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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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oh how the tables have turned.
We all love Hitler, Hitler, friend of all kikes. We all love him, the Gas man from Wien.
I remember when we were victims of dolphin rape, is this worst or better than eating them?
How many niggers do ya think that bitch fucked during her, "finding myself" days?
Zero, you hook nosed heeb. How's the weather in tel aviv?
better, they can't even retreat to their rape caves anymore lest they be raped in there themselves.
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Pic for reference to help us understand the disgusting act
Dolphussy actually looks pretty nice
HOLY SHIT, they still alive?
Goddamn, thats kinda impressive, literally doing better than fake ass Jew cucks coping on youtube tryna get their birthrates up and influence back since no one gives a fuck about holomeme especially their traitor busted women

Dunno, theyll be extinct soon, mass inceldom and homosexuality hitting them harder than asians, planet will be pure white by next century at these rates, even motherland Africa depopulating like crazy, straight up no one besides desperate nonwhite livestreamer copers believe the now widely known fake UN meme numbers about muh birthrates and fake ass billion zillion fake population counts

I always thought Lana was a rice burner though, she has that harsh face autism energy

Coal burners usually got giant heads with tiny eyes they try make look bigger with makeup, like Tomi Lauren or whatever the Fox news hoes name is
Lmao an American thinking of nigger cock again
>the internet memed dolphinsex into reality
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Are we still pretending the flags are real?
Based Lana.
Not the first time. Jeets always do this shit.
And shitskins wonder why I think they're better off in chains, if alive at all.
Good old Red Ice TV.
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Paki dolphin rape was probably there long before /b/ exposed the civilized world to dolphin bestiality with a 2 gb dolphin porn archive.
What a trashy couple trying to incite or entrap the few whites who might enjoy their content
Seethe more Moshe, Balil, Ranjesh or whatever your name is.
>be swedecuck
>do nothing in home country
White women and Jeets have something in common then
Hallo saarr
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it literally says Pakistan in the screenshot, you retarded abo fuck
dont show that nigger...you just got more dolphins raped by jeet/muzzoids
the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.
finally the dolphins get what they deserve
Hindu rape apes see nothing wrong with rape. Their shit religion teaches that women are meant to be raped, and enjoy rape. This is how sick and evil the Hindus are
pedophilia is also another huge problem in Hinduism, as well as incest. Pretty much every indian girl gets sexually abused by her father, uncle, or brothers. India actually needs feminism because indian women are actually oppressed.
then there is the matter of the caste system in Hinduism, which is extremely racist and has oppressed 250 million dalits in India. As a result, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and there is no concept of community or civil sense. This is why anywhere indians go, they trash and turn the place into shit. They take their shit indian mentality with them anywhere they go. Indians are not compatible with modern civilization.
that is one good thing about india, at least. Indian women hate indian men and want to marry white men or men of any other race other than indian. Indian men are so hated that even their own race of women hate them. Even thai prostitutes wont have sex with indian men.
I'm 100% sure a dolphin can outswim a jeet.
It's a known thing that dolphins rape dolphins. Male dolphins have tried to rape female women.
Female dolphins have let human men fuck them over and over.
This is a "thing" on the white women and dogs tier.

So, basically the dolphins wanted to be fucked by jeets and didn't realize dirty jeet dick would kill them later.
What were the dolphins wearing?
There’s a half jeet/half dolphin somewhere out there
Those dolphins are probably thinking to themselves, 'We left the Indian ocean and they still found us.'
those are pakis not indians
Remember that ancient Indo-Europeans have a god called "Ari" which means "Light" and is basically Hyperion, Christ, and Aten.

They believed that they were descendants of Ari and called themselves Arian. But to them it just meant "folk" not "Sons of Light" because it was common sense that people were descended from Ari.

Only in India did they call these people "Aryan" and it meant "noble".
Aryan is an exclusively Hindu word. The Arians were the real people.
And hindu culture is degenerated and worse than Vedic culture and Vedic culture is a degeneration and corruption of Arian culture.
Although Arian culture disappears when it was subverted by late Vedics who corrupted the Persians, Greeks and Celts.

Only place where Arian culture spontaneously and miraculously emerged was in Akhenaten's courts since his wife Nefertiti was Mitanni, AKA Arian.
The abuse of women is very real in India. Women have to fear being gang-raped. Meanwhile spoiled brat white women in the West whine and complain they are "oppressed" because they dont have enough nigger cock to fuck. White women are spoiled little cunts. In India, women are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED FOR REAL.
>It's not us it's another flavor of shitskin that looks and acts exactly like us
Pakis/Indians same fucking thing.
>Although Arian culture disappears when it was subverted by late Vedics who corrupted the Persians, Greeks and Celts.
it briefly survived in slavic paganism.
Yes. My point was, Hindus are not remotely Aryan. It's a completely divergent tree of life grafted from two or three others and it has its own characteristics.
Yes, sort of. Think higher North like Baltics. Slavs are way better than Celts and frankly Odinism is halfway between Baltic and Celt. Frankly Celt and Nordic are nearly Babylonian. Super subverted.

The Mitanni, vague Anatolian-Armenians were somewhat Arian.
Syrian religion is very Arian but completely degeneration.
The Arameans were Arian-lites. They converted Hyperion-Logos into Sun and Moon gods fucking a Babylonian fish goddess and shit.
Ar is key from Ari.
ARmenian, ARamean, ARab, pARthian.
Mitanni were Vedics before the death cult proto-Jews subverted it, so Atenism is quite Arian in a sense.
Assyria was founded by Arian "kings who live in tents" but they were gone by the Old Kingdom of Assyria.
Egypt was Danite which I don't know the Danite-Arian relationships yet, but only Akhenaten tried to push Arian religion.
The Hyksos were Semites underneath the suzerainty of Mitanni Arians. The Semites called Arians "Isaac" from "Saka".
The Greeks are mutts with a strong Arian origin.
The Ionian/Athenians were Jewish sort of, Dorics were Thracian. Myceneans related to the Dalmatian-Get-Dacian branch Arians.

Basically, the Arians were the Watchers and the sons of the Watcher the Nephilim were the Gauls. Gaul means the same thing as Nephilim, and Golan heights = Gaulinitis. The Hittites and Hurrians were "Gauls".
The Celts were specifically known as "Celtic Gauls" so the Gallic French were actually just Celts.
Where's the post about dolphin jelly
Slave can't be trusted. They are inbred liars, thieves and cheats. They post here, hiding behind VPNs pretending they are not Russians. Can anybody remember an olympics when the Russians didn't cheat? Now they've leveled down to war crimes and atrocities.
Dolphins are on the top of rapist pyramid in the sea, but on the land, there are also Pakis....
the other day some 12 year old indian girl got gang-raped by two indian men and then they smashed her head with a brick and killed her. Can you even comprehend such a subhuman mentality?
>Americans don't cheat
Fuck Americans are insufferable cunts with no self awareness.
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Jeets rape each other for fun https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9iMAQrMK4c/
Nah dolphin sluts don't get rapes they just have eyes bigger than their stomachs so to speak.
Sadly, human women have been adapted to avoid this naturally beneficial consequence. Well, human women over age 12.
cheers. i enjoy posts like yours. im also reminded of a poster that goes by heimdall. maybe thats you? i loved reading his posts. very knowledgeable on theology.
at this time most of your words escape me but i will save it for later to increase my consciousness.
There's some guy who made christcuks.com or something that riffed my posts here, which aren't terrible but are wrong.
There's a brazilian freemason guy that drops completely unorganized based shit too and has copypasted me.
I'm not Heimdall.

A lot of my information comes from this guy I don't know called Wulf who says he's making a new Bible or something so that might be interesting.
right on. what forum could i find wulf on to read?
Man, he messaged me from Youtube I think and we've been doing wechat. He won't do discord or shit.
i understand. i wish you both favor.
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This is what they look like from the front...

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