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Trump is right.
What do we have against Iran again?
what a lunatic
Iran didn't shoot at Trump. Israel did.
What a fucking retard. After those words Iran is doubling the missile production and preparing for the worst. This boomer still thinks its 1950 and only western people have technology and the rest of world only sticks and stones
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This HAS to be Trump pandering to evangelicals somehow. Iran bothers Israel, so therefore bothers evangelical voters. Usually when you have the luxury of not having to participate in a primary, you can then campaign to the middle of the population. Instead, Trump keeps going harder right, throwing away any advantage he had by chickening out of the primary debates.
Israel doesn't like them. Just like Iraq had to go too.
Egypt will be after Iran and it will never stop.
try it and find out yahudi
Did the US have enemies in the Middle East before we got involved with Israel?
They tried to kill our president with shrapnel in his ear
>This HAS to be Trump pandering to evangelicals somehow
Obviously. That's all he ever does anymore. In addition to pandering to Jews of course.
Zion Don is playing the good golem, as that's the only way to get elected. Once he's there tho, watch out kikes
Maybe he agreed to go hard against iran in exchange for glowniggers to stop trying to kill him.
Nukes are cheap and effective
Just push a button and flush
Kek zogbot boomers and fags are the only trump voters left
Is it confirmed that jews tried to kill him? Wasn't he already sucking their circumcised cocks?
It's pandering to jews you retard, that's all trump does these days
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>They tried to kill our president with shrapnel in his ear
That was Mossad. It was a false flag to instigate war on Iran.
Israels' wet dream since inception. Don't fall for it.
>>475680044 gecheckt
yeah the muslims launch multiple invasions throughout history
Remember american anons. If you dont want to die for Israel, you must visit AIPAC members and their family at their homes.

This is the only way to stop the jews from commiting a genocide on young americans and send you to the meatgrinder in Iran for the Jewish Interests
Never knew Muslims took boats to the US in a Holy War
This is how you convince Israel to pull another false flag
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it will happen regardless
nothing can stop what is coming
Keer chup chup energy...
Lol Americans will get slaughtered in Guriella warfare.
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>we're going into some sandy shithole to fight brown people, again
It's impossible to control country as big as Iran. It will be Afghanistan 2.0
Overdosed on jew jew cum
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They're squatting on the land rightfully and theologically belonging to the chosen people of Greater Israel
>muh arab boogeyman

zognald showing his israshill colors. dafuq has iran done
this poster has alzheimers and completely forgot 2016-2020
No need to occupy if you glass them.
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it wasnt mossad. if mossad wanted to kill trump he would be dead already
it will be ww3 and nuclear war

usa will be wiped off the map, just as netanyahu wants

trumptards will cheer on and call it 4d chess
I love how somehow not supporting Iran makes someone automatically pro Israel. Glass the entire region and call it a day.
Beat us in Chess.

No Central Bank.
all the paid shills have destroyed this place.
enjoy your shekels faggots
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Trump IS vehemently pro-Israel. where have you been?
also declaring US should wipe Iran off the face of the earth is a bit different from simply "not supporting Iran."
Their women are humble, beautiful, trad, love white cock and are fertile. The men are usually total bros. This threatens Amerimutt roasties and jews, so Iranians need to be genocided.
This is fine to the libshit.
This is apparently not fine to the libshit.

Why? Who knows?
I love total ZOG war. MIGA!
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>What do we have against Iran again?
Muslims are evil cave people. I'll never forgive them for trying to kill Indiana Jones!
Now all politicians are overdosing on Jewish cock in the hope of getting at least a seat in the parliament
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War makes money and boomers watch a lot of TV where Iran is the bad guy so a war with Iran is needed to end the war in Ukraine and the genocide in Palestine. You don't want to keep genocideing in Palestine do you, hippy?
They literally just tried and missed
If we can't do tourism there, steal their resources, or force them into near slavery level cheap labor to manufacture Americans' requirements, what use is Iran to the United States? They don't even have any luxury alcohol exports. They're literally global nothings. Not saying that they should die, but who'd notice?
>we will prevent ww3
>we will start ww3
this is the migatards all in the same day
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Russia is a colonial state and repeatedly invaded all neighbors for no other purpose than to install yet another soviet shithole they can rape for the glory of one city and one city alone.
Russians must be liberated from the perpetual mafia rule imposed on them ever since the Khanate.
Iran has literally never done anything wrong except piss off jews.
MIGA is a death cult.
time is running out for all u muttoids and yuros alike
don't care, kike, i'm still going to die for israel.
These people get hard on's over attacking Iran then I do watching Belle Delphine. Why don't they just get one of those globes we had in geography class and LARP wiping it off with a rag or something.
>memeflaggot tries to speak to a human
Did someone fart?
try to remember the following words for future reference
mother russia will provide the final solution
tick tock
iran literally done nothing to USA! it's like Russian screaming wipe USA of the face of the earth for funding jewkraina. I hope iranians are doxing faggots like you and those living wherever your are come and separate your head from your body after doing same to your family first
Russian vodka is slightly better than the Ukrainian stuff.
>Russia is a colonial state
Speaking as someone that lives in a colonial state, I do not give one flying fuck.
Look at how contrived the glownigger arguments are now. Just random warmongering over Iran as a continuation of 60 years of failed foreign policy.
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>MIGA is a death cult.
Meanwhile, Ukrainians are literally throwing themselves into a meat grinder for no reason whatsoever, all for that unelected dictator Zelensky. I'm sure he's building more casinos and buying Bugattis with all the welfare we're sending, at least.
>What do we have against Iran again?
They are working to destabilize America, they have an illiberal totalitarian regime, they support Assad's regime in Syria, they sponsor terrorism and anti-Semitism around the world (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, sleeper cells in Europe and the US), and they are building nuclear bombs that they want to drop on Israel. Is that not enough to destroy the ayatollah's illegitimate regime?
Literally nothing. I have nothing against Iran they’ve done nothing to me or most Americans. The only ones this benefits is ISRAEL.
I'm not even surprised, Americans might as well be golems
shalom yahudi
hows the weather in tel aviv
Ok, but what exactly is wrong with this? American failures created modern Iran, destroying them now? I’m thinking based
>noooo but I’ll be drafted
Retards are exempt though
Those were Indians like camela
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Those are Hindus, anon. But considering Spielberg is a Jew, it's interesting he got you to think all brown people are barbaric evil cave people with his film. Really makes you think.
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Remember when Ahmadinejad not really saying he wanted to "wipe Israel off the map" was the worst thing ever and anuddah shoah?
I think that’s the plan pal, listen to Netanyoohoos recent speech to congress
Why are you so anti-maga you fucking libshit shut up
>it will be ww3 and nuclear war
How exactly finishing Iranian goatfuckers in a month or so, Desert Storm style, is going to lead to WW3 and nuclear war? If anything, it's going to prevent it, not cause it. Better solve this problem ASAP once and for all than wait until they have nuclear capabilities.
Just wait until the MIGAs start the whole “this is why we need to hit Iran HARD” routine like Trumps VP JD Vance said
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>Those are Hindus, anon. But considering Spielberg is a Jew, it's interesting he got you to think all brown people are barbaric evil cave people with his film. Really makes you think.
I dunno, seems like a very accurate portrayal. If you believe otherwise, you've obviously never been to that BestGore site.
Trumptards are some of the dumbest people on this board, so gullible and easily swayed by propaganda
jewish shill
>hows the weather in tel aviv
No idea, because I'm in Moscow, and it's quite warm here already. But not as hot as your Tehran/Tabriz/Isfahan will be soon enough, my little goat-loving "friend")))
mutts are the dumbest people on this realm
get it right muttoid
They don't have a bank, and they don't do interest on loans and they don't have child trannies.
sure u are yahudi
It’s pure rhetoric however. He’s saying this in wake of the fact that Iran is plotting to assassinate him. He’s returning the threat by declaring Iran would cease to exist if they so dared. The end
>noooo but I’m be drafted
Retards are exempt though
>tfw 32 yeard old
at least i wont be sent to die for israel. good luck, zoomers!
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I would sacrifice them to make food cheaper at this point
>jewish shill
Ahmed, what are you doing in Sweden? Why don't you go back to whatever shithole you or your parents were born in? Also, shitskins are not welcome here. This is a White, Judeo-Christian board.
u do realise pissrael needs war to survive
face it, it is inevitable

Buttsex isn't allowed here.
Zoomers will have to decide if all Le epic memes were worth getting drafted for
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>trump: protesting against israel is hatespeech
>harris: protesting against israel is hatespeech
>trump: we need to wipe iran off of the planet
>harris: we need to wipe iran off of the planet
How would Trump make food cheaper, NPC? Is Trump in control of the multinational corporations? No he would just give some platitudes and speeches where he repeats himself over and over while endlessly pandering to Israel :/ MIGA
Iran is the only one with the potential for hegemony in that region.
Show your flag, troon.
Yeah whatever. It’s political rhetoric. He wants to end the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Kamala will continue to fund Ukraine and Gaza
>nooooo but Kamala would NEVER support a hypothetical war that won’t happen
Retards can’t be drafted though
Not all of us. Thats why it’s so frustrating and mind-boggling to see all these idiots fall for the dumbest bait and predictable schemes
Then they call you a jew if you don’t support the most pro-Israel candidate ever (as if that makes any sense)
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show ur nose, yid.
Okay, but now without the VPN
gold silver quartz lithium beep boop beep
Erm, pretty much they're incel chuds and we have to bring jew buttsex democracy to their soil and kill a couple hundred thousand Iranian children
Their crypto citizens are pulling the kike esau gambit and calling themselves Persian to hide their shithole origins
Who gives a shit about Evangelicals, they should be minecrafted in the streets for their enabling, together with the kikes they worship
never voted for him
Iranians are literally white. That’s the problem.
>muh colonial-
Don't care
Iran isn't my adversary, this rag is retarded
black hair and black eyes...
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Russia is full of an unusual amount of jeww, look up the judeo-bolsheivik revolution and how they were all jewish. Then when they founded “Israel” they absorbed a lot of the Russian kikes from USSR as citizens
>trumptards will cheer on and call it 4d chess
They won't, they'll be dead. I don't even care if I die as well, as long as every migger nigger dies with me in the most painful excruciating way possible which is what they deserve for being the most retarded niggerbrained jew sucking faggots.
god fucking damnit, do we unironically have ANY politicians or elected officials who actually care about america, the american people or even american interests?

another fucking war? in the middle east? in the middle of a god damn financial meltdown? How to suicide a nation with one easy step.
Holy cope
Trust the plan
It's likely ZOG will try to sell a war with Iran as a war to liberate their women.

anon I have a bridge to sell you..

>Today, universities in Iran are flooded with women. The country's literacy rate for women is among the best in the world. Almost 60 percent of all university students are females today.
>According to The 82-page report, issued by Iran's parliamentary research branch, and compiled from interviews with 142,000 students, found 80 percent of females acknowledged having premarital sex.
You don't know what colonialist means and it shows. Russia is a EXPANSIONIST, every territory they grabbed, they annexed to them.

>muh socialist rape colonies
Motherfucker think Ideological expansion is colonialism, lol dumb negro

Surely your country and China will sit idle while Iran is being attacked. You must be a hohol or a retard (there's no difference)
>muh 4d chess
>What the MIGAtard says in confusion from a lack of understanding and inability to cope with the reality of anything
Apparently Trump wants to stop the Russia-Ukraine war only to start the war with Iran. Does he not realize Russia and Iran are allies? What 4d chess gambit is he playing? Is he expecting Russia to back down and not to support Iran after all sanction on Russia will be lifted? Or is he expecting to challenge them both at the same time and deal with them simultaneously? What if China and North Korea also feel lucky and make their moves too? Or Russia not supporting Iran is pretty much a given? Is NATO capable of kicking 5 countries asses at the same time?
>Surely your country and China will sit idle while Iran is being attacked.
We don't really give a fuck about Iran. Especially about their backstabbing ayatollah.
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There’s no such thing as “judeo-Christian”, talmudists have nothing to do with Christianity and openly mistreat Christians in Israel
He's a literal golem, he doesn't think or care about any of that, he will do the bidding of the jews even if it finally kills this country
I look forward to this as I am too old to be drafted.
Sitting home watching explosions and zogbots get btfo will be comfy
If you're white, don't go. refuse. Go to jail if you have to.
They oppose our maste- I mean our greatest ally!
They refuse to cooperate with the rules-based international order
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Wars are the Jews harvest
I stand correct, you are retarded. Russia is expanding commercial trade with Iran and is developing a channel through the Caspian sea to the Persian gulf and you say Iran doesn't matter? Retard.
if there's no such thing then why does it exist?

christianity is judeo centric by default stop coping lmao
wow anon how antisemitic
all of a sudden they start talking about iran being a problem hmmm
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>Trump elected
>Trump shouts we have to fight Iran for Israel's sake
>Right-wing is 80% hoo-rah
>Left disapproves but doesn't organize against war
>No organized resistance to draft
Pretty much the worst-case scenario. Whites sent to die in the Middle East (again) but much more likely to go along with it because there's a red tie in office.
He always has been hard on Iran. Remember Soleimani? He ordered the hit
don't ask antisemitic questions
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The only reason Republicans are against funding Ukraine is because every last shekel belongs to Israel Our Greatest Ally
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>pandering to evangelicals
Holy fuck. Is this how mutts rationalise their subservience to Jews?
Not impossible if the usians cooperate with the iranian dissidence from day one. Ideally if most of the fighting is done by that dissidence
>Walking around Iran
>Literally whiter than any modern western city

Man, I really cannot fathom why Trump jews want these people wiped out
If you think about it rationally Iran is a threat to US power projection in the region
People don't seem to understand that Iran isn't Afghanistan. It's literally Afghanistan topography x3 with its own organized MIC and is allied with and shares supplies and intel with Russia and North Korea. Twice the population of Afghanistan and the same level of radicalization to defend their homeland (sending kids to physically clear minefields). A US hot war with Iran is going to make ukraine look like a couple of kids play fighting with sticks in a corner of the playground. Just say NO to kikes and all kike politicians (all of them in the US).
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>Ukrainians are literally throwing themselves into a meat grinder for no reason whatsoever
As if they have a choice in the matter
>christianity is judeo centric by default stop coping lmao
Perhaps but there is a reason the Pharisees rejected Christ and had him crucified. They didn't want someone going around talking about forgiving the debts. This is the central idea of Christianity.

If some religious guy started preaching this in front of a central bank, Jews will call him an anti-Semite.
>And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Yeah man the evangelicals control America
That's why they get absolutely nothing they want except this one thing that jews also want by sheer coincidence
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People like this will be essential if the US is serious about topling the current rulers of Iran
Nobody shot Trump. Israel did help him fake it though.
They have oil and opiates that we want, so they're an enemy apparently.
No, dumbass they faked it. It was fake. Trump was never shot.
Unfortunately American plebs know little/nothing about the outside world (and are proud of it) so it'll take a bloody nose for us to get it; if we get that much leeway.
There are two million Chabad Lubavitch Jews in Moscow. It's the biggest concentrated area of jews in the world.
Don’t forget lots of uranium and gas and gold.
Very true, the US military is not in any way prepared to fight a war without total air superiority, and people are not going to accept even the amount of casualties it would take to take out their air defenses.
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Trump faked the shot to convince evangelicals that he is Gods chosen candidate, so he can implement a war with Mexico, a civil war, and a war with Israel. There will be nowhere safe.

Vote RFK anons, he’s the actual new hated candidate by the system.

Do it for Kek
They HATE us because we're FREE.
>vote republican
>WWIII and possibly civil war

>vote democrat
>WWIII and civil war

geeze willy, what wonderful options we got here.
>passive aggressive laughter "lmao"
Doesn't look like winning to me..
Wait wasn't he a supposed pacifist?
They dared to be a free country living on their terms and kicked out their cia puppet ruler.
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Stop noticing things and get on the bus, goyo. We've got nations to destabilize.
based. fuck them to death
I thought he was all about no new wars.
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