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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally at Charlotte, NC 7/24/2024
https://rumble.com/v57r4oc-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-charlotte-north-carolina-72424.html (RSBN)
>JD Vance Speaks at Middletown, OH 7/22/2024
https://youtu.be/cz4clo15uZs (RSBN)
>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475667153
Ultra MAGA.
NEW FOOTAGE: Trump walking into hospital after assassination attempt

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Uh... anons?
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The more she pushed for a debate the better it will be when she gets absolutely wrecked in front of the entire electorate.
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She is seeking validation but Trump will only give it once the primary process is finalized. Kamala sisters are so desperate to be vindicated.
She's leaning forward in the right picture, take your meds.
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lmao even
kamala will win.
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Stu infinity and beyond
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UH OH MIGA BROS. How are we going to draft whites for was against Iran if daddy is backing out of a debate and handing Kamala the election?
>Black candidate loses 10% of the Black vote compared to her old White boss.
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Shill bros...it's over...Trump wins.../ptg/ says that kamala is too ugly to run...furthermore you can only replace her past with so many blacks, just like hollywood movies...anyway would Americans trust a lying whore who hid bidens cognitive decline for years???

I have no rebuttal...it's literally Hoever and we all should set ourselves on fire
>Black voters 19% for Pmurt
what's a stronger word than "apocalyptic"
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Shill sisters...
harris will win
Reminder they’re farming schizoposts to make you all look retarded so normies will vote harris. At least power down until the election’s over anon
Shill bros...is over...they aren't buying my trump is old narrative...is it true that old man Trump took a bullet to the face and walked it off with his fist pumping in the air? Can Biden even do that after falling off the bicycle or stairs??? Can kamala even do that with a cock in her mouth while on her knees?

Kamala sucked cock to get where she is...it's over....Trump wins...it's time we set ourselves on fire to protest against isreaAIIIEEEEEEEEE
You're a well poisoning retard.
Trump lost
Why does Trump hate the first amendment, yet he's okay with his pal Bibi coming to Washington and disparaging Americans?
Kamala gonna own Trump
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Oh really?
Dolan Q now
You always hang the traitors first.
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Post the link to the original source photo then, schizoid.
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This will be a boring couple of months. Republicans might sweep if they let Kamala campaign a lot. Most likely split congress again.
kamala harris will win
>is it true that old man Trump took a bullet to the face and walked it off with his fist pumping in the air?
No that's false, it was broken glass from the teleprompter, see?
>quick to new zealand
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He does seem to have multiple ear holes. Lizard much?
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No, he didn't. That's a fake report. He's on a summer break, which is apparently an annual thing.
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Should he hang himself then?
looks like the big money knows Trump is winning
>Kamala gonna own Trump

Her family has a history of that.
It scans.
Good riddance
Yes really. If you were anyone besides some rando on this here mongolian basket weaving forum, they’d put you in a harris ad saying all trump voters are this retarded. Even still, what is this supposed to prove? Even if everything you’re saying is right, who gives a shit?
>Dems vote Dem
>Reps vote Rep
Not significant
>Independents pretty level
Not significant
>Zoomers not overwhelmingly Dem
Dems are fucked
>Blacks only 70% Dem
Dems are FUCKED
The Democrats' BAIT AND SWITCH Presidential Campaign MUST be stopped!
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>Tendies time :p
Literally in the article in question.
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kamala harris will be our next president
MIGA fags seething
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So what Biden has the Mark of Cain?
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mosed serden-lee
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Kamala stands with Israel
>a million threads spamming mystery meat appear
>all the porn, ukraine, and other slide threads disappear
>life expectancy per thread drops significantly
i'm noooooooticing
all those are only indicators (but yes, they indicate dems are fucked)
if you want a more realistic analysis, see my post from prev thread: >>475672907
Kamala stands with Skibidi bibi
Dont let hamala shit in ur beans America
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the f is wrong with her neck?
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How does supporting an ally equate to being a traitor? Can you use your words and explain this thoroughly without devolving into gutteral screeches about kikes and the talmud?
Pls post more edits like this ty
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they literally have black skin and people still don't realize they're demons
Awoo to you
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Victim of Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks released from hospital after 11 DAYS
>indian parents
>civil rights movement
President Kamala Harris
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Israel isn't America's ally, it's America's master. The American people do not benefit from the US-Israel relationship.
this has eminem 'i got lines ready if trump responds' energy
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Good Riddance.
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It will never fucking happen
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checked and kekd
as the civil rights era politicians age out there seems to be a desperation to cling on to that movement
How do we not benefit, exactly? We have a stable 1st world democratic ally in an otherwise backwater sub 80IQ infested region.
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Hell if I know
speaking of nooooticing, where did that joemala tripfaggot and the chinkleaf go

>babykilling is a winning issue worth doubling down on
there is no way they genuinely believe this appeals to the average American
None of these lefties actually believe Kamala can win right
that's what happens when you spend your life gobbling giant cocks, it stretches the skin out
The tripfaggot sometimes takes off her trip to pretend to be someone else, but it's obviously still her, see >>475676427
You made a mistake
>If kamala gets ALL 3 of [wi, mi, pa], those 44 votes plus the 226 votes from solid blue states gets kamala to 270, 1 less than needed to win.
270 is exactly enough to win. So she could win by flipping those three and nothing else. However as you said afterwards, she can only really target one of those with a VP pic, so flipping all three will be difficult. Trump probably will win.
Ever underestimate the left.
She's going to disappear for a week because of a "security threat" on the campaign trail then show back up with a horrendous face lift.
its going to be a close race no matter what
it just ends up being a ballot chase at the end of the day
the advantage kamala has over biden is that she can campaign where biden just physically cannot
they want to bury her hard, so the next candidate looks better in comparison
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In the body cam video, they counted 8 cartridge cases on the roof, so that means the jewish shooter took 8 shots before anyone returned fire.
It was worse than I thought it was.
Stretched out from being throatfucked too many times
Shill bros...it's over...Trump wins.../ptg/ says that kamala is too ugly to run...furthermore, would Americans trust a lying whore who hid bidens cognitive decline for years???

I have no rebuttal...it's literally Hoever and we all should set ourselves on fire
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Kamala cucks, take a look at how much they edited her wiki:

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Anon. We've made dolan cry tears of joy.
I like you anon :3
She can't really campaign anywhere the crowd isn't already voting for her. She's a horrendous public speaker.
Inside job through and through

I find it very interesting that new details keep coming out on the failed assassination attempt on Trump while most of the media, shills and glowniggers don't want to do anything with the topic and would rather much memory hole it. That is exactly what they're trying to accomplish with the Biden/Harris angle. No one likes Harris and everyone can clearly see how inorganic her support is. If shills have to, they would rather vote in someone that is hitler and Satan other than Donald J. TRUMP.

That is how far gone they are. I fully suspect the shills will throw anything at the wall to distract from the truth such as how they tried to pin the insecurities and problems on the black female nigger that died. Today you're hearing about a UFO that was spotted on the day of the failed assassination. Retard shills are saying that they could be real lol
>all the far left media outlets agree, the far left candidate won the debate
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>Trump posts Tales from the Crypt
>Deadpool movie comes out today
oh, shit, really? my bad
i thought 271 to win
nice touch,
adding the gorilla channel logo
I dont think she brings much to the table in terms of voters but she can actually commit to a campaign trail. Biden needs to be tucked in by 8 pm most nights.
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kek this is a good dolan dugg fren. i like dolan and you
They stole the cryptkeeper: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-07-24/reward-offered-after-statue-stolen-from-burbank-horror-museum
>took 8 shots before anyone returned fire.
they couldn't have returned fire earlier and missed?
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Spread the word.
If Trumps team let's him go ahead with the debate on ABC, which is extremely hostile to him, then they are going to be complicit in losing the election

Trump NEEDS the debate to be held on Fox News, with the same rules as the Biden debate, or else you're going to see levels of loaded questions by biased moderators you've never seen before
JD Vance:
>The first thing Trump showed me was the music video for November Rain
Dems charged teenagers with felonies for riding scooters over a gay flag mural on the street.
Politely kill yourself
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Is that u bby?
>YES :3
checked, dnc melting down in 2024
Would heels cause this? I'm sick of bad faith stuff muddying the water.
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Thanks for keeping me company <3
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There is nothing a jew fears more than the truth, and those who speak the truth.
Notorious gang leader stabbed to death in prison
Ezequiel Romo made national headlines for ordering the murders of members of his own gang.
kek, I'm not a tripfaggot, and I rarely browse this general. But I do come by /ptg/ on occasion to post blackpills /ptg/ will conveniently ignore
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uh... checked
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how do you get Harris +1 with those kind of numbers?
I like how the democrats are unable to align with their voter base on this issue, like do they assume they have an Zionist voter base like the GOP does.
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They are used to stuffing ballots so stuffing polls isn't any harder.
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>Today you're hearing about a UFO that was spotted on the day of the failed assassination
And that should be pushed, because it keeps the story in the news. It doesn't matter if you believe in UFOs or not as long as the story leads people back to the suspicious failures by the Secret Service.
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>how do you get Harris +1 with those kind of numbers?
by using 'equitable match'
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Yeah Kalama knows how to stuff.
Believe it or not I had to use 4plebs to find it. I'm something of a data hoarder and have /ptg/ content going back to 2016 and for some reason couldn't find the original logo anywhere.
I'm disappointed in myself
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my contrib for the next /ptg/
kamala's gonna win, trumpies
Our daddy says we ain't supposed to be ashamed of our dicks, on account they're such a good size and all... sometimes when you tug on it, you rip the skin...
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any time fren
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Do you have the webm for it? I remember metokur used to play the clip often
Biden won independents by 17% in 2020. Harris doesn’t win 43-44 sorry she would need to be 44.4% to 42.6% to eek out even close to an electoral college victory
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She tainted the beef
Most old people vote democrat now, and most old people are zionists.
polling is so gay right now
i saw the Emerson Arizona one that has Trump at 49 but Lake at 42. there has never been a ticket split that bad in a swing state with Trump on the ballot during a general. R senate candidates in swing states are usually within 1 or under of Trump. these pollsters are fucking retarded niggers

some duck shit in my tea
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they refuse to acknowledge Trump. This is the first time he poses a threat on paper
The best thing to do with be to not give her a leg to stand on.
She's nothing but fake propaganda right now.
Ignore her lmaooo

Was speaking of the evangelical sect of the GOP who are Zionists regardless of age.
>But whatabout Democrats
Stop deflecting.
Trump on the ballot seems to be a formula they are refusing to calculate in their polling. i'm not a genius myself so i don't know how you would get this correctly but i know it's fucking wrong.
Do people think Trump is not going to get more or less the same number of votes, 74,250,000, he did in 2020? It’s Kamal cigarettes who is guaranteed to drop from Joe’s 81,250,000 just by how much.
*just by how much *we don’t know.+
I know, but old people are an extremely large voting block. And most of them are zionists, I don't think I have ever met an old person who doesn't think Israel deserves our help in some way. Plus half the DNC are Israeli duel citizens.
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>Stop deflecting.
Stop hiding behind a meme flag.
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16% of Americans adults that are baby boomers or older, 69% White sub group, support Palestine, 70% support Israel, and 14% have no opinion or don’t know anything about it.
Probably a WW2/Cold war mentality thing.
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Like this NYT/Siena poll is still an objective Trump victory that gives him 31 states, whether he wins 48-47 or wins 43-44, and in 2020 Biden won Independents by 17% 57% to Trump’s 40%. 45% of Independents for Trump and 47% for Kamala would erase all the gains Democrats have made since 2016 in the “suburbs”…
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checked and kekd. imagine not knowing a butcher. lmao.
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Broke your wall lol
Imo there's only 1 reliable pollster out there and that's Trafalgar. Their last 2 polls in July 18th had Trump +2 in WI and Michigan vs Biden. That's what we're working with till they release something new on Harris.
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Democratic party is the party of corruption:
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Trump is Scottish Rite Freemason— his emblem consists of two headed eagle-—
And George Floyd’s tattoo displayed the same two headed eagles as the Scottish rite emblem. His Scottish golfing hat has the same two headed eagles as well.
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Trump is Scottish Rite Freemason. Trump and his Freemason collective that serve solely israel and Hebrews— planned and orchestrated the BLM 2020 along with the death of George Floyd riots with Silicon Valley to push marxist-anti white algorithms to American youth through Silicon Valley owned social media apps
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Back in the 1970's in Houston, Texas, a dumb nigger gave his nigger dad cash to buy a six pack of malt liquor.
His dad returned and handed him a brown paper sack with the six pack, the sales receipt, and the change.
The dumb nigger boy looked at the change in the bag, pulled out a handgun and shot his daddy dead, because it looked to him like his dad short changed him.
When the son was arrested for the murder of his own father, the police discovered that the change was exactly correct.
Math is racist!
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>El Mayo
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Its over
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Found him
>Wife told me she wants more kids even though we just had our 9th earlier this year

I'm so tired bros
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throughout Trump’s life he had Scottish rite Freemason mentors quite literally “grooming” him to be a leader of america- a leader with an diehard allegiance to freemasonry/ hebrew community that they can trust and feel “safe” with
Oh shit I spoke to soon PVCK VT VP GVYS VT’V VVVR
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The Faux Freemason- protestor of jewry not Christianity

As with any Freemason, their allegiance resides with artificial state of Israel and the hebrew people. Any other civil matter comes second to their aligned protection of the jewish faith. They wage war for these Zionists (Ukraine and israel)- and even attempt to use the Bible in blasphemous ways to justify their war crimes.
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LOL corruption you say?
Oh hey it's the other schizo.
*too soon*
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real poll incoming
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After the Freemason planned riots of 2020 regarding BLM/ antifa- occurred; trump found a way to money launder $500 billion to Freemason niggers that his Scottish rite club of geriatric jew pedophiles approved of.
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Freemasons occasionally become bored of human market manipulation , so they devise new satanic-jewish ways to serve their God ba’al; they invent new ways to castrate themselves ; they celebrate by throwing lgbt parties for children
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Okay so can I just disregard you now anon? Trump never actually did anything regarding the “platinum plan” hell only /pol/ knows what that even was kek
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Good one
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_ For example, Elon musk has a transgender son; this serves as a male sacrifice for his 33+ degree freemasonry club of communist geriatric pedophile jews who call themselves Goetian knights of God while they wear aprons that vary with their undying loyalty to israel- I guess there are degrees of Jewish cocksucking
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Looks like I got here just in time for real schizo hours.
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He was never convicted

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Yep. Don't worry his case will be reversed because the NY judge doesn't want to be cucked by being reversed by a higher court, let alone Justice Thomas doing so personally. He is just running out he clock to give Kamala some irrelevant talking points.... but please do tell me more about your bogus lawfare that only makes your side look like fucking clowns.
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_ For example, Elon musk has a transgender son; this serves as a male sacrifice for his 33+ degree freemasonry club of communist geriatric pedophile jews who wear aprons and call themselves knights
Checked. You did. At least you probably saw my recent 70s and 80s posts.
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The American uniparty: Israeli/ Zionist domination of US politics via Freemason control mechanisms

These Freemasons use their political control to make political parties like the Democrats: to endorse LGBT children and other types of “liberating” degenerate acts; to all its constituents

While ensuring that the GOP party acts like a “grown up”— calling out the Marxist caused degeneracy ;; while emphasizing the importance of Israel and its Zionist allies like Ukraine— that these country’s problems are all America’s problems and that we as a nation should fund their zionist war mongering continually as America isn’t antisemitic
>ActBlue tripfags and plebbitors leave
>schizos check in for 3rd shift
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>glass from the non-existent window flew 130 yards to hit Trump in the ear thus there was no assassination attempt
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donald trump released 45,000+ NFTS of himself wearing Halloween costumes on WEF owned ETH blockchain— Trump’s “nationalist” base seems to think Trump is anti-globalist— funny because he produced NFT content with intent to profit into WEF-owned blockchain ETH- the blockchain ran by a CP apologist
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Make more sense now,???
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I told you /ptg/ it's not going to be Kamala
I told you it's going to be Michelle
Now DJT is telling you too
Why don't you want to listen /ptg/?

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President Trump is the REAL President, the one that was elected by American Citizens.
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Melania trump released NFTs on wall street owned SOL blockchain. Why would Melania Trump release NFTs on SOL when Sam Bankman and his wall street contacts were buying up SOL for pennies on the dollar (insider trading)

and then Sam Bankman donated laundered $ to DNC campaigns in unity with Soros
So Melania’s investment in SOL align with that of SOROS since Sam bankman was donating hundreds of millions of USD to the DNC just like soros.
Net and YooHoo is meeting with Trump tomorrow. He’s been sending vailed threats to Trump since July 4 2019 (if anyone with twatt account can get a better screen shot that’ll be great) now day before his meeting with Trump he’s doing it again. Alex Jones has warned they might poison him by putting poison on fake hand and when he shakes it he’ll be ded in 10min. I’m worried af now.
Bibi knows he gets to shake Trumps hands tomorrow and SS or his security isn’t going to check anything on Israel’s head of state he’s not some random person. It’s a perfect opportunity imo
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Don't mind me, just doing my ballot drop box patrols.
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ETH/ Ethereum is communist / globalist whatever you want to call it. It aligns with WEF agenda which is a bunch of mountain jew Jackasses in DAVOS Switzerland . Switzerland is so “neutral”….they just own the banks that start all the Zionist wars. Ethereum blockchain is an international clique of Jewish pedophiles Organized into what you call the World Economic Forum (WEF)
Good grief, the gaslighting is off the charts this week.

>The Kamala Harris campaign is in total panic after doing math and realizing in order for her to win the necessary swing states for an electoral victory, she would need to blow approximately 23,852 voters every day between now and election day.

>More info cumming!
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>the same justice department that won't prosecute fentanyl possession is totally going to fight a war on fentanyl guys
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Nana no!
Que Mala!!
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>At least you probably saw my recent 70s and 80s posts.
Yes, of course !!
I was lurking throughout most of the day.

I've had to do some actual work at work the past couple days.

Working @ work.
Fucking barbaric !!
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I don't even get the angle, how it helps liberals, oh he wasn't shot, he was shot AT, and the resulting shrapnel is what almost killed him instead!
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trump put his $ with WEF and melania fished $ out of thin air with NFTs from Wall Street Jews in league with Sam bankman who were buying SOL, solana, for under $.20…

Trump invested his own $ into Broken and exploitable “Technology” ran by this CP apologist pervert [Buterin]

That’s where Trump put his $ with- a CP apologist and a Wall Street jew fraudster
shut the fuck up you retarded nigger
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I knew it wasn't going to be Kamala. I really don't think it will be big Mike but my brother has been saying it's going to be big Mike ever since they started cawing at Joe to resign.

Michelle Obama v. Trump. Imagine.
why is burning the pride flag a hate crime?
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Well yes you are!
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Ethereum blockchain is a money laundering vesicle for Zionist “elites” whom are a international clique of Jewish pedophiles Organized into what you call the World Economic Forum (WEF) in leagues with the Jews of Blackrock, like Larry fink
is this real?
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What a twist! Reminder that I am still baking.
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Solana is a Jewish Wall Street money laundering mechanism - the jews behind Sam bankman were buying solana tokens for less than $.20… solana is a broken blockchain that has to be reset every other month ; it solves nothing other than Jewish $ needs for the Zionist warfare against white humans
Yes, these are the most accurate polls.
I am a professional.
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That it is fren.
Was aaron rodgers right about him?
This poster realizes that means JD is fucking Kamala right?
We are doing the MOST right now.
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There is a reason fetanyl possession isn't being treated like crack cocaine possession of the 80s was being treated.
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SEC refuses to prosecute this jewish monopoly on cryptocurrency industry - all these coins serve to money launder $ for Zionist Israel/ Ukraine ultimately .so the WEF aligns with ETH/ many other “solution” blockchains owned by the WEF-all solutions that fix no problems but they ultimately serve to money launder for Zionist terrorism needs
my god you people are retarded
your brother is a wise man
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are in the bag if that's anywhere close to real
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A jewish cryptocurrency cult that owns all of the fake erc20 “stablecoins” like USDT- and USDC— so [USDT] is Chinese Freemasons (binance) and [USDC] is WEF- aligned Zionist jewry
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BTC was first being used by Epstein & friends as an anonymous currency for their human trafficking rings, until feds learned how to track BTC. Since then the quest for a currency that deep state israel can use to hide their black market sales (organ trafficking/ human sex trafficking) has been going on.
they want to stop trump from looking or sounding cool. because that's all they can do about this failed hit.
>pircel liberals after trump dodging the bullet
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Ooooooo Quetzalcoatl Senpai
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Israel even did a clone of BTC with their Israeli cryptocurrency kaspa, which reached an all time high during the Oct 7 event; so the question is, are jew “elites” money laundering through crypto for their Zionist war mongering?
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I think most everyone really enjoys the 70's vintage home decor pics.
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Zionist entities like israel are literally shorting the USD simultaneously while our US congress gives them hundreds of billions in aid/ weapons .— what kind of “greatest ally” shorts it’s ally’s own world currency ?
I love planes. Aviation in general :3
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if trump had 19% of the black vote back in 2020 he would have won and all he needed was 15% to hit threshold. those are apocalyptic numbers for democrats
A criminal jew bought a financial product.
What does that have to do with the product?
Go back to the yeshiva, you didn't learn anything.
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Like I said. It adds variety to the thread.
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Jewish organized crime mobsters in Chicago with links to Russian-Jewish Bolshevisk communism & compromised-by-hebrews Freemasons —- killed President JFK/ RFK because the Kennedys sought to thwart Israel’s ILLEGAL NUCLEAR PROGRAM. these crime bosses then infiltrated the CIA/ NSA/ FBI. now israel (mossad) and AIPAC own the USA’s intelligence agencies, much of the police force (Freemasons) ,US Senate & House, and the US Judicial Courts
Is Trump even anti abortion? Last I checked he supported no exceptions for rape/incest/danger to mothers life and elective abortion up to 18 weeks
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Not really his place to say anything about the choice another makes.
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- [x] Isn’t it crazy how israel cooperated with the CCP & Ukraine to release a virus via Ukrainian biolabs set up by George Soros and Barack Obama that would cause international lockdowns, allow big pharma & the corrupt State and globalist entities to profit off of the global pandemic emergency to initiate their Freemason controlled collapse of global economy (after the Wallstreet/ Silicon Valley jew syndicate take their profits on NVDA)—- COVID19 was blamed on China by Trump; and now Ukraine and Israel are in military conflicts; US Congress funding jewish terrorism ? The war(s) hide the SLOPPY evidence left behind from Israeli-Ukraine sex trafficking and organ-harvesting operations . CRAZY
they're some kind of deep cover crypto jews
kamala means terrible in finnish
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>I love planes. Aviation in general
You're in the right thread then.
/ptg/ = Plane Time General !!
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Remember when israel lied to the world about the tunnels in that hospital in Gaza? Turns out israel has a decade long history of trafficking Palestinian / Syrian child organs - don’t you think it’s too convenient that israel and mainstream media gets to blame Hamas for all of these things that then erase the evidence of Israel’s child /trafficking war crimes against humanity (IDF In Gaza)?. IDF ended up destroying the Shifa hospital after showcasing it to the BBC showing the “Hamas tunnels” conveniently running out of a hospital . Israel is putting the blame on HAMAS for everything in the region for a reason. Israel believes it is justified to wipe out Gaza because HAMAS occupies GAZA according to Israeli intelligence (the same intelligence agency that lied about Sadam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction that fueled iraq war - Iraq’s oil fields are now Israel’s) ? What if that was always Israel’s intent - for an occupied “terrorist” Gaza that they can justify to the AIPAC owned US Congress that the genocide of Palestinians/ “Hamas” is necessary for “peace” in the region.
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no shit. He was a democrat most of his life, you retarded nigger
>It adds variety to the thread.
That it does !!
Horrible Hump
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That's a nice one.
what is this
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> not harvest gold
These stoves lasted forever. I wonder how many are still operational; I bet most that got replaced were only replaced because someone tired of the aesthetic.
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The nigger death van is still better.
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Let's do it again!!! Praise BB!!!! ISRAEL FTW!!!!!!!!
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*** Russian war started after Ethereum started to accelerate in price***
Ukraine / Russian war is a World Economic Forum elitist war over which group of Jewish capitalists gets to profit over the feeding of Africa/ China with the acquired farmland of Ukraine.. so you have jews of america using AIPAC /Israeli lobby to convince / intimidate US congress to keep genociding Muslims for Israel’s “safety”- and then after the wars create millions of non-white third worlder refugees to flood America & Europe — as that is (((their)) ultimate goal: destruction of the white nuclear human family through ORCHESTRATED demographic replacement via third world non-white immigration unchecked —
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>That's a nice one.
I try my best to put up plane pix that are kino.
skibidi bibi
> The Keys to the White House is a prediction system for determining the outcome of presidential elections in the United States. It was developed by American historian Allan Lichtman and Russian geophysicist Vladimir Keilis-Borok in 1981, adapting prediction methods that Keilis-Borok designed for earthquake prediction.
> The system is a thirteen-point checklist that assesses the situation of the country and political system ahead of a presidential election: when five or fewer items on the checklist are false, the incumbent party nominee is predicted to win the election, but when six or more items on the checklist are false, the challenging party nominee is predicted to win.
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Are those even made anymore?
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So many to awoooooo
If you appky the parameters strictly Shes at 5 false Keys ATM. I Hope it stays that way so that lichtman models gets btfo.
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take a real good look at that bitch
do you see him? i do.
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>I wonder how many are still operational
Mine is !!!

I even still have the matching coppertone fan/light hood.
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notice how the Russian war occurred after Ethereum started to accelerate in price . If you have payed attention you realize that blackrock is officially backing EFTs for Ethereum- that’s basically the cia investment firm + WEF = traitors
>Ukraine / Russian war is a World Economic Forum elitist war over which group of Jewish capitalists gets to profit over the feeding of Africa
Nobody should be feeding Africa. Africans are environmentally unsustainable.
how the fuck are you giving this to them?
what about biden's senility?
what about the attempted assassination on trump?
what about the coup on biden?
what about kamala getting the nomination without a single vote cast in her name?
what about the campaign finance stuff?
My face can only contain so much smile.
Thank you :3
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no woman would abort a billionaire's baby whether he demanded it or not
checked and kekd
Ah fuck you're right
I don't think anyone would choose to take that bullet.
It's Kamala because she's the only one that can't say no.

I watch things fly around all the time
>a UFO that was spotted on the day of the failed assassination
blue beans saved Trump?
someone is holding a gun to her head forcing her to say she supports isreal
My fave BS fake media story!!!

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