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Millions of Pajeets have made these kinds of loans, 2008 is going to look like a joke.
And your plane.
....does the Bank of Canada know? Does the CMHC? Does the federal government? Officially?

What happens if they've all been operating based on the flawed assumption that an economically significant number of downpayments were legitimate? Would they even be able to create an estimate of how bad things really are?
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lol the mods locked the thread. classic.
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Lets go pajeets, redeem the mortgage saar
This is how they managed to get a higher income than whites per capita, now they're going to take the whole banking system down with them
We crash Canadian economy and all white women bow down before rich chad Indian men. We sex your women and Canada will belong to us
>2008 is going to look like a joke.
I hope so. The smug bastards in this shithole need to suffer. I want millions dead.
Serious question, why are Indians such horrible people?
Lmao dicklet
There are over 1 billion Indians in the world today. The majority of which are from lower-classes. Any race of people would look like dogshit if the majority of that race's members were from the shitiest people of that race. Rich/elite/chads are not the majority of any race.
Its negative equity, same thing happened with freddy mac and fannie may. People will owe more than its worth.
They are used to living in dirt floor hovels, anything above that is a bonus and luxury.
Where is penis saar
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Good let the economy crash and burn.
>buyer beware
Think twice before buying a pajeet's foreclosure. They refuse to do any maintenance on their mcmansion so the builders' carpets will be stained, the walls will still be covered on primer and scuff marks, any exterior painted surface will be peeling and chipping, and all these smorgasbord of faux wall treatments will be letting water in.
based, pink sows will be my sex slaves
>indians scamming
why is anyone surprised?
Rich Indians literally enslave their own people to do shit like this.

99% of Indians are trash regardless of their stupid gay castes.
With no survivors
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>Good let the economy crash and burn.
Exactly. Faggots in this country are too smug, complacent, and soft. We need suffering and lots of it.
Yes. My point is that their trash reproduces like rabbits.
Not just Indians, Chinese used real estate to money launder via BC and Toronto real estate. A lot of these low IQ mortgages and loans are up for renewal this year and next.

It will only get worse
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Things are going to get exciting soon, where there's chaos there's opportunities
I'll see all you anons in the underground maple syrup smuggling networks we'll have to the US and back
There wouldn't be any problems if they were only doing that in India.
Difference is that chinks can eat the loss, that money already existed and was funneled out of China
Jeets are borrowing against their own housing without it even being fully paid off
Every jeet hive will be a warzone soon
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At this point Canada bros: Would you rather have South Side Chicago where it’s just nogs murdering each other at industrial scale OR Brampton where is just scamjeets everywhere scamming at industrial scale?
Id rather have an all white nation free of hooked nose banks
That's why thirdies should never have been allowed into first world countries in large numbers.
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>I'll see all you anons in the underground maple syrup smuggling networks we'll have to the US and back
based, proper maple syrup is required for my smoked Christmas ham.
A lot of newer houses especially minto or empire are shoddily built too.
I wouldn't touch a house built within the past ten years.
There is literally no difference between spics and poos.
Maybe you should link them this thread
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Now we know why caste system are important in india
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Boys what can I tell you. Every morning I wake up I thank heaven I got my mortage paid off in 14 years. We bought in 2010 during the obama crash.We got the only property we could afford at a bankruptcy auction, "as is, where is". It was a property so bad no other buyers wanted to touch it. 270k for a run down little 1911 farmhouse on 6 acres of run down apple/cherry orchard in BC. Junkies had been squatting on the property for three years. It tooks almost two months AFTER we had purchased to finally evict them (with help from the RCMP!).

I had to remove the trash. You cant even imagine. It was fucking hideous. They had stolen everything, even the fuckign copper wire! it cost me 5k to have the house re-wired. Thank goodness Im a carpenter and know a little plumbing and have friends in building trades. We had saved for almost ten years to get our downpayment, living in a shitty one bedroom basement suite with one child. We've had two more boys since then.

Heres what i hauled off the property, and I kid you not, I have the receipts.
9 dilapeted trailers
2 small boats
1 mobile home
4 wrecked vehicles
23 TONS of household trash
46 TONS of scrap metal

I had to rent a mini excavator to pick up all the trash. I burned a gigantic pile of scrap wood and the old "chicken coop". I restored the ol log barn (which now houses a cow and chickens). And Ive restored the old farmhouse to its 1911 glory. i installed solar with the net zero, so i dont have batteries cause im on the grid, but I dont get a bill either. I use a woodstove for heat. The orchard is going again too. And I build a couple basic greenhouses. My wife adn I have been paying 650$ a week on our mortage. We share a phone and drive 90's vehicles (a corolla and an s10).

but im fuckign free man, Im finally fuckign free. no more mortage jew.

I cant imagine trying to buy now. Its completely fucked.
Congrats BC bro. That 46 tons of scrap metal was those methheads savings account, lol.
Fantastic work anon. Proud of you.
Nice trips.
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Life is great here in rural Alberta. Native Americans are more of a problem than pajeets. All depends on the time of month and whether welfare payments have gone out yet. I don't think any pajeets even live within 100 mile radius of here.
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Mexicant's at least keep to themselves and are mostly house trained.
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Are you guys seriously in a housing bubble because Indians took out HELOC loans to pay other Indians to buy homes who use a HELOC loan to pay for another Indian to buy a home and they're all "competing" against each other driving the prices higher and higher as they all take out more loans to give each other more loans? Sounds like the real and only solution is to bring in more Indians to keep this afloat.
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Jeets are literal demoniac shiteaters who have been leashed by the jews on White communities. They revel in the fac that they have been deployed as destructive bioweapons to further the perfidious world order.
Sad to get scammed like this after 20+ years of work
How are you holding up economically?
To be fair, lots of boomers have done similar shenanigans like borrowing against their equity to spend lavishly on themselves
Though this isn't as bad as the jeets because at least they had the equity to drain, but they will get rekt by the inevitable housing collapse as well
>Sounds like the real and only solution is to bring in more Indians to keep this afloat.
Thats exactly what they are doing, while officially telling everyone they are reducing it. Its also the reason why they lowered the rates again.
they've been saying this about Canadas real estate market for decades, all that's going to happen is the bank is going to take those morons homes, and functionally ban them from loans or taking out another mortgage. retards get the rope.
Its funny, they lowered the rates when they realized 2/3 of mortgage holders were about to default but inflation is still destroying people's incomes so they can't drop it back to 0% again
Slowly they are getting cornered
We can always pray that the Houthis do a drone strike on one of those floating city cruise ships full of boomers.
How the fuck can people afford this, I feel so fucking poor why is life so hard.
They brought in millions of pajeets over the last 10 years, there could be hundreds of thousands of these mortgages, this would cause a total collapse.
That would make me like them even more than I already do, the cheeky buggers
>all that's going to happen is the bank is going to take those morons homes
If the bank takes all their homes, they now have these illiquid assets that will immediately collapse in value as the banks have to firesale them in order to cover their mortgage losses
In that scenario we get USA 2008 x10, 30-40% of our economic activity is solely real estate transactions so this would be like what happened to Russia in the mid 90s
so what are we supposed to do with this?
>haha you lost your mom's home because you were scammed into coming to this frozen shit hole where everyone hates you and everything is 100x more expensive. Karma's a bitch faggot pajeets

because I am fine with that
>why is life so hard.
You didn't have the good fortune of being born in 1946 and getting to ride a wave of economic prosperity that had never been seen before or since.
>waaaah why are my women fucking literally every other race except mine
cry about it incel
>a single mom of three
Where’s your Korean flag tonight Ramspreet?
I can smell this through the screen
Good. I hate them so much. 10ish years ago I was as liberal as a guy could get, but actually interacting with these demonic subhumans is unironically horrible. They spread like the plauge and just turn everything to shit. I'm literally going to wasaga tomorrow and I pray these savages just act civilized for once so I dont start a confrontation about shitting on the beach.

Pajeet, your filthy hairy bossy misshapen abominable women are the worst breeding stock in the world. I'd take 10 million obese sheboons over a single frumpy small tittied lumpy ass beanbag chair indian woman. Your accent is appalling and indecipherable, your stech is corpse-like, your "success" comes only from neoptism that rivals kikes, and you stupid marblemouth fuckers are so scrawny and malnourished the average canadian could take 4 or 5 of you in single combat. How are all your olympic medals treating you, you disgusting vermin?
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I dont know how my wife stuck it out with me, those years living in that basement suite. Neither of us have college education, and our fuckign boomer parents didnt leave us a dime. When my old man died, and dont get me wrong, he doesnt "owe" me, but he died with 1.4m in assets, and left it all to his fuckign third wife!!! I got his old pick uptruck and a bunch of tools. Im not complaining, I just sayin ... I geuss he figured I could make it on my own. I owe him alot, he taught me well. My wifes story is even worse, they actually had money, they owned a grocery store and land, but they blew it all. Dont matter man, fuck em.

I been working in forestry and construction for almost twenty years, 10-12 hours a day. But I finally "retired" now. Last two years Ive done more fishing and hunting then in last twenty. Today I spent the afternoon in my little workshop building birdhouses with my youngest son. No more creepin around the house before dawn and being gone with the sunrise. I can sleep in til 8 every day!

I can tell you this, when I die, my boys are getting every red cent I got, every fucking penny. I aint doin this for kicks.

I want to build a canoe this august.
Holding up fine
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>Pajeets will save the whole Canadian economy while whitey shit their pants and watch tranny shows on Netflix

Either Chink or Pajeet fantasy. Both parasites in Cuckanada the most undesirable ugliest men to all women, including their own.
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many such cases... One of them is at least using a spoon in this one.
how much was that scrap metal worth? Gotta payoff some of the other shit, I guess no copper but other shit is worth while. I see dudes picking up ovens and dryers and shit to scrap. My buddy has a flat bed and pays 250 for any car. He drains all the fluid and gets it crushed and gets paid out more then 250. So if your average car.weighing 4100 lbs and you removed 46 t (92000lbs) at the low end of 250 per 4100 would be 250 x 22.5ish so that would be 5609 on the lowest end, easily double that plus all the other shit youre removing, pays for itself.
bit om sure it's easier said than done. Good job anon.
I'm doing basically the same and getting water in the house is a pain in my ass. I know how to do it it's just 5 hours from my apartment and tools and shit.
Meme is always true. Never seen a jacked roid head with a big cawk. Bodybuilding is a coping mechanism.
the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.
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all indians have small dicks though
people generally use bodybuilding to cope for social insecurity
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Fack! Imagine the smell.
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You're on the right side of things, when shit hits the fan whites will get ejected from the credentialed economy
None of the job losses are going to hit their precious diversity, except for white women
Thankfully it seems that white men have been working outside of the credentialed economy just fine for a long time, looking at the stats we are doing a lot better than nonwhite men even though we have the lowest % of bachelor's+ education
Good to hear it, how do you support yourself in rural AB? I'd like to move out rural but it seems you have to know the community beforehand or you won't get any work
Can you imagine the fucking vermin?

Fuck Canadian whites for letting them in
Fuck all Whites for giving up power to niggers jews spics and jeet shit skins

if whites are to stupid survive
then they DIE
I hope that's Photoshop, it's too cringe to be real.
3rd worlders believe the economy will magically stay the same forever even with a million of their own people showing up every year people who appear completely incapable of running a functional society
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I don't think they mind
And White libtard normie types are wholly unprepared for the perfidious shitskin and his scams. In fact I bet most of them go against their better judgement to prove they aren't racist and they get fucked over in the end and no one gives a fuck because White people have been vilified in their own nations. Shitskins take advantage because they're dishonorable sneakthieves.
Dude my wife adn I got married in 2008 (we had already been living together for years). We share a phone, we drive old vehicles (she has a 2002 yota rolla adn I drive a 91 s10). We lived for almost six years in a one bedroom basement suite with our first son. I have had two vacations in twenty years, once to go back east for a month and visit family, and we took a big vacation in 2018 and toured around SEA for almost 90 days. I dont go out, I dont drink, I dont smoke, i dont take drugs. The last time I had a beer was summer of Covid, I had a kilkenny irish cream ale with my brother after spending my sunday doing lanscaping with him.

Dude I have been working, almost always 10 hours a day, six days a week for nearly twenty fuckign years. My old man kicked me out on my 18th birthday. I started out workign in forestry as a treeplanter, got into doign other stuff, (choking, firefighting, brushing, yada yada) and about ten years ago got into carpentry, doing mostly concrete and framing.

twenty fucking years of hard labour. I never called sick, i never refused overtime. I could count on one hand the number of days I missed. ussually saturdays only a half day though. Thats what it takes to break out. you gotta get your nose down and you have got to fucking GRIND.

take the most dangerous job you can find, and be prepared to travel, if you really want to make cash, get into a logging camp. but you better be ready to work like a demon. cause thats where your goin, hell.
I welcome them scamming any and all shitlibs.
Hindu rape apes see nothing wrong with rape. Their shit religion teaches that women are meant to be raped, and enjoy rape. This is how sick and evil the Hindus are
someone explain what that nigga said in english please
You don't need to imagine, the vermin are clearly pictured
>the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.

The reason these pajeets are in canada is because of christcuck antiracialism and universalism.
This is almost too retarded to not be true
>Pajeets will crash the whole Canadian economy
it was all scrap steel mostly. I sold it to a friend whos in that business, and in return he hauled away the scrap trailers, which actually cost money to remove (8$ a foot round here). so i kinda horse traded with him. the deal was "all or nothing". and in the beggining we really didnt know how it would work out. there wasnt any copper, and very little aluminum. but he would leave me a wrekcing bin, and Id toss scrap metal in, old washers, dryers, fridges, tons of junk, stolen bikes, you name it. all kinds of old rusty crap lying everywhere. i foudn a few gems along the way, but mostly just garbage, i was glad to see it go adn not have to pay. My buddy would come out and haul away a trailer or something, and come back and haul away the bin.

the mobile home i got a dude to come with a hoe and smash it up and haul it away, cost 4k.
it was so disgusting. unreal. I cant even describe how gross those junkies where. words couldnt do it justice. shit that would make a billy goat puke!
If the credential economy ends, I'll just become a mechanic or an electrician or something. I don't think there's any trade I wouldn't excel at.
Why is this a problem for anyone except financially retarded Indians?
Sniff sniff

You smell that? Not the curry diarrhea. The other smell.

That's right. Pure greed. We're almost there boys. We at the top of the roller coaster ride.
I was wondering how the jeets weren't just homeless
> crash canadian economy
> Trump becomes US president
> declares canada a failed state and announces annexiation of cuckanada.
> canada gets annexed
> pajeet debetors are offerd green cards if they go to redeem lead and antimony + rare earth metals for greator israel mk2
> pajeets die in mass in the mines.
> Greator Isarel extends its borders to israel, starts killing jeets becayse india has always been jewish clay you filthy antisemites.

Pray this post does not get repeating numbers.
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congrats fren
Hopefully, every single pajeet loses their house and life savings and fucks off back to shit-land where they belong. I’m sick of these loud, ugly, rancid, smelly, parasitic, mentally-retarded shit factories.
Good luck, born earlier than us, or born wealthier
>T.32 year old brain damaged wagie cursed to low wagery for life
That's the spirit
You just need to make sure you know someone in the field who can apprentice you
Besides, the credentialed pathways are largely closed now, every white collar industry is saturated due to economic migrants
This is highly likely, they'll flee the country to dodge their debts and the banks will be stuck with the bill
pedophilia is also another huge problem in Hinduism, as well as incest. Pretty much every indian girl gets sexually abused by her father, uncle, or brothers. India actually needs feminism because indian women are actually oppressed.
you think they'll go back even if they lose their house? they're used to living in the filthiest most shambolic conditions in the world back home. they're not going anywhere. they'll just keep packing streetshitters 100, 200 to a house till their collective household fund is enough to afford it.
Yeah, Boomers would rather permantly destroy our race than temper their limitless greed and do something to help their descendants.
You are living the dream anon. Proud of you.
Jeets are just the perpetual middle manager, smart enough to temporarily fool everyone into thinking they bring value but to dumb to realize that we see what they do and how it’s hurting everything. They’re literally asias niggers and it’s almost impressive how they’ve pivoted that into what we see
What can I do to profit off this? Also total jeet death.
Crackheads love starting house fires.
>he says, when the only way for indian boys to breed is to have their entire village band together to force an arranged marriage
Your women are literally fucking anyone that isn't indian over here in gopes of not javing to marry another indian lmao
Oh come on. Jeets are so much worse and you know it.
My id probably changed. I'm a local farmer and truck driver. I don't make a ton of money but enough to get by and save a little
then there is the matter of the caste system in Hinduism, which is extremely racist and has oppressed 250 million dalits in India. As a result, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and there is no concept of community or civil sense. This is why anywhere indians go, they trash and turn the place into shit. They take their shit indian mentality with them anywhere they go. Indians are not compatible with modern civilization.
No. I realize that every CIA agent is a spic, but that doesn't make you filth not nation-wreckers.
Spic women can be attractive. Poo women cannot be.
stand against violence
even though the world enflames our soul, it is still sinful
No. Cut out the spic worship, glownigger shills.
that is one good thing about india, at least. Indian women hate indian men and want to marry white men or men of any other race other than indian. Indian men are so hated that even their own race of women hate them. Even thai prostitutes wont have sex with indian men.
I moved to a rural area more conducive to trades and I've made a few friends out here already lol. I don't want to quit tech because I basically get paid 6 figures to work 4 hours a day. It's a pretty sweet gig.
>You're on the right side of things, when shit hits the fan whites will get ejected from the credentialed economy

well Im fucking OUT of the economy. Ottawa has got its last dime out of me, so they better spend it wisely. I still oddjobs under the table, but I spend the vast bulk of my time tending my orchard, growing food, cutting firewood, fishing and hunting. the last few years Ive gotten three deer and two bears every year. last fall i went up to campbell river with my sons and spent two weeks fully maxxing out fishing, got nearly 1400lbs of salmon in two weeks (4 perday per person). already booked the campsite this year. thats serious chow in the freezer.

my wife is still going, bless her heart, she works part time with dementia patients. for the first time since i met her she declared more income then me! and good for her. its a tough job for her. no matter how you cut it, you just cant care for someone for months or even years and not get to know them ... and they all die. she losses a good friend every few months. shes a roman catholic, old school catholic. shes got emotional toughness about her. I think her fatih has been a real anchor point for her throughout her life.

but for me, Im so glad I can spent time with my sons, now more then ever, to keep them away from drugs and freaks. I love takign them fishing and hunting and paddling, I think nature reveals all, nature is the great teacher, adn her lessons are timeless, especially for men, who must learn to live in reality. nature doesnt lie, and she wont tolerate to be mocked. she rewards that which goes with her, and crushes those who live in a fantasy. everything is revealed by observing nature at work.
Not all violence is sinful.
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Horrible, nasty subhumans. Why can't they stay in their toilet of a subcontinent instead of spraying mud all over the white world? Right now I have it jews < niggers < poos < spics < ching chong ping pong < swedes < poles. I don't see the pajeets dethroning niggers for second position but they're giving it a good shot.
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Dont you worry, sikhbros. Trudeau would waive the "loans" with taxpayer money to save the diversity. If you're white, remember your country's motto - sikhs are bro tier.
you do realize you're the assholes who are losing your property right?
nope. its real.
Sounds comfy eh
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its because they are cheap and scammy. only twice in my life did somone not pay for a job i did for them. one was jewish lady who got me to pour a set of cement steps at her house, and the other was a jeet who got me to put in some drain pipes. never let anyone get into you for too much, dont borrow and dont lend, if you can avoid it. family and friends that need help, give what you can give, give it freely with no strings, let it go ... it will come back to you 10 times.
You know how I know you're lying. I remember that time and Bush caused that crash. Obama inherited it.
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I have a friend who does that, he got very lucky with the farm he acquired however
Idk how farm prices have inflated compared to real estate but I imagine its pretty significant
That's great to hear, unfortunately since covid tech has been brutalized
I was a pax administrator in a hospital and then got laid off after covid, and nothing in that field since
Sounds like you're set up to weather the storm
You'll be in a good spot when change is on the horizon
Nobody ever said "sikhs are bro tier" they are niggers
Spics even have higher IQs and don't smell as bad. At the low end, both races produce some absolute monstrosities, but spics are part white, which makes them many times better than jeets.
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The only pussy you're slamming with your microdick is the poor lizard's anus you gang raped with the pack of 40 other disgusting shiteating fucks. Keep going: your outrageous and unconscionable behavior is making even the most liberal faggots going into iron pilled racists. The White man has had enough and is boycotting you invading jewish puppets.
was obama president in 2010?
did the crash in canada in occur in 2010?
then it was the obama crash of 2010. I dont care who you blame, for me it turned out well ... I managed to be in the right place at the right time and got into the market.
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>punjabis are bro tier
The abuse of women is very real in India. Women have to fear being gang-raped. Meanwhile spoiled brat white women in the West whine and complain they are "oppressed" because they dont have enough nigger cock to fuck. White women are spoiled little cunts. In India, women are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED FOR REAL.
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Its the same trash filled dump like the rest of India
$20k-30k an acre in my area. Only the big factory farms can buy land.
What does "interest rates went up" even mean? Don't you get fixed rates at the moment the loan is given?
imagine all that trash, twenty fuckign feet from a river. you could just make a pile a burn it, but they wont even do that. just let it sit. disgusting. adn now trudy has imported a gazillion of these fuckers into canada. 100 years from now will anyone alive today even recognize the place.
Some mortgages are variable rate and change along with the fed.
Also interest rates going up increase the total cost of a future mortgage.

In the specific case of the OP, the mother got a HELOC loan (a type of second mortgage) which are usually variable rate.
Only fixed for 5 years. Every 5 years you need to renew which requires you to still qualify and of course your interest rate will be adjusted. People that bought when interest was low are now starting to come up for renewal and seeing their payments double or even triple
Canadains allowed this to happen to themselves. Canadians starting importing low skilled labor from developing countries. Could havw continued to only take in talents, but you're taking in low tier skilled workers? Canadians decided to habor seperatists from developing countries. Canadians decided to keep voting for this. Canadians did this to themselves. Stop shifting blame. You Canadians are just reaping what you have sowed for decades. It's the same with UK and USA.
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The only problem is there's 1 billion of them. How many do you think you could take at one time? I think I can handle four or five
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yes and no
most mortages in canada are onyl garanteed at a rate for five years. you re negotiate a new rate every five years. sometimes you cna get long term loans, like 10 years. lots of people do really short term loans, only a year or two. Some people also get "variable rate" loans, where the interest can change month to month. they do this because they hope to take advantage of interest rates going down.

yeah. I dont know many other coutnries that allow this pratice by banks. it creates instability imo. i always go for the longest term loan i can get, I like to plan ahead, and need to know what the cost is going to be.
For a regular mortgage, fixed rates are maximum 5 years here. And a huge number of people went variable thinking rates would stay low forever.
spics dont pretend to be computer experts
Wtf I love poos now?
I’m canada you only lock in a mortgage rate for up to 5 years if you choose a fixed term. most people picked variable term because it was cheaper and rates were already very low and they are greedy. now they got caught pants down bent over with a buttered-up asshole
Of course...
I gotta say, you wagie slaves are so cute … like interesting animals living bizzare lives i could never degrade myself to…
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Go figure
A real estate crash would probably open up these lots for smaller setups
We have variable rate mortgages here, no fixed rates
You have to renew them between a few months to 5+ years after signing up
So a lot of people took mortgages for hugely overpriced houses at rates of like 0.5%-2% and those rates will jump up to 5%+ when they renew, which will add a huge chunk of interest on their monthly payments
>100 years from now will anyone alive today even recognize the place.
Yeah, because they won't be here in 100 years
We can't tolerate jeets having a single square foot of land under their sovereign control here, because they will import the entire subcontinent
Either we drive them out of Canada entirely or they destroy the continent
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>do a drone strike on one of those floating city cruise ships full of boomers.
I would cum instantly from this news
t. lived in a tourist trap with 4-5 cruise ships a day during the cruise ship season (the entire summer, making an idyllic paradise smoggier than a 2mil pop city)
I love you and your story. I know you are, but instill that in your boys.

I have hope for Canada, and it is it's people that give me hope. When their backs are against the wire, they fight back. May take awhile after conditioning, but it's present.
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Good evening fren
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No one voted to open our borders, our system is first-past-the-post which means only the top 3 parties have any influence and voting for another party is throwing away your vote
So our system is designed for oligarchy, your poojabi cousins just saw this as an opportunity to do the needful because the oligarchs knew they would be loyal anti-white voters
Won't change much for farm land. Problem is the supply will always be quite low. Most old boomers that don't have anyone to take over the farm just rent it out when they retire. Once they die their kids sell it to the highest bidder. Basically ensures there's never a ton of land for sale which keeps prices really high
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Id rather kill myself than slave a single day for zog :) and ill never kill myself. Ill eat my neighbor before i starve. :) ill drink when im thirsty:) the jew cant own my soul because i simply refuse. Thats all it takes wagie slaves… just. Say. No.
I'll trade you weapons and ammo for some syrup and a pet moose
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you ever seen a "beehive" at a logging mill. its looks like a giant beehive. its where they burn all the woodchips and scraps. it gets hot, really hot. its an industrial furnace. burns through TONS of wood per hour. they have big conveyor belt that feeds the hive, big and small chunks of wood, scrap logs, bark, mulch, it all goes up the conveyor and dumps down into the hive where its incenerated. it gets so hot man, it can reduce anything to ash in minutes. just saying.
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A fine evening iti s
the other day some 12 year old indian girl got gang-raped by two indian men and then they smashed her head with a brick and killed her. Can you even comprehend such a subhuman mentality?
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This was quite an interesting thread. The raw
Emotional depth of the wagies as they cope and struggle to reconcile their inner turmoil. It’s truly delightful. Do you think today is the day they finally realize how “free” they always were? HHahahahahahaahahhaahhaahah
Spics are the original nation-wrecker. None can be permitted in a functional society. ZERO.
Listen if it were up to my, id nuke their entire continent. I think anyone who willingly gives their freedom to anyone in exchange for anything is a subhuman fool missing a soul.
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Your the wagie now faggot. cause out of that rat race. and I aint even 50 yet. so i got mine.
allow me to share this uber rare pepe with you fren.
Brown nips
Greed and stupidity are a toxic mix
How do I pajeet max to take advantage of these times?
You might be a NEET but you are nowhere close to the level of a JEET. They apparently have it all figured out.
Reminds me of this

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>locked the thread
wtf is the point of a forum if you shit it the fuck down when a controversy arises?
When did that start? I do not remember thread locking from my time on reddit in the days of coontown and r/niggers
That's a big clit.
Jewish Employment, Education and Training.
u no it smell crazy in there
lol lmao
Yes anon, because Pakistan is so much better than Hinpoostan.
The 08 financial crisis was kicked off by the Clinton administration’s push for minorities to get loans more easily. They don’t care what the consequences are for the rest of us. They’ll still be rich in the end and they damn sure won’t be going to jail.
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said nobody ever in the history of civilization
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Should I dump my canadian ETFs? Is it goi g to have any effect on the US or global market?
Who said deportation will be voluntary? If you need help pressuring your government, we can definitely deliver
Wait, so many canadian home lones are secured against 2 houses?
Actually how much you want to bet that many refinance and rather than paying back their own downpayment loan they lend out the money themselves "to pay it off faster".. So some home loans could in practice be secured against 3, 4 or even 10 homes in a provate downpayment lending chain, and if they default there's a risk everyone in the chain does..

This is like... The housing and macroeconomic equivilent of thermite..
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I want to import a million joggers to jewish and pajeet areas and watch the joggers prey on them
Deportations are expensive but a knife is relatively cheap
chinese did this shit too, they just straight up lied on their mortgage applications about their income because there is no way to verify it with the CRA.
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>This is like... The housing and macroeconomic equivilent of thermite..
You fully understand now, saar
This is Indian economics
>why are Indians such horrible people
Lmao even
They keep food on the same surface 2 inches from their bare feet.
LOL!!! A literally pyramid scheme. An immigration - housing pyramid scheme.
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>just work yourself like a slave for decades on end and maybe you'll be able to buy a run down tweaker encampment from the government like I did!
Honestly man, good for him. He made something tangible and put the work in.
>proper maple syrup
>not VT maple syrup
I bet you voted Biden
Yeah he made it, but the level of tenacity required for the bare minimum in today's society is ridiculous. What's the point in working yourself to the bone if you'll end up with nothing to show for it? Land prices where I live have 10x in the past 4 years. I cannot compete with a broken system. All social and economic mobility is gone. Better hope you inherit something.
1.5 billion
Every white guy here is self employed with a truck and a trailer doing a real job and not pointless office garbage.
White men do all the actual work. The maintenance, the construction.
Jesus Christ is that tiny.

What can we do about the J3 problem?
>you gotta get your nose down and you have got to fucking GRIND.
Nah. That's faggot shit. All you're doing is enriching someone else to get a meager cut.

Dedicating yourself to work is only right if you're self employed, where you directly benefit from your labor.
This guy here is a true human. I've got a wife and two kids at home, which is a two bedroom suite my wifes millionaire grandparents are renting to us for 1700 a month. I own my own contracting business and despite making 200k last year, I have nothing to show for it but a fed and sheltered family. This country has been sucked dry by insatiable vampires, and only the congealed pulp has been left behind for us to wallow in. I persevere solely for the love of my children.
I know my friend who had big capital one credit who has now defected from Canada to India. He is rich man now in Patiala.
>Single mom of three
Stopped reading there. So she abandons the father of his children to join orgies at jewish parties? Deserved.
If you have your own business, stop paying so many taxes. Starve the beast. You own them only an amount you feel is worth the services you get, nothing else.
It's 5th generation warfare. RELEASE THE
Imagine coming home from the poo beach, sit down on the floor and eat poo rice with your poo hands next to your poo feets. Imagine.
Unfortunately they will send armed men to capture me and confine me to a cage, surrounded by violent retards for a large portion of my life if I tried to deny them my earnings.
The problems they manifest are exponential though. Should be J^3 (or J-Cubed).
>it doesnt matter we're literal poo people without a drop of responsibility saar, what matters is that we sex your women
(which they don't)
why are indians so childish?
fuck off
jesus lookit the tiny calves on that guy
skipped walking altogether
not just leg day
Why are your wifes grandparents charging you so fucking much? My 3-br house mortgage+property taxes are like $1500 per month. 110k remaining
See u there, man
incorrect, you are coming from a place of naive or just ignorance.

violence in of itself is not a sin, Jesus himself committed violence on at least one documented occatsion (driving merchants out via whipping them) and God has commanded his people to kill in his name many times in the past.

In fact it is a sin to refuse violence against that which is ontologically evil. It is arguable and likely that the whole point of us having free will is to engage in this real and physical struggle with evil when it is made manifest.
I would sooner important 20 million more Hispanic before 2 million low caste pajeets
Indians can survive in a dirt hovel. They will outlast you in a crash. You'll be begging for MAID after you get fired and your landlord kicks you out for not paying rent on time and you can't find another job because you can't compete with Indians who will beg on their hands and knees to work like slaves for poverty wages.
Spics smell a bit better, do actual labor illegally instead of scam calls, and you can sometimes actually talk to effectively since they don't want to get deported
This is just a snippet of the system as a whole: fundamentally unsustainable because it's based on a meme idea that shit will grow infinitely and temporarily propped up and inflated by importing useless parasites from the third world that make shit worse for everyone
Trains is hard job
Shut your mouth you cursed monkey looking veneco zambo wigger. Go die of hunger or something.
Multiculturalism is functionally no different to alchemy, the idea that you can turn lead into gold.
Believing that your can import shit and turn it into productive members of Western civilisation is delusional thinking, humans are not created equally and mass importing shit eventually turns your country into a toilet.
Perhaps she should have grown a brain in those 20 years instead of loaning her mortgage for some extra shekels.

It sucks that canada is going down the drain, but the fucking leafs brought it all upon themselves.
based and check them please
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Based and saar-pilled.
The government will bail all of them out and you will pay for it with your tax money. Then you will continue going to work and you won't do shit and you'll pay for it again.
>Ottawa has got its last dime out of me, so they better spend it wisely
Actually lol'd at this, the federal government doesn't use taxes to actually pay for anything. Taxes at the federal level are literally only there to continue the shell game that is perpetual deficit spending via money printing. Modern monetary theory has been firmly rooted in practically every western government for over two decades. The only governments that try to balance the books are provincial and municipal governments (in fact, municipal governments are practically required to). Take a look at what successive Ontario governments have done in the past 30 years: massive sell-off of provincial assets for short-term cash infusions (that, TOTALLY COINCIDENTALLY, the individuals in government somehow profit off of).
Ford's threat to sell-off the LCBO is just another in a long line of idiotic privatizations that have only every hurt the province (the biggest two being the Harris' sale of the 407 and Wynne's partial sale of Hydro One). The LCBO makes the government a lot of money and Ford lied through his teeth about how it makes it's money and how much money it makes through the entirety of the recently-ended strike, but because Ontario is "open for business" we ought to sell it off and privatize the entire industry. Mulroney did the same stupid bullshit with Petro-Canada at the federal level.
don't fall for this fake demoralization pasta
12 curryniggers living in one happy polycule in the utility room.
Interest rates fell on wednesday.
These high caste poos behave exactly like jews
Hindu rape apes only know how to rape and how to scam. They cannot create or maintain anything, they are only a parasite
its not equity when they foreclose and take the house, now you've given all your energy of your life to banks and they just sat on their arses until the collection day when they crash the market raise prices and everything is gone from your life.

And you all speak in terms of their game, like its the only truth.

Heres the real truth, they invented a way to keep you all working towards giving them power over you , In a world they didnt create they made it illegal for you to be outside of their games and removed your damn natural rights to create shelter for your family's through your own efforts..

You gave them that power by believing them to be altruistic while all they did was play a long con on you all.
>Brapton mortgages
HAhahaha ha brap-ton amirite
You need MORE punjabis! You're too rich! Too white! MORE BROWNS! Trudeau dictates it!

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