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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Remember when Nick Fuentes used to act like he was best buds with Destiny?
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buy an ad Stevie Jr
Listening now and destiny is destroying this guy he's arguing. Can't even give a definition of insurrection kek
Andrew is mentally handicapped
>Remember when Nick Fuentes used to act like he was best buds with Destiny?
yeah it stopped after destiny kept doing debates in bad faith, as he always does
A pity the debate wasn't in person, there's a murder suicide I'd love to see
Fagnity is such a little bitch. Seriously. All he does is talk in circles and keep repeating the same shit over and over. It's literal cope. He's trying to convince himself he's right when he's not. These libtards all fucking do this.
Is Tiny still trying to debate "muh insurrection" after getting blown out of the water on the topic by Greenwald? And by Shapiro? Poor guy.
He doesn't need to. Destiny's accusing Trump of doing an insurrection and Trump supporters of supporting one. He's the one that should have provided a clear definition. He didn't. He lost.
buy an ad.
Your like a fucking sewing circle, but gayer
Destiny gave a clear definition and how jan 6 meets that definition. The other guy refused to give one.
lmao another CHUD gets calped by DesTINY. You guys really suck, I can't believe you don't have a single win against him.

Could you please give a boomer a QRD on this Density guy? Why is he popular?
Low-rung fedfags. They both work for the same people. If you can’t see this by now you’re legitimately retarded.
>coping this bad over debate midget getting mogged
get a new role model Billy
Your too low IQ to understand Socratic questioning and internal cirques. Based on Destiny's definition Jan 6 could just as easily be called a riot. That's it, debate over.
hes not. no one irl knows who he is, just zoomers.
Internal critiques*
> Remember when Nick Fuentes used to …
No, because only incel losers without a life watch and talk about any of these low iq useless political streamers.
Destiny is getting bodies by a literal retard caller right now
>Destiny gave a clear definition and how jan 6 meets that definition

trump was impeached for this, tried by the senate and found not guilty, does little steven know something they don't?
did his son shoot him properly this time?
uuum your burden of proof sweetie? do believe that an atheist should be the one to provide a definition for a theist's god?
Tuned in pretty late but quickly shut off after this

>caller asks why he won't define what an insurrection is
>still refuses to define it
>"there's nothing wrong with an agnostic debating whether God is real"

did they really debate about j6 being an insurrection without even defining what an insurrection is?? I thought at debates you're supposed to start off by getting definitions straight before arguing specifics?
Imagine paying any attention to either of these people
A riot can be an insurrection and an insurrection is not necessarily a riot. He went through case law covering this.
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>best buds
I thought they were just bumping uglies.
>A riot can be an insurrection and an insurrection is not necessarily a riot.
The elements of an insurrection /definition Destiny used in no way makes the distinction of why Jan 6 was an insurrection and not otherwise. He brought out potential elements of a insurrection but he failed to demonstrate Jan 6 was one. The underlying reasoning on why he inferred Jan 6 was an insurrection (in totality) and not a protest/riot was Orange man bad talking points.
where's the link fucking homo
Why is this fag the only eceleb not currently getting dragged through the mud hard?
Fun-fact: Destiny's definition was based on some guy interpretation of the 14th amendment. Additionally Destiny's personal distinction between riot and insurrection was meritless.
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>some trumpers go from a trump rally to the capitol building to protest
>police line backs away entirely
>trumpers walk right into the capitol building uncontested
>a window gets broken
>some guy puts his feet on nancy pelosi's desk

>this is an insurrection/coup attempt
>this is what makes it ok to kill trump and his supporters in the warped leftist mind
Nothing lasts forever anon
No, they most likely didn't. Destiny and many other political influencers don't have any degrees and hadn't even attended a school to acquire a post secondary education. The people who follow them are usually never educated themselves. The cope is that degrees are useless and sometimes even dissuade people from attaining an education. I don't know how to tell you guys this, but a guy that discourages you to not actually stimulate your mind unless it's through them is quintessentially evil. The reason why they are evil is because they want the power that comes from people believing them as a source of knowledge. These debates will not provide you anything of proper value. You need military professionals, historians and political scientist to get an accurate assertion of whether or not January 6th was an insurrection, not a statecraft streamer.
My apologies on autocorrect.
>streamer thread
obligatory kill yourselves faggots
yeah the greenwald debate was rough for desTINY
terminally online cuck who built a fanbase of terminally online cucks
he could have been but andrew was way too rigid and scared of losing
Nice troll. This was andrew for the entire debate. Easy destiny w.
Andrew's definition is lol idk
Uhhh its the cringy christcuck. I dont need to watch it to know Destiny whooped his ass.
midget Cuck is a fag but this is an accurate assessment of Wilson. He's like destiny if he chain smoked and was loved by his parents
Destiny is our guy back 2 reddit
thank you Theo
Andrew should stick to debating 18-year-old teen girls.
Where's the link faggot?
A democrat presidency to another democrat presidency?
Do people actually watch debates from random losers kek
Liberals think any protest is an insurrection if anyone but democrats do it.
So did wilson at least bring up destiny's cum guzzling, or was he just a pathetic pussy?
Andrew Wilson is a retard but yeah he completely smoked Destiny here. Its been a rough year for the little guy
Does it matter what a defense attorneys definition of what murder is?
Andrew doesn’t even accept evolution
He didn’t you are just destiny hater. Even Myron was laughing at Andy.
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>you are just destiny hater
I dont even know the topic of the discussion
but its a ćuckfaggot vs a guy who married a single mom with 5 kids
>muh words
Debating is the most retarded shit ever. Throw a punch faggots.
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tomboy genocide is real

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