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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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And with Kelly pick, she's taking Arizona too. What's Trump's plan now?
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he has none, its time for ta woman to lead america
>Harris +6
Into the trash it goes.
and now that she's the front runner, how about all you chuds learn how to pronounce her name
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>What's Trump's plan now?
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It's the polling trend. That's how much she's closed the gap. Not that she's up 6 points. She's still losing to trump in that poll.

Reading comprehension is important.
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Fuck your thread
Trump needs to try to win over more black and brown folk as well as vouch that the US is going to war for Israel in the middle east if he wants to win these swing county's that are 80% college educated whites.
Trump supporter that lives in rural Alabama where dems haven’t won since the slavery days here. Seeing LOTS of support now that trump has declined to debate Harris. People are calling him “coward trump” and switching to Harris now. If trump can’t win in Alabama he can’t win anywhere !
No, nigger. She's losing every single state in thay poll except Wisconsin, where she'a tied. Those are her numbers against BIDEN, not Trump. She's still losing to Trump.

But then you know that already, don't you kike?
Kamala will ensure that Israel doesn't get American money anymore, you should vote for her.
>trend change
Why are you such a lying faggot?
Those are not the polling numbers, fuckwit
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The fact people believe this has reinvigorated me. It’s gonna be even better than 2016. Parents were watching CNN coverage of Joe’s AI speech and buying every bit of the narrative that.
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Everyone knows that retarded Marxist whore's name is Kameltoe.
Kamala voted yes for every single funding bill for Israel while she was in the Senate and she is married to a Jew and has a Jewish step daughter.
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Threads over faggots. Trumps on track for an EC blow out.
Trump needs another RNC which is even more pozzed than the previous one. More porn stars, black women twerking, and little fat mexican women talking about how easy it is to get to the US. That's how Trump is going to get the victory, all minorities will switch to republican for sure.
They’re all within the margin of error now
It’s over for us trump bros
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The shills know that, but they have nothing to work with except lies and screaming really loudly.
Kameltoe is going to lose in the biggest landslide since the 1980s, and they know it.
Oh I was wrong. Seems she's back to losing Wisconsin now too.
You need to slow down your VPN hopping ding dong. Make it less obvious.
lmao the cope is hilarious
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pray for him LOL
And then she's going to go on TV and get fucking embarrassed just like she was in 2020 by tulsi gabbard
You retards are so desperate, lol
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Keep it up. I encourage you to lie like this all over the internet.
Don't forget to keep screeching about how Harris was never put in charge of the border, too.
Streisand Effect is fun, isn't it?
Dumbfuck low-grade shill.
>Only the polls I like matter
Nigger you're not even White.
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Oh no.

If only she was an incompetent, xanax-popping lunatic that will be so unable to stand up under inevitable campaign scrutiny it will make international headlines.
all these kamala threads and im thinking that this is a raid.
Man please let Trump lose.
Him losing 2020 broke pol.
Imagine him allowing the glass ceiling to be broken on his watch.
No one will remember he was ever president.
>let me poll 800 people and tell you it's a good sample and represents america as a whole
Blacks will definitely move towards Harris
Republicans need to run in abolishing student loans and forcing the colleges to pay off debts. Being the party of abolition already sounds good, but the goal here is crushing liberal faggots forever while forcing merit back in the schools
>not actual margin
lol like lmao voodoo number magic
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Well, I'm voting for Kamala Harris because she's got the experience and the smarts to lead our nation. She's all about uniting folks, which is what we need in these turbulent times. Her plans for healthcare, the environment, and the economy make sense to me, and I trust her to handle our country's business with other nations. Kamala Harris is the steady hand we need right now.

>What's Trump's plan now?

To do every ineffectual thing to fight the obvious stolen election, AGAIN.
Harris is polling worse with blacks than Biden was. Like by double digits.
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and what are the betting odds...?
>Kamala "Secures" (sucks dick)
Sure she did faggot
Who is leading America right now?
JD needs to explain policy now to win. Trump won't do it.
Shapiro as VP locks down PA. Michigan Muslims will come out to vote for Harris since she isn't an ardent zionist. Map currently looks like this. It's close
trump is a retard that wanted to make a app to compete against twitter, if he wanted the black vote he should’ve started trump records with the tagline make blacks rap again
VP picks do not move the needle historically in a vps state. Furthermore Harris is polling way down in Pennsylvania, not nearly enough to flip it by picking Shapiro. Even if she did picking a Jew for VP 100% loses her Michigan, especially when combined with the fact that she is married to a Jew, her daughter is a Jew, and she has voted yes for every single Israeli aid package in the Senate.
I'm serious, you fucks. Do you even *REALIZE* how bad of an error they just made? This woman, the current VICE president, wasn't even being considered for the role. This woman is a fucking disaster, America will go from curious to horrified.

They have no good cards to play and they played a bad one. Holy shit the debates are going to be amazing.
This is deception to confuse people. To misinform people and to make it look like Kamala is winning. Disgusting.
I actually want them to move the debate up. She's such a horrific speaker and debater. Body that bitche 10 minutes after the convention and then let her wallow in shit for 3 months while you just blast her hilariously left wing (yet still VERY pro-Israel!) record.
thats why they are out in full force right now. they are panicking
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You guys have learned to imitate your conman orange calf to such an extent that you can never admit you're in quick sand, even to yourselves
Kelly is only noteworthy because his wife got shot. Literally nobody cares about Kelly. Republicans here unironically have more respect for Sinema since she votes independently instead of tapdancing for her masters.
Friendly reminder that Harris polling far worse than Biden did in 2020 with all of the following demographics:

Women (all races) - underperforms Biden 2020 by 6 points
Hispanics (all genders) - underperforms Biden 2020 by double digits
Black Men - undeperforms Biden 2020 by double digits
>Harris winning Georgia and Pennsylvania

This is the most blatant shilling ive ever seen around here.
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Trump is winning literally every single swing state.
What a deceptive narrow statistic.
Holy Kike Batmen.

Then you deserve the shithole she has envisioned.
These are the fastest polls in the history of politics , Kamala barely had time to brush old Joes tablets off the big desk and she getting huge swing polls.
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Shills, legit shills and shit posters, should be put on trial as spies and saboteurs.
GA will definitely be decided by at least +2 thanks to the niggers down there.
and not shitposters*
Bruh this timeline fun as hell

I kinda wanted Biden to stay in cuz it was funny the energy of this old dude mispronouncing stuff but just telling long stories and rambling as the dying nonwhite microdick races seethe in livestreams and loser fag leftists like Vaush and co seething cuz Biden not being heckin strongerino leader or whatever the fuck, but I'm cool with brown bimbo white supremacist queen leading for a while, give the old white man a break for a time

Some of us called this five years ago

Nonwhite males are done as a future investment for anything, highest homosexuality, highest transgenderism, highest incel rates, bitter sexless cultureless, theyre a write off even existing by next century

But white women are so buck broken theyre now DIRECTLY motherfucking telling them by name how to vote after getting their corny Clinton dunked on and having to sit through years of Trump victory lap lmfaooo

"Vote for the chocolate bimbo queen bitch, you, white woman, vote for the white supremacist brown bimbo"
>25k+ live viewers

And if queen Kamala loses, we get clown prince lord emperor Trump himself

Best timeline

The Blond Beast Cult rises
She's so lazy I'm not sure she'd even try to accomplish anything. Just the status quo, which means everything will stay shit.

Probably even more illegals and political persecutions.
Was never a big trump fan, but moreclikelybtonwin over Biden. I always go for the winning team . I'm switching to Kamala now cause she's gonna win.
They even shill her in Canadian News, it's insane.
Swing states are all compromised by Soros-planted DAs. They were solid blue even before Joever
Why doesn't he do the ears?
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I will genuinely miss Biden though, never thought I'd say that, but he straight up made every single demographic seethe just telling casual rambling stories and lines not giving a fuck half conscious on pain killers, felt like old /pol/ energy for a while
Are you legititmately retarded? Tulsi gabbard destroyed kamala's presidential run in 2020. Literally no one likes her. Politics in the US post 2015 had been nothing but damage control trying to keep trump from the levers of power while maximizing damage to the US.
And this is before her VP pick bump snd her convention bump.

>literally every single swing state.
Use the 5-way breakdown, that's tied or Harris winning. And undecided voters are breaking for Dems as per usual and because Rs can't stop sprerging off-putting shit.
>It's time for the younger generation to lead!
>Hands it off to ANOTHER fucking baby boomer
Shit you not, Harris is literally as young as you can be while still being considered a baby boomer.
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Yeah let democrats win
Another 60 billion to Ukraine just dont pay attention.
MI always, always votes more to the right of WI. MI and WI right now are pretty much locked in for Trump. If Kamala comes out in support of Palestine, she loses both. If she supports Israel then she loses MI but still has a chance in WI by a tiny margin.
No way does Kamala take NH, ME or VT by those margins, tilt to lean D is more believable but she ain't winning all 3.
NV and AZ are over +6 points for Trump you're insane if you think Kamala with her shady prosecutorial past has a snowballs chance there..
PA and VA are in play, don't believe the push polls right now it's just Dems happy Biden is gone and are hopeful about Kamala. Her favorability ratings are worse than Biden and she's a dogshit debater and speaker, Trump will bend her over and go in raw and dirty.
This is Trumps race to lose right now, this is literally the worse case scenario and the fact the DNC aren't gonna vote on delegates is only gone help Trump with independents.
If they win Georgia it's pretty much over.
No, nigger. Trump leads AZ, NV, PA, MI, and WI. Literally every single swing state is led by Trump and Harris needs to win every single one.
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Good news for Donnie that no one has ever lost a presidential primary before going on to win years later, right?
Donnie's cult seems to legitimately have no idea how much people outside their religion hate him.
Write me a story about a man eating shrubbery.
I dunno

I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
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We did it, Twitter!!!!!
did you know that you can actually identity where bots are posting from by analyzing their posting times
Nigger, she hasn't even secured the nomination. What a fucking retard.
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>Use the 5-way breakdown

It's actually way worse for her in 5 ways. Trump wins literally every single 5 way poll.
You are overconfident.
Just like Hillary was.
It's going to cost you.
there are 50 state primaries, even Biden won a few back in 88 and he had to drop out for lying too much.
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>polling trend
Unlike Hillary Trump is actually campaigning in these states. He just had a rally in Michigan and he has his next in Minnesota and then yet another in Pennsylvania. The reason Trump is leading so much is because he's going to these states every other week. It's not overconfidence, it's called putting the work in.
They will use this narrative to cheat.

GET TRAINED, you are running out of time to be healthy and skilled.

Seek Jesus, Start with You.
Get Trained, Start with You.
Or Cry.
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And when Donnie lies too much he gets another conviction
They're not sending their best.
I dont think running as "The other Democrat" was such a good plan bros
For what? Who is she?
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The sad thing is, you are.
I'm looking forward to the footage of Kamala demanding a mandatory federal gun buyback to be run on tv in PA, MI, GA, AZ and WI nonstop until November.
kamala bin laden
They never have. These pajeet shills don't realize that black guys would never vote for a half black woman.
Yas Queen!
Quicksand and Voldemort aren’t real, just shitty tired movie tropes.
>muh cult
>muh my social bubble = everyone
No. I'm looking at polls, favorability ratings, the fact all swing states have seriously curtailed their "pandemic" voting rule changes and the RNC has started aggressively ballot harvesting too to make an educated guess. The Obama/Biden faction in the DNC hates Kamala and she's an incredibly weak candidate on just her merits alone.
Black men won't even vote for a full black woman. No one understands how horrible black women are better than black men.
Much less one that was raised white/pajeet.
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But monsters are real.
What did Donald Trump do to you?

This meme. Later that year Trump banned Epstein from all his properties after he was caught trying to take a minor up to his room. Then Trump proceeded to shit talk him to his friends for years and alluded to his business associates to not do business with him. Do better.
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And many woman with kids wont vote for the childless second wife.
The original Donald had blonde eyebrows and hair. You can see this in videos of him through the early 80s. That brown haired one is some other guy.
Quality post.

If I might add she also is on video, many many times, supporting policies that do not fly in any of the swing states. Like mandatory gun buybacks, late term abortions, a complete ban on fracking, shutting down coal mines, free trade, single payer healthcare, tax increases, and the green new deal. NONE of this shit is going to fly in PA, GA, AZ, MI, or NV.
>believing this synthetic Kuntmala bullshit
Not even once
Friendly reminder that her black father refused to speak or associate with her in any capacity. He basically disowned her.
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>muh right wing internet zeitgeist
Merits! Is she a convicted felon? Was she ever found liable for rape? Has she ever lost millions and millions of dollars for defrauding people? Has she noted that Epstein is a "terrific" guy who likes them "young"? No? Then she's more merited when her opponent is Donald Trump.
Treated my country like one of his whores treats a mattress.
> “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Choose better idols.
>crazy bitch
call me a dumbass but I'd still bang her, especially since she's probably easy to manipulate
show me the single women voters and I'll show you the easiest demographic to lay
>Merits! Is she a convicted felon?
You should keep reminding the voters of this again and again and adain. Or have you forgotten thay everytime you idiots indict or sue Trump on a false charge his polls go up?

Watch what happens if (((merchant))) is dumb enough to actually sentence him.
This. Also the fact that conservative leaning indies don't like the fact that she was Montel Williams' side chick, got her first big job because she was opening her legs for the mayor AND she cackled like a demonic witch when talking about a woman who was raped and murdered. Kamala is fucking toxic and I'd say after this honeymoon period ends in about a week her chances of winning will be lower than Biden pre-debate.

Before you bring up "muh flight logs" people with private planes rent them out for private companies and other celebrities. Me myself have actually flown on one of Elon Musks private jets and two of Zuckerbergs. The only reason I know I flew on them is because I rarely take private planes and pilots shared the info when I asked.
he will cut off his other ear like Vincent Van Gogh
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Yes, it should be said at every moment that your master is a convicted felon. Because he's a felon, on account of all the crime. Have you heard his fat ass was convicted? That he's a convicted criminal, even?
My property is shaped like oklahoma and some spics bought the land next door, they have to cross my property to access there’s, okay no problem, cut a 15 foot wide drive across a part of it....no, they cleared ALL the trees off my flag lot, 700+ feet and so I told them that is my property, I paid a lawyer for consultation and to send a cease and desist letter, later I seen the owners at the property and said for a second time that the front 50 feet off the road for a quarter mile down is my property, I paid for it and pay taxes on it, my house is on the same lot(it’s shaped like Oklahoma remember) afterwards, maybe two or three weeks later they put a trailer right on the corner of their lot, they began parking on my land when visiting their lot and so I went out last Saturday and run stakes with flags along my property line, while doing that they showed up and asked what I was doing, I told them I was marking my property line (this is the third time I’ve told them it’s my property) and the female shitskin asked if I was going to mow it or if they should, I told them I was going to put up a fence but was waiting to see where they wanted to put their driveway, they said at the end of their lot, opposite end of their trailer, today I see they have a hole dug for septic but it’s on the side of their trailer not behind it, so they can’t park in front of it nor pull up along the side? It feels like they’re trying to rush the build and use my land as their front yard despite now three times informing them, I know they had their land surveyed, I documented it, i talked to the people they hired to clear the land, I seen their text messages to them, I’m not going to give away my land, I’m putting they fence up tomorrow, I’m so fucking mad
The fence will be maybe 6-10 feet from the front of their new trailer, the entire length, their arrogance is god damn astounding
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Yeah sure she did
Why are liberals so bad at this?
i can't wait for blue maga to have an aneurysm after telling us not to replace biden
>Yes, it should be said at every moment that your master is a convicted felon.
Yes, absolutely, because the voters see through it which is precisely why his polls go up every single time. And it doesn't matter anyway because they're all getting through out for Constitutional violations so please, I beg you, please keep bringing it up.

You faggots are so retarded that you can't even conceive that this entire frame job has done nothing but help Trump's chances of being reelected significantly. By all means though please keep cutting off your nose to spite your face.
>Merits! Is she a convicted felon?
On bogus trumped up charges? Thanks we'll take some more his polls only go higher.

>Was she ever found liable for rape?
-citation required-

>Has she ever lost millions and millions of dollars for defrauding people?
Tell me you don't know shit about business without telling me you don't know shit about business.

>Has she noted that Epstein is a "terrific" guy who likes them "young"?
Find me a quote AFTER Trump banned him from his properties and his first conviction. You're reaching.

BTW none of these are merits. Let me list a few actual merits from Kamala.

>on record wanting to ban fracking
>on record wanting a mandatory gun ban
>on record for 9 month abortion
>on record banning all mining
>no more free trade
>more taxes
>socialized medicine
>raising money for rioters a few of whom went on to murder, rape and further destruction.

You suck at this.
Real thread here.
so Kamala's platform is entirely emotional? That's shocking. Can't wait for her to attempt explain anything policy or platform related. Can she even find Ukraine on a map?
Kamala can’t do shit but take COCKS in her NIGGER MOUTH
Trump is her DADDY
Ah belligerence. The final tool in the retards arsenal.
>AND she cackled like a demonic witch when talking about a woman who was raped and murdered
She also hid exculpatory evidence that would have reversed a conviction for a man on death row and kept prisoners incarcerated past their release date so she could use them as slave labor for big businesses in California's prison labor for profit scheme.
Wait, does he really have 20TB of pepperoni pizza?
>muh polls
>muh voting
gay, tiresome, etc.
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OH THE ELECTION IS SO BELIEVABLE NOW! I'll totally cheer when Trump wins like a football game fan! Then war with Iran and gas for $7 a gallon!
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>What's Trump's plan now?
he will flee to Russia soon
I'm no fan of the left but I've got to say, migatards brought this on themselves with their retard anger over the years.
Talked to the fellas at the work site. They all hate that new York billionaire. They know that thr unions back them up, that education of the children is our future, and that defense of is a sacred duty for us all to support.

Kamala all the way, men. We can't look back.
>Save us spics and niggers.
Yeah, that's not going to happen. Trumptards have alienated every single vote except for slack jawed yokels.
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>Can she even find Ukraine on a map?
Have you ever seen her Ukraine is a country quote?
Trump should urge Congress and the supreme court to allow Democrats to transfer the Biden/Harris war chest to whoever the democratic party nominates due to exceptional circumstances that threaten democracy.

It would be interesting to see what kind of chaos that would bring
he needs to drop Vance asap
>believing honey moon period push polls.
How knew to polling are you? This is her absolute ceiling, it's literally all down hill from here.
Trump is leading in the polls in literally every single one of those states
The fuck are you on about? If anything whites are the ones letting him down, especially white women.
All the damage control in here. Your zionist cheeto can't win, Palestine will be free, Israel will be dismantled, racism will lose.

Why is OP so obsessed with polling? Polling doesn't tell you who's going to win its designed to influence you to vote a certain way.
Nvm OP is a bot.
You won't do shit, lol
You town bike whore of a candidate will lose. Palestine will be glassed. Israel will do it's thing. Racism is an evolutionary trait and will no go anywhere.
Good thing Harris polls way worse with women than Biden does. Biden polls double digits better with black men and hispanics of all genders too.

Honest to God I can't believe they appointed this woman. They can't possibly believe she can win.
letting him down?

sorry i don't vote for fucking retards that fumble the easiest election ever. all he had to do was read a prompter after being shot and he'd win

But NOoooooo faggot gotta freestyle and do crowd work like the carnival barker he is
they're creating a narrative so when trump wins they can claim fraud
>Palestine will be free, Israel will be dismantled
Not with Kamala with her Jewish husband, Jewish daughter, and 100% record of voting yes on Israeli aid packages.
they already admitted the polls prior to Biden dropping out were bullshit. they weren't doing their job because it looked like a slam dunk for Trump
its not even cope. its just spam cause its "le funny" to tranny discord raider and other faggy websites.
no one like cummala harry. nobody likes her
i hope this happens. Biden's corpse might break Obama's drone strike high score that way.

people might finally get to see the DARPA bot swarm in action also
We're already winning. Even /pol/ (the non-retarded ones) sees that retarded old boomer Trump won't stand up to the jews and fight western imperialism and is siding with Kamala Harris. Free lunch for kikes is coming to an end, American money will be going to palestine and Africa instead of jewish controlled apartheid shitholes.
Honeymoon period.
>maybe if we spam shill fake polls for the next 4 months, we can cheat again like last time!
>actually thinking this won't start an actual civil war
We were 2cm from a civil war
No one wants to have their kids drafted into ww3
Anyone unironically shilling this should kill themselves
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>In 2017, while giving a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), then-Senator Harris delivered a 19-minute speech in which she showered praise on Israel, stating that she supports “the United States’ commitment to provide Israel with $38 billion in military assistance over the next decade.” Harris stated that America has “shared values” with Israel and that the bond between the two nations is “unbreakable.”
Then dems should be very worried because even in her honeymood period she is still polling on track to lose every single swing state.
He’s going to beg JD to fuck a couch on video to get some publicity.
that's what the elite wants unironically
Hillary was leading in the polls in 2016 iirc?
How did that work out?
Polls don't mean shit. Maga is dead in the water, trump rallies are just the same diehard retards cheering on the idol of the poor who's only out to enrich himself.
Trump has destroyed the last dregs of Americas global influence.
USA is a laughing stock to the world.
>Harris polls way worse with women
So let's see the polls since Vance's recent statement pissing off women as a block.
Trump picking Vance is just hitting the self destruct gas pedal to oblivion.
It's going to be a hell of a show. Better than 2020.
Hillary also did not visit the swing states even a single time. Trump has a rally in them once or twice a week. He just took a bullet in Pennsylvania and was at a rally in Michigan a week later, he's back in PA in a few days. Hillary never even set foot in Wisconsin or Michigan.
harris +6 in georgia?? where the hell are you getting these polls?
No one gives a fuck about Vance. No one gives a fuck about the VP at all. Fucking Dan Quayle was a VP.

Bitch all you want but every single poll done shows Hariss polling worse than Biden with women and every single minority group except black women. Worse with all women, worse than all hispanics, worse with black me. She is an objectively inferior candidate to Joe Biden. To add to that she doesn't even have the incumbency advantage; the dems just ceded that to Trump.
It's not a poll. It's her supposed improvement relative to Joe Biden. In the polls she's still underwater in Georgia against Trump.
There’s niggers galore in GA
he has already defeated her in an election before
It hasn't even been a week yet since she was forced into being Queen Democrat and you want me to believe that the worst polling person in every scenario since 2020 somehow managed to jump such a massive lead.

I smell fake and gay.
It's a fake and gay push poll anyway. The oversampled dems, undersampled independents, and she still came out losing to Trump by 2. Simply by switching Biden out for her Trump's votes with black men more than double.
Everything is a psyop, even the commie redditors can see it
Going to shout at people who already support him isn't going to help his campaign. The damage is done already. He didn't fulfill a single campaign promise in his term, just enriched his family.
People going to a rally to watch the clown show are die hards, it doesn't grow his vote.
Most people see his actions, not his promises, they won't vote for him.
You have to go back.
2x trump swing state voter here. I’m voting for Kamala this time. She is pretty based. Trump is no where close to the person he pretended to be in 2016.
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Kamala Harris is going to win every swing state.
She isn't, trump is going to lose them. There's a massive difference.
Cope poll
I didnt hate corny ass Biden, I hated the homosexual coalition of activists pulling the strings.
yes goyim vote for trump, i mean kamala, i mean trump, i mean kamala
Thats how much of a gap she's closed not how many points shes up you disingenuous shill
70% instead of 90% is a nothingburger. The ones that don't support her now will when Obama endorses her.
go to a beer hall?
This is all they need to stuff the ballot boxes like you never saw them stuffed before. It just has to be close enough for them to rig it.
I'll vote for Grzegorz Braun.
>Hillary was leading in the polls in 2016 iirc? How did that work out?

Trump out performed 2016 and 2020 polls. So

>If the polls currently show Trump ahead
>Trump has historicallt outperformed polls
>that means....

You can figure this out. I BERIEVE IM YOU!!
>Harris at 0.2% to be dem VP
I want to meet whoever is taking her to be the VP nominee and ask a few questions.
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trump is still winning so bigly they'll have to give kamala 120M votes to steal it this time, lmfao. good luck
>Michigan Muslims
there are 241,000 muslims in michigan
and not all of them are voters
you guys have no idea how kamala will win the rust belt
do you even remember why they chose joe biden in the first place
>there are 241,000 muslims in michigan and not all of them are voters

Not to mention they are listed at the DNC over the Israel Gaza war and no amount of the typical virtue signaling is going to placate them.
kamala harris already faced donald trump in the 2020 democrat primary
more democrats wrote in donald trump than democrats who voted for kamala, and she was actually on the ballot!
>obvious staffer shilling
Trump is BLOWING THIS. He has to get Vance off the ticket! He has to attacks Kamala as a California/San Fran left coast liberal elitist.
>RNC has started aggressively ballot harvesting
Every last democrat behind these bot posts is going to be hanged.
Polls aren't securing anything. This is the fakest most astroturfed campaign ever, worse than killary's.
She microdoses LSD
>Most people see his actions, not his promises, they won't vote for him.
lol holy fuck these shills are weak
A pooh in looh as president in muttland. Fucking topkek.
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he's going to "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters."
This dumb bitch couldn't even get 2% of the votes in the primary. She's universally hated. These polls are a joke along with the entire media apparatus that's grifting for this Indian whore.
Trump still wins in most polls. People who have money are betting on a Trump win in november
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not going to lie, former trump voter here. since trumpy bear didn't pick tulsi as his veeparooni, harris is my new koalamama bear and now has my voot.

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