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Durham police say Manpreet Singh Gill is now facing a list of charges, including robbery; possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000; two counts of failing to comply with a release order; and eight counts of failing to comply with probation.


this is coming after the news of the pajeet truck driver who killed 16 kids after he crashed into a bus full of hockey players

This brings us to our pressing question of the day: what are we going to do about the crisis of pajeet driving test instructors passing all their fellow jeets who have no conception of operating a heavy vehicle in 1st world society?
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>Manpreet Singh Gill
>Import Indian hillbillies by the plane loads.
>They cause mayhem.
> Act surprised.
This was the same guy who was struck for stealing liquor at a LCBO, right?
non-whites dont belong in white countries, simple as.
instant bail, he leaves the country.
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>robbed an LBCO
yeah that's him
the pajeet will be the first of all the foreigners to be ethnically cleansed from the West.
It was the straw that broke the camels back.
the dams already leaking.
Everyone hates pajeets and all the fucking foreigners flooding this Country.
You cannot find a women of any background or color that doesn't hate the jeets. Even their own women fucking hate them. The bloodshed is going to be surreal. The jeets only know shit tier kike pilpul and it only enrages assimilated Canadians. Its going to get fucking wild. Nobody gives a shit about the government and the feel good immigrant bullshit now. Majority of people want these fucing subhuman scum shipped the fuck back. Ethnic Cleansing is 100% on the cards.
India has a might of way traffic system so this is to be expected.
Designated shitty driver...

That's all you had to say and I would have known it was a jeet. That place is fucked.
Yes, and there was only ONE news outlet to name the poo who did it, a fucking tabloid. The rest never named him or his race. Journos are infinitely more dangerous than the criminals they protect.
i cant even tell what country this is in. streetshitter horrorworld
Manpreet Singh isn't even his real name, they all use Singh as a generic fake male last name and koor as a generic female last name when they come here. I've met dozen of jeets named manpreet Singh. It's disgusting that they're allowed to come here and not even give their real credentials.
the funniest thing about this story is when it happened I just blurted out - probably indian driver, and a buddy of mine was like whoa anon that's a little racist don't you think, then a day later it came out it was an indian...that hit another family of indians.
white canadians should pay him for the emotional suffering and the rest of the white family should get free MAID. diversity is our strength and Canada needs MORE Hindi immigrants not less
They even named the victims. Globohomo propaganda can't get the rope soon enough.
So the stereotypes ARE true.
why does one of the news reports say he was a passenger? what the fuck? reporters are our enemy.
this. if anything he believed they were of lower caste and surely would move out of his way. this is canada's fault for the culture shock they have done to this man
I agree, allelujah. praise jesus

Man they didn't even check what side of the road we drive before coming here.
Just pure incel revenge fantasies. All this reveals is how impotent you are. You have done nothing so far, what makes you think one day people are just gonna start murdering indians? kek.
Good point. I hate to always talk about Jews but how can you avoid it, really? Jews went balls deep into journalism right from the beginning. They probably had free township newsletters 500 years ago to spew their vile propaganda
Please to be permitting me to remain in Canada. You're RACIST.
Jeets are the RAKES you leaf mother fuckers!
I find it funny how white people are simultaneously considered the most dangerous and evil people on the planet and also completely docile and helpless.
How do you reconcile contradictory thoughts like these?
this is an insult to their culture, shame on your country.

>jeet robs liquor store
>crashes into van full of other jeets
what are the odds eh?
more like day of the RAPE saar
>the drivers other car as in his hometown of brampton after leaving
In all seriousness, street-shitters love putting these vinyl gun decals or they're gibberish writing on their leased cars while blasting nigger music and pretending to be tough.
Same shit here, always some non-White who can't drive.

Demography is destiny.
Brampton is surreal
They either buy pickups or chargers and larp as rednecks, buy BMWs and larp as late 80s American yuppies, buy Harleys and larp as Hells Angels, or buy civics plaster them in moose walla stickers and larp as hood niggers.
Kek? Kek is that retards like you said the exact same things about national socialism in Germany.
You can't avoid it, it's them. It really is that simple and I know you know this. They murdered the Russian royal family and founded the Soviet Union and raped Europe, forming the Stasi. They set up the World Bank and IMF and the UN. They founded communist China by reforming its banking system and made them the first member state of the UN. It's always been them. We really do need to talk about them constantly, don't feel bad about doing it.
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Pajeets shouldn't be allowed to operate vehicles or have access to the internet.
If they want to do low skilled food delivery jobs or retail jobs, they should have to walk.
They aren't good for factory work which is why India doesn't really have many factories and they can't do manual labor so their use is quite limited.
It's not worth putting peoples lives at risk by allowing these basically useless subhumans access to vehicles. Any Pajeet operating a road vehicle should be imprisoned for no less than 5 years, before being deported.
Nigga you so t do shit. I wish you would so I’d join you, but white Canadians need to start the pajeet purge for others to follow
>Pajeet driving wrong way kills baby and 2 grandparents
>pajeet truck driver who killed 16 kids after he crashed into a bus full of hockey players
Same pajeet or different ones?
And they're held together with actual wood screws.
>The crash killed three members of a family travelling in a Nissan Sentra – 60-year-old Manivannan Srinivasapillai, his 55 year-old wife, Mahalakshmi Ananthakrishnan, and their three-month-old grandson, Aditya Vivaan.
And nothing of value was lost.
lmao kill snowniggers one car load at a time, Canada will be Khalistan soon.
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Canadians wont do shit. You will be replaced with Indians and you will die in the streets.
So where's the rest of it?

They voted for it
Were the kids wh*te? If so, good riddance.
>lmao kill snowniggers one car load at a time,
Read the story retard. They killed a car load of Pajeets.
Kys paki.

>Breach of probation
>Eight counts

Ahh this progressive society of ours.
I mean if my last name was unironically Sukdihk Gagdeep I'd change it to Singh too kek
Have you see how they drive andhow the streets are in India? Its a fuckin madhouse. total jam packed chaos, people going any witch way on everything from oxen to scooters to trucks. Just total chaos. These people don't into "rules of the road" like people in the west were trained in. Put someone like that on AMerican streets and he will drive anywhere, anytime, justbecause thats the attitude he grew up with. Meanwile a wester drivers thinks "oh surely he will sto....BAM". Its a BAD BAD fuckin combination.
no the victims were indian as well. have fun in your next knife fight Abdul
nope they were indian
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>The driver was Pajeet
>the victims killed were Pajeets
All we have to do is hand you retards a set of keys or let you access the train station and your fucking stupidity takes care of the problem by itself.
different one. pajeet 2 is currently reapplying for permanent residence after getting deported i shit you not
Every time I see a post like this from your flag, I screenshot it and tweet it to liberals including Chrystia Freeland.
I've seen Corollas with all the body panels either torn off or hanging on by a single plastic pin and flapping a foot into the next lane
Fucking Brampton drift missiles
People have no idea how bad it is:

>Gurprit Singh


>Sukhwinder Sidhu


>Lovepreet Singh


>Sahil Ghai


>Hardip Singh


>brown man according to witnesses, media refuses to name


>Gurpreet Singh
>Karambir Singh


>Jaskirat Singh Sidhu (killed 16 kids)


>Baljinder Singh


>Sukhvinder Singh Rai


I could do this all fucking day for Ontario alone. None of them were drunk... they just can't drive. This is DEIB. This is "our strength".

>transport truck crashes at 10 year high in ontario, sirs

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No one "voted" for it, dickhead jew
>white people are simultaneously considered the most dangerous and evil people on the planet
I have never thought this. You have been mindfucked by drugs, alcohol, porn, mass media into being completely ineffectual.
Especially cucknadians. You let 2 million village jeets in and you did nothing. Why do you think you are the same as other whites? you're not. you are rootless, your country is a post nation slave colony.
>white people don't season their food,
>you white devils raped and pillage 1/2 the known world for spices!

Schrodingers Spice?
I think you need to overthrow your current regime anon.
I dare you to drive down airport road at rush hour
>what are we going to do about the crisis of pajeet
you are going to keep complaining online and accomplish nothing while you are flooded by the brown hordes that increase gdp and produce more votes and tax money for politicians

thread over
I've seen jeets jump the median to make an exit off the 410, at 120 kph, over the curb and through the grass killzone, in brand new jeeps.
I've watched jeets nearly enter a highway, realize the traffic is moving a little too slow for their taste, and then kick their wives out of the car to direct cars behind them to the shoulder so they can reverse back up the on-ramp.
I've watched jeet truckers sail off ramps like they were attempting flight.
why do you need assault shitboxes?
I do. Don't even man. I'm not going to dox myself but I work in Brampton.
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Happens here too. Basically every time now you hear of a road fatality, people being killed by trains or people drowning at the beach you look up the names and it's a Pajeet.
They can't drive, they don't understand things like proximity to trains or how electricity works and they can't swim.
The worst thing they do is when they kill an innocent person they FUCKING LIE about it and the government has to waste millions of dollars to investigate and convict them.
You know God is a joker when he made all Pajeets Uber drivers.
every fucking news story
pajeets at the beach: shitting, drowning or groping
pajeets driving: killing some poor fucker
pajeets at the train station: groping or getting run over
Every accident in my life has been caused by
>or woman
every single one
>I do
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That isn't true. Over the past few months I've started making spurious complains at any store I go to that employs Pajeets and then the next time I go back there, the Pajeet is no longer working. I have gotten numerous Pajeets fired and I also made a series of complaints about one Pajeet in particular that lead to him being deported.
I have also contributed to Australian government policy to make it easier to deport Pajeets more rapidly.
Deport these two, and import 50 more until we find 2 that can fill these positions without killing people.
Repeat until everyone is dead.
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They're fucking everywhere. I see them everytime I go outside here in the Midwest. Reminder that there are more Indians still in India than there are people in all of Europe, Australia, Canada, USA, Mexico, and New Zealand combined.
I regularly pass three accidents in two blocks.
I have driven in every part of the GTA and surrounding regions and spent significant time working in all of them, and jeets are simply the worst drivers on earth. Bar none. Insurance rates will back that up.
It used to be the Chinese when they had a larger ratio, but then the jeets said hold my cow dung smoothie and proceeded to not only create record accident rates but ruin the safety of the entire trucking industry to boot.
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This is why Pajeets are only allowed to use trains
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A fucking Chink mowed down by a lying Pajeet, investigated and paid for by white Australian tax money. HONK HONK
Poojeets drive like shit and know it. They can't drive in any inclement weather and can barely drive on dry sunny days. Then pretend they aren't inconveniencing the native populous to feel good about themselves. Fake papers somehow entitle them to a drivers license, somehow. Even if they know the rules of the road and what the painted lines mean, they choose to shit up the streets, either on foot or in a car by causing so many unnecessary traffic jams or overpass collisions. As if they're still in india.

PS. Fuck off we're full
I'd like to say that it takes a shitload of pushing and prodding to get a genuinely angry reaction, but the more likely explanation is the "whites are a menace to society" crowd cannot grasp the fundamental concept that societies change and it's not the 1700s anymore, but that would also rob them of their perceives moral high horse of fighting for the underdog.
>that hit another family of indians.
Oh. Well then, who cares?
Literally it’s as simple as non Indian truck drivers cutting Indian drivers off in rear end safe areas. Get rear ended by Indian, sue them and take their license away. I’ve seen so many of them pulled over for speeding and driving like assholes, it’s never white drivers.
I guess you would know about getting flooded with curryniggers, Nigel. Use a meme flag next time.
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It's actually hillarious. I did a search on this a while ago looking for "Indian origin driver" and "road fatality" and probably 80% of the stories are just Pajeets killing other Pajeets or chinks.
500k pajeets should be executed to avenge the death of those people
>if I tell my golem minister what brown people think of me, she'll import fewer of them
you remind me of goats being led to the slaughter. you still think there's hope, lmao
Holy fuck, whoever prompted that is god.
shut the fuck up pajeet ill rip the towel off ur head and use it to wipe my filthy rotten asshole
Next you'll tell us to get their insurance
and you'll still be replaced, and your women will still breed with us, and the future is going to be a brown Canada, with actual culture for a change.
how does that make you feel? do you feel powerless at being unable to do anything about it? is it time to finally take control of your life, and end it?
The world was a completely different place in the time of the Nazis. Now every Western country has been flooded with non-whites who will always vote against far-right parties. You simply can’t win. Look at France, look at the UK
They have no business driving those rigs here or there. They don't know the laws and pollute every place they go.
>you still think there's hope
There is hope. And you can seethe as much as you want but you pretend like whites are going to be extinct in the next 10 years and it isn't going to happen.
Many more migrants from Europe and South Africa are coming to Australia now. It is actually getting MORE WHITE.
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>wrong way crash

The guy was actively evading police. For a few bottles of liquor. That's even worse. Abbo tier.

>incident of truck crashing into bus of hockey player

They have the ability to drive trucks to a 6/10 level, which is perhaps passable. Perhaps not.

However, the issue is that they want their job to be easier, so, they don't go to a stop and shift down a dozen gears, because they will need to shift up a dozen gears. Also, some want the income and do jobs which they know they are absolutely terrible at. Indians are covert abbos
Look at any video of people driving in India and you'll understand why Indians are such bad drivers. There are basically no rules on the road in India, it's a chaotic free for all where swarms of divers just randomly pivot towards where they need to go at any given moment without any sort of overall structure or order to it
kek this
That's kinda crazy. Regardless, historically, it's the gov't that is the most dangerous actor.
Every day you wake up and look in the mirror and see a brown person. How humiliating. I can't even imagine the shame.
I'm here to stay and there is actually nothing you can or will do about it. white people are done for. you were something 20-40 years ago, now you are weak and spineless. every race noticed this.
Makes me hope for a monumental catastrophe to stop the mud flood. If they can't get over here so fucking easily they won't get here. They're basically delivered here. None of those retarded shitskin peasants could figure out how to make it to the west without kike NGOs.
there's like 50 cities in India more populous than all of Australia. feel defeated yet?
If their last name has Singh, they likely are low caste, and hid their surname?
what a shit race kek
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>everyone in the story is a Jeet
Quality over quantity. Everyone likes Australians way more than Indians and for good reason
The sikhs and Sri Lankans are interesting. I thought Sikhs and Sri lankans were like Indians, and Indians were half okay. But, every Indian I met literally scammed other Indians for peanuts, or was scammed by Indians. They have a hatred of each other.
I'll stop trolling for a bit and answer this. It means they're Sikh. Usually they have a surname after Singh (eg your Khalistani MP Jagmeet Singh is actually Jagmeet Singh Dhaliwal), but I don't know if it's just sloppy reporting by your media, or if people just hide it in Canada.
One fatass white Australian is worth ten thousand Indians. Also we will just link up with China and Pakistan to flatten all of your villages. Verification not required.
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No because you live there, surrounded by your own trash and filth in your overpopulated hellscape. And you probably will until the day you die.
When you do die, your corpse will be tossed into the Ganges river and eaten by stray dogs.
Your Hijra discord has clearly switched from
>Hahaha we killed the whites, India is winning Sarr
>Driver was Indian, killed other Pajeets
>Saar we are taking over there is nothing you can do
To try and demoralize us. But we're just laughing at you as always. There is nobody here more demoralized than you Pajeets.
You seethe here every single day and get shit on constantly, you are entirely buckbroken and get baited very easily. You are here for our amusement and that is how you choose to spend your life, a willing victim of extreme cyber bullying.
The problem is white people are still too comfortable. When the prospect of dying by cop or jail doesn't matter, that's when shit will hit the fan.
I'm all too familiar with street-shitters and their driving habits in Brapton.
I swear the 15 living in 3 bedroom house meme is obviously real because you can look at the 3 cars in the driveway and 4 more all parked in front of every house because they have their grandmother from India living in the garage. Brapton is the main cause of the terrible traffic in the GTA because every street-shitter drives a car to timmies then to their warehouse job at Amazon.

There must be a a dozen pajeet diversity hires in the banks and dealerships that are giving these uninsured dalits car loans and mortgages through DEI programs. Or because they pool their incomes the household net looks high and they get the preferential loans
okay back to your regular programming
yeah and there will still be more of us. if you want the future to look like you, find someone who looks like you and breed with her, instead of chasing negresses, asian ice queens, or hormone replacement therapy.
That poor doggo gonna get sick.
What the fuck you gonna do about it white boy ?
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very based
there's no discord. there's just a billion of us, and we do it for free. demoralizing white shits is its own reward.
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We will never forgive them for this.
Total whitey death
>yeah and there will still be more of us.
That isn't a good thing. Quite the opposite. Every single Pajeet shit out onto the designated street makes the world a worse place to be.
Bragging about living in an overpopulated shithole and being Poocels isn't a win for you. It's a loss for everyone else, including yourself.
You came to the west to enjoy 1-2 generations of prosperity while you actively work to destroy it. The shithole you came from sucks because your people are the ones living there. Everywhere you go will inevitably turn to shit no matter what because shit people = shit country, simple as. Your kids/grandkids won't get to enjoy prosperity off the backs of the native population like you did so from their standpoint there will be no difference vs. had you just stayed in India to begin with
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They're all street-shitters anon. Some just have much more stupid hats.
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>there's no discord.
We know all about your discords and telegrams. They've all been infiltrated.
Yeah these whiteys are hypocrites. I hope my Elliot Rodgers and half breeds gets created and destroys them. Thank God for our caste system.
yes, yes, make sure to clutch this cope tightly when you're being buried in a tsunami of brown immigrants.
a couple months back some pajeet was trying to teach his wife how to drive in my parents neighborhood and she drove into someone's backyard and into their living room.
if it makes you feel so relevant, sure. in truth, I'm a wagie from Noida who is due to start his shift in 12 minutes. I do this not because some group of weaklings compels me, I do it because deflating whiteboi egos makes me hard.
Investing in your shithole to make it livable?
>Manpreet Singh Gil
Good saarname
As I said previously, there are many more migrants from Europe and South Africa coming here now and I expect as Europe gets more shit, even more whites will come to this white majority country.
Infact it is very noticeable when I go outside and I live in the most "diverse" part of my city. Way more new whites, less Pajeets.
fuck u pajeet go rape a cow u fucking piece of shit curry nigger
>Also we will just link up with China and Pakistan to flatten all of your villages.
You won't do shit. This is what I hate about you whiteys, you always try to team up instead of fight like a man. You do this with blacks, Chinese and now muslims. You guys need to be eradicated for fucking up the peace.
> do it because deflating whiteboi egos makes me hard.
The driver was a Pajeet. The people he killed were Pajeets.
How were whites defeated by this?
where do u work? at the scam centre? u fucking curry nigger
I always get uneasy when I see these fucks and their Canadian plates on the road here, yes they send them down here a lot.
I love the shakey attempt at back talk jeet men try when I yell my order at you effeminate fags at the drive through. I can hear the pajeeta coworker pussies drying up as they look at you.
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3rd worlders love dragging down and destroying anything they cant have or create out of envy.
You didn't invest, you looted and created chaos.
> you always try to team up instead of fight like a man. You do this with blacks, Chinese and now muslims
Why put white boots on the ground when we can just outsource and pay for you shitskins to kill yourselves?
It's a viable business strategy and it's been working for decades. Don't get mad Poojeet.
The bottles he was stealing were technically tax dollars because the liquor store is a crown corporation.
He also fled the liquor store in fear of a white guy...
preventing you from being genocided by the chinks?
fuck u pajeet modi is a pedophile modi rapes kids !
Every time you take the choo(poo) choo(poo) express remember who to thank stinky.

>verification not required
>digits: 1008 (Yuga)

I understand your culture and history deeply and despite this lack of arrogance I still find you repulsive. As does the majority of the world.
There are a lot of stories of Pajeets stealing from liquor stores.
Little known fact is many Pajeets are alcoholics and they actually drink a fuck ton of whisky in India.
I guess being drunk helps them cope with the fact they are Pajeets.
AI generated and he still looks like shit, kek
Yet when you see an Indian dominated town you shit your pants and cry on the internet. So many hahahaha

It won't work now since we are all trying to destroy israel and make the Russians and ukrainians kill each other.

The Indian and Chinese has shared a border and lived in peace for 5000 years. Even the Chinese knowing about India did not send any army, instead they sent monks to learn about our religion. Only you mullahs and whites do the violence.
>deflating whiteboi egos makes me hard
everything about you effeminate little turds is creepy. Even the chinks manage to win a few Olympic medals every once in a while, but even with 1.5B people, you niggers can't muster even a handful of decent athletes.
Maybe one day they'll make gangrape an Olympic sport and then you fags will be less embarrassing
You think that's scary?
Go for an AZ or DZ in Brampton. You'll get a guy who literally can't speak English and you're passing that class by the end of the day no matter fucking what. Then you're retaking the license exam until you either bullshit a pass or send your similar looking cousin to do the exam for you.
shut the fuck up pajeet we will nuke the shit outta ur shit hole country
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>It won't work now since we are all trying to destroy israel
You win the cope of the day award for this post.
Go get a hindu statue built maple syrup beaver bitch
> only whites do the violins
Canada NZ already went down the route of "Fuck having skilled truck drivers, lets bringing Indians and pay them minimum wage"

Constantly there were trucks tipped over on the motorway, trucks in ditches and people lost their lives.

Within 10 years truck companies realised they fucked up and went back to hiring Kiwis and Polynesians again.
>Constantly there were trucks tipped over on the motorway, trucks in ditches and people lost their lives.
> look I damaged your community I win
Yeah but the entire population of Canada is waking up because you have no class, and aren’t very good at being sneaky.

Lord knows you jeets try but its difficult to scam a population that is smarter than you.
shut the fuck up pajeet I will beat the shit outta ur stinky ass
ill knock the last tooth outta ur stinking mouth u stinky curry nigger
Your country is known for scams, shit all over the street and annoying, rapey men who even white women wont stick up for.

You are literally bottom of the barrel, even lower then Africans.
lmao that's me told
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Gill sounds like an anglo name. Let’s direct t(e blame to where it belongs please - THE JEWS.
Why is every post-colonial society like this?
If you look at India or Africa they were all much better before they kicked out evil whitey. The colonists attracted foreign investors, built infrastructure and provided a stable currency and government which attracted even more investors.
Then you kick them out, neglect your infrastructure and turn into your modern selves on a constant downward trajectory.
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>You are literally bottom of the barrel, even lower then Africans.
Yet you accept us by the thousands to come to your country and make you mad. It's okay mommas boy
While those car crashes are horrible and need to be properly addressed and we have to do everything to prevent things like that to happen, I have reasons to suspect that anti-Indian rhetoric is artificially boosted for political reasons, relating to how India behaves on the international political stage, being too chummy with Russia and all. Remember how they were paraded as "the largest democracy" in the media like two years ago or even more recently?
Indians are actually deranged. 5,000 years of degeneration and envy will do that I guess.
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ohhh so ur the one scam calling me everyday ? ill put a boot up ur ass and falcon punch ass face back to india pajeet
Fucking Americans..
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>I have reasons to suspect that anti-Indian rhetoric is artificially boosted for political reasons
So you've gone from cheering about "killing whites" to realizing that the people killed were Pajeets,to your demoralization cope script, and now you're doing the "Pajeet hate isn't organic" cope?
I bet you can smell the curry coming out of your pores from 500 meters away. You all fucking stink.
We don't like white people get out. Just build our shit and leave. Go to east Asia, they will tolerate you. Just don't come to our country with your faggotry
Why are we like this?
Do they even understand its kike political trickery that even got them here?

If your such a superior race why do you want to repopulate with white women.

Its such an obvious contradiction. You know how inferior you are thats why you desperately want to be less Indian.

It sucks on some level we all pity you but that tolerance is running thin. We don’t need short angry incels without morals in the country. Simple as.

As soon as trudeau is gone you can look forward to ten thousand students being sent back the fuck home.
lmfao, internet tough guy over here. want to bet your mother is busy taking Indian cock, because circumcised white pp just doesn't do it for her anymore?
Trucking is the only job Indian “men” do that even approaches blue collar work, they all fall over themselves to be subservient cucks doing women’s pink collar jobs. And they get zero pussy for it lmao, having to serve tall white men coffee all day.
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>You all fucking stink.
Yet the white women love us and are amazed by our Hinduism and yoga
anyway this was fun, death to whites, death to snowniggers, your countries will be browned, your woman crossbred, and you can't do anything about it.
Pot, meet kettle.
It's not like you're keeping the home fires burning for us.
A Brampton friend was telling me how they'll scam auto insurance by putting it under a guy about to go back home and then the rest all share the one car and if they get into an accident insurance doesn't pay because only the insurance holder is on the hook and only if he was driving or some such thing.
where u at curry nigger? at some shed with 10 other jeets? come fight me like a man
And you'll still be in the shithole of India.
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1st law
Pajeets mentally breaking down after being BAITED with this thread
>Saar we are killing whites
>driver and victims were Pajeets
>complete head bobbling shit flinging ensues as Pajeets seethe
all white women I talked to find u fucking disgusting
>If your such a superior race why do you want to repopulate with white women.
Never said that, you whiteys do that and created mutt America.

>It sucks on some level we all pity you but that tolerance is running thin
What the fuck are you gonna do ? Cry on the internet
True. My gf got home from work and told me this story.

She asked her coworkers what men they don’t date and one of them said “Indian” and walked out of the breakroom.

This was in front of pajeetas who work there and they didn’t have a problem with it.
>Caring about a woman's opinion
are these poos illegal immigrants? how the fuck can they afford housing
imagine the smell.
They live 20 to a 3 bedroom apartment.
I'm not even joking.
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You dumb fucks could have simply looked at what happened to Germany.
Australia has 60% of your GDP while having 1/60th your population. Feel pathetic yet?
Sometimes they don't even bother living in the basement.

In Toronto


That whole area is FUCKED lol.

The only part of the GTA that is still semi-ok is York region.. and that's because it's a Chinese and Persian ethnostate enclave that actively keeps Indians out. Even York region is a disastrous situation by any metric , but it's still far far better than being flooded by Indians like the rest of Toronto.
>Cheering about killing whites
Hell no, Bruce, friendly fire. Those cheering about dead white people, well, they must go to hell. I'm just saying that I believe that you have other minorities who bring more trouble to Anglo societies per capita than Indians. Are they really the worse or is there suddenly a green light for racism towards a particular group that was considered friendly just a couple of years ago? Did they really drop the ball so badly?
i mean no visa no nothing just hop on a plane and lands in fuckin canada and stay there holy kek
I WISH you were isolationist and separationist. I fucking WISH, but you're NOT.
Brown people LOVE Whites and can't stop trying to be neighbors with them.
>this is coming after the news of the pajeet

Sikhs are not pajeets they're Khalistani and they are hunted by the Indian govt. and protected by Tradeu. Kill them all terrorists. Better yet do not even try to deport them to India, keep them and put them in jail and let them rot there. Ask Tradeu why is he protecting them if you want answers, posting on pol will not solve your issues.
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Actual humans are getting real sick and tired of your poo antics.
Nice effortpost. Aligns with my suspicions. The number of negative data indicators is going to astonish people in the coming decades…assuming they are allowed to be published.
you are different smears of the same shit. stop pretending you're different
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>I'm just saying that I believe that you have other minorities who bring more trouble to Anglo societies per capita than Indians
The problem is that Pajeets come in much higher numbers so the problems they cause are more magnified.
>Are they really the worse or is there suddenly a green light for racism towards a particular group that was considered friendly just a couple of years ago?
It's increased exposure to them.
>Scambaiting channels on youtube, massive amounts of India scammers harassing people in the west
>increase in Pajeet migration and increase in rapes, road fatalities and falling standard of living, areas with Pajeets in them get notably more filthy and pajeets in general fucking stink and are very obnoxious people
>massive increase in the amount of Pajeets on the internet, who all insist on being in white spaces
People hate Pajeets because they inflict themselves on us. If they stayed in India, didn't scam us or come to our countries or shit up every single website, they wouldn't be as hated as they are. But they just won't ever stop so the hate increases.
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Someone did a really based video on this

>Maximum Odordrive:

See here>>475681642
All the names you mentioned are sikh Khalistani names with towels on their head. When the Indian govt killed them Tradeu raised an international cry in your pillow movement, why is he protecting them? Why do Canadians loves terrorists and why did Canada allow them in their country without proper verifications? You ask for uneducated terrorists and rowdy people and that's what you get. Round them up and put all of them prison for life. Anyone who commits crim3 should be executed.
death by train, now
Is that a confirmed jeet in the video?

Looks more like one of those baked potato whites in florida that never heard of sunscreen.

Could be a jeet I honestly can’t tell.
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It's really a nobrainer to figure out why Pajeet hate exists or why it is increasing. Look at how they act in this thread. This is how they all are.
there was a larp thread the other day of some native guy who says his guys have kidnapped and killed over 500 people in the canadian wilderness. he said the wilderness is so vast out there that nobody will ever find the bodies. it was definitely a massive larp and fake af but a very fascinating read if one entertained the fictional scenario for a minute.
How are so many indian's getting into Canada anyways? In the US, we have the southern border, or lack thereof, but what is Canada's excuse when there are several oceans separating Canada and India.
Absolute 100% self-defense acoording to Masad Ayoob's triad of self defense. Ability, opportunity, and jeopardy.
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He got redeemed
There's like 8 beds and 25+ dudes. Where are the rest of the beds?
>street-shitters love putting these vinyl gun decals or they're gibberish writing on their leased cars while blasting nigger music and pretending to be tough.
Something I observed even from an extremely young age is that jeets are physically incapable of feeling shame or self-awareness. They give me second hand embarrassment just because they exist. Acting like white people is something all races try to do, but acting like niggers? That's a new fucking low.

And you're a retard, you let your government import people in your country without any verification and now you're crying to pol.

Why don't you cry to your government tiny dick incel? Last 10 yrs it was chinese who was buying real estate and now it's Indians, who's your next scapegoat chud? Blame your government for being lenient on these assholes and yet again round these fuckers up and put them in labor camps. They're your problem now, do not send them to India, send them to Africa or middle east so they can create their own shithole there.
It is vast but you have a higher chance of getting away with it in large cities.

If they actually organize a search its very effective. We don’t have as much thick forest as people think.

Our RCMP is also very good at mapping most areas and the amount of rangers out there makes it unlikely the bodies will never be discovered.
Are poos magnetic or something?
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They keep each other company
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>sikhs crying about Hindus
>Hindus crying about sikhs
>Pakis crying about Sikhs and Hindus
You're all the same
yes saar show peen and bussine
there was also a pâjeet driver who killed a mother and her son he was filmed being onh his cell phone before the crash happened (the company he worked with ahd a camera set up in the cab, straight on the driver)
Second one was a Paki who drove his rig inot stopped cars, killed a few, including burned alive; turns out the Quebec-DMV, the SAAQ, allowed him to drive even if he was on heavy medication and his licence was shaky at best.
But hey, got to keep the economy going! Gett'em trucks rolling!
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>You're all the same
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Wife was a cute Mexican
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Pajeet logic.
What about the Humbolt Bronco’s? Not trying to diminish the tragedy of this incident by stating that.

F to that family & F to the Bronco’s.

T. Sask lad in exile?
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actual lol
High chance nothing of value was lost. Brainless defeated whites
poos, explain this! what on earth?
he is of southern india
they do not drive on roads they walk and sometimes slow drive
they do not drive with rules

but it is not all indians!!
Id bet she calls him string bean and he reluctantly goes to bed when she calls from upstairs.

> just maybe I won’t have to leave if I do this
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It's not just jeets bruh. It's niggers, sand niggers, chinks, spics, nigger-loving whites, and all other non-white ethnicities.
this has to be the fucking onion
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>I have white woman saaaarrr. I'm chad Aryan saaaarrrr!

Your opinion doesn't matter when you can't even ask a simple question to your govt. Heck you can't even respond to my questions you chud because you have no knowledge about anything.

You found a forum where you don't have to register and just post gibberish over here with no actual thought process behind it. You must be unemployed, what happened did all the towelheads, Africans and Chinese and pajeets took the jobs while you're sitting at your mom's basement sipping maple syrup and posting on the "secret club forum"? Or you're just a shill using a VPN who is desperate for (((YOU))).

Ask these questions to your govt. You voted them in and why did they let all these assholes enter the country without due verification?

How did chinks bought all prime real estate? how did all African negroes entered? How did these pajeet terrorists got a red carpet welcome in the country? How did all the mudslimes from middle east create all these islamic zones in Canada?
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double check'd. Not sure, but it does make one cry when you pontificate the redolence.
>Saar you can't ask the government
>i'm raping this lizard right now
>why don't you ask the government about it saar they didn't make a law to stop me
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Sorry Jagmeet, stopped reading after your first sentence. I don't invest my time in streetshitter issues. I only invest my time in spreading streetshitter hate
>How are so many indian's getting into Canada anyways?
1. My government hates me and wants my people to no longer exist
2. The GDP must increase
All you ever achieve with this line of thought is instigating whites to have a revolution against their own government, a revolution in which all law and order would be torn down and Pajeets would be genocided because there would be no police to protect them.
Instead of blaming the government, you should learn to take personal responsibility for being obnoxious parasites, like a grown ass adult.

Proven as written here>>475683507

Go cry in your pillow like the sissy Tradeu. You are a child who knows nothing.
>be me
>see headline
>that's unfortunate
>see that it was shit eaters
>they deserved it
>Ask these questions to your govt. You voted them in and why did they let all these assholes enter the country without due verification?
The government holds the view that you subhumans are capable of being functional members of society. You aren't.
the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.
He worships cows
Low IQ jeets are a menace
You are a shitjeet who knows nothing. You cry in your pillow every fucking day because you are not white, and you are hated. You desperately want to be acknowledged as anything but a shit smeared subhuman parasite and you never will be.
India will never be a superpower, you will never be a billionaire CEO. You will probably be a virgin for the rest of your life because women despise you. But you seethe on here all day because the slightest critism of India makes you throw a giant temper tantrum. You are so easily baited nobody even has to try to get you angry, impotent man children to lose your shit coping.
This is gud
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British Columbia has something like 40% of all of Canada’s missing persons cases.

I knew someone, this lady who was a life drawing model who disappeared during a hike on the north shore in metro Vancouver, she was on a hike with a dozen different people and has not been discovered after almost a decade of being missing.

Also look into the Highway of Tears with the number of missing compared to the number of bodies that have been recovered. Young women have gone missing, children have gone missing(Michael Dunahee) even entire families have gone missing.

My sis lives in Victoria and the Dunahee case is particularly hard hitting to her and her fiancé and their friends groups because he is literally around their age and the Victoria police had a suspect who for what ever reason they let go. I was able to piece together information based off of what had been publically disclosed & I might have found the obituary of the killer due to his online memorial site having a picture of him with the very distinct Brown VW camper van that was sighted at the crime scene and also reported for suspicious creeper behaviour beforehand.

With regards of what you said and the original topic, read up on what happened to Somalian gang members who tried setting up shop in northern Alberta like a decade ago, with dozens of them disappearing and turning up murdered it’s not like any arrests have been made but they should have known better not to try to set up shop on turf that isn’t their own.

https://urbanaffairs.ca/edmonton-ish/deaths-in-the-family/ I had Eritrean & Ethiopian classmates who put aside their national rivalries out of a common hatred for Somalians. I heard stories from my Eritrean friend how the Somalians would go to weddings that they didn’t know the bride or groom of just to start shit and attack guests who they had targeted ahead of time.

Canada is huge & lot of it is wilderness, it’s not like most of the people who go missing are even found.
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Pakistan is doing so much better?

That entire fucking region needs the cleansing power of fire.
You know the best part he killed pajeets in the accident.

> The crash killed three members of a family travelling in a Nissan Sentra – 60-year-old Manivannan Srinivasapillai, his 55 year-old wife, Mahalakshmi Ananthakrishnan, and their three-month-old grandson, Aditya Vivaan.

>The baby's parents – Gokulnath Manivannan and Ashwitha Jawahar – were taken to hospital, but survived the crash. The grandparents had been visiting from India to spend time with their new grandson.

That's rich coming from a ugly abbo. Those are genuine question which the down syndrome leaf couldn't even answer because he knows nothing.

You're not even relevant on the world stage besides selling coal to chinks because of which your economy runs.
hahahahah. Nice VPN country choice to post that comment with you stupid jeet lmao. thanks for revealing your thoughts. >>475676128

hahaha. thanks for proving my point in my original comment. You practice shitskin mentatilty low IQ kike pilpul. You walk the plank yourselves lmao. Thank YOU. YOU are the reason that the White Man will awaken lmao. It aint even the White Man, its all assimilated Westerners. These are Christian Lands. You're in an awful position. I'm actually trying to help you jeets. I pose no direct threat to anyone, but you are making the populace very very angry. Your wisest choice is to return to your homeland. I've never seen such open hositility to a 'ethnic' group before in my life here. You guys just can't fit in. it just isn't going to work.
Theres this old saying , maybe you've heard it?
When in Rome, do as the Romans. Not the jeet
Kick a pajeet in the face as part of the visa process. It'll wake them up and understand where in the food chain they rightfully sit.

That is highly subjective, I would not fuck that thing for all of the ammunition in the world.
>another x thread
elon is desperate
>what are we going to do
Nothing. You are unwilling to change your leaders.
The hillbilly distinction is pointless.
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We're much more relevant than India ever has been or ever will be.
We're just a tiny colony and we totally shit on you. You literally beg to get in this country for the opportunity to work because there are no jobs or opportunities in your overpopulated filthy slum country of low IQ stinky subhumans.
Pfaelzer sounds awfully similar to pfizer. I wonder if there's a etymological connection there?
Canadians are so fucking pathetic
He hit and killed an Indian family
Doing God’s work, especially for your countrymen, who may not know or appreciate your doings. Bravo.
On a related note, this is why I feel the push for “just get into the trades, just do blue collar work” (that’s flooded with beaners and pajeets), is to prevent whites from getting educated so that we can take the reins of the government and institutions and turn it back in our favor.

That’s not to say that a regular farmer or welder can’t become congressmen, but the vast majority of them are “college educated”, and may have a better understanding of all the legalese and related bullshit
>"what are we going to do"
Vote Trudeau or a streetshitter as Prime Minister. Unironically. Just do this. This country has to totally crash and burn to the ground before we can revitalize it. Let's just make the process faster.
Pretty much. Too bad he didn't take out the parents too, they will likely shit out 12 more jeets
Post your real flag
Holy shit man, those curry niggers are really really disgusting, even for my standards

Change the govt abbo. You couldn't even change it when the chinks threatened your economy with coal, your kangaroo country is worth nothing and highly irrelevant. How many niggers have come via boat from Africa? Whats your govt doing about it abbo? When the whites invaded your land and got you hooked to alcohol and gambling all you could fo was sit in a corner and cry like the ugly abbo you are and here you are trying yo interject yourself in a conversation to support a leaf who suffers from down syndrome and is simple minded retard.
Hindu rape apes see nothing wrong with rape. Their shit religion teaches that women are meant to be raped, and enjoy rape. This is how sick and evil the Hindus are
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Just saw this looking up an older story.. found this instead.
Read the article, he killed pajeets.
>Just got an amber alert for a missing 8 year old in the Durham area
The poos are at it again
Even when they're overseas they can't escape the Indian apex predator on fixed rails.
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>this is why I feel the push for “just get into the trades, just do blue collar work” (that’s flooded with beaners and pajeets)
I've never once seen a Pajeet in this country doing any kind of manual labor. Mostly they are food service or retail workers.
All trades here are heavily unionized and very white. I don't think it would be possible for Pajeets to make many inroads into blue collar work because the Unions and the Labor party are basically the same thing.
>Change the government Saar it's their fault I shit on the street
Still repeating the same cope.
>How many niggers have come via boat from Africa? Whats your govt doing about it abbo?
Virtually none? IF they come by boat they get sent to immigrant detention facilities offshore and then deported.
>When the whites invaded your land and got you hooked to alcohol and gambling all you could fo was sit in a corner and cry
The irony
Let's be honest, abbos likely came from India way back
Durham, Ontario? Durham, North Carolina is also completely filled to the brim with jeets.
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this is beautiful, more of these please on all other nations? absolute peak comfy post

Omg cricket lol! No body gives a shit about a dying sport. Soccer is where it's at but abbos don't know much about sports besides gambling . SAD for you that all you had was a screenshot of something highly irrelevant that no one cares about except shithole third world countries.
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Pretty high chance boongs are just a slightly more evolved version of Pajeets.
Keke same.

This story is from canada though. Both durhams are overrun with jeets.
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It was the white’s fault for being in the way of a brown person. Plus they said pajeet which is worse than saying nigger.
we didnt get a high speed pursuit viewing out of this? what a tragedy
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>Omg cricket lol! No body gives a shit about a dying sport.
Uh huh
>no one cares about except shithole third world countries.
Like you and your third world shithole being invaded by negroes from Africa and chinks from china
They don't care. Crabs in bucket mentality. In the US it's spics who hate gringos and just want our country to be as shitty as mejico is. When it gets to that point (and it is quickly on its way), they aren't going to think "what have we done" they will just seek their next bottle of tequila and find another relative to molest just like they do in their native land. And they'll still find a way to blame the white man for their troubles.
Browns are wholly incompatible with white society.
Pajeets are taking many truck driving jobs in Southern California, and some other Canadian border patrol anon says that like 70% of the drivers coming across the border are pajeets , but h turns them away since they cut holes in the floors of the trucks and just shit out of that, spraying shit all over the axels and undercarriage. He says he turns them all away due to health and safety violations, but some still get through :(
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>Soccer is where it's at but abbos don't know much about sports
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>abbos don't know much about sports besides gambling

You're right! I was shocked when I found out Trump chose a VP whose wife is a brownnoid shitskin from India. Why would Trump do that? He must have lost his critical thinking and probably like Biden a wandering mumbling buffoon. You lose in the upcoming election whether you vote right or left! Shame
Based as fuck video.
>India today
Nice one kanglesh
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Norman Borlaug and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race...
Personably responsible for dropping the average global IQ at least 10 points.
Just burger things...

Lmao 2 third world shitholes countries comparing scores. France, Germany, Brazil, Portugal, England is where it's at ! You're nothing, try again in 100 yrs.
yoyu can always replae a bbaby and ganmparents but imagine hahve to remove the brownskinned sacred cow worshipper of the holy spiritual land of sacred india
pedophilia is also another huge problem in Hinduism, as well as incest. Pretty much every indian girl gets sexually abused by her father, uncle, or brothers. India actually needs feminism because indian women are actually oppressed.
Wrong, millhouse says we need young international students to drive truck.
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Ahh yes, the famous designated shitting trucks.
>! I was shocked when I found out Trump chose a VP whose wife is a brownnoid shitskin from India.
All that has done is proven something everyone already knew.
Indian women were made for BWC.
Australia is a small colony with a population of 27 million people. Even we mog India. Seethe harder.
The poo you have pictured is a Muslim.
then there is the matter of the caste system in Hinduism, which is extremely racist and has oppressed 250 million dalits in India. As a result, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and there is no concept of community or civil sense. This is why anywhere indians go, they trash and turn the place into shit. They take their shit indian mentality with them anywhere they go. Indians are not compatible with modern civilization.
>ndian women were made for BWC

The BWC myth sigh*. If that was true white women won't run to negroes for BBC.

You must be mistaken abbo. I'm laughing at you and the retard leaf for "assuming things. You did put an effort by googling charts, pics and whatnot. Kangaroo were known as top banters 10 or maybe 7 yrs ago but you are not one of them. Old roos wouldn't have to type paras and post pics, their words were enough and they commanded appreciation and laughs.

You're just a nobody, a newfag child ! Shame, wasted my time hoping for some bants but all I got was uneducated , half baked no sense retardeness from idiots.
>If that was true white women won't run to negroes for BBC.
what kind of cope is this

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