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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This might be my last post. Gavin Newsom just issued an order to clear all the homeless encampments in California. I don't know what I am going to do.
>I don't know what I am going to do.
have you tried posting the link?
Well I guess you're moving.
It's summer what are you doing in CA anyways?
14 years too late awesome!
There's no way to fight back against God. What he does is, he turns a video slideshow presentation on in the mind. Shows a new picture that accuses you of hurting yourself every 0.5 seconds. And he leaves it on for 1500 hours. I'll just sit there screaming in agony with my hands and feet in the air. And pictures keep being shown to me. It's been 5 years actually. He's the only one who ever replies to me on 4chan. I'm not sure if there's even 1 real person in this reality anymore. Somebody help us, he's imprisoned me in a body so he can torture it. He's really omnipotent. He's torturing me.
Just buy a house
this is only an attempt to weaponize the homeless against the taxpayers. the only option people will have is to seize someone's home and claim squatters rights.
Oh? Are the chinks coming to visit him again? That's what he did last time they came for a visit.
if you post again I can tell you where you can park
Just buy a house.
make it sloppy and take out some jews
I hear Texas is nice
My son, if you want freedom, you have to become a eunuch, perfect and genderless. Do this and I will grant you godly powers.
hea already parking in churches
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Stay strong brother.
What God did was, he changed the front page of content, to be metaphors he clearly designed. I'm using the term front page here loosely. Think like, top rated champion in your video game, actually uses metaphors that God wrote. I'm not sure why. One thing is for sure, he is literally raping me and crushing my head every day. I want to kill myself so bad. He's like, grinding a rock into my head in different directions, using magic. And it's been every day for 5 years. He's narrating to me what I type as I type it. I really don't like him at all. I think you'd have to be fucking stupid to like that person, after what he's done. He really did do that.
buy a house dummy
You think I'm lying actually. He's basically sitting next to me in my head. I hear him talk, every 0.2 seconds. He is doing it that much as a method of torture.
I cant believe giving homeless drug addicts free money and allowing them to do anything they want hasn't solved the homeless crisis. I'm sure newsom's next idea is going to be better than the last one tho.
one second and I'll show you
go be homeless somewhere nicer, go to hawaii or some shit
Every few months, he changes his torture method. To show me something new. He just did a new one. It hurts as a 10. It's literally a 10 in pain. He is doing it intentionally. What he does is, he makes it seem like I said something really embarassing. And it feels like my head is being crushed upwards this time. The location of the crushing sensation in the head changes based on his method. He targets the back of the head with his other method, which is done by sexual gaslighting. Extremely painful. Don't want to be here. He is not forgiven.
34.73875855521037, -118.16630495263259
People have been allowed to park here for years and the cops leave you alone
Kikefornia is still the most homeless friendly state though. Yes rent is higher than most states, but they have hundreds of public housing programs funded by their taxpayer pigs. You just have to be clean and not some degenerate drug addict or criminal to apply for these programs.
Basically gods thing is he removes everything. He takes everything. You don't even know what you have. He takes away your ability to think, or to see. And replaces it with a desire to punch your head. Real thing he does.
Google maps says that's a synagogue...
it's an empty field
West Ave G and highway 14 near Lancaster
Stay out of Kern County and you will be fine
He knows he has to get these camps out of the public eye if he wants to be remotely competitive in 2028/2032.
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that excludes basically every bum in cali wali, I would know, I live in this shithole. hobos are just a bunch of shitskin meth addicts and drunken schizos anyway, they should just start selling game permits for these pieces of filth already.
>t. Google developer
He left it up to local authorities to enforce. Meaning: Not a single shithole city in California will do anything different and will continue to all tent cities.
Dude knows nobody is going actually remove a single tent.
A father knows ways to study time and life, and tries to teach their child, but children just scream and daydream until they get sick.
Cities won’t comply
They make too much off to just do something about it now lol
take the fucking meds faggot
>gavin wants to enter national politics
>finally needs to put a new coat of paint on cali before that happens

It makes me angry that he could have done this shit years ago. They cleaned up SF for a week when poobear visited, so now everyone knows it can be done if they actually fucking want to.
>from state land
weird how if you're living innawoods not bothering anyone they come after you for living in the king's forest, but if you're shitting in the streets of san fagcisco like an indian you have hundreds of dumb bitches advocating for you
sending them all to portland?
All the people in Vancouver are being controlled by one guy. It's like a warcraft 3 game and he's right clicking. But weirder, because he can talk from their mouth. He's just ignoring you. He's a huge piece of shit. He rapes and tortures me every day. He is torturing me. But, I've met at least 3000 human bodies he was controlling in Vancouver, but also online.
Blood literally boils in anger when I have to listen to music from somebodies car or from a speaker in a store. Shooting blood. Why? What God does is, after the music turns off. He keeps singing it in our heads for a few months.
What the fuck are you babbling about?
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stop talking to that fuckin stupid motherfucker, he's fuckin gay. didn't your parents ever teach you not to waste your time on retarded faggots, you fuckin pussy ass little bitch?
There's pretty much zero chance that you're a real person. Although I have met people who seemed like they were in the process of forging. Couldn't speak yet, but I saw signs of life.
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Very problematic
Hobo swarms are part and parcel of living in a big city
That was literally 1:1. He is controlling everyone's body. Often he speaks to me from every single person I walk past, all of them. It's a lot. He actually assaults me with them. He's tortured me until I've killed myself a few times now.
>here's what it means
It means expect more tent niggers in commiefornia.
Schizophrenia nigger
Lol the guy sitting next to me just told me to lie you you. I'm not sure who you think tagged the prostitutes with the same graffiti markings. He does that for sexual humiliation. But, only for me I'm pretty sure. Unless other people who go there are seeing the graffiti markings. But I've never seen anyone notice them before.
We just need to start killing them like rats.
So this guy next to me. Just some random guy at the bus stop. Never looked at him. He knows what I'm writing. He's likely writing a ton of posts and just pretending he doesn't know everything.
A father helps a child erase their past, which is good for the child’s growth
Look I’m just a slow typer, give me a break
Are you real? I saw a few Americans. Showed signs of being real. Hard to tell these days. The Trump shooting was predicted in a video before it happened, at 0:666. So, the people who saw that might've been real. Or, they were just pretending. That's where we're at. We can't tell.
"Soundtrack to my life" was like a waking up song. Hes made tons of music. He plays that song to us after he starves us to anorexia and castrated us.
Re-read your posts retard. You are literally talking nonsense
Is a father real? Or is it humanity’s most stable rock foundation of all civilizations, a role we must all one day accept to follow
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Does a father understand the babble of a baby?
Simple. A wizard is controlling almost everyone in Vancouver. Everyone but me. He can speak with them. He moves them. They're wizards. It's like we got put into a warcraft 3 game. And they're NPCs.

They will give you free $700000 house and you have to pay its maintenance forevah.
Okay retard.
Now take your happy pills and shut the fuck up.
This guy that keeps saying father definitely isn't real. We all hate you and want you to kill yourself.
Today at work, everyone's response: FINALLY

He plays both sides of the debate all the time. God is #1 gaslighter and sexual torturer btw. We are in a prison being tortured by him.
>it’s illegal to be homeless
>but neither party addresses the problems that lead to homelessness and foreign entities and blackrock buying up large swaths of land for commercial gain
Capitalism is one of the most kiked systems imaginable
That’s because Poohbear owns our ass
Who the fuck are you replying to?
Stupid fucking schizo. I hope the wizard finishes the job.
I didn't ask you about your delusions. You are just babbling
Go to Catholic Charities and get a bus ticket to Oregon or Washington.
That's not very compassionate of you shitlords.
Well, doesn’t everyone annoy everyone else? It’s a crowded world
This poster isn't even human. It's really weird. He speaks to us like this, guarantee. If you're reading this, this is what aliens sound like. You just haven't seen proof. That's because he's hidden the proof to hide inequality. And has used capitalism basically as a method of truth delivery. So we have logical systems that include magic. Very easy to discover with a small amount of research.
God is a rapist who tortured me by repeatedly crashing a brick into my head and pushing his fingers into my eyes, sometimes for 2 months at a time
>schizo accuses me of not being human
Cool now take the pills nigger
Portland, Oregon
keep hearing lots of tolerant shitlibs there and a homeless population to match
Again, I am speaking like a father who is trying to guess what his baby is thinking
You guys should all go to gavin's house. I bet its pretty big and nice.
Based anon actually trying to help OP. This is fucked up, if they made a more sustainable system and housing more affordable this crisis wouldn’t be happening, instead they’re punishing the poor for political gain while doing nothing to address foreign entities buying up land that could be used for cheap property and housing for Americans
GTFO bum.
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>bums squat in all the empty houses and apartments owned by the eternal chinaman
>housing crisis solves
>orientals influence btfo
Is Newsome a secret patriot genius we have been waiting for?
You and your homeless buddies should all pitch tents in the lobbies of FAGMAN tech companies and the ADL.
That’s called Lust

It can be useful but it is shameful to talk about it in public.
This nigger doesn't own a moonbase.
What the fuck are you doing with your life? There's no one to blame but yourself.
>move urgently
What's with the sudden rush, after letting this stew for the past decade?
Get a job you worthless faggot
Also fuck it bro, there’s nothing they can do to you, they might harass or arrest you but go to churches ect. Fuck them, they make it illegal to be homeless but do nothing to help you, it’s not a realistic policy. Go to churches, not the hypocritical uptight ones that don’t actually care about poor people though
Jesus and his disciples helped the poor, that’s what we should be doing too
>Kern County
I heard that place is full of mexican and white/wood gangs.
Every front page has messages from God. Even league of legends and wow. Front page is like high value real estate. So basically entire product system goes through a point in a system tree. We all thought USSR was doing this. It's too inhumane to be from an omnipotent God. But, it likely is actually from him. He calls us animals. I'm locked in a cage. Literally bars on my windows. He rapes and tortures me here every day. I haven't gone longer than an hour without falling to the floor screaming in agony in over 5 years.
How is he supposed to do that? You don’t know his story. No house, no car or place to shower, no nice clothes? Or family to help them? You’re not being realistic or helpful to anyone just kicking people when they’re already down.
>I don't know what I am going to do.
Wait for your orders from your 3-letter agency on what to post next I'd assume, fed boy.
Rape is a very good torture method. Extreme humiliation. Desire to kill yourself after being raped is 100. He doesn't let us die though.
Take your meds.
Get a fucking job.
I can't get a job in Biden's economy
I have at least one thing in common with God, then.
Lol "on state land" doesn't apply to most bum roosts and "giving the authority" to local law enforcement doesn't mean they'll use it. More performative coonery in an election year.
There was a supreme court decision just made about Urban Campers. My city never tolerated it but now they are writing and getting ready to pass laws.
>white/wood gangs.
Fighting the war you won't
This smells like trying to ramp up for a presidential election...
Yes life is hard. We’re all alone.

Only ringing the bell of fathers unites us in hope, and not this “god of lust” that upsets people
Why would I want to be a wigger meth head who fights paisas?
lol lmao yeah no thanks brudder
He hasn't let me cum in over a week. What he does basically is grinds a rock into my head, at a similar rate to me stroking my cock. When I get close to cumming, he puts even more pressure and I lose my erection instantly. He will repeat this process sometimes 10 times, until I give up. He only lets me cum from prostitutes, but doesn't let me have enough money for them very often. It's extremely violent torture. I don't consent to this.

I have no idea what you're trying to say to me. Likely an enlightened golden statue worshipper. Or, not even a human at all.
Retard. This is the best the economy has been in decades.
Get a job hippie
hobobros, you just need to hold out for 3 months, he's just doing this for election season
God of lust
Consent would basically ruin everything anyway, in my experience.
Alright so tell him exactly what he needs to do instead of just talking shit
Not everyone has families to help them ect
One of gods methods of torture is to deny you the ability to do nothing. So what that means is, if you sit down. You will be feeling an 8/10 in pain. It's been 5 years of this style. He's raping me while I write this.
Even Jacinda mercilessly tore up the homeless protestor camps, I thought US people were supposed to be tough guys
He doesn't let us work, or change houses, or buy anything. He even psyopped the job ads, and puts 666 in them to fuck with us. I'm not sure if labor is even real.
I used to be homeless in california, got off the street after volunteering for a local charity and one of their workers let me move in with them. Have been on and off the street since then, because being poor with no family kind of keeps you poor unless you're very lucky. You might kind of get your feet underneath you, but then some medical issue hits, or your roomste flakes out (always having to depend on other people because you can't afford a place to yourself).
Oh and I even went to community college for psychology after I got off the street, but it turns out college is a scam.
I was writing about how God had been healing women with magic to make them more sexual. So he could posses them and experience their orgasms. And a man in a wheelchair told me. He said, "I like sex". That was just a random guy on the street who knew what I was writing about. Powerful.
Wow that's pretty awe inspiring.
But yeah i gotta go to sleep so I can take care of my sister's kids tomorrow.
Fucking being poor is a nigh inescapable trap.
Sex is just sex it’s nothing special but it’s nicer than lust

I am going to do something else now, for I wish to have rest, good bye and good luck
won't do shit basically the state let homeless be houses since most sities stopped let them on their turf, now newsom used his broad and stronger workforce to clear them off state land making it a local city issue.

Nothing will change, california has a housing shortage this is why people are also homeless. when you lose your job and pay 2-3k in rent it doesn't feel so good.
Why the fuck do so many of you faggots live in California and New York then bitch about not being able to afford anything?
You realize the big city is for people with connections and skills not for burnout pot heads who can barely be a cashier?
If you didn't become a big shot movie star in the first 6 months you are never going to.
Move to the country where you can get a cheap trailer as is the appropriate lifestyle for working the most unskilled white trash job in the country. That's the whole reason trailer parks exist, if you work at Mcdonald's you are not "too good" for it. The people there are your social equals.
Sorry if your parents were rich and you dropped down a couple class tiers due to massive incompetence or drugs but it happens.
0 sympathy for you "poor" woke city faggots.
The majority of homeless people in California are white.
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well well well

You thought you would run the streets forever. You thought you could shit up all our parks forever. You thought you could steal everything with impunity.

Guess not. Oh how the turn tables. Looks like your ZOGbot protection just abandoned you. I'm loading up my paintball gun with pepper loads as we speak. Tonight we hunt the most dangerous game. Good luck faggot. You are gonna need it.
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If they are only capable of working junk jobs or no jobs they're economically equivalent to a nigger.
sounds like he's trying to angle for a presidential bid
pretty scummy to only fix issues when trying to polish up your image
but definitely classic California liberal
That sounds like it sucks man. Happy Friday, hope you have a good day!
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You're welcome! Oh yeah, Canada has free houses AND free healthcare.
No, he's running for president or vp, he just hasn't actually said so.
Kek /thread
Synagogues love taking in those down on their luck. Its a place of love and what this beautiful religion is all about.
This is good advice.
Nah, caliwali built a bunch of fenced in camps for hobos. They offered, registered open stay. What shit covered lunatic hobo is going to sit down in an office and fill out a homeless registration form for what essentially looks like a prison and has a curfew. Yeah, no they are going to grab the hard cases off the streets and jam them in these homeless prisons. I am ok with this because it is absolutely crazy what you see in cali these days. I saw a fat man crawling around like a dog with a tree branch up his ass, at the park I used to play at, with no parental oversight, as an adolescent.
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The reason most homeless are on the streets is because they are drug users who refuse to abstain while entering or being on the premises of a shelter. They choose to live in a tent so they can be high.

So clearly the solution is to let these fucking hobos shoot up, snort and smoke their shit inside any homeless shelter by law. I'm surprised the degenerate state of California didn't choose that obviously humanitarian solution.

Bugs Bunny sawed off the wrong fucking state.
Lol, this will do absolutely nothing and is Newsome pretending to be weak for to prop up the horror Kamila.
Go one state over?
Like the anon throwing bags of super toxic fentanyl to the addicts.
Jacinda didn't do shit she is a horsefaced puppet with a jew hand up her ass.
homeless people are either a. drug addicts b. so mentally ill they cannot apply for ssi. they shouldn't be allowed to have camps. drug addicts should go to jail rehab. the mentally ill become wards of the state
Everyone I know was, "Oh, he is running for Prez after all".
it should be legal in the state of Texas to shoot anyone with a CA license plate
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Its a blessing in the skies.
And you better get out of Cali by September, my dude.
He probably runs homeless shelter buildings and will get X amount of money from your taxes per homeless in his buildings
Nah letting the chinks and beaners smuggle fent just means everyone is microdosing fent. Where do you think that hobo piss goes? Yeah into the ground water.
>Hurry up and fix the problem I promised to fix so I can run for President, or maybe VP or maybe I can lick Kamala's pussy or something.
Trains is hard job.
What a bunch of faggot commie bullshit.
Thats satan bro. Satan can deceive.
Why was he doing that?
Every fast food place in the state is hiring at $20 an hour.
Salvation Army will give you a decent set of clothes and probably a hair cut and maybe a shower.
Start there.
Whoops, wrong image homeless anon.
>We've laundered the money
>Time for them to figure it out
Thanks, Newsom. Very cool.
Bullshit. Fast food is hiring at $20 an hour.
All the shit jobs are understaffed.
Go get a shit job.
Anon lemme tell you a little secret.
They don't care. They just wanna piss and moan. If you asked a commie how much they value life they'd say they don't until they are near death and demand saving!
You can ask them if the state they are in hates them and what they should do they'd tell you "well I'd just die because life is unfair". Yet the spics and their forefathers who literally trudged from the east with little to nothing made it here just fine. They act like there is nothing to do but lose.
It's why they also like to take in weak and pathetic victories. Anything to make themselves distracted from how bad they still have it.
No vacancy
Sqwat a vacant house…take a fucking shower
It's not. But it is the best time in this state to get a shit job. Go straight to fast food because they make $20 an hour now.
Pretty much every walmart in the state is currently hiring wagies.
Telling the homeless to pack their shit and get it out is one thing, but to enable their behavior for many years, then tell them to pack their shit up and get out is kind of inhumane.
Gonto jail…food, bed, negro penis winrar
Get off your lazy ass.
Simple as.
texas is one of the most liberal places I have ever been. I have never seen some many whites mixing with niggers and beaners like it is ok. keep texans in their containment state. it should be leage for anyone to shoot a texan stepping outside their shit hole fag loving state
I wonder where they will put them.
Has no one ever asked that question? Will cities now just shuffle homeless on each other?
I'm all for removing camps, but what are you actually going to do with the homeless?
newsom is probably going to try to 'clean up' california so that in 2028 he can run as the guy that fixed the state.
All the homeless people should move up to Slab City
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The actual cause is single family zoning.
In a free market, there are no zoning laws.
Don't even get me started on roads.
Who cares
Nta but I'm homeless and I suffer from severe food intolerances to many different foods so I couldn't ever work in a kitchen or around dealing with common food ingredients.
What am I supposed to do?
I do you heartless faggot. They're still humans. You might be homeless one day.
buy a house you homeless fucking faggot you get more benefits than regular people
Too many homeless in this thread. You guys are harshing my vibe.
t. Homeless over two years
>I don't know what I am going to do.
That's fucked mate, I'm sorry. Maybe try Washington or Oregon?
I have been fucknuts….@15
I got a job and pulled my ass up
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Show your Israeli flag you jewish commie
Lol a homeless person is talking to me. Fuck off, poverty.
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too little too late fuck newsom. he cleaned up san francisco for the chinese president to come to town after embezzling billions of dollars and doing nothing to help the homeless
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The so-called "Star of David" (also called "Magen Dovid" or "Shield of David") as a symbol of international
'Organized' jewry. The "Star of David"
which wasn't a popular symbol of Jewry until the 18th c. when it was adopted by the Rothschilds who founded israel and invaded Palestine) is actuallv a hexagram with 6 points, 6 equilateral triangles, forming a 6-sided hexagon interiorly. It is the ancient star of Remphan (Moloch Chiun, or Saturn/Kronos) and Ashtoreth mentioned in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7, and one of the most powerful symbols used in Freemasonry, Satanism, and the occult.
Nah seriously, everyone who is homeless should just band together with other bums and rob some stores in richer neighborhoods. If you go to jail, take part in educational programs. Once out, you count as a diversity hire and will get a job. Especially if you give a sob story how you turned your life around. Hold seminars in schools telling children to stay off the street for applause and donations on patreon.
Society has failed you. You owe it nothing.
Don't rob normal people though please, we're also just trying to get by.
At least you aren't being arrested and forced to work in prison encampments, yet.
Both sides want the same thing.
California actually gives healthcare to its residents ect compared to shitholes like Texas. Some of these people clearly also have mental health issues that require medications ect. At least they can get that in California so they stop hearing voices etc
>I saw a fat man crawling around like a dog with a tree branch up his ass, at the park I used to play at
Yeah that's niggers.
Most come from some other state because the benefits are great here if you're willing to live in a tent.
I am real

I'm pretty sure you need to take your meds though. What's your name/what do you do if you feel comfortable sharing?
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You might try indeed dot com.
>So clearly the solution is to let these fucking hobos shoot up, snort and smoke their shit inside any homeless shelter by law. I'm surprised the degenerate state of California didn't choose that obviously humanitarian solution.
They did during covid.
There were NGOs delivering drugs, etc to the homeless hotels.
>Will cities now just shuffle homeless on each other?
This has been happening for decades. It's why California has so many homeless.
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Fuck! The sanctuary districts from deep space 9 are coming for real! WTF?!
>The actual cause is single family zoning.
Fuck off with that shit, commie.
Zoning Laws are Communist, yes.
Wonder if this is in preparation for him becoming the nominee.
Wonder if Kamala is starting to sweat yet...
I have been homeless.
Then I bought a house.
I had to work and save and rent a couple of places before that happened. But, it did happen.
Unironically, I am no longer homeless.
Wow what took so long.
That’s perfectly normal anon everyone experiences that
That "rock" is a parasite. A roundworm or a tapeworm.

Buy fish praziquantel and fish fenbendazole. Take 1/4th a tsp of both by mouth for days until the bastard parasites die off and you get mental clarity.

Then avoid meat.

A girl you feel strongly about is behind the delusions. If it is a jilted love interest she's still into you but you need a lot of money to make it work.
you know how to end the suffering
Its not b.s. It is very much true. I can't be around anywhere that even cross contamination could happen or else I get ill to the point of incapacitation.
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Have you tried
You could kill some jews. Take their shit. That'd get you by.
Crazy bible belters.
he made the perfect eclipse thats for sure
the moon has a cycle of 28 days and the human woman is the only mammal that has a cycle of 28 days
the moon is a metaphor for a woman
the sun has a cycle of 11 years and there is no proof that man has a cycle of 11 years but it is something i have a gut feeling about
Move to Portland, they're super nice to the homeless
I hope a gang of Aids infested feral homeless niggers rapes you to death you insufferable faggot
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We did it, Patrick! We saved the city
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Posting from my 4 bedroom AC'ed House. Cope and seethe
I love how Democrats and Republicans are essentially teaming up to enslave homeless people.
Sowe bulldoze the shanytowns then where do all the bums go? Just disperse like fungus spores?
Yours? Or your mommy's?
He must be prepping for a presidential run
Other states need to immediately follow suit. It's just going to push CA homeless into different states.
Shit you're right.
Anon, the homeless are just mentally ill people with drug addictions. They're spilling into the nature zones of my city and are chopping down the trees to build and to stay warm, it cannot be sustained.
Slab City actually doesn't like homeless people, the people there own their land and are essentially homeless NIMBYs.
>the people there own their land
No they fucking don't, they're all squatting on federal land, not that I give a shit.
No, I was being genuine, most of these people are literally shit heads. There are a ton of people that are homeless, but go do volunteer work and explore nature, these dudes just sit around and do drugs.
People can actually buy federal land.
must be an election year
I live in Denver where the homeless situation is already awful. If the mayor doesn't do something quick there's gonna be an underground railroad of homeless coming to Denver. Combine that with the 50k Venezuelan migrants and the crime rate will spiral out of control.
Seattle here, how fucked am I guys? There are already so many bums.
The people creating permanent camps weren't priced out of housing retard.
They're mentally ill drug addicts who refuse to seek help.
The people who were priced out of housing stay in shelters for 1-8 weeks, find/keep their job, save up some money and get their life sorted out.
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You need to go to a psych hospital and get treated for your schizophrenia, lunaticanon. You're really sick and need meds. Go to the hospital and tell them you need help.
You hold the keys to your prison. Step out now
Does your brain work well enough you can work and not fuck up a room?

There's a lot of people willing to exchange a room for work if you look stable enough. If you look like you might kill/rape the occupants and/or steal the copper wiring, I'm sorry bud.
Do yard work and odd work if you have any skills.
I saw a jewtube vid few years back that really helped me OP, just buy a house.
fippie bippie
get a job, loser
Kern County is based. They beat the shit out of their homeless
This world is a hellish prison. We have to use the little time we have here to learn how to escape this place before we die and they wipe our memory again to send us back in here.
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youre supposed to outsmart him dingus
hes handing it to you on a silver platter. he wants you to do something and youre not doing it. youre probably just imbibing in the cp mental images like a weirdo instead of doing what he wants you to do, which is exercise your own willpower over the process and disrupt the flow of images.

god's chosen my ass. you people literally have no aptitude for the divine. its embarassing. as embarassed as you are for goyim, the philosophers/eleusinians/etc are embarassed of you tenfold.
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gotta lay off the jew worshipping npc religion anon. its rotting your brain, and consuming your soul.

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