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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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(((Democracy))) is a kike scheme. No person except those appointed by God should be allowed to rule over a nation.
What if the king is a faggot
Nobody's actually appointed by God though, that's propaganda. The best evidence any king can put forward is that they haven't been ousted yet, and when they are the next king uses the same excuse; he took over and hasn't been ousted yet so God must favor him now.
The problem with this is that labelling anything that happens as God's will makes no sense in a religious structure which allows for free will and sin.
Men and women can fall for kike propaganda which makes them gay. That's not God's fault. That is the fault of mankind. Historically the most effective societies were theocratic monarchies. And the world will return to this effective and proven system after the scourge of democracy ravages this planet.
That's a shift from a moral argument to a practical one, and that shift as well as the lack of reference to your original argument indicates that you can't logically support it, and also probably indicates that it was disingenuous, or "in bad faith".
How can we trust you when you engage in such manipulation?
Not true. It's quite simple.
>God appoints King
>King does good job
>King dies and his son becomes King
>Son is therefore appointed by God
>Son is a bad King and therefore no longer deserving of his title as he failed God
>Son is replaced if he is bad enough

See. Simple. Unlike your system which is convoluted and seeks to suck money time and effort out of the populace. Democracy literally only became popular in the US because of fucking freemasons who wanted to be exempt from British taxes on the war that was fought to literally defend them, just so they could operate their scummy businesses to make more money. With a King this level of corruption would not be tolerated.
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Returning to Catholic Monarchies is unironically the only correct option
When I read a bit more on the French revolution and its devastating effect on your average Frenchman and eventually the average European.
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god isn't real. grow up, you jew worshipping retard.
No I mean euphemistically a faggot, Frederick the Great was based
it's more complicated than that
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since 2014 for me.
Absolute monarchy, there must be majesty.
One ruler & a family based political order is preferable.
These political parties in multi-party democracy offer no real identity to live by, while royal monarchy offers a familial bond to the people and true kinship if we can only realize this ideal.
i remember when i still believed in fairy tales
It have to be viewed from all angles. Everyone owes duties to others and those who we care for owe us in return respect and obedience. Extrapolate this in every direction starting with the family out to all spheres of society and you have a nation tied together in ties of loyalty and love. The 'king' as head, leader, can't be viewed in isolation. He must be the greatest lover of his people, their greatest cheerleader, he must inspire them. He connect them to God. So all obedience goes upward to the king, but the king must be the first of all to bow down deeply in reverence to Almighty God. He must see himself as equal to the lowest before God who judges each according to what he has been given.
>Nobody's actually appointed by God though, that's propaganda
Nah, after what happened to Trump is my theory on where kings come from. You get a bunch of people to witness an extraordinary event to the point where you believe that the person, Trump in this case, was protected by divine powers.
Kys retard.
I didn't see any god personally coming down and appointing kings
Seems to me like kings who got their thrones through conquest or inheritance said "god did it" to justify their rule, and a bunch of brainlets fell for it
>With a King this level of corruption would not be tolerated.
Yet here we are.
Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.
And how are we supposed to determine who's been annointed by God?
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When subhumans thought they were my master
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"Kings" have no greater right than the man who overthrows one. Sorry nigger, Locke was right.
Why goy, it's us of course. Gods chosen people :^)
there's a thin argument made for it that you could only win by conquest or inheritance if you were appointed by heaven, but that's kinda backwards logic; you could say that about whoever got to the top since you're doing it retroactively, so de facto it means "might makes right."

a benevolent dictator would be great if we could figure out who's benevolent
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I wish I was a king or a vast European colonial empire.

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>God appoints King
>King does good job
>King dies and his son becomes King
>Son is therefore appointed by God
>Son is a bad King and therefore no longer deserving of his title as he failed God
>Son is replaced if he is bad enough

The story of the House of David in ancient Israel in the Bible.
Nice try Satanfag!
How can we know who is and isn't appointed by God?
The lady of the lake bestowed upon me Excalibur, so I am your king.
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Divine rights of kings is fake and gay but definitely monarchism is the way to go
Shut the fuck up pleb retard. The monarch doesnt care what you think about monarchy, you have to obey and now do your chores you field donkey.
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With Monarchy, there has to be majesty or pre-eminence of the ruler.
So when you get a horrid monarch that absolutely destroys his kingdom, are you going to say he was chosen by God too?
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If a prophet chooses a man to be king then God has chosen that king. Die Propheten Kommen.
Democracy is a farce if everyone is retarded and brainwashed. The goal is to make everyone not retarded and brainwashed, and covert Fascism is that road.
The story of Israel's monarchy.
>King of faggots

Sounds like he’d be the perfect ruler for you
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Yes, in fact, you’ll say it twice as much.
I thought Christians considered Solomon to be the wisest man to ever live.
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It is basically a total dictator who can be corrupt and whose only qualification is that he or she came out of a royal woman. The USA exists because we didn't want to be subjects of a tyrant, instead free citizens of a republic.
He also dabbled in witchcraft. That's something I had to learn on my own.
Every pope that has ever lived was supposed to have been chosen by God as well.
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what's the best form of monarchy?
Serious question:
Why don't you move to North Korea?>>475678953
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>The USA exists because
A 3 percent tea tax...
You forgot to mention a collective flex on the UK from France, Spain and The Netherlands
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You trade the flaws of one system for another system, but I see monarchy as preferable despite its flaws.
When a monarch knows how to govern his household and himself, he knows a fair bit well to govern the state as well.
The quality of Monarchy is a familial bond with our father the king, and a blood relationship and loyalty between the subjects as well: there is king and kin.
He was the wisest man who ever lived. But then he fell into sin and practiced black magick and built temples to pagan gods for his hundreds of foreign wives. He defiled the land, and it lead Israel to apostasy and the Kingdom of Israel was split in two(Kingdom of Judah, and the Northern Kingdom of Israel) because they broke the first Covenant with Yahweh.
I had the voice of Michael Jackson yelling me its god in my mind telling me that im king of the world, all of that ending with a HEE HEE, when are you giving me your tax money?
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North Korea is better in spite of their conditions and sanctions: if DPRK didn't have paternal guidance of the Leader and hereditary succession from the descendants of Kim Il Sung, it would be worse.
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A bad monarch can completly undo the accomplishments of a great monarch with the span of a few years. Just like in any other form of government.
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The French Revolution not only devastated Europe but also the Spanish Empire, today known as Latin America, which is literally the remnants of what once was a great Empire.
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Absolute monarchy, without a doubt:
Constitutionalism spurns majesty as well as the pre-eminence of monarchy, and both constitutionalism and neofeudalism are corrupted by Aristotle's maxim that economic and political are not alike and there should be one among equals (which is principality, not sovereign monarchy).
Yea but what do you do when the absolute monarch is completely unfit to rule?

This is BY FAR the most important book you will ever read this year. Caleb Maupin thoroughly dissects the psychology and personality of Kamala Harris and why she is DANGEROUS for America.


This book was pulled from Amazon on Monday without explanation it's that dangerous to the establishment.

The elites who secretly control the American political system wanted Kamala as POTUS from the start for a number of reasons. They knew she stood no chance of being elected into office democratically, so they strategically placed her as Biden's VP knowing Biden was incapable of running the country due to his age and health meaning it would be inevitable that Kamala would take over.

Kamala is a raging psychopath who hates her father and projects her hatred on to every man (especially black man) she encounters. She also has a deeply Malthusian agenda and seeks to do the bidding of the elites by reducing the human population through abortion up to the moment of birth and contraception. She is anti-human to the core and must be stopped.

This book goes over so many details about this demon it's incredible. Everyone needs to read it before the election so you know what kind of monster Kamala Harris has been her entire life.


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At least you know who the king is. With global banker cabal we dont even know who it is

It was a long journey, but when i learned about the bank of international settlements and the antarctic treaty. World is in a state anarchy
That's not really what divine right means. Divine right is just one element of the body politic analogy, in which the nation is viewed as a whole entity akin to a human body, with each class of citizens playing a defined role, similar to the limbs and organs of the body.

According to the analogy, just as the mind performs the divine function of uniting and guiding all of the parts of the body to a single purpose, i.e. the welfare of the body, so the king performs the divine function of uniting and guiding the people and classes of the country to a single purpose, i.e. the welfare of the country.

It can be criticized, sure, but it's not all that mysterious or counter-intuitive of a notion
No king truly believing that lasted more then very little. Being a true king requires might and daring political skills. A true king should have blood in his hands
Oh look, Queen Victoria has done more for the true emancipation of her subjrcts with the homesteading act than any income tax collecting politician in the last century and a half
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If a monarch is unfit to rule, so be it:
what maladies and misfortunes befall us can probably be mediated overtime.
The course of nature is the ultimate test, and maybe seemingly bad monarchs might have a redeeming quality or two, as this is a grotesque oversimplification.
If the royal is literally retarded and inbred, the minster or regency will probably lead in his stead. Even a bad monarch has some redeeming qualities over the broken machinery of the republic.
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>Can be mediated over time
you sure about that?
Godless kikes will get the rope.
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true, but sadly you worship a circimcised rabbi
Then everyone should be a king.
That way everyone can be a faggot.
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With monarchy, you should be prepared to withstand both good and bad, but the virtues of a deeply personal form of government outweigh the mechanisms and perfidious nature of the republic: which like a broken machine, if it is sailing towards an iceberg, takes too long to change its course: if a bad monarch makes a mistake, he could redeem himself rather quickly as he made the mistake and find good council.
The virtue of monarchy itself, which makes the nation into a great family, and applies integral loyalty to each citizen not only to the monarch but also to each other, with a blood relationship, far outweighs the vice of a bad monarch in comparison to democracy: for it is said people under a monarchy are like bees and ants, but in the opposing state like base grasshoppers.
Constitutionalism denies personal virtue to begin with, like Hitler said in Mein Kampf: the aristocratic qualities of a person are overridden by the composite brain of democracy, and its virtues as a system are questionable: monarchy as a system models government after a family which is the most virtuous bond there is, and even better when applied to a nation: since the nation is no longer a country of strangers, but a kindred people under a king.
> instead shabbos goyim of a zog republic.
Hitler had no intention of bringing back the German monarchy though, even though he had ample opportunities.
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Yes, I am sure.
Doesn't change my mind at all.
You could post Charles II of Spain and I'd still say we would be better off.
I assume we appoint him a really elaborate title like King Faggisus his Royal Lordship IX and maybe build a statue if he was a good king.
Your perspective is bottom-up
The perspective needed is top-down
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Hitler sympathized with us on the plight of democracy and disagreed with Aristotle's food argument against the rule of a wise man. His disappointment with monarchy is based mostly on his problems with the Habsburgs (but not everything wrong with the Habsburgs is due to monarchy itself).
Hitler didn't want another monarch: so he wanted to be the only leader in town and not share a diarchy with the kaiser.
It is true, he did criticize hereditary monarchy and felt dynastic patriotism was inadequate, but I'll digress.
I have no intention to antagonize. I was just having a civil debate. My personal belief is not every king is chosen by God. I also do not think Divine right stays when a king goes against the will of his people. We can agree to disagree and still keep it civil.

A Monarch chosen by God must be governed by a holy set of rules that the monarch must follow. If the Monarch sends all manufacturing over seas, gives up his power to print money to Jews, gives women the right to vote, and commits to mass brown immigration and pointless yet obvious white genocide through war or other means…

Than that monarch shall be impaled, drawn and quartered by the citizens as mandated by the holy scripture.

Easy peasy.

Next question.
>Divine Right Of Kings
So a priest class backed ruling class.
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If you're too ready to kill the monarch to begin with, this is no state ripe for monarchy:
you must believe in a way in the capacity of the monarch and not be so full of doubt: which doubt is everywhere, but the belief in the capabilities of statesmen and not royalty is omnipresent: people believe in statesmen to lead, but disbelieve royalty, and aren't accustomed to seeing royalty as rulers.
simple as.
>"My family has been steering ships for generations. Its a time honored tradition We do to the best of our abilities"
I presume you have pledged your life to whom you believe to be your monarch?
Correct, because I am more intelligent than to stupidly let any idiot rule simply because he claims his blood is royal for which I will never believe.

To be holy emperor one must follow the holy law we set for the citizens and kingdom. That emperors job is to make sure the holy law is followed and not broken. That is how one is found to be “royal”. Proven loyal to the law. Therefore he may rule for 100 years if he be worthy. If not he shall be killed or made to step down.

The citizens retain the authority to kill the Emperor who steps out of line of the scripture.

Easy peasy. We cannot allow baboons to make set up arbitrary rule like the Islamic caliphates who could order you killed or raped Willy Nilly.

Arbitrary rule is not White or divine.
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It's true, monarchy above all other forms of state relies upon the footsteps and wisdom of their ancestral fathers.
Since we revere our ancestors, a hereditary monarchy with familial love and ancestral wisdom and inspiration is a more proper constitution.
would you rather have the political parties tories or labour or democrat or republican, with their plastic partisan logos and cheap appeals? or belong to a greater family with a king of royal lineage who follows his father and bloodline? with a ruler who has a lifelong bond with the people and lifelong experience as well: without the sting of the political parties that divide the people.
Capacity to commit violence = capacity to de facto rule?
They never lost power perhaps and democracy is just a front for them
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You are somewhat correct.
Democracy in the west is a fraud.
So people think that they have s ay.
Corporations serve a similar purpose.
People blame corporations rather than the people that own and control them.
The ruling class has become more subtle and less visible.
Disingenuous cherry picker. You think democracy is really so good after all the times it has degraded the west? Democracy is not mentioned even 1 single time in the bible. Kingdoms are mentioned many times. It's called the KINGdom of God for a reason. That is the form of government we must follow.
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There will always be an arbitrary authority to interpret that holy law and make the decision,a nd like you determined -- to be killed willy nilly according to that interpretation.
your holy law doesn't interpret itself or speak to people, the rulers do: and faced with this reality, and I say -- this is the reality -- the familial model tempers the ruler more naturally and gives him a guideline, so hereditary monarchy is wiser.
Fucking kek
Correct, Aztec citizens always retained the right to kill their rulers if they were unfit.

The French citizens kicked out their gay king in the 1500’s by Force. He tried to send an army to attack them. He got his ass kicked.

Citizens must retain autonomy over themselves. Kings are their ruler and guide. If a king steps outside of the laws and expectations given to him then he forfeits his life.

This has been a rule of monarchy for over a thousand years. Citizens taking out their ruler by force and setting up a new one is not new.
A couple years ago when I realized the west had no vision aside from spreading degeneracy to it's people and the people of other nations.
Vision used to be about improvement of a country for it's people, for it's children, and for it's future.
The focus on homosexuality, transgenders and inclusion of every single outlier in every facet of daily life really shows that western democracy has declined and lost it's vision.

While a king could be a terrible leader and destroy a nation, what good is having multiple terrible leaders who constantly make poor choices?

A king or a small congress are the only ways to represent a population. However, kings and congresses should be accountable to the people and put their lives on the line to server the population.

Democracy is a joke.
False, citizens would historically dispose of kings with mindsets like you. You don’t get to arbitrarily important millions of brown people. Open the gates of Toledo and let yourself rape the citizens daughters Willy Nilly without forfeiting your life.

Your arbitrary rule only works in uneducated and retarded scenarios where the citizens are absolute illiterate.

You’d be killed.
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If you want to close the gates, deport millions of brown people, and remove the jews, you'll have to do it willy nilly and with arbitrary power: in fact, in order to do this, you'll need a strong and determined willpower.
And when a ruler does that, he'll be called le tyrant meme and the citizens will surely rise up with their progressive values to try and stop this, but our savior would simply hang those traitors.

>Your arbitrary rule only works in uneducated and retarded scenarios where the citizens are absolute illiterate.
You're just quoting aristotle: which is a mentality that doesn't really work for monarchy.
Pretty recently, maybe only couple years ago, I used to cope with direct democracy and stuff like that but autocracy is the way to go, always has been, the most famous philosophers of all time such as Plato would agree
We are kind of looking at things from a different perspective. But, agreeing ultimately, that capacity for violence, is the key to rule. An unjust ruler with a better capacity for violence is a more fit monarchy than a just ruler, who is found lacking in the capacity for violence area. On a side point, I am unaware of any European nobility wishing to risk their position in the current scheme of things, to swim against the tide of democracy. So, mostly, all of this becomes a moot point in reality.
What about Cyrus the great? In the bible it specifically says he was chosen by god
This, if a guy has absolute power or close to absolute power he can change the system very fast, imagine what Trump said in 2016 but all of it actually got done, the checks and balances that are often there stop radical changes from taking place and western countries absolutely need radical changes
>Son is a bad King and therefore no longer deserving of his title as he failed God

But the thing is in history this rarely happens. Yeah sure there are a few examples but for every example you give for a bad king being replaced there are 100 were a bad king lives a full life of rulership
Before acting on removing brown people, and Jews the citizens must know specifically why they are getting fucked over by the Jews and browns.

The people kicking out the Jews and browns would 100% not be an arbitrary move. The King or leader would be following the hopes and dreams of the people to be free of Jewish and brown terror and enslavement.

You are trying to apply arbitrary where it doesn’t exist.

An English lad who wrote a book about his time as a Slave under the Islamic Caliphate specifically noted how the Kings of England did not rule arbitrarily but bound by law and citizens had rights. He noted that the Caliphate ruled arbitrarily and niggardly. You step out of line and you got buried alive inside a wall as cement. The Caliphates own brown sons were allowed to kill their friends simply because they accidentally played with the wrong toy.

The Caliphates ruled arbitrarily because racially they were of a retarded inferior race.

You are simply incorrect about Monarchy.
There will be no monarch and no dictator until a group of disgruntled citizens begins to violently overthrow the current Jewish democracy. After the dust has settled the people like always will select a leader by show of hands or some form of voting.

Hitler was elected only after the National Socialists had already won their power through violence.
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You could peddle why and sweet talk them, but it will still be done with arbitrary power, like it or not.
Have you decided also that because the people determine it, it is no less arbitrary?
The idea of citizens ruling themselves under Aristotle's precepts doesn't make room for monarchy, but simply principality (first among equals) which is incompatible with the idea of monarchy ruling the country.
King James VI & I rightly said the law is a dumb king, and the king is a living law.
A group of disgruntled citizens don't have single-minded determination or unified willpower: but a determined leadership does.
Like Hitler said, is it the spark of individual personality or is it the composite brain of the majority? and Hitler clearly believed in the former, the spark of individual creativity and genius -- much to the contrary to Aristotle.
The decision and action to dispose of the Jews and browns is not arbitrary.

We did not wake up one morning and arbitrarily decide to end Jewish rule and oppression.

I’m not quoting Aristotle. I’m quoting a 17th-18th century English Islamic Caliphate survivor on the retardation of arbitrary rule. At that point in time it was universally accepted among whites that arbitrary rule was 100% stupid. You should read Thomas Pellows book on how he escaped the Caliphate. He also punches a Jew in the face for trying to re-enslave him.

People who are wise to arbitrary queer rule won’t accept it. Your life will be on the line all the time. The Caliphates never lasted long and were subject to being killed even by their own Negro slaves.

Believe in arbitrary rule all you want but don’t cry when the king gets killed for it. It has happened many times. Only a fool would respect a race traitor king who imports browns and gives Jews power all over again.

So yes the leader must be bound by Law and the citizens must have rights protected enshrined by God.

Citizens have always ruled themselves. If you’ve read The Prince you’d know how much your ass is on the line 24/7 if you are trying to arbitrarily abuse the people.
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That idea certainly does go back to Aristotle:
Who says barbarians aren't capable of ruling themselves, so have a monarch, etc.
It will be arbitrary power, and not a public consensus, at the end of the day, that will decide this matter: you can't count on the lemmings.
In England at the time, your ass could be burned at the stake if you stepped out of line too during the religious turmoil, and if you committed high treason your ass would be hung, drawn, and quartered.
The idea of the people having autonomy like this is Aristotle's idea: that political and economic rule are different kinds, and that monarchy is partial to economic (household) or despotic rule and thereby not suitable for political rule.
This is a mentality that denies a monarchical state to begin with and the capacity of a monarch to rule the state, so it's incompatible with monarchy: on the other hand, what plato says that the rule of a household and a small city have the same science, and that if a monarch knows how to govern himself and govern his estate, he is well on his way to governing the state as a wise man or philosopher king -- that is compatible with monarchy.
It is true that both favored the rule of law, but in this instance there are times for arbitrary measures and rule by exception and emergency: the case would definitely be needed for a sweeping power to expel the jews and deport people, no doubt about it, no matter how much you try to sugar coat that with public consensus.
>Comparing Haplodiplodid bees to humans.
Ah yes. If only human populations were made up of 99% sterile females that share more genetic material with their sisters than their parents. Then things would be right and natural.
>if you committed high treason your ass would be hung, drawn, and quartered.
Horrible... Those poor traitors!
Feel free to move to Saudi-Arabia, North Korea or some other thirdie shithole to escape western degeneracy
the point about a bee colony is that they're born of one queen and in a way that queen is the life of the colony.
Neither of those are Christian, Malmo. Places like Spain or the UK or Norway would be perfect if their kings would take more control over their countries instead of letting corrupt officials run them.
>Places like Spain or the UK or Norway would be perfect if their kings would take more control over their countries instead of letting corrupt officials run them.
>I hereby decree that all Non-whites must leave the kingdom at dawn.
Could you imagine?
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We have democracy, quote-on-quote rule of law, and rotational government by turns, but we still have jews in power and browns:
it seems that if this happened legally and by conservative measures, anon would accept this and if someone changed this by arbitrary power, he'd be upset: and it's more likely such a change would have to be done arbitrarily, the Romans and others instituted dictators for good reason at times -- sometimes such a force is necessary.
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No shit democracy is a kike scheme

>entagled bureacratic mass of shadow cabals that manipulate the media and beliefs of the cattle like populace at large are also chosen by the same populace to run things
>wtf?? Society is a corrupt shit hole? How??!

A single autocratic leader, contrary to demokiketic propaganda, is far more at the mercy of the people's wellbeing and good graces to maintain a firm grasp on power, and being an individual, is more likely to be guided by noble goals and steadfast principles rather than a collective soulless will a la a corporate board. Empire is an evolution of the corrupt democratic system, the idea that it should go in reverse is a bastardization. The Founding Fathers were naive and egotistical when they established their current system though the fundamental philosophy does have inherent merit when the population consists of high IQ and the genetically fit.
It’s not incompatible with monarchy. You are thinking too absolute. Which is another reason my ancestors took up guns against the Monarchy in the 18th century and won.

Of course the English took up guns against the Monarchy in the 17th century and be-headed the King before the American or French Revolution ever happened. Arbitrary rule is only viable in an illiterate, uneducated society. The French Monarchy before the Revolution was not an Arbitrary Ruled Monarchy nor was the English Monarchy.

The closest arbitrary rulers were the Czar of Russia and Caliphates who did not rely on written constitution law or citizens rights because the citizens were illiterate idiots, lemmings.

People having the power to kill a Monarch is not Aristotles “idea”.

Oh no, people really do have the power to kill a Monarch and they’ve done it many times in history. It’s not an idea. It’s a reality of human nature.

Kings must be beholden to a divine set of rules and expectations. They can rule arbitrarily within the framework which respects the individual citizens rights.

Individual citizens rights and Monarchy are not mutually exclusive and never have been. Rulers just want to be able to arbitrarily abuse people without getting their ass kicked. That’s the only reason someone would try to pretend a Monarch cannot exist alongside individual citizens with rights.
Kicking Jew ass won’t be arbitrary.

That’s a point you don’t seem to get.
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>People having the power to kill a Monarch is not Aristotles “idea”.
Never said that was Aristotle's idea, but that the citizens have a separate kind government apart from the monarchy, and these appeals to constitutionalism: that is Aristotle's idea.
If your mentality is, that the rulers are going to abuse people, do you really feel better about that if he was a restrained psychopath in a straight jacket?
If your idea is to kill the monarch too readily, then this is unfit for monarchy because the moment you have any monarch you'd deem him a tyrant and probably kill him: whereas people who believe in leaders don't question them at every moment and place a deal of trust in them. The Trump supporters obviously don't allow the Democrats to indict and put Trump in jail, neither do the leftists think constantly when to kill their leaders or lenin: it's a monarchist phenomenon because most monarchists don't really believe in their royalty, but only value the aesthetics and still think statesmen are more capable and believe in constitutionalism is more appropriate.

Yes, it will be: you'll need a supreme authority and dictator most likely to use such an arbitrary power to expel them.
Also White people are descended from Gods
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Jean Bodin was right:
mixed constitutionalism is an opinion not only absurd, but treasonable.
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>When did (You) realize The Divine Right Of Kings was right?
This is tyranny.
Communism is the way for freedom and democracy
>amerisharts shilling for tyranny
like usual, you obese guys hate democracy and make coups around the world to overturn elections
I’m only concerned if the ruler is going to abuse white people. Jews and browns would defacto have no rights in this war as they are the enemy.

You seem to have no idea what arbitrary rule is or you do and are ok with abuse for no reason. Arbitrary is random decisions on a whim. It’s basically pure idiocy with zero thought.

Waging war upon the Jews and browns is not random nor arbitrary. It is cold and calculated.

If a Monarch wants to abuse my race, he can expect to be shot between the eyes very quickly.
The solution for america is embracing MAGA communism
you praise england and throw heaps of disdain upon the czars, but today the english kings are under the thumb of rothchilds and jews, and that's the epitome of constitutional monarchy:
but the tsardom dealt with jews and that was criticized by the freedom loving West who uphold those ideals: do you think that if a government were to respect each citizen on account of this individualism and libertarian sentiments, that they'll one day decide to deal with the jews? in a broken machine that is rigged by jews? no.
Communism is Judaism in action. Communism is Jews ruling over an enslaved goy population who have no property rights.

Jews must all be killed.
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I certainly appreciate the sentiment of a king, whose dynasty people would fight and die for because it was emblematic, whether the particular regent was good or bad, of a given people they govern, almost like the binding soul of a nation.
A king is also useful because it stops machiavellians committing eggregious acts in the pursuit of the heights of power, theres a hard cap that a nonroyal can't pass no matter how many shady deals he makes to rise to that position. Instead power is conserved among those born into it. They did not need to backstab or murder or risk the sullying of their reputation to attain that power because they were born with it, and that gives them a position unique to every other system whereby they may have the opportunity to rule righteously in the truest sense.
And then they are trained their entire lives to lead their peoples, not on the deal that the people wont vote them out so long as they get their desires satisfied, but in pursuit of a higher good that only a gardener can understand when culling the weeds from his garden.
A king's failures will result in treachery and death for himself and his family, a president or prime minister's failures, which may very well compromise the nation and scar it permanently, are disregarded as he is rewarded a hefty pension and security for the rest of his life. His punishment is being freed of responsibility, but responsibility is the lifeline of the king and his kingdom.
The problem with a king is obviously that its a toss of a coin whether the monarch will be well adjusted or a depraved uncaring lunatic, but that difference to me seems more like a matter of decades versus a matter of years before the next coin flip, allowing for the character of a nation to remain stable and aim towards a consistent direction as opposed to being dragged this way and that by fighting parties that only get in because the populus are sick to death of the guy they voted for the last election.
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right now you assume jews would be de facto enemies and not working within the system to override your attempts by due process to overthrow them.
arbitrary in this context is a supreme power that can override and make a case of exceptional power: not simply on a whim, but if the arbiter decided after contemplating the issue -- you'd call it no less arbitrary because he overrided instances of law by rule of exception: which would be necessary to do this, you cannot halt action at every instance to question or hold back: there -must- be a time of decisive action.

Archibald Kennedy rightly notes:
>There is, in every Family, a Sort of Government without any fixed Rules; and indeed it is impossible, even in a little Family, to form Rules for every Circumstance; and therefore it is better conceived than expressed; but perfectly understood by every Individual belonging to the Family. The Study of the Father or Master, is for the Good of the Whole; all Appeals are to him; he has a Power, from the Reason and Nature of Things, to check the Insolent, or Indolent, and to encourage the Industrious: In short, the whole Affairs of the Family are immediately under the Care or Direction of the Father or Master; and this is a natural Prerogative, known and acknowledged by every Man living, who has ever had a Family, or been any Ways concerned in a Family, in all Ages and in all Places. His Majesty, as he is our political Father, his political Prerogative, from the like Circumstances and Reasons, is equally necessary. And this political Authority has been allowed the supreme Director, in all States, in all Ages, and in all Places; and without it, there would be a Failure of Justice.
Nope, my leader will respect the white race and kill Jews. He won’t be arbitrarily ruling anything. He won’t be arbitrarily pulling the trigger and killing Jews and shabbos goys. Those kills will be deliberate, cold and calculated.

My leader will be cold and calculating. Always doing what’s best for the white race. Never arbitrarily killing. Never being an arbitrary dark age retard.

Arbitrary is random. It is stupid.
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do you really think such an absolute ruler is arbitrary and not deliberate in his thought? it will ultimately be a decision undertaken, I don't expect ruling by decision when I say arbitrary to not be without thought or deliberation: it is called arbitrary when it comes into exceptional circumstances, which this clearly is when you label jews de facto enemies, and it would be deemed arbitrary because to have such a behemoth task undertaken necessarily will require an arbitrary power and not each case by law.
you're just backpedaling now. you're playing dumb games: if you're going to undertake such a big task like expelling an entire people and doing such a thing, it will require an arbitrary power for each case to override and make it done swiftly.
The point of having a king is so you can replace them with another if they rule badly. This gives the kings an incentive to rule well and not take the piss too much because the future prosperity of their family line depends on it.
What we have now is managerial oligarchy, where you have no idea who truly rules over you and nobody takes any responsibility for anything.
This is how tyranny operates.
I don't know I've always been skeptical of democracy. Some men are born to lead most aren't and those leading right now are weak.
I’m not halting anything. I don’t believe in ideologies. Jews are already the enemy within.

None of my actions are arbitrary. Each decision is decided on one thing only:

Is it good for the white race? Within that framework nothing is arbitrary. It’s always calculated to that point.

Not being bound by current Jewish rules and ideology does not mean arbitrary. It is not arbitrary because the one rule is to do what’s best for the white race. There are things that we must do deliberately to win.
>labelling anything that happens as God's will makes no sense in a religious structure which allows for free will and sin.
that's why calvinism and islam are superior
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I really only like monarchy if I am the king. Other than that I don't really give a shit about monarchy. Unless I earn the king's favor and get ennobled and get to live the good life as an aristocrat.
you are gonna obviously halt things if you truly want a non-arbitrary power and respect to everything by due process and legal means: which means it will default to the system and there won't be individual deliberation, but just as much hot potato between the parties who can't as easily come to a swift determination as an individual, and that will easily clog itself up and take much more time to process compared to an arbitrary power.
Bullshit. Arbitrary power is never required.

Arbitrary to what? The moment you decide to do what’s best for the white race at all cost is the moment Willy Nilly arbitrary decisions cease to happen.

The Caliphates were arbitrary rule because their decisions were not based on what was best for their own people. It was based on what random flavor of camel piss they decided to drink in the morning when they woke up. Low IQ and very arbitrary. Not based on anything but pure stupidity.
That would lead to way more wars. The kings would have an inflated ego, their advisors would be yes men.
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>a king is obviously that its a toss of a coin whether the monarch will be well adjusted or a depraved uncaring lunatic
I'm getting tired of this two-dimensional mentality that either the king is a fucking trajan or he's the worst king ever. either he's completel shit or he's gold. this feels lazy af.
most of the time you just get mediocre rulers and it's never that ez to say X king is totally bad without a different consensus unless such a ruler hit all the marks and was so conspicuously a bad ruler, but that's not the case always.
again, most people don't believe in royalty in any capacity, and especially think that they'll just be bad: but they do believe in statesmen, and readily exceptional for them to provide and therefore people believe in them and not kings and don't stop at every turn about this because there's more ease and confidence.
>Bullshit. Arbitrary power is never required.
An arbitrary power will certainly be required and someone will have to make decisions on the fly to execute such a wide spanning and drastic policy.
if you think you're going to expel jews and brown people without a dictatorship and such an artitrary power at hand to work over these circumstances, then you're kidding yourself.
there's a reason why dictators were called: such instances were times when arbitrary power was needed.
Rulers of the white race must be bound to rules that protect the white race or they lose their heads.

End of story.

The only good leader is the leader who does what’s best for the white race.
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people here are eager to kill kings b/c they simply don't believe in kingship or are in a state of disbelief:
but they would without question readily see a statesmen do double the things than a king without question because they trust them more and believe in them and their ideologies.
a lot of people here were trained from birth to think
>monarchy bad
>republicanism and democracy good
>statesmen smart, king bad and incompetent
>statesmen is the expert, king dumb
>statesmen will provide for me, king won't even care
so of course you people are too eager to kill royalty with this in mind.
this has been reinforced from propaganda and education from birth and is more of a symptom of anti-monarchy propaganda and pro-democratic education.
You are already ruled by self-proclaimed monarchs appointed by Satan, if you think the opinion of the demos matters then kek.
The only royalty that exist will be the ones who do what’s best for the white race.

If they can’t do that then by God they’ll be executed.
All government is slavery retards. God made us to be free.
Seek help
whoever interprets and decides those rules will.

end of story.
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"The best monarchy is better than the worst republic and the best republic is better than the worse monarchy"
-Dr. Joseph Goebbels, The Nazi-Sozi
that's just an appeal to aristocracy or simply put "good government" but notwithstanding there are still certain virtues we extol with monarchy: to quote jean bodin, even a bad monarchy has some aspects better than a good optimacy in the qualities simply unique to monarchy itself.
you could have a harsh and tyrannical ruler, but sometimes that is preferable to an well governed optimacy: like bodin says even in a field of battle, quoting homer, having a ruler there is preferable.
you could say that in that instant it would be more of a virtue than vice, but notwithstanding even sometimes a horrible ruler could outdo them because of this quality of monarchical form and the virtue thereof.
you'll always want propaganda extolling the form of state itself and not only general appeals to virtue, that's critical for any state really, so much so Aristotle says so because he sees the respective virtues for optimacy and democracy differently as well and so people would have to be educated according to those virtues of the state they're in.
Anarchy causes a power vacuum. Anarchism relies purely on consent too. If anarchy is no longer consent but forced it becomes a state power, even if a crude or rudimentary state, that is enforced by stately enforcers.
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Imagine having a leader powerful enough to execute bankers on the spot for their (legalised) fraud. If you are going to have power to print money, it must be done for the benefit of society and the nation, not the personal benefit of a grubby little banker.
Usually the leadership of the victors in an ethnic struggle become the new nobility and royalty. Since they are the only people in society that care about their nation while having the ability to take power. So the current nobles, royals and upper class would get removed.
How did that work out for you?

Oh yeah you have a hidden royal family and a shadowy nobility composed of social parasites that drain the nation of its labour and replace the population in an attempt to exterminate your people.
Good job anon. I don’t think any medieval kings did such a good job at trying to wipe out their people.
>In a way that queen is the life of the colony.
No it is not. The Queen is a baby making machine for the Drones. When it grows old and slows down the drones kill it and start hatching a new Queen.
then to be more precise, a monogamous ant colony.
This is the way to go. Like how the Dutch killed and made soup out of some corrupt official.
You’re a fucking retard. I (God) appointed Judges, and the JEWS WANTED KINGS! You fucking morons.
Democracy > Monarchy
You never read the Bible you dumb motherfucker. I, God appointed JUDGES and the JEWS wanted a KING!
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Jews never tell you what makes them happy, their only concern is that you don't follow Christ.

It's kind of disgusting, actually. Please tell me, anon, what religion should I subscribe to?
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>the chief virtue of monarchy is we get to kill the monarch
>monarchy is good precisely because we can institute and take it away and institute a republic
well, that was short-lived.
it's worrisome to me e-monarchists are being taught disobedience
while communists and natsocs and others are perfectly obedient and never think twice or do this kind of thing: only royalists are cucked enough to want to kill their leader, while everyone else supports their own.
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ngl /leftypol/ has more moral qualms and hesitation about killing the Romanovs than /pol/ and e-monarchists themselves.
you lot are more guillotine-happy than jacobins.
that's how bad it is.
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long ago, Jesus Christ is King

then the priest would pass down Gods judgment on the fagg, unless he repented.

fire and brimstone waits for you, repent.


when i'm made king of north america i'm going to pick my counselors from chrstian-/pol/, you guys do good work.
srsly, when was the last time any of you people had such a thought about politicians or thought the same about Donald Trump? when Trump was nigh assassinate people were cheering Trump on and not the assassin.
when do leftists talk about killing lenin? or doubting the heads of their organization to the extent they should be hunted own and killed?
where are the natsocs who support the would-be assassins of hitler? or call hitler into doubt?
where are catholics demanding that the same treatment be done to the pope and killed?
point being, this is a phenomenon that is unique to e-monarchists and that's because most e-monarchists don't really believe in what they peddle or have firm convictions.
bad idea to call urself a king:
it's like putting a bullseye on yourself.
judging from the consensus of this thread, the only sound monarchy is a shadow monarchy.
how many in building 7 and in pennsylvania?
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>shadow monarchy
yes, i would never publicly announce i'm a king if i was one, or i'd wear my aluminum foil crown to throw off the scent.
the one nietzche talked about

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