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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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for the white race. The tables have turned and whites have now become objects of ridicule for Indian chads.
you're a fucking retard no one give a fuck you're probably 3 foot 5 yourself and brown like shit
I don’t associate with race, I just happened to be born white, most of my problems are caused by my own race (boomers), I only care about myself.
Shut up pajeet.
Women are utterly disgusted by you.
>god only the fuck know what race is talking
your flag is a toilet amerigoy no one even know who they're talking to when they answer to it
you could be a chink
a mexican
a somalian
an indian
a guatemalan
who the fuck know
a melting pot of morbidly fat meathead and the worst kind of immigrants the whole world have to offer
But all of that goes for you foo Canada. Why do you speak as if you’re in a less gay position? Why not be frens with your brothers in the same struggle as you? Why be asshole? Are you Indian?
Confirmed shitskin pajeet.
When people see an Indian they just see shit
i swear everyone on 4chan is using proxies. what does a filipino care about what some nobody said about indians online?
Haa all this retardism. Jews really fucked the concept of being a man for everyone around the globe.

The greatest known Chad in history was Genghis Khan, he was both a manlet, had a tiny penis and was a ugly slant eyed mongoloid. And yet the dude fathered quarter of the globe.

It's the woman's job to look appealing to the man, not yours. As long as you are half a decent self made man women will like you.

It's the lowest point in human civilization when a race, creed's and religion's ultimate goal is to be able to bang women.

Especially when all it takes to bang a modern educated independent feminist woman is a couple of drinks in a bar.

Make your goal to get a woman who can raise your kids right anons, not how to get your dick wet with sluts.
Seethe more brown vermin
>It's the woman's job to look appealing to the man, not yours.

Well said, one of the few times I've agreed with a Pajeet. But if you're an average guy you still have to impress women because post industrial society is gynocentric.
The secret of any relationship with women is be dominant bro. 9/10 times they are just looking for a better father than they never had.

Keep the upper hand, even if are a fat pot belly guy who never had a gf, act like you never had trouble with women and can get any woman you want.

You guys go all out with all your cards shown in a potential relationship and then wonder why women treat you like nothing.

The more you look interested and invested in them, the more women find you desperate.
>The more you look interested and invested in them, the more women find you desperate.
That also sounds like sound advice, but you're a 4chan poster so it's hard to take you seriously
>lmao look at him
Hey Rajesh, that looks pretty fucking wholesome if you ask me.
I think it looks cool, Euro culture is amazing I love it.
the Hindu religion promotes rape and promotes scamming. There is no concept of morality or right and wrong in Hinduism. It is literally the worst religion and look at what a shithole India is, that is the result of Hinduism.
Hindu rape apes see nothing wrong with rape. Their shit religion teaches that women are meant to be raped, and enjoy rape. This is how sick and evil the Hindus are
pedophilia is also another huge problem in Hinduism, as well as incest. Pretty much every indian girl gets sexually abused by her father, uncle, or brothers. India actually needs feminism because indian women are actually oppressed.
Rare based jeet. Stay in India, though.
then there is the matter of the caste system in Hinduism, which is extremely racist and has oppressed 250 million dalits in India. As a result, no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves and there is no concept of community or civil sense. This is why anywhere indians go, they trash and turn the place into shit. They take their shit indian mentality with them anywhere they go. Indians are not compatible with modern civilization.
that is one good thing about india, at least. Indian women hate indian men and want to marry white men or men of any other race other than indian. Indian men are so hated that even their own race of women hate them. Even thai prostitutes wont have sex with indian men.
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The abuse of women is very real in India. Women have to fear being gang-raped. Meanwhile spoiled brat white women in the West whine and complain they are "oppressed" because they dont have enough nigger cock to fuck. White women are spoiled little cunts. In India, women are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED FOR REAL.
how can he get mogged by the avg indian when the avg indian is 165cm and skinny fat ?
You mad amerimutt?
go back to eating deep fried lumpia sneakers you wet faggot
your country is just a sex colony for old white men
>please let me move to your country by the millions and destroy it
>then i will insult you behind your back and scam at every opportunity SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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>Indian chads
How did "chad" become a meme for "alpha male", when it is derived from a character Charlie's Angels who is a literal cuckold?

Moreover, how did "alpha male" come to represent male leadership traits, when the term was derived from the wolf world where the FEMALE is the "alpha" of the pack?
the other day some 12 year old indian girl got gang-raped by two indian men and then they smashed her head with a brick and killed her. Can you even comprehend such a subhuman mentality?

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