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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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She really did throw boiling water at him.

I was wrong. I'm sorry.

but she could only throw the water once. And she missed. She was already disarmed
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She did it after being shot. She had a gun being aimed at her from the start. Cops are not victims.
Beside the point.
>the attack was shitty so it’s not an attack anymore.
There was even a shot yet you stupid fucking liar.
It looks like he shoots after she throws it.

True, situations like this are what non-lethal weapons like tazers and pepper spray are for.
I would say this is a bad bait but it's already getting (You)s
These days it's hard to tell between bait and genuine bad takes

this zogbot cope is pathetic. Either you don't care that a nigress was shot (or you do). This is not a Chauvin situation of there being a blatant misframing to punish whitey.
Or maybe she was trying not to get shot and this was the only thing her crazy ass could get ahold of?

At any rate...no fires no looting no nothing.
Because a Democrat is in the WH that's why.
They shouldn't have been aiming loaded weapons at her then if they didn't want water thrown at them. Are you a cop? Do you think you're some type of god? You're not, and never will be. That paper badge you wear doesn't mean you're better than anyone else.
And George Floyd overdosed. Since when do niggers care about the truth?
I'll let you in on a little secret. I don't care if the faggot cop is innocent or not. I don't care if the nigger is innocent or not. I hope the pig ends up fucked for life in prison just like I'm happy the mentally ill nigger was wiped off the face of the earth.
Are there any anons here with cop relatives who can tell me whether or not this guy acted by the books?
You're living in a dark place, Anon. I hope you can come back to the light.
She called them, you stupid coon.
He's a scumbag either way. "I was merely following orders" is not an excuse let alone a good one.
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Exactly, she called for help as she is meant to, but she made the mistake of calling the police.
Oh noes not hot water, NOoooooo!!!

Fucking pussy demon cop
A taser might be bad with a pot of water spilled on the floor. I don't know tho
Yeah, but the system can't punish people if they followed the system's rules. That's psychopathic.
boiling water thrown by an 80 y/o woman at a distance of 10 feet at a large advancing man with a gun aimed at her does not warrant a death sentence
cop clearly instigated and escalated the confrontation without just cause and created a situation in which to claim self defense when he really just wanted to kill himself a nigger
>She did it after being shot

so you are arguing that someone who was shot in the head not only remained standing but hoisted up a large heavy pot of water?
I don't care if she shot the cops, they didn't have the right or reason to go into her home. They put themselves into that situation.
Police can point guns at you when you're holding a weapon or dangerous instrument, threatening to harm them with it, and refusing commands. Everything is covered here, your ass just missed the part where she actually threw it right up toward his face. Boiling water can obviously cause serious bodily injury or even death.
At worst, this is not a big deal and she kinda deserved it





>Either you don't care that a nigress was shot (or you do)
Of course I fucking don't nigger
She called them and then ushered them into her shitshack.
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And people can and will continue to throw water at you. Life goes on, buddy. You changed nothing. You're still the same bitch you were before you got the badge.
>for no reason at all.
You know I really didn’t buy much into the “niggers can’t into forward thinking” but I’m really starting to buy it.
His life was in danger.

You are wrong, his life was in danger. All you're doing is normalizing schizophrenic niggers throwing pots of boiling water on people.

That might be the world you deserve but it isn't the one I want.
If people who throw boiling water die, society as a whole benefits
How did she drop it 5 feet in front of her though?
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>Zogbot activates
>Dispatched to an civil disturbance
>Finds the victim
>*[Action Unrecognized Error]*
>Zogbot pulls out his weapon
>Victim Grabs pot of warm water
>waiting for authorisation...
>*Bang, Bang, Bang*
>Warm water splooches to the ground
>Zogbot gets adrenaline iv boost
>Zogbot lives to Oy another Vey.

Homo Americanis all around the world cheer as Zogbot has not yet found them or their family.
One more dead black woman, he should be given an award
Okay nigger. let me just throw a pot boiling water on you so you can prove exactly how hard you are.
You are black.
Laugh all you want, pal. Every cop in America right now is vaccinated, and they're all living on borrowed time. Better not argue with me anymore, your pressure might go up.
So she’s 80 now? You fuckers can’t even keep the lies straight.
It's just as good an excuse as any. I'm sure most people become cops or soldiers for the sole reason that they can possibly take someone elses life (preferably of another race) with the excuse that they were just following orders.

It's the best way to kill people IMO. Works best in wars.
she was trying to use it as a shield you psychopath
I was ok with the shooting because she was black. Should I be extra ok about it now?
Yeah, it's mental illness at the end of the day, and people have the right to defend themselves from 8 foot low IQ spiritually dead meatbags with guns.
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She called because a black tried to enter her home.
he remains unharmed and they also do this kind of shit to white people all the time.
Are you jewish?
>Pot has no water in it
bizarre use of caps, like a giant vein is beating out of your forehead as you typed that.

Only White people and Jews have a right to defend themselves. Everyone else has the right to be a target of some unhinged zogbot with a gun.

God bless him though, one less criminal factory off the streets.

These seething niggers didn’t even watch the fucking video just read
and the programming kicks in.
Yall let the Jew really fuck with you.
So many excuses.
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Okay but I just watched be stand up after ducking.

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Yup. Cops are brainless goombas

If tomorrow they are told to shoot everyone that isn't brown
They would
You can cry and whine all you want, this guy is going to jail justifiably. Only ghoulish troglodytes think this lady should have been shot.
Oh, well
Finally! Thank you anon
I was like damn even pol is falling for this?
Soulless fucking demons think this lady should have been shot

We need retribution
He's a hero to most of us. I can care less about how the animal was slaughtered, just that there's one less invasive pest in the country.
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>arms in the hair !
>throws boiling water
>gets shot

every fucking time. Guess that means months of protest in the streets then.
The most based response to all this.
Fuck nigs AND pigs

any dermatologists can diagnose what kind of nasty shit is on the cops arm? Or priests?
More like:
Back the blue, God bless all Jews.
that was holy water she was trying to cleanse him
Ok but I watched the body cam footage and the pot and boiling water can clearly be seen impacting the counter right in front of the cop, so you're just lying.
I mean, why did the retard start walking closer to her? She was already on the ground, better to just get out of the apartment and avoid the whole thing altogether.
Once niggers start throwing shit they don't stop.
There were multiple mistakes by all parties.
She should have stayed behind the door, placing herself in the middle of them, even tho it was her porch and she was being social, made them literally look down on her.

They should have taken her name and left when it was discovered there were no prowlers.

Whatever demon took her statement as a serious threat to throw water, cost this young man his productive years, if not more likely, his life.
oh no the poor zogbot
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Seems like nowaydays America throw cops in prison for life to prevent protests even if the cop did nothing wrong

if he gets jailed all cops should resign and find another job. no point working i nsuch environement where your own governement that you protect will destroy your life for doing your job
There were no shots fired.
She already had a bullet in her from her last confrontation with another nigger.
The cop is innocent.

If the cop was so afraid of the water being thrown at him, why did he advance on her instead of stappingback?
>They shouldn't have been aiming loaded weapons at her then if they didn't want water thrown at them
She shouldnt have attacked law enforcement officers who were already pointing weapons at her and giving her orders to stand down. Fuck around, find out
It's a skull tattoo
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>hey armed men in my house, let me permanently injure you with this pot of scalding water and not get shot for it
But she got shot for it.
Gee, it's almost like that's exactly what you would avoid doing if you don't want to get shot.
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I am constantly amazed at how blacks are unable to follow a basic, reasonable command.
>put the water down
Somehow this translates to, “Throw boiling water on armed law enforcement.” It’s unbelievably stupid. Legit a victim of her own 80IQ retard brain.
Fucked around. Found out.
The water hits the floor after he shot her.
Gets shot, falls, water falls on floor.
>when you're holding a weapon or dangerous instrument
They literally sent her to grab the dangerous instrument. Make it make sense.
2bh she probably threw the water because she was in panic and expecting to get shot anyway

It was a last reflex attempt to do something when death was certain
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Cops are all literally possessed by demons/archons. If his utterly insane emotional reaction from hearing "Jesus" and entering a seething reddit tard rage doesn't convince you, nothing will. Demons/archons exist to spread misery and tempt mortals into doing something that gives them the "right" to abuse you.
>"go walk over to the stove and turn your boiling water off"
*she complies*
*she drops the pot, apologizes, and ducks cowering*
>"DROP THE POT!" (she's not holding the pot and has nothing to drop)
When the cop moved past the island separating them, she (rightfully) assumed the demon was going to follow through on his promise to shoot her, and raised the pot to shield her own face from the bullet, as any non-autistic human would reflexively grab an object in a desperate effort to survive. This was the demon's cue that failing the Simon says game gave him the "right" to murder her.

Notice how the demon always uses deception? He commander her to drop a pot she wasn't even holding after the original duck, prompting her to pick it up, then try to shield her face with it. Zogbot with pagan tattoos is visibly possessed by evil
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even if that was true it would make sens eto shoot someone about to throw boiling water at you and that means that if he didnt shot her he might have his face disfigured forever by this psychopathic + psychotic bitch

who the fuck wouldnt shoot someone trying to disfigure you?
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>cop needlessly escalates situation
he's going to rot and I'm going to drink your seethe
Sadly much like the Floyd case, if /pol/ is proven wrong you faggots drop the topic almost instantly
Couldn't she of just had Jamal from the bushes do the ambush? You aren't making any sense. My suggestion is to shoot the boiling pot of water or shut up.
Could you provide an address, so we can determine how you'd react without a boiling pot of water?
This. The cop points over to the stove and she literally never would have gotten off the couch if she wasn't prompted from the demon to begin with. The demon also commands her to drop a pot she's no longer holding after it's already initially dropped. Nobody ever confronts these two critical points
I mean clearly he didn't need to shoot her but yeah she was crazy and tried to throw a boiling pot of water at him.

I think it's a good thing that he's in trouble, zogbots shouldn't be so trigger happy.
Do you know where you are?
That's an awfully hot water pot...
Should I rebuke him in the name of God?
might get shot!
She was a paranoid schizo. This is another battle in the ancient war, between schizos and psychopaths. This is the oldest war of all.

The psycho cop clearly felt the schizo energy of the woman. you'll notice when the name of jesus got invoked, is when the cop got frightened and took out its gun.

Another strong soldier was lost that day. But rest assured, the schizos will win.
You never heard of the Nuremberg Trials before, you absolute retard?
Cop was all fucked up for this one. We should not want retard cops like him
Yes after he screamed that we was gonna murder her while it was o n the counter .he's done.
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There are few, if any, organic Australian posters on /pol/ after the rangeban. You're a /k/ nafotroon fed(demon possessed) ALWAYS supporting the establishment.

No authentic aussie would ever support a cop after your dystopian vaxx/mask lockdowns. You besmirch the good name of outback sick cunts by using that flag, fucken dodgy glownigger. Fuck every Australian cop
In america there is an IQ test for cops to make sure you're NOT too smart
I am not exaggerating nor joking
I’d have a conversation with them like any normal human would, you retard. Basic commands like “stand still”, “show me your hands”, “don’t move” or “put down the X” all seem to compute to “chimp out and act like a total fuckstick”, to which then everyone cries and complains that the cops have done something wrong. Nigger, just act like a fucking rational human. It’s not hard.
So that'll make 7 jobs in four years?
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There’s no range ban for Aussies you misinformed pussy. Harden the fuck up cunt.
Until they threaten you...in your own home. Is it that bad for you that this is the hill that buries you? Dude was wrong, and had a myriad of options but chose murder. Good luck, Anon. I wish you the best.
You too, best of luck. Just remember the weak perish.
The weak need a strong helper. Everyone will perish.
Did they ever catch the person who was breaking in? Who did the car belong to?

No one seems concerned about these things.
It's summer
And the kitchen is hot
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Cop demons fundamentally despise everyone who isn't neurotypical, because a lack of ability to read social cues makes one more resistant to propaganda and distrustful of the state

Policing is the most dysgenic program in human history, because it prunes out non-compliant genes from the pool. You can even see this behavior in the bootlicking sheep praising the cop
>niggers can't follow basic instructions
>just comply and fight it in court
>just do what you're told
>just obey
Cops supporters think obedience is a virtue in of itself, again, as proven via the replies in these threads. The nature of what they're obeying doesn't matter, so long as an authority figure with a blue shirt is dispersing the command. This feedback loop will continue up to including the upcoming military draft, in which cop supporters will tell you
>just get in the MP press ganger's paddy wagon, commie!
>don't wanna die in WW3? Comply with the cop herding you into the wagon and tell it to the judge!
How big is this town? Has she done this before...call the police because of a prowler? Was there a psych on her, or a mental report previously? Most of Illinois 100 miles outside of a metro is bumfucked Egypt
Reminder that it literally doesn't matter if she threw the pot or not because the cop first threatened her with shooting her in the face, anything after that is irrelevant.
it's not about the water
>say something about jesus
>get held at gunpoint by police
that's the real issue dumbass. when they go through the timeline of events in court, they won't even get to the fucking pot of water. why did he draw his firearm at a nonsensical comment. no justification for that, you can't interpret it as a threat no matter how obtuse you try to be, and it's case closed at that point. random religious comments which make it probably even more protected speech, do not get a gun drawn to your face and then screams and chaotic orders leading to your death
His shuffling around departments in 4 years is Catholic Church vibes, so there's that...should HR be arrested?
she laughed at them being nervous about being around her with a pot of boiling water. She then says twice she rebukes them in the name of Jesus, in a deadpan way that easily can be taken as a threat while holding a pot of boiling water. That's when the cop drew on her and told her not to do anything or he'd shoot her. Then the clip happens where she drops, then gets back up and grabs the pot and tosses it at them.
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You'll never be a spiritual Australian. You're a vaxxed goycattle living in the city who wasnt allowed to leave your front doorsteps. You're a hard cunt for obeying the vaxx enforcers aren't ya? A real tough and ballsy cunt for rolling your sleeve up and getting 5 of those mRNA boosters eh tough cunt?
Yeah I fucking called it when it first made the rounds, just by very closely analyzing the events, her body language in particular. Like why she would RISE back up to grab a pot of boiling water if she was in fear for her life making not a lick of damn sense.
Not good to fire a taser if you are wet duh. Pepper spray also not good because the water can carry the mist onto to cop and he'll be pepper sprayed too.
>Start to throw
>Get shot in the forehead
>Finish throwing
Sorry schizo, the video don't lie.
why do you nigger worshippers need to justify killing niggers
niggers and muslims are the two types of nonhumans that a well adjusted mind doesn't need to justify offing by the thousand
Please learn how law enforcement works you dumb shit
He literally tells her to grab the pot of boiling water to rationalize his reaction, are you new here?
Someone with sense here.
She gets back up with a boiling pot of water as someone tells her to stop.
She laughs at them because they are spooked by her.
Not normal behavior.
Are you blinded by ego? Is the ego putting pressure on your frontal lobe?
This guy gets it.
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Sup Queensland PD. Still seething that 2 of your vaxx enforcers got put in the dirt? God bless the sick cunt that just wasn't having it that day. You fucked around and got 2 of your fresh recruits killed. A shame, really.
You are not supposed to escalate some comment with religious connotations into a death threat with guns drawn, not sure how you even need a cop to tell you that.
It's not life for life. Wed bomb a school to kill one suspected terrorist.
If you aren't picking up on this yet, ngmi as a free man...maybe as a janitor.



Believe it or not there are instances where a cop gave instructions in English to someone that didn't understand pig latin and murdered them.
would you look at this fuckin bot !
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This leaf bro is high T
That's completely different. That was the conquering of a nation.

We're talking about laws. If the cop followed the law and his training, then it doesn't matter if you personally don't agree with his actions; he can't be punished by the system because he followed the system's rules.
christcuck tard

So what. If some old nigger woman throws a pot of water in your direction, they were about twenty feet away btw, you are going to shoot her in the face? It is fucking crazy.
they told her to tend to the pot that was boiling over so as to not have an accident while they were sorting out their business. She took the pot and instead of just simply setting it aside she starts commenting about the cops, making random remarks, and continuing sketchy behavior that was prevalent throughout the complete altercation. Your hypothetical retreat scenario lends itself to far too many scenarios that could occur, when they are trained to neutralize a perceived threat as soon as possible. She fucked up by not simply moving the pot and coming back to where they were before the request. The house was in complete squatter tier of mess, so as far as they were concerned she might not have been the actual home owner and been up to something. She was being sketchy the entire time from when they showed up.
>Beside the point.
>>the attack was shitty so it’s not an attack anymore.
That's right faggot....disarmed is DISARMED. Logic much?
I'm not christian. It's a figure of speech.
you are the most based man itt
>noooo you can’t just field execute niggers
Christ would use a figure of speech though,
fuck off Hohol shill bot, go die in the mud and suck Putin's dick
Thank you!
Yes, yes, yes
There are a bunch of posters (bots) who make the most retarded and outrageous on purpose like this guy >>475675601
or this guy >>475674892
and? Why the fuck didn't they walk out as soon as they realized she was mental? Why the fuck not? Stupid.
>killed a nigger and a christkike at the same time
double based, free the police officer now
Anons, is this a bot? Or are some of the people here really this stupid?
ok frognigger
please explain how it was ok for the cop to threaten her like that
it wasnt but throwing boiling water was much worse and certainly justified shooting. he probably didnt need to shoot three times though but definitely needed to shoot after what shes done
>She then says twice she rebukes them in the name of Jesus, in a deadpan way that easily can be taken as a threat
T. demon
Ohh fuck not the hecking boiling water!! Should I take a few steps back or approach this super dangerous threat? Hmm....
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>I was wrong.

u sure are
I have extensively analyzed the footage, and have determined with 98% certainty that she was in fact a nigger.
Therefore, she deserved to be summarily executed for being a biological weapon.
Case dismissed
>making random remarks, and continuing sketchy behavior
Are "random remarks" and "sketchy behavior" a misdemeanor or a felony?
Allowing a pig into your home puts you and your entire family at imminent risk of sudden death. Use your 4th amendment . Keep the fuckers out without a warrant.
IF he was afraid of water being thrown at him, Why did he advance on her instead of stepping back?
This is the elephant in the room that virtually nobody addresses. In the full video, they finish sweeping the perimeter and had zero reason to hang around. But the IDF trained cops just couldn't fuck off and had to continue the fishing expedition, enter her home without warrant or probable cause of a crime, and unlawfully get her ID and papers. Because IDs are like crack to pigs
>ID... ID.... I.... ID

Of all the shortcomings of nigs, I actually feel bad for the fact that they lack to IQ to realize when I cop is on a fishing expedition and being a little faggot trying to escalate anything into a crime. Niggers are actually right about cops because their low IQs absolutely are abused from psychopath pigs who go for low hanging fruit, and nigs rarely understand their 1st, 4th, and 5th amendments, which gives you no obligation to comply with consensual interactions with cops.
fuck that. niggers trying to scald anyone with boiling water need to get ventilated.
The narcissist's prayer:
> She didn't throw the boiling water..
> And if she did, it wasn’t that bad.
> And if it was that bad, it wasn’t her fault.
> And if it was her fault, she didn’t mean it.
> And if she did mean it, the cop deserved it.
So she in fact DID NOT throw boiling water at the zogbot.
Glad to know kikepuppet will be raped by niggers for 20 years.
Says who? She’s standing in the kitchen of her own home. She was within arms reach of multiple knives, and could potentially have a gun on her or near her. Should a cop be forced to risk his own life and switch to non lethal options (which are a fucking joke under normal circumstances, let alone when you’re using them on someone who’s clearly a strung out crackhead) to maybe save the life of a person who has just clearly shown their intention to gravely injure or kill him?
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>zero dead violent young black men
>instead, killed a middle aged black woman past her fertile years who is a non factor in culture wars, and was one of those dancing singing baptist church type black women
>fan the flames of race conflict and increase the likelihood of innocent whites being targeted. Good job shit for brains. Unless you're in fact a jew, and are actually nodding with excitement and glee at the consequences I just listed.

>yfw an 80IQ pig untermenschen with pagan sleeve tats murders an innocent lady in her kitchen, giving rocket fuel for your ANTIFA and BLM race riot useful idiot antagonists
Well played, kikes. That idiots on "my side" of the isle get roped into supporting the faggot pig is a pretty big W for you and L for me.
Roid pustules, you're welcome
The nigger was a retard to let them in, and ascended to a Darwin Award winner by flinging a pot of boiling water at a cop. Them entering with her permission and complying when they asked for ID was perfectly legal on everyone’s end. It’s not the cops fault that she’s not smart enough to shut the fuck up and tell the cops when to fuck off.
Gets shot. drops boiling water after being shot.

I get it. she's blek and you all love cops. but you know this is bullshit. quit the agenda lul
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>drops boiling water after being shot.

what water?
You are a homosexual.
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She was a crack whore and god only knows how many more kids she might’ve popped out. Black women are also far more likely to vote and they vote the hardest left of practically every subgroup. To support the nig would require one to believe cops do not have the same right to self preservation as the rest of us.

yeah. may not even be water in there. the quality makes it rough though. looks like to the right of the pot it's falling out.
You can see the boiling water land by his feet retard. You can see the steam rising from it. Stop lying.
wasn't this AFTER the first shot though?
>may not even be water in there
You can see the water steam up all over the kitchen floor, you abject retard.

Do you think people can stand up and throw things after being shot in the head?
>because ur, lyk, such a bot, omg, lol
>you can

how come you can't post a pic of it retard?
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She says I will rebuke you, which is not a threat. Faggot cop immediately threatens to kill her, pulls out his gun, she's says I'm sorry, then the faggot cop walks towards her, she throws the pot in a last ditch defense, faggot cop kills her and now he's going to pound faggot cops in the ass prison.

You niggers are worse than actual niggers.
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jews are the original niggers

who do you think invented the ghetto?
It's simple for me, I just always side with whoevers White because Whites are less likely to lie and do bad shit.
he aint even jacked
Yeah I figured it was water. Bad quality

If I get shot in the head while holding something? yeah my body would flinch and toss it random as I dropped
The problem with this cop/deputy was that he had a taser on him but instead reached for deadly force.
yea she did. Officer Grayson knew the score in a split second. He is a SOLID officer - FREE GRAYSON
>she dropped it
>i-i mean there was no water
>i-i mean her dead body raised the pot above her head, aimed, and threw it at the officer
Kys nigger
Because dumbass they thought she was giving up as she dropped on the floor, but after they went in closer she got back up grabbing and throwing the water from the counter.
>Them entering with her permission and complying when they asked for ID was perfectly legal on everyone’s end
Good job agreeing with him and proving his point. I'm not entirely sure what you're arguing, but I'm glad we all agree that good nature, compliance, obedience, and submission will ALWAYS be used against the goy cattle who don't aggressively show contempt for cops and openly deny speaking a single word to them.
>Killed a nigger sheboon
What's the problem exactly?
He claimed that it was “unlawful” for them to get her ID. That’s simply not true. I agree that only a retard lets the cop into their home, but nothing the cops did was illegal or even more than a minor inconvenience for someone with a three digit IQ
I originally never said there was not water if you scroll up. I replied to someone else. and stated the pic quality was bad so maybe I could be wrong.

>"I'll shoot you in the fucking face."
Premeditated Murder 1.

>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>2 DUI convictions
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch

This cop is fucked.
>Massey had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, but was managing it with medication, her daughter said.
Anyway, why shoot when she had already lost her only weapon after throwing it. Besides, she might've only seen it as a weapon after the cops indicated it was a weapon.

In any case America's cop culture excuses lethal violence that is unnecessary for policing. Case in point.
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>2 DUI convictions
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
"Unlawful" in the sense that a majority of cattle who hear "mind if I come inside and check your ID?" run with it thinking it's their legal obligation to go with said request. His point was that the low IQ of blacks is a pressure point for cops to abuse this use of language, which a sizeable chunk of whites and other races are stupid enough to roll with. I'd say an overwhelming majority of plebs would give their ID to a cop who randomly walks up to them and asks for it.

We're not talking about idiots being fleeced by telemarketers or scam callers. These are GOVERNMENT employees abusing your trust and good will. You should be able to see how fucked up the difference is.
yeah dude she was totally just boiling nothing
there's no water kike
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.
If you threaten a cop and then don’t listen you’ll probably be shot
Fuck niggers
Not my problem. Boo hoo the cops are checking for stolen cars while in nigville. This shouldn’t bother you unless you’re too dumb to know when you’re allowed to tell a cop to fuck off.
Give us a timestamp of the threat.
Did you notice the skull tattoos on his arm? He worships death and got the job so he could murder someone and get away with it, but he's not getting away with it.
I’m more impressed with how a guy who got a bad conduct discharge two years into his first enlistment and two DWI’s managed to not only become a cop but bounce through six agencies in four years. Fucking dude is a walking liability with “do not hire, do not arm” stenciled on his forehead. More red flags than a chick with ferrets who rides horses. Illinois must be HARD up for officers lmao.
Couldn't they just kick her in the ass? Yeah no it's america everyone has a gun.
>Did you notice the skull tattoos on his arm? He worships death and got the job so he could murder someone and get away with it, but he's not getting away with it.
I know a cop in LA that has a skull with 3 bullet holes in that represent the 3 people he has killed "in the line of duty." He used to laugh about it.
I could see shooting her before she threw it, but after? It's not like she can reload. Just beat her up and take her to jail. I swear to god, ever since Rodney King, it's all or nothing with these fags. Surely some beatings are preferable to death?
All of that effort just to get btfo by one fact
>she threw the pot of boiling water first
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Can you show me 1 single instance of a grown man dying from a 1/2 pot of boiling water.
Faggot trannies are really mad you made this thread
What's it like to worship actual zogbots?
Something like 35 people die per year from tap water scalds, you nigger brained retard.
Faggot trannies worship zogbots when they chop off their dicks
That's an awfully hot coffee pot
The user or target being wet wouldn’t matter. Being wet won’t make the ride any worse, maybe increase probability of a good contact, but the shock delivered would still only be dependent on both probes getting good hits and the distance between them. Having a little water on the taser wouldn’t shock the user when firing either, they’re used in the rain all the time with no issue.
So you have that in common
She walked to the kitchen to grab a pot of scalding hot water then asked him why he’s backing up when she starts to approach him with the water. That’s why she starts rambling about Rebuking him as a demon because he knew she was about to pull a sneak-thief nigger attack.she got input read bro
That is just another delusion of yours. Since you are mentally ill
>She walked to the kitchen to grab a pot of scalding hot water then asked him why he’s backing up when she starts to approach him with the water.
She was *ORDERED* to the kitchen to take the pot off the counter.
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>unless you’re too dumb to know when you’re allowed to tell a cop to fuck off.
Why do you keep ignoring the fact that 90% of people regardless of race think every single request a cop makes is made under the colour of law? 95% of the people defending the cop ITT would instantly turn on you if they caught wind that you denied an ID request and you appeared in a bodycam video being unlawfully arrested. A cop can arrest you for anything. He can say "I don't like your face, put your hands behind your back", cuff you, book you, and hold you for 48hrs legally in a cell. Of course the judge will throw the arrest in the trash bin, but congrats, you now have an arrest record and a legion of bootlickers justifying your public humiliation on the internet.

>Not my problem
Said the frog in slowly boiling water, after 3 years of cops enforcing vaxx/mask shit, across ALL 50 states
Even in Waco Texas
Wrong. She was ordered to turn off the burner. Instead she grabs the pot and starts moving toward the officer while asking him why he’s backing up and making vaguely threatening schizo insults.
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She attacked and officer of the lawl
>making vaguely threatening
Now it's "vaguely" threatening.
Cops are allowed to kill people for vaguely threatening.
They asked why are you boiling water? And she cusses them out and starts mumbling. Are you dense?
Even if she was disturbed, and tried to sling water. That's not exactly epic kung-fu. If you have time to pull a gun, you have time to step backwards out or range.
>He can say "I don't like your face, put your hands behind your back", cuff you, book you, and hold you for 48hrs legally in a cell. Of course the judge will throw the arrest in the trash bin, but congrats, you now have an arrest record and a legion of bootlickers justifying your public humiliation on the internet.
But that didn't happen, and it doesn't happen hardly at all, and certainly not often enough for anyone to care about it except propagandized retards.

You're tilting over an idea of what could happen hypothetically.
>And she cusses them out and starts mumbling.
Just gonna lie like that?
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No it's about right cops get tossed in for this kind of fuckup. Also crippling medical/legal debt for life too. The only thing wrong here is cops are underpaid for the risk I think they should have: their pay should be $250K-$500K starting for this sort of work. It would be very high stakes to be a cop, but you would definitely out-earn a seasoned tech monkey in SV. Retards getting into policing would get filtered or prison quickly. It could attract high IQ and reduce confrontational 'preventative' policing.
I simply do not care that the nigger did not know when she had the legal right to tell the cops to fuck off. What was the worst case scenario if she hadn’t nigged out? The cops ran her name and the cars plate and found nothing. Best case they find someone’s car and she or another nigger goes to jail for stealing cars. Not. My. Problem.

>Just because someone shot at me and missed I have no right to retaliate

Is what you sound like rn
>and it doesn't happen hardly at all
In 2023, law enforcement officers killed at least 1,329 people, according to data from Mapping Police Violence. This number highlights an upward trend in police-related fatalities, contrasting with a national decline in homicides and other violent crimes

In 2023, a total of 138 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in the United States.

The words she said were vaguely threatening, brainlet. Throwing a pot of boiling water bumped it up to felony assault with a deadly weapon on her end and justifiable homicide on his.
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>vaguely threatenin
>I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
Said in a threatening tone while holding a pot of boiling water.
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It is a really weird recent phenomenon, but yeah people do genuinely think like this.
That's fucked up. That's the kind of guy that mows at 4:50AM.
Holding a weapon in your hands and saying some schizo shit while moving toward someone is threatening. But you’re a like that will continue lying no matter how many times you get btfo
What was next after the pot of boiling water? A knife? Good thing we didn’t find out. Stop acting like niggers and chimp out
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That's an awfully hot, water pot
>Holding a weapon in your hands and saying some schizo shit while moving toward someone is threatening. But you’re a like that will continue lying no matter how many times you get btfo
She didn't move towards him, she moved beside the sink, sat the pot down and remained stationary. Keep going officer.
>it doesn't happen hardly at all
does your nigger brain think "it" refers to police homicides?

Of course if police kill people justly, that is no problem.
For all I know the increase in fatalities is just related to the increased niggerfication of society. More niggers nogging. More people acting aggressively against police... maybe even due to blm proganda
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failed the captcha i see
That's awfully hot boiling pot
Should she throw it at a cop
Probably not
Thank you!
All he says is, “check on ‘her’ (the pot), we don’t need a fire in here.”
He never tells her to pick it up. Turn off the fire lady. So simple.
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>and it doesn't happen hardly at all
You're a spiritual pajeet who gaslights and perpetually denies evidence levied against you. I just gave video evidence of red state police arresting a white guy for not wearing a cuck muzzle in public, in the city globally notorious for overextension of police use of force.
>propagandized retards.
This audacity and projection of shooting this insult doesn't get any more ironic. (you)'re quite literally arguing that the government are our pals, rarely do anything nefarious to us, and we should put our faith and trust that the system is well managed. You cannot possibly be more propagandized and well behaved as cattle.
she didn't THROW it
>Of course if police kill people justly, that is no problem.
Kek. Every killing by a cop is just, amiright?
The pigs could have backed up and de-escalated when the crazy lady who called them started threatening them with a pot of boiling water instead of killing her. The kitchen countertop was between them. The problem here was zogbots aren't programmed to ever back off because it causes the government to look weak. Now the cop is going to be hung out to dry as a bad apple and the prison industrial complex will keep chugging on.
They had no right to be in her house to begin, or to demand ID. Niggerbrain.
He said while she literally "rebuked him in the name of Jesus"
>them started threatening them
>she moved beside the sink
And what direction was that relative to the officer? That would be toward him, moishe. And while you’re at it, explain why she would be grabbing the pot at all. There’s no need to remove the pot from the stove after turning off the burner. After all, she didn’t mind leaving it there with the burner on.
niggers are so entertaining lmao

Maybe we would have a respectable dialogue here if liberals and kikes didnt keep coming to kick the hornets nest. As long as OPs keep baiting and defending nogs without rhyme or reason then you can expect /pol/ to agree with the cop out of spite. If people come here not expecting to have sincere discussion, we might as well make people mad.

You are not welcome to /pol/, do not enjoy your stay. Lurk forevermore before posting.
Chauvin should have rendered aid to the guy he had in custody that was ODing instead of pining an unconscious and dying man.
>He can say "I don't like your face, put your hands behind your back", cuff you,
This only happens if you act weird or like you have some mental or drug problem going on, maybe if you look too ugly and strange too. People naturally suspect people who are too ugly and dysgenic. It's a natural adaptation which helps the human racebsibgle out the dysgenic freaks who usually cause problems. So maybe try to look a little more normal so the cops won't target you? This christcuck womsn didn't act or look normal for her age and she basically provoked the whole situation by freaking out. Natural selection. Cops were only doing their job, commie boy.
She allowed them in. It’s perfectly legal for them to ask for ID. Keep moving the goalpost.
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Yeah and missed. She had one go and missed. Tasing the gorilla would have been the next step, if anything. Cops a retard
my favorite posts in this thread are the ones were people claim they do not see the clear water in the pot
When considering only the police officers killed by violent attacks (46 deaths by gunfire in 2023):

The relative risk of being killed as a pizza delivery driver compared to a police officer killed by violent attacks is approximately 1.68.

This means that a pizza delivery driver is about 1.68 times more likely to be killed on the job than a police officer who dies from violent attacks.
He was perfectly conscious and resisting. The big shouldn’t have eaten enough fent to kill a small elephant if he didn’t want to die.
>And what direction was that relative to the officer? That would be toward him, moishe
You mean the officer on the other side of the big wooden barricade next to the big door that leads outside of the house they had no right to enter to begin with?
>I just gave video evidence of red state police arresting a white guy for not wearing a cuck muzzle in public, in the city globally notorious for overextension of police use of force.
That's a case of a cop following the ordinance. Not because "he doesn't like your face".

That's literally his job to enforce the ordinance.
You can argue it's a bit excessive but it's certainly not arbitrary. The guy picked a fight with the officer and tried to debate the merits of the ordinance while not following it.
>if you act weird
Is acting weird a misdemeanor or a felony?
>It’s perfectly legal for them to ask for ID
It's actually a 4th amendment violation to demand it, which they were.
I gotta tell you, this is only the 2nd or 3rd case I've ever seen in my long life, where I think, that was an intentional bad shoot. This fucking cop needs to fry.

I am not opposed in principle to cops shooting niggers if they need it and God knows they often do. This woman was obviously off her nut but she did not throw the water until AFTER she'd been shot. She was talking crazy but she set the water on the stove and made no move to throw it until after the cop shot her.

Looks to me like an asshole cop with a shit attitude. If he wanted to shoot a nigger why didn't he just wait until one gave him a good reason? It would surely have happened before long.
You're the one making the implication that none of them are
>an adult can’t throw water over a waist high counter
>coos can’t enter a house that they’ve been invited into and we’re never told to leave
I’m actually getting bored with how fucking stupid you are.
Why are we here? We let niggers control the narrative. Stop paying attention to this shit. The news and niggers want you on defense. If you act like you don’t care it’s meaningless. What are they going to do if you don’t give a shit? Nothing. Instead you help spread this shit, make it viral, and cause nigger riots. Thanks.
Dumbass and "dipshit" provoked her. Fight or Flight response.
No, you're reaching the limit of your 104iq
The Waco arrest was to address your "not my problem" claim, not arbitrary arrests. The points was that the deepest red areas filled with people who value liberty the most still got shit on, since you missed the point
>That's literally his job to enforce the ordinance
Correct, he enforced the bullshit of medical tyrant leftists who hate you and understood fully well that lockdowns were entirely a humiliation ritual with no bearing on health or wellbeing.

>The guy picked a fight
>Buying a bottle of water at a gas station
This is the hill you're gonna die on big boy? You're allowed to redress your grievances with government. A cop's feelings being hurt isn't breaking the law.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
>cop: “do you have ID? That would make things so much easier”.
>nigger: “(sighs) Jesus”
>cop: “just a drivers license will do. Then I’ll get out of your hair”
>nigger: “I wanna show you guys my paperwork”
>cops: “let’s get your ID first”
>nigger: “ok”
>You're allowed to redress your grievances with government. A cop's feelings being hurt isn't breaking the law.
Yea that's right, but the guy was refusing to follow the police order.

You can redress grievances, and say what you think is right, but your grievance doesn't give you a pass to just not follow the law if you don't feel like it.

If the guy went outside first before trying to argue his case, then I would agree with you.
Kek btfo once again
I personally don't care that the groid was slain. It reminded of the harambe incident. Anytime a cop is around blacks it's good to be on his guard. I think the firing was good enough. The real problem with this is blacks themselves. They bring all this upon them
>Is acting weird a misdemeanor or a felony?
No, but it makes people uncomfortable and natural selection doesn't care about what the law says. Remember the dude who got shot by cops at a parking lot? You think the woman would have called the cops on him if he wasn't strange looking, walking back and forth with a sword while talking to himself and probably on drugs? It's not the fact he was carrying a sword, it's the dysgenic degenerate behavior. So the normal people call the cops and the stranger danger gets eliminated every time. That's just how people are.
>x link
Elon stop desperately linking your dead social site.
>No, you're reaching the limit of your 104iq
>Kek btfo once again
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how would you feel if water was in the pot?
If someone doesn’t call out the eternal kike and his anti-white narrative, the young people will believe it without question. If we quietly disagree with the narrative or outright ignore it, the media has complete control of the conversation and the people with sense will have no idea how many people agree with them so they will be afraid to stand up for what’s right.
US Court Says it’s Okay for Police Departments to Refuse to Hire Someone who is Too Smart
Ever wonder why cops yell “quit resisting” as they beat a person who’s not resisting? Or why they shoot people who pose no threat? Maybe the answer is right in front of us.

(Photo Norbert Schiller/Mint Press)
(Photo Norbert Schiller/Mint Press)

The Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test is a popular group intelligence test used to assess the aptitude of prospective employees for learning and problem-solving in a range of occupations. Throughout both the U.S. and Canada, many police forces require candidates to take this test as one of the qualifications prior to being hired.

The standard range of scores applied for police officers is a score between 20 and 27. According to ABC News, The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average. A perfect score on the Wonderlic is a 50.

On March 16, 1996 Robert Jordan from Connecticut, and 500 others underwent a written screening process which included the Wonderlic Test, conducted by the Law Enforcement Council of Southeastern Connecticut, Inc. (“LEC”), a coalition of fourteen cities and towns, in order to apply for a position as a police officer.

Several months later Jordan learned that the city of New London had began interviewing candidates. After not hearing from them, Jordan inquired as to why he was passed over.

Jordan eventually learned from assistant city manager Keith Harrigan that he would not be interviewed because he “didn’t fit the profile.”

Thinking it was obviously age discrimination because he was 46 at the time, Jordan filed an administrative complaint with the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.
It's not. I've been certified on a taser and I asked if standing in water did anything extra. The instructor said no.
Escalation of force means that if he fears for his life then equal or deadly force is authorized. She threw the water which at most would cause a minor burn. She was unarmed when he shot her dead.
Piggy unions will fight it but she is a sacred brown. If it was a white person you’d never hear about this story and he’d get a promotion.
Every cop at the scene knew he fukt up.
That piggy will go to the pen for many years.
The response that he received was completely out of left field. The city responded that it removed Jordan from consideration because he scored a 33 on the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test, and that to prevent frequent job turnover caused by hiring overqualified applicants the city only interviewed candidates who scored between 20 and 27.

The city of New London claims that “People within certain ranges achieve a degree of job satisfaction and are likely to be happy and therefore stay on the job.” They apparently believed that Jordan was too smart to be happy being a cop.

This reasoning did not seem logical to Jordon so he filed a civil rights action in the District Court for the District of Connecticut alleging that the city and Harrigan denied him equal protection in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment and Article 4, Section 20, of the Connecticut Constitution.

On August 29, 1999 the court granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment citing “no suspect classification and that defendants had ‘shown . . . a rational basis’ for the policy.”

Jordan, thinking that this must be just a fluke ruling, then appealed and brought his case to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
>gets absolutely destroyed in every bullshit argument he makes
>y-you must be a white police officer of average intelligence
Ok? Lmao. I’m not but I’m not particularly insulted by the implication either.
>The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104
The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104
>The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104
The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104
Boiling water will cause third degree burns in under a second. Third degree burns can permanently disfigure, disable, or kill you. The force was proportional.
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Listen man, you're defending a cop pointing a taser at someone for a mask violation. This is where unconditional cop supporters start to really lose your plot. You will take the most extreme example of far-left policy faggotry, and defend the government to death. We're not even talking about a nigger in her house anymore, but cops pointing guns at white men in fucking Texas over masks.

It's OK to cut your losses and say "most cops are good, but the ones who enforced vaxx/mask shit were total faggots". In fact, this is exactly where I was a few years ago, and I'd defend the "good cops", but then your type would turn feral on my ass the moment I pointed out police corruption or order following leftist globohomo mandates, which is the moment you guys lost plenty of sensible people who were in my category. We all know the logical conclusion of mindlessly following orders or thinking that obedience towards someone following orders is a virtue. Anyway, you may continue unconditionally supporting them, but everything is getting polarized, and unlike the 1970's, calling everyone who doesn't support ZOG a nigger is a strategy that doesn't work for your side anymore.
Regardless, why did he react with "I WILL FUCKING SHOOT YOUR FACE" when she said she rebukes him in the name of Jesus?
Why did he have pagan tattoos?

I think he was, in fact, a demon.
Well, he was wearing a star of remphan
No that’s flake and gay. I accidentally dumped boiling water on my arm and didn’t even cause a blister just a red mark. Dr told me water loses temp so fast that by the time it reached my arm from the pot I was holding that it wasn’t severe. Throwing it would be an extremely light scalding possibly 2nd but most likely 1st. No worse then a bad sunburn
christnigger vs pagan cop. who won?
The amazing part is that the retards on here fail to realize this was done on purpose to draw attention away from the assassination attempt on trump.

Why are masons always interviewed at the site of mass shootings??
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I'm no "back the blue" moron but seriously, there's a whole slew of retarded faggots ITT.
They saw her put the pot down. They didn't think this lady would get up and reach behind her head without even looking at the pot, grab the pot with one hand, then try to throw it over her head at them.
Honestly it was a decent and athletic effort, she was literally on the ground surrendering one moment and the next she popped up so fast that most people watching the video literally couldn't see it and had a pot in her hand.

EVERY SINGLE TIME you just have to actually think before you post these questions btw
>Why did they walk closer?
Because she put the pot down and did a fake surrender, they thought they would just arrest her and all go home.
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>boiling water can’t burn seriously burn you
You might be the dumbest person in this thread and that’s an incredibly high bar. This is under 1 second of contact with boiling water immediately followed by cold water and medical treatment.
>Why did he advance?
Because you saw on the OP's video and that other Webm that she put the pot down by that time. She puts the pot down and surrenders. The cops see her surrender and get closer to arrest her. She pops up and grabs the pot again.

Why is this so fucking hard for niggers to understand?
He looks alive
so where the clip of the aftermath? i wanna that niggas brains lmao
>The cops see her surrender and get closer to arrest her
Arrest her for what exactly, rebuking him in Jesus name?
>Tell me why they are openly lying
She's black. That's why.
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>just arrest her
For boiling water?
> they thought they would just arrest her
Cops tell you to come to them when they are arresting someone. See Daniel Shaver. If they thought they were areestingher why didn't they order her to come to them?
Also, arrest her for what dipshit? Rebuking them in Christ's name. She wasn't even suspected of committing a crime, and if they were going to arrest her for uttering the name of Christ she had every moral and legal right to resist an unlawful arrest.
>she had every moral and legal right to resist an unlawful arrest.
If only one state over.
Even a burn this small could’ve caused permanent loss of feeling, and an infection that may lead to a loss of his hand or death. And notice how the pot is still nearly full. Nigger.
>Arrest her
For planning to throw a pot of boiling water at them.
NPC moment. Some posters on here simply are not human.
>Cop feels threatened because some negrees said "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" with a pot of water in her hand and walks towards him
>Puts it down
>Go in to arrest her to make yourself safe and make sure she can't throw boiling water at you
Simple cause and effect for whatever reason zoomer niggers here can't understand.
For walking towards them with a pot of boiling water after they told her to put it down and pointed their guns at her. Sorry buddy, if they pull their guns you don't keep walking towards them with boiling water. For white people this isn't hard to understand.
Nah boiling water actually isn't that dangerous unless you get a whole pot of it splashed on you, on your hand it should basically never do this much damage unless you sit there and let it burn you. Hot oil and even steam is way more dangerous.
>For planning to throw a pot of boiling water at them.
And your proof of this planning?
>For walking towards them with a pot of boiling water after they told her to put it down and pointed their guns at her.
Didn't happen. In fact, at no point did they tell her to move away from the pot or put it down. Is this really all the police unions get when they pay you to shill?
>I post an actual photo of what happens when you spill boiling water on a human body and immediately cool it
>nah it’s not that bad. Just cool it immediately
Too bad that's not legal grounds for self defense.
Police officers in Indiana are speaking out against a new law that gives citizens the right to use deadly force to protect themselves against a public servant who oversteps his authority. Tim Downs, president of the Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police, says the law (signed in March by Gov. Mitch Daniels, but only now getting national attention) might give people the impression that they can shoot police with impunity. "It's just a recipe for disaster," he tells Bloomberg. Here, a brief guide to this controversial legislation:

What exactly does the law say?

It authorizes people to protect themselves or their property by using deadly force in response to "unlawful intrusion" by a "public servant." The measure is essentially just a public-servant-specific amendment to the state's 2006 so-called Castle Doctrine bill, which allows people to do whatever they have to to stop someone from illegally entering a home or car. Indiana is reportedly the first state to specifically allow the use of force against police. The new rule was passed with a nudge from the National Rifle Association, which has pushed permissive gun laws around the country..
It absolutely is, actually.
Her saying
>I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
And walking towards him after he says
>Don't you think of throwing that water at me or I'll blow your head off

It's pretty simple, it's cause and effect. If the cop clearly gets agitated and makes a death threat he's afraid of something, this is not an opportune time to rebuke him in the name of jesus and walk towards him with a pot of boiling water he suspects you're trying to throw at him.
She literally puts the pot down, they do tell her to put it down. Is saying "drop the fucking pot" telling her to put it down or not? Because they say that multiple times, just checked.
It's not that bad. Happened before. 99% of the time it's not nearly this bad on just the hand because water has a maximum heat it can get up to before it turns to steam. This is a fringe .001% of cases.
Why can't police just obey the law?
>Her saying
>>I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
>And walking towards him after he says
>>Don't you think of throwing that water at me or I'll blow your head off
You act like none of us watched the video. Never happened
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>What if he got...LE INFECTION? :O
Big spooky
She called them
>Her saying
>>I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
Not a crime. If he was going to arrest her he should have had her come to them.
See Daniel Shaver
>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.

>99% of the time it's not nearly this bad on just the hand because water has a maximum heat it can get up to before it turns to steam
Yeah, it gets to 212F. For reference, 1 second of contact at 156F results in a third degree burn.

>cops should risk death so niggers can nig
Yeah, I watched the video and that happened. Do you think lying will just magically make people believe what you say? She rebukes him, walks towards them, and just stands there holding a pot of boiling water for several seconds.

I mean, no clearer way to say this. The guy sees her hot steaming water, she asks why he's walking away, he says "to get away from your hot steaming water"
and she says
>Aww I rebuke you in the name of Jesus
And stands there for like 5 seconds holding a pot of boiling water.

What more do you need?
>He should have done what I think
Nope. Completely reasonable to not expect her to try to do some ninja nigger move where she reaches behind her head and grabs a pot with one hand then flings it over her head several feet. The pot was already put down onto the counter, as you can see in the OP video, and she was unarmed at this point until she reached for the pot.

It's all very simple if you're not some nigger from reddit or whatever.
>>cops should risk death
That is your job, sorry you were to pussy to join the SEALs or whatever you had your eyes on as a kid.
>She rebukes him, walks towards them
No, she didn't she never moved after the pot was placed on the counter. Lying isn't helping

>She was not a suspect
>They had 0 authority over her
>They were never asked to enter her house
>They could have just left the house
>They told her to take the pot off the stove
>Rebuke - to chastise, meaning she never threatened him
>She cowered and screamed I'm sorry when he pointed the gun
>Cop advances on her, around a barrier that would have provided him protection
>She threw the pot after he advanced gun drawn
>He chuckled when he said it was a head shot
>He told the other cop not to render aid
>He refused to render aid himself
>He told his partner to "just let her... 'bleed out' "
>He had been fired from 2 other police departments
>Grayson served in the U.S. Army as a mechanic for two years before being discharged in 2016 for serious misconduct
>He was dishonorably discharged from the Army
>Deputy worked at 6 agencies in 4 years
>2 DUI convictions
>In September 2022, while working for the Logan County Sheriff's Office, Grayson was disciplined for driving 110 MPH
>Sarge exclaims "where's the gun?" pig says "no gun" sarge says "and you shot her?"
>Calls her a crazy bitch
>The police initially told the family it was a self-inflicted wound
>Medical staff told the family this was not true, definitely not self-inflicted
>Police then tried to claim the "prowler" had shot her
>Family literally found out Cops killed her on the internet.

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