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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The article
> "I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities," he said during the broadcast.

Why are journalists like this?
I read this entirely based like
They make money by get clicks
The journalist saw the obvious implication of forcing people to go to a farm. Either you're slave labor, or you're the crop.

RFK JR 2024
> And a tax on cannabis sales would fund these farms, he proposed.
>"I’m going to dedicate that revenue to creating wellness farms — drug rehabilitation farms, in rural areas all over this country," he said during the podcast. "I’m going to make it so people can go, if you’re convicted of a drug offense, or if you have a drug problem, you can go to one of these places for free

Doesn’t sound very forced
Do we get to do adderall in the camps?
Wellness farms does sound like a 1984ism for a concentration camp
Am ok with this add erall is a nightmare every time something happens is involved

One would think everything all at once is not the standard, unless is convenient to distract people

The simple feeling of taking the pill and being drifting from the world

Is bullshit the world is still there real as it always was, why this numbning drugs are crap but exilarating ones are also crap

If you can't find a natural normal center you ain't sane, drugs won't do shit, they help if you can find that first
I took Adderall for over a decade and the discontinuation (NOT withdrawal, it is not quite the same) sucked but only took a month and I’m fine and feel stupid for taking it so long and thinking I needed it and putting up with the peeper shrinkage. I think RFK’s idea is kinda lame but I think adderall users and abusers could use it to get back to normal and realize it’s themselves that make themselves great and not some drug we all thought was miraculous because it made us focus on meaningless bullshit for hours at a time and get mad at anybody who broke the focus.
Glowing green brain worm
I support that. Too bad he's a Zionist.
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>With just a touch of my burning hand
>I’ll send my astro zombies to rape the land

>get off of illegal drugs
>but also illegal drugs
What's he on?
The man who is not getting elected is going to do amazing things when he is elected? Wow, put me in promise land , i require a ticket to promise land immediately.
It’s like when the shills told me putin will make me a nintendo if i support that WEF jews’ end of the up of ukraine. Erm, nah. Fuck off you vile child molesters.
Nobody likes you shills or your threads. You are pedophiles, poos, and jews - go the fuck away. Stop churning out threads which only make everyone hate you even more and understand even more strongly how much you need locking away.
Plus he looks a bit like mr hanky.
I would go just to take a t break from weed then get baked into oblivion every few months
This but instead it should be people who
>use any kind of social media
>are Jewish
>use /mu/
>are any kind of game journalist or movie critic
>got plastic surgery
>identify as communist
>are childless past 35
>drive Kia’s or Hyundai’s (NPC cars)
>identify as anything other than straight
Basically, it should be up to me who gets sent to work camps
>>if you're convicted of a drug offense
What part of that sounds voluntary to you
3 or 4 years seems expensive.
It would actually probably work great for troons, but I don’t want to feed their trans genocide delusion with the optics of it all
>can go
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>Why are journalists like this?
Everyone on the left right now it a coke/speed/methhead. It's why they're all sexual deviants and why they act batshit insane.
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Holy shit! I'm living in A Scaner Darkly times now?



Only if we get camps to go do drugs.
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These sound like Wilderness Camps that rich families send their weird teens off to get raped by Mormons.
Anon knows

i know, still a knee jerk reaction.
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Glad he didn't say image boards.
But I have ADHD
If I thought for one second that an adderall to masturbation camp pipeline was a real thing, I would vote for him.

Either way would be an improvement.
Labour camp preferably.
Ok let's face the challenge ahead, our problems are the two parties and the only way out are the third parties

Now slight politeness has worked for jill stein and avoids choice despair

Now this ain't group 02, must vote democrat or republican, no sir this is the wild west of the other 9 groups

But they influence group 02 because they are currently on choice despair
boomers constantly rant about "working on a farm" but actual farm owners dont want us citizens anywhere near their h1-a $5.25 immigrant workforce

No, we want to go with state managed camps of some sort. It would be internment, not necessarily voluntary. Would be costs involved. Mind you we're not looking at a permanent institution. Coupled with other plans to completely knock down hard drug use they might not be needed after about 20 years. It would require a firm hand.
you'll spend more money beating me and dragging my limp body onto your plantation than you'll ever earn in profit from my labor
Its too far gone. I still think they are lying about a carrington level event happening.
Nobody wants your labor we want you to stop snorting fent and gooning.
That is a GREAT idea. They ARE amphetamine junkies just LEGAL ones. There is no difference between then an meth heads at all.
I wasn't going to vote but I think I will go with Wet Dreams Jr here.
Thanks for sharing OP.

based, ADHD is a fake disease

As I say, there will be costs. Realistically many of the users won't be fit for labour anyway. I would say the emphasis should tilt toward benefit for society rather than benefit for the users, ie. recovery or rehabilitation.
Didn't the Kennedys have one of their daughters lobotomized and thrown in a mental institution?
I'll only go if there's free drugs
are you drunk wtf are you saying ESL retard
it's nice of them to underline the specific parts of the brainwashing programming for the leftist NPC's so they know which key phrases to embed in their lexicon of idiocy for future regurgitation on reddit
holy shit dude, you obviously have brain damage from taking adderall
I don’t know why the “completely false” thing is completely false. There’s anecdotal evidence but support hasn’t been great in meta analysis. However proponents have their own concerns with the methodology of that analysis. So it should at best be (probably false)
who's paying for all this? people will gladly soak off the system if you let them
Don’t we spend shittons of money on drug offenders as it is?
it always makes me lol how thoroughly unelectable he is
Never took it, is a crypto reference to this stupid chainlinks

You can just get them all
I f I say shit like that it's because an actual war is about to break out and it's poignant

he's just a loon
vote for me for dictator btw
pretend to be pointing at superman
Because journalists are equipped with jewjitsu if ever called out on it
>Aw shucks aw jeez we made an error
>get rich getting the ever-increasing underclasses hooked on cope drugs
>then get rich again treating them and farming-them out for labor

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