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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Twice a week I go to the govt center to donate blood for money. I literally don't have to work.


This is because i have vaxx free blood
I'm a vaxx free chad. I'm the ultra chad. The ultimate chad.

i asked if i could donate if i got vaxxed and the nurse said no.
Feels good to be a literal modern day aristocrat. My life is perfect. they said if I get the COVID vaxx I will need to be tested for 6+ months before I can donate again.

Feels good being a NEETchad.
mfw paid for existing. I'm in charge here bitches.
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I mean honestly if you aren’t making $200 a DAY I don’t see how you exist.
How did you find the vax free payment?
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cause I'm frugal

the donation center literally told me they don't accept donations from people with the vaxx. since it can cause reactions when people take it. Chillin like a villin. And no I'm not telling you where to donate or the fucking places would get flooded.
you are going to have to make it at least $5k/pint if you want the unvaxxed blood fed nigger. im a capitalist so ill sell mine, but at least make me a reasonable offer here.
the centers process and store and transfer the blood. I just sit on my fucking ASS and make money. Cry about it incel. kek.
I made $380 sitting on my fatass today. I had 3 calls to be on, and closed 4 tickets that took a total of maybe 45 minutes.
Nigger you better tell me right this second, I'm a pureblood but I need NEETbux living with my ma
>$380 sitting on my fatass today
What do?
i only have to be at the center 2 hours a week to make 200 a week.

I win bitch nigger.

you can find out just do some googles. they legit will pay you don't go to any free centers that don't pay. good luck.
Bot or buy an ad blood bank shill
bitch nigga i MAKE bank. topkek.
In Canada, you can only donate every 3 months or so and they only give you a cookie.
I took the vaxx and get paid more. Just saying.
lmao loser. holy fuck i hate canadians.

nice try shlomo. still not taking it. I know ur lying.
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Donates red blood cells which makes you older by increasing the amount of divisions in your cells like a neet faggot for 200$. red blood cells have limited number of divisions.

> chad: donate plasma which is easily replaced and recreated and you can do it twice a week for 300$+
>selling your tissues to jews for your survival
>i-im winning!
sure you are buddy, sure you are.
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Living in mommy’s basement isn’t frugal, it’s pathetic
Why would you post such obvious crap? Fuck off back to discord tranny. all fields
blood is worth more. my local center is superior to basc ass PLASMA donos. Plasma bitches get 50 bucks a pop. I get double that. I win.

I just have to eat red meat to grow more blood. Stay mad kike.
I own my own basement. actually.
We need people to donate blood.

Shut the fuck up.
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>they said if I get the COVID vaxx I will need to be tested for 6+ months before I can donate again.
So that's basically everyone then? Who has gotten a Covid Vax after '22?
remember the discussions how they'll bribe you to not kill them? turns out its pennies
first they wanna kill you now you support them to live even longer? lol, lmao
wont sell a drop of my pure blood, ever
Wow....a whole $800 a month! I bet you have the biggest cardboard box in skidsville?
fake, gay, etc
why hide your flag when talking about the weird blood donation laws of your country? Are you Iranian?
I'm sorry you have to literally sell your body to survive OP
and no I am not comparing you to prostitutes, because prostitutes don't lose lifespan every time they exchange their body
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Do they even ask about your vaccination status?

>i asked if i could donate if i got vaxxed and the nurse said no.
Show literally any blood drive website that states this on there
>red blood cells have limited number of divisions.
Red blood cells just die off, they do not have a nucleus. Blood is ONLY made in your bone marrow, and it lasts until it dies and gets replaced.
Based. Fuck these dumb chuds
They probably ree-vax you every time you go to donate.
>I own my own basement. actually.
Hahaha....like fuck you do!!!!!

EVERYONE needs blood for emergencies.

You shitfucking retarded man-babies.
I do. I used to have a 9-5 job when i was a retard. now I'm smart.

Thank you for the lives you saved. I bow to you.
>I mean honestly if you aren’t making $200 a DAY I don’t see how you exist.
You must be shitting me. My AutismBux are $960 a month + 250 ebt...call it $40 a day. Get heating fuel free too when it's cold. I don't know what you rich fucks need with all of that money, I not only exist but have enough for my special interest hobbies and shit. I have a CS BS and graduated with every honor etc. but using a degree for anything other than getting more degrees is like winning a lottery and if you have autism the odds become like powerball improbability.
My non vax blood to me is worth $1000 a litre, no more, no less. Lol you're getting ripped off
It's in me to give? Nah
It's in me to live.
What color is your Corolla?
Does this work in Australia?
Title is just a T3 tech, but I do a lot of sysadmin stuff and intune management.
no clue bro.

you made this up canadian.

how you qualify for that 960 my brotha
Nope, we don't get paid for donating anything. Don't bother donating your blood, there's so many fucking indians and old faggots with HIV sucking the country's blood supply.
Autism diagnosis from neuropsych, ER visits for panic attacks and GAD, never employed at an impressive age, etc. Still had to retain a lawyer to win my appeal. but won on the first hearing.
>Autism diagnosis from neuropsych
hm. and what department did u sign up for those bucks with?

who do i need to contact exactly brosky.
they have your dna now retard
so what.
they are cloning you as we speak
You are a liar. They don't let you give more than a pint of blood every two months.
thats the free places you dumbass. you can sell it more often, 2x a week, if ur not donating for free.

I would be fine with this.
It's not blood, it's plasma, and anyone can do it. Vaxxed or not.
You're not donating blood twice a week, you'd be dead.
He is just donating plasma, not blood, and they don't care if you're vaxxed or not.
Must be somewhere in LA or another crazy expensive shit hole. I do it in Olympia and I make 115 a week.
You can't donate blood twice a week. It would kill you in a month.
You apply at the Social Security dept, can even do it online. Get denied and then get a lawyer, lawyer gets their cut from the backpay.
Of course I made it up that's how much I value my blood, $1000 a liter
can i just clam a disabled or do i need to literally get a diagnosis or something

thanks bro.
You can get up to 180k per year selling your doodoo if you are super healthy.
>Twice a week I go to the govt center to donate blood for money.

They don't allow you to donate more than once a month because you would lose too much blood.
I basically get $935 equivalent a month doing nothing anyway. If I gave that many shits about benefits I'd get even more than that monthly and I'm only 22. If you're going to flex on people for something that everyone can do you ma's well do drug trials whilst you're at it and stream on twitch. All you'd need is 100 subscribers. That's another $500 a month.
I don't even claim disability unlike the other guy. And I'd get back paid in the five figures if I went that route. Cry about it.
OK but what's the name of the organization I donate the blood to? I have a couple bags in my fridge I wanna get rid of
no idiot you need to get it pumped live from yojur arm. you can't bring the blood in bags.
actually they have been injecting you with the vax to test it.
Blood is your life. You’re reducing your lifespan doing this retard. 1 year is not worth 200-1k dollars fucking retard. Better be selling it for 1 million dollar per liter to make up for the year lost.
wow I'm still alive. been doing this for 3 months. I'm fine. I feel fine.
Not being vaxxed is based obviously but still anon it's a pretty goycattle move to sell bits of your living anatomy to the gubmint. If you were somehow selling shit and piss to the gubmint that would be based I think but blood is a different kind of thing. Better to just get a job maybe?
What. A. Complete. Winner.
complete bullshit but good bait.
Add two zeroes to the back that and I MIGHT CONSIDER donating.
Fuck the vaxxed.
Why would you give away your blood for so cheap? Retard.
they need blood sometimes. I'm happy long as i get paid to.
>EVERYONE needs blood for emergencies.
>You shitfucking retarded man-babies.
OP is a LARPing faggot...../pol/acks have a duty to call him out! So fuck you nigger.
get a load of this buttmad canadian
>I do. I used to have a 9-5 job when i was a retard. now I'm smart.
You DON'T....hence the memeflag. kys
I'm American. Seethe and cope leafboi.

I hope you actually donate blood regularly. In Canada we need as much as we get because it's completely unpaid, a selfless act
Just calling a fag a fag........faggot.
you do that for free? whata fag.
800 a month? I get paid that in 2 days, and I don't have self-induced anemia. but thanks for keeping part of my job going. When I'm not doing tiktoks about wearing masks, I do some blood transfusions, among other things.
>I'm American.
You're a memeflaggot.
At least I'm not a memeflaggot LARPer. Go out and help save lives

B- gang
retard. I save lives for CASH
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>Twice a week I donate blood

>I literally don't have to work

>i asked if i could donate if i got vaxxed and the nurse said no

This post is giving off 1PBTID energy but a third of the posts in this thread are you so I assume you're just schizophrenic
ur a dumb bitch. read the post again if you don't understand
Nobody gives a shit about degrees it's just the step from degree to job that filters people like you out. You could have been making bank but instead living on the dole, a piddling life.
remember to drink water after donating, i have done it and it really hits you after, le kidney-sucking feel
the unlimited snacks are worth it tho
Wait, so those people I throw it at should be paying me too instead of just the ones who want to watch me make it?
>asked if i could donate if i got vaxxed and the nurse said no
You are full of shit, nigger.
>they don't accept donations from people with the vaxx. since it can cause reactions when people take it.
Vaxxies who have vaxx blood get reactions to vaxx blood?
the premise is so flawed. OP already moved on to his next troll thread, sage and hide
I made 2500 in online gambling this week
mine were salty, to make the harvested ones drink
Sorry but I wasn't given the secret normie handshake that enables employment so it's an impossible problem to solve.
I just signed up...was tempted to write in
As the "where did you hear about us"
r*ddit was there.
looks also like me i am 260 pound and unvaxxed

>And no I'm not telling you where to donate or the fucking places would get flooded.


wait you can make money with literally shit ?
stfu liar.
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Universal donor; never vaxxed or tested, gonna keep my Pureblood for just me, I know, it’s just, well sorry!

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