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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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lots of newfags about, post em
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all that matters
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JD vance ass thread
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Or just dont take a pill some groomer is offering you...?
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post or else jew
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Vaxx intention. Note the date.
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The department of energy doesn't want you to know this, but there are abandoned uranium mines with as much uranium ore as you like. Bring a pickaxe, this is minecraft after all.
Nigga i camt read that shit
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Sam Hyde's Fishtank is a CIA funded (Peter Thiel) recruitment group for both the CIA and Freemasons. Sam is a Freemason. Fishtank is a recruitment operation and it's obvious.
>never has complete recordings of the seasons, half the data or more is lost, always released in a disorganized unusable fashion
>final cuts of seasons are shitty on purpose so nobody will watch them, purposefully include none of the real story arcs of the show or degradation contestants went through (yeah I fucked you up but now you're "stronger" and nobody knows, you owe me!)
>show is filled with light torture, both physical and mental challenges engineered by production to test their mettle
>production's interactions with contestants are classic CIA "manipulate them to do what you want instead of asking"
>always ends up looking like stockholm syndrome because Sam is a wealthy celebrity and he only recruits the poorest people imaginable
>production follows the fish post show, is always in their discords under different usernames
>production always donates to fish under different usernames to manipulate the situation so they feel like they "owe" Sam for making them successful
>production uses black hat databases to scrape data on the fish to know EXACTLY who they are before the show, they know EVERYTHING about the fish and all the "shocking revelations" are planned in advance
>they are the ones who "hack" contestant's web accounts using these databases
How did production get access to the backend of Google? They would need government connections for that.

If he was running a web TV show, he would at least try to grow the show. He isn't running a web TV show, it's a recruitment scheme. They pretend to be incompetent so there is no evidence of what they did that season.
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The biggest redpill is that you should vote Kamala if you want your life to improve.
fun fact: Kamala is Jewish.
this is why i will vote for her.
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only 80% of women are attractive for the oposite sex
only 20% of men are attractive for the oposite sex
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Anyone got the meme about three scientists and Einstein jumping in with a Heureka and saying that he and not them came up with E equals etc.?
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You want the biggest redpill? Have a compedndium of em all.


There's some really good stuff in there. Nearly 600 pages of redpills/conspiracy theories. I almost never see people post Gnothi Seauton anymore.
Redpill: white boys have cock sizes on par with Asians. Every BBC is bigger
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The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
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This website manifested, through sheer dumbfuckery, a chaos deity from ancient Egypt and then everybody forgot that it happened
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>posted on 2014
Imagine how much worse it has gotten…
why does my phone show low quality images and webm?
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>To view/save full resolution images on mobile — open the image in a new tab and remove the ‘m’ from m.jpg in the URL. If that doesn’t work change ".jpg" to ".png" at the end of the URL.

no idea if this works, its just a tip somebody dropped in a thread i made a while ago
This doesn't mention women having to post tits and a time stamp if they want to be answered or taken seriously.

God damn dumb bitches keep breaking this rule because nobody ever calls them out and ignores them

God help the swedish....
What does this mean? Can som1 elaborate? And maybe dumb it down some more, I ain't too deep into 4Chan. I've been gone 8 years.
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god damn this one's good, i'll definitely be looking into this guy
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>Big if true
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i'm more worried about you guys.
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>le based internet spaces have always had Goverment Influence ; implying social engineering.
You phoneposting?
>"what does this mean"
how out of the loop are you even ?
How out of the loop are you ?
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Hitler was the good guy
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do you have this any smaller please, I can still read it
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I just found out you can shave with bar soap and if it feels fucking great. Shaving cream is a scam
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No shit. You know I just learned that you can go outside and buy as much alcohol as you want and people will just let it consume your life.
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fundamental pizzagate redpills
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Drink yourself to death
Cheers, I'll drink to that
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based shitposting anons bumping the thread.
>people do bad things because they believe bad things been done to them first
>An entire cultural race founded on a religion and worldview of being persecuted exists
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You will never be French
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cui bono?
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who benefits?
also Jews Rape Kids
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does it add up?
does it really add up?
cui bono?
follow the money!
jooos suck on babies after mutilating them
the only red pill you need is pic rel
jooos are putting a tax on all the food
why are they getting away with it?
check for the tax stamps!
over 1100 and more every day!
good job, r. snowman
i wonder, where do they keep the piece of charles?
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yeah they turned the shilling into gigaoverdrive over on the reddits, even for reddit the push is insane. it's unironically kicked nooticing into high gear
building 7 is what nooticed me, but it wasnt until Occupy that i became schizo
I hope you used a brush and a safety razor bru....
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can also click the vertical ellipsis next to posters name and select open original file
Click on the image link and then zoom in, dumb ass nigguh
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Cute fantasy
But in reality, I don't look like that, i'm handsome and I say nigger IRL all the time and everyone else says it also and they even call the local nigger a nigger and he has to accept it

That's reality
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protocols of the learned elders of zion
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50 rampaging jews or 1 canister of pepper spray
kikes kiked themselves on the supposed dangers of an aerosol
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israel controls everything, the whole US election is scripted reality TV marketed as something raw & live
Also don't follow or idolize grifters and especially don't give them money, if they're promoted, it's for (((reasons)))
Does anyone have the one that details all the Jews going around printing diversity in academia and whatnot in a bunch of different countries. Mostly Jewish women I think
do you ever notice, that every post on every event on pol is a conspiracy? I mean everything, everyone, every aspect. every person in a crowd every article, every piece of paper?

it's almost like some country has been meddling in everything. the country is russia.

I can remember when it was just "hate niggers and jews". now it's conspiracy this and conspiracy that.

it's so bad I have conspiracy burn out. so many "conspiracies" are posted every day that it has become absurd.
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Bump. It’s nice to see a red pill thread that has made it this far, rare occurrence anymore.
The sheer effort that went into this. Nuclear tier autism.
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these are glow guys…why do they stalk us and not protect the future and past president?
reading this as a descendant of german immigrants, this makes me sick to my stomach
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as it should, spreading that pic amongst normies might ease your pain
my 7 inches of stainless steel disagrees
why do you respond to jews?
just watch them squirm
What in the fuck did you just post. Absolute off the meds take.
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I just removed a boil from my leg.
with a scalpel.
wanna see?
Success in life comes down to 100% dumb luck but the lucky, succesful one's want all the credit for it so, they lie non stop.
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Pro-redneck spammers are almost always jews.

Must-know redpills about jews, their connection to rednecks, the culture of the south, and the slave trade:


Must-know redpills about Weimar Germany, how jews used the south to push WW2 interventionism, and the holohoax:


Must-know redpills about jews and how they used the south to push the gay and tranny agenda:


General jew and redneck redpills:


Good threads to bookmark for redpilling, redpill mining and later reference.

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