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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Which country will be white man’s greatest hope once the great reset happens? My money’s on Argentina.
u do know whites are not accepting italians at this moment right?
Utah Mormon Kingdom and the Amish Commonwealth.
Russia lol
Israel will be our only hope.
Black pill: there literally aren't any.
You can save yourself independently only if you have assets worth $2 million at least that you can carry with you to wherever you're escaping to
You can join me in the backwoods of Idaho.
Property rights and due process are a joke in russia.
The country that doesn't worship whores like your pick related shows you do.
Ah yes... Vatican City??
You guys better be self sufficient when you move there
Regular Russians aren't going to be happy competing with you for jobs because you're similar skin colors
Japan is the only real answer
Jews are coming here if they lose Israel
Lol, lmao even
Mexico not good enough for you?
Mexico has an abundance of natural resources and beautiful landscape. Move out most of the mestizos and indigenous and you got yourself a very viable option for future dominance
>Property rights and due process are a joke in russia.
Yes because the Karen Kingdom of the USA is better at it.
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Japan is screwed too. More and more third world immigrants. Also, their women are starting to go down the western women route and are dressing more and more immodesty. The real answer is that there is no escape. Every first world country is going to decay and we'll all be forced to watch it happen helplessly.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
The one that will utilize negress wombs breeding white eggs, countries open for lebensborn programs, artificial wombs and cloning. I go for the neatest lgbtq shithole.
I’m just saying, Mexico is more your blood- what you can afford.

I keep hearing shit like Argentina and I laugh. It’s a real shithole with bad food, so is cold ass Russia. And both those places are a bitch to immigrate to, get a job, housing etcétera and then learn the language. Don’t get me wrong, I’m learning Russian but it’s to welcome them one day.

Good enough for Römmel’s kids.
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I'm going to Vietnam
see you soon
argentina has been in the jew end state hyperinflation for decades. its run by criminal shitskins.

there is no white man great hope, its over.
You don’t own property in the US.
We actually are a lot better at it, yeah.
Yes, we do.

t. lawyer



Terrible bait anon, very bad, many such cases. You will never be a woman.
probably this

I think you underestimate what goymilei is doing and will do to this country
They’re Americans they don’t know you or the first thing about your country
I read inflation is down and rent increases are down.
Canada, outside of big cities. We're flooded with jeets but snow kills the street shitter so they don't travel outside their commutes.
i wanna know too. i cant think off one. maybe in the us once it balkanizes? north west us? maybe new zealznd or iceland. mexico sounds exceptable. if it was colonized once it can be colonized again.
portugal, costa rica, montenegro, bhutan
fedniggers are going to be angry at this, but this is probably right.
i think instead of thinking on the nation state level it would be better to think in terms of communities or city-states
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is that Dasha?
Argentina has a Jewish president. How can it be a place for whites when a Jewish elite that hates whites is their leader
Argentinian men have this very particular smugness about being the worst slime bags they can possibly be. If Argentina was wiped off the map by some nuclear catastrophe nothing of any value would be lost.
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it will be a muslim country because they arent pro trannys and know the difference between male and female still
You don’t have it in you to “colonize “ what’s already perfect.

Gringos come here all the time and turn it into SHIT. Big hotels filled with drunks and chicken nuggets and hot dogs instead of Mexican food, and if there’s still Mexican food available the salsa isn’t spicy anymore. You fuckers aren’t French or Spanish.

> Tatoo means 'too told!' "danger!"

They come with warning stickers now?
Russia ftw
Greatest country in the world
>Gringos come here all the time and turn it into SHIT. Big hotels filled with drunks and chicken nuggets and hot dogs instead of Mexican food, and if there’s still Mexican food available the salsa isn’t spicy anymore. You fuckers aren’t French or Spanish.

No Mexican food? Who would want to turn a hotel into Costco? Whats the point then?
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You should go to the best korea and ask permission from their king if you can buy some property and impregnate some qt
There are no niggers there so it is a plus
Antarctica and beyond.
I don’t know but in nature that’s the cause and effect. That’s what actually happens
America. We're taking half this country and undoing all the bullshit of globo for the last 100 years. Build a wall and let the diversity on the other side starve.
I was in told by an anon in the montana post earlier that many whites in PNW are cali transplants or boomer faggot neocons, can any PNW anons give their take?>>475679361
youre 30 years too late on argentina

this. crimea region speficially.
belarus could be good too.
and montenegro

small white communities would also do well within the following nations:

-el salvador
-costa rica
-mexico (PDC, merida, or PV areas)

every small canadian town is full of white redneck losers who live on government gibs, smoke 2 joints and drink 6 molsons a day. most of them are liberal-light in their sensibilities too and define themselves almost entirely by being "not american". its disgusting and you know ur full of shit.
Guatemala, they’re all here.
>many whites in PNW are cali transplants
this is true in many places
>or boomer faggot neocons
boomers will be gone soon anyway
Alaska unironically
The entire west coast of N. America is pure trash and that includes Canada.
Hollow Earth Nazi base?

Mexican food replaced with the chicken nuggets and hot dogs and cheap liquor Pulmonary Attack Diet. That is uber loco. I'd be upset too.

Anons, I have some news for you...
Yeah but that's le bad because jews and shieeet

> Doesn't know why they call the New Zealand's South Island "the Southern Alps"
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My bet's on digital nomad friendly countries in South America or southeast Asia. Even if you don't work online, they still have need for English speakers and whatever expertise western expats can bring.

Plus you'll have access to nonstop young pussy.
>he doesnt want to bang loose nip girls and become king of the niggers
Is Mormonism heresy
Because I respect their way of life but they worship aliens or something
Switzerland for sure. Fully armed citizenry, beautiful women, no fags, no niggers. Perfect.
Yes, they're heretics but a lot of them are good people so they're just misguided lambs.
Canada, get fucked niggers
Settle down, leaf. You'll be India 2.0 in 3 years.
I disagree with white flight in the first place. I swear I loathe this about you privileged burger fucks. You have all the guns. Mexican Cartels buy your shit wholesale and then send it back home. Why the fuck isn't there more militias? Disposable income is such a pacifier.
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Our country. OURS.
South America
Rural America

Take your pick. Japan is occupied so will probably turn refugees welcome pretty soon which would make it easy to form white communities there. They're also a democracy so it would be possible to eventually elect a white mayor for our white town and eventually become autonomous

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