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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I’ve been following the happenings around Europe lately with the unwanted immigrants. Are they finally pushing back? Pretty based imo.

>thank god
i was worried this almost effected a white country
Giga based
Retarded racists don’t understand cctv and drones. They can easily find anyone committing crimes these days. It’s not the 1980s anymore.
At least learn to spell if you are going to LARP as white.
What does this mean? I know what the words are but it makes no sense.
irish are unique
Wait I’m super high. I get it now.
People are going to be dismantling the make shift centres, so anyone trying to repair them will be beaten or shot. Possibly.
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The Native Irish burned down the Welcome Center for refugees. Basically the inprocessing center for future doctors and scientists. The Real IRA says they will shoot anyone trying to repair it. And the Native Irish have a collective memory that this is not an idle threat.
I've heard they kept setting them ablaze. Maybe it was a different one idk.
I don't think they CARE anymore. If protecting their country and citizens as well as order comes with being painted as evil, they will accept it. Do you even know who is among those that are coming in as refugees? People have repeatedly taken advantage of that kindness, and the ones who hosted are taking a stand against opportunists, if that means ALL Refugees are barred entry, that is the fault of the opportunists for ruining that good will.
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I wish I could be as based
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>in Europe with the unwanted immigrants they finally pushing back?

russians still take it up the ass from Asian migrants, how come?
No they can’t lmao. They’re not going to get everyone. These operations operate Ona level far exceeding what a police forces is equipped to deal with. That’s not to say they won’t make arrests here and there, but alas that is the price of the struggle. We don’t care. Plenty more to take their place. Only so many coppers, amd we have ways that will sap their morale and will to continue to fight. They CANNOT withstand a true organised force with a specialty of operating in such environments. In short, if it’s a fight the want, it’s a fight they’ll get. And we do not play by the same rules. They will lose. The apparatus of police/intel/military in this country will not be able to withstand what is coming.
>everything on my police tv shows is just like real life!
Meanwhile, in reality, half of all murders go unsolved.
>Real IRA

Its the INLA, they're different. Idk what the official IRA 2012 are doing. Maybe its the same lads. No idea

Definitely something suspicious and bigger than what the general public are thinking though
For 2 years that's been happening, either them or just the average joe
Only the Irish has the balls
You’re dealing with people who are experts in counter surveillance, surveillance, and a long history of trial and error methods against a police and mil and intel force of the UK. You think they don’t know how to handle this Mickey Mouse shit?
I’ll tell you something certain, there are no shortage of patriots willing to take a hit if it means a successful Op , even if it means prison time.
Put simply, we don’t care. Wait until the larger, more sophisticated operations start playing out.
This country will shock the world. Screen shot this.
I live round the corner from here. It's not about immigrants, it's a homeless charity. It's attracting a concentration of homeless scumbags from all over the city to a specific point near an already grim estate, and they're doing typical junkie shit like leaving needles around/selling drugs/fighting with each other.

Divis is a shithole so for them to do something about it means it must've been grim. Also worth mentioning this is like a 15 minute walk from the Royal hospital where all the junkies congregate and try to scam the doctors for meds.
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Sinn Fein is pro immigrant. Irish women want BBC. You can’t stop the age of Aquarius stupid.
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It’s been my dream to visit Europe someday but everything I’ve read lately has it turning totally shit because of the unwanted immigrants. London was on my bucket lists but I don’t think I would step foot there. I really hope it turns around for you guys for the better. Probably not in my lifetime if it ever was to happen.
The crime is flooding Ireland with millions of shitskins.
The welcome centre is for homeless and drug addicts in Belfast, retard The vast majority who use the place are native to the city. It's probably some local has got pissed because it's pretty normal to see people openly using drugs in public and antisocial behaviour in the area due to the fact and has had enough.
Old IRA went political long ago. Some are still active. They undoubtedly have a large amount of arms still being maintained to this day. The New IRA however is an amalgamation of many splinter groups and probably have a far larger capability than the Provos at their height. The INLA were also a split for the Officials. Those men are very dangerous. Many of them involved in racketeering, prostitution, drugs, arms trafficking. But all of those dirty businesses have become a necessity to obtain arms and an intel network spanning the entire country. And beyond lol. If they wanted to get active again each and every one of these organisations are at a level now that has far surpassed previous generations operational prowess.
Surprised the republican terror groups are so against immigrants, who are they going to sell their drugs to?
>Retarded racists
C'mon, Moishe. That effort is nigger tier.
>I live round the corner from here. It's not about immigrants, it's a homeless charity. It's attracting a concentration of homeless scumbags from all over the city to a specific point near an already grim estate, and they're doing typical junkie shit like leaving needles around/selling drugs/fighting with each other.

>The welcome centre is for homeless and drug addicts in Belfast, retard The vast majority who use the place are native to the city. It's probably some local has got pissed because it's pretty normal to see people openly using drugs in public and antisocial behaviour in the area due to the fact and has had enough.

kek even better - maybe it would help if they just stopped selling drugs yeah?
Add to that that many police are simply Irish probably share the same sentiment. It's not that they're tasked to catch serial killers and criminals committing crime against ordinary people.
>NORTHERN ireland
I thought they were cucks
It would be amazing to see the use of doctrine changing techniques ie using things like Gel DMSO mixed with EDTA and a Ohmefentanyl or Bromo Dragonfly or other chems as area denial or multi watt blinding lasers
>each and every one of these organisations are at a level now that has far surpassed previous generations operational prowess.
correct. The people who say oh they have drones its not the 80's anymore, fail to realise that's a two way street.
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God Bless Ireland
The Irish won't do shit.

t. Irish fellow
What makes you think they would be more capable than they were during The Troubles? It's been more than 25 years since the peace agreement, wouldn't they have lost many of their capabilities?
Oh I thought maybe this was a immigration housing sector. Maybe I was confused with a different one where they kept setting it a blaze.
Faggot traitor
The police here tell you to put your valuables in a convenient place for home invaders.
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The INA is forming
>Cost: Free
I bet White taxpayers paid this "free" event for shitskins
If true then this may not be what we all assume
Every American flag better lower their tone when speaking to an Irish flag.
the irish are to poles as the english are to the germans. they've always been based
The Real IRA was one of the splinter groups that amalgamated into the “new” IRA. A Continuity IRA (which is almost exclusively based far south of the border) will likely join them. All mentioned above are the largest paramilitaries, but there are many, many more splinter groups still active. Some even without a name lol. All those patriots and orgs full of young men who were bred for this and people still believe that they’re just not interested in keeping Ireland IRISH anymore.
How ironic KEK
The fire rises!
>kek even better - maybe it would help if they just stopped selling drugs yeah?
Well yeah, everyone noticed the city got worse approximately 15 years ago when they stopped kneecapping people for selling drugs. Everyone with sense knows this is the reason why Belfast only started having it's heroin epidemic 20 years after Dublin despite being only 100 miles away.

Before then things like heroin were still around, but junkies sold and did it inside. Once the republican paramilitaries went all in with selling drugs harder than smoke and doing nothing about the junkies fucked out of their head, it became normalised in public.

Quite literally the only way to fix this is public executions.
best of luck with your infestation paddyanons
lel the irish don't fuck around
>Probably not in my lifetime
depends. the race wars and ethnic cleansing are going to kick off by 2050 for sure, and I doubt they'll last that long given the history of white people absolutely dominating browns even without home-field advantage.
Having the title of "The real" one has always been a legacy hasn't it? Something special, if something happened then the splinter groups would form under one again I think
The Irish are the original Antifas. Look at how their cities are built with all of the same looking brick shit shacks.
The Irish nationalists will have hell to pay in about 30 years once the immigrants take over.
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uh oh

it's one of those

>(((black irish)))
when you repair
better be aware
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You mean native Russians?
Russia isn't exactly a small country.
It encompass several ethnicities and has for many thousands of years.
>The Irish nationalists will have hell to pay in about 30 years once the immigrants take over.
We've already seen what happened to London. It went from approximately 97% white british in the 60s to 30-something% white british now.

The reality is that most people are tacitly against it, but know that anything short of a Rwanda style racial genocide wont actually have much of an impact given the unnammed powers to be have willed it.
I've never seen a bigger tranny than you. YWNBAW
Them lads are getting invaded by Islam and Africans aswell before the Ural
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Ireland Says No
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>Retarded racists don’t understand cctv
cameras are easy
this isn't coming from the system thoughie, signcuck
Retarded dead jews don't understand anything except dirt.
And thank Goodness not everyone accepts the cult of Talmud.
I did come across a post by him a day or so ago. It was pretty fucking based.
Fuck Irish, fucking animals, fucking niggers.
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I have no doubt in the Irish resolve to keep Ireland Irish, but what I'm talking about is there has been no continuity of operations for almost 3 decades, hence I don't think they would be as capable as they were
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Why did you think that? Because Nigel Cuckingson the seething loyalist englishman told you so?
Indeed, this is natural backlash.
this is a level of based the Western world hasn't seen in a long time
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The north is always full of violent scum. Bongs should have just killed everyone in the north years ago.
We're made of harder stuff than you fruits and you know it.
See to someone like me it’s self evident. It’s not often advertised but you can pick up on it if you follow the right channels.
They have only gotten more sophisticated and more armed. The ONLY men to stop fighting and actively tried to run a seriously effective fighting force that Britain in simply could not defeat and almost caved into to were the PIRA, a fraction of their arsenal was decommissioned. They fucked over a large number of their supporters who left them and went on to form other groups who kept the fighting going. The only reason it isn’t continuing like it was in the 70s, 80s, 90, is simply because the conditions were just not right. All that experience, all that knowledge, all that weaponry, all those networks for smuggling and making money, everything they had in the support network hasn’t gine anywhere. It’s still working even better than it has before.
There are more arms here now than at any point in history.

I will not fed post here. I’m merely reiterating stuff that can easily be ferified with deep dives into the Irish material that’s all over the internet.

Sometimes, I will drop crumbs. Sometimes I will point out suggestive tidbits of information that will get you thinking. I will never incriminate myself or anybody else by posting here.

This is after all a dangerous game. And it would be counterproductive to nationalist efforts for me to do so.

Believe me or not I don’t care. With time you will see that I am right. And my track record so far has been fairly well on point.
Wait till they figure out that the jews did this. Jews are going to be hiding 1,000' underground from white men soon. Europe will kill all of them
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the drum is there to low-key represent kikes

who bang drums to drown out the sound of the children while they're burned alive as sacrificed to 𐤌𐤋𐤊
You just admitted you're a pussy who won't do shit.
Shut up you limp wristed effeminate D4 cuck westbrit
Thanks Anon, I'll do some digging as it's interesting. I can only hope you're right.
you're fucking retarded
No absolutely not. Have you seriously believed they have sat around resting in laurels, or that they drink in pubs screaming UP THE RA and singing rebel songs? No my friend. They keep up with the times. And the INLA is known as as hardline as it gets. They are extremely selective of who they choose to recruit.
They are far more dangerous than most give them credit for.
for way too long ive heard americans and europeans talking shit about the irish and it turns out they are the only ones of you who still have a spine
The Irish youth arent built like they used to be 35 years ago. They have had it too easy for too long.
>Retarded racists don’t understand cctv and drones.
You dont understand spray paint and sling shots.
They got the lambeg drum from india. The jeets would bang the drum while they slaughter lambs to drown out their cries so the rest of the sheep don't get distressed. So they thought it was a great idea to borrow them

The more you know
Godspeed, we all need some lads on point showing the way now
god bless you and yours, paddy. keep fighting the good fight. you're an inspiration
>Are they finally pushing back? Pretty based imo.
Yes, you should see what's going on in Dublin. Everytime they try and put illegals (international protectants is what they call them), the place is burnt to the ground.

This all started when the British started deporting the invaders to Rwanda. The nogs then left Great Britain and went to Northern Ireland, and from there could freely cross over the border into the Republic of Ireland. Ireland has a population 12 times smaller than the UK and wasn't ready for the onslaught. The government put the nogs up in every hotel, convent, abandonded building they could. The locals responded by burning them all down.

Pic related is from front page of Irish national news. It's out of control. The people will have it back. The Taoiseach (Prime Minister) was nearly lynched in the street during the week while trying to eat his faggot ice cream.

t. paddy in Canada, also under siege from darkies
I guess they felt a bit Ire-ish with the construction noise there, eh?
Keep fighting the good fight, lad
I won’t disagree fully. They are like youth anywhere. Technology, drugs, and shitty imported culture is to blame if you ask me. They’re not all like that though. There are kids coming up that will be a forced to reckoned with…
Nice. I made this thread earlier. >>475605795
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jews did?

>There are more arms here now than at any point in history.
God bless you Donegal. Really surprised how Easter Sunday parades even in the naughties escaped media notice.
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Billy Orange man did. They act like Jews if that counts
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Why are so-called Irish nationalists doing media with jews?
Redpill him on the British Israelite thing KEK
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what a strange flag
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Maybe this is what I initially saw. I thought this was one of those but another Anon said it was a homeless druggy encampment.
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>(((black irish)))
attempts at fake opposition?
How long do you think that fear will keep White people docile while you force them into extinction? It certainly wont be forever and America is already dying. No empire lasts forever. What happens when jews arent on top anymore? I'm excited to find out.
That's even the least of it. Drew Harris, the Garda Commissioner, joined the RUC back in the 80s, actively fought Irish, knighted by the Queen, British citizen, head of the PSNI during the mid 2010s, and now head of the Guards.


They're not even trying to hide it.
You don't want to touch NI loyalists with a barge pole, or NI in general. Just leave it alone. It's a tiny land full of stupid orcs in a red tribe and a blue tribe, so negrifying it is pointless when they are already negroes.
The niggers set up shop beside the Grand Canal in Dublin so they could shit in the water, that's probably what you saw. They've been cleared out several times but keep coming back.
>be work-man
>identify as a work-woman
>safe from bullets
If you are scared, just say so.
here is another for you redditfag
They can’t even keep retards from shooting at billionaires and ex presidents lmao stop being a cuck you can get away with insane shit if you have some balls
And smarts.
>Retarded racists don’t understand cctv and drones
I don't think the government understands drones. I could do more damage with 1 octocopter and flechettes than I could with a rifle.
The crime is jews trying to genocide white people, and you'll all be held to account soon enough.
>"Live around the corner from here"
Has a british flag
Northern Irish posters get the flag of the UK. This happened in Northern Ireland.
> Northern Ireland is part of the UK still
You absolute fucking nigger mutt.
You can be
Been off 3 days. Trying to take at least a month off. Pray for me.
Hahahaha well at least we know this memeflag isn't isreali.
Kill yourself you do nothing faggot
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TKD may be necessary for the survival of humanity.
>is a dumbass
>is writing
Do not speak. Do not write. Smarter people speak, you listen. Know your place
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Welcome to thread, do you come here often?
Unpaid volunteers









no, wrong. Nothern Ireland is Ireland and will thereofre be irish flag
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Just fuck off with this already.
You're just like the red-deer meme retards, always pushing the date.
i come here often but i dont want to anymore. im sick of this nonsense and all the low iq mogs who thinks ireland is a british island
Irish have guns. they may be poor, but they're not serfs like the UKers.
So what? Who's going to stop them?
Paddies score another W.
You can easily take them out.
>defend country
>cop tries to stop you
>kill the cop too

Wow, so fucking difficult
>thinks a northerner is saying Ireland is Britain because his IP makes his posts have a union flag
>calls him low IQ
Are you even fucking sentient, you stupid fucking cunt?
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Irish are feral whites, kek Godspeed
The Northern Irish were some of the toughest motherfuckers around. They were brutal bastards.
ZOG's worst nightmare is an aware population
Good job Mick, some real resistance might be all it takes to kick off something bigger!
>thousands of years
Russia hasn't even existed for a thousand years, unless you count whatever the Swedes (original Rus) were doing mucking about. Even then it's like 1,200 years at most kek.
You need violent men to retain your country. If you're brown, fuck off or die.
I didn't realize how easy it was to read Canaanite or whatever the fuck, once you get over reading right to left you can clearly make out MLK.
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God bless and Godspeed. The civilized world is watching, show us we all can do it.
>/pol/ is always rig—ACK!
Not only are the Irish white, they are the ONLY white men left on earth.
Have you been to Belfast? Those inbred fucks are basically living in the stone age. They don't have cctv.
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It's absolutely fucking hilarious that the same political entity from the 70s, Sinn Fein and affilitated faggot, all those dumb fucks starving themselves against UK occupation, smearing shit all over the place, now have this same political party openly supporting importation of the 3rd world and destruction of the Irish identity.
Complete fucking sellouts. Won't ever stop being funny.
>what are balaclavas
>British Israelite
It's retarded (anglo-saxon = isaac's son), suspiciously uncensored, and pro state of israel, which can mean only one thing, it's more vomit from the central banks into the mouths of a clueless public.
who are you quoting?
That was 50 years ago anon, Ireland has overtaken nearly all of Europe in terms of wealth.
For those saying they are not well armed, you don't have to be. Hamas is basically using sugar rockets. High tech means nothing in a hostile urban landscape.
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Éire go Brách, Thomas Michael Patrick
How the hell have you guys avoided the big brother cctv networks they installed everywhere?
probably the way niggers avoid them here
>wear a mask
wtf I love inbred stone age fucks now
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>wear a mask
my body my choice! Do any of the IR counter measures work? or is a mask more reliable?
They are second to the United States of America in that they fought the Empire to a stalemate. Ireland is worth 10x any other country in the EU. Fuck anglos forever.
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I’m out, hopefully you fags push back so I can come visit without seeing Poos and niggers on every corner.
They are not the same party in northern Ireland.
Most young people have nothing to lose now.
Yeah if they already know who that person is otherwise they're SOL. Here in Toronto we had a guy murder someone on CCTV and his face was in the frame clear as day and he got away with it because they had no record of who he was and no one came forward to identify him.
That sounds fun, wish I could do it all day.
>They can easily find anyone committing crimes these days.

That won't bring back your welcome center workmen.
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funny you say that...

Mega based way to go bongs.
No Islamic churkas are deffinetly not russians.Everyone knows it only wef putin doesn't care.
God damn I love the Irish. You are the finest SOBs on the planet.
We need the Irish to win.
>The Real IRA
Commie trash that is pro immigrant
Let’s be real here
Imagine caring at this point. Shit is so bad anyone caught is a hero anymore.
All the real IRA from 70’s-80’s are old fags or dead
Damn how are the Irish so based?
imagine thinking there is any competent governance in the british isles. people say the same stuff about canada but i laugh knowing that our government, police, and courts are all inept.
oi mate do you have a loicense to live next door to someone in another country?
Thats ira clay. Good luck getting a camera there.
No one cares you fucking lap dog faggot
i was watching a video of andrew tate on youtube talking about chess and he mentioned the "london opening" where the white side lets all the black pieces in and the black pieces kill all the white pieces and the white pieces have no defence
You won't do shit, kike
I am rooting for you guys. how does everyone feel about the jews over there?
>cops watch footage of the men who do it
>go to their house to arrest them
>men bash the cops
>cops flee with their tails tucked between their legs
>now have to wring their hands whether they call in high risk warrant SWAT style teams, the military, etc
>local population sees the government is sending in paramilitary/military forces to quash anti-immigration groups
>government now has to either risk alienating more of the population or just hoping everyone is as cuckedas north americans and will do nothing when zogdogs come pointing guns
This is cope
the Ira was small output at best and those guys are dead or elderly now
You fucking zoomer retards can’t even open a can of patatos without a tic toc instructional
The IRA was a bunch of commie fags anyway and the UDF was on a tight leash and still rocked your shit
I don’t want to get into it but
That being said we support a migrant free
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Irish aren't le racist, they are le nationalist
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wtf! Who in the fuckin hell hyphenates workmen? This is absurd!
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based Paddy
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>the age of Aquarius
More like age of DaQuarius which is coming to and end
A lot can get done when nobody gives two shits about the cops trying to arrest them.
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> Retarded racists don’t understand cctv and drones. They can easily find anyone committing crimes these days. It’s not the 1980s anymore.
Retards who post about cctv and drones don’t understand paint cans for cameras and jammers and shotguns for drones. Plus police have homes and families. You think they want violent niggers in their communities?
I always assumed that the majority of the New IRA where essentially a mixture of ethno nationalist gangsters and old guard types. How does that work for groups like RAAD, where they essentially just taking out the competition of other gangsters for the New IRA?
Based paddy
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The Irish are peaceful and would never hurt someone over political disagreements.
Here is the thing tho
>they don't care
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Godspeed Potatolads. Next shipment arrives in 4 days.
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Based. /pol/ needs to arrange air drops of weapons to the Irish. I’ll donate weapons and ammo.
Will the Irish take me (A white American) if I promise to commit racial violence against their invaders?
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Belfast has a violent history involving the IRA, many lived oppressed in the ghettos. A sniper takes a shot at a British soldier, disappears, no one talks to the police, it is the ghetto. Safehouses, they trained them out in the country.

They feared the IRA snipers so deeply some refused to man their checkpoints. The Irish have been fighting for independence from the British for over 700 years, Americans won ours in the 18th century.
A post ingrained in history
I'm proud of the Irish and they inspire inside me the spirit to fight
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>They’re not going to get everyone.
Stopped reading right there. This is all that is needed. If everyone would have said fuck you and not worn a mask, then it wouldn't have been a thing. Same for vaccines. This is also the strategy used for the peaceful george fentanyl Floyd riots.

The whole of white men, becoming activated in unison, is what revolutions and change are made of. Pay attention Canada, your day is coming.

The mud flood is a tax for faggots touching kids. Take your medicine, Ireland!

The government is so worried about these rednecks in the mountains, what do they think would happen if they rolled armor into the ghetto, to lock people down and set up checkpoints, to round people up?

You will find something strange. The anti-government people in the country and the anti-government people in the ghetto have a common enemy and a strong common faith in Jesus Christ.
Nigger on suicide watch.
They can't stop it, the government is too powerful and a few migrant centers burning down isn't going to change anything. Try harder, chuds.
Self harm doesn't count btw
They do understand invaders are killing them and will now kill them
See you on the streets faggot
>It’s not the 1980s anymore
Actually it's like 1984...
I wonder if they make out and suck each others tits when they are getting fucked ?
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>wtf! Who in the fuckin hell hyphenates workmen?

very orderly types who don't like disorder, anon. who knows what other diacriticals they might unleash if they feel cornered.
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These pics are actually pretty incredible. This one almost makes me nostalgic for some reason.
The age of Aquarius is highly racially segregated.
It's when old paradigms fail and old narratives break into pieces.
"We're all one human race" will be remembered as suicidal delusion.
"We're all One under God" will be written down as one of the biggest lies to fool the world.

You probably haven't thought of it in this way before, but the /pol/ way of thinking about niggers and spics and kikes is part of the age of Aquarius.
Not everything or everyone was created by God.
Only God's children get to live in His new world.
he spelled effected correctly
Holy fucking BASED, I can only hope the rest of Europe and NA will learn to follow your example
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Maybe you just have an inclination towards renaissance art style and leprechauns.
Seriously, it doesn't take much to break some windows, scrawl some graffiti, or even burn down a refugee housing center by yourself. With face coverings and some foresight its easy to do shit without getting caught. And things like that inspire others to get involved and stop being passive too
Godspeed Irelandanon
And on schedule the bong wanker appears.
many "asians" are native from Russia, not imigrants, just check How siberians looks like.
If a thousand people are committing crimes, the government can't catch all of them.

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