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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So the vaxxine was a nothing-booger. I'm the laughing stock of my neighborhood because of you guys.
Damn, guess you shouldn't have taken it.
15 year old Egyptian swimming champion died suddenly at age 15:

Another vaxxed healthy young person, who has died suddenly. Another person killed by the covid vaccine.

15 month old baby died suddenly:

Her friend died suddenly of a heart condition (caused by the vaccine) in 2021:

Italian football (soccer) player died suddenly during the game, and died on the soccer field:

2 more young people died suddenly:

13 year old girl died during soccer match:

I remember previous to 2021, when the covid vaccine was released, that this kind of shit almost never happened. Healthy young people don't just drop dead suddenly.

Malachi Rios, 18 years old who died suddenly:

25 year old white girl died suddenly:
so many healthy young people dying suddenly... but it is a NOTHINGBURGER
My mom got BTFO by my aunt on the phone today, saying the vaccine was mandatory.
imagine not vaxmaxxing and getting as many free fboosters as you can! pfucking loser! the P is silent, by the way, faggot non-vaxxer! you didn't even get a free pFizer when you had the chance! LOL!!! LMAO! mask up boost up and save lives, nigger kike!
9 people out of 8 billion
Holy shit you're right!
she is pro-vax?

how do you explain the 40% higher excess death rate? Even during WW2 the excess death rate only reached 10%.

Toxic caterpillars? Global warming? ANYTHING but the covid vaccine!
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why are the vaxxed dying at MUCH higher rates than the unvaxxed?
I don't see it. People aren't dying around me.
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cause you are a loser with no friends but those of us who are real and not bots, know people who are damaged by the vax, i know 3 people who have immune system issues and heart problems after the vaccine. So FUCK YOU and FUCK ANY SHILL saying the vaccine is "safe". I'd beat the living fuck out of you in real life if you talked this bullshit to my face.
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even a brain-dead porn star is smarter than you pro-vax retards.
I hear you. I didn't take the vaccine, but at the same time, no one around me has died or got sick from the vaccine. My relatives think I'm a nutcase now.
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Myocarditis much?
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even normies know the vax is bad now, and no one is taking it anymore except die-hard SJWs.

I can only conclude that the pro-vax posters on this board are paid shills, paid by the WEF or the WHO. Or they are just psychopaths who want to kill people.
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many people having strokes after the vaccine
>20 people out of 8 billion
congratulations, you played yourself
oh you mean, you actually expect the mainstream media to talk about the mass deaths? Oh wait, they actually are now, slowly. In the past month, many mainstream media sites did in fact mention the idea of the vaccines causing excess deaths.

So even when the mainstream media admits that excess deaths are real, you pathetic vaxxies still remain in denial. It is because you are deeply terrified.
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and now they will slide the thread because they cannot defeat the arguments of the anti-vaxxers

fucking stupid ass shills
Not me.
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Yeah that’s right OP. Take lots of it, it’s totally safe for you. Pedophiles are immune to it.
all the shills need to be max-vaxxed with at least 10 doses of the vaccine. Otherwise they are hypocrites
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I can say with 100% certainty that everyone who took the vaccine will die.
...also, everyone who didn't take the vaccine.
But the invisible virus is going to kill you right?
yea but the vaxxies are gonna die a lot sooner...

there was research showing that the vax caused rapid aging.
My mom took the vax and she aged fifty years in three...
Lmao joking you guys are shizos.
well i noticed a few women back in 2021 who looked like they aged 20 years within 6 months. They were all vaxxed
anyway i hope you are fully vaxxed and boosted. Otherwise you are a hypocrite
>I remember previous to 2021, when the covid vaccine was released, that this kind of shit almost never happened. Healthy young people don't just drop dead suddenly.

No, you fucking retard. This shit still happened, you just started googling it after 2021.
I honestly cannot fathom how you people walk around in your daily lives. Im curious what you even do for work? Do you ever forget to breathe?

Are you one of those faggots that thinks the vax was used for population control or something? If so why would a government willingly axe the half of the population that does whatever they say? Why not go after the insubordinates?

Im a borderline conspiracy nut, but this shit is way too fucking retarded even for me.
um sweetie, previous to 2021 if a healthy young person died, it would generally make national news.

Post 2021, it is so common that it barely makes the news anymore.

My god, you vaxxies are truly desperate.
>um sweetie, previous to 2021 if a healthy young person died, it would generally make national news.

If I met you in real life I would fucking put you down like ol yeller. You are one of the most insanely retarded people I have ever seen post here in my entire fucking life lmao.

Newsflash sweaty, thousands, and thousands of people healthy or not die every single day that you and I walk this fucking earth.
good luck, faggot. I am military trained and you wont do shit you little pussy.

Also, you would die from the vaccine, from exerting yourself
vaxxies will die suddenly from the physical exertion if they ever try to fight.
>If so why would a government willingly axe the half of the population that does whatever they say? Why not go after the insubordinates?

You're either really fucking dumb or a shill.
because the elite hates the NPCs and normies even more than we do. They don't need slaves, a working class, anymore now that automation will replace most jobs. Also, the elite have their own private armies and workers.

90% of humans are no longer necessary.
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You guys told us two years, four years ago. I think you may not actually know what you're talking about...
Okay anon, explain to me why the government would want a group of people that distrust them entirely to stick around
They see us like cattle. They don't see the obedient ones as friends like that retard thinks, and they don't see the disobedient ones as a problem. They just see us all as a problem. They have too many cows, they have to get rid of some of us. So they threw some free doughnuts in a slaughter house and killed the cows that walked in of their own will.

Plus I believe their was an actual part of evil at play. It was important to them that it be a choice.

Anyway here's something interesting that Dr. Fauci said a long time ago.
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You live in a very Masonic area. Obviously a lot of placebos were given out locally.
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1 is too many deaths compared to goblin fucks like you.
why altright amerifats love this meme so much?
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it's happening too slowly for most ppl to give a fuck...
They don't care. They don't see us as a threat, they don't see you as their friend. They see us all the same. There's way too many of us.

Imagine if you had a dairy farm. And, you had way too many cows. You have more milk than you need and not enough land for all these dumb cows that keep shitting everywhere. That's basically the situation the elites are in with us. They need to get rid of some cows. They don't care which cows die, they just need them gone. So, they killed the dumb cows who walked voluntarily to the slaughter.

They were smart, they planned for it to be long and slow, so as to not upset the heard.
I want to breed using my fat Aisian cock
the elite are correct. There are way too many people on this earth. I hope they succeed and kill off at least 5 or 6 billion. Hopefully in Asia
Okay keep going you're almost generating a full argument. What do they gain by removing a percentage of the population that puts money into their pockets every waking second.
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I know, it was likely just a saline water shot. A compliance test to see who would suck a dick on command without question. If....IF the Trump vax was supposed to really be a depop thing then it was a dud just his presidency was,
uh, the elite own the fucking banks? Are you retarded?
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another leftist journo dead without any cause of death listed.
Please stop replying to me you fucking retarded schizoid peasant kike.
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I don't know if it was really meant to kill. It could have been meant to sterilize. Which matches the old /pol/ cap, pic related. And, sort of lines up with Revelations 18:23 which talks about the mark of the beast and merchants deceiving all nations with sorcery (pharmakeia). The deaths now may just be a bonus.
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The poison spreads to everyone


It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

>there was research showing that the vax caused rapid aging.
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They don't need more money, retard. They control money. What the need is about 7.5 billion less people walking around, making a mess, and shitting things up.

They made a fucking monument saying they want to cut humanity down to 500 million. They don't need 8 billion cows/people/celebrities/astronaut lawyer doctors, they need the vast majority of people gone. They've said so. You're not on the winning side here, retard. They hate us both.
20 posts in this thread.
Whew- that's a lot of seething son.
you'll be dead soon, vaxtard
well, the elite arent wrong. 7.5 billion people SHOULD be killed off.
oh how cute, the shills all left and are now sliding the thread.
People die every day.
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>2... more......... weeks
I agree with you dummy try reading better
They are dying. Pay attention.
Very well said.
Nice try, spook. "Two more weeks" was coined in response to the "flatten the curve" appeal.

Please tell me you can see that that is going by total numbers, not per 100000 or whatever?
what happens when they all die? you're left behind with the others who didnt take the vaccine, namely china and afrika?
Do you really think the Jewish government of China didn't force the vax on the Chinese? As for Africa, they've been subjected to sterilization programs for decades now. But as to what happens then, I'll cross that bridge when I find it.
he won't reply to this
goldfish memory
a reminder that the "flatten the curve" was about a death curve prediction from that UK "researcher" with the most absurd numbers ever, total schizoid projections taken seriously by politicians
Would you happen to have a link?
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>Nice try, spook. "Two more weeks" was coined in response to the "flatten the curve" appeal.
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>he won't reply to this
>goldfish memory
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Bro the death rate multiple countries got standard deviations above average.
Some US health insurance companies reported 20 - 40% increase in pay outs for working age people
>repeats shit he sees online to normoids
>can't spell vaccine
you're the laughing stock for a lot of reasons
maybe if you hadn't been a hysterical Karen and actually had any ability to communicate nuanced data in a non catastrophist way people would respect you more?
Oh, I feel so demoralized. Some spook on /pol/ posted a cartoon developed in sub-basement 33 at Langley. And now I must recant all my hitherto held beliefs...
The main thing we need to worry about is how it impacts fertility and the next generation
Experts are baffled!
>I'm the laughing stock of my neighborhood because of you guys.
Are you SURE? When's the last time you looked in the mirror? How much longer has it been since you've seen your own dick without using a mirror and extra hands to hold back your lard belly?
>the media says
You deserve to be laughed at
Have sex incel.
The vaccine can cause all sorts of weird side-effects including sudden death, but they're all pretty rare. The people acting like everyone who took it is going to die are either schizos or glowie shills engaging in their usual tactic of making up absurd anti-establishment theories to discredit the truthful ones. The vax is useless for anyone who is not a boomer and for anyone who has already had covid; Also if you're very unlucky it *might* fuck your shit up. That's a bad enough reality for something they tried to push on literally everyone.
>fat fuck gets stroke
>its not the diet of mcdonalds and coca cola
>its da vooooooxx
these flat earth antivaxxer chuds think they will get laid one day but women find them despicable lol
Thanks for helping me fill my glowie shill bot bingo
Is all celibacy involuntary? Are you implying that celibacy promotes dissent and that the cure for this is Orgasm (all kneel here)?
>so since vaxed's dicks don't explode and they don't immidiately drop dead the vax is totally safe and effective, the fact that vaxed got sick with covid more than unvaxed and have cold every 2 month and young people got heart deseases en masse is nothing
>so since hohols aren't all genocided and Putin didn't get Kiev in 3 hours Ukraine is totally winning, the fact that they have no economy, have lost huge chunk of land and continue to loosing more and reqruiters have to kidnap and beat new soldiers into submission just to send them into meatgrinder 2 weeks later is nothing
damn you guys needs to be more creative
I don't know anyone who died of Bat AIDS, but I've been to more funerals for guys in their 50s and 60s in the past 3 years than the previous 20.

Anyone who can't smell a rat here must have lost their sense of smell to covid.
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Ok john sama
Deaths by vaccination status, England
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This graph is retarded as it doesn't tell all necessary information needed to know to know excess deaths from vax. Meaning that if your normal death rate is 1000 and vaccination ratio is 80% of population, then normal division would be 200 deaths in unvaccinated group and 800 in vaccinated group, so by default vaccinated group is always bigger column this way. So it would atleast need columns of what vaccinated group expected deaths were if they were unvaccinated.
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the dumb age
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I remember wearing a gas mask when my brother got Covid
It was only done to mock my retarded coworkers who fell for the scam
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>before the vaccine nobody died ever
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They are the official figures anon.
I can tell just by that reply that you have never had sex.
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many such cases
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That's what you get for not trusting science, bitch
I know, for a fact, that people died days after taking the vaxx because hospitals had first year medical students (aka complete shitters who only got the most points in Matura and have never before taken blood, let alone work in clinical praxis) vaxx people.
And guess what, did they aspirate the needle to see if they're in the muscle or a vein? Nope. Just straight shot it into you. Nurses are equally guilty of this. All just to roll out that precious vaxx and increase numbers.
Reminder that the vaxx was intramuscular, getting it directly into your vein is asking for thombosis
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The media terrified them into getting chemical injections, did the realisation of this ever turn them away from the media?
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thats all i have for now,
wishing all anon have a great and happy day.
We don’t speak ill of the dead. Wether a civilian listens to their government or not the game is bigger than ridiculing small players.

Hang the pfizer executives.
Shills out in force today it seems.
Well go get your boosters OP and the the flu shot and film it as proof.
Otherwise I'm declaring you a dishonest paid big pharma shill.

Money where you mouth is bitch boy.
Trust the media goys....
No thanks kike.
fuck the vaxxies
I did. More like we had a conflict over the vax with my wife. I was like, fine, take it, see what happens in 14 days. Guess what? She still makes my life miserable.
i hope she didnt take it?
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>31 posts by this id
seethe chud
btw robert koch instittute protocol leak in Germany earlier this week contains an admission that the gov new it never worked against the virus at all and was causing the increased mortality
its a literal admission of genocide
>I'm the laughing stock of my neighborhood because of you guys.
all the vaxxers here dropped the arguments after admitting the lockdowns and the half assed mandates were illegal
my neighborhoods full of spics and niggers
covid was the nothingburger you idiot
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>whore with special needs who sucks nigger dicks for money is smarter than liberals
Low IQ people shouldnt have strong opinions. I hope you learned your lesson.
>vaccination ratio is 80% of population
Maybe in your dystopian shithole, but near me it was more like 28% of people got vaccinated. Normal people don't want to be forced to take part in a medical experiment.
nah, I was like if I'm going to divorce I will get raped, but two weeks give or take is tolerable. Now have a pet vaxxie harpy at home
Especially women and low T men in cities are jabbed.
Germany had one of the higher refusal rates and here some demographics boast that 80%.
They of course never jabbed the welfare whoring all male immigrants.
most white women took it
it's a shame that the vaccine wasn't for depopulation

white people need to die already they've done enough damage to this world since their existence
>Matt Driscoll Tacoma.
I celebrate the hidden hero chud journalists writing such headlines unironically for us to enjoy
>not being gigavaxxed and on drugs

But guys, his neighborhood is laughing at him. It's very important for him to live there amongst them.
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>it's a shame that the vaccine wasn't for depopulation
It was. Birthrates dropped all around the world after rollout. Apart from in israel that is.
>white people need to die already they've done enough damage to this world since their existence
Name one thing "white people" did, chink and Ill show you who your "white people" were.
That naturally follows from only idiots took it.
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a good song with vid
The foreskin bandit thinks their opinion matters
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thanks for posting anon
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link to study?
>this is not science, it's racism
same thing, kek
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> using absolute numbers to represent groups of different size, different average age and different risk profile

LMAO. People who post stuff like this are too retarded to even understand they're retarded.
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you did good fren, thanks
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have another good one
The fact you cant name a single thing "white people" did speaks volumes.
You are a slave of the big nosed baizhu and only a han could live on with the shame of knowing that.
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It has only been barely an election cycle, and you expect instant results? Think differently.
im not chinese but ok
I stopped arguing with retards long ago. But another thing about death from covid when 80%+ of the population is vaccinated is that most covid deaths will definitely be vaccinated, because everyone is vaccinated.
Also, most drivers in car accidents, most people who have sex, most people with diabetes, most women, most eunichs, most dentists......Will be vaccinated.
28 year old woman died suddenly, and the media refuses to talk about what her cause of death was, so it is most likely a heart attack caused by the covid vaccine:

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Cheers bro.
They have an adult tantrum when the government counts all deaths with covid as covid deaths,

But the reverse is fine if they are the ones doing it.

Its less often retardation and more contrarianism at every single thing that isn’t
>nigger nigger nigger nigger
yeah i just make fun of them now, none of them will ever have children so it's not like it matters.

they lost long ago, all of these maga cultusts alt right loonies.
you are going to die, vax-scum

also, what race are you? Assuming you are indian since canada flag, didnt 95% of indians take the vax?
Show flag. Show hand.

Faggot is ashamed of his own country.
Then answer the question you walking organ donor:
What did white people do that was so damaging?
fuck off, poojeet. You losers all took the vax and will drop dead
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and tell me, how many weeks would it require to flatten this curve...
Show hand, show flag or your gay and brown.
haha you are a vaxxed poojeet and you are gonna die of blood clots you fucking subhuman!
You are gay
no YOU ARE GAY!!!!!
And you are brown
no i am white, but you are brown, poojeet sikh piece of shit indian trash
cuz it makes you vaxxoid non-human mexicunts seethe
these anti-vax threads make the vaxxies seethe so much.
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I believe those, not "muh science". Just join the COS already
You are gay
And you are brown
So you literally cant name anything white people ever did wrong.
Good to know.
ww1, ww2, probably ww3, invading the middle east, slave ownership, global warming, destruction of nature, need i say more chud?
BP (jewish owned) oil monopoly war
>probably ww3
zelensky is literally a jew
>invading the middle east
literally had it coming.
> slave ownership
jews owned the entire slave trade with the slave ships and plantations
>global warming
glacier ice core probes prove its a natural cycle that long predates the existence of homo sapiens by at least 300k years.
>destruction of nature
canopy coverage worldwide is up 15% since the 90s and that is despite deforestation in the amazon by niggers and s o y drinking faggots like you.
>need i say more chud?
Yeah you still haven't managed to cough up a single thing "white" people did wrong.
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>jews jews jews
>obscure conspiracy theory online said so
>blame it all on da joooooooooz
>it wasn't us it was da jooooooz
>hates the truth and deflects blame

nice try chud, here's some more.....

destruction of other cultures, stealing from other cultures, religion, war, nuclear weapons, guns, invading other peoples land, stealing all inventions and claiming it there own, mass shootings, school shootings, racism, sexism, violence, bigotry, fascism, hitler, trump, putin, most serial killers are white men, think i made my point chud.
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>obscure conspiracy theory online said so
The slave trade is well documented because it was legal. All the slave ship and plantation owners names are public record. They are all jewish except for the Bush's slave plantations clan. Ill give you that one.
>destruction of other cultures
You have no culture.
>stealing from other cultures
We Germans (the only actual Aryans) didn't steal shit. We preserved artefacts and monuments from destruction by idol smashing muslims. The British accepting jewellery from local robber barons is not theft either.
They are literally called semitic religions, dumbass. They were invented by semites in the middle east.
Yes we invented war. Not ants or chimpanzees but white people.
>nuclear weapons
Yeah so?
The Chinese and Japanese invented guns which is based af. We just taught them proper smelting because they were still folding.
>invading other peoples land
Reconquista. Its our land and you are the invaders.
>stealing all inventions and claiming it there own
The chink said.
>mass shootings, school shootings
All jews off their meds. Take it up with jewish owned big pharma (which you wont and we all know it because you dont have enough of a spine to name the jew)
Yeah and there is literally nothing wrong with that.
citation needed
Ah yes white people predate the first carnivores.
Wrong. Italians aren't white.
Cry me a river.
your new president btw
all put together havent even killed half as many people as Mao.
>most serial killers are white men
No its literally chinese men followed by jews.
>think i made my point chud.
You have no point.
Everything you said is beyond laughable.
it *is* them thoughever

(every time)
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>if i dont like it it was the jews or the chinese

everything you said is wrong

this is what you look like btw
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>everything you said is wrong
Everything I said is documented fact.
>this is what you look like btw
>(((Nikolas Jacob Cruz)))
>Nikolas Cruz, who gunned down 17 in Florida high school, claimed his mother was Jewish
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This thread is brought to you by Pfizer

It was hitting 40 million over a year ago already.
vaxxies are HELLBOUND!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'm the laughing stock of my neighborhood because of you guys.

You actually took it?
Saying there's a lot of people dying while it not actually being true is what the covid fear pushers did for a long time
The theory is that they want population control after automation replaces the workforce
youre a laughing stock any way.
why cant the vaxxies die off faster?
Post flag, post hand.
pureblood here. voting trump in 2024 but I'll never take the trump warp-speed vaccine (he didn't either).
I've died over ten times to covid.
Too bad, might be best to stop listening to the govenrment next time then. lol
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Holy shit it's 2030.
Damn, I must've slept for a long time last night because no one could be so stupid that they try to proclaim nothing happened before a long term study was released.. right?
Care to post it?
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>the vaxxine was a nothing-booger.
>>people die
>By Igor Chudov
>So the vaxxine was a nothing-booger.
why do you think this?
cancer rates are sky high, anon.
all cause mortality is higher now, than it was during the peak of the pandemic.
>why do you think this?
It's easier to believe when you get paid for it
Of course, the consequences later will be far more costly
if your explanation were the case,
you wouldn't expect all cause mortality to rise post-pandemic, would you?
fat fucks would still be fat fucks and would die at the expected rate.
A censored version was released due to a lawsuit and then someone leaked the uncensored version.
archived 30mb zip
Cool, is there a translation for non-hitlers though
Still not taking it.
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My boss lost both of her healthy parents within a month of each other. Right after getting boosted, both died of blood clots in the brain. I know if two people who got brain cancer shortly after getting vaxxed. Soccer players dropping dead from heart attacks is something new.
Forced or coerced medical treatments are crimes against humanity. For vaxxine denialism and pushing pro Faucist propaganda, you deserve to be held down and forcibly injected with bleach. If forcing the vaccine on people is okay, its okay for me to inject you with bleach. Its for MY saftey.
Kill yourself and save good men the trouble of exterminating you, traitor to mankind.
so, like, you thnik people didn't die before the vaccine was invented?
It was. People lost their jobs. I got sat down twice with my boss about it. Some companies had hiring policies that only vaxed people could apply. It was enforced and any one who says otherwise is trying to walk back the human rights violations that they committed.
Why do covid retards and antivac retards pedal almost identical lies?
You can take the vax tomorrow if you want, anon.
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>vaxxine was a nothing-booger.
why cant the vaxxies just die faster?
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How many boosters are we on at this point again? I lost count around five or six.
Why? Did ya miss out on sumthin?
Well its a protocol from a German institution "advising" the German government.
If there is anything in particular you want to know I could dig up the paragraph/quote for translation.
>„Impfung von Kindern: Auch wenn (von) STIKO die Impfung für Kinder nicht empfohlen wird, BM Spahn plant trotzdem ein Impfprogramm.“ (Protokoll vom 19.05.2021)
Translates to "Children are to be vaccinated despite vaccine commission not advising it." The formulation here could also mean advising against it. Likely an intentional choice of words to downplay just how bad it really is.
>„Zielgruppenspezifische Kommunikation. Wer sollte insbesondere adressiert werden? Primär junge Menschen, diese verhalten sich anders. Es muss cool sein, sich impfen zu lassen.“ (Protokoll vom 14.07.2021)
Here its "The target for the vaccines are primarily young people. We need to frame it as cool."
>„Pädiatrische Fachverbände stehen der Impfung von Kindern zurückhaltend gegenüber. Politik bereitet bereits Impfaktionen vor, damit die entsprechenden Jahrgänge zum Ferienende geimpft sind. Frage der Equity – in vielen Regionen der Welt fehlen Impfstoffe, hier werden Gruppen ohne/mit sehr geringem Risiko geimpft.“ (Protokoll vom 21.05.2021)
"Pediatric association hesitant to endorse vaccinating children. Policy is already in place and will move forward to get rollouts done before the holidays begin. On the note of equity: the shortage of vaccines in other countries is due to low/no risk groups receiving vaccines there."
Back to back force the kids i.e. the lowest risk group in Germany against all advice and stop giving healthy people abroad the jabs.
Pfizer operates PR under
>no man no problem
If you can't complain, you can't be heard.
Fuck you OP, seriously, you're not worth the weight of your water.
On one hand I'm willing to believe that most of this doc just reiterates most of the things that we've "suspected" over the years and thus there won't be much new for me personally, it's an official document and as such it'd be good to have an english version that I can throw at the idiot boomers when they start blabbering their vaxtard nonsense again.
>no i am white, but you are brown, poojeet sikh piece of shit indian trash

This is a thread about damage caused by vaccines.

Take your racial hatred elsewhere.
Millions died, Jan. What you fail to realize is that your population is so astronomically bloated that that doesn't even make a dent in the population.
>obese nigger who does crack dies
I've had a booster shot every month since January 2021 and I'm completely fine. Anti-vax schizos can't step to me.
You would have to source the equivalent from an English speaking country.
Britain is currently also having the same sort of trials right now.
I haven't looked at them however because my sentiment is the same as yours.
Its just a bureaucratic admission of what I already know because I read the studies instead of listening to talking heads who kept dropping dead.

This one just hits home for me.
If 90% of the UK is vaccinated, they're still overrepresented in covid deaths. (97% of deaths are vaccinated, according to the graph)
I know it's kind of a quick and dirty fix for these numbers, but 7% seems significant enough to me, especially since they've received vaccines which are supposed to lower the likelihood of death
how can we speed up the vaxxie die off? These threads are good because they inflict horror, fear, dread, and fear into the vaxxed. We must keep making anti-vax threads daily, to continue to torture the vaxxed scum
I'm antivacks.
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Uncensored RKI files say the vaccination was just a political event.
If you are german you can now officially sue the government people like Spahn and Lauterbach.

>§240 StGb

>Nötigung - Duress

>(1) Wer einen Menschen rechtswidrig mit Gewalt oder durch Drohung mit einem empfindlichen Übel zu einer Handlung, Duldung oder Unterlassung nötigt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.

> (1) Whoever unlawfully coerces a person to act, tolerate or refrain from acting, tolerating or omitting a serious evil by force or by threat of a serious evil shall be punished with imprisonment of up to three years or with a fine.

>(2) Rechtswidrig ist die Tat, wenn die Anwendung der Gewalt oder die Androhung des Übels zu dem angestrebten Zweck als verwerflich anzusehen ist.

>(2) The act is unlawful if the use of force or the threat of evil for the intended purpose is to be regarded as reprehensible.
>seine Befugnisse oder seine Stellung als Amtsträger mißbraucht.

>(4) In besonders schweren Fällen ist die Strafe Freiheitsstrafe von sechs Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren. Ein besonders schwerer Fall liegt in der Regel vor, wenn der Täter

>(4) In particularly serious cases, the penalty shall be imprisonment of six months to five years. A particularly serious case is usually when the perpetrator:

>2. seine Befugnisse oder seine Stellung als Amtsträger mißbraucht.

>2. abuses his powers or his position as a public official.

This is going to be a wild ride.
We should probably make RKI generals to help facilitate it.
Vaxx killed way more than the coof, and you know it
I checked the catalog before but not even a plip. It's weird that /pol/ isn't already nose deep in those files and tearing them apart. Well, I just got the news the day before yesterday so I'm ill equipped to open a thread.
>Britain is currently also having the same sort of trials right now.
They did an investigation and (I kid you not) blamed Brexit for the chinese virus and lockdown.
Got sent this summary with archival links and the actual twatter posts.
>mfw bat soup is back on the menu after they already admitted to US tax payer funding and gain of function
how can we speed up the vaxxie die off? These threads are good because they torment the vaxxed and remind them they will die. And these threads filter out into the wider internet, as memes and ideas originate on 4chan before spreading out into the wider mainstream society. So by continuing to post these anti-vax threads, we are all doing more than you can even comprehend. We are speeding up the apocalypse and collapse, by torturing the vaxxies.
Nothing burger? Actually just spoke with a coworker the other day. We work at a gun store and she works register, short one legged chick, born with only one. She was discussing with other coworkers about having to wear a holter monitor to track her heart, I perused and asked if she had any family history, new medications, previous episodes before. She said no to all of that, I asked if she was Covid vaccinated, she got kind of meek and blushed and said “I don’t wanna answer that” and walked off. This shit isn’t funny and doesn’t make me feel good, these people were fooled and taken advantage of, every reporter and shithead on social media that shilled for this shot needs to be hung by street lamps. The “I told you so’s” don’t even feel satisfying anymore, it’s just sad to see people dealing with this
And yet you can bet that were this to happen all over, she'd have fallen for it again and threatened you to get vaxxed. Civilization is a ship of fools
>This shit isn’t funny and doesn’t make me feel good
Thats how I felt when my friends missus (who took the pfiser) had a miscarriage.
Awful subject to bring up the fact that she did that to herself.
And guess what will happen to the criminal assholes who convinced her to get it?
Of course. No one even wants to think about it.
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And the less you think about it, the more they get away with it!
We wont let this go. They will never hear the end of it until we hang everyone involved.
>They will never hear the end of it until we hang everyone involved
You've missed the window of opportunity, so you're more likely to hang yourself at this point
I pray for your soul and your sin. Hopefully God will forgive you for them.

It's a good read and it includes the link to the files.


Archived for safety reasons. Not going to take my chances that it suddenly 404's.


The lawyer Frank Hannig talks briefly about the law that can be used and why.
>You've missed the window of opportunity
We will see about that.
mz also linked.
save for posterity in case it needs to be reuploaded. They recently flushed archives of the three gorges dam dilemma and this is way bigger.
>the government counts all deaths with covid as covid deaths
Who is so blind as to not see the deception in such policy?
>there's a lot of people dying while it not actually being true
That the Lugenpresse doesn't report it doesn't mean it isn't true. You act as if we don't know about VAERS.
Yeah, I mean it was said in a TV show called utopia, problem with predictive programming is, it makes them believe they are not guilty while it makes the public not believe it because, IT WAS ON THE TV AS FICTION, but when something else is on the TV that says FACT

they listen

If you wanted to rid the world of covid it would have been easy as fuck, shut off the TV, how did North Korea do again?

If only you had that same sentiment during covid
They have been dividing people so they can do it without them being angry, circa 2010 this was the world against them

Occupy Wall Street etc, 99% vs the 1%

They made sure to find better statistics like whites vs blacks

Black commit x crime

Yeah, - and their crimes affect all humanity so.even if they commit ONE CRIME it doesn't match up to Omg crime stats in gang riddled chicago


I miss when people got along and the elite actually were afraid of the people

It's like the fucking little ants movie for kids

"If we make sure that the 99% cannot unite, we win"
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Naarth India Saar cordially lime cordially demands your preZens at Ze Yatch Klub fur das Bombay new years, sight?

I love ya'lls honk fm geniuses and wanna konnekt, so bitches, do the needful .
Naarth India Saar Truly ##anonymouze1089*

t. In Newtown Old Manali Newtown Fuking autokorrekten panzerwaffen JewdenTown Old Manalisch ich bin
Anti vaxxers in 2024 are like those japanese soldiers who were found in that forest awaiting instructions long after the war was finished. Get over yourselves. Any sort of mass die-offs or depopulation would have happened by now. Move on.
If they wanted to get something in our system, it would not be difficult. At all. There would be no need to go through the trouble of vaxxes.
Miss u 4chads soo much
You my online frens u know I really cri
Fuckbyuo englander
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KB misses the basement. Pol RuleZ.

TDR and Gujju Assault, that's all folks

Naarth India Saar Truly ##anonymouze108
really grasping at straws here, shill
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Fuck da police shlls judges and feds
Tongue a nigger's anus then sucks a dravidian's balls

I pwn y'all, all y'all, you ALL

t. at jewtown page3Chan irl
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Fuck da police shlls judges and feds
Tongue a nigger's anus then suck>>475746731
a dravidian's balls


I pwn y'all, all y'all, you ALL

t. at jewtown page3Chan irl
Thank you for the coordinates.
This will be the second airstrike /pol/ calls in.
t. Kapt4a

Davai kommen waiting for du cykas as also, vroom vroom in the hillZ

Oh nein, but I'm your fuhrer I demand her fu
Forgetti attachi
Go sober up, amischwuchtel before the N bomb hits.
Holy shit you're dangerously retarded. More than half the things you've listed are in no way exclusive to whites. For example look at Pol Pot's Year Zero. The guy deleted 25% of his countries populace in 4 years.
>Verification not required.
Aight kaaptain

I have so much kontent to kat4h up on to, wunderbra
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fpbp is right (again). If op had taken the goyshot, he would still be alive. poor op.
most of the vaxxies i know, regret taking it. Either because of a side effect or out of shame.
Go drink some piss you sub faggot shit eater kike
Done and did. Thanks, crypto-kike.

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