a four wheel drive vehicle. The knob on the left is to engage 4WD.


It's not that hard to learn if you're not a drooling retard. If you can't learn it, you might be a nigger.
>Only two pickups left in America with a manual transmission
Holy shit. My brother and my father own the last two pickups in America with manual transmissions? What the hell happened to the millions of other pickups with sticks?
and their names?
Anne Frank and Albert Eintstein.
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>t. 39 year old balding millennial with a funko pop collection who STILL doesn’t know how to drive.
The second shifter is for for the transfer case you retarded nigger.
Meh. Manual transmissions are racist. Niggers have to steal less cars. It's not fair.
this nigga so dumb he doesnt know what neutral is.
It’s even worse than that. There’s only one pickup left with two doors and a long bed.
All memefaggots are kikes, anon. They won't ever remove it to prove anyone wrong either.
gotta try harder next time faglord
its fun
I believe it is a problem with our metro dwelling population. Every man I know can drive stick.
Still makes me sad though, I prefer manual.
burning a clutch is just part of the joy of driving a stick, my neighbor drives a manual and is replacing his clutch 2-3 times a year
this thread is full of brainlets who think that because they're the ones controlling the gear it's better. I am sorry.
t. CVT enthusiast
Cause cvts are standard now practically and have become faster, more reliable and overall more economical or as close to it as a manual transmission. It's not just trucks either most high end sports cars have done the same.
This anon is the type of guy who calls his wife’s boyfriend when he gets a flat
I don't have time for your euro autism. I'll get a shiftronic/tiptronic for the rare incline/decline driving and keep my other hand-free for fingerbanging your mother in the passenger seat.
also what fucking interior is this photo from? the srt-8 cherokee?
i thought my volvo had retarded labels
why no 4L
Manuals are fun if they're in high performance cars like the M3, Porsche 911 or Supra. If its just some dinky compact car that goes from A to B then just get an auto.
Anon how come ferrari don't make a manual transmission? What about alfa for that matter? Or fiat? What gives?
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pickups aren't trucks. they're passenger cars with a cargo bed.
theyre amazing in miata in the rain aswell
i think its the most dangerous thing ive ever driven next to a viper
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Pickup trucks are the new mid-life crisis purchase.
it amuses me watching mutts come to europe and destroy manual transmission cars
>downshift before taking a turn
>the steering wheel now turns much more easily and you can take the turn at a much higher speed without risking losing control

Why are normies so braindead that they want automatic transmissions forcing them to come to a near complete stop at every turn before they step on the gas and speed like niggers weaving through traffic to try to make up for the lost time

Normies are fucking subhumans
I hope no one was taking a shit that portapotty.
>photo of jeep
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I'm not a big fan of manual transmission. But sadly there even less cars with good automatic transmissions. Only cvt and amt available for majority of cars. CVTs are slow and AMT is very fragile.
DSG is semi-ok
CVT? shit
e-CVT slightly better shit
The only reason to have a column shifter is to preserve the existence of bench seats.
If you can’t drive stick, you’re not white
Simple as
which 2? not interested in reading the stupid article
You do know modern automatic transmissions are faster on road racing tracks than manual right?
Automatic is awesome. Pretending manual is better is European cope.
how many people take their cars to the track retard?
Manual is obsolete. I drive a manual, it's a shitbox but it's paid off. But those manual trucks are flatout less efficient than the automatic versions. There is zero point to a manual anymore, unless you want a 'fun' car like a Mustang or a Miata or whatever.
Zoomer proof my ride.
Some older 4x4 trucks with automatic transmissions still had a manually engaged transfer case
Those tracks have gradual turns unlike turns as sharp as you take in real life driving
>you enjoy driving
What, exactly, is most endearing about manual tho?
Is it having to double foot on a hill?
You absolutely get better control on power to the wheels, but in most cases that's not really a advantage. I can emulate both early and late shifting with a software update and a limited hydrostatic path. And in most driving, I'm benefited by not having to think about the transmission power level.
I don't give a fuck what you think I live in Commiefornia so I can get anything manual for half price used because of this.
Must be why every single automatic cuck has to come to a complete stop for every hard turn they take on the road. Because their car is faster. Lmao
those are not automatic transmissions. they are a manual with a pack of solenoids instead of a shifter.
the hydrologic shifted automatic is still slower, than a manual with an automatic shifter.
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You can tell the Niggatoro memes are made by actual fans of the source material, because it's still cute and wholesome, and not simply repulsive and subversive.
Yeah ABS and traction control are faster too but real men drive without them.
The need to shift around gears manually haven't existed since the 1940s
manumatic is also a thing, but its not the same feeling
Muncie 4 speed is still an amazing piece of machinery.
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A: The traffic. Any time we get a natural population decline the corpos flood the country with illegals and their shitboxes to drive wages back down.
Producing or buying a manual in this day and age is objectively stupid. If you think outdated technology is so superior ride a horse or use your own damn legs. That's the real manual.
guitly story, as a kid I went to an auto auction and found a car with manumatic, I took it to the quarter mile test run. I'd never driven one, and I lost track of the gears, and probably bent a rod.
Those things are not easy to use in most cars.
they have no sovl
millenials can drive stick. it was cash for clunkers that wiped out the stick market, which let the jews force automatic cpu infested cars-as-aservice bullshit onto the market.
>haven't existed
I had a gf years ago that drove mannual with real finesse and it was hot af .
Wow I'm really concerned about saving two seconds driving to work and back. Fucking make believe race car drivers.
Many lack the cognitive and physical coordination to use a manual transmission and safely navigate the roadways.
Omg how embarrassing. That's for 4 high and 4 low. High is more or less the same gearing you always have, low is geared really low for more torque, for low speed off road where you need to crawl.
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not my problem
nice bottom shelf Walmart AR
What that means, anon, is there's only 2 new models for sale. There are a shitload of trucks with manual transmissions.
I hope that truck faggot died
Working on it.
>I had a gf years ago
Yes yes before you met your bf. We know
Sad but true.
Think of your average zoomer, spicoid, brownoid, or woman. None of them have the mental capacity to use all 4 limbs to drive their car or not be able to look at their phone every 5 seconds while driving
>Wow I'm really concerned about saving two seconds driving to work and back
Yes I can tell by how you wagies swerve between lanes constantly desperately trying to cut off every single car you can and speed. Just to have to come to a near complete stop at every green light turn because you'd lose control because you don't downshift to make the negative torque put more weight on the front wheels and increase traction all while already being in the peak of the powerband to accelerate through and after the turn
Automatic is a £1000 option on the car I bought. My brain already changes gear on autopilot so why would I need to outsource that to some jewish software?
why does ur gun have usb ports
Um what, that isn't true at all. Especially in Diesel vehicles, I drive a automatic Diesel pickup and I can take corners fast when making turns.
Why would you need that shit for a truck? I thought that shit was for fast cars, so you can control the car and speed better.
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It's not that we're lazy. It's just that some of us just don't care.
Even for fast cars it's redundant because automatic options in sport cars now have manual mode allowing you to up and down shift yourself just without a clutch.
>bulgarian ak
hello noguns
I don't remember a side folder having a power plug in the back.
>words words words manual good automatic bad
Manuals are so fucking gay, and you geezers that still use them only do so because manipulating the shifter allows you to pretend you're pulling another man's cock. I drive an automatic because I just want to go where I need to go and it's way easier to eat a burger and not worry about shifting some gay little gears.
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it helps me debug code
Dont know. I keep only old Alfa and Lancia
ah a man who likes to take the bus
very cute
is it loud
ebonics for cars
I have manumatic with a dual clutch. As in the clutch is automated and instant. I just have to shift up or down.

It's an extremely minimal amount of effort to have vastly more control over the car but it takes practice/experimentation or advice from other people to even learn how to take advantage of it I guess because everyone drives like a grandma or a psycho grandma
Basically anon, they only see it as an achievement because they have nothing else to be proud of in life. I've driven manual but won't ever buy one. An Automatic transmission if a good one will outlast a clutch as well. And I also do not care that much about gear shifting.
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I used to drive a datsun 510 lol these articles are so stupid
>An Automatic transmission if a good one will outlast a clutch
lmao, so you dont know how to drive a manual.
thats so fucking comfy
You drive an automatic retard. Playing with paddle shifters is actually somehow even gayer than being a manual driver.
I do, but what I said is true. You will have to replace a clutch before you have to rebuild an automatic transmission, thats just how it is. You can get 500,000km out of an Automatic transmission and more, can you get that from a clutch? No. Manuals are for poor people anyway who can only afford the poverty pack.
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Americans are big stupid poopoo heads
Kike, you are embarrassing yourself.
sure is
I know Tacoma is one, who is the other one?
Daddy's gonna cum
>Kike, you are embarrassing yourself.
Does your boyfriend like your gay little 2 door clown car?
Yes I love it.
Because of the dual clutch making shifts fast it's basically the same thing as sequential which is used in race cars and good sports cars, aside from some of them having a clutch

It allows you to maneuver better by letting you use engine braking which can be a lot better than actual braking for multiple reasons. It's very much easier to control the speed of the car which makes it a lot safer/easier to get through traffic

we're about to have self-driving cars and manualfags are still shifting gears kek
Show under the hood pls.
>we're about to have self-driving cars
fucking retard lol
post a pic of your ricer shitbox
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>new technology comes out
>old technology phases out
>LaZy AmErIcAns
yes, my best so far is is around 410k miles on a 5.9L 12 valve.
I hate boomers that say "muh new generation don't know how to drive manual no more", nigger YOU don't know how to drive manual either.
>hold the clutch down with transmission in 1st gear for 3 minutes waiting for the stop light
>lurching the car forward repeatedly to hold it on a hill instead of waiting in neutral with the brake held down
>try to launch the car in 2nd so you don't have to shift an extra gear
>shifts at 2,000 rpm
>never rev match to downshift, always slowly release clutch and feel the car bounce back and forth when the engine tries to match the transmission speed
>barely downshift at all, try to accelerate the car in 4th gear at 15 miles an hour instead of downshifting after braking
>shift gears in 3-5 business days, by the time you get the lever in gear the engine is idle again because you took too fucking long to get it in
For pickups automatics are just better period. Automatic is nice for day to day driving and I can still switch to manual and shift gears with the push of a button to downshift when towing or driving steep roads, rather than working a clutch and shifter which is clunky and annoying, especially when I'm fiddling with my phone.
I drove manual transmission trucks for years and don't miss it. I'd like to see your average euro shifter dude work a manual dodge 3500 with a gooseneck through the rocky mountains.
>working a clutch and shifter which is clunky and annoying
then you are not shift correctly.
>especially when I'm fiddling with my phone.
you are driving WTF are you fucking around with a phone for? drunk driving is safer.
It takes maybe 2 seconds to throw a shift or a downshift, what are you talking about? You're acting like you have to constantly go up and down the shifts.
>Going up steep mountain
>Downshift, hear engine dying, downshift again, hear engine stable, stay in that gear until road levels off
>Going down steep mountain
>Brake, downshift, coast, downshift, coast
Is that so hard? I drive a manual tow truck up and down the mountains every day it's not a science and it's certainly not as involved as you make it sound.
Manual trans in a truck is god tier tho.
It gives you direct control over how much power goes to the wheels.
Deep mud, snow, towing, etc its all super easy with a proper manual.
I do appreciate the engineering that went into the 10 speed in my new truck, but at the end of the day, I wouldve been more happy with a manual.
The second one is for the transfer case. Holy shit you're a moron.
half this thread is bait don't bother friends, manual is fun and easy
Your breath smells like pasta.
Yfw you realize the no engine braking signs everywhere are actually there to help ai drivers avoid crashing in to manual transmission drivers.
>10 speed in my new truck
If it's a Ford F-Series with the 10R80 you better save up for a rebuild.
That's the transfer case you mouth breathing halfwit.
its easy but i rarely had fun with it. dont pretend like everyone is gonna enjoy shifting gears all the time
Manual transmissions are painting a white fence white and pretending it's the funnest thing in the world. Makes your car drive like a shit and if you mess up if you have to pay thousands to have it fixed. Plus the only reason you use a manual is because you're poor so those thousands are a big deal for you. Cope driving system supported by internet gaslighting.
90% of semi trucks are automatic now, having nostalgia for automatic is like having nostalgia for 8 track tapes, if you really want an 8 track player in your car you can have it, but don't get upset when you can't find many modern tapes when your tapes wear out.
Not an advantage off-road
he deserves to die in a fire
I hope that everyone was OK.
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The thing is, none of those things are necessary for navigating a home depot parking lot once a year to load up a Christmas tree, which is the only truck activity that the majority of truck owners use their trucks for.
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And yours of Totinos Pizza Rolls®, fine Italian cuisine made available for only 8.99/kg!
the joy of driving can't be experienced by lesser lifeforms, sorry anon
You laugh but if that was k swapped it would be an absolute weapon.
Look pasta bro, I drove stick for 25 years. They're more fun but the fact remains they suck in heavy freeway traffic which is most driving these days. Also, your Fiat 500 is such a pile of shit they can't even give them away here.
They make autos stronger nowadays
I only have ever had manual cars since 16 because I'm not an overweight boomer faggot with bad knees.
Which ones? I know it’s not for ranger because I tried to buy one a few years back and you couldn’t even get one built at the factory as a manual
I still have the original clutch in my 20 year old nissan truck.
then dont get one? lmao???
it makes towing and offroading easier.
If you live in a rural area or do a lot of long distance driving you can save a fair bit of gas. City driving is shit with stick though
Towing is easier with and auto
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i had fun for awhile. but eventually realized i dont want to shift all the time. so yeah, i sold it. why is that weird or funny? you gotta be 18 to post here you know
its not weird or funny, its reasonable. gay ass pic tho faggot
>Save money driving a stick
Autos have been more efficient for years now
If you're not a retard a clutch should last like 200k miles
I love when you seethe because I downshift instead of brake.
Why should anyone listen to a memeflaggot?
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t. can't drive
That's impossible because I own two trucks with a clutch. This article is clearly about me.
That's still an automatic transmission for all intents and purposes. It shifts automatically.
This can't be real wtf?
It's not laziness. It's stupidity. People who can't drive a manual should be shot.
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Next generation boomer post, if you get what I mean
Give me one good reason why driving a manual is better than just driving automatic other than "it's fun" or "americans too dumb to figure it out"
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Do you even motorcycle?
Really it depends on how much you coast.
What a retarded take
>because they're the ones controlling the gear it's better.
Yes. I can idle down hill at 5mph in first gear and 4low. If I had an auto-tragic I'd have to ride the brakes to keep it from shifting into second.
Or a Silverado with the same transmission (Ford and Chevy both use it)
It’s nice having more control over the vehicle
This is a cope post because you never learned how to drive one
a M E r i K k K A!!1
>The mind of the typical eurofaggot
Coasting in what? The automatics now have coast mode where they disengage completely and let the vehicle coast downhills.
>consume less
>faster car
>better control
>second way to stop a car
>lasts more years
>keeps your brain sharp
What about a dual clutch?
It's two flappy paddles and a button for auto.
Manual when I need it for engine brake and convenient and easy for the other 99% of the time.
>Doesn't know how different today's autos are compared to ones from 10 years ago
I own vehicles with both, but the days of a manual being more efficient in the same vehicle are over.
It still shifts for you. This thread is about stick shifts and a clutch and Americans not knowing how to operate them.
You can't control it, who knows if it's actually engaged or not. If I was determined to save a few bucks on gas I'd rather have a manual but you're right there's not that much difference anymore.
I just replaced a clutch in one of my cars for the first time ever, at 180,000 Miles.

^ are correct
bro... not liking china dresses and cunny is very gay
>Prefers ancient manual transmission
>Head explodes when xhe sees a pushrod V8
Euros are such fucking faggots
Bruh, you know 1 and 2 have use on an auto, right
Not just arbitrary lever ppositions
I'm a millennial and I drive my stick right up your mom's ass
nigger i have paddler shifters
Bench seats are best bc it's the most compatible with road head
Also prevents theft
bots gone wild
Why are you Mexicans so worried about Americans wanting the convenience of an automatic transmission?
Americans actually drive and doing a 30 minute commute with a manual is not as good as an automatic. Take the bone out of your 3rd world nigger nose.
Where are the good old days of horse and buggy?
3 on the tree is awesome in my opinion easily the most underated form of manual trans. Only problem is when the column gets worn like my truck. I had to replace the steering column because mine got fucked up and wouldn't shift anymore. Other than that its not bad once you get going
>Second gear
>Going down a freeway hill (mountain) trying to maintain 75-80mph
Third gear is already 4,500 rpm, no thanks.
>row a boat overseas
Nigga your ancestors used windforce for centuries to cross the ocean
Calm down guys. He can't drive stick, you think he knows what a transfer case is for?
Manuals last longer. Less wear and tear on the engine, less complicated transmission, as in less parts. It sucks in bumper to bumper traffic but they're superior to automatics.
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I had a 62 econoline van with three on the tree. God I miss it.
That's what N is for, fuck the engine braking if you're trying to maintain 80
Shit I drive stick, but even I know how to use Mexican overdrive
I've only driven a manual for a week and even this stuff seemed pretty intuitive. I don't own any manuals, planned to get an obs with one but they're unobtainium now. Got a steal of a 94 with low miles and tow package, plus Ford flat out built those autos beefier than the manual for hauls. I'll just upgrade my shitbox focus se to an st or rs with a manual one day. I largely view this as an operator superiority argument over auto engineering enjoyers.
I enjoy it
That's enough reason
I don't ever want to have a manual car
As I said mountain. Miles upon miles of descent.
I don't want to be constantly tapping or holding on my brakes so I set CC to 75-80 and drop down a gear or two depending on the grade.
I'd rather have nice cool brakes if I need them.
>use your legs
Well, your entire country should do thay more often
I learned to drive on a 4 speed, drove an old Chevy 3 speed on the column and owned a Dodge stepside with the 318 and 4 on the floor, and a granny gear that could pull stumps.
This vertical stripe flag OP is insane. What is that? Montenegro?
Manual is superior technology that's lasts a lot longer than even expected maintenance books suggest.
Automatics are convenient, but they don't operate as well, nor are as reliable as manual trans no matter how much you shill them.
The only reason they are prevelant today is because of the modern car culture not being buy, use, and maintain your vehicle, potentially modify to your taste.
These days people take out a loan, in a couple years offload and get a new one. To them it's just another payment, and they get to keep in the circle of approval of always having the new thing.
For example in the 90s modified cars and trucks were considered more appealing, but now having the new tundra with the turbo 6 cylinder is a flex. When in reality it's dog shit compared to the 5.7 vvt Lexus designed motor with proven reliability.
Automatic truck buyers are even told "it's a lifetime fill goy, never have to swap the filter and change the oil in the new transmission 10 speed!"
Then you go onto the transmissions manufacturer website and you absolutely do need to maintenance it at a set interval usually 60-80k miles.
They know the truck will be repo'd or traded before it ever matters. Which really back fired on the modern Chevrolet GM trans which all blow up at 100k
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>Manual 6spd
don't blame us, blame the kikes in control. I enjoy a nice manual car. My first 3 vehicles were standard: Volkswagen Jetta, Honda Accord, and a Ford F250. I drive a F-150 these day and they just don't make em like they use to.
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Driving decades, never replaced any clutch, no slippage ever, can lay down the power whenever.

Vehicles include Ford Escort, Chry. PT Cruiser, VW TDI Golf, and others. Quit riding the shit out of your clutches you stupid zoomies!
Shit I'd rather where wear my brakes than drivetrain internals. It's fun though to change brake pads, and rotors to me.
People who think they're better at shifting than an automatic are retarded.
If you drive for fun, you need a fucking better hobby.
Niggers and millennials cant drive standard.
this is now a powerstroke thread
As a millennial quite a few of us can drive stick. Probably more than any other generation currently. I'm not just talking about synchronized box transmissions either. For me I can reliably drive worn out machinery, and vehicles with straight cut gears that require double clutching
i just love it bros
Get off my lawn!...nah just fuckin w ya..good
captcha: NS0Y
Jeep Gladiator and the Toyota Tacoma, but only on 4x4 double cab Tacoma.
Most new cars that cost any real amount of money have manual gear switching with automatic.
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RIP Henry, he hated the zog
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lol @ the inferior shilling

get back to your cuckomatic, wagie!
take me back
It's technology. There is nothing wrong with driving a car that changes gears automatically.

Should one know how to drive a manual car? Sure, but my great grandpa would have said the same thing about people not knowing how to steer a horse (which I know how to do, too).
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So many inferior niggers itt who can't drive stick seething.
>Autotards coping: the thread
love me fords
>subhuman calls americans mutts
every time
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it just works bros
okay this prerunner may be a little of a meme but its still kind of sick
image all the remote camping innawoods
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>not imagine
anon was retarded today, but made up for by posting more fords
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What do you mean you don't crank start your car? Fucking lazy.
is it to late to return to the good times? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DV-josbxeA
make no mistake it's not laziness
it's full blown retardation
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Got an 82 CJ7 with a 5 speed. I don't live in a city so it's fun and comfy as fuck.
I enjoy driving a manual transmission but I'll be damned if I'm going to do it everyday with the traffic we have now.
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still a ford? testing the waters with this one
getting a bit exotic now, bear with me
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you can be a jeepfag and a fordfag at the same time
stupid Americans. look at them not using technology that was outdated almost 70 years ago like us am I right guys?
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Such a joy to drive
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last one, ive had my fun, love me ford, goodnight anons
Jeep gladiator lol
>There is nothing wrong with driving a car that changes gears automatically
Until you have hills and corners.
I wanna put my dick in that
Yup pay the automatic transmission goytax. Don't save thousands of dollars by getting a manual and being an actual man.
Driving isn't enjoyable in the US.
I like driving manual but there is one huge advantage automatics have and it is for towing shit. Being real, when was the last time you saw a truck towing shit that wasn't a work truck? Maybe if you own an RV
Do you have to manually post this every day or can a bot do it all?
Some of you guys would enjoy driving an 18-speed 18-wheeler. Even just for a day
I don't want to worry about a fucking knob while I'm avoiding deer, coons, "coons", nocturnal animals, "nocturnal animals", etc.
I don't want to do some foot fuckery to get in gear if I have to stop on a hill. I don't want to be shifting all the damn time in a city because traffic is shit.
A car is a tool to get from point A to point B. That's it. You niggers can try to attribute all the characteristics to a person that you want, for whatever kind of car they have, I don't give a fuck.

Enjoy your car dick.
I actually think in Sweden if you picked up a girl with an automatic she would get the ick and think u were gay for not being able to drive a manual shift

We have "automatic only" drivers licenses here they are known as "women driver licenses"
I love it when europoors complain about Americans owning something they couldn't afford with a lifetime of paychecks. Americans truly mog you.
that's not a horse, it's a motorized chariot, made of metal

fucking barbarians
I hate manual
I’d make her get out and see if she could walk all the way home with getting attacked.
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Kek Well said
Whatcha sliding jidf?
Don't worry, guys like me will pick her up. You lose. kek
i use aux cable over bluetooth becuase it is more reliable

i take MT over CVT becuase it is more reliable
Damn rabbi, take off the memeflag before you spit on your pay pig, ungrateful kike
reliability and ease of repair is better with MT
It's just not a thing in the US with women. However I think in Actual-American males there's a slight residual feeling that they're driving a granny car and as per usual when they feel slightly gay and intimidated (they really do assume you need to constantly concentrate on it) they start doubling down on the cope compensation.
It's a great anti-theft device though. Add in RHD and I think there's maybe 6 people on this entire continent capable of driving my car over 10mph and one of them is my wife.
repairing a mt is much cheaper than an auto and they tend to last 3x as long
Forgetting manuals for a second, the main driving force for all of that is the fact that personally maintaining and modifying your own car has become more trouble than it's worth. Beyond everything everything else most people just don't have the space or the means to devote huge chunks of their house or apartment to storing miscellaneous car parts and related gear. Most people don't even have a fucking garage anymore. It's not about normal faggots being obsessed with "keeping up with the times" it's that fighting father time to keep your 1999 S-10 or what have you from literally fucking disintegrating just isn't an appealing investment anymore
you have to be kidding me. I own a pickup truck with manual transmission.
who controls when the vehicle shifts? driver or computer?
Hydro transmissions are great for everything with a shitton of torque, spaghetti.
Kek all these little faggot cuckolds enslaved by their 4 speed 4 bangers are so fucking mad.
>you don't get it bro, I'm one with my shitbox!
>it goes from 0-60 in 12 seconds on my terms!
automatic cvt doesnt have second gear, you dumb bitch
>I want hauling stuff to be complicated"
said no one ever
it's cheaper, can sometimes save you a little bit of gas, is better for off-road and/or bad weather conditions.
The only downside is the inconvenience when you constantly have to shift up and down, like in a busy city or traffic jam
d/o/rks btfo
12 valve, NV4500.
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Lol. If you cant rpm shift a manual, you can't drive.
why are euros so poor
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JDM people...
It's called progress. I'm sure you light your home with torches and oil lanterns.
>not buying beaters you can work on yourself
i will never buy these overpriced plastic shitboxes they make now
that's an AK you stupid nigger
The US has retarded noise emissions laws that are easier to pass with an automatic transmission. So nobody wants to manufacture manual transmissions anymore.
Anyone who acts like the ability to drive stick is some refined IQ test is a faggot retard.
I taught my gf to drive stick in one afternoon. It isn't beyond the average American motorist.
This is the real reason people drive manual. It cost me 3500 euros just to go from manual to auto.

None of the other shit applies, it definitely isn't easier or safer to drive manual on steep hills, so I doubt it's better on offroad or bad weather. Automatic is also a lot smoother which probably means it saves you gas since the machine will shift more optimally than an average driver.

Most importantly your right hand is free to browse youtube or hold a can of beer while you're driving.
not just america, it's a problem in yurop too, manufacturers stopped making manuals for most decent cars. You only get manuals in small shitboxes
>There are only 2 men left in America with uncircumcised penises.
Off Roading is where manuals come onto play with trucks for example preventing an upshift on a incline with bad traction - an auto will shift unless locked in 1st or 2nd and rob the drive train of even more traction. More importantly would be speed control on off road descents - manuals don't "coast" like auto's do they engine brake. You don't want to be relying on brakes or ebrake on off road descents with shit traction as you'll slide - with a manual you can physically prevent the truck from accelerating downhill.
Most rock climbing trucks/SUV's are going to be manuals.

It's kinda moot now as we have DCT's and shiftable automatics - the thing is these new trucks are getting 10 speed dogshit "shiftable" automatics that can and will override gear selection anyway.

You lose towing capacity with a manual and an automatic 4x4 can still do 90% of the shit the manual can
I can assure you that "manual" shifting is very much needed, especially in trucks. Professional drivers such as myself, anticipate traffic and uphills and things like that using the old eyeball and brains method. No computer can do that as effectively as a good human driver. What the computer can do, however, is tell you exactly how much gas you save with your human decision making compared to automated driving. You can save up to 30%.

I've been driving Audi Tiptronic since 2000 and it really made a difference vs having only the "D" option.
So you are automatic?

>look at this absolute faggot everyone!
Even their employer doesn’t trust them with the lowest level of basic tasks!
Look at this incompetent autistic faggot!
You do realise you can downshift in an automatic, right?
There are plenty of Nissan, Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW, Kia and Dodge/Fiat automatic transmissions that can't even make 100k miles before blowing thr fuck up.
These new 10 speed autos are fucking TRASH when it comes to reliability
Peak automatic was shiftable/tiptronic 5 and 6 speeds.

100k is half the life of a clutch, and replacing a clutch is barely harder than replacing brake rotors
In most (or all) automatics you can downshift and upshift and then you're in manual mode for a few seconds then it switches back to auto. You can also override to a fully manual mode where it doesn't switch back to auto at all.

I don't know if they manufacture plain autos anymore.
I think I know one of the guys. I also think I know the guy who has the other one. Small world
ZF-8 is good though
Former valet here. Zoomers cannot drive stick
for 90% of people automatic would be better since most people are dumb. But unfortunately since is better for most people then manufacturers will just stop making manuals
Automatics can't engine brake. If your brakes malfuction the only thing you can do is try to play with the handbrake and hope you don't pull it slightly too much.
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Yes Audi had this in the 2000s and I was driving them. To enter the "manual" mode you push the stick to the right and then the display changes to 123[4]5 assuming the automated gear was on 4.
In the manual mode it won't change the gear up no matter what. So you can engine break in a downhill. It shifts downwards automatically only when the engine revs are about to go below minimum, for example when breaking to a full stop the engine won't shut down as it would with a real manual.

Since 2000s many car manufacturers have copied the Tiptronic style, which originated with Porsche and made common by Audi.
You think modern American cars have one of those?
Millinials were coming of driving age when the original Fast and Furious came out. All my buddies became JDM heads overnight.

God I miss my 95 Integra GSR.
*engine brake
Most of the newer transmissions are designed for fuel efficiency. Those older automatic torque converters hat horrible engine to wheel power ratio.
Newer automatic transmissions are designed to maintain as much power as they can to maintain fuel efficiency while being as light as they can to keep the overall weight of the vehicle down again for fuel efficiency and emissions.

This leads to paper thin transmissions that breakdown the moment somebody steps on the gas and exceeds the intended operational parameters.
Sadly dont have a pic, but i had an aftermarket manual installed in my 22 f350, manual is so much nicer
Zoomers and gen alpha will never know the feeling of being able to drop a paycheck on a shitty Asian tincan under 2½ thousand pounds.
The modern CVT is unironically better than the modern 10 speed autocratic.
The mechanical makeup of a modern 10spd is basically a rube Goldberg device, while a CVT is a simple belt with pulleys - and the CVT allows much more control over the powerband than simple "gears".

CVT's should fully replace autos
It is until you get old and your knees give out and you can't hold the clutch in without pain.
The 10spd auto should never have been a thing. It should be DCT or CVT at this point. But building cars around nanny regulations has led to the death of the car industry anyway and turned the car into a status symbol appliance instead of the extension of our personhood/personality/home it was seen in the past
CVTs have problems with torque.
They're perfect for anything thats not a truck, suv or cargo van though.
>There’s just no need for a manual transmission

>1) Fuel efficiency
>2) Simplicity and reliability
>3) Big fun
>4) Nigger theft protection
I liked the feel of the 10 speed but didnt want it to shatter like the glass it is so had a custom manual installed. Figured if it was between that and the old six speed auto i might as well get what i want
Yeah but Im 35, so until then Ill have fun

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