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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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ex-worker of mr beast makes a video about all of his lies and illegal practices and may also do a follow up about chris tyson (if he doesnt die in the progress)


are we seeing the fall of the "antichrist"?
Yea he has STACKS of money
He fucken sucks
He knew about it all.
>wife and child
>dropped it to embrace fetish fully
No. Not because I think he himself did anything wrong, but because he let the troon troon out on his show and took zero action to distance himself from that behavior before it was too late.
Him getting away from this without some come of recompense would be like some guy jumping into the gorilla pit at a zoo and not getting mauled. Extremely unsatisfying.
No one cares about this eceleb garbage story. We're not cancelling your competition for you, fuck off
I seriously think he has a brain tumor or something. He just spiraled into a gooning obsessed troon.
imagine thinking NPCs will care if celebrity hero gets exposed. they'll only stop watching if a bigger celebrity hero tells them to stop watching him. that is how they process information and make decisions.
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is /pol/ full of fucking bots?, wtf are this responses?
it was probably just a diet lacking nutrients for testosterone while being full of phytoestrogens.
The reason he's getting away with this is Mr Beast is one of youtubes biggest creators.
They've lost tons already, they'll trash the site trying to protect people like him and this is exactly why you don't do business with jews or youtube.
an actual response that is related to the original post, holy shit
Someone is spamming all the threads with bot replies as a way to kill the board. It's been like that for a while. You're pretty slow on the uptake
The reason he'll get away with it is because everyone with a few brain cells to rub together knew it was bullshit for children the whole time. 15 year olds being SHOCKED that his videos are mostly faked is not enough to make anyone care.
Why would youtube do something, what rule did he break?
Immediately put his son in heels and thought it was funny. This person should be drowned. With his whole clan of homos
the thing about this e-celeb drama shit is that there are never receipts. never. It's always some social media aspirant making claims.
>oh, his friend has dirt on mr beast so mr beast had to allow him to stay, durr
it may be true, it may be false, who fucking cares?
>le shadman
who fucking cares?
>ree, pedo
shut the fuck up, zoomzoom. the left is eating shit right now politically because they called everyone a nazi and cheapened the word. stop calling everyone you don't like a pedo. if they groomed kids or diddled kids, and it can be proven with evidence and not hearsay, then call them a pedo until the fucking cows come home, but if not SHUT THE FUCK UP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ZOOMERS ARE FUCKING RETARDED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SKIBIDI AAAAAAAAAAAAA NO CAP FRFR
Just whiteboy things
who really cares i never watched a single video of his thats kids shit
wtf is that intro? Why is his pupils so wide is he on drugs? very creepy.
someone summarize the video, I don't want to give clicks to them
MrBeast very certainly knew Kris were big trouble when he went tranny, but of course couldnt get rid of him either due to trsnsphobia accusatations etc. Fucking minefield
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how fucking many?
He'll be fine. These guys are propped up by millions of zoomers. Too big to fail.
They take a hit to their subscriber numbers which gets rebuilt and and more from the free publicity. Sad.
This guy is literally crazy as shit and probably the worst possible person who could expose this information
he's not a kid, the bastard is taller than me and most people on this thread
US Definition of Fraud.
A knowing misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact to induce another to act to his or her detriment.

Fraud | NEIU

Northeastern Illinois University.
His wife was a qt. what an idiot
Im not a fucking bot retard
Would be funny to see what kind of lawyer competition he would put together for whoever will defend him in court
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wow i am so shocked that this man is a fraud
It's 03:28 AM in Norway right now and you seriously want us to believe that you're not a bot?
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Yes you are faggot, kys
or, possibly, demonic possession or some really fucked up narcissism. it blows my mind too
Mr Beast is false idol the Gen alpha and zoomers worship
Seems legit all the legit people are awake at 3am.
Funny how the dirt came out after he dipped his toe into politics. Guess they keep a file on everyone.
those are real nigga hours dummy
My father worked with glowniggers a long time ago, he told me the FBI would walk into every new president's office and drop a file on their desk with the implication being they have the dirt to drop whenever they need.
jewish controlled influenceer and brain rot salesaman
fuck this degenerate and anyone who drinks this coolaid
total nigger death
total troon death
total kike death
Unlike you I watched the video and it makes a strong case for illegal lotteries.
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Anime watchers are all pedophiles.
Mr Beast singlehandedly made the White man richer, every single one of his giveaways has been to White men, all of his crew is White, he removed a troon, kicked his Punjab editor out, laughing in his face, now Jews, wiggers and Pajeets are trying to bring one of the last bastions of the White Race down
You think someone is allowed to have as much money as MrBeast without being subject to undermining and glowops by agency handlers?
The troon was their contingency plan to crash his brand, hence why it was ignored for MONTHS until the glowniggers gave other big names the okay to talk about it.
Shut up jew FED
mr beasts audience is 10 year olds from india and africa. nothing save for prison could hurt his brand.
>Having a wife
>Not ramming her ass 24/7 and getting her shit all over your cock
imagine giving that up, just to play dress up and sext 14 year old boys
all of 4chan is these days. you can easily tell because hardly anyone ever mentions the image that used as OP posts these days. they only comment on what the OP actually typed out. if I posted a pic of some guys asshole bleeding and then said "whats your favorite pizza topping". only 1 or 2 niggas are gonna mention the pic. back in the old days the pizza toppings question woujld have been ignored and every post would have been about the bleeding asshole
Video is shadowbanned. Doesn't show up if you search for the title.
Hes not the antichrist if hes falling.
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Didn't his wife leave him before he trooned out or something? Maybe he's doing this as a coping mechanism
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> MrBeast & MrPredator
A lot of this is known and visible if your an adult with a brain. Its why his target demo is kids.

Its hard to tell if its just incompetency and no knowledge of the ethics/laws around this shit or malicious intent to target kids with gambling. I genuinely believe Mr Beast is actually an idiot who just wants to be liked which is why he started giveaways initially. But that snowballed as the the channel grew into what we have now.
public hangings could have prevented this
Meh we went with let anon handle his shitty life

Whoops another jumper
>have a child for breakfast
>wear it's watch to work
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public hangings could have prevented this
This. I think he’s a useful idiot who is incomprehensible in his insecurity. People sacrifice a lot of things for success. His was belief in himself and integrity.
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Imagine years of hard work building one of the biggest platforms in the world with almost immaculate PR going to hell in a week because one of your friends is mentally ill.
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Buy an ad, faggot.
can anything be done? does reporting works?
end point of all gooners
buy an ad
ultra faggot detected
integrating zero fucks given
processing told ya so
Why would they crash his brand if he's still doing their bidding?
Actually so sad to see. Dude had everything he could ask for and looked like a solid guy and he TROONED THE FUCK OUT
Did you watch, or even skim the video? There's good reason to believe Mr Beast has conducted many dozens of illegal lotteries. The state might actually care to investigate since it reserves to itself the right to scam its citizens, and throwing its weight around for "the sake of the children" is one of its favorite activities.
I know the word has been getting tossed around here too much lately, but it's possible that it's a humiliation ritual from above. He'll be even better for them if he makes it through.
It's so over for mr beast
MK ultra’d
Mr Beast is a confirmed pedo

I have never watch a sinyle video of his and dont plan to either.
Just want to know who the tens of millions of people are that watch this kiddie fiddler.
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When you drink transgender koolaid and find out it's just some dude's piss
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>I seriously think he has a brain tumor or something
Imagine being a zoomer who is so mindfucked that refer to pervert faggot pedophiles as "Minor Attracted Persons"
children sommelier is the correct pronoun
>50 min ami onions
If he distanced trannies (the most extremely online and most profitable demographic to globohomo) would have gone absolutely berserk.
It's 100% the fault of jewish social media. Back in the 70s and 80s, closeted AGP men with families had to keep it secret because it was shameful, today the leftist kike regime makes tr00ns into saints and role models.
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I hope he goes bankrupt
I have no idea who MrBeast is and hate seeing his gross dysgenic fetal alcohol face everywhere.
Weren't you defending this yesterday?
>Can mrbeast recover?
Uh, yes. Over 300 million subs getting billions of views a month, Biggest e-celeb ever, fully backed by YouTube. This is just a small bump for him.
yeah I don't really like this guy presenting the video, bit of a weirdo. I'm curious but dunno if I'll be able to make it through the whole thing
I’m watching it rn, and made it 16 minutes in; the beginning is cringe but the rest is kino
Who cares? He's an entertainer.
mkultra freemason/jesuit grooming
Modern Feminism comes from the Freemasons who worship the "androgyne." They are female supremacists. All waves of feminism, rigged family courts, LGBT (especially trans) all come from the Freemasons. They intend America to be "the whore of babylon" or an unrestrained female spirit as spoken about in the bible. Epistemological evil that can be disproven by the most simple reasoning.
The only people that actually hate this guy are people mad that he goes over to shitty countries and makes fools of their governments by building infrastructure while making boatloads of money doing it.
It's envy and jealousy.
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I don’t even see the bots anymore, my eyes just skip over them.
The loss of mister nonce is like having to by a new screwdriver to his masters.
I hope not. I hate seeing his ugly ass face.
>Shut up jew FED
Wouldn't the jew fed try to get you hooked up into that stuff, instead of discouraging it?
lol no. children don't care about that shit, some might even get hard or wet
If you double check all of them you end in duopolic status quo

Face it, is rigged

It just can't or won't see the obvious issue with democrats or republicans

I mean look at them
Oh wow another literal tranny thread.

No doubt there are bots here but not every post you think is a bot actually is as zoomers were raised on tiktok comments filled with bots and were trained to post like bots making the two indistinguishable.
Zoomers are afraid of not fitting in to the point they copy bots.
Combined with porn consumption.
And misogyny.
Who is mr beast and what did he do to matter to me?
>entertainers are except from the law and allowed to be frauds and scammers
I hate him because of the dumb faces he pulls and posts on his thumbnails. What now retard?
I dont know If I believe that, because you can clearly6 see they dont even read the posts
Bro just look at his fucking face, he’s faker than fuck.
jews propped him up and gave him 100m to push transgenderism to millions of kids on youtube.

That tranny now gets 500k likes a post on Instagram by little children.

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imagine all that "charity" in 3rd worlds is doing, he's like the hilary clinton of haiti
Chris Tyson that is.

Posts random pictures and gets like 600k likes.

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>smile: locked in
>eyes: dead inside
Exactly, like zoomers.. But I do suspect that destiny faggot who was being spammed here a few days back of trying to flood this board with bots. Now they are spamming nonsense and bullshit to try and get the Kamala Harris elected.
I literally don't even know what Mr. Beast's voice sounds like, and I hate him solely for his dead-cow eyed fake smile he puts in every thumbnail. It's just that offputting.
>first reply is niggers
sounds like pol to me
No he actually had some good insights and those happened to come from people that were motivated to continue the idea he started

It was when people started to work for him, and decided that they wanted to include themselves, in order to promote their stereotypes, and their new genres of "Pop" trends that he lost his driving ideals, which attracted his audiences

He then turned it into a money game, and then added the spite out of the sheer control over the financial game, per his identity that is used to promote them.

People would literally fiend off of him like vampires.

So he caved and let people into his circle, of which one decided that they were going to become one of the Looney Troons, and that is when he was called out, among the other color revolutionaries that were driving his mind to other interests he didn't like.

Also shows that his identity is his persona and that he has a very hard time finding legit people to work with, but is a number one douchebag to invite a collective in any manner, and then dump them at his own will, which he should have decided based on better screening processes before he went to film with them impulsively.

We don't mold a creator or a persona by our demands, we watch the vids and like the vids or dont like the vids.

Thats my take on his "life"......lol.....what drama.
Fuck mr yeast
It doesn’t matter. 12 year olds watch his videos but they don’t watch schizoid deboonking videos that EXPOSE and DESTROY people. They just log on, play Roblox or whatever the fuck, watch Mr beast and go to bed. This video won’t do shit because nobody that matters for it will watch it and be impacted by it
All I wanna know is how we get him arrested for exploiting kids and breaking the law.
you're on an anime website, you horrendous faggot
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mr beast, you thought you could get rid of your handler? fuck you mr beast you're going DOWN
he abandoned our Lord Jesus Christ
pray he returns
Porn addiction
yup, and parents who let their kid sit in front of an ipad all day don't watch this shit either. unfortunately, nothing is going to change for the time being.
I’m not watching his videos op. Check my vid about someone actually based
nigger babble. freemasonry in 2024 is equivalent of boyscouts for gnostics/hermetics.
Have you been fucked in the ass yet or are you still in the lower levels?
>Unknown desktop streamer
>CIA mother pulls a few strings
>Night Media hires him
>Pumped Overnight to a million + subscribers
>Youtube algorithm rebuilt around his channel
>When popularity peaks completely corporatizes
>Welp time to pay back the CIA
>Cohost troons out and starts grooming kids with blessings
how you going to get out of it slipping jimmy? dont think we dont know all the stuff we made you do!
more nigger babbble and im not a freemason
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Masons have a tranny fetish and instead of paying a tranny to fuck their ass they run social media campaigns telling guys to cut their dicks off.
no jannies are trannies and also glowniggers
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DSP wins again
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mrbeast predicted it
he is a ultra gooner, he talked about vr set loli gangrape, shadman, dickgirls, scat.
Absolutely disgusting
I didn't need a video to know this guy is a fraud.
>are we seeing the fall of the "antichrist"?
I didn't expect to make it through the whole video. How come the regulatory agencies are asleep at the wheel?

Jimmy may not go to jail but I see a large criminal settlement fine and likely a conviction and prohibition on future scams like what happened to Kevin Trudeau. (no relation to Justin)
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>mr beast, you thought you could get rid of your handler? fuck you mr beast you're going DOWN
>I didn't need a video to know this guy is a fraud.
I never watched a Mr. Beast video, but I've seen his creepy fake smile. (his eyes aren't congruent)

Guess the pedo friend was just a coincidence.
>a billionaire is a fraud
many such cases!
Huh this douche is getting shit on now?
God I fuckin hope so.
I'm so tired of seeing his fake ass teeth.
Same. Never watched any of his videos but his face just oozes bad vibes.

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