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>be leaf
>take your kids to the beach
>they try to build a sand castle and end up with a handful of poojeet shit
what is problem sir?? water come up and take poop the away as watery goop for fish to feast on sir this is good for everyone, what they call a win's win!!
'avin a poop
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They are pissing off the whales in NH ....cut it out
Can’t wait for the day they try to shit up the west
Should be legal to beat these degenerates and rub their faces in their own shit like a bad dog caught shitting in the house!
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They're literally throwing feces at people now.
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>rebel news
take your jew shit somewhere else you filthy jeet
>be canadian
>step in designated shitting hole
Hehe, what's the problem goy? You expect to visit the beach with your kids without fear of stepping in human shit? Who do you think you are? The beach belongs to everyone, selfish goy!
Btw, the society you once knew is gone forever. Bitch.
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They are probably trying to rape the whales.
been to calgary and edmonton lately?
Leave them the fuck alone.

Indians practice their own customs in a traditional way and have based arranged marriages.

99% of Indians stick to their own kind in a based way.

lmao not just the fact that 4 ranjeets are shitting in sequence like fucking homosexual typical Indians, but there remains many, many piles of previous shits from ranjeet indians who love to shit together like a group activity.
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how the FUCK did that incel get a hot gf? why the fuck can't I get a girl like that???

He knows how to fuck, anon. Clearly not an incel like yourself.
probably because you are annoying
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>has hot girlfriend
Pick one Copejeet.
The reason you can't get a girlfriend is because you are part of the Poocel sexless worker slave class. Excess male population.
Sex having isn't for you and it never will be.
Just go up to them and pee on them. What are they going to do? They're like 5'5" on average right.
>beach shitters

Calling them names isn't going to help. Those are Canadians. Show some respect.
because all you talk about is da joooz it gets old really fucking fast in the real world
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Just as an observing white man. Can some pajeet explain to me what the reason behind this is? Is it just tradition? does it some how clear out your bowels easier? Just out of convince like see hole shit in hole? I really dont get it, it seems more trouble to walk down to the beach, dig a hole, fight off the dogs and birds, and possibly shit all over yourself in the process.
Its what a good portion of our fruitbowl population voted for. Keep doing your shit jeets, love seeing normies seethe and bite their tongue
according to a poojeet that was interviewed they do it because they believe the people working for the town are of a lower caste and will clean it up for them
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They are not Canadians.



she would have to be attracted to him in the first place in order to find out if he's good at fucking or not
I'm white, I'm an actual Canadian born and raised here you stupid faggot
pajeets have the weirdest attitudes. I was over seas once and a guy on my crew caught a teenager(possibly young male) stealing from our truck and he chased the pajeet down and pummeled him about the head and ears. It was beyond strange the pajeet was laughing and even got up, ran for about 20 feet. My crewman chased and started kicking him this time, the pajeet fell screaming as if hurt so he lets him up. And the pajeet proceeded to taunt him again. Not even niggers are that retarded. I am in full belief they enjoy being slaves, it is in their DNA. No wonder the elites are trying to flood their slave labor into the west, its beyond keep and no one gives two fuck if a pajeet dies. A nigger or white or even chink slave might rebel. I dont think pajeets even have the mental capacity to resist. They seem to have went full dunning Kruger syndrome and convinced themselves that being a slave here is some how different.
So why did you call the guy an incel when he has a girlfriend?
Calling whites incels is a Pajeet cope.
Most of us get laid pretty regularly, this is /pol/ not /r9k/
Get off my board.
We honestly DID try to warn you. You and your ilk bashed us as "Racist". Deal with it.
it must have been taken down or else I just can't find it, but the comments on r/canada on this article were great, everybody just immediately assumed it was indians. never thought I'd see reddit be so openly racist
> I am in full belief they enjoy being slaves, it is in their DNA.
Before the internet collectively shat on poos the ones here would be so servile and self hating. Like they would accept being called subhums and just take it
Now they have got a little testy, but it was eye opening to see. I mean its like they just defaulted to the cucking themselves
shitting on the beach doo doo doot doo doo
Pajeets are just so bad they break they antiracist and mass migration narrative.
Anyone that has to deal with them or is exposed to them breaks their conditioning.
It's a calming and peacefully setting. Helps move things along and gives a sense of serenity.
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The usual suspects. I like how the Indians are stealing all the shine from the Chinese, who are just as bad. Tons of Chinese go on and do the same thing. They shit on people's yards too when they can't washrooms. The difference is when you catch and Indian doing it they generally act or pretend to, remorseful even just so you stop berating them. The Chinese will just stand there and continue doing it then get angry at you and gaslight you like you're the one in the wrong.
Imagine taking a shit while watching the sun rise up and smelling the fresh sea breeze with the sound of waves and birds in the background.
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They already are shitting on the beaches in BC
Bantz aside can any Indians explain this, it's ridiculous
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I think it's worse with Pajeets because they themselves look like a pile of shit and stink like shit.
They're very easy to hate.
you would have to generate an AI image of indians to see them NOT covered in shit
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Hello fellow white canadian!
That’ll be durdle door next year.
This year it was full of indian tiktokkers with selfie sticks.
Next year we’ll have to rename it turdle door.
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Pajeets should just drop the cope and be honest.
We know they love eating shit, bathing in shit, brushing their teeth with shit and shitting on the street/beaches/train tracks etc and then wiping their ass with their bare hands and taking a sniff or licking it off.
They should just admit they love poo and just say "yep, eating shit and shitting on the beach is just part of our culture" but they never will.
I don't understand. Do Canadians not have baseball bats?
If I saw a bunch of curry niggers shitting anywhere outside a toilet, I'd be beating them with bats.

I really don't get it since Ohio has a crazy amount of Indians, and I've never seen Indians shit in public.
The raping and the pooing
The day of rake has finally come. Always so proud and obnoxious. I say let them come, and transform your peoples into monstrous creatura
No, you hold them down and force feed them their own shit.
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>force feed
You don't have to force Pajeets to eat shit.
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How the fuck? Even niggers know more shame than these animals.
How come i see so many whites claim indians are pooping in the beach in canada but don't see any real pictures or videos of it happening there?

It's almost like it's made up to attack Indians
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Because you are a Pajeet and even with government reports, the media reporting on it, people giving eye witness testimony and numerous videos posted hundreds of times on this board of Pajeets shitting on beaches or in the streets of western countries you just fall back to your default cope script.
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>It's almost like it's made up to attack Indians
Nobody has to make up anything to attack Pajeets.
Pajeets are attacked because of the way they are. And they deserve it.
Halifag reporting in. I went into town last week and saw a poo pissing on the sidewalk, and 3 chinks catching frogs to eat in a drainage ditch near Burnside industrial park. As in a filthy gutter with garbage in it from Highfield niggers. MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY!
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Do it, faggot. Drop 10 pins at random. See what Indians are like, I dare you. Post results.

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Never forget the designated shitting maze.
Canadians have absolutely nothing to lose to worry about legalities anymore. Do or die.
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The jeet menace is the #1 problem of our times, on a global scale.
>They are probably trying to rape the whales.
on that note, they're like most american males these days, 'cuz that's about all there is out there
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Kek, or following the trash trail to the shitting jeet.
Based. I wanna see Indians shitting everywhere all over Canada. Banf, whistler, Toronto, Vancouver, Alberta, all of Canada just overflowing with Indian curry liquid shit like a liver failure patient getting pumped in every hole with lactose, with liquid shit just running all down the bed only it’s Canada and all coasts are running over like Niagara Falls but it’s hot liquid curry shit so all the anglos just wash away back to England.
Nature itself doesn't deserve to suffer.
You deliver food in a hyperinflation economy, kek. You will never own a house, you will just suffer and seethe. The whole point is for you to be dependent on the government for "help". They are farming voters.
Heeey buddy do not take away my beach poop time I work very very hard in Canada and so will not listen to you you rascal
cry about it.
This is actually Pajeet cope.
Recently the government here enacted many measures to make it harder for Pajeets to come to Australia, and we have also had a large influx of people coming from Europe, especially the UK, Germany and France because the situation there is so bad and the leftist EU governments have fucked Europe. Australia is actually getting whiter in real time.
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labias and germs, please squat while singhing the poonadian national anthem:
>O Poonadia!
>Our new home and non-native land!
>True pootriot love in all of us command.
>With glowing asses we see thee rise,
>The True North Wind smelling of pee!
>From far and living in a doublewide,
>O Poonadia, we stand our ground for Modi
>Vishnu keep our land glorious and white man free!
>O Canadia, we poo on you with bended knee
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just to think that beautiful beach is no longer a. thing of beauty
Because when you leave the house, there's weird looking goofs fucking some baddies everywhere. You guys spend WAY too much time online

This shit is what drove ER into going full supreme gentleman. He literally couldn't handle the fact of life that hot stacies are walking around with 3/10 pasty nerds
Haha, get fucked you filthy beach-shitting pajeet.
theres no way u can even go to a beach in canada now wow
Most of us like to shit discreetly in the waters. Nobody notices as the water hides what we are doing. Only the chad Indians shit out in the open to flex on the whites that Canada now belongs to us
>jeet sees a perfectly clean beach with no shit
>looks around
>takes a shit on the beach
Why do they do this?
No we don’t LMAO, are you kidding? You shit in the water when you go to the beach?
I was born in canada and this thread sadens me deeply
You little poo niggers are gonna turn up missing if you keep that up!
For the record I didn’t read his post very carefully. I’m not a jeet
swear u guys gotta start assault random pajeets in public
mask up and stab a pajeet with his child at this point
>Da j00z
This is a JIDF post for any new lurkers.
I actually like the idea of Shit Squads (SS) who patrol the beaches, catching shitters in the act and beating them up. Could be effective if they rub their faces in it and call them “Dalit”
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People have always listened to many great men talk about jews for hours
imagine stabbing a hole through a pajeets tent and catching him shitting?
You're in India yourself, defending these tards who don't give a single shit about you or actually making India improve. They left. And that's the only way Indians will ever be great. You don't become great by being a parasite who shits all over the place. And then doubles down more that you're openly conquering everyone. You're asking for trouble.
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fixed for the summer in australia
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Look at the shitt eating grins by the people on the beach waiting to poop. They are 100% caught beach poopers.
my country canada is in ruin because of shitjeets
>group of Poocels
>only at the beach to shit the place up and harass females
>100% responsible for beach shitting and just lie and pretend they aren't
They worship demons that want to humiliate them, make them horrendously sick, and ultimately kill them.
Because that was my first thought. Shit in a park or lake or beach or any nice place near me and I am going to swing hard enough to send their skull into orbit. The audacity to insist on being here and then trashing it. Fuck these people.
India superpower master race
Those demons sound pretty based and almost exactly like me.
They should just start worshipping me instead. I won't trick them into eating feces.
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If we used these on Omaha Beach, we could have easily won World War II.
don't worry, the beach water sterilizes it
Dune* not redeem
If I see an Indian shitting on the beach in Australia, I will quite literally beat the shit out of them with some driftwood.
the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.

They are fertilizing the beach for you. Sand becomes soil. Canada expands! Poop contains seeds. Imagine all of the curry trees, rice plants, beef vindaloo trees and many spices growing on the beach in no time at all! BE GRATEFUL CANDIANS!
Damn it’s not just a meme lol. I’m starting to appreciate all the Latin immigrants because at least they have too much residual Catholic shame to do this.
Hindu rape apes see nothing wrong with rape. Their shit religion teaches that women are meant to be raped, and enjoy rape. This is how sick and evil the Hindus are
this is not real. please, tell me this is not real.
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Fighting immigrants is the same as being pro gun control. It's not the gun, it's the "socio-economic" conditions of murderers that is the problem.

We can be anti immigrant all we want. Nothing will change until we address the joot cause of the mass immigration problem.
>takes his girlfriend to a beach covered in human feces
she's probably retarded
>pic rel
>newly immigrated Canadians


Canada, India’s litter box
Look on the wreck beach or Vancouver subreddits

“Swarms of men surrounding the women”
pedophilia is also another huge problem in Hinduism, as well as incest. Pretty much every indian girl gets sexually abused by her father, uncle, or brothers. India actually needs feminism because indian women are actually oppressed.
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Kek you ain’t lying
indian hate isn't organic
Dune not redeem
then there is the matter of the caste system in Hinduism, which is extremely racist and has oppressed 250 million dalits in India. As a result, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and there is no concept of community or civil sense. This is why anywhere indians go, they trash and turn the place into shit. They take their shit indian mentality with them anywhere they go. Indians are not compatible with modern civilization.
Kek buckbroken leafs seething nonstop from desi chads taking over his history less culture less dog fucking new world tutorial land
Get fucked go borrow a gun a gun from your amerimutt neighbors and blow your dicks off youll make good trannys for desi cocks
yes it is pajeet ill shove my curry up ur ass. rip the towel off ur head and use it to wipe my filthy rotten asshole
that is one good thing about india, at least. Indian women hate indian men and want to marry white men or men of any other race other than indian. Indian men are so hated that even their own race of women hate them. Even thai prostitutes wont have sex with indian men.
Oceans full of shit anyway

if you've haven't lived in india and had to shit in dirty beaches your whole life you will never know the joy of shitting in a clean untainted beach.
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Well played, sir.
It fucking hurts, though, I cannot lie, sir. We are being invaded, sir, by filthy streetshitters, and the prospect is not good.
kill yourself you reddit spacing nigger faggot jeet
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This is some powerful wisdom


"Toronto residents". Don't you love how they make it seem like it's everyone in town and not just the jeets?
The abuse of women is very real in India. Women have to fear being gang-raped. Meanwhile spoiled brat white women in the West whine and complain they are "oppressed" because they dont have enough nigger cock to fuck. White women are spoiled little cunts. In India, women are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED FOR REAL.
Lmao true. Blood is fine to crawl through but no way the GIs are army crawling through nasty Indian shit. May as well turn around and go home. Worse than minefields. God I hate poos so much
That's not Canada and you know it.

They're shitting in the pools and lakes up here.

Shh let snopes debunk it.
Not surprisingly, China was selected because it was quicker and cheaper to conduct research without U.S. government entanglements or oversight. Dr. Steven Quay also testified on June 18 and said the Wuhan Institute of Virology is a “level-2 lab,” as opposed to highly secure level-4 labs elsewhere. Moreover, Dr. Fauci et al were able to fund this research because the law was silent. Ebright again:

… in this category of research, which is the most significant in terms of consequences and potentially existential risk there is almost no regulation with force of law. No regulation with force of law for biosafety or any pathogen other than the smallpox virus and no regulation with force of law for bio risk management for any pathogen.

But the U.S. and the world, may have temporarily escaped imminent catastrophe. Consider, according to Dr. Quay, what Wuhan obtained from Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in 2019: “two vials each of 15 strains of virus: seven varieties of Ebola virus, the Hendra virus, and two strains of Nipah virus, Malaysia and Bangladesh.” These virus samples, according to Dr. Steven Quay, are “the top three most deadly human pathogens on the planet.” The samples were obtained under murky circumstances (“described as a possible policy breach”) from a level-4 lab and surreptitiously flown on a commercial flight to Beijing where they were subsequently placed in a level-2 lab overseen by a country with a long history of a disregard for proper safety protocols.
Leafs voted for this
why don't they just burn it at this point?
If you think about it, only whites care about conservation. Shitting up a pristine environment is normal behavior for most of the subhuman world.
the other day some 12 year old indian girl got gang-raped by two indian men and then they smashed her head with a brick and killed her. Can you even comprehend such a subhuman mentality?
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How are "it's poor country bro" normies coping with all this?
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Slowly but surely, you begin to realize that whites are the only humans on this planet, or maybe we’re the only aliens to this planet.
There is something utterly and unavoidably distinct about white peoples compared to the others.
All other races = black hair & black eyes
Whites are the only ones with customizable characters.
no clue man, I'm even disgust to go to public washrooms and those animals do it out in public
It’s funny to see people talking to shitskins like they’re white.
Using reason, facts, and logic is hilariously ineffective to any creature that isn’t Aryan
Racist benchod
Bloody fuck you!
Bastard bitche whore son
Still trying to get anyone who complains fired and cut off from the financial system last I checked.
Whites could embrace any religion and make it superior to everyone else’s
And soon the US
>kamala is poo
>vance is pooed
>vivik or whatever his name is poo
US will be pooed on too
Jeets are basically automatas. Bowel movements indicate need to shit, so they shit. There's really no other explanation.
They say that eyes are the window of the soul, well look at their face and see their expression. They always have this weird blank stare, as if there was nothing in sight.
They are, conceptually, repugnant creatures.
yay indians! I love chicken tikka.
we gettin' cultured up in here (bacterial)
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YOU RACIST PEICES OF SHIT. You don’t understand (or more accurately, are not cultured enough to understand), the cultural enrichment of your natural environment. This beach is not just any beach, Indians are too civilized to shit in just any beach. Canadian Saar, you must understand that you exist in a DESIGNATED SHITTING COUNTRY. It is racist to deprive these Innocent Indians of practicing their culture. If you weren’t such lazy prices of shit, you would have taken that degree in Indian Culture specializing in their world class defamation culture. How dare you discriminatory pieces of human excrement dare to complain about such an essential part of their culture? You’re all immigrants anyway. Stop this racist fucking reporting. Let them practice their culture without your judgement. Fuck you all, I would absolutely dox every last one of you but unfortunately tomorrow is Shabbat.
Why do they have to shit so much?
Can they not just hold it until they get to a restroom?

According to mayor it's fake news.
LOL, at least clean the shit from under your fingernails before posting.
Why hold it in when the whole world is your shitter?
If he gave even the slightest hint that it was an issue, he would be forced to resign by the next day
they dont know what that is
I believe you. Sad state of Canada.
Kek, no amount of money is worth staying in Canada for a straight indian male, literally a 0% chance of ever breeding
Know a guy just like that, a hideous loser who has had a string of decent girlfriends. Bottom line is he pays for all their drugs and alcohol and they walk all over him.
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That's why they breed with eachother.
Well you can’t beat human nature that easily. The inevitable result of importing so many young males from a place that has a rape culture is inevitably women feeling unsafe to go to the supposedly multicultural cities
Holy fuck.. very tempting to just drown one mockery of the man called indian on the spot. Just grab brown manlet by the neck dip him in water for few minutes and God will smile on you, world would have one demon less. If that day sea is wavy police wouldnt even investigate
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Unlucky me. I only saw a false flag by a rabbi.
not your personal blog retard
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>pajeets getting butthurt in the comments
>"it's pakistanis saar, it's bangladeshis saar, saar it's sri lankans"
Which pajeets law is this?
Ladies and gentlemen, we got them:
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This “it was a Pakistani” type of argument is an instance of No True Scotsman. /B_SA*/
rare case of a woman who is mate-blind.
theya re maybe 1/1000
So you're saying pajeets want to fuck men? Thats pretty gay desu
they are still recovering from being colonized a hundred years ago. give them a break
They clearly aren’t doing a good job at it. Y’all fucked South Korea in the ass, mouth, ears, and the fucking nasal cavity. They emerged from WWII being ridiculously poor. Look where they are today. If you point the problems that India has to an Indian, they won’t actually consider what you’re saying, but rather use ad hominem attacks against you. They don’t realize that their blind nationalism isn’t a productive nationalism, and just rallies them around people who want to take advantage of them. India could be getting shit tons of investment right now, if they made it easy to invest and made sure that corruption didn’t work against the market and private sectors. Instead indians just rally behind these people that are taking advantage of them
Kamala will import 20million indians, look forward to it. New New Delhi
I didn’t see her make increased immigration a national priority. Did she say outright that she wants to increase immigration targets?
Oh so you can tell his bank account and mental state from the photo?
She doesn't need to tell anybody, she is just going to do it; The already slow influx of pajeets but turned to 11.
from the same news page


"Police say the truck travelled 95 kilometres per hour through a posted 50 km/h community safety zone near Old Church Road.

"The area is a residential area, making the speed even worse," Michel added.

According to the constable, the 48-year-old driver from Brampton tried to get out of the stunt driving charge and avoid having the truck seized.

"The driver claimed that since the area wasn't a busy highway, the speed should be forgiven," he said.

Michel said the driver also argued about the burden of losing his vehicle and licence on his ability to work."

zero fucking accountability. should be deported for driving like this. fucking dumptruck in a residential neighbourhood. "man from Brampton"
Kamala Harris would get her teeth kicked down her throat before she ever made a single decision on her own. She's a nigger because someone decided for her that she was a NIGGER. She doesn't even decide her race. She cannot promote such an embarrassing people while running for POTUS...
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Damn that dude is punching WAY ABOVE HIS LEVEL
I too have seen this exact phenomenon
FinDom is a thing
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Fookin gottem Bruce
Personality, not being insecure, hygiene, a friend group, an actual hobby/interest and not being cheesed to meet everyone are all good starts.
Every time a leaf interfered with us politics I invited a shitjeet to canda with my ai chat bot. Thank yourself
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Reminder anyone who rants about low class whites is a jew
>They are farming voters.
Unfortunately for them you cant have white population conditions without a white population.
Feel free to shit on me but there's no proof of it happening aside from a few people saying they saw it, not that I'd doubt it could happen
The pic in OP is from Goa
That's actually pretty based lmao
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>newly immigrated canadians
or shit slingers as they're better known, turd tossers if you please
This is why you don't give your guns away.
Crying moral indignation about shitskin behavior does no good because shitskins do not have morals.
It’s like getting mad that a chimp ripped your face off. Or a bear eating a raw salmon.
There is no morality in animals, and unfortunately that includes 7.5/8 billion people on this planet
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its not difficult to get a 7/10 girlfriend.
problem is chicks are all monkey branching.
so many friends and she'll keep in touch with all of them.

Based turd-flinging jeetsters
What's it like? To defecate in the fresh ocean breeze and soothing waves.
>rebel news
Yeah but it was Huwhite you fucking retarded faggot
Stop literally voting for this you white retards
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Oh (You)
>There is no morality in animals, and unfortunately that includes 7.5/8 billion people on this planet
I do love your optimism on that number
One time I was wasted drunk and had to take a monstrous shit, so I walked to the beach nearby and fucking blasted ass everywhere. Happened in Santa Monica. Ever since then I can't blame the brown peeps for doing the same
I have a similar story. I was drunk as fuck and walking to get more booze and I was gonna shit my pants, so I took a giant smelly shit at a bus stop. Just sat on the seat and pulled my pants down and slid my butt into the gap between the back of the bench and the seat and it slid out. There was cars speeding past but I don't think anyone noticed because it was dark and not many street lights around.
Well with digits like that I don't doubt you
I love that pier area.
I paddled out at Blacks beach after drinking most of the last night with some squid buddies of mine in the Sand Dog
Well paddling back out I had to rip my shorts down (August) and Montezuma revenge blasted a fountain into the break zone
A set hit me right as I regained control of my bowels and was scrambling on my board.
2/10 did not enjoy
Snipper training, setting, the beach, dusk till dawn.
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Hombre, tu estas Bien?
Wtf the fuck are you talking about mang
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They also practice slavery, an ancient ethnic tradition and as everybody knows we must never question ethnic traditions of great antiquity.
Poojeets are literally another species of monkey
She's not hot . She's fuckworthy if you're wearing your beer goggles I suppose.
>Whites are the only ones with customizable characters.
for metagenetic phenotypic expressions in features
If homeless fucks can shit up our cities then we are entitled to doing it occasionally for emergencies at the very least
The most luck I've had conveying this to normal fags is to explain the Indian caste system to them. To parry their immediate accusations of 'das racis' I say that Canada recently has been "scraping the bottom of the barrel" with jeet importation. That the people coming in by the millions now are the dalits and untouchables, or the equivalent of the southern rednecks. Rednecks who have the stereotype of the beer guts, poor hygiene, fuck their cousins and are utterly uncouth and uneducated morons. Even the most obtuse and anti-racist normalfaggot can connect the dots then.
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Oh come now. Two beers most and you would be making out on the couch with her without a hint of hesitation
Look at those succulent mammaries
Don't be coy or obtuse to say that alcohol would have even a mitigation of the a fraction that you wouldn't willing inseminate her you ole sailor (You)
They fill your country with poos and then they mock you and use your righteous outrage
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Sounds like you’re talking to a bunch of faggots
There is no difference between a high caste Indian and any other one, there are over a billion and a half of them on this planet and there’s less than 250 million white people under the age of 60 left in world
>bad apples
You need to whet their appetites for mass deportation by getting rid of the bad actors first. Then we can get rid of the Komagata Maru garbage.
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There's enough sewage treatment in Vancouver for about 600,000 people. The GVRD is about 2 million people now. Do the maffs.
Hindu rape apes only know how to rape and how to scam. They cannot create or maintain anything, they are only a parasite
lmfao every time i hear the media shit on indians i think about a woke taiwanese HR bitch/ex friend who exclusively dated indian men. i wonder if she would defend the behavior as a part of their culture which contributes to pollution take the route of blaming the “lower caste”. in either case makes her look like a clown all around kek.
Canadians have been shitting in rivers and beaches for hundreds of years, now a couple of Canadians who may look like they are from india copy the Canadian custom and you're mad???
Oh gross.

He's using a spoon.

Well to be fair, niggers would gang up on you beat you up and shit on your face until it was a diarrhea shit cream deluxe..

Then again, they would at least consider your face as a temporary toilet.. which means at least they would consider actually using one to slam dunk.
Pretty sure they get off on that.
We need to start a list for jeets if this keeps up.
>there’s less than 250 million white people under the age of 60 left in world

That's not true, is it?
Finally got a bonus pointer.
Yes it is
over 60% of all white people alive today are over the age of 55.
That leaves around 200 million in prime age
Women aren't oppressed in India you retard! They just don't whore themselves out and value traditional family roles and getting married. Yes there is a very big risk of women getting raped by men but that is not oppression. Women are allowed to drive cars, scooters, go to work, dress how they want which is most of the time the traditional clothing the saree.

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