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I'm not saying it's necessarily anyone else's fault, but why is it that incels are always held personally responsible for being undesired by women? did they choose to be ugly? did they choose to be short? did they choose to have short clavs? did they choose to be poor?

According to most stats, there's around 40-60% of young men (18-25) who can't date or have sex.
At what point does it stop being an individual issue and start being a societal issue? at what point will we recognize that maybe it's not men "not doing enough" but society not working as it's supposed to?
>Why does society blame incels for their situation?

Because society regards men who aren't slaving to support women and children as worthless.
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It's not incels' fault for being unfuckable. It's the fault of incels for making that fact the problem of women. If men are really as tough as they pretend they are, they should "suffer in silence" when women don't take an interest in them instead of bitching about it on the internet. Nobody cares! Go jerk off to porn or something idk
Pretty much. And god forbid an incel has his first relationship with a woman who has four kids and has been ran threw.
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Society functions by harvesting the good will and character created by centuries of tradition and family values. Once it drains people of this value and converts it into cheap profits, it then gets frustrated. What you see is a greedy parasite poking at the spent animal with a stick, demanding it output more value. Typically the merchant would get tired of this and move on to another population and they are doing this through migration, but it is not enough to truly replace the dried up husks they've created. Hence the poking and prodding continues.
Women hate weak men, they see incels as weak. It's pretty simple. It's funny that in our society Isaac Newton would have been chased out of physics by women in HR.
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No on respects incels at all, they are boys who should have never been born in the first place.
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So you're short, weak, fat, ugly, stupid, lazy and too autistic to even talk to women. Tell us why "society" or anybody else would want you to breed more of your kind?
Notice how it started.
>Incels hate women, that's what makes them incels.
Now how it's going
>Any man who hasn't had sex in six months should be killed.
I'm sorry do you know where you are?

Also see.
>It's funny that in our society Isaac Newton would have been chased out of physics by women in HR.
It doesn't .jews create problems then blame the ppl who they are fun king over. "society " is like media potrayal
I hate women and I hate incels. I am not gay
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>If men are really as tough as they pretend they are, they should "suffer in silence" when women don't take an interest in them instead of bitching about it on the internet.
Because in America everything revolves around extracting wealth from individuals, specifically young men. A young man is judged solely based on how much wealth can be extracted from him. Therefore, men are shamed into working to spend money on flashy things, women, and kids. If you feel comfortable walking around in cheap clothes, not having an expensive car, and being single, then the system perceives you as a threat to the status quo. So incels must be attacked all day everyday to shame and scare them into being full fledged consumers and slave creators (parents). Now I'm not saying theres anything wrong with having money, wife, or kids in itself, but I suspect many if not most people live the lives they live out of shame and fear, rather than desire.
Also you know whats never talked about in the same breath as incels? The promiscuity and weight of modern women. Maybe if they were such fat disgusting whores covered in peircings and tattoos then more men would care to court them.
women don’t want to work, that’s why they hate men that enjoy anything that doesn’t involve worshipping the ground women walk on, they created the incel or chud label to act like it was women that ostracized faggots from their pussy, not faggots voting out pussy from their lives
they label republicans as faggots because they view men that aren’t slaving away from women as the reason why they have to work, not because democrats encouraged women to strive for careers, most women cannot strive for careers and hate that men won’t just take care of them, even if they’re massive whores that won’t give sex to whoever they’re demanding take care of them
Its a societal issue when they started blaming them. Arent you answering your own retarded question.
>According to most stats, there's around 40-60% of young men (18-25) who can't date or have sex.
>more than 50% of men haven't approached women in the last year
They "can't" date or have sex because they're betas with no game.
women act really entitled to men’s lives, even if they’re not in relationships with the entitled women, they’re dumb niggers
Angry young white men is the most dangerous group out there. This is a badge of honour, I dont know why we need a seethe thread about it.
Because there is more agency attributed to men than there is to women. Men are at fault for everything, women for nothing. So in turn that also includes being undesirable.
I am not undesirable but not desirable enough for a woman that I find worthwhile so I rather stay single instead.
not really, it’s the dumb niggers raising their damn ugly daughters to be so fucking entitled
What do you mean society blames them?
>betas with no game
>too scared to even say hi to a girl
why nigger women will always hold a grudge against any man that isn’t black that didn’t want to worship their nigger chicken meat pussy
I am not interested in black women at all.
there’s nothing to be interested about, unless you want to hear the same autistic nigger screeching day in and day out
Society blames incels when they created them to begin with
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>did they choose to be ugly?

It has nothing to do with appearances, incels have a personality defect, simple as
We haven't had any major wars where millions of excess men are killed off. The vast majority of men are good for nothing other than cannon fodder. That or factor work. We have no need for them today, there aren't enough jobs and women to go around for them. The best we can do is round them up and send them off to the ukraine to fight, let them die with dignity. That or put them into work camps and slowly starve them to death while working manual labor all day.
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>Angry young white men is the most dangerous group out there.
You're too much of a pussy to just get a fucking job or talk to women, but you're going to overthrow civilization.
You haven't done shit up until now, you're not doing shit but bitching on social media now, and the odds are you aren't ever going to do shit.
Regardless of that I am simply too old for it not being weird. At 31 it is weird to be so inexperienced as myself. In hindsight I can only say that it is a grave mistake to do a degree where there are only men and grow up in a town with few inhabitants. Past a certain age the issues that derive from this become unsolvable.
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Picrel is an example of a man who women deem severely unattractive.
I have a job. More than likely a better one than you do.
Because it is their fault. My ugly ass friend with fetal alcohol syndrome that lives at his parents and makes rap videos gets laid. He is a nice chill dude. Incels are entitled butt whipes that serious narcissist tendencies. Like just stop thinking your opinion or feeling matter. Just say what’s up to girls until one hits your back. I’m married and I look like shrek. Ppl are just fucking dumb
Game is cope. If women find you attractive, THEY'LL approach YOU.
I'm not even shocked. Gen Z seems very socially akward. I guess growing up fully on the screen does some shit to you. My gf and I laugh about this together all the time that we were born and learned how to date before social media and shit. Basically we just made it in right before shit like Facebook exploded and then Tinder or whatever the fuck else.
why would whites overthrow the civilization they built? they’re incels because they’re not being cucks for niggers and letting them think they’re going to take a civilization they never built with their bare hands? as long as the white chuds would just stop being faggots and racist to nigger sheboon pussy?
Computer science?
>did they choose to be ugly?
most people are average looking, if you're ugly it's a hygeine issue
>did they choose to be short? did they choose to have short clavs?
this is just a meme, height does not hold anyone back
>did they choose to be poor?
yes, poverty is a result of bad decisions

They will toil in their mothers basements. Where I live we have a real problem with Gen X NEET's whose parents are now starting to kick the bucket. These guys freak out when their parents die off and they have to actually become humans.
Society made them, and is too retarded to do anything about it, so it blames them.
if your nigger women were so god damn important than why aren’t you niggers saying whats up to your own black retarded sheboons? to say hi to white women instead? like you niggers have a serious persistant need to keep racemixing the africa out of your monkey genes.
>homo ID
>finds men attractive
>hundreds of lays is "coping", being a virgin loser is "le based"
No game
Most "incels" or whatever these days are just men that are too afraid to go out and meet women. If they mustered the courage to do so, I think they'd meet someone.

Now, incels also have this standard where they want a 7/8 and act like they're owed this when they're like 4s themselves. I've gotten women all my life, from high school on even when I didn't know how to approach them. My face is probably like a 6. Just average.

Welcome to the inescapable J.D. Unwin societal death spiral. Once sex becomes a virtue, energy becomes a byword. There is no generative, creative, or procreative vitality left in the dying West. Merely a long slow slide into decadence until vital sexually restrictive cultures expand and replace degenerated empires.

We're already seeing this with China and the Middle East, who despite their abundant flaws out-compete the promiscuous west.
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Narcissists try to control other people by ostracizing them, therefore they constantly try to make life worse for people who are ostracized to cement their own leverage lacking any charisma and intelligence or capacity for reasoning. This is how they propagate their blatantly retarded ideologies when people who profit off of them being implemented fund them.
You know normies can't be alone in a room for 5 minutes right? Yet they shit on people fated to die alone for their genetics.
Life is competitive, even (especially) within species. We were born to hate and envy each other.
Chimps aren’t human why you talking about chimps. White man fucking boon is equivalent to muslim that fucks goats
I don't think incels really exist beyond a few fringe communities, it's more of an overblown cope boogeyman for women. The more prevalent thing I see is men with complete woman fatigue who have no interest in going after women at all, and do not care about them at all, and avoid them.
chimps can swim, your sheboon women wouldn’t need babysitters if they were human
Also if you rape their mother, shit in their mailbox etc. all they really do is ostracize you which they do anyway for the slightest reason. Their affect and leverage on the world is zero, having their wives and girlfriends impregnated by criminal niggers who threaten them whole they watch is the fate intended for them by god.
>going after women at all, and do not care about them at all, and avoid them.
It is hopeless, I am only a 7/10 at best on a good day there is no way a woman would genuinely like me. Hence I prefer avoiding being used as a paypig

That's cope. We live in a very competitive dating market in the west, especially anglo countries. There simply are not enough quality young women to go around. You need looks, game, good job, confidence just to pull anything that looks decent naked. Most men are taking their ball and going home, they simply cannot compete in this market. There was a time when just being a regular young white guy you would be rewarded a half way decent girlfriend thats cute and not fat.
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its not society in general because the beautiful people dont care and dont need you, it just used to be in the past uggos could have a decent parallel society to the beautiful people through this funny thing called trying.
gen z uggos refuse to try at anything which has caused the collapse of that parallel society. Other ugly people know it could be a lot better but you fuckers grab bucket the whole league.
nothing is stopping you from having sex with women in your league except you. Now matter how many ugly people with wives and gfs we point out, No matter how many times we say it you double down on your own destruction. It take every once of willpower not to curse you its so infuriating.
pic related is a zoomer who got rejected a hundred times running amok through a crowd of gen yers who got rejected to the same degree but didnt devolve into a faceless all consuming beast.
use of "incel" = opinion immediately discarded
roasties and faggots need to stop putting pussy on a pedestal
>say what's up to some girls
>they get mad at you for being under 6 feet tall
>say what's up to some other girls
>they get mad at you for being less handsome than an average guy like Chris Pratt
>say what's up to some other girls
>they accuse you of sexual misconduct for "giving them the ick"
>now you're put on the sex offender list
>now you have to go door to door informing people you're a registered sex offended because you asked out a woman
>now you've been shot / stabbed / head kicked by an angry NPC for being a sex offender who didn't raspact wahman
Competitive how? If you got shot on the street by a nigger and he fucks your wife and daughter afterwards that's just "competition" in the view of nature. That's why amerifats are so into cuckolding fetishes I guess
They like being approached because it's an ego boost, not because it turns them on. That's why they approach chad.
>100s of lays
Jestermaxxing doesn't count.
We are ugly. People don't care about us. Of course this will happen. Is it fair? No, but they do not care about us. We are not human in the eyes of normies. Have you seen how people treat their animals? We aren't cute or cuddly or edible. We matter even less than that.
It appeals to people's vanity.
Our independent minded attitude in the US.
It is easy. People, don't like to think. They want to chase good feels constantly The screen does all of that for them.
Because if you don't blame the men, the blame automatically transfers to women. Can't have that now can we?
Only you pedo’s ever type that word. Self obsession and projection is at the heart of your mental illnesses and you are repellant as well as mad.
You can’t go ten minutes without doing it, looneys.
>So you're short, weak, fat, ugly, stupid, lazy and too autistic
Why do women like this get to breed though? Usually funded by the government too.
they want to view “incels” as free obamacare daycares for their stupid ugly niglets, that’s all it is, they know they give incels nigger fatigue and want to ramp that up with their so called entitlement to obamacare and letting racists babysit their ugly niglets
wrong. hominid id. still more human than you, memeflag.
It’s incels fault. They bitch and moan about muh height, muh jawline, muh money. No, cunt. You’re just trying to bat way too far out of your league and putting in minimal effort to achieve it. Yes. We all know Chad with his towering height of 6’ 4”, his sculpted body, and daddy’s trust fund is going to crush 10/10 pussy constantly. But you incels need to just get a reality check and lower your standards. You’re not Chad so you can’t pull 10/10s and that’s ok. If you’re just not a lazy slob who’s only interests are gaming and anime and actually have a job then you have much more of a chance with girls of a lower standing. But you all don’t want to settle. You feel like you deserve the same pussy that Chad is getting and that’s why so many of you go fucking nuts and end up shooting up schools. Stay in your league, it’s really not hard.
You probably just want a 7/10, which is actually a pretty hot girl. With an attitude like yours, you definitely never deserved one to begin with.

Ugly poor people are dating all the time, but for some a reason, you're a 7/10 but nobody could like you? LOL and you're not even American where a ton of girls are obese. I've pondered the idea of moving to Europe so I can fuck all those skinny women.
if you’re a chad then what the fuck is the need for “incels” to be cucks or babysitters for dumb little niggers that should’ve been aborted? you couldn’t strive for a career in corporate america being a “chad” to pay for a real fucking daycare?
shan't be gaslit
i’m going to rape your daughter. ASL, i’ll post up.
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I started printing out all of my memes
>you're a 7/10 but nobody could like you?
Look at the dating app stats. Women only like the top 10%
Making more money made me only more worried
>I've pondered the idea of moving to Europe so I can fuck all those skinny women.
with your strap on?
https://txtbin.org/?57bd5c9c5845d996#5Tpq76Jbc7cwhULGKkyfjQbCRUzJFkaFfeXfiZRVj9g2 angleterre mind control explained in this link
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A combination of appeal to nature fallacy, where all males must be sexually successful, and if you aren't, you MUST be filled with hatred or some fringe ideology, as well as >>475672298. Society isn't, hasn't been, and never will be ready for the conversation that many incels are totally normal and functioning men with established careers and sound mental health. MOST incels are in fact bluepilled libfag male feminists types (the ones on here who get the most uspet at incels, because a mirror is held to their face).

So most people just cope with the dark nature of humanity by lumping incels into images like in the OP, where they're all schizoid and derranged psychos (which is ironic, because psychopaths and sociopaths in fact get the largest quantity of pussy)
This isn't how it works at all, you don't know what you're talking about.
What's an objectively 4/10 woman in the eyes of a man? "She's a little homely, but she's still super cute, for sure."
What's an objectively 4/10 man in the eyes of a woman? He's as repulsive as an obese woman with an ogreish face is to men.
Men and women don't have the same levels of standards. Women are only truly attracted to the most handsome of men. They're biologically programmed to be this way, just like many other animal species whose women only go for the top "alpha males". It's the fault of human biology, there's no escape and there never was. Blackpill only unmasked it.
Civilizational decline is driven by dysgenics. Dysgenics is Cluster B types passing on their particular pathologies. Cluster Bs are characterized by a need for social dominance and attention. This confers a reproductive advantage, but a survival malus. People don't like arrogant narcissistic sociopathic dark triad scumbags or shrill gaslighting BPD cunts. In healthy societies, they become the town exile. The rake and the whore.

Good times remove the survival malus. Cluster Bs proliferate. Eventually they become so abundant that civilization ceases to function. Like all organisms, energy is necessary for survival. Advanced systems fail and a competence crisis begins. The reproductive rate drops below replacement. The system survives so long as conditions remain optimal. But all it takes is disaster, plague, or climate change and the civilization's lack of resilience proves its undoing. This civilization is either replaced/conquered by a superior neighbor or undergoes catastrophic collapse where a dark age ensues, like the end of the Bronze Age and western Roman empire.

This is the hard times of the cycle, where degenerate genetics are systematically purged across the course of centuries.

Of course, Africa with its historical pattern of Stone Age civilization and accepted promiscuity never rose above this cycle, which is why Africans are so prone to r-strategy.
this is just like gentrification, before obama it was the federal housing urban development to house dumb welfare niggers, after they tore the projects down they made it a private homeowner’s problem if the section 8 niggers destroyed their property, the federal government or hud isn’t responsible because you accepted higher than market rate in rent from the feds, and they don’t own the house so it’s not their problem anymore to be labeled as the bad racist white government of the past that built housing block after housing block of black misery in the inner cities, they can always find another sucker to get fooled into thinking they’re making a killing with letting their house or houses take in section 8
We don't have an incel problem, we have a volcel problem.
It's all thanks to easy access to online escapism (e.g porn, video games, movies, music, etc) and the modern woman trying to act like men (e.g whores) these days.
Guys would rather jerk off with a FleshLight 3000 with VR support and consoom media all day than try to deal with all the bullshit that comes with a modern woman.
A modern woman wants to be treated like a queen but won't put out whenever, wherever you want it.
That's all a woman needs to do survive. Suck and fuck his man whenever he wants.
If you have enough to pay for an Asian massage, you’re a volcel.
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Yet Andrew Tate still got thrown into Romanian prison over and over again despite being a chad.
I don't play a losing game.
How do I get a happy ending from an Asian massage parlour, enlightened one?
Think about how shitty and stupid and retarded the average person is. Incels are that plus ugly. We want the same things they do. We just lack the thing that matters. We have the same flaws as most plus being intolerable to look at. I probs could go out and find a 3 out of 10 and bang her, but I am fundamentally the same as everybody else. I am not attracted to the 3. It's fine. We are just unlucky. The 3 is also unlucky. She fucks no doubt because female and thinks she's a ten, but like the hotties out there we don't care. Nobody should expect people to settle for less than they want. That means we get to die alone. Personally I am content with my fate. I have no stake in the world I have no responsibilty. Let the cuties and studs deal with it. Being fugly means I've never had kids and nobody can point at me and blame me for their misery and misfortune. I am not stupid enough to think I would make the right call if a hot woman wanted to fuck. I am as weak as all of you baby making retards.
The juice ain‘t worth the squeeze in most cases. 9 out of 10 are vaxxoids, ran through or way below in smv. Sex without procreation is rather pointless and over all harmful. Becoming a deadbeat impregnator of many women is cruel to your progeny.
0/10 not worth it to slave for

Best you can do is build yourself up and access remaining healthy communities.
Incels are almost, to a one, all children of single mothers. Even if their mother is technically not single, they are effectively single because their father was never present to raise them. Incel-dom is what happens when a boy is given a highly sheltered, feminized upbringing that does not prepare him for life as a man.
Most of those men just aren't even trying because it's not worth it anymore. There aren't that many actual incels that absolutely cannot get laid even one time despite their best efforts if that's their only goal.
life as a man? yet you’re crying for useless women that can’t find a quality man, are you a quality man that women you simp for would want? or another stupid nigger with a pussy that can’t stop autistically fucking screeching about how no one is racemixing you niggers out of a monkey state.
solution: never compliment a women, never give them attention. do your own thing and ignore them entirely everywhere.
Because if you don't let them breed they will either collapse society or another patriarchal society will invade and replace you.
lmao you're just mad cuz you were beat up by your deadbeat drunk dad
I’m telling you it’s simply not true. I’m about a 4/10 and I’ve had sex with 6 women and now have a girlfriend. A lot of you lack social skills which makes it even harder to connect with women. If you’re lacking in looks, you need to develop a good personality to make up for it. But it’s not a completely hopeless endeavour. Again, a lot of you set your standards too high. I’ve felt the burn as well. Girls I liked at school never liked me back. Out of easily over 300 matches on dating apps over the years, I was only successful in netting a date for about 12 of them. I know it’s more difficult if you weren’t blessed with good genetics or the born into a wealthy family but it’s still not impossible for a vast majority of you. I think a lot of you are a blackpilled that you’re even too scared to even try now because you’re already convincing yourself that if a girl had an interest in you there must be some ulterior motive or that she’s just going to cheat on you. You simply cannot believe a girl will like you and those thoughts will completely fuck with your head and you will end up self sabotaging every potential relationship
This is the way
Because it's inconvenient for women who are physically incapable of empathy
im a married incel
i basically coom every night while the wife refuses to do me. I'm putting as much cash away in secret as I can before the kids grow up and she divorces me. I'm creditmaxxed as well so all she can get is debt while i take out my wageslave check every month and say i spent it on drugs and hookers
Women are just coping with the cognitive dissonance. They have to delude themselves into believing the reason why these men are incels and unattractive is because they inherently irredeemable.
no its driven by eugenics.
Every empire on earth has practiced eugenics which works great at first because it concentrates power but fails miserably over time because it breeds in weakness.
Even if you avoid inbreeding problems you'll probably perish from the 'were too good for this work' racial laziness that leads to having nigger cattle in the first place.
>nb4 blame the jews
It’s not the Stacy’s fault for being fuckable, it’s Stacy’s fault for making that fact the problem of incels. If women are really the attention seeking whores they say they are, they should “suffer in silence” when incels deign to even look at them in real life. Nobody cares. Go diddle your clit to Chad’s feet or something idk
they seem to live rent free a lot in their nigger monkey women minds or some faggot nigger monkey “man’s”
LARP harder beef curtains
Polygamy is probably the "natural" state of humans, but it's monogamy that builds civilization, when the majority of men have a personal stake in their society's present and future.

Before monogamy became the norm, the leftover men probably raided other tribes and nations for women. Either we can try that again, or return to the other way.
Stacies aren't the problem. In fact, most of them are pretty nice people. It's the mid girls that fuel the gender wars and dating problems. Many have crazy standards and think they're Stacy tier because they hung out on social media and were told women are so awesome.
Get out of beta civilization then and stop using our network technology, Biff.
>who can't date or have sex.
Why not? Or is this an argument about what a below average person is entitled to. You can "date", but you have to pay and it's a shit deal. You can have sex by jacking off, buying a whore, or putting up with huge amounts of drama for a blown out single mom. Just save your money and jack off, get a hobby and some friends and you're good. Don't be society's Captain Save-A-Hoe. If you pay for it, you will get more of it. Simple as.
>A 7/10 man doesn't deserve a 7/10 woman - because she just is worth so much
Lmao this doesn't even make sense holy fuck you're dumb
>i basically coom every night while the wife refuses to do me
How do you feel about this?
>Stats aren't true because 15 years ago I fucked a bar slag
It's so weird that you feel the NEED to post your anecdotal experience as if it was a data point
>Out of easily over 300 matches on dating apps over the years
Stopped reading here. You're either chad, larping, or trolling.
Typical chicken and the egg confusion. Hypergamy tracks with a lot of mammalian mating dynamics. Biologically there is only supposed to a minority of male winners. This is not compatible with civilization. Additionally, this situation is exacerbated by civilization giving 100% of reproductive agency to women, enforced by men, whereas historically and in the wild, men would have been able to procreate through dominance. Patriarchy is contract between betas to share women. When that contract is broken shit eventually gets wild.
>Why does society blame incels for their situation?
Women are trained from birth to offload responsibility onto others. Naturally they blame the people they think they're not having sex with.
> If men are really as tough as they pretend they are, they should "suffer in silence"
Whores started the gender war. You're essentially complaining that they're losing.
Whoops, meant to quote >>475672361
Most mothers won't give their sons any advice at all about what women find attractive, how to be that type of person, or the social aspect of life in general. Courtship is not something women have to deal with, so they don't understand any of it. They're not even willing to acknowledge or be honest about what they find attractive in men. The best you'll get is "just be nice" or "just be yourself". If you don't have a father or any other male influence, you're in a precarious situation as a boy, especially if your mother is a bitter, angry, narcissist who vents her anger out on her kids, which is probably pretty common among single mothers. If you ended up being that fearful, avoidant beta that women find repulsive, it's pretty easy to see how men become that way. They were made this way by their environment. Because people are too tolerant of bad parenting, and schools don't have social skills and masculinity classes.
eh so so. i mean i can coom on my own time, see what i want to see. But ngl not as nice as pussy. but better than nothing and at least this way I don't give women any power over me. Kinda gotten used to it now. it's been more than a year of her not fucking me and i've been putting money into gold and silber and taking cash out daily. I'm quite sure i'll be divorced this time next year, but if she thinks she's taking anything from me besides my house she's mistaken. Kinda would like to fix it, but i think we've gone beyond that now. Idk.
Long story short, we're in a global sovereign debt crisis. Debt based financial systems are swirling down the toilet since they need inflationary policies to pamp hard, among many other reasons like debt contraction spiraling into full blown depression.
But it's young men's fault..especially white Christian men. When the levy breaks and the recession perhaps even depression finally can't be lied over or distracted with current day bozo clown world levels of bread and circuses, this entire incel thing will be on the back burner, many people will have no job.
Society doesn't deserve to exist if it's founded on a lie. Humans deserve to suffer in nature until they learn to make better choices and evolve into a non-harem species.
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Even an 11/10 is a pass for me if she's not a virgin anyways, so whatever
and it’s a incel’s job to pamper stupid women with nigger kids?
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You go to one a few of times so you can feel out the place and they get to know you as a regular before you try anything.
I could give you a step-by-step since you're probably a retard, but the gist of it is that you get a boner on your 3rd visit and wait for their reaction.
At this point you'll apologize and either she'll ignore it or try to get into it. She'll most likely ignore it and you try it again on your 4th visit.
On your second boner attempt, you will try to guide her hand towards your cock after you apologize again.
If she doesn't jerk you off after a couple of attempts, then you just straight up whisper it to her and you'll either be a lifelong customer or never returning.
>You're too much of a pussy to just get a fucking job or talk to women, but you're going to overthrow civilization.
I hate to break this to you, but many a civilization including Rome was overtrhwon by angry jobless men that did not talk to women as equals.
you just ask them before you give them money
if answer is no 360 out of there and try the next one
>very competitive
Absolutely not. Become a rapist or a coke dealer and you’ll see that very few women reject you.
Nah, murder Chad and rape his women. That’s the true law of the jungle
He really thinks the average boy is jumping for the chance to win 35+ years of unending nagging and bitching
analogue meme folders for off grid self memeing
Zoomer, define “mid” without talking about weed
That’s why hot women are always malding that nobody wants 35 years of nagging, just a signed and authenticated document proving that they indeed did a PIV with a hot woman.
probably a latinx mutt that can’t figure out if they’re white, black, mexican, european, african, sumerian, jewish, etc. mystery meat nigger mutt
double replying because I'm SEETHING
>apologizing for getting an erection
>paying money for a shitty massage from what is essentially a prostitute
I just gestured to whip it out and she nodded so then I gave her money
she also told me where to find younger girls that would do more than a handjob.
they're all pan faced retards that shouldn't even be in the country and you are being a turbo simp
Then again, if you have cocaine, what are you trying to get pussy for?
How I will have beat ye up vren
Stop building your debt

You people, you build debt unto debt
>cheap clothes, not having an expensive car, and being single, then the system perceives you as a threat to the status quo.
what the kikes don't understand is the the things you own eventually own you
not spending a dime more than i must to get by reasonably
Because if it's not your fault, it's their fault.
But first let us just thank God that it is even a Belgian OP ye neger
I didn't know
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>t. retarded bong kike resigned to looksmatch with shrekolina
Listen, first I am not even reading this at this point
Normies are right about British "people".
2. nigger* cancer America is saying w/ to me?

*sjame, ok but then tell me here. Just here, no place else
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Well what to do you expect society to do? Blame itself?
no faggot
anti British is anti White
you are "dey dont seezun dey food" tier
>They "can't" date or have sex because they're betas with no game.

And yet their fathers presumably had no game either (otherwise they would have taught it to their incel sons), but evidently managed to find someone. Why is game suddenly so important?
because it is an easy copout to the fact that most modern women are unattractive and loathsome to be around
>*sjame, ok but then tell me here. Just here, no place else
Do you want me te tell ye in Anglish
>It has nothing to do with appearances, incels have a personality defect, simple as

And yet their "personality defect" only seems to affect their chances with women. If incels are really have such insufferable personalities, why do they still have friends? How do they hold down jobs?
Jah Russia, our rule when?
You live in an uninhabitable meme country though.
>there aren't enough jobs and women to go around for them.

The natural ratio between male and female births in approximately one to one. The fact that young men aren't being killed en mass in wars just means that almost every woman should be able to find a husband
>babbys first month on 4cuck
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>Nobody cares! Go jerk off to porn or something idk
I do that already. I do not impose myself on women or anybody for the matter aside from shitposting here.
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>why is it that incels are always held personally responsible for being undesired by women?
No they're not.
>did they choose to be ugly?
They chose a poor diet and consuming meaningless prolefeed entertainment instead of excercising.
>did they choose to be short?
See above. And not all incels are short.
>did they choose to be poor?
Most incels live in middle-class environments.
>According to most stats, there's around 40-60% of young men (18-25) who can't date or have sex.
That's a side effect of chronic internet use and poort nutrition, lack of sociability along with child-like mandibles and facial structure which results in little attraction from women.
>At what point does it stop being an individual issue and start being a societal issue?
It's already a societal issue. It just isn't addressed such as various other and more significant societal issues.
>at what point will we recognize that maybe it's not men "not doing enough" but society not working as it's supposed to?
This is a result of incompetency and decadence from both parties, and any type of system that precludes this is stigmatized by said incels.
You're not accounting for single mothers and fathers that just don't care to teach their sons.
I was on dating apps for 8 years. Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. 300 across 3 apps in 8 years isn’t some incredible feat. Do you know how many didn’t even respond to my message? Or just gave dry answers then unmatched? 300 sounds good but it’s not when it doesn’t go anywhere. You have to remember a lot of women are on dating apps just for the validation
this is unironically the funniest shit iv ever seen
>the black pill scene
>the literal folder of memes
>My ugly ass friend with fetal alcohol syndrome that lives at his parents and makes rap videos gets laid. He is a nice chill dude

Incels just need to drink more alcohol and move back in with their parents.
How many parents will accept alcoholic sons?
An average woman can charge money for sex. It's considered and honest business. If paying a sizeable portion of your monthly wage for an hour with an average+ woman is considered a fair deal, then do you really want to deal with women in any way?
Best cope I've seen on this subject. Give this guy a ribbon or something.
>most people are average looking, if you're ugly it's a hygeine issue

I shower twice a day, brush after every meal, am clean shaven, and regularly get hit on by fags. Try again.

>yes, poverty is a result of bad decisions

People decide to be born to welfare queens or in 3rd world ghettos? Fuck off, corpo shill!
The problem with 'incels' is it's a mentality, and it's your problem, and you make it everyone else's problem.
What are you, a fucking leftist? Do you need the world to wipe your little bitch ass for you?
>We are ugly. People don't care about us. Of course this will happen.

Was your dad ugly too?
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Nobody owes anyone anything, particularly a fuck.

It's not the being an incel that's the problem, it's the whining about it. What they are essentially saying is that it's unfair they can't seem to find someone to fuck. Not only is that a 'not my problem' problem, it's cringeworthy hearing someone complain about something like that.

As cringeworthy as the 'men going their own way' shit. You do you, but what do you want, applause? They're as bad as the trannies telling people they're living the best life ever and influencing young people to cut their tits and nuts off.

Go die in a hole so the least effort will be required to inter you.
Ill use an analogue example that explains this

During the 90s companies saw a law coming that would punish them for their actions on the environment, thus they acted first and released the crying Indian (who wasnt Indian) ad to put the blame on the population

Incels are just a consequence of the system, but if you recognize that then you'll have to address the cause and thats means changing the system... So might as well blame the victim and keep on going.
because western society is deranged and delusional

they will never admit the truth because that goes against their narrative spinning way of life

they will always attack and pass the buck on "acceptable targets"

this level of evil and oppression eventually collapses on their faces
>incels need to just get a reality check and lower your standards.

My dad didn't settle for a land whale or a single mother. Why should I? Why is it that boomer men didn't need to lower their standardsm but Gen Y and Gen Z have to marry hogzilla?
yet incels are making the women or the faggots that simp for them into the victim
Why the fuck do you think you need a woman? How old are you?
its a societal issue. every one of our countries are being intentionally flooded with third worlders. most guys dont really have much safe opportunities in their home countries anymore. its about to implode.

side note. probably most women are femcels too due to the guy they would have married having nothing now. it affects everyone.
why the fuck do you think you need children that you don’t raise? are you a nigger?
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>nb4 blame the jews
Sounds like a plan, kike.
Freemasonic feminism. Freemasons worship the "androgyne" and are responsible for all modern female supremacy in America. All waves of feminism, rigged family courts, and LGBT (especially the T) all come from Freemasons. Really explains why both political sides seem to land on the same topics of male degradation and female supremacy, right?
They intend America to be "the whore of babylon" or an unrestrained female spirit as spoken about in the bible. The statue of liberty is a representation of a hermaphrodite and prostitute.
Incels are feminine men who would've been eunuchs in ye old times. They are feminine and neurotic, why would women want them? I suppose you can't contain their whining and complaining to any board.
Why the fuck do you need children? And how old are you?
Because women's standards for themselves have fallen off horribly while their standards for the ideal man have risen. Blame Hollywood faggot leftists, or whatever, but face the reality. Too many fat lazy spoiled bitches. Roll it in flour and hit the wet spot. You know a lot of your generation being leftists, fucking retard feminists and simps are to blame as much as the generations of shitty parents who came before you.
for “lesser” specimens of men, they constantly are the hot topic of npc niggers that are “winners” because they had sex and passed on their genes… which they don’t care for and cry for incels to do it for them, or they’re racist
you're trying too hard
then how are men incels by not having sex with single women!
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Thing is, there are these things called bullets.
What are you complaining about now? Get a fucking grip.
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I started laughing when he showed the picture of the guy in a dress. based incel.
I don't think incels would be the hot topic on the internet if there weren't as many incel shooters. Actions have consequences.
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shit rolls downhill
men are incels if they don’t have sex with women who are single and have no children, that is what you’re simping in your “man” logic because you’d rather do it for another man’s dick, instead of your own with a childless woman, right? or are you a woman?
like having a father?
Fucking hell you're stupid and useless. Kys incel.
Celibacy, voluntary or otherwise, reminds the degenerate of their guilt.
Society is mad they are developing class consciousness, if we can call it that way.
>If you feel comfortable walking around in cheap clothes
Normie expectations aside, is it objectively slobbish to wear basketball shorts everywhere I go out? It's the only piece of bottom wear that feels comfortable for my overweight ass.
>>475685852 (Me)

I know how double sighted ye are
>>475688599 (Me)
I mean
Jesus the word nigger

Such large streams amongst ourselves.
>Americha gets Europa
>tfw you will never relax on a lovely English morning to look through your shitposting folder while having a delightful glass of orange juice (medium-pulp)
Too comfy
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>Why does society blame incels for their situation?
Easy prey, the fuck are we going to do?>>475682420
Realistically you can keep the original copies then photocopy whatever memes you're planning on shitposting on whatever bulletin board you can find.
easy prey? you’re the so called victims that keep reproducing and crying victimhood, even when it’s not someone’s small dick that isn’t having sex with you or your kids or your sheboob baby’s momma
>weren't as many incel shooters
Whoa, cool it with the antisemitism
>find a dollar bill
>write on it the npnw web address
>circulate that dollar bill
>npnw circulates
>you’re the so called victims that keep reproducing and crying victimhood
I'm not reproducing at all, don't you know what incel means?
Most women are average
a white man that won’t work to raise a nigger’s kids or a white coal burner’s kids?
You're confusing me now
I don't think you guys are as ugly and undesirable as you think you are. Plenty of ugly guys get girlfriends. You certainly lack confidence, that's for sure, and you'll gain confidence by chasing your dreams and learning that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to.

My problem, the reason why I'm celibate, is that I live in a horrible place without other white people. I'm not attracted to non-whites. I go outside and never see anybody I'm attracted to. I otherwise have all the means of getting a girlfriend. I have high self-esteem and confidence, I truly do, I'm proud of who I am.
what is a incel? someone that doesn’t like pussy?
This is not true. Most women have fucked or lived out blacked porn scenarios and I refuse to fuck women who let dudes gain a racial prize.
what is true is corporations are tallying up who fucks and who doesn’t, or is it the cdc? why would they have such statistics when being an incel is such a shameful thing to be seen as, especially the internet
Ur Russia
6'1 here
Fit + chiseled jaw
29, virgin

I have the personality of a doorknob.
>I live in a horrible place without other white people.
>I'm not attracted to non-whites. I go outside and never see anybody I'm attracted to.
hello twin. i wondered if this my problem as well. then i started shopping at Target and pretty much confirmed it.
K then

Go gebe me the absolute powres then.

But first I will have to know Belga better
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>what is true is corporations are tallying up who fucks and who doesn’t, or is it the cdc?
yes to both
Because society is ruled by abusive histrionic women and other feminine energies. They don't care about solutions they just want to bitch while actively making things worse.
not being a good goy slave is literally the biggest turn off for women
they are absolute jews
Because women inherently have more value then men. Women have sex with who they want, men have sex with who they can.
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, if i’m an incel that doesn’t want to raise another “father’s” kids then that’s my right is it not, if i’m an incel that doesn’t want to have sex at all with people, that’s my right is it not? it’s not up to society to change what life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness means to them because they were groomed by stupid fucking corporations, or a military or government that wants men to do something for their country, like raise someone else’s children
>>475690327 (Me)
I mean the internets of the days
In life you are expected to over come your obstacles. This is how the human race became the apex predators, our ability to evolve and adapt.
You clearly are a failure and should be liquidated
I was single for 6 years and didn’t give a fuck. The problem isn’t not getting pussy, it’s the complete control feminists have over society. I’ll be getting a good job soon but I’m sick of hoes saying you have to be able to build a house to be a man. Fuck off
It's always drooling normie retards who have no life outside of pop culture and social media who say shit like this. These people literally worship niggers and faggots and think their way of life is the ultimate evolution of civilization or something.
liquidation is corporate speak, who says liquidate?
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Before social media, if you wanted to see or hang out with friends, you made friends and met up face to face.
You could hang out in online games, vent servers, IRC, but it's not the same.
Those friendships had to be developed over time.
With social media, friendship is but one click away, and this vague superficial friendship is hidden behind a screen.
That means that despite having up to 2000 friends on facebook, you don't have a single meaningful connection with any of them.
The sense of community a human feels comes from being around people. A number on a screen means absolutely nothing to the limbic system.
And because nobody's got meaningful friendships, nobody has a heart to heart conversation anymore, nobody's honestly shooting the breeze anymore, nobody's speaking his mind.
That's where the male loneliness epidemic comes from. Online interactions aren't friendship or community-participation. It's a false surrogate that doesn't give you what you're looking for.

Now take women.
Do they have a social life these days?
How many women hang out together in real life?
Most of the women I see hanging out at coffeeshops are alone. If they're not alone, they're with a colleague and they're pretending to work for a living.
All of their thousands of "friends" are complete strangers to them as well.
Men can talk about this and recognise that the problem may be outside of us.
Women? Some of them internalise everything. Them being on social media is their fault in their own eyes. Them not having real friends is because of their body or their hair or other things about themselves, in their mind.
Others put all the blame on other people. They emotionally manipulate others for personal gain, crocodile tears and a booboo face to get some sweets and a hug like when they were 6 and this shit worked.
"It not me, MEN aren't approaching ME. IT'S MEN'S FAULT THAT I'M ALONE."

And Jews are psychopathic narcissists.
They'll never take responsibility for this.
>>475690633 (Me)
K vrens suit yourselves Imma find some refuge kraut-thread

fuck you
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Ban assault incels
that’s life in weimerica, where you make “friends” at work like a slave, because family is dangerous
Thats not really what it’s about. It’s a targeted campaign of harassment and gangstalking if people find out you don’t “have sex”. It’s almost on par with being a “nazi” or a “pedophilel
It's not incels making it the problem of women.
There's guys talking online, saying to each other:
>You banging tonight?
>"Nah, u?"
Then some girls show up and they start teasing the guys:
>What's the matter, did I just hear you guys don't get laid? What's wrong with you guys are you like incels or something?
>Surely if you tried with a nice decent sweet girl (like me) you'd get a chance uhum? ;)
And the guys ignore the girls.

Because these girls can't stand the fact they got ignored and can't process the fact that some guys DIDN'T want to fuck them in that moment, they start bitching about all guys around the world being this way.
Let this happen enough and the whole incel shitshow forms itself.

>but anon, 4chan is full of incels
/pol/ is a Mongolian basketweaving imageboard of peace discussing the esoteric implications of the orange man and his bad plan, the peepee poopoo express and its merry voyage to the heart of Hitler's Berlin, how coffee is good for you in moderation but milk is good only in excess, and you believe every word you read here as gospel?
Hate to burst your bubble anon...
It's not unique to Weimerica.
they called it “cosmopolitan” in europe, you know the replacement of very old established family ran businesses by corporations
svYe6t8i, what are you talking about? Incels have nothing to do with chads turning down horny women.
rothschild is the old family, wonder why they seek to destroy regular families with corporate communism?
All mass shootings are fake.
>>475691388 (Me)
I didn't
>Now what?

Ye, ye ye even make me to say it to you in Anglish again.
Yes. Buy clothes that fit you and are made of natural fibers. Wear your pants at your waist. It may take some brief adjustment, but you'll find that you're more comfortable and more pleased with your appearance.
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Involuntary celibate. Degenerates cannot conceive of any life beyond neverending quest for detumescence.
trackie dacks 4 lyf
sex shall set you free, we’re all just in a gay jewish sex camp right? better than the german alternative
How based can one Swede get???
Incels, particularly White male incels are the new bogeyman in society. The new Labour government in the UK literally wants to classify incels as a hate group.
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Not bullshit
t. 6’1” defined jaw and chin, nothing special but not a round face, genetically guaranteed to not go bald and blue eyes pale skin 25% Anglo 50% Irish 25% German, no debt, college graduate, 3 cars, high social aptitude and popular with normies despite being a chud, was really popular in high school, never had a gf and virgin at 23, when I was in high school I was 160lbs and now I’m 210 (yes it’s fat but I literally had a woman insult me for being too skinny before and I was every weight in between so I know weight is not the determining factor, also I’m semi muscular dad bod build with beefy shoulders and pecs from manual labor jobs)

Men tell me I’m above average attractiveness but women don’t care about me at all beyond platonic relationships, they all jump to be my friend too because I’m cool and funny but when I make a move on them it’s always no
I don't go outside other than work or gym.
I have autism and herpes

so I do not be fuckin right now
Women are pointless just get that cheddar
that's fucked
women don't look at you in the gym?
Holy shit, just move. It’s not complicated.
>women not fucking you is considered hate mongering.
>"giving women the ick", AKA not being hot enough, is a crime.
They're going to make it illegal to not be chad.
>sex shall set you free
They blind themselves to the fact that sexual license (as does all vice) enslaves rather than liberates. But people believe the lies they want to believe.
>gay jewish sex camp
Or disco, I suppose.
>german alternative
The irony is that they've so dumbed down the population that their propaganda is now less effective: after all you have to know some facts about WWII to "know" that the Germans are evil (even though, evil doesn't exist, of course...).
It's a quiet gym and no.
My sister being 16 tried to take in Bob Dylan
>He didn't go get that prize in Europa did he
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A man is a cog in society's eyes, we don't have a inherent value therefore we can be thrown away easily. A century ago we would have been slaughtered in a big war for our overlord, today we rot away in a cement hell

Incel theory is bullshit if you zoom out and look at the world population breakdown, like half of planet earth are ugly asian guys with tiny dicks (china & india combined population of 2.8 billion) and they are 5'2, there are vastly more short ugly guys with tiny dicks than good looking tall guys with huge cocks, the actual % of tall good looking guys with big cocks is probably like 0.1% of males, maybe even less.

Never forget if you're 6ft tall+ you're like 1% of males worldwide, don't let these nasty western bitches destroy your self worth.
Women are retarded. If you put two men together, a 10/10 and an 11/10, the 10/10 becomes invisible. All women in the area will become exclusively focused on the 11/10, and they'll either go home with him or feel sorry for themselves that the aren't having a fivesome with him. The 10/10 will be completely ignored for the duration of the night.
yet it’s the faggots, the jeets, the chinks, the niggers… all saying to white dudes with small dicks to raise someone else’s kids, while the white guys with large dicks… if they aren’t crack smoking tweakers, are being chased down by everyone wanting to have sex, or is it a large bank account? since most white guys with large dicks are the sluttiest faggots aren’t they?
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>race mixing
>choose a poor diet
and why are producers allowed to sell junk food? its easy to blame the consumer, nobody ever wants to hold the producer accountable. same thing with society. society produces humans, who consume its outputs. society should take some accountability
if it makes you feel any better the whole "personality" thing is the biggest meme
>looking good susan.jpeg
If half of men were 7 foot and 7 inch dick and the other half 6 foot and 6 inch dick the 6's would be the inselle chudcelles.
women enjoy cuckolding/humiliating the "lesser" men
they need this extra layer of eroticism because they've been copping cock since they were 13
>is it objectively slobbish to wear basketball shorts everywhere I go out? It's the only piece of bottom wear that feels comfortable for my overweight ass.
Basketball shorts look fine on fit people. What's slobbish is your body, not your clothes. Obese people in business suits still look obese, you literally cannot escape your own skin.
And pussy is easy to acquire and cheap to buy. Women don't want that knowledge to be common place and women and loser men want to be able to dictate a mans...well success as a man by how many women he is useful to/fucks and family he can take care of.

Which is bullshit.
the "or something idk" at the end was pretty good, but you're trying too hard you need to be more natural with it to sell that you're a girl, you need to be more coy, anyways 6/10 bait post nice try
It's definitely society being fucked up. I say this as a 38 year old married man looking back at my younger anon pals. You all have it terrible. I'm lucky I was able to lose my virginity, gain experience with girls, and meet my wife in more sane times. I would probably be an incel now if I was young. My only advice is look to the third world and become a passport bro. I think it's honestly your best shot as a young man.
fvcking based
Because incels are fully responsible for their own situation. Lose weight, get a job, touch grass and you'll get a gf.
Simple as.
Porn is poisonous and it's becoming the only way most women can make money or get attention from men now. And they know it.
And men are not only giving up on the chase and even interacting with women IRL they are giving up on relationships in general.

And women KNOW they are 10000% fucked but they have absolutely no fucking way to course correct outside of incel and desperate pathetic propoganda and online bitching that is obvious to all men they actually want, that aren't easily manipulate young men and teens turning into adult men.

They are fucked and we can do what the fuck we want.
the third world is already here, why do young white virgins need to go elsewhere like into the actual third world to lose their virginity? so they die of cholera too?
American white women are spoiled and useless. They act like prostitutes, get piercings and tattoo themselves. They think they deserve to be treated like princesses.
Maybe poor Appalachian girls would be a good bet.
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Incels are bad for the economy and capitalist machine and must be societally shamed
Niggers are good boys because they pop out tons of kids and love to drop unconscionable amounts of money on overpriced shit that they don't need, therefore Black Lives Matter
Women are women, wasting money (their own or someone else's) is in their DNA, therefore they are strong and brave and the future is female
Hispanic or Caribbean immigrants (legal or otherwise) will have entire litters of kids that don't give a shit about working dirty laborious jobs, therefore Let Them In
Incels (or just introverted adult guys who don't really participate in mainstream society)? They don't spend much money, tend to make more efficient use of what they do spend, will likely never own a house due to not making enough due to not (((networking))) and staying out of (((office politics))), assuming they work at all. Maybe some of them are Fortnite whales or have a steam library the size of Mali but those are a minority.
Because they either don't approach women or are just unsuitable partners due to being neets or working fringe jobs, they won't pop out many kids for the capitalism machine either. Not contributing to housing demand and not popping out children is le bad, therefore shame and incels are nazis
If as a collective you aren't profitable, then you are shamed until that changes.
It's always about money
white girls should strive to be the most profitable onlyfans whores they can be, who cares, less of them in the workplace
Damn, I think you really nailed it.
They choose to have a bad personality, yes
Anyone can choose to smile more and take frequent showers
So yes, incels are entirely 100% to blame for choosing to walk around life with a non-smiling bad personality that anyone can see from a mile away,
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Because women are abusers.
>just smile more elephant man!
why do you post this garbage? You are setting people up to fail
>inb4 incel/virgin/forever alone
I do alright
>No on respects incels at all, they are boys who should have never been born in the first place.

go figger...
Sounds like you need to work on your personality anon, have you tried smiling more and taking frequent showers?
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Why don't incels just take the 2Dpill? There's no downside!
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Pic related. Women literally think Chad is an "average man."
I'm just here to demoralize racist /pol/ chuds and most importantly, make sure they hate their white women so none of them ever have any white babies on their own ever.
Which are the two main purposes of this website, as we all know.
Anyway, shabbat shalom, stay kosher and enjoy the rest of the day
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Listen w/ we to do now
This is actually the biggest psyop ever pulled on American men. I recently had the ability to do some traveling around Europe, and not just touristy areas but actually multi-week excursions into the lesser-known parts of the countryside, residential areas, etc. Most young women are actually quite attractive, at least in France, Scandinavia, Hungary, and Austria. It’s actually shocking, like the veil was taken off my eyes. American women are literally just so fat it kills their sex appeal as a whole. Your average 7/10 in Europe would turn heads back in America. Most women aren’t “average”, we just accept in America that they destroy their bodies with food and alcohol. It’s heartbreaking.
die in a car accident sweatie
They said some thing against Spain
>they had rather not had said
No pussy, no work, no taxes.

Do not participate in society. Eat tendies, sit home and play vidya. Choose voluntary isolation and loneliness. Lay down and rot, do not take showers or other care about hygiene. Do not flush public toilets after you use them. Do not go to the gym or do any other means of excercise.

Become the burden normies fear. PEE PEE POO POO.
Those women aren't actually more attractive, they were just genetically different and it stimulated your xenophilia. Humans are instinctually xenophilic creatures. The men from those areas have the same reaction to your non-fat, non-skanky American women.
Based and agreed, except for showering. Showering feels good.
by making so many single mothers, or fatherless children that creates the groupthink towards a digital currency where no one escapes taxes, for every single transaction they make… that way there’s “hope and change” that the incels are made to raise some absentee “father’s” children, and the women can have sex with no repurcussions to theirselves
if 50% of men can't get laid then society has failed. FACT!
in a world where every human is tracked by every transaction they make or how much they’ve earned with digital money, there isn’t even a need for militaries to fight one another, only the children that are finally cared for by the incels that are forced to raise them, or no more money, even if their mother doesn’t give them sex, the faggots can keep reproducing kids then going back to a childfree lifestyle and women won’t have any need to worry about what dick goes in them, how they are mothers with children without a father
England votes fore Holand
You pee standing up 'Sarah'.
>>475696975 (Me)
Since ye so double sighted.
Unfortunately, however it's an Official message, as would France support for once
It misses an ''l''Yes

not holand
Women are at fault globally.they sabotaged the male children in their desire for power. This has happened before.
Not true. The horror is way worse. Women internationally sabotage male children to gain power. Fact. Boomer women did this. Communist Traitors. Read goal 17 https://blog.thegovernmentrag.com/2020/12/25/the-45-communist-goals-as-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963/
Being incel was never about being ugly. Look at the OG incel Elliot Rodger. He was a decent looking guy, definitely better looking than lots of beast couples I see on the streets. He was also loaded thanks to his daddy's money, having a nice car, privileged future etc.
And he was still an incel that died like a bitch because he couldn't handle rejection. He was an egocentric narcissist whose ego literally manifested in his facial expressions and mannerism.
Most incels are simply unable to engage in a normal conversation because of underlying mental health issues, or they are unable to settle for less than a 11/10 because of character flaws, or they're a walking box of insecurities due to early and excessive porn consumption where they compare themselves to faking actresses and hand select muscular dudes with 7+ inch penises and wide lenses focusing on the dick
My sister was litteraly 14 when she attempted Bob Dylan even

>That European prize
He never really did come to collect it

Just literally saying vrens
Well I understand you want me to speak Anglish
>Elliot Rodger
Another hoax.
kek what is this show?
I'm sure my sister did it vrens
War used to be the solution to this problem, we are long overdue for another one
I would guess that the vast majority of those men are creepy shitskins.
dumb fuck. they were WORLD wars, and there was two of them. their death toll is the exception, not the rule.

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