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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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“Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.
The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.
That’s politics for ya.”

Mayor Willie Brown San Francisco 2 Term mayor.

How much more proof do you need it’s right here in black and white for you.

texan nigger controlling california and the white house through sex tapes is better than zion don
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Nice try kike I see you you faggot.

Coming down the stairs in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City in 2017, Kamala Harris saw the Western Wall and knew what she had to do.

Harris, then a California senator, reached into her pocket and pulled out a blue kippah and clips she had prepared for the occasion. She told her Jewish husband, Doug Emhoff, to bend down a bit and fastened the kippah to his head.
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do you think she fucked biden to become vp
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Far fall from 3 domes with montel
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Kamala is a dumb Indian bitch
A street shittin, dick suckin whore
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I agree why do you think SF is full of shit?
Honestly? Would
And I'd pick Kamala other the whore on the left
Don't care
Still voting Harris
Willie brown was a coke head. I'm 43, and used to drink downtown sf, and one night, 20 someodd years ago, I had a beer in each fist, and had my head down for a moment, and walked beer first into Willie brown. his two bodyguards got in between us SO fast, and I got some good stares before the three of them headed up this "Off limits" staircase inside the bar to the second floor where no other patrons were ever allowed to go.
After that night I tried every time to sneak up those stairs when I went to this bar, but they were on top of it, and I got caught and 86'd each and every attempt.
Multiple people told me they keep some of that good good coke ready and waiting for Willie every time he's expected at this bar. I haven't been back for years, and sometimes wonder if the ex-mayor still goes there.
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Maybe not she is t even the nominee yet faggot
It's not looking good for Kamala

I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
I wonder who helped them meet for the first time? Thats the real culprit behind the scenes.
Wow, 1990's? I thought it was 1890's. Just say 90's, you niggers.
What an ugly ass women. Why all elite look like demons dressed as humans
Her mom looks like a Ferengi from star trek.
The dad looks like Obama, even has one of those giant moles by his nose.
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I live downtown SF and have lived in SF for over about 35 years fuck you we are about the same age too I know you I know I do because I know everyone
And? Are we really gonna talk candidates sex history? Because Trump’s includes a bunch of kids…
I recognize that area, down by the ball park.
What bar? I might be able to tell you what’s up those stairs
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Womp womp sick burn pedo
Looks like Hunters point or Portero hills now.
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That’s hilarious “BLUE STATES” there is no such thing as that there are only blue cities. Tell me more about your trips to libtopia
I wish I could remember the name. I went to this particular bar a few times, and this was over two decades ago. Small place. The stairs were in plain sight of the bar, so i didn't have good odds of getting up there.
You walked in and to the left to the stairs, the bar, and the seating (very little seating).
I was living in the east bay, so I'm not known out there. I'd just go out on the weekends with a couple of work buddies.
I didn't follow politics at the time. My friends had to tell me who it was I just doused with beer.
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Nah I’m in the rich area I’m by sales force tower SOMA
What district do you remember?
I remember it was by strip clubs. that's about it. I spent a lot of young 20s too fucked up
we would park across the street from the pier (towards the lower numbered piers), and walked up the hill a few blocks to the bars.
> is posting here lagging out for anyone else?
next time keep your eye out for a dude with a gay dog, i guess
Kek, it's such a short article
>The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.
What a cunt. Who acts like this?
wow, nice "yard" you have there.
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Gay dog you wish you had a dog of mine’s pedigree you faggot. My dog come from royalty. She is looty bloodline
Why would a Trump worshipper have something against any of that?
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Come on now nigger I have more than 1 place this is my luxury apartment right in the heart of downtown. Want to see my house on the beach in Mississippi? Or my other house on the coast off hwy 1. Or my other house in Napa. Run along little leaf fag. I got that legal cannabis money to support my lifestyle we are not the same.
cute kids
really humanizes Kamala
i dont hate her so much now
i can get on with my life and not see her as some
demon possesed narcisist. just a little girl whos dad sucked.
fuck jannies
this deserves a (you). Try to spend less time online though.
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Kamala liked Willie Brown’s brown willy!
I posted this because there are plenty of post on here that say where’s the proof she slept her way to her positions. We don’t give a shit about Trump doing it Trump wasn’t a DA or an ATTORNEY GENERAL or a SENATOR. NEPOTISM AND FUCKING FOR FAVORS ISNT THE SAME COCONUTS TO ORANGES NIGGER
California is so gross
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you just autodoxxed yourself kek
I read it and it’s fake and gay no one cares about your stupid ass story weather it’s yours or someone else’s not interested nigger go live in la la land on your own
man good for u anon
seems like youre doing well for yourself
fuck jannies
> nose
hmmm… suspicious
She ain't making it there. Something hilarious is going to happen with her I bet.
Don’t care post my address nigger I have lots of houses and places I live. You wouldn make it past the arm guards the valet parking attendant or my concierge.
Massachusetts is an exception I'm afraid. Even in the western parts which are very rural it is still quite liberal. Kind of anomalous but blame the colleges out there. Cities and colleges. A university will turn a nice small farm town into a hipster enclave.
You get A in creative writing course.
Thank you anon I’m from the Prop215 cannabis era of California I owned cannabis manufacturing company and a few dispensaries over the years was able to make a shit ton of cash before I retired
>indicting niggers for jaywalking
Wtf i'm on team kamala now!
No one gets anywhere especially in politics without networking. She gained connections via relationship. Common occurrence among friends, lovers, business acquaintances, donors, family... One hand up and ambition and strategy and education she used to climb rungs. You get there just exactly like this, maybe not the dating part but it does happen. Really no big deal but whatever.
the ugly negro is you kek
Keep up the good work
shoop JD Vance over the nigger on the left an spam it everywhere, X, PDW, etc. hahahaha
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take the poo pill Neo
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are you a squatter?
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She actually looks decent there. Maybe it's because her skin tone is so light.
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