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We are just gonna ignore this? Ok.
It was international waters
I'm seriously starting to believe that one anons post about his future prophecy that he dreamed of. When the ISS comes down I'll be waiting for the nukes to drop in the USA and for the anvil ships to come
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This shit is so funny, we would destroy both Russia and China over the pacific so fucking bad it isn’t even funny. They’d have as much as a chance as a Palestinian rock slinger against a guided bomb that’s how far advanced the American Air Force is.
I wish I was this delusional.
You can't even stop the houthis or whatever they're called from terrorising a shipping lane, you phoneposting subhuman
isnt alaska like 15 miles from russia?

No one is going to invade the fucking arctic mountains of alaska retard.
Alaska is literally 1 mile away from Russian territory retard.
Truly delusional.
Looks open to me ?
>I wish I was this delusional.
>I wish I was this delusional.
yes indeed
They are allowed to Do this?

One thing that doesn't add up is the Math of the Chink aircraft.

Not enough fuel to jump from Mainland China-to Alaska-then back to chink town

There is even treaties in place for USA to conduct Aerial Observation over Moscow if needed
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Cope and seethe and dilate, Russian and chinkshit planes and will never even know what hit them, F-22 and F-35 can shoot down enemy aircraft from hundreds of miles away they have zero chance
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2.4 miles
Let me guess the chinese and russian being unprofessional again. Luckily they do not shot down their own planes lol Sure because their system do not worked kek
And then everyone and their brother would cry foul about dead civvies, meanwhile you'd say we're Israel's lapdog, stfu bong.
They crossed state lines.
Chink bombers flew out of Russia you flaggot. Jewgle it.
Dreams are a very unreliable source.
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But the presence of Chinese aircraft appears to be a new development. In March, the head of US Northern Command, Gen. Gregory Guillot, said China was pushing farther north into the Arctic and he expected to see aircraft there “as soon as this year potentially.”

“What I have seen is a willingness and a desire by the Chinese to act up there,” Guillot told a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“We have seen them in the maritime. We have seen them under the cloud of a technical or scientific research, but we think it is certainly multi-mission, to include military. And then I expect to see air activity in the Alaska part of the Arctic as soon as this year, potentially.

“It is a very big concern of mine.”

China considers itself a “near-Arctic” state and has worked to expand its presence in the far north, including through its cooperation with Russia.

“Alaska continues to be on the frontlines of the authoritarian aggression by the dictators in Russia and China who are increasingly working together,” said Sen. Dan Sullivan in a statement. The Alaska Republican warned, “these kinds of joint Russia and China incursions on the sea and in the air near Alaska will continue.”
the truth of it all is that their air design died with the soviet union
by the time their mechanic has cleared them to takeoff in their steampunk machine, there are hundreds of F35s and F22s
no sane airman would take off
Victory at what cost anon, do you know what a Pyrrhic victory is faggot? If you want to live in a nuclear wasteland of nothingness in the rubbles of what we once knew suit yourself, but people like you are the problem.
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>Loses to sandniggers from the 13th century
Man there was a time when this was true but I don't think so anymore.
It was never closed, what are you even trying to say you dumb nigger?
You are the lapdogs of Israel, no one would support a full on war against Yemen over some fucking shipping vessels being sunk or attacked. Are you actually retarded? Kikes had to literally murder your people and destroy 3 buildings just to get you in Iraq
By the time the SU35 spots the F22 or F35 it’s already over. The f35 can carry AMRAAMs that will destroy the Su form miles away and the f22 would turn it into scrap metal in a dogfight. Absolutely cope post
Ignorance truly must be bliss.
maybe Putin want it back just because it used to be part of Russia
Niggas parents had a stick figure. Kinda based
They intercept shit all the time. It's been happening since the cold war.
Hello, Alaskan here. There is nothing for them to bomb on the coast but ugly native bitches. All is well here, how are you doing?
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So predictable
We deserve better shills
Bro you literally lost to sand niggers c'mon
>the globohomo zogbot shill hurts itself in its confusion
What language do you suppose they speak? Do the chinks learn russian or do the ruskies speak ching chong?

Do they both just default to English? Could it be?
>Do they both just default to English? Could it be?
Just like you guys did. Country made up of all kinds of Europeans, and you all speak English
Their military isn't ran by niggers and troons so they probably have translation AIs enabled in their comms. If not then assuredly Russian kek.
Let’s apply that loss to Russia and China too yeah? So in a war with them they would lose their standing army in 1 week and then live in hiding for 20 years while America occupies them. That’s the success you see for them? Kek
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Diversity is our strength! I'm sure Biden will deploy some jet fighters to Alaska.
This is the first time Russia and China have worked together like this. They intend to invade the United States.
We’re doing ok. Thanks for asking! How are the mosquitos?
>They intercept shit all the time. It's been happening since the cold war.
This isn't true at all this is the first time the Chinese and Russians have worked together like this and Chinese aircraft showing up is mostly new in and of itself.

Couple this with the Chinese demanding America adopt a no first use nuclear weapon policy and they are basically saying they would defeat us in a conventional war.
>lets apply something that happened with inbred goat fuckers to people that aren't
>bombing Alaska
Lol. Lmao. They overestimate it, there's barely anybody there.
just like my fallout games!!!!!
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No like
Everyone lost to the Afghans ( except the tartars?) but still it’s not saying much
And now it was never closed? Ok. Kek. The shitskin cope is like a drug.
Its happening. Time to annex Canada because they are traitors who allow the Chinese to operate with impunity on their soil.
You drop one nuke on us
Yes I'm talking to you Chinese faggots
And Russian faggots
And anyone who these weasels send to touch this soil

Expect unholy shit you can't imagine
You're an idiot paki wog. Pick up a history book, hes implying the Russians also lost too. Nobody wins a war when your enemys uniform is civilian clothes.
If it was closed then ships wouldn't have been getting attacked every other week for the last 8 months, you stupid fucking nigger
>US war against iraq
>Best estimate is 1:2 deaths for the US
>China + Russia standing army: 3.5 million people
>US standing army: 0.5 million
Even if both the chinks and vatniks were goat fuckers without weapons or nukes, you would lose by sheer numbers.
>female kike mind games
I mistook you for a paki lol shalom you swarthy piece of shit
>>US standing army: 0.5 million
There's no fucking way it's under a million, right? Is there army really so small now?
the NORAM empire will be glorious once we clean up meheeco
>more nonsensical bullshit
Dumb nigger ape, ook ook ook
I would take chinese + russian men > DEI US military forces that want to see the collapse of the US these days.
You're the one with all the semantics. Ummm AKSCHULLY, kill yourself faggot. It was closed.
(citation needed)
ooooo waaau zog faggots flew up near aircraft, seethed and dilated and then turned back to their base while Russian/Chineese bombers continued on as they were
this happens all the time anon its a nothingburger
Jewgle says that's the active personnel number
I hope they are only practicing to drop nukes. Invasion requires too much resource.
>state something no one said
>then act like being told no one said this is semantics
dumb nigger ape, ook ook ook
Fuckin terrible man, supposed to be shorts weather. But i'm not wearing no shorts, i like the skin on my legs to not look like i'm a tweaker.
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It would be funny if a Russian jet flies by and all these bullets are hitting it and warning buzzers are going off and the windshield cracks. Lands back in Russia and they are full of holes. I don't think I'd get in trouble either, no CCTV cameras.
The US to me seems like it would be nearly impossible to invade as our nations citizens are the most heavily armed in the world. This would increase our numbers in that scenario. not to mention the incredibly varying terrain throughout the country. So, they would lose a lot more men trying to invade us so I don't think that is the biggest issue. What might be a bigger issue is education and tech/manufacturing. They are likely kicking our ass on both of these fronts in the next 10 years. That is where hacking comes in. Example: the recent microsoft crash only times 10 and crashing our economy etc.
It would be funny if you randomly shoot at a jet, not knowing what country it belongs to, probably miss every shot but still end up in prison.
Phoneposting retard. Alaska is full of dumb niggers, you're the rape capital of the USA
You're assuming everyone would be fighting against it when there would be plenty of people actively trying to help invaders or retards causing chaos in a situation like that to loot some jordans
>our nations citizens are the most heavily armed in the world
lol! I used to think that too but last 10 years showed me americans are all bark and no bite
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true but americans harness chaos against the chinese. just imagine the animal carnage that we would unleash. i mean cmon imagine them trying to take one of our urban cities. Everyone on drugs and shit.
I mean it was obvious 60 years ago when their own military forced them to end segregation at gunpoint and their president was assassinated by kikes/glowniggers but they did nothing
>i mean cmon imagine them trying to take one of our urban cities. Everyone on drugs and shit.
"Here's some meth laced with fentanyl, have fun!"
Wow that was an easy invasion

Go look at a map, whats the most direct route to America from Russia and China? The Nukes will fly over the poles in the event of a war and gaining a beachhead in Canada to land troops and supplies will be essential. Your retarded. No one is ever going to try and cross an ocean to invade the US.
americans are stupid and lazy but the one thing i'm confident we can do is to stave off an invasion. even our peaceniks are vicious psychopaths, and the ones who hoard guns are itchy for a chance to pop off - and that's before the thugged out black neighborhoods get involved.
You are why we left. Let that sink in.
usa is a weak prey.
nation to admire in that regard is Mexico, those guys don't give a fuck and fill internet with daily beheading/skinning/killing videos while taking out any politician that doesn't play well with plebs and mexico military can't do shit because half of military is filled with sympathizers. not sure how jew got elected into presidency but then again 37 candidates died for her to get into that chair
Indeed. It is useless to even attempt. Nukes are good and cheaper options and they work.
sure thing Stan Smith from Langley
muh ar 15 will pierce 15 bodies before it stops.
Home by Christmas
>they would lose their standing army in 1 week and then live in hiding for 20 years
which US vs China or US vs Russia conflict are you basing these assumptions upon?
Another China with US tech wouldn't be able to occupy China.
>even our peaceniks are vicious psychopaths, and the ones who hoard guns are itchy for a chance to pop off
What planet do you live on? There's a mountain of evidence proving the opposite to be true, but you fags still think you will ever actually use your guns for their intended purpose
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are this your JTAC?
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>>475669654 America is done, hear me, DONE
is this a new interception or is this slowpoke reporting from yesterday?
Hopefully the Russians have some good Sat Imagry and know where to strike their missiles.
I always wondered if the niggers in a DUMB would die if you set off a dirty bomb that contaminated the area for a few years
The entire nigger population would fight for neither side and loot everything, every other ethnic group would fortify themselves, and half of the whites would actively fight the government
What makes difficult to invade your nation is that is just a large as fuck piece of land.
You aren't Weimar Germany, you are Rome in it's last days
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The U.S. has the largest prison population in the world, with 20% of the world's incarcerated people despite only having 5% of the world's population.
Wow now that you mention it yeah, China thinks the strategic calculus has shifted. They're probably right. The Ukraine war has been such a fucking disaster.
>and that's before the thugged out black neighborhoods get involved.
also I forgot to comment on this, but this is fucking hilarious. what do you think a bunch of dumb niggers that can barely land one hit from a 16 shots are going to do? why do you think they would even fight? they're naturally cowards and naturally submissive. the only reason they're a menace now is because white Americans became cucks and let them run loose, before that there was 50 of them with one owner and his family that forced them to do as they said. They did nothing. Only Haitian niggers ever revolted
>eurotrash tries to tell me what america is like
i always enjoy these moments
Pool's closed
Hows the Einsenhower doing? Haven't heard much from those worthless, lazy faggots and niggers and niggerfaggots
How many ZOGDOGs died in that missile strike?
You forgot to mention the two large oceans, an enormous and modern air Force, an enormous and modern ballistic missile and nuclear arsenal and two weak states on our borders.

We may be an aging fighter but we're still the super heavyweight champ who can knock down any other son of a bitch who tries... At least for another few years.
>rape capital
You idiot, thats due to the natives
What exactly do you think you're proving with this statement? Your prisons are businesses and so is your police force. Sending people to prison makes people money. Are you trying to say all of those prisoners are some kind of crazy murderers that went on a shooting spree? Why are you mutts so fucking dumb and delusional?
Yes. I’m going to ignore it. Nothing ever happens.
If you say so I can't go 6 hours without running into another desperate join muh military ad on every platform
I dont know what the fuck is going on, but time seems to be going faster than it ever did even 2 years ago when it first started going faster.

Something is actually wrong with our reality currently.
um how is your country doing?
10mm Mig Destroyer?
Dumb nigger with no argument, just delusion. Typical mutt
Chinks have already been spotted training their soldiers in Canada and it's been proven they have traitors working in their government that weren't even removed after being caught.
Having weak neighbours isn't a good thing, it opens them up to outside influence which makes them a good choice to launch an invasion from
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are you okay? you are arguing the point the poster made. are you retarded or extremely jewish?
>t. SSGT Shartinez
Hahahaha America is cooked you pussy
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It's mcmannes bitch ass nigga
I didn't forget to mention, because the other side too has those things for them too
You've been punching down on sandniggers for a solid half a century, and the only gain in that was israel, and even that is going caput
dumb nigger mutt tries to deflect because he can't face the truth, and instead of just not replying he posts dumb nigger shit to try and get a word in.
you are a joke, kys.
this thread is full of retards that share your flag, damn shame the stars and stripes are tainted on here by kikes, bots and shills posting from military bases
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>they can’t see us
>they have zero chance
Where have I heard this one before KEK
see, classic eurotrash ignorance. wake up muhammad, burgers love war. maybe not all the citizens, but the rulers do. notice our defense budget lately? or what we've done the last 80 years since the people you stole that land from got ruined by krauts? baiting foreigners into wars is where our bread is butteres. collateral damage of tens of millions of dead burgers is an acceptable loss as long as the bombs floweth.
The greatest PsyOp in the world that remains is American Military Superiority. 20 years ago was a different story. You think a bunch of DEI mutts and women are going to maintain the trajectory we had? Fucking retard.
I can't wait to hunt my fellow "humans"
theres a lot of incompetence, the thing is we fight dirty and doesn't afraid to bribe people for as long as our currency is up to snuff.
the greatest PsyOp in the world was Russia reaching the Atlantic in 8 days. Compared to that, the decadence of the US Military isn't even a 1 in the Lujan scale.
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You started to finally notice
have you seen the bc interior? unless China ramps up their forest burning drones it will be damn near impossible for them to break through. ocean on one side, mountains down the middle and on the other as well as some of the thickest carboniferous' on the globe.
sure they can come through the other provinces but cross the arctic, making it through the territories and then the boreal is one tall order
>retarded /int/ shit
>you stole land from
>taking pride in other people making money from fighting pointless wars which leads to nothing but death on both sides
>thinking the average joe in america will fight against trained soldiers because desperate niggers and spics sign up for the us military
kys retard
how you think your military industrial complex has anything to do with whether or not civilians would fight against an invasion is somehow connected is beyond me. you're just spewing pure bullshit
You're a gay fag who gets no pussy
Does it make you sad that all the AF girls put out for anybody but you?
>china is burning forests to clear a path for ground troops
love it.
go back to /kay/, trannynigger
Your traitorous politicians will just let them in, they already let chink soldiers train in your country
يبدو أنك أسأت فهمي. هل هذا أفضل؟
thanks for your input, Mohammed
Yep, it's a bot or NPC
kys you worthless npc
>You've been punching down on sandniggers
what have the chinks been doing during this time?

double checked
i dont doubt this but as annoying as it is to go along with their consensus over the last 80 years amerilards wont let it go easy
Debt trapping the entire african continent, and doing brain drain on every other nation

They lookin for teh UFOs that love to fly around Alaska and the Pacific
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Invasion is a different matter. 1.5 guns for every person, they know about.
LOL, imagine believing this with the current DEI military
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We couldn't even beat the houthis my man. We sent our ships, conducted strikes, got shot at, and ran away. We are no longer capable of force projection.
Go ahead and vote for Kamala you weak homosexual Americans
it would be funny if the jet decides to open up with autocannon fire and turned you into human confetti
oooooh-rah sir! fabulous!
WHAT is going on? Ive noticed for 2 years now
jose mcmannes***
seethe more kike, nothing I said is incorrect and you know it.
I think it's time to just sell Alaska to Canada. I know that's still NORAD but I feel like they'd get less uppity if it was just some leafs next door.
You think the chinks will care about not harming civilians and not just bomb you all into extinction?

Your peashooters will be useless unless another country of blue hair trannies decides to invade you
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>We are just gonna ignore this? Ok.

Its probably better that you do....
This has been happening for almost the thirty years now.
So you're going over there to die for kikes?
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>isnt alaska like 15 miles from russia?
>2.4 miles

You retarded bastard its like 50 miles hold on BRB

>The Bering Strait is about 51–55 miles (82–85 km) wide at its narrowest point, between Cape Dezhnev, Russia and Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska.
You should work for the government, if you already don't
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>They crossed state lines.
I doubt most American citizens would be fighting for the US government. Most likely they'd also be fighting against the US government and regional warlords would seize it as an opportunity to carve out their own territory while the actual US army was engaged with the Russians and Chinese.
intercepting bombers is a complete waste of time
any attack would come from icbm's, bombers are literally ww2 thinking
Nigger I'm a hillbilly, these hollers would be a goddam nightmare for any invading force. 300 Winchester mag nigger. Green tip laps in 40s and 60s and I never miss. Ak47 nigger. I could put a 308 round up your asshole at 200 yards before my balls dropped. Extreme right winger army dad ftw
You're not a hillbilly but a woman.

A hillbilly would know chinks are ruthless like him and would simply just bomb civilians to extinction rather than try to police them because theyre so afraid of causing civilian casualties because thats so bad.

It's china these people walk by dead children on the streets kek, ur expecting them to act like Kamala Harris and answer to CNN reporters with bowed down heads that yes we are so sorry that we caused a civilian casualty in Iraq we feel so bad...

They are dictatorships they dont have to anser to a CNN reporter they fuck that CNN reporter in the ass kek
Big Diomede and Diomede are how far apart?
It's true for russians. I guess chinese are less common, but there have been reports of US craft 'escorting' chinese craft awat
you have to go back. seriously get the fuck off this website it's not for you
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Reminder that Hruschev who replaced Stalin was a hohol who gave away Crimea to hohols and Alaska to mutts and ended up getting fired
Happens once a week ALL THE FUCKING TIME
Question you should be asking is "Why is the news reporting on it now?"
>my irst detector going off
>some tranny at 100km launched a missle. i dont see the tranny but i instantly can detect the missile
>lol ok
>turn 30 degrees and follow parallel
>missile runs out of fuel
>blufor out of missiles
>i am faster than them on a headon, they cannot escape me nor they cannot chase me.
>dei zogbots dead
You couldn’t even destroy Afghanistan brah
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Bro this is like every other day off of the Alaska coast. Because it's like 70 miles from the Eurasian continent.
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Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
Relax, you faggots.
Every government answers to the same trillionaires. There will be no nuclear war.

Except the US military was infiltrated by them.
From what I understand its normal for American and Russian planes to do this to each other, however the big problem is this is the first time china has done this in us airspace
I can't believe I'm going to have to endure a blatant Jewish Freemason world war script because everyone's a goddamn retard. THE US AND RUSSIA ARE BOTH MASONIC STATES, THEREFORE IT IS FAKE. At the same time it would be fertile soil for WHITE HAT MERCENARY TEAMS in both Russia & The US to annihilate the Deep State conspirators. I've congregated with Russians in Thailand and they're just normal white people, primarily. We both need to destroy our Deep State. UK and Aussie bros as well, and Canadcucks.

What more fun on Earth could there be for Whites of all those countries to make a bro bond and fvck all the deep state gollums up and become major trade/tourism partners.

But no I get to watch this retarded fake war shit start and watch you fvcking retards buy into it.
its all a show. they regularly have news with articles like "Chinese jet flys 20 feet away from US plane". and nothing ever happens. the truth is china, us and RU are all colluding, this is a fact.
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First time hearing about this huh?

They've been doing it pretty much nonstop since the 1950s.

>Russian bomber flies straight towards US ADIZ
>gets intercepted
>follows the international waters border playing "I'm not touching you" until they're bingo fuel
>goes home

This is barely even news worthy, and usually only comes up on slow news days when the media doesn't have any psyops to report. Here's NORAD's press release page just for the Alaska ADIZ. They do it all the time in the PACNW ADIZ and California ADIZ too. Canada gets them over the North Pole all the time too.

Honestly, I'm pretty sure the Russians do it just to get their pilots flight hours at this point.
I hope i can make it to Alaska in time to kill Chinese and Russian invaders. An invasion of America would make Ukraine look like child’s play
Prove it was russian or chinese?
You literally can't, and yet everyone will believe it as gospel.
Biden/Kamala brought you this

Modern war tactics between nuclear powers aren't going to start with an outright invasion.

If China wanted the US to crumble, it would enter a war time economy and suddenly stop all western exports and dump it's US treasury bonds. In a matter of days the "toliet paper" crisis of covid would be an everything crisis in tandem with the stock market tanking. Americans use mass supply shortages to profiteer. Riots would break out and crime would and cities would burn under the guise of "social justice".

There is the vulnerability with being lazy fucks and subletting all production and manufacturing to the east.
most delusional post of the day, if it wasnt bait
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Place Everything directly on the name of The Jews with a success rate of 101%. No more games. This is the year of Last Exorcism of the whole Earth.
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You will The Cabal of the Damed in the 4chan Testament.
your english is atrocious, nafo shill, saar
We did and occupied them for 20 years, the same would happen with Russia and China. The Russians are submissive people so they’ll bow down to America, and the Chinese are trained to worship authority and that wouldn’t be a problem for the military government that would run China
Based leafpost; what happens when China turns off the faucet will be much worse than a nuclear attack.
No it’s on the left side of the map and russia is way to the right
source: his dreams

jk I'd like to read that. I've been here long enough to hear a few notable prophecies.
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>gonna ignore this?
LOL, yes. "Freedom of navigation" works both ways. The USA would be hypocrites if they didn't allow armed Chinese and Russian military aircraft and naval ships come right up to the edge of US territory, as long as they stayed in "International waters".
If the US reacts, then China, Russia and best Korea can do the same when the US and their friends pull the same shit in Asia and the Pacific.
It's good shit.
>They intend to invade the United States.
If China invades the USA, I will welcome them!
Hopefully they reduce Jewish, black, hispanic and Indian population ratio to match China.
>our nations citizens are the most heavily armed in the world
Yes, but what makes you think they would shoot the Russians or Chinese when they could just as easily shoot the US military recruiters instead?
China is the world's factory, and they make drones by the millions. Are you willing to step up and eat a drone for Israel?
routine exercises.

Nothing to see here folks.
>we are just gonna ignore this?
Yes, because nothing ever happens. You really think russia and china would ever attack the US mainland? For what purpose? They have no reason to. Even if they could win a war against us (they cant) there is no incentive in doing so. All they can ever do is make threats in the hopes of getting some economic concessions. Russian and chinese militaries are a fucking joke.

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