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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Assassin's Creed's nigger "Yasuke" has been HISTORICALLY BTFO by the Japs
>Jap government investigating AC Shadows
>Jap government fired fake news jewish historian that claimed a nigger was a Samurai
>There is hope!
I don't give a shit about japan. Most overrated country on Earth
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This, but I also don't give a shit about video games either.
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>jews hate gooks n stuff because White people prefer to breed with them than niggers, thus foiling the jewish plans of a goyim low IQ slave race
>t. nigger
The jew fears the samurai
another jewish L. This was the groundwork for the plan to import millions of nigs into japan btw
>Expecting dickbutt on the letter
All of my dissapointment

Is that George Floyd, as a samurai? fucking lol
They really are pandering to the low hanging fruit
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Fucking Whitepilled
There are already 3 million niggers and pajeets in Japan. It's over for them.
It's incredibly safe, the nature is great, relatively clean, and cheap. It deserves all the good will it gets.
Ngl most of the Nigerians I met there were pretty cool. Jeets are poo wherever you are though.
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>doesn't realize the Japanese were brown before WWII

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Japan is the best country I've ever been to. Everyone is incredibly polite, hard working, and clean. There's always things to do and see, and a tremendous amount of history to explore. I considered moving there for a bit since I work remotely but my company considers it a security risk. Mind you they don't consider India a risk, so I could still move there lol
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>Written by (((Joshua Duckworth)))
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This dude wrote his entire biography by himself in third person
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The vast majority of those are other Asians, but India and Africa are definitely on the increase.
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shut up nigger. An Aryan is speaking.
>posting a tranny
same shit was done to greeks and egyptians and no one cared about the changing of history to make states that outlawed homosexuals into faggots and pedophiles because like 10 vases out of 30,000 had a faggot on it or egyptians get to be niggers because its in africa.
Like where is it on a map bro?
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Previous Assassin's Creed games had:

ancient greek cities with 20% nigger population
viking warriors who were female
ye olde europe with 20% nigger population

None of which are historically accurate.

Now they're trying to do the same thing to Japan, making a game with a nigger "samurai" (who was probably a Daimyo's pet IRL) and a female assassin (usually courtesans who poisoned their victims IRL, not sword wielding ninjas like in the game)

Based Japan is having none of their bullshit.

>Hamada took to X with a series of posts to announce that he had been contacted regarding concerns about the game's portrayal of the country and its people and intends to bring it before the Japanese Diet, which is the country’s legislative body. Hamada specifically noted the concerns surrounding the potential "cultural appropriation and cultural invasion" in the depiction of one of the game's protagonists, Yasuke.


Unironically true.
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Yasuke was a sword carrier for Oda Nobunaga in 1581. Oda later died in 1582.
The sword carrier was not a serious job and was often done by children.
He was allowed to wear a short sword that even peasants were allowed to carry,
but not a long sword because that was only reserved for samurai.
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But it's still better than your nigger filled shithole ruled by kikes like you
I love Japan because firstly all the Japanese I've worked with have been honest and reliable and secondly because they make the dishonest and unreliable Chinese I've had the displeasure of having to deal with seethe very hard.
BTFOing fake history is good too of course.
The Alliance is happening by default.
Well I agree that it's overrated.
But I also hate kike revisionist history. So I'll take this as an absolute win.
Don’t care. they’re about to start the ramping up of 3rd world importation since their corporate oligarchs are getting uppity and to the point where they’re willing to destroy the millennia-year-old culture and ethnicity of the country to continue making profit. A process of which we know all to well in the west. Also frate (fertility rate) there is unfathomably low and looks like they don’t even care. Probably because they literally have no brownies or blacks so they have absolutely no idea how good they have it. Reminds me of mentally ill oregonians or Washingtonians here in the USA that have insane political behavior to someone from the southern USA because they literally have no nigs or browns up there so they grow up mentally stunted in the brain department that registers non-whites as a different category fundamentally
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>Most overrated country in Earth
Says the yank
Total is 2.3% man i wish my country was only 2.3% foreign.

Its pagan asain ireland. Replace fae with yokai and suddenly shit clicks
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shut up nigger not everything is made for you
Tiny dick backward racist muthafuckas don't want to admit that a black man was a better samurai than any of them.
Hope you racist nazis get nuked again.
Does anyone have the video of that Russian guy going to Japan. Meeting up with women and fucking the shit out of them whilst doing coke and puking? They dressed modestly. Doesn't mean they're not whores. I hate how easily sullied people are. I would cringe at the thought of some nip woman in Kabukichō coming up to me and finding me attractive. Whores. The lot of them. Niggers are having a great time. They have no such restraint.
Someone put him a JEOING737 hat
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Why does he looks like George Floyd, niggers all look the same to me.
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And when the first one came out, the woman producer of the game went to TV shows in Quebec (It was made in Montreal) to tell everyone how they spend countless hours and ressource to make Jerusalem as it was during the Crusades for a full-on immersive game where you are in the Holy Land.

Now we got Nigger Samurai
>Jap government fired fake news jewish historian that claimed a nigger was a Samurai
You Will Never Be Japanese
Brotherhood have some dark skinned character models, but they're meant for Sicilians, not niggers.
Death to kikes, niggers, trannies, faggots, and Jesuits!
sick burn
All of you are worthless faggot weabs. Japan is not a utopia. It is EASILY the most subverted nation on earth, go and watch their fucking porn. Their culture is that of slaves and they have no fucking integrity at the end of the day, they couldn’t even refuse the vaxx, eventually the bugs running that country caved and every gook faggot slave there is vaxxed and still wearing masks too. Slave culture and completely subverted population that cannot reproduce. The only people that hold a candle to japanese subversion are whites, who are the golem of Jews.
Bruh who tf cares. You are not Japanese and will never be Japanese. White people inserting themselves into Japanese culture is incredibly cringe
>2.3% foreign
I love Japan!
That's almost a million niggers, if take the 'others' to mean niggers.
Seethe louder, chimp.
That's in 2022. There's been massive importation of nigges and jeets since then, and don't forget the majority of japs are elderly boomers. It's probably more like 4.6% foreign now. Expect the foreign population to double every single year.
I was hoping for ur a faget or nigger
I think a lot of those foreigners are ethnic Japanese that were born abroad
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T. chang abomination
based redditors, can't believe it
Chinese subtitles, god this game is a legit gem
Why was there a fucking Jew in charge of a museum IN JAPAN
You know why.
Apparently they used Chinese characters for a lot of text in the game. Also Ubisoft hasn't made a profit in 5 years. Just die already.
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>stolen honor
baka nigger wasn't even a real samurai
dishonorable nigger lovers btfo'd by honorable japs
super kawaii senpai
arigato nippon

death to all niggers

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