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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>'anti-semitism bad', dan andrews tells jews at synagogue

>albanese flooding australia with pajeets

>kfc trials ai to handle tendies orders from incels

>gladys beri-jew-whatever fails to overturn icac corruption finding

>mpox (formerly monkeypox) spikes in australia

>png chimp out, many dead
Jews circumcise baby boys. This is not consensual, it is a pedophilia blood cult ritual.

All Jews should be given the option to die or repent. Repent involves sterilisation to prevent more cult victims.
You can just get that close to them?
archive dot israel
noice, using the worst possible option for archiving as archive.today is the most shady service out there.
fuck goys right?
.is is iceland
.il is israel
>kfc trials ai to handle tendies orders from incels
Still don't understand why everyone keeps trying to shoehorn AI into shit that it clearly doesn't need
Pretty sure a touchscreen would do the trick just fine
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Wew lad, must have mist your bake by minutes.

Sydney men charged over wrestling match with police, had firearms.

Sydney airport workers on strike.

Coons say violence is cultural payback.

Millions of Aussies are povo.

French chateau cheaper than Sydney dog box.

Illegal baccy drives growth in tobacco shops.

What the ever loving fuck is for breakfast lads?

Shut the fuck up Floof.
Only when they're out of order.
Why the fuck would the archive jews want to track activity like this?
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>>mpox (formerly monkeypox) spikes in australia
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who the fuck are you to fucking lecture me?
arcive.today is the worst web archiving service out there, it's not clear who is funding it, they are known to actively violating privacy / actively tracking users
What's up aussie bros why don't you fucks play more disc golf? Barely any courses in your country.
What's that? I'm not clicking archive.today links
It's for weak gutted dogs
Like I needed another reason to hate Dan Andrews
I am a Christian
Go play some mini golf and then say that shit
minigolf is for faggots
just syaing
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>png chimp out, many dead
We're gonna annex them to justify our entry into ww3 so why not just annex them now and pacify the land before we Kakoda 2.0 it?
genuinely dont know how people get by with less than $1000 in the bank. living with parents atm saving up for a deposit and me and the missus got 70k and im about to king hit the nearest cunt how the fuck havent people with less than $1000 gone postal yet?
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>Zionist Dan Andrews is under investigation for spying for the terrorist pro-zionist israeli government
Also responsible for the longest fake news covid lockdown in the world
We are making a png nrl team. That is the start.
It's nice to see s real thread
You're just an upside down french flag to me.
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Don't talk to the fur tranny
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>What retards believe
Top tier.
In 2005, I fucked Mike V on the train tracks behind a Ross Dress for Less. Man, his ass could grip. Real tight, not a hair on it, and a sphincter you could only dream of. I had fun at first. But he was so weirdly macho about it. He kept saying things like "thats right bitch, am I gonna make you nut?" and "fucking fag I bet you can't wait to bust in my fat hairy man ass hahaha faggot". I just ignored him and kept railing. He continued unironically calling me his bitch and a fag as he had several hands free prostate orgasms spilling seminal fluids onto the train tracks, getting more angry and dominant after each one. "Yea i bet you like dudes. You look like a pussy" he'd say "I cant even feel your limpdick bitch." I just kept clapping, wondering wtf is up with him. After about 20 minutes of railing Mike's boypussy, drenched in sweat and his cream, I finally got a nut off despite his constant berating and degrading comments. He immediately hopped off, laid flat on his back and bent his legs over his head so the cum dripped out of his asshole directly into his mouth. "The fuck you looking at? You like this gay boy?" He kept saying. After he got every last drop. He cackled like a rooster and punched me in the face as hard as he could. He nearly broke his hand, but I was fine. "Fucking fag" he said as he limped off into the sunset, shaking his wrist. That was the first and last time I fucked Mike V on the train tracks behind the Ross Dress for Less
Why would you save such a gay pasta.
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>The jew of 4chan wants you to think Australia is upside down in real life
Keep alert!
I hope little Wah Wah is ok.
Quick ring Ben Fordham and check.
Imagine the ABC running this story after their own Media Watch program proved it was total bullshit.
Fuck wah wah, Jimi (((Hendrix))) sucked
well the French flag is Blue-White-Red, you can't make a russian flag from the french one by turning it upside down
you are a regular ordinary uneducated cunt for me.
>So does Kirk Hammet
This is filth
Fair enough.
Church functions had me playing dodgeball, batting cages, minigolf and the like. At ages 12-14 there were still girls excited to do this.
You're still french you're just too prideful to admit it. I forgive you.
Who the fuck is Mike V?
Why weren't the churches making you perform charity? They made you idle instead?
Some old bitch parked in front of my house, hopped out and smoked a cigarette, and then drove off.
back in my days (C) (TM) most kids (including me) were into motorcycles/guns/shooting/hunting.
why would you go to church when you can tinker with your motorcycle and then go for a ride with your mates?
most of the times cops didn't bother to go after us but sometimes they did and we had to run for our lives lol it was fun
daily reminder: Australians are penal colony rape babies, and if you are Australian most likely your great great grandmother was a prostitute whore
Shit tier skater who had a brief bit of relevancy because he would do lame circus tricks on mini ramps and one time he pushed like 3 jocks and cky made him popular.

His black label skateboards were really popular.
Are you the cunt that sits at the front of the house peeking through the curtains all day?
Who cares?
Fascinating report anon.
Yes, that's Bradley. He was probably masturbating too.
I was born into Protestantism. Pls no bulli. I did some community service but not much.
Sounds like a good time. You can do those things here even now. But I went to church for the girls.
how old is old?
I just google pasta these days.
Some anti-racist washed up skaterfag
>flat jew well-poisoner
get ovened
I have heightened hearing abilities. When I hear a noise, I go check what's happening.
I just found it a bit random.
Lol, I remember that shit.
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>I have heightened hearing abilities.
No you're not. You're the local sticky beak that spends all day peeking through the venetian blinds.
Probably a rental. My mom used to park to smoke cigarettes too.
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>jew lady still corrupt
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circumcision is child rape
Looked like she had a passenger. Fuck being beholden to cigarettes.
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>Faggots asked to stop raping kids
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>how old is old
Anything over 40 is old.
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>Tranny with torch in gay Paris
Just buy something. Fuck getting 20% every minute you save your missing out on speculative gains. Lmi isn't that much and the difference in interest rates is negligible and you can refinance for a lower rate after a few years
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over 20
G'day sir
Any chuds itt wanna help me dilate my arsehole?
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Remember: Any "solution" offered that doesn't include as its first principle the end of usury in the banking industry is guaranteed to fail. All of civilizations ills stem from the reality of banks creating currency from nothing and loaning it at interest to governments, who promise to pay it back with the exponential growth of the number of taxpayers.
>2000: AU$490Billion in existence
>March 2024: AU$3000.69Billion in existence
>$100 in 2000 = $612.39 in March2024
>$10.14/hr in 2000 = $62.10/hr today (minimum wage)
>$46 247 in 2000 = $283 210 today (median yearly income) || $74495.20 actual median income
Median home prices | salaries | price to salary ratio in 2024
>Sydney: $1,145,931 | $55,854 | 20.52
>Melbourne: $783,261 | $54,088 | 14.48
>Brisbane: $827,822 | $53,643 | 15.43
>Adelaide: $747,732 | $52,767 | 14.17
>Perth: $721,278 | $58,591 | 12.31
>Hobart: $648,074 | $50,130 | 12.92
>National: $779,817 | $54,890 | 14.21
according to the 2021 census data
>5 568 878 women of breeding or potential breeding age (under 35)
>75% total population is White
>best case scenario 4.2 million White females in Australia capable of having children now or in the future
>Importing 1 million shitskins a year.
>50% are female according to immigration data
>In 4 years, under the best case scenario with no account for the mRNA infertility there will be more breeding age shitskin women in Australia than White
>Still surrounded by 4Billion more shitskins who'd love to come live here
Gape yerself until you shit yerself
Annex PNG, send all our chinks and mixlings there. Best stop gap measure, we can advertise it as a giant bali
What type of vacuum is the most reliable and effective?

Mum keeps buy shitty stick vacuums with those complex filters that fuck up easily. She is enamoured by the marketing.
Find out what those companies that are hired to clean up murder scene and hoarder homes use. They're the best.
Anyone else tired of minmaxing for a house deposit?
Even my driving style is around conserving tyres and brakes...
Yesterday my 1 meal for the day was an apple
>house deposit
You're better off just finding a dead childless boomer's house and squatting in it for 15 years.
Life's too short to live deprived mate, keep saving but don't leave yourself utterly devoid of luxury and happiness.
it's somewhat popular.
Shut the fuck up Bradley
you only need 5% deposit.
i'm very much looking forward to ending my life
a whole lot of effort for absolutely no reason
Offence of intentional foreign interference
Interference generally
(1) A person commits an offence if:
(a) the person engages in conduct; and
(b) any of the following circumstances exists:
(i) the person engages in the conduct on behalf of, or in collaboration with, a foreign principal or a person acting on behalf of a foreign principal;
(ii) the conduct is directed, funded or supervised by a foreign principal or a person acting on behalf of a foreign principal; and
(c) the person intends that the conduct will:
(i) influence a political or governmental process of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory; or
(ii) influence the exercise (whether or not in Australia) of an Australian democratic or political right or duty; or
(iii) support intelligence activities of a foreign principal; or
(iv) prejudice Australia’s national security; and
(d) any part of the conduct:
(i) is covert or involves deception; or
(ii) involves the person making a threat to cause serious harm, whether to the person to whom the threat is made or any other person; or
(iii) involves the person making a demand with menaces.
Note: An alternative verdict may be available for an offence against this subsection (see section 93.5).
Penalty: Imprisonment for 20 years.
I think they'd use commercial backpack vacuum cleaners. I think they're fairly expensive. I just want a bagged vacuum cleaner, but not sure which.
i hate you people and your expectations more than i can explain
kill yourself Bradley
daily reminder
Help me out. You know my carpet is fucking carpeted with that thick 70s shit.
take a hose, tape it into your exhaust, run it into your corolla, put the windows up, lay your seat down and take a good, long nap.
i dont want to be like you
i hope you all die
ill help you die
Can you tell me more about these feelings?
start with Bradley Hargreaves
Spiteful rogue
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Only about 30%. The other 70% of jews are turks LARPing as Europeans LARPing as arabs LARPing as Israelites
i do things i do not want to do and think things i dont want to think

the only language i speak is a language i dont want to speak and not many english speakers or their families want me in their life so ill never have a wife or family
and so i have no one to talk to or collaborate with or rely upon to build something nice

i have an identity i do not want
people seem like perpetual foreigners

i'll never ever know how to be comfortable to interact with anyone because there is no standard behavior or culture
theres absolutely no standard behavior you can read about to behave like to become a comfortable adult here
i cannot see a future situation where its different

very much looking for a way out
im getting high and drunk until i die
Have you been diagnosed with autism?
Why did we even give it back to the nogs in the first place?
is it autism?
the standard human life isn't to live with random chimera mix of strangers with no reliable behavior patterns

growing up was i supposed to imitate indian males behaviors or greek males or african males?
i cannot imitate locals because they local is a random mash of personalities with clearly different ideas of what a country and person should become
What colour brown are you?
Your thought process is very rigid. You have autism.
Shut the fuck up Bradley
You brown demon
any fags looking for jerb? seems like factory work is the way to go, $40 an hour compared to ~$20 with local regular jobs ie retail
1 bump = 1 global financial crisis

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