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HAPPENING!! Mayo Zambada has turned himself over to the DEA.



Quite literally who?
number one drug lord in Mexico
Chapos boss.
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what do you think will happen with the power vacuum, tacobro? Will this lead to more violence?
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But why?, apparently one of chapo's kids was with him, who is in charge of the cartel now?
Chapo was their mascot; el mayo was the real boss all along.
He knows everything, in his sons diary which later became a book he talks about having breakfast in Los Pinos which is the mexican white house.
Mexico's cartels shot themselves in the foot by being too involved in human trafficking over the past several years. Public opinion in the US has changed dramatically no matter what propaganda news tells you. Americans, especially in the border states, want this shit solved. Military action is going to be taken against them within a year, if it hasn't already.
Cartel bros... It's fucking over.
>Mayo Zambada
i unwittingly went to a 21st birthday of one of the kids of this geezer in acapulco in 2000, shit was crazy.
Now Nestor "N" got caught as well. But this is far from over, the last enemy standing must be destroyed.
Who's the mayo monkey now? Hmm???
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who knows, they guy was rumored to be sick for a while , the cartel has been on a little fight between chapo's children and other senior members that were supposed to be on mayo's side to see who's in charge but now this happens maybe he's stepping down a la biden
We're over there now
ATF DEA and CIA with some SF sprinkled in
If the cartels are CIA, then why is there still in fighting?
nothingburger, let us know when El Mencho gets caught
he turned himself in our government didnt do shit. hes also been heading this cartel for around 40 years and has never been in jail once. hes clearly setting the terms not us
I believe some cartels are favored over others
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Plus more people are aware of how barbaric they are.
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Wouldn't surprise me.
Or he agreed to something because the alternative was worse, like Biden just did. Things are changing rapidly globally and a lot of people who've been permitted to operate a certain way aren't going to be allowed to do so anymore.
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glowniggers don't care who's in charge as long as they do their job so the grunts just take higher positions by force and they do nothing to stop it
This will lead to the US having info on all of the corrupt politicians. Mayo has been around for decades and has worked with many presidents but if the wrong people get him then they are safe. Mexicans havent been doing all of this trafficking on their own.

Sad, pathetic little monkey.
This shit is about to get real fucking ugly holy fuck, these are TERRIBLE news
They say he turned himself in so must be a deal
This. His son was given a pretty sweet deal
Show us a screenshot in a white man language mexishit
Is your lover or what?
Would be fun if they give em full refuge status, a green card, housing and welfare
This is true. There is a heavy american military presence in some airports at the moment. Its even been confirmed that they are plannimg on building bases soon.
how the fuck does monero work

She got loli'd boy. AHAHAHAAH
>he paid property taxes
Theres a yahoo link right there nigger.
sent :)
he's surrending himself they didn't catch him or anything, it's all according to keikaku
Doesn't make a difference if the turned himself in, CDS is being held together by duct tape and hope. A lot of people will be moving around this.
glowniggers are the jews of criminals. they play every angle of the drug trade and will work with anyone that serves their purpose of glownigging
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tell us Anon, who is it?!?!11/
Rats are always the first to abandon a sinking ship.
well, not obviously given the lack of nautical skills in the average rodent(barring beavers), but you get the idea.
Kek fucking faggots

MAGA 2024
Crippled little rata, what kind of man speaks to the DEA? No man. No man at all.
It's nothing like that, faggot. Cartels are being run rn by zoomies. They are glad the low iq boomers are out
you are retarded
kek, worthless bastards
Will he end up in ADX like Chapo?
>turn yourself in to give the plan to el chapo on their escape.

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not surprising lol, both govs do whatever the fuck they want, get fucked cartel niggers
kek pussy ass bitch no onions niñña no onions niñaaa
nobody cared when they were just trafficing weed and coke but fentanyl is a whole different beast. it turns addicts into violent homeless zombies. its insane how fucked up it has made things in most american cities

t. EMT/P is a big western city
Military intervention is a nono, 'nam 2.0, plus mexicans dont really like americans, they are pretty much going to join the cartels only to fight the US
pressuring the mexican gov to do shit might do it, they take threats very seriously and can wipe cartels off the face of the fucking planet so they can save their sorry ass
It's surprising how only ppl are noticing this, after 2007-08 cartels basically have behaved on par like ISIS
>'nam 2.0, plus mexicans dont really like americans, they are pretty much going to join the cartels only to fight the US
mmm, napalming beaners
There must have been a backroom deal made where some family members get immunity or exchanged for the bosses.
Al Mayo is 76, why now? Why not fuck off to some island in the pacific with an army of concubines?
>El Mencho
nigga he dead

Reported death
In February 2022, there were unconfirmed reports stating that El Mencho had died from respiratory arrest while undergoing treatment in a private hospital in Guadalajara.[3] The claim of his death was soon afterwards backed by "narcomantas" messages which appeared around the city of Colima and which were written by the Mezcales (also known as Cartel Independiente de Colima), presumably headed by El Mencho loyalist José Bernabé Brizuela Meraz, alias "La Vaca."[102] La Vaca was also reported to have defected from the CJNG because of El Mencho's death
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mmmmmm, ambushes on the chihuahua mountains
actually it might be a great idea
you can napalm cartel retards
i can behead your nigger hordes
hooray :D, win-win!!!!!!
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>well, not obviously given the lack of nautical skills in the average rodent(barring beavers), but you get the idea.
Shut the fuck up. jfc
>be american
>capture mayo
>wonder why we are so fucking fat
el goblino gordo atrocidad
Why did he surrender?
where are the points of interest in mexico? there's probably like what, 5? and then the disgusting beaners would hide in the mountains and forests

it would be more like iraq with the airforce bombarding your corn and genital wart filled hovels
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wdym points of interests? theres a shitton of cities, small urbanized towns and shit
its not chiapas or guerrero dumbass, you gonna die here or die of boredom
>theres a shitton of cities
Ghost Recon is legit.
Wake me up when we've bombed Mexico and it's Cartel Culture back to the fucking Stone Age
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oh my god, americans are really retarded
good luck crossing our mountains retard
is that your country's capitol building?
we hate cartel niggers here, that you let our worse of our society migrate to your country is not our fault
the US marine corps could take your whole country in 3 days
You are so fucking retarded lmao.
All Cartels and major drug smuggling is organized via the ((Banking Cartel)) The intel agencies run cover for these drug cartels and when one goes "rogue" or stops "listening" they make another one to eradicate the one that left the pasture. All the cartels and drug smuggling is basic pet projects of the International Banking Syndicates. There will be no eradication of drugs anywhere on this planet, ever. Only the total dismantling of the international banking systems and total removal of all jewish thought processes and scriptures may possibly give a chance to end the 'trafficking'. Theres simply just too much money involved.
El Chapo's son too.
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>3 days
Ngl, siege of "El Palacio Nacional" would be kino, reichstag siege type of shit
He forgot about that time like 1000 white dudes took over his whole country and enslaved them

and that time like 1000 US soldiers took over mexico city

and that time american soldiers played baseball in mexico with santa anna's leg
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: El Mayo Zambada arriving along with Joaquín Guzmán López and another male at a Dona Ana County private airport and greeted by DEA agents.

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I just bought some property over there and started building my retirement home...fugggg
The turf wars are gonna be hell
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Lmfao you fucking wish, zogslave. Who won in afghanistan again faggot?
I liked that ending. The whole time i played that game I felt they were talking about Mexico and the plan to clean it up.
Mexicans are ishmaels. They live in the face of their brethren and they die in the face of their brethren.
Why are Mexicans like this?
Take one Hydra's head and another grows in its place
That dude probably killed 20 people does that make you feel better?
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The CIA is his boss
Finally, someone posted something new. Thank you for your contribution anon.
the CIA will already have a new puppet ready to take his place
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How does these 5'3 manlets who look like 80s truckers become such powerful and violent psychopaths?
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What's the book called mexibro
is tey-has about to get rekt?
But why?
Did he fear for his life?
I’m not buying that theory that it was to get some better deals for family members in prison, at all
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Also just a few hours prior, the mexican army deployed mexican SOF in tamaulipas near Texas
It’s really tough for dictators or cartel bosses to stay in power as they get old. No one wants to support them for fear the big guy will drop dead one day soon and they’ll all be out on their asses. That’s why Lukashenko gave his country to Putin, it’s his retirement strategy.
god how are mexicans so butt fucking ugly, I hate your deformed kind.
>Mexicans don't really like Americans

Is that why half your country lives in mine?
>turned himself in
More like turned in his badge. Motherfucker was a DEA plant. Only reason why he lasted as long as he did. CJNG is the only real cartel that isn't comped. Are you spics ready for CJNG to fuck up Sinaloa too?
>but fentanyl
The fuck you talkin about?
The current depraved, dysfunctional and wrecked state that America is in is absolutely DESIRED.
The less functional and capable that you become, the better, as those types pose a complete non-factor threat to the system.
he likely lost a power struggle and decided to bail while his family still had all their limbs.

with that said, isn't Mencho the biggest dick around? This guy feels old time.
This would be a war I could actually support.
well you annexed half of it, and the unregulated migration in hte 90s fucked you up
nowadays its just chinks, haitians and south americans, enjoy :3
3,000 dead Americans, over 100,000 cave monkeys.
nah it's still natives, you know the short little brown fuckers. Can't really tell you apart from them though, just slightly less brown
>he still believes in the bodycount
well, you're american, I cant really expect you to know anything about the outside world, dont know why I bothered with this
Mencho is dead or has faked his own death. Perhaps the new generation of guys born in the 80s and 90s are making a power move and mayo is hedging his bets.
how is a mexican any different than a south american?
I mean wouldn't have Chapo fucked them over already?
Indio y mayate mierda LMAO
That is like a nigger calling another nigger a nigger for being a nigger, nigger.
lmao cartels are Jews zo nothing will happen to him, the cia glownigger Jews help their own
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I look forward to your country’s body count.
Drugs and lawnmowers for 30+ years.
Wow I'm so impressed
how is the US different to Canada?
sucked moderately less british cock
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El traidor by Anabel Hernandez.
huh that does mean that the cartel scene is effectively out of big dicks
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Ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em
I replied to the wrong post lol
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It is all so tiresome bros.
Damn look at all these beaners crawling out of the walls.
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In this book his son shares that he learned from Mayo and Chapo that the DEA was giving them info . Maybe in the future i will make a new thread and translate this diary.

So what does this mean? Is someone else taking over the sinaloa cartel?
Ahh, poor Mexico. So far from God, so close to the CIA.
feds regularly work with the cartels to get them to sell out other smaller cartels
This fuckin retard thinks his country is across the world like Vietnam and not directly south of the US border. Do you not understand logistics? No surprise. You've probably lost count of how many burritos you've eaten in your life, Taco Breath.
Mencho is not dead.

That just means Mexican missiles can can easily reach US cities
My theories:

1) Kks and the jew were going to handle Mayo and Los Chapitos in a silver plate but they were tipped off before by an American agency and turned themselved to win leverage for themselves and their families.

2) They were tipped off that Trump will send troops to the US and instead of providing any resistance against the American army they turned themselves in. Once Trump kicks in CJNG will go down in days-weeks.

BTW it's been confirmed that Ovidio has been release from the American prison he's in. *wink wink*
>american military is going to genocide the cartels
wtf! i love zogbots now.
>plus mexicans dont really like americans, they are pretty much going to join the cartels only to fight the US
Only in the socialist shitholes in the South, retard.

There are like a dozen cartels operating inside US, why don't US military genocide these first? Or are they afraid of being called racist?
You think that makes you more or less likely to get swarmed and utterly glassed within hours?
probably want to take out the beaners because they're competition
You fucking retarded nigger ape. The us will not go to war with its biggest trading partner because eof a joint venture. The DEA, ATF, CIA, FBI, Navy, Coast guard, and every fucking cop in the nation benefits and enjoys having the cartels around because it gives them money you retarded ape. Why do you think drug production was moved to Mexico from South America? You think it just happened you stupid fucking nigger? No it was designed like that to increase the profits and make retards like you cower in fear so they could throw more money at the problem. You think they're going to cut out one of their biggest cash cows because you feel unsafe and need their protection you fucking dumb nigger?
the CIA and Israel have deep ties with the cartels. Its how they manipulate public opinion in the USA dumbass, as long as both of them exist, the cartels will exist
As if Trump gives a fuck about that....
i just remote viewed this incident and got some interesting impressions:

a) he is turning himself in because he was instructed to do so by people above him- the specific people who come up are, the new president sheinbaum (or the people behind her), larry fink/blackrock, carlos slim, and "the spanish royals" (bourbon family)

b) this won't lead to more chaos but greater order and hierarchy (exceptions at local levels but not in the overall cartel landscape)

c) the negotiations that led to this were carried out with intelligence agencies, which isn't surprising but the impression is much more like, corporate buy out/takeover, boardrooms, changes in ownership. not war but something more like a wall street negotiation where one company buys another

d) these developments originate in the financial capitals of europe- switzerland, luxembourg, lichtenstein?

e) one side gives the other side something they want as a concession- again, much less of a war, more of a business negotiation, totally corporate. multilateral institutions. IMF? FSB?
i believe it has something to do with land, landholders, old families, the creation of special economic zones? "these people have been doing business for hundreds of years, of course they'll be civilized. there are rules"

f) mexico will become more stable, much less war, a lot more development, i think a LOT of investment is coming in. everything done behind about 20 layers of investment vehicles, shell companies, routed through different havens.
the impression of a LOT of money flowing from europe to mexico via carribbean and central america

interesting. i never thought of cartels as corporations but it makes sense. the impressions indicate that the cartels aren't just customers of the global system of finance but fully embedded and integrated with it.

t. schizo amateur remote viewer
About what you dumb nigger? War with Mexico cripples the US economy. Why do you think all the chink and gook factories are popping up in your state?
ben fulford makes 20,000 USD a month making up stories like this on his podcast.
He wants to fuck with Mexico either way, fucking Mexico economically is his biggest goal so he can be the big hero.

Example: Elon Musk and his Tesla plant in Mexico. Musk chickened out until Trump wins and that project was a big deal in Monterrey.
They are quite literally the same people that were cutting out still beating hearts on top of temples. People seem to think they disappeared or something, it's strange.
Build factories in America, bomb the cartels, send the illegals back. We have drones and F-35's, Mexico has cartels with AK's and a military that will surrender to us for sure considering they already surrendered to the cartels.
>CIVILIAN CASUALTIES!!!! like I give a fuck
He was tricked to fly into texas where dea was waiting to arrest him.
Dont care. Still going to smuggle drugs into shithole usa and watch white trash and niggers overdose
Not if I have anything to say about it.

They thought they were headed to Los Rieleros del Norte event
Yep. Seriously doubt we'll go to war with Mexico soon (it will happen in the far future) but it's a joke to act like it's better to be trade partners than to just imperialize the shit out of a nation, which we easily could.
I’m gonna be the French drug lord known as “Le Mustard.”
Word on the street is he was tricked by other high rank member to "inspect" clandestine airways in northern mexico, instead they were going to Dona Anna county in El Paso lmao.
Wie wie
Holy fuck. Never thought I'd see the day
Guten abend, Wie gehts?!
Surprised he'd fall for that, why not just send someone?
Wanted to see Los Rieleros del Norte after the meet
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El Chapo's sons will never set foot in Mexico again; they have just committed the greatest betrayal in history.
dont translate it faggot
let mutts practice their mexican
The CIA's frontman for running the cartels.
his side kick El Mustard is still on the loose
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The last I heard that guy was a colonel.
>Greatest betrayal
I don't know about that, the betrayals of Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ are pretty up there
El Chapo's ally IIRC.
Given that the US is basically a rabid pitbull, I would expect a nuke if Mexico retaliates
The dumbass president and the government have said literally nothing, they must be shitting HUGE bricks right now....
That's true, I am sure these two captures was not in his cards. Worse because he is heavily against cooperation with american organizations, thing that was common before. Knowing the DEA ordered this would put him in a very bad mood.

US won't do shit. 20% of the US population are mexicans. In the not too distant future, half of the US army will be mexicans.
And? Why Bibi would care about that
The deal was probably protection from the rival cartels. His cartel was not in a good shape since years ago, plus it seems he is ill and need specialized medical attention.

CDS it's over. The CJNG was already eating their lunch, anyway.
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Then who else are you insinuating?
It actually wasn't so much the human smuggling like the other anon said....

Garland has really been cracking down on spic fentanyl.. it's that.. the fentanyl.. that shit is literal rat poison for humans and the narcos thought they could push the envelope as hard as they could imagine.. I guess it just goes to show that if the US really wanted.. it could
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When the USA invades Mexico again it will force the hand of mutts to reveal themselves as a fifth column within the USA. Even non-Mexican mutts will stage terror attacks for Mexico against the USA.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irredentism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_column
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicanismo https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicano_Movement
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoot_Suit_Riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_of_San_Diego
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_Berets https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venceremos_(political_organization)
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Can you tell us your experience ?
what's the vibecheck of cartels in mexico? will sheinbaum legalize all drugs and legitimize cartels as a legal pharmaceutical corporation?
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Time to post this gem
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Burger military and intel agencies. He was aided by the DEA to get info on his rivals and they would help them ambush the rivals. The mexican military has been on it too. They would let them borrow uniforms and backup when they would take out the rivals.

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Beaners are like women when it comes to accountability. And hypocrisy.
Texas is becoming the new important manufacturing hub and Mexico the most important partner with the US. Maybe they've decided to clean up the mess to make Mexico more stable for business and manufacturing.
There was also the CIA involvement in the Camarena case. The official narrative was finally deboonked a few years back. Im sure theres a few they did get away with and well never know who did it or maybe dude is going to clear some stuff up since hes dying.
Nice I'm about to move to mexico and take his job
I think they knew, i was, unfortunately, scrolling on X and saw a bunch of news saying that there were many soldiers along the borders. You know they were basically protecting the whole operation
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Latinx mutts are killing off the “natives” they claim to be with fentanyl.


>turned himself
He will give some info to the gringos and get out of jail or at worst a slap in the hands.
the first trillionaire
Not him but I met one of his sons, Serafin Zambada, in a party.

At that time, I was unaware who was it and I thought his name was funny since it had the name of some kids telenovela.

Anyway, we were on a party in Culiacan and suddenly Serafin arrived in a sports car. I don’t remember the exact details but suddenly he is fighting another guy because this guy was flirting with Serafin’s gf but didn’t know she was in a relationship.

People got legit scared since the bodyguards arrived to help Serafin punch the kid. At that time he was 15 because I remember that it was when I was in 8th grade and I was 14.

One of my friends suggested to get out of there and we spent the rest of the night on some guys house.

Next day, we heard that the other guy was in the hospital and that after the fight, everyone left the party to help the hostess get rid of Serafin.
The United States government, as you already know, is in bed with the cartels. So, too, are many other nations around the world. This is directly connected to Israel and Epstein and the Mossad, as well as very, very high ups in the United States government, including the last president, Trump, and three other presidents before him.
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I've never doubted US involvement. I can't imagine anyone does. May God destroy mexico and america speedily.
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That's actually really fucked. I like American Indians.
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Can you give more info on trumps involvement? I think the organ harvesting is the worst part.
Jesus do you understand how many people identify as mexican american but want to roast sex traffickers, fent pushers and barbaric murders. I should know. I unapologetically am glad US did Fast and Furious.
New England drug and sex ring links to Mossad, Ghislaine and Epstein. I have to do some digging
New Hampshire** correction
Mexico bros, are Ivan and Alfredo going to survive much longer with kikebaum as your president?
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Must have gotten an incredible deal from the US government, they wouldn't turn themselves in to go to supermax
Tesla has factories everywhere.
I don't think you know any.
They did catch general cienfuegos a while back but he was released so..
Essentially, the Panama Papers ousted a massive money laundering, and human trafficking ring in New Hampshire funded by the Mexican Cartels with direct ties to Ghislaine Maxwell, Trump, Epstein, Clinton, Biden and a whole host of government officials.

Mike Gill exposed it and has had several attempts on his life, since.

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He would've only done that for protection. Expect a bloody war to break out over that power vacuum.
american controlled retard
wow what a change...
I do. They like rock music and mortal kombat and don't like blacks or mexicans and the women are very beautiful.
it's debunked along with pizzagate in 2016 lol, remind us what year it is
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I'm scared anon. Something stinks. I'm really really afraid of the fucking hooked nose juden whore that is coming to the chair this september.
Look at me Hector
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North East coast is glow nigger ville. White heritage americans who sold their souls and people for a little more cozy time. Fuck east coasters.
Pandora Papers. Debunked my ass.

Drug cartels are moving their money to Israel at the last minute, because investigators have them in their crosshairs. That’s what happened with SVB. It was a bank run, not malinvestment and mudblood tribalism. Look up a man named Mike Gill out of New Hampshire
He definetly is, no other reason he could have stayed out of jail for so long, his son became an informant so maybe he wants to become one too and made some incredible deal with the US govt
Holy fuck. I remember pic related
inb4 a fucking recession happens in Mexico
>will sheinbaum legalize all drugs
Not happening. There is way too much involved in that. The US won't like that plus a lot of politicians are in narcos' pockets thus they will lobby against that kind of thing.
Pandora Papers are the findings of over 100 journalists from several syndicates, who tracked about $935Bn USD , laundered through the state of NH and NH Bank. Congress took it up in October 2021, swept it aside. Porn Hub was named in child trafficking. In short, NH is the money laundering hub of the west and possibly the world for over 3 decades
I know what you mean anon. Dont be scared tho.
I heard Mike was fighting with Juan07. Are they still at it ? Or did the make up yet?
Wonder what kind of deal the CIA made with El Mencho in exchange for El Mayo who was previously their cartel lap dog.
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>Democrats suddenly claim they have solved drug cartels
>Kamala the border czar is a genuis
Wait for it
One thing i will tell you about your new president. The first time i heard has jewish-bulgarian ancestry, i knew you are fucked big time. Not only a kike, but with bulgarian roots too. You are fucked big time, prepare for a total collapse, just look what Dilma Rousseff did to Brasil.
It is all a circus and retards on pol choose to dwell on who's white and who's not white and who's whiter than who. When the reality is the shit they should be focusing on, they're not. Then there's the constant spamming of the election cycle reality TV show by glowniggers.
It's about keeping the country permanently unstable. Same shit they did in europe in the cold war, the "strategy of tension"
Was getting caught a part of his plan?
>here is a heavy american military presence in some airports at the moment.
I found quite telling that Mayorkas statement doesn't mention the dea or mexico gov at all. Only homeland and fbi. No commrnt from the mx gov yet, tomorrow morning I expect amlo to cope and seethe, they were'nt informed at all. I suspect the detention was made by glowies in Sonora, put them together and make it seem like a betrayal.
Shamebound is the worse of both worlds. She is a jew and a commie.
So have Los Chapitos, dare I say it, won?
your people are criminal animals by nature but yes we did have a hand in amplifying your existing flaws
but dont blame us entirely
>Los Chapitos
They are fucked, as well. Actually the whole cartel is being fucked as we speak.
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>after 2007-08 cartels basically have behaved on par like ISIS
It's almost like they were trained by the same group...
People don't understand how the Epstein debacle shook the entire fucking planet. We're talking about every single country on the planet was affected by this shit. politicians, the elites, judges, lawyers, cops. All of them implicated in this shit with Epstein; going to his secret island murder people without papertrsils uninhibited and have sex with children uninhibited. Where do they get the money to do their shit? The Cartels. Who do you think was buying up all the graphics cards to cryptomine?
kek, I'm using that one.
It would be like Afghanistan. You could bomb the fuck out of strategic locations and then declare victory, but you'd have a guerrilla for decades you'd never be able to tamp down. Except it would be worse, because you'd also have thousands of mexicans fighting against you in your own land.
Not all of them are. Just the largest.
I know the average mexican migrant in the usa. They aren't doing shit against america. They work construction, kitchens, landscaping, wielding, nursing, that kind of shit. They're not insurgent fighters lmao

Are you... trying to be a janny for the Cartel del Golfo? What the fuck is wrong with you, you retard piel de mierda?
He looks like a kino Mexican Golden Age cinema actor.
>I unapologetically am glad US did Fast and Furious.
You should absolutely apologise for those horrendous films.
Taliban are religious fanatics conditioned to live like troglodytes, Latinx are conditioned to sleeping in soft beds, taking hot showers, and eating hot meals.
I kneel.
They are Mexicans.
Was Ovidio released in exchange?

>that were cutting out still beating hearts
There's a video of a Mexican ripping a drill beating heart out and eating it. Surprised nobody posted it yet.
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>most insightful post in this thread
Nearshoring is much bigger prospect so cleanup begins
I don't give one fucks, two fucks, red fucks, or blue fucks about whatever goes on in tacoland im in Maine you nigger. Far away from favela land.
Yes border town is going to boom quickly so buy any dump you can get your hands on and hold or landlord.
most likely transferred to state penitentiary while he holds his upcoming trial. One of the pr releases mentioned him as still pending trial.
What the fuck?! Why?! Why would you do this?
when I saw "el mayo" trending I just thought it was a funny slur for white people from beaners.
Comparing yourself to Europeans what a joke. Mexico is more hellish than maybe anywhere else on earth. People travel there to vacation and their hollowed out bodies get mailed back. 12 year old girls get pimped out in the open. If God is just and I know He is. He hates mexicans.
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>He wants to fuck with Mexico either way, fucking Mexico economically is his biggest goal so he can be the big hero.
What a fucking retard you are. Crippling Mexico would be the US shooting itself in the foot. The US. Geopolitical realignment of the US away from China means that they need to keep Mexico in their sphere of influence, stable, even prosperous, increase north american integration. Trump is just playing up the rethoric to the braindamaged republican base who don't understand anything about geopolitics or economic situation. Blue collar jobs are not returning to the US in any case because the future is fully automated factories.
>Example: Elon Musk and his Tesla plant in Mexico. Musk chickened out until Trump wins and that project was a big deal in Monterrey.
It was always going to be like this and anyone with a brain knew it. They weren't going to do anything until the Mexico and US elections conclude. It would be fucking stupid to negotiate with people that are on the way out, start a gigainvestment, then get new people you have to grease their hands 10x because they otherwise will completely fuck your project. The Tesla plant in Monterrey will happen.
>they are pretty much going to join the cartels only to fight the US
great. just means we get to kill even more of you. stupid spic.
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"Let us undermine your economy and social cohesion with crime and cheap labor or we will go full terrorist"
God please. Earthquake these beaners.
This is a stonetoss easter egg btw.
In mexico they take cold showers and sleep on filthy little mats with lice. They can handle some attrition.
Mexicans don't have missiles.
Smells like CIA
Is El Mencho still hiding out? What happened to El Pozolero? Did CJNG ever won that war?

Just look at those cartel guys. Many were probably construction worker, landscapers, wielders and farmers once.
soon we will be able to watch dbz in peace
>I unapologetically am glad US did Fast and Furious.
You’re glad Obama flooded Mexico with weapons with no accountability? This has to be bait
They will become insurgent fighters if you bomb and invade Mexico, where their families live. Lol. It's the only thing the Mexican cares about, family.
you need training for that, you don't just "viva mexico cabrones" your way through tactical warfare. Precisely because they love their family they will keep working and sending money like they do. Jee, tough choice, send abuela my hard earned dollars OR become a retard and pick up a gun and storm the local precinct.
Doubtful, Mexicans would probably welcome being conquered by the US at this point, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to do it.
Yeah, it seems the CJNG is winning.
he doesnt look jewish
This has to do with the recent drug bust in Japan and he was the "master mind", doesn't it?

He thinks being behind bars in the US will protect him from being skinned alive. XD
so, glowies are recalling their "drug lord" for him to get his real name back and retire happily with his family?
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If they were a real military they would be hyper mobilized all along the border. A military that can't or won't defend it's own border is a shitty one.
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Is not that "nothing ever happens", it's that nothing GOOD ever happens.
To prevent another Pablo Escobar ( the biggest cartel boss of all Time) that took control of all.colombia even the army
>glowies take out threat to their illegal funding, circa 2012
Honestly, if mexicans could get their hands on decent anti air craft weapons and negate american air advantage then they could hold them up in a brutal WW1 style war of attrition. Lose some northern land but still avoid any fullblown conquest while waging insurgent warfare
Well, tbf half your country was stolen from Mexico not that long ago, so eat a dick Moshe.
I never said he was for sure, I think he faked his death and fucked off to enjoy all of that money.
>gavin newsom ordered no more homeless in california
>mexico first jew female president
>kamala harris potentially a us president
>cartel leaders turning themselves in for political reasons
yeah, trump isnt winning the election anymore and there has been a political/timeline shift in the matrix.
I can't wait to get all the details. I knew it was some coup by the younger guys to take over.
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Oh shut the fuck up. I am a romeaboo but really dude? Why not Judas? I think you just wanted to talk about Rome. That is fine, however it has nothing to do with this event

Were all going to be pretty fucked soon if we dont come together and stop this jewish lead bullshit on the world, none are safe with them niggers in charge.


volume 1 chapter 11 page 55 onward explains how they fucked your country and literally every country they destroyed through the ages.
Ovidio Guzman Lopez, son of “El Chapo” Guzman, released on 23rd July
Their relationship had reportedly soured because Guzman blamed Mayo for the capture of his father, El Chapo.

Thatsa' spicy meatball.
Wouldn't he still be in federal custody?
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May like the 5th month. If you say his name is feminine the cartel will murder your family.
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All of central america and south america hates mexico though. They would be fucked from both sides.
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These lands were inhabited by Indian tribes that hated mexico. Besides all the other tartaria shit that no one can really speak on. But you're just being a faggot.
South America would not support a US intervention, they hate yankees even more than they hate us.
Central Americans are irrelevant, their population is insignificant, and whatever force they could assemble they'd have to invade through all the worthless mountains in the south...
Why didn't the war break out? No riots, this is rare.
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South America will watch. Then they will take their own vengeance. Along with the Guatemalan duende people when you try to flee into their beautiful cities and mountains. Although. Realistically. None of that will happen. We will all suffer under the jewish thumb until the earthquakes receive you back into the depths of hell from which you spawned.
True, there is no way Argentina, Brazil and Chile (the ABC) would like a straight invasion to Mexico, let alone countries like Colombia, Venezuela or Uruguay.
High testosterone
Literal who
Same reason Republicans and Democrats fight and even kill each other
Also this
no u
What's wrong with his nose?
>the CIA assumes control
Danny Casolaro was right
Reminder that the blue and red Mexican games are only rivals because of a pair of shoes. It gets you thinking.
>I’m gonna be the French drug lord known as “Le Retard.”

Central America doesn't hate us though. Half of them don't like us out of envy, and the other half would like to be annexed so they get to be part of a real country.

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