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Ah yes, Rasmussen
The only poll Trump loves
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Wtf we spent all that laundered actblue money on shilling and it didn't work??
Kamalalala xisters how is this real??
Rasmussen is the #1 most accurate poll
Nate Silver is the only one I trust on (((polls)))
Silver said Kamala is fucked.
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Kamala has to win the GE by at least 2 to have a chance in the electoral college. She is obviously very very popular in California. Not so popular in the Midwest
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Between Trump & Kamala, who should be on top?

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She's getting wrecked in swing state polls too
Trump is running the same campaign as in 2020
stealing or no, he's going to lose again
people remember that life was better when he was in charge.
he's got this in the bag.
fucking grocerys cost twice as much as they used to, before the biden-harris administration.
whoever took over from biden was destined to lose.
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He's up +10 points over his polling in 2020. He's going to win in a landslide.
I disagree, yes all of his really speeches have the same bullet points from one speech to the next(from 2024, not saying he's regurgitating 2020), but he is much more laid back. I remember after the debate in 2020, my Democrat buddy called me and said something to the effect of, "what was up with your dude?" Referencing the bull in a China shop attitude he had. I'm sure age does have something to do with it, but I also think he's trying to be much more methodical than he was previously. Maybe he knows he doesn't poll as well with women, and that bullish attitude turns them off from a candidate, especially considering his competition is harris this time around.

I wouldn't be surprised if he knew Joe was dropping out this entire time, so it's been his strategy this whole season.
can't wait til all the trump voting pedos screech about how they were cheated when they lose again
>I'm sure age does have something to do with it, but I also think he's trying to be much more methodical than he was previously.

I think he’s just bored/done with campaigning. He expected this shit to be over by now. But he “lost” in 2020, so now he has to do it all over again. The same states. The same rallies. The same bullshit. The same stump speeches.

At any age, THREE fucking presidential campaigns has to be horrible.

I think he just wants to be president already and has reached “phoning it in” stage on the campaign trail. Honestly, I don’t blame him.
>According to Rasmussen
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>20% lead with independents
they literally just got kicked off all the aggregators for being so bad at polling
Rasmussen is the least biased one, tranny
I agree for a normal person, but trump really is built different. Billionaires are known to be workaholics. He doesn't drink, only really plays golf as a past time. And he loves himself, and loves people to love him. He didn't have to do the amount of rallies he does.
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I hate that revolting bitch and her fake smile.
I'm still Kumming for Kamala
>someone else 9%

The amount of astroturfing this news cycle saying Trump supporters are "flipping" to Kamala and how she's winning the "meme war" sure has had no effect on the polls, fucking clown world
No it's on rcp
If kamala wins you can kiss 4chan goodbye. DEI bullshit will take over and that will be it for your shitty site. Enjoy net neutrality, faggots. The american youth only knows how to kill "hate".

This is what you've asked for, kamala shills.
Who should we listen to then?
According to actual data
the only sites you should trust are betting sites
No they didn't. They are literally the most accurate pollster.
He doesn't poll anyone, he just takes results from other pollsters and puts them through his own computer model.
Trump 2024.
And keep in mind that Trump always underperforms in polls.
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>Ah yes, Rasmussen
>The only poll Trump loves
The honeymoon phase is over, fag.
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I've seen this one. That Not Sure guy ends up winning after giving the crops water instead of Brondo.
Yeah it's gonna be a bloodbath
They’re the only one that doesn’t base their samples on party registration figures from 2008, nigger.
Most harris voters dont have permanent addresses or landlines.
Or citizenship, or a pulse.
They will just increase her percentages every day until she is in the lead, then they will increase them a lot more to make it seem like Trump had no chance in hell come election night. We have all seen this movie before.
Keked and checked
She isnt popular in california either, she just has a D next to her name.
Here’s the thing with (((polls))) - 7% of “conservatives” are voting harris? 16% of liberals are voting trump? You might as well cut open a chicken and read its liver.
>You might as well cut open a chicken and read its liver.
it's been done the liver says
61% Trump
vs Anyone they got.
JIll Stein still gets 2% no matter what.
Luckily there are pollsters that care more about accuracy than propaganda
Liver is red, Trump wins
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
The massive amounts of liberal MSM gaslighting means the libs will have another 2016 surprise coming. They actually believe Kamala is going to win. Election night is going to be a salt tsunami.
If only they knew how fucked they really are
It's shocking to nobody. This is what happens when you waste your free swap that you get to put in yourself without the input of the voters on someone who is worse than the guy with obvious cognitive decline. They're stuck with her now.
>waste your free swap

Jesus here Indian ancestors were slave holders, she herself as California AG was keeping blacks prisoners locked up past their release dates so the state could take advantage of their cheap labor.
She admitted this herself.
Once a slave owner, always a slave owner.
polls arent meant to reflect reality. they are used as an attempt to shape it.
538 is in the business of consenus cracking and social engineering, not telling the truth.
Yeah. I can't wait for tRump to issue that all important Affordable Groceries EO he's been campaigning in for all these weeks.
Why are retards always in favor of capitalism and free enterprise until greedy fuckers start jacking prices and then they blame the president who DEFINITELY doesn't have about to do with it.
Also all of this, which isn't even all of her "stances" since it's also includes making illegally crossing the border a civic offense instead of a crime, literally defunding the police and eliminating private health insurance. She's actually a shit candidate all around.
uh, this is pre-debate
wait until prosecutor harris smacks trump around
2 more weeks
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Stfu Moishe.
Inflation is the result of massive spending on an economy that already recovered post COVID. All the massive legislation pieces Biden brags about is exactly what led to 40 year high inflation.
>consenus cracking
Is she even black at all?
I thought her father’s family is from Jamaica
Isn’t that exactly what they said about Biden?
The entire election will be decided by pro choice women. Republicans had to stop pandering to Christians and their love of brown fetuses and they couldn’t do it.
Kamala shills are retarded. She's so unlikable as a person, let alone her awful record. She'll probably lose big time.
Trump is too old to run for President. Only the most die hard of boomers refuse to see this.
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>polls arent meant to reflect reality. they are used as an attempt to shape it.
It's true, why would campaigns pay top dollar for polls if they publish them for free? Campaign polling and public polling serve two entirely different purposes
You are not gaslighting anybody into thinking that prices weren't lower under his administration. Nice try
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Imagine the drama of the Democrats trying to rotate candidates again. This shit is better than HBO
It’s actually a very accurate poll, you fucking shill.
Prices were lower under Obama than they were under Trump. Does this make Obama better?
They're just gonna cheat again. Polls and votes mean nothing. They own everything. Don't you faggots get it yet?
So if I remove outliers, Trump is looking at about a +3 or +4 swing compared to what's reported

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