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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Creating a quantitative measure of evil is inherently subjective and complex. Here's a proposed system based on five criteria, each scored 1-10:

Death Toll: Number of deaths caused.
Torture and Cruelty: Severity of torture and cruelty.
Impact on Humanity: Long-term negative impact.
Intent: Presence of malicious intent.
Scale and Scope: Overall scope.
Using this system, here are five historical figures often considered among the most evil, ranked:

Adolf Hitler:

Death Toll: 10 (Holocaust, WWII casualties)
Torture and Cruelty: 10 (Genocide, concentration camps)
Impact on Humanity: 10 (Massive social, political upheaval)
Intent: 10 (Premeditated genocide)
Scale and Scope: 10 (Global impact)
Total: 50

Joseph Stalin:

Death Toll: 10 (Great Purge, forced famines)
Torture and Cruelty: 9 (Gulags, purges)
Impact on Humanity: 9 (Decades of oppression)
Intent: 9 (Political purges)
Scale and Scope: 10 (Impact across the Soviet Union)
Total: 47

Mao Zedong:

Death Toll: 10 (Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution)
Torture and Cruelty: 8 (Political purges, forced labor)
Impact on Humanity: 9 (Massive disruption)
Intent: 8 (Ideological purges)
Scale and Scope: 10 (Impact across China)
Total: 45

Leopold II of Belgium:

Death Toll: 9 (Atrocities in the Congo Free State)
Torture and Cruelty: 10 (Extreme brutality)
Impact on Humanity: 8 (Long-term impact on Central Africa)
Intent: 9 (Deliberate exploitation)
Scale and Scope: 8 (Impact primarily in Congo)
Total: 44

Donald Trump:

Death Toll: 2 (Indirect contributions through policies, handling of COVID-19)
Torture and Cruelty: 3 (Family separations at the border)
Impact on Humanity: 5 (Political and social polarization)
Intent: 4 (Intent to disrupt political norms, but not genocidal)
Scale and Scope: 6 (Impact primarily in the U.S.)
Total: 20

These rankings are based on historical data and the proposed criteria, but they reflect a specific interpretation of historical events. Different perspectives might yield different results.
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that fucking cunt looks insufferable, put a gag ball on that mouth and rip that dress open. Fuck anally
Absolute bullshit.
The Hitler is Le Worst Ebil Days are in the rearview, Moshe
I'm sorry, in a sense, to tell you this it's true.
Hitler was a hero though. He fought against international finance for the average person. He was unironically the last champion of the working man to ever hold meaningful power.
Neck yourself kike
>Creating a quantitative measure of gay is inherently subjective and complex. Here's a proposed system based on five criteria, each scored 1-10:
>Cummy Toll: Number of cummies gulped
>Annoying Faggotry: how much of an annoying faggot you ade
>Lack of common humanity: oh but you are special
>ego: because you are so important afte all.
>Anal Circumference: Overall scope of bussy bore hole

>OP aka the Adolf Hitler of Gay:
>Cummy Toll: 0 save for that time he sampled his own
>Annoying Faggotry: 8, a tripcode and a name would have brought the total to 10 and assured mod promotion
>lack of Humanity: 8, OP posted the girl he wants to be but was not explicitly an avatar fagging tranny
>ego: 10 (Premeditated genocide on our eyeballs)
>Anal Circumference: .50
>Total: probably fucks his own dog
i think he was betrayed from the start by that jesuit priest who helped him write mein kampf in prison. i believe he found out he was being set up to kill a bunch of whites and went rouge at somepoint and der juden started cutting off materials/gasoline/ect and brought amerifats into the war to contain him.
man how different the world could have been
fuck jannies
fuck jannies
Giulia Valeriani.
My man

Stop shit posting
faggot detected
2 and 10 don't add up
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muscles big. neurons activated.
I dont see how any of those rate higher than trump
his vax will kill about 2-3 billion
I had a thought to measure the weight of air a person breathes through in say a day and just multiply by kills*years and estimate exactly how responsible a single person really is versus just bandwagon say hitler v himmler

I call it the air weight system and it shall never be feasible to actually use it
something bout egyptians and a light heart
also dayyyyyum girl
you can use me for something stupid joke something
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The problem with this rating is other indirect means can do more damage if it's about loss of life such as abortion or propaganda to make you not want to reproduce, etc. They don't count as evil, but they can have higher numbers. Feminism is a genetic dead end for the majority of feminists. College educated women are unlikely to have kids across all cultures/groups. It's a genetic dead end poison to depopulate. Another problem is what amount of life can be sustained by a finite planet? This sets a healthy reference point. You could argue that it benefits society even if the intentions were bad due to this need to preserve the ecosystem's food webs, etc.
Sure, let's apply the same system to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan.

Joe Biden (as of 2024):

Death Toll: 2 (Indirect, through ongoing military operations and COVID-19)
Torture and Cruelty: 2 (Policies related to immigration and ongoing conflicts)
Impact on Humanity: 4 (Social and political impact, Afghanistan withdrawal)
Intent: 3 (Policy-driven actions, not malicious)
Scale and Scope: 4 (Impact primarily in the U.S. and Afghanistan)
Total: 15
Barack Obama:

Death Toll: 4 (Drone strikes, military operations)
Torture and Cruelty: 3 (Drone strikes, some civil liberties concerns)
Impact on Humanity: 6 (Healthcare reform, but also destabilization in the Middle East)
Intent: 4 (Policy-driven actions, mixed impacts)
Scale and Scope: 5 (Impact in the U.S. and globally)
Total: 22
George W. Bush:

Death Toll: 7 (Iraq War, Afghanistan War)
Torture and Cruelty: 6 (Enhanced interrogation techniques, Abu Ghraib scandal)
Impact on Humanity: 7 (Destabilization of Middle East, rise of terrorism)
Intent: 5 (Intent to combat terrorism, but flawed execution)
Scale and Scope: 8 (Global impact due to wars)
Total: 33
Bill Clinton:

Death Toll: 3 (Sanctions on Iraq, military interventions)
Torture and Cruelty: 2 (Policies and interventions, but less direct cruelty)
Impact on Humanity: 5 (Economic policies, Rwanda inaction)
Intent: 3 (Policy-driven, mixed impacts)
Scale and Scope: 4 (Impact primarily in the U.S. and some global)
Total: 17
Ronald Reagan:

Death Toll: 4 (Central America conflicts, Cold War policies)
Torture and Cruelty: 3 (Support of authoritarian regimes)
Impact on Humanity: 6 (Economic policies, end of Cold War)
Intent: 4 (Policy-driven, mixed impacts)
Scale and Scope: 5 (Impact in the U.S. and globally)
Total: 22
Here's a summary of the scores:

George W. Bush: 33
Barack Obama: 22
Ronald Reagan: 22
Bill Clinton: 17
Joe Biden: 15
These rankings reflect the proposed criteria.
What's your fucking point?

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