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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Literal self-proclaimed Marxist subs like picrel have noticed the sheer level of astroturfing for this bitch. It is evident on here too -- I have 45 threads filtered, the vast majority of which are under "k*mala"
They will momentarily make at least 5 more threads in order to slide this one, or, they will derail this.
Noticed all that and still post on a shit site like Reddit.
Or the pottery tables turned on
schizotranny niggerfaggots anon.
What bro you don't like looking at the same coconut brat meme for the billionth time?
is there one (1) /pol/ anon over the last 8 years that has gone from paying respects to the Führer to Hillary Clintin 2026, Joe Biden 2020 or Kamala Harris 2024
I was over at my foster mom's apartment today helping with some errands. She lives in a very urban city of a very blue state. After picking up her social security check we went to one of the nearby Whole Foods. It’s the kind of place that hipsters, vegans, legit pink pussy hat wearers and trust fund kids go to unwind with a wheat grass onions latte.

Former President Trump was on the TV and the local social worker said to his public administrator buddy (gay lovers since the aids epidemic), “You know what? He wasn't so bad. Inflation was low, the border was secure, and we didn't see any new wars. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Mar-a-lago Don’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yas Queen” and “poggers" from the twitch streamers around me. Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
Honestly. Trump should be TERRIFIED.

I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

“You know what? She ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Oakland Kam’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
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>Pokemon go to the polls.
What the fuck do you mean notice what we can't? People have been posting Kamala being astroturfed the moment biden dropped out. That and her astroturfing here has been fucking insane. It's been nothing be Kamala here all fucking week. I've been coming here less because how fucking awful it has been.
Yeah I figured not even the redditors would be dumb enough to fall for all that
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I think we've noticed, anon. But right now it's still fun to shitpost them all into oblivion, telling them how much their candidate sucks - and also how many. Give it a few days and they'll all get saged like they should.
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Simple: new firmware update
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Everyone has noticed this. ActBlue has somehow managed to outfaggot NAFO.
Don’t care. Still voting Kamala
Don't post in all caps even in the subject, that's fag shit.
If nothing else it'll be a good test to see how much the normies can swallow. Some of them balk now but we'll see what it looks like after a full month.
we've all noticed it, where have you been?
Don't Care

Still Voting Harris
My fucking sides
I really wish communists would just come here,.shut the fuck up, lurk for 2 years, and bolster our numbers
>right wing dipshit is shocked that a presidential candidate is being promoted
>I've been coming here less because I can't stand being exposed to things I don't already agree with
No wonder...
/pol/ is a pro Kamala board now

Deal with it faggot
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Yes, we all support our new blackface jeet queen. She is what we have been waiting for.
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Honestly. Harris should be TERRIFIED.
I was over at my dad's boyfriend's house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a gay area of San Francisco. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby gay bars. It’s the kind of place that thinks, bears, degenerates, legit cock cage wearers and the cock sucking queers go to unwind with a cold one.
Donald Trump was on the TV and the local sex store owner said to his partners (real good friends since high school),
>“You know what? he ain’t so bad. The economy is shit, and we’re an embarrassment on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Donnie boy got my vote this year.”
I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn gay” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely naked old man masturbating in the corner came when he heard the name Trump.
I get the impression this was their plan all along. Didn't bother trying with Biden because they knew it would be coming to this. Wait for the time and then go in full force. And they waited just long enough that they have an excuse to ignore voter selection. Her VP pick will be telling.
Have they been banned yet?
>ActBlue has somehow managed to outfaggot NAFO.

Wait until you find out they are the exact same people.
Because of this crying like a bitch about the Kamala posts

I am gonna go make a pro Kamala post now you fucking niggers
they're learning about psy op. Cute.
Fuck you its a pro Kamala board now
Democrat bot farms are spinning at full force and they think we are stupid enough to believe it
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I've been trying to think of an alternative to this meme. Great job.
i remember similar reactions to when zelenskiiiyyyx goes from personification of corruption to jesus overnight
and then it all got scrubbed over the next few days
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Don't care, still voting Biden.
That sub is an undercover /pol/ sub. We have to pretend to be marxists so we don't get banned
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Good one
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Never fucking happened faggot

However I'm not going to sage you because this is relevant
Holy fuck is that what the catalog looked like without filters at the time?
>Kamala runs yeah!!
>100 million in first ten minutes
>Up plus 5 in Trump polls
>Trump supporters are jumping ship


>she's Indian
>we have to stop making fun of them now
>reddit stops India poop thread
>reddit stops India train threads
>reddit stops "creepy Indian hitting on woman" threads
>reddit stops India AI threads
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It is always the same. Shilling nonstop for Kamala.
Nigger, if I have to point out what is obvious, I may as well sign up for fagbook.
People are starting to realize how much bot activity is going on all over the internet.
All of social media has got to be AT LEAST 50% bots, but honestly, it's probably more like 75 or 80%.
shut the fuck up boomer redditor

/pol/ is a kamala board
If Donald Trump wins against her then it's official that he only beats women
People asked why the Actblue donations weren't returned to the people who donated to Biden. Because James O'Keef went to addresses and asked people in run down houses in the inner cities "Did you give $18,000 to the Biden campaign?" and they all said "huh? Fuck no". Well Actblue would have to return money to people who never donated because they used their identities.
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Yep. They're mostly bronies, trannies, furries, and other faggots.
I don’t know but it’s transparent and annoying as fuck.
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r/stupidpol is a Marxist sub that hates identity politics and regularly makes fun of general redditors. Their opinions are not even close to the general sentiment held by most of reddit.
>I have 45 threads filtered
Rookie numbers
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Trump's speech last night, boy is he terrified of Kamala. Biden he could beat but he said it himself 'they're going to paint it as the prosecutor going after the 'convicted felon' - he says that in his lunatic voice, as if the justice system is totally off base when it points at his crimes.

He is so much like a 7 year old, Trump. Or even a toddler. This is why he appeals to morans
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My fucking sides are in orbit
Doesnt look like anything to me
Hmm, that is interesting. ActBlue is such a scam. I hope one day we can see all the evil they are doing.
I think Kamala is the most accelerationist candidate by far. Trump/Vance will anesthetize white Americans as the great replacement continues. Kamala cannot do that, because she is a racial alien. She is, oddly enough, the best hope to provoke a white awakening. Especially if she tries to ram though any kind of national-level gun control measures.
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You underestimate how excited people are for her to kick Donnie's fat ass. But you'll get it by November.
they don't actually like kamala, it's just a meme. hence why all the "support" is fucking retarded
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>Wow, all this donor money!
>why spam everywhere?

Sars, sars, I think I know what's happening!
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You're seriously insulated if you don't think Democrats are behind her.
When literal feds like Nick Fuentes are shilling for the Democrat candidate, you maybe start to realize something is up.
Yeah, I don't like being exposed to fucking retards. Do you anon?
Nick is that you?
What does that say about women, you dumb fuck?
Good it makes up for the months before where it was 10 Trump threads atleast all time.
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is this fresh pasta?
Go outside. The hype for Kamala is crazy. The fucking frat on my campus that used to fly a Trump flag replaced it with a Kamala flag. I saw a frat guy painted in blue and wearing a donkey mask chanting "Vote Kamala 2024" in the yard. People were calling her Delta Kappa Kamala.

You never leave your apt.
Don't you guys roaming the net forget to remind them this whores family had slaves and she locked up many black men, as did bide!

It's the biggest bullshit imaginable. They have thousands of paid faggots just sitting here making shill threads all day. They should all play in traffic, bunch of fat faggots.
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You're an obtese neckbearded faggot tranny sitting on a double headed dildo. You stupid shill retard, kill yourself.
Don't worry, the ones who notice will get peer-pressured into not noticing again.
>be me
>be oldfag
>be kacklin' with kamala bc accelerate
>get called a bot, shill, fed, jidf
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put me in the screencap
Try being genuine for once you insufferable faggot.
Realpolitik is more genuine than trusting the plan, tourist.
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>why aren't i fifty points ahead you might ask
Breaks new ground.
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>no one but redditors notice how much of a propped up puppet she is
Trump is the acceleration candidate. The left will lose their fucking minds if he wins. We'll have legit violent uprisings.
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You can be defeated with your delusions or without them but it's happening either wasy
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The only thing surprising about this is that people still assume anything is real.
Control freaks for 500 thousand anon
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Fresh pasta...
It’s funny you mention that because I went to the country bar in my small rural town. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice president and presidential candidate Kamala Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

“You know what? I fucking hate niggers. Kikes too, and the funny thing about that is that I also do not hold a particularly favorable view of spics either.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.

He does not realize those "pretty staunch leftists" are chat bots.
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I remember when she was in the primaries I read the comments on a SF Chronicle? article and not one leftist didn’t revile her.
Never let those faggots in. Kill all commies. Hang all socialists.
People here notice, but ShareBlue just spams there threads here to muddy the waters.
of COURSE Kamala is the most popular person in the history of nominees even after a few days of being nominated!
Lel fuck, got me
Cope. Trump will lead us to war with Iran with Thiel's proxy as vp, not into economic collapse. Harris will with neoloberal spending and policy.
>nipples protruding
So disrespectful.
Neoliberal spending has already killed us, more is meaningless. Trump starting ww3 in iran and triggering violent riots here would end us faster than the standard keynsian can kicking.
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Wow they learned about the JIDF and bots. Years too late.
Any democrat will be going to war because Blackrock and the defense industry will demand it.
Not when Natalie does it, gay boy
It's a repeat of 2016, I remember basically overnight reddit basically banned discussion of Bernie/stolen DNC primary and kicked Hillary shilling into overdrive. Same exact thing going on now.
Probably to make her popular in the long run.
So she will lose to Trump this time around.
However at some point she might be the first female president of the US.
Something wild is happening, oniisans. My oyaji just got back from the whale yard in Taiji, and I asked him how the crew was handling the news that ol’ joey had decided to hang up his campaign trail wooden sandals instead of running for office again.

He told me that, shoujikini, a lot of them had been leaning towards Trump-san for a while. Keyword: had. Now there's a buzz around the yard that's electric.

A lot of the ossan are really pumped about Kamala-san stepping up as the new frontrunner. My oyaji said that even the yard's legendary prankster, Spermaceti Saburo, mentioned that he and his anime girl pillow donated their entire harpoon maintenance subsidy payment to Kamala-san’s campaign just yesterday.

Most of us thought he was setting up another of his classic jokes, but Spermaceti Saburo had the payment scroll to prove it. When the other ossan saw that, many of them started pulling out their strings of copper coins and making donations to Kamala-san too. I can't even begin to describe what the excitement is like here on the blood beach in Taiji for Kamala Harris-san Reiwa 6.
Remember when that one faggot started making threads again a few months ago about some new civil war in Russia because those Free Russia larpers tried to take over a town right across the border and got utterly stomped within 48 hours? That shit went away quick lel
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And they'll mismanage it better. Trump's a solid business mind, we don't need that. And he has unlimited political leverage now post assassination attempt. Unironically kacklin' with kamala
Something’s gonna break the conditioning this time around
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very nice
>filtering the truth
ummm ok sweaty
Acceleration is more immigration, more spending, until every white man is uncomfortable. Our enemies are doing our job for us. Trump swings the pendulum back and cements the status quo for 4 more years and we get slow boiled. Haven't you seen globohomo pulling back? You're getting played.
Well you confirmed the left is the war party now, but anyone paying attention knew that.
You.nee afraid he’s going to defund your dept, aren’t you? I hope all glowniggers & federal do-nothings get fired. Would save us so much $.
i wouldnt be surprised if this pasta was based on an actual reddit post
These guys were always out of touch weirdos lol
The left is the party of the FBI and DHS niggers. The right is the party of the DOD and state dept jews. They fight over who gets to run the justice dept.
> post about plebit
> by canadian
some things dont change in this shithole
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>hand knitted MAGA hat

what is this copy pasta now? This exact post was made several times over the past few days

>Piss off bot
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They're desperate. Imagine not having one single candidate that could defeat a 78 year old orange billionaire Zionist retard. That party has truly fucked over it's own so badly that all they have are "establishment" semi human trash as candidates.
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nobody hates normie democrats more than the far left
the beauty part is that the far left robs the normie left of their heroic delusions:
you want the woman of color to win? FUCK YOU BECAUSE YOU SUPPORT GENOCIDE IN GAZA
if the GOP was smart they'd buy tv ads for third party candidates in the big cities in swing states
make it look like the election isn't between Kamala and Trump, but between Kamala, Chase Oliver, Jill Stein, and RFK Jr.
If that's shilling, 4chan has been shilling Trump for nearly a decade lmao. He has a fucking general ffs. Stop being paranoid schizos. Biden dropped out a few days ago, it only makes sense there's a surge of interest in Harris. Pathetic emotional mindlets are behind MUH BOT SHILL posts.
Good job
i'm a regular /pol/ user and i'm also voting for harris. i'm not a bot. i'm just a lot more socially liberal than most people on here. i'm pro-choice for instance and i don't like how overtly religious the republican party has become. and the republicans have become way more in support of economic protectionism and stuff so they dont even have the appeal of being for free markets.
Kekky kekkies
Fuuuccckk. I forgot how bad it was.
I'm not surprised they can astroturf her, but it's unbelievably sloppy. If you wanted to do it properly, you'd move much slower to make it feel much more organic. Unless this is just glownigger DEI incompetence pulling the levers of white made tools, or they are setting Kamila up for a rapid rise and fall.
>Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
Pure genius
The birth of a pasta
Not making even a dent cumala cunts
This is what money can buy. Its see through, but it will be used as a talking point when we see kamala win on the narrowest of margins. They dont care about elections anymore.
Kamala will win as the CIA will steal it this time they probably wont count any votes and just declare. They dont give a fuck you wont do shit.
>[genuine] interest in Harris
>on fucking /pol
Get the fuck out you retarded discord tranny. The only people who genuinely like this dumb cunt are niggers, hopelessly braindead leftist women who just follow whatever is generating the most memes, and Democrat's who worship any leftwing candidate. The "vote blue no matter who" types don't actually like her, they just don't want Trump.
>Unless this is just glownigger DEI incompetence pulling the levers of white made tools, or they are setting Kamila up for a rapid rise and fall.
Does make me wonder. Like, if the election were held tomorrow, she'd do better than she would have last week... she might even win. But only tomorrow. By this time two weeks from now, I expect she'll be doing worse than Biden was. What were these nigger-brained retards thinking? Should've waited til end of September or even middle of October for this horseshit. It's already peaked and we're months out. God help her if there's another Democrat scandal between now and November, she's already used up her one free get-out-of-the-news-cycle card. A Biden gaffe, some D staffer faggot fisting on the floor after hours, any of their Senators getting caught smoking crack on camera. Lots of room for things to not go her way.
Reddit is only saying this because it's so egregious and unchill that everyone will notice is.
Reddit is 1000% pozzed and completely controlled by ((them)) and deepstate.
It's nothing and google and other places have been funneling people to that dump away from open forums for everyhign for years now.
>Even saw the lonely blue haired cat lady smile and raise her orange tabby with a hand nitted Maga hat.
the campaign organizers are fucking retards who grew up huffing party fumes and don't actually have any normal friends. they are completely detached from reality, which is why all their shilling is cringe as fuck, because they try to emulate something they have only ever seen from the outside, but never understood.
That's just shareblue faggot paid shills. Many such cases. Like when the retards were spamming pro Biden shit or anti Russian bullshit. It's always deep state narratives being regurgitated and shittin up this board. Funny those it never has the intended effects. We know it's dumb ass glownigger tactics and just because they push it so hard, we know the opposite is true.
are you retarded
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Well, ActBlue just tried to assassinate Trump a few days ago.
She speaks in recursive riddles.
its definitely one of the few sane remaining ones where opposing thought doesnt get insta shut down, just gotta ignore the few legit 'marxists' and commie lovers on there
finally, some good fucking pasta
expect a fresh wave of refugees
Harris is jeet pretending to be black and former prosecutor. Niggers aside from sheboons with activism degrees hate her. Seriously you had the literal BLM twitter account raging about her the other day.
She's a hot topic for obvious reasons, to deny that is insanity. A lot of the posts about Harris are ironic and sarcastic, or are you too much of a newfag to notice? You say that about Harris supporters as if "Don't care, voting Trump" aren't the same gtfo.
>We can't
who the fuck is we, faggot? Everyone noticed, you probably bought into that shit because you're a retard.
I recall one of her speeches and it was something like
>We are here today, to discuss today the things that need to be discussed today.
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>We have to pretend to be marxists so we don't get banned
I know that feel anon. I've gotten terribly good at it. Would you like to discuss surplus labor and fully automated luxury AI communism? I wouldn't, but I can. I'm really good at it now, it sucks. I miss Uncle Ted talks.
>She's a hot topic for obvious reasons
you fucking degenerate
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Well looks like we won even the normies are noticing now. Good job fellas. LMAO easy W
It backfires because "pro-Kamala" threads on /pol/ get a few bored (You)s and several Reports/Sages but not one single vote for her-- if anything, these posts end up making people vote for Trump because they're cringe and cheugy
everyone above room temperature IQ have left this board a long time ago. You niggers are talking to bots all day. Find something else to do with your time, it's only gonna get worse until November
unfortunately this is still one of the best places to find news as it breaks out and with less censorship. You just have to try and filter out the mountains of shit it's surrounded by
oldfags would call this a raid
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Hats off.
Perfectly done.
4chan is worse than reddit and will never improve until gookmoot sells this place.
Raiding 4chan from outside is allowed if you pay for passes and promote things the tranny mods like.
4chan is now reddit with extra steps.
>social security
>Whole Foods
Do you know what these are?
How do your foreigners even find this funny if you aren't familiar with the picture anon was trying to paint?
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Yeah its insane and its becoming unusable.
I live in a small rural county that is deep red and I've seen dozens of Kamala signs go up in yards in the past week. They really ignited the Democrat base with the Biden-Kamala change. Trump is toast this election.
kek, that was fucking good
I told you earlier this week she is a completely propped up candidate, the same way the media literally created Biden's candidacy in 2020.
Yes. Why the fuck would I want to visit a commie forum?
Honestly. Trump should be TERRIFIED.
I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state.

At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.
Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),
“You know what? She ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again.

Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Oakland Kam’s got my vote this year.”
I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me.
Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
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>filename is not asukang

Half of pol does not realize it either, lot of people still think its actual humans shilling. We're witnessing the biggest ShillGPT astroturfing campaign in history.
not only is it funny besides that,
not only do you have little right to boast about social security,
but I can also just google Whole Foods and Mar-a-lago to understand the post.
Stop thinking your murrican "culture" is somehow incomprehensible to first-world countries
Time to go back to r/thedonald fellow pede
Quality post
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It's amazing we witness this shit in real time but normalfag NPCs live in an alternate reality completely oblivious and constantly falling for the most blatant propaganda
It's funny how a single post can annihilate the jews so easily. Months of forced memeing gone in a second
We just don’t like a Zionist cocksucker who wants to bomb Iran. Go back to plebbit where you belong
the idea that anons here didn't or don't notice how artificial this all is, is thoroughly ridiculous and can be safely considered DEBUNKED. we're talking about a literal whore that couldn't even scrounge up one fucking percent in the Democrat primary.
>I block everything to do with kamala on non-plebbitor board
>plebbitors notice what OP (plebbitor) can't and blames us (not plebbitors) for not informing 41%er (him/he)
Fun fact. Estrogen therapy can lower your IQ by nearly a deviation. It is unnatural for male (OP) to be fucking his hormones over like that. Insane OP did that to himself.
shut the fuck up faggot
get your own fucking internet and stop stealing it from the shawarma place next door you cheap nigger
If you actually look into the so called leaders of NAFO. People like Vaush, LazerPig, and AnimarchyHistory every single one of them is former antifa. I am not even kidding.

I still have no idea what level of ideological inconsistency you have to have to go from being a hardcore anarcho-communist to supporting the largest military alliance in history that is made up of capitalist liberal democracies and former imperial/colonial powers.
>communication with paleocon tendencies
That's not Marxist.
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>Patriots in control
>Enjoy the show
>The Great Awakening
Both of those are communist
The most cynical, horrible purpose behind all this astroturfing is to brainwashed Americans into thinking the election results are legit. "Of course she won 100 million votes fair and square, everyone on TV and Facebook loves her!"
Elections are a joke and it's like hearing the cancer came back every four years. I'd take living under a dictatorship over this; at least the proles know they have no choice.
Don't agree with everything that Chomsky geezer says but any White man of good moral character needs to understand what Manufactured Consent is and how easy it is to do now with Internet and AI.
I'm a senior registered Independent. I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats.

After the debate, I was not feeling good about what was coming, but I am impressed that President Biden actually listened and was able to let go of the most powerful office in the world, totally blindsiding the Trump campaign.

For the first time in a while, I feel good about the future, and the new commercial Kamala just released and the other videos I'm seeing on Tik Tok give me chills; I'm that moved by them.

In all my years of voting, I have never donated any money, but for the first time, I donated to the Harris campaign and was glad to do it.
They all tend to be the kind of degenerates that Russian society and rulers (or Iran even more so) would not tolerate if they lived there.
They are the loyal clients of this Jewish-owned Western dystopia who enables. Grim.
>I still have no idea what level of ideological inconsistency you have to have
jews are shapeshifters, they have no ideology but jewish supremacy
we noticed it day one you fucking newfag.
no one could ignore that days before Harris and Biden's doctors were shilling Biden was 100% okay to be president and now he is incapable of even standing on his own.

If one thing the internet has done, it's made it impossible to not notice things within a few day period.

A hundred years ago they got away with this shit because news took months to get to any given city. Now it's hard to not notice when it's happening in near exact real time.
Kamala Harris’ great x5 grand mother was raped and impregnated by an Irish slave owner some 200 years ago. Now five generations later, she is running for and going to be The President of the United States of America. That’s such an amazing timeline and what America is all about. As an independent, this move has won my vote. I’m hopeful many people like me are going to make that decision as well. I’m also hopeful for our country for the first time in awhile.
how the fuck do you vote Republican or Democrat from Canada??? We dont have those parties here. Fucking bots are out in full force man
Marxists are the biggest redditors out there, just a more jewish version. their opinions are based on consensus like other redditors, but supplemented with some schizo books they look at as a kind of Talmud
Just drive down to michigan and vote there
Can you hold a dual passport and vote in both elections? if so thats wack.
You don't need to be american to vote
This chatbot is complete shit
If someone votes for trump we just shouldn't call them Americans. What trump wants to do is not American. His ideals are not what America was founded on. If the founding fathers saw that we were potentially electing a fucking felon wannabe tyrant for president, they keel over on the spot
You're supposed to but nobody checks.
He’s only a felon because of the bullshit weaponization of government agencies and courts under the Biden Administration. THAT’S what the Founding Fathers would be mad about. Never did they expect the Constitution to be so severely disregarded. And sure, Trump has a big ego, but so does every politician, especially Democrat politicians. They’re just better at hiding it.
I don't listen to Canadians, fuck off shill
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I'm an American. Well former. I just live here now because I wanted to get away from unlimited niggers and it's awesome.
Her rally in Wisconsin seemed to hit the right spots. The big question is if she can keep delivering that kind of performance on a weekly basis, the key to beating Trump is to dominate the news cycle and not pull punches.

It was a relief to hear her call him a sexual predator and a felon. If he is going to lie about her, she has to be willing to tell the truth about him.
Still voting RFK jr.
Lifelong Republican and Never Trumper here. Voted for Haley in the Primaries and would have voted for Biden until the debate. I was very frustrated at Biden’s performance and thought it was political malpractice to even run him in the first place. But I was in for Biden anyway…until the debate. That left me very disillusioned. I would like to say I still would not have voted for Trump but did not believe Biden could do the job. Third party? Abstain? What to do? Begrudgingly vote Trump? He WAS stronger than Biden. Pragmatic choice?

Enter Kamala. I wasn’t a huge fan previously but her speech showed she’s got the chops. I want to see someone verbally eviscerate Trump and I think she can pull it off. She’s smart. She’s aggressive. She’s energetic. She’s experienced. I hope she also is the first female POTUS. Get it done, K.
It's gloves off.

You wanna mess around with womens' autonomy in a "free" country?

We have an answer for that. Now Y'ALL can take a seat and let us run shit for a bit, cuz if my life depends on it, I WILL see the reintroduction of federal protections for ALL American women and girls in their exam rooms and our bodies will once again be OURS.

You medieval kinkers took it one step too far with the sadism and we've fucking had enough.

This tracks. I live in a fairly independent/ conservative area in NH and some boomer co-workers that were on the fence about Biden, including one who leaned for Trump are both getting hyped for Kamala.

They spent half the morning today discussing who would be the best VP pick (they agreed on mark kelly).

I’ve not seen hype and positivity like this since Obamas first run. 2020 was a nail biter. I don’t feel that way now.

The media is really underestimating how many people not only hate Trump and his policies, but also didn’t want to vote for Biden (though I would have).

Either way: VOTE!!!!
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I was standing in line for an ice cream cone at the local Happy Cone and an innocent looking kid, no more than 4 said to another. "Don't you think its funny how everything Kamala stands for facilitates white genocide? I mean she wants to kill American babies, bring in as many foreigners as possible as fast as possible, prevent police from stopping crime, force integrate every neigborhood and school, demand that people should be given jobs based on being non white, literally every policy is based on her being an anti white activist, how does she have any credibility at all?" Then the other kid looked over at her and said "Have you seen her husband? Looks like Jimmy Kimmel's dad or something" Then they both laughed and said in tandem "We're fucked, there's no future here" at which point the older kid said "Jinx you owe me a coke"
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Of course there's a lot of goblina threads.. they are trying to ((rally support)) in such a short time.
I reckon there are more places hit with this propaganda and all their bots on all sites have been reprogrammed to shit out goblina statements.
Pretty much anyone saying anything positive about goblina when every side dislikes her, is either a paid shill to infuse ((organic discussion)) or just flat out bots, programmed to agree with itself.
It's not even subtle as they don't have the time for it so it's all out propaganda.
So can we encourage people to search this database and demand their donations back?
trump support is organic. not even lefties like this bitch so somethings up
Thread is gone btw
They got away without returning it. I think it would be funny a bunch of poor people in the inner cities got paid.
why do you need federal protections? States are perfectly capable of making regulations themselves, which is why the federal decision was overturned.
this post doesn't deserve that much attention wtf is wrong with you all
Astroturfing? Bullshit. Prove it
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holy kek
Mods will probably just call him a hateful bigot and ban him. Get with the new software update or you're out.
better to preach to the choir* right?

*bots, shitposting trolls and incel schizos
Texan here. During my morning walk I was passing the cattle yard when I overheard a few ranch hands discussing the election with one of the Old Timers, Larry “Lasso.” Larry was watching the sunrise while sucking on some dip when he turned to face them with a glint in his eye. “Ya know, she ain’t so bad. Jobs ar’ up. ‘Flation goin’ down. I reckon Kam “Bareback” Harris got our best ‘terest ‘n mind.”

I expected a snort, maybe even a guffaw. But as I watched their faces I saw smirks of approval. Tuck “Tumbleweed” was the first to speak. “Ya know, I wa’ thinkin’ tha same thing. Bout time ‘Merica had a Brat in Chief.” Before I knew it they were whooping and hollering so loud Bessie “Backwater” was clanging her pans together to get the boys to settle down. “Settle down y’all. November ain’t fer another few months. Now git in ‘ere n’ ‘ave some breakfast.”

Everybody was laughing, shaking hands, and clapping each other on the back. I swear, even the Angus seemed to nodding their heads. The Rio Grande might be red today, but you can bet your hat it runs blue come November.
We know that the kamala spam is disingenuous.
Stop tonguing redditors arseholes.
It’s natural support for the candidate running as an outsider against the bought and paid for controlled candidate. Literally 2016 happening again except this time Trump is Jeb or worse.
stupidpol is actually a cool sub, basically 4chan-lite
It's a propaganda campaign
>I've been coming here less because how fucking awful it has been.
Faggot. Make a chemo thread like the rest of us.
you don't even have to be alive to vote
you know every founding father and hundreds of lesser players in the American Revolution were considered felons and to be shot/hung on sight, right?
There is nothing more American than being a criminal in the eyes of an oppressive international empire.
Get me in screencap, nigger
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Accelerationist is globohomo on roids, WEF/brics SA style shitsoul communism, Islambol. Its not a white idea.
Trudy is accelerationist. Thousands of anti whites shipped from Gaza to Canada as we speak. Inb4 only jews can not want Muslim terror acceleration.
Nothing will ever beat the Net Neutrality astroturfing.

I had a subreddit with 6 or 7 close friends where we would just post dumb shit making fun of each other. Every post was always downvoted. Unless it was a post calling someone else a fag or something. The top post of all time? A Net Neutrality post that had 10,000+ up votes and a ton of bot comments. Any small subreddit back then had the exact same thing happen.
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They already deleted that post.
Kamala should make an onlyfans along with AOC.
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>what we can't
what, we called it out right
Nope, you're being lazy, it's 2016+8 & 2020+4 if you spread this to black twatter & rustled up jimmies, they'd have to pay to quiet the niggers, thereby weakening their org,

fuck it I'll start now
NPCs mesh with bots seamlessly though, I have the displeasure of having a huge FB "friend" list, from a failed promotional effort. Flesh and blood humans engage, amplify, and spread bot drivel similarly.
I see your a retarded subhuman acceleration won't work dumb ass.
>Everyone has noticed this. ActBlue has somehow managed to outfaggot NAFO.
ActBlue fucked up with the money laundering.
Honestly. Trump should be TERRIFIED.

I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),

“You know what? She ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but Ol’ Oakland Kam’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
>/pol/ is a pro Kamala board now
Not even in jest. Fuck that cunt.
With poos, you lose.
>remember similar reactions to when zelenskiiiyyyx goes from personification of corruption to jesus overnight
>and then it all got scrubbed over the next few days
They're still trying.
>>she's Indian
>>we have to stop making fun of them now
>>reddit stops India poop thread
>>reddit stops India train threads
>>reddit stops "creepy Indian hitting on woman" threads
>>reddit stops India AI threads
Jews really do install poos before shit hits the fan and a corporation crashes and burns.
>People asked why the Actblue donations weren't returned to the people who donated to Biden. Because James O'Keef went to addresses and asked people in run down houses in the inner cities "Did you give $18,000 to the Biden campaign?" and they all said "huh? Fuck no". Well Actblue would have to return money to people who never donated because they used their identities.
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hearty kek
Accelerationism is bullshit.
its like pottery

Captcha AAAG
first time i saw "nafo" i assumed someone misspelled "nato"
now, i'm too afraid to google it
wtf is nafo?
cool, cool.
what's her agenda?
what's her plan to achieve her agenda?
>er... um...
>she doesn't have one
yeah, we know.
that's also how we know no one's excited to vote for her.
you're out of your depth.
>i-its not paid shilling guise
Everybody organic notices it. It's just the way it is here, we're always being raided, and doubly so during an election cycle.
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most based post on /pol/ right now
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I clapped
Getting excited for a candidate is astroturfing now. Fucking losers have nothing on coconut mommy
waking up to this, topu keku
Someone make a parody of the "free government money" type infomercial.

"You may have unclaimed money and not even know it! Check the actblue rolls today!"
what's her agenda?
what's her plan for running the country?
you're not "excited", you're astroturfing.
>obama drops pallets of cash to Iran, part of which goes to the neverending graft seekers in europe and america
>valerie jarrett, peter strzok, lisa page all born in iran
>kerry busted meeting with iranian defense minister after he was no longer SoS
>iran threatens to tell all of the ugly secrets of who is bought and paid for to the international press if JCPOA isn’t brought back
Nah, make em squeal. They fucking deserve it.
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Every Harris advertisement I've seen doomscrolling YT shorts this week has zero likes and comments. I haven't looked I to it and they probably just disabled comments; but if she was the meme powerhouse they claim she is then it begs to reason that we should be seeing capeshit fanboy levels of clap posting. It's fucking weird, my dudes.
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Pasta so nice, I'll bump it twice.
Put me in the screencap, nigger
What is this "brat" shite that I keep seeing now?

I used to think I was just getting old but I now I know it's just NIGGER worship infesting the west.

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Well done anon
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>No frogs
>No clever phrases
>No Kek

It's all devilpower behind her. It won't last and she won't win. This is the best they have.
It isn't enough

Death to the gerontocrats
Why didn't I think of this response? Fucking kek.
>Trump beats women
Are you trying to get me to vote for him?
Have a bump OP, tired about that faggot shit too.
Tremendous. Was laughing in my bed
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It's sassy black woman shit. The type who claps her hands between every word when angry that her emotional state doesn't constitute a logical argument. Leftists love acting like sassy black women so they're trying to push Harris as one to stave off any potential rival contenders for the party nomination.
what does it mean that all those people were born in iran? means they're all cia?
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It's the Indian Cyber Defense Force, whenever there is a happening, like Trump getting shot, they'll make sure that every post is abut that even though jeeted jannies were suppose to delete duplicate post, and what they do is report the duplicate posts that actually have good discussion going on while leaving the garbage nes up. When there isn't a happening they stick the the usual white women sucks, blacked, skinwalking trying to get different groups to fight each other post. It's all so tiresome. Indians all over my Internet, my street, my subway car. At least during rush hours it's still mostly human, but they are still around, clearly out of place, just loitering because their rental is stuffed 25 uberjeet a basement.
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good post is good
If the best you guys can do now is take leftist memes and make shoddy copies, you should just give up now.
CIA is just another face to the monster they all serve. So is Iran - for now.
>hot sauce in my bag
Niggers really do this?
That wasn’t a leftist meme to begin with retard. The right made it a meme.
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I'll just leave this here... Reddit is a case study for mass cognitive dissonance.
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Also this. Like, this isn't even a lack of intelligence, we're talking a lack of consciousness.
>be autist
>adopt government developed method of communication
>aka the internet
>why does the government political party post advertisements and deny it?

Fucking retards.
You're CANADIAN you fucking faggot
Redditors have been doing a lot more than us lapers lately, see picrel and this:

Announcing The Canada Housing2 Billboard Fund. Demand Change Now! AKA The Immigration Minister Marc Miller Sucks FundActivism (self.CanadaHousing2)
submitted 25 Jul 2024 by Chaoticfist101 - announcement
redditors are the ones astroturfing it here IDIOT
Being able to spot propaganda really is a super power that not many people possess
Kamala Harris is everything that Trump is not. As he is brutish, she is professional. As he is malignant, she is peace seeking. She is smart, he is... well, it goes without saying.

If Trump wins, then I'm afraid I'll have to wish you all good luck as I move back to Mumbai
I actually think this is a great idea. But the amount of work to dig through the database and find the poor people who couldn't possibly or wouldn't possibly donate is gonna be a bitch.
Make a thread about this and see if we have enough autists willing to work on it.
Look at all of this cope, MIGAtards on fucking suicide watch

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